Portfolio Industrialization
Portfolio Industrialization
Portfolio Industrialization
Study Guides
Chapter 13 Section 3 and 14 Section 2 due
Chapter 14 Section 3 due 10/3
Chapter 15 Sections 1-2 due 10/10
Chapter 15 Section 3 due 10/17
Chapter 17 Sections 1-5 due 10/24
*hrou#hout the unit you i!! "e co!!ectin# $acts a"out each #roup to he!p you prepare your
+uestions and ansers $or the de"ate,
*he day o$ the de"ate- you i!! need to "e in costu%e and in character, .roups i!! "e #raded
on ho e!! they anser +uestions and ho e!! they as' +uestions,
*he test is the $ina! assess%ent o$ your 'no!ed#e o$ the content o$ the unit,
?or%at& 30 %u!tip!e-choice and one !on# anser +uestion, *i%ed,
:ate& ?riday- >o(e%"er 7
'(tra )redit
You i!! recei(e e@tra credit i$ you atch any o$ the $o!!oin# %o(ies and rite a su%%ary o$
the p!ot- su"%itted ith the $ina! )ort$o!io, Your options inc!ude&
:ances ith /o!(esA
*he .an#s o$ >e Yor'A
=ury %y 4eart at /ounded BneeA
*here /i!! "e =!oodA
3&10 to Yu%aA
4e!! on /hee!s