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Philip Rose Window

We thank Dennis & Sue Welsh for sponsoring the
lighting of the rose window in St. Philip Church for the
month of August. Thank you Dennis & Sue.
From the pastoy's desk. . .
Congratulations to Deacon Pat Jozefowicz on the tenth
anniversary of his ordination. The Diocese of Madison
has prepared and ordained only one class for the
ministry of deacon. Deacon Pat has served in parishes
in Bloomington, Fennimore and Montfort. He preaches,
visits shut-ins, is available to celebrate baptisms,
weddings and at wakes, funerals and grave side
services. We are blessed with his ministry in the Church
at our parishes.
Last weekend, the 9:00 mass was without an organist.
Thank you to Andrea Washa and Jane Tarrell for
leading the music. I thought the congregational
participation was greater than usual. Sometimes when
we are challenged, we respond above the norm. You
recognized the lack of a keyboard meant that voices
would have to step up if we were to give praise to God
and song are an important element of our worship and
giving our best to God is essential. Keep up the good
work. Open your hymnals and lift your voice to God in
return for the many blessings we receive each week.
Congratulations and best wishes to Bridget Anderson
and Tim Krupa who were married here this past
weekend. May God bless your lives with a love that
grows stronger and deeper with every passing year.
Mobile Food Pantry
The Mobile Food Pantry will be here this Monday
evening at 4:30 p.m. for the public. Volunteers should
report at 3:15 p.m. We are collecting body wash (16-18
oz.) or bath bars (4 oz.) for the clients this month.
No Novena
There will be no Novena this week on Tuesday evening
because of Vacation Bible School going on. Don't forget
everyone is invited to the closing program on Thursday
evening at 8:00 p.m.
Rolls to Go
Bakers needed
Can you help bake sweet rolls for the Rolls to Go on
Saturday, August
We have a very simple recipe and
we also provide the containers for the rolls. Give us a
call if you can help out or have any questions.
"Be kind whenever
is always possible."
July 29,
Polhq Mqr
Sun. October 5th, 2Ot4
Music provided b,y,the
...:::::::::.:": Ggiman Band
Vacation Bible
Anthony & Philip Church
30 & 31 O 6:00
8:30 p.m.
lnvite to Closing Program
This week our children will be
meeting for Vacation Bible
School. All parents,
grandparents, relatives, as
well as, parish members are
invited to a closing program
on Thursday, July 31 at 8:00
p.m. Come hear and see what
we did at VBS this week.
What's'goin$ on?
From the Pastor's desk:
I would like to offer two web sites for Catholic
background on the topic of immigration and
unaccompanied minors. The US Conference of Catholic
Bishops web site, usccb.org, currently has a cover article
on unaccompanied child refugees. lf you click on this
story it will take you to a page from Migration and
Refugee Services (MRS). This is an office of the Catholic
Bishops. lf the cover page article is taken down, scroll to
the bottom and find Migration and Refugee Services.
On the MRS page you will find a list of "How You Can
Help." The last item will allow you to connect with
justiceforimmigrants.org also an ongoing effort of the
US Bishops. This site now has many specific items on
unaccompanied children. Under resources in the right
hand column is "Catholic Church's
position on
immigration reform." This is an excellent summary on
immigration from our US Bishops. Also this week, read
the CH article by John Huebscher: Children ot borders
provide opportunity
pro-life witness.
These are challenging issues. The Catholic Church has
been involved and offers us guidance in both the moral
content of the immigration issue as well as technical
information regarding
policy and options on how to
respond as a follower of Christ.
Holy Day
The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
is this Friday. We will celebrate Mass here on Thursday
evening at 7:00 p.m. for this holyday. There will not be
Mass on Thursday morning at 7:30 a.m. St. Thomas,
Montfort will have Mass on Friday morning at 7:45 a'm.
Offeftory lncom
' risCilYeir July 1, 2a14 - June 30, 2015
Tota I I nco me Bud geted fo r Yea r:...... :..S'f f
Total'lncome euUgeteU to Date.......,..S 13,750.00
Total Actua! lncome Year to Date'.....
Organist's Meeting
There will be an organist's meeting on Thursday,
August l-4 at 2:00 p.m. in the meeting room.
Church Dinner
St. John Nepomuc Church, Castle Rock Ridge will
host their annual Chicken Noodle Soup, Chicken,
and Ham Dinner on Sunday, August 1-7, serving
from 10:00 a.m.
The Family Promise Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m.
at the Rolling Hills Church, 200 N. Court St., Platteville
on Tuesday, August L2th.
Vacation Bible School Hishlights
fi tit-\::t:::::::::::::i:::ij:jjMr:lii.a:::::limii/l:
The ladies residing at Upland Point Corporation
(formerly Pine Lawn Nursing Home) here in
Highland made homemade sweet rolls for Rolls to
Go this weekend. We were pleasantly surprised
when they called and wanted to do this for the
parish. Awesome! Thank you ladies.
Linda Johnson the day lead commented that she is
ever so grateful for the help she and her staff
receive on the weekend
the residents from
the van to the church
pew for Mass. Thonk you
ushers & other volunteers.
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Vacation Bible SchoolThank you!
A huge THANK YOU to all who helped make Son World Adventure ParkYacation Bible School a
success. Everyone had a wonderful time discovering important choices we all must make:
Choose to BELIEVE that Jesus is God's promised Savior, Choose to ACT and care for others,
Choose FORGIVENESS from Jesus, Choose to OBEY Jesus even when it's hard and Choose JESUS
as our guide and source of wisdom ! They had a great time with lively songs, creative crafts,
exciting games, Bible stories and tasty snacks.
Thank you to Becky Pink for leading our VBS this year. She put in many, many hours organizing the program, choosing
the crafts, getting supplies, decorating the gathering space, leading the students in the opening and closing sessions, and
making sure Site Leaders had what they needed each day. Thank you to Highland School for allowing her to use this
activity for her Senior Project. She did an awesome
Thanks to the Adult Site Leaders- Renee Bergeron, Ginger Halverson, Peg McCarthy & Jen Tarrell. Thanks to our Young
Adult Helpers-Jadyn Halverson, Owyn Halverson, Donald Laufenberg, Lauren Linscheid, Megan Mueller, Grace Pustina
& Sage Shemak. Thanks to all who prayed for us and thanks to all who came on Thursday to hear about our week and
listen to the kids sing their songs. Each one of you helped make our program complete! See the parish website for
\ \ I I l1
In latest interview, Pope Francis reveals top 10 secrets to happiness
Slowing down, being generous and fighting for peace are part of Pope Francis' secret recipe for happiness.
ln an interview published Sunday in part in the Argentine weekly Viva, the pope listed his Top 10 tips for bringing greater
to one's life:
L. "Live and let live." Everyone should be guided by this principle, he said, which has a similar expression in Rome with
the saying, "Move forward and let others do the same."
2. "Be giving of yourself to others." People need to be open and generous toward others, he said, because "if you
withdraw into yourself, you run the risk of becoming egocentric. And stagnant water becomes putrid."
(To be continued next week)
,Ljturgica| M.,i try Sched-0le
MINISTRY 4:30 p.m. Saturday
August 9,2014 9:00 a.m. Sunday
August 10, 2014
Lectors Karen Dax JJ Linscheid Blake Bomkamp Kevin Schoenmann
Cantors Carol Kreul Andrea Washa
Donald Laufenberg
John Ross & Snencer Linscheid
Brenna Bomkamp Lauren Linscheid
Hannah McCarthv
Weekday Servers at7:30 a.m. Tues. & Thurs.
McCarthy & Hannah McCarthy
Greeters Judy Laufenberg Beth Skala Steve & Renee' Linscheid Family
Gift Bearers
Helen Laufenberg Gil Michek
Dannv Lettman Wilson Winkers
Jim & Cindy Drury Family
Body of Christ Linda Hebgen
Nancy Frost
Wilson Winkers
Nancy Gundlach
Body of Christ Renee'Linscheid
Mike Dreischmeier Al McCarthy
Glen Gard Diane Mensch
Ushers Roger Dax Wilson Winkers
John Tarrell Usher needed
Tim Bomkamp Jerry Menke
Al McCarthv Jon Wineski
Paired building elements at particular places: At the Statue of Liberty;
Sign on benches: "Your Tired"; sign on trash cans: "Your Wretched Refuse." The washington Post
We enjoy
having the
help out in the
ministry roles.
Thank you
Religious Education Notes
Delores Eggers, Coordinator
929-77 Ot degse rs@ce nturvlin k. net
Public School begins-drive safe
We pray for a productive and safe year for the children
and teachers of our communities. Drivers are asked to
be extra cautious as the kids start back to school. They
will be sharing the road with the buses, student drivers,
and many children crossing streets.
Welcome to new families
We welcome new families to our parish. lf you are new
to our parish, please be sure to take a few moments to
Vocation Bible School
register your family at the Parish Office or call us at 929-
7490. We are in the process of making lists of students
in each class and families involved in Religious
Education. We don't want to miss anyonel
Help needed
Our Religious Education classes begin the last
Wednesday of September. Before we gather the
students, we need to gather a list of people who are
willing to serve in our program. There are many areas
that need volunteers. lf you are willing to help,
especially a RE teacher, please contact Delores as soon
as possible.
We enjoy
having the
help out in the
ministry roles.
Thank you
Litur"gical:fi i n i stry Schid u l
New servei
MINISTRY 4:30 p.m. Saturday
August 30,2014 9:00 a.m. Sunday
August 31,2014
Kate Adametz-
Reader needed Lynn Michek Reader needed
Cantors Mary Kay McCarthy Andrea Washa
Katelyn Esser Weston Frost
Mackenzie Drurv
Brittni Mueller Max Oleson
Beckv Pink
Weekday Servers at7:30 a.m. Tues. & Thurs.
Tarrell & Megan Mueller
Greeters Gil Michek Wilson Winkers Gerald & Alice Bomkamp
Gift Bearers Dennis & Gail Richgels Tom & Lynn Michek Family
Body of Christ
Bread Minister needed
Breud Minisler needed
Br eud. Iwinisler. needed"
Body of Christ
Bread Minister needed
Breud klinister needed
Br esd.Minisler.needed.
Ushers Ushers needed Ushers needed
Ushers needed Ushers needed
Steve McGuire Ushers needed
Ushers needed Ushers needed
iime & tilent signup is the weekend of September
This weekend is all about involvement in our
parish. fnere ire many different *.W t" pirticipate in
parish lii; we anaourage people io iry;omathing new.
concefffig,-n:y'rninistrV. Please takE the:tl to fill'6ut=
a sign-ups-h.:q ncluded in.the .'
newsletter coming out September 2Ol2L as well.
Hollywood, silent auction, games, raffle, pulltabs &
*' Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 13 & 14, St. Mary's Fall
Festivalwill be celebrated in Bloomington.
Road Rally, card tournament & bed races on Saturday.
Sunday enjoy a Chicken & Pork Chop dinner, silent
auction, games, country store bingo and lots more.
*. Saturday, Sept. 20, the Otter Creek Lutheran ELCA
(located at 4820 Country Rd P, Highland) will host their
AnnualAutumn Auction with dinner served from 1L-
1:00 p.m., auction starts at 1:00 p.m.
More snaps from Vacation Bible School
Parish events in our area
* Sunday, Sept. 7th, Montfort United Methodist
Church will host a Pancake Breakfast serving from 8:00
12:30 p.m. Cost is
# Sunday, Sept.7th, Sacred Heart Parish, Reedsburg is
sponsoring their Fall Festival. Activities begin at 9:00
a.m. Swiss Steak & Ham Dinner is served from l-1-2:00
* Sunday, Sept. 7th, St. Francis de Sates Parish, Hazel
Green, will host their Fall Festival. There is a 10:1"5 a.m.
Mass; charcoal grilled chicken dinner is served from 11-
3:00 p.m.; games, cash raffle; variety booth,
hamburger/brat stand and beer tent.
* wednesday, sept. 10th, the Cobb United Methodist
Church is preparing a Chicken BBQ Supper serving from
4:30 p.m. untilgone. Cost: 510.00.
Menu: potato salad,
coleslaw, rolls, beverage & pie.
* Sunday, Sept. 14th, St. Thomas, Montfort is
sponsoring their Fall'Festival. Roast Beef & Ham Dinner
with all the fixings will be served from L1:00 a.m.
p.m. Adults:
Children: 54.00.
Carry outs are
available. Activities include: live auction at L:00 p.m.,
Like branches
on a tree we
grow in
Yet our roots
remain as
='''".'*.,Nqwsg rorConfituationCandidatg
MINISTRY 4:30 p.m. Saturday
Sept. 13, 2014 9:00 a.m. Sunday
Sept. 14,2014
Lectors Karen Dax JJ Linscheid Blake Bomkamp Kevin Schoenmann
Cantors Marv Kay McCarthy Andrea Washa
Donald Laufenberg
John Ross & Spencer Linscheid
Hannah & Simon McCarthy
Lauren Linscheid
Weekday Servers at7:30 a.m. Tues. only this week
Brenna Bomkamp & Morgan Hach
Greeters Dennis & Carolyn Laufenberg Family Mike & Lori Dreischmeier Family
Gift Bearers
Helen Laufenberg Gil Michek
Dannv Lettman Wilson Winkers
Steve & Renee' Linscheid Family
Body of Christ Linda Hebgen
Nancy Frost
Wilson Winkers
Nancy Gundlach
Body of Christ Renee' Linscheid
Mike Dreischmeier AI McCarthy
Glen Gard Diane Mensch-
Roger Dax Wilson Winkers
John Tarrell Usher needed
Tim Bomkamp Jerry Menke
AI McCarthv Jon Wineski

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