M: Beaten by People I: Left Eye S: Pain, Hematoma, Active Bleeding (+) T

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M : beaten by people

I : left eye
S : Pain, hematoma, active bleeding (+)
T : -
Airway : Clear ( snoring -, gurgling -,
stridor - )
Breathing :
Insp : bruise (-), chest wall movement
symmetrical right and left, RR 18 x/
min, hematoma (-)
Pal : crepitation sub cutis (-)
Per : sonor right = left
Aus : Basic breath sound vesicular
right and left

C = warm extremities, Pulse = 84bpm, BP
110/70 mmHg, capillary refill time <2
D = GCS E4M6V5, pupil isocors 3mm/3mm,
centered, direct light reflex/,indirect light
reflex +/+
E = there is no life threatening wound
History of illness :
Patient came to Pelabuhan Hospital with bleeding
wound at his upper of left eye. He got beaten by
people when he try to steal motorcycle.
Eyes : pupil isocors 3mm/3 mm, centered,
direct light reflex/ indirect light reflex +/+, hematoma
(+/+), bruise (+/+), active bleeding (+)
Ear : Bruise (-), hematoma (-)
Neck : Bruise (-), hematoma (-)
Thorax :
Insp : bruise (-), movement of chest wall symmetrical
Pal : crepitation (-), tenderness (-)
Per : sonor right = left
Aus : Basic breath sound vesicular right and left

Abdomen :
Ins : flat, bruise (-)
Aus : bowel sound (+) 6x/min
Pal : Supel, tenderness (-),
muscular defense (-)
Per : tympani
Warm extremities, cap. refill time < 2, edema (-)
Left eye
Ins :
Laceration wound L : 4 cm, w : 1cm, deep : 1cm, bruise
(+), active bleeding (+), hematoma (+)
Pal :
tenderness (+)

Right Eye
Ins : hematoma (+), bruise (+)
Laceration wound with bruise and
hematoma on left eye
Bruise and hematoma on right eye
Clean the wound
Stitch the wound
Give TT and tetagam injection
AB and Analgesic

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