Fig 2.10 Equivalent circuit
This event turn ON the silicon-controlled rectifier and sufficient voltage drop is
responsible to turn ON the other transistor. When both transistors turn ON simultaneously
then there is a low impedance path between power and the ground rails resulting in latch-
up. For this condition if 1 *2 is greater than or equal to 1, both transistors will remain in
conduction even after the triggering perturbation is no longer available.
Prevention:- Latch up can be prevented by using following technique:
Through Gold doping substrate the minority carrier lifetime can be decreased to reduce the BJT
gain. .
and n+ guard band rings can be used around nMOS transistors and pMOS transistors to reduce
and R
and to capture injected minority carriers before they reach the base of the parasitic
Place substrate and well contacts as close as possible to the source connections of the MOS
transistors to reduce the values of R
and R
Avoid forward biasing of the source/drain junctions so as not to inject high currents, this solution
calls for the use of slightly doped epitaxial layer on top of the heavily doped substrate and has the
effect of shunting the lateral currents from the vertical transistor through the low resistance
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Q 7 Explain circuit model of MOS transistor.
Ans Circuit model is used to describe the electrical behavior of the device at their connecting
terminals. Fig 2.11 shows the various capacitances of a MOS transistor. During
fabrication of NMOS and PMOS impurities are diffused in the substrate, but these
impurities cannot attained uniform region in the substrate and also cover the area below
gate oxide layer, so capacitance produce between gate to source and drain to gate
capacitance. Due to applied gate voltage, gate to substrate capacitance is formed. When
positive voltage is applied at drain then a reversed bias PN junction is drain to substrate
capacitance is formed. Both source and substrate are at the same potential equal to ground,
no capacitance formed between them is concealing out.
Fig 2.11 Various capacitances of MOS transistor
Fig 2.12 Equivalent small signal model of MOS transistor
When device work in a linear region, then I
increases linearly with V
, this time channel
act as resistor that gives drain to source resistance r
Equivalent small signal model of
MOS transistor, which include capacitances of MOS transistor .
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Unit 3
CMOS Logic Design
Q.1 Draw the CMOS realization of logic design.
Ans. In designing of CMOS logic few rules are here as mentioned:
1. Take the compliment of function
2. Firstly draw the PMOS logic design
3. Draw the NMOS logic design which is compliment of the PMOS logic design
4. Get the final output from the line which connect PMOS and NMOS logic designs
Fig 3.1 CMOS logic design of F
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Q.2 Draw the CMOS logic design of given function
F= (A+B). (B+C)
Ans. In this function we get the following CMOS logic design using the rules of designing.
Fig 3.2 CMOS logic design of Function
Q 3. What is propagation delay and CMOS transistor sizing?
Ans :- When there is a change in the input of any digital circuit, then the corresponding change
obtained at the output with a particular time delay, called propagation delay. This arises
due to two reasons: finite switching time of transistors and the second one is that the
capacitance present between the ground and output node to charge and discharge before
the output reaches the level of V
or V
as shown in fig. propagation delay is the
average of the high to- low delays which are measured between the 50 % points of the
input and output waveforms. To reduce the delay transistor sizing is done, in this we have
to decide the W/L ratio. In determining the device sizing, we should find the input
combinations that result in the lowest output current. To determine the capability of a
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circuit, we need to find out the W/L ratio for MOS device connection like for series and
parallel connections.
When MOSFETs are connected in series then
When MOSFETs are connected in parallel, then
Q 4 What is power dissipation?
Ans: Basically in CMOS circuit power dissipation comes under two categories
1) Static power dissipation
2) Dynamic power dissipation
Factors which create static dissipation
Due to sub-threshold conduction when transistors are OFF
Due to tunneling current
Due to leakage current in reverse biased diodes
Due to contention currents
Factors which create dynamic dissipation
Due to charging and discharging of connected load capacitances
Due to current (short circuit) when NMOS and PMOS both are in ON condition
So, total power dissipation
= P
+ P
Q 5. Draw the CMOS logic circuit for NAND gate and verify its truth table.
Ans: NAND gate is the complement of AND logic gate. It has two inputs and one output. To
realize 2 PMOS and 2 NMOS transistors are used and assemble as shown in fig3.3 and
also the truth table in fig 3.4
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Fig3.3 CMOS NAND logic circuit Fig 3.4Truth table of NAND gate
When both inputs are low, then M1, M2 are ON and M3, M4 are OFF, so the output is
When a is low and b is high then M1, M4 are ON and M2, M3 are OFF, so the output is
When a is high and b is low then M1, M4 are OFF and M2, M3 are OFF, so the input is
When a and b both are high then M1, M2 are OFF and M3, M4 are ON, so the output is
Q 6 Draw the CMOS logic circuit for NOR gate and verify its truth table.
Ans: NOR gate is complement of OR gate. Its CMOS logic circuit can be built as shown in
fig3.5 and also the truth table is shown in fig 3.6 using designing rules.
a b Y
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
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Fig 3.5 CMOS NOR logic circuit Fig 3.6 truth table of NOR gate
When both inputs are low, then M1, M2 are ON and M3, M4 are OFF, so the output is
When a is low and b is high then M1, M4 are ON and M2, M3 are OFF, so the output is
When a is high and b is low then M1, M4 are OFF and M2, M3 are OFF, so the input is
When a and b both are high then M1, M2 are OFF and M3, M4 are ON, so the output is
Q7 Realize the CMOS SR latch using NAND gate.
Ans: Using 2 input NAND gate a S R latch cab be built as shown in below fig3.7 and fig 3.8
shows its equivalent CMOS logic circuit.
a b Y
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0
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Fig 3.7 S R latch using NAND gate Fig 3.8 CMOS logic circuit of SR latch
Fig 3.9 Truth table of SR latch
CMOS logic circuit responds when S and R are active low
When S is active low (0), and R is high (1), then Q is high and Q is low and set the latch
So, S = 0, then Q= 1
When R is active low (0), and S is high (1), then Q is low and Q is high and reset the
So, R=0, then Q = 0
When both inputs are low then both the outputs are high, this result is not permitted in SR
latch. This is undetermined state.
When both inputs are high then both the outputs are hold state.
Q8 Realize CMOS SR latch using NOR gate.
Ans: Two inputs NOR gates are used to design a SR latch in fig 3.10, and to design a CMOS S
R latch, two CMOS NOR logic circuits are connected as shown in fig3.11
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Fig 3.10 SR latch using NOR gate Fig3.11 CMOS SR latch Using NOR gate
Fig. 3.12 Truth table for SR latch
When S is high (1), M1 is turned ON, then Q is low and Q goes high
When R is high (1), M 4 is turned ON, then Q is high and Q goes low
When both S and R are low (0), then M1 and M4 are OFF, then latch hold its existing
When both S and R are high (1), then both Q and Q are low which is undefined state. So
it is not allowed.
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Unit 4
Basic Physical Design and Layout Issues
Q1. Explain layout design rule.
Ans: A set of geometric constraints or rules which are used to manufactured the physical mask
layout of any circuit, these are generally called layout design rules. The main objective of
design rules is to achieve, a particular process, which maintains a high overall yield and
reliability while using the smallest possible silicon area.
Design rules can be used in two ways
(i) Micron rules, in whi
ch the layout constraints such as minimum feature sizes and minimum allowable feature
separations are stated in terms of absolute dimensions in micrometers, or,
(ii) Lambda rules, which specify the layout constraints in terms of a single parameter ( ) and
thus allow linear, proportional scaling of all geometrical constraints.
Rule number Description -Rule
Active area rules
R1 Minimum active area width 3
R2 Minimum active area spacing 3
Polysilicon rules
R3 Minimum poly width 2
R4 Minimum poly spacing 2
R5 Minimum gate extension of poly over active 2
R6 Minimum poly-active edge spacing 1
(poly outside active area)
R7 Minimum poly-active edge spacing 3
(poly inside active area)
Metal rules
R8 Minimum metal width 3
R9 Minimum metal spacing 3
Contact rules
R10 Poly contact size 2
R11 Minimum poly contact spacing 2
R12 Minimum poly contact to poly edge spacing 1
R13 Minimum poly contact to metal edge spacing 1
R14 Minimum poly contact to active edge spacing 3
R15 Active contact size
R16 Minimum active contact spacing 2
(on the same active region)
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R17 Minimum active contact to active edge spacing 1
R18 Minimum active contact to metal edge spacing 1
R19 Minimum active contact to poly edge spacing 3
R20 Minimum active contact spacing 6
(on different active regions)
Fig 4.1 shown the layout of a particular circuit with rule number, which intimates the
dimension of each diffused material in the circuit components in lambda.
Fig 4.1 Illustration of layout design rule for circuit
Q 2 Explain the design rule for any circuit layout taking an example of CMOS invertor.
Ans As it is known that the CMOS inverter circuit consists of PMOS and NMOS transistors.
Each transistor is created according to the design rule. In designing our main goal is to
create minimum size transistor. Using minimum diffusion contact size the width of the
active area is then determined and the minimum separation from diffusion contact to both
active area edges. The width of the poly-silicon line is typically taken as the minimum
poly width as shown in fig 4.2 .
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Fig.4.2 Design rule constraints which determine the dimensions of a minimum-size transistor
Then, the overall length of the active area can be determined using this formula
L= minimum poly width + 2 x minimum poly-to - contact spacing + 2 x minimum
spacing from contact to active area edge.
The PMOS transistor is placed in an n-well region. The minimum separation between the
n+ active area and the n-well, distance between the NMOS and the PMOS transistor can
be determined. The poly-silicon gates of the NMOS and the PMOS transistors are usually
aligned as shown in fig .
During finalization metal connections are made for input, output, ground and V
. Finally
the complete layout of CMOS inverter is obtained as shown in fig 4.3 (a) and 4.3 (b)
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Fig 4.3(a) Placement of one NMOS and one PMOS transistor, and (b) Complete mask layout of
CMOS inverter
Q 3 Design a layout for NAND and NOR gate.
Ans Here we consider a two inputs NAND gate. While designing layout 4 transistors are
required. Firstly we design a CMOS NAND logic circuit then using lambda design rule
we create layout of NAND gate as shown in fig4.4 .
In this circuit layout colors are assigned to the layers as written below
Colors of layers
polysilicon (gates) : Red
Doped n+/p+ (active) : Green
N-Well : Yellow
Metal 1: BLUE
Metal 2 : Grey
Contacts: Black Xs
Using these colored layers layout of NAND gate is made followed by CMOS NAND
logic circuit.
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Fig 4.4 NAND layout
Similarly for NOR gate firstly CMOS logic circuit is designed using this circuit NOR
layout is created as shown in fig 4.5.
Fig 4.5 NOR layout
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Q 4 What is Eular rule and design a stick layout for given function using Eular rule:
F =
Ans To determine common path in CMOS logic circuit Euler Graph Technique can be used.
Using this path easily layout can be designed with minimum connection among all the
circuit elememts. Start with either NMOS or PMOS tree and circuit components are
replaced by connecting lines like transistor segments, labeling devices, and circuit nodes.
By using the Euler path technique polysilicon lines are rearranged to get optimum layout.
Find a Euler path in both the pull-down tree graph and the pull-up tree graph with
identical ordering of the inputs.
Fig 4.6 (a) CMOS circuit (b) Euler path of NMOS and CMOS circuit
Fig 4.7 Stick layout diagram
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As shown in fig 4.7, a stick layout is made by using the order of NMOS and PMOS inputs
which are common for both and reduce the size and complexity of the conventional
Q 5 Draw the layout of following equation:
Ans As shown in fig 4.8 firstly CMOS circuit is designed and then euler path is created to
obtain a common path to reduce the size of the layout.
Fig 4.8 (a) CMOS logic circuit (b) Euler path for NMOS and PMOS circuit
Fig 4.9 Circuit layout of equation
Fig 4.9 shows the circuit layout of given equation , it is created by using circuit layout
lambda rules.
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Q6 Explain the layout optimization and performance.
Ans : There are basic three components which are used to built layout: transistors, wires and
vias. Integrated chip designing the design rules determine the low level properties:
How we can design small logic gates
To reduce the delay, small joining wires connecting gates can be made.
Some fabrication errors are also introduced, which should be minimized as:
1. A wire or other feature made too wide or too narrow, can create fabrication problem and
reasons may be;
(i) Error due to photolithographic
(ii) Local materials
2. Planarization problem:
(i) Due to deposition of metal wire in oxide area
(ii) This over metal area is smoothened by chemical methods and due to this process
sometime lead breaks in layers.
3. If wider wires are used, then it may get shorted and narrow wires may burn out, so no
current at all.
(i) Due to minimum width rules give a minimum size
(ii) Minimum distance between layout components.
For the optimum layout design, designer should design the components in lambda, the size
of the smallest feature in a layout. By choosing value for lambda, set the dimension of
layout. Layout editor, Design rule checkers (DRC), Circuit extractors are layout design
and analysis tools, which are used to design and simulate the CMOS circuits.
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Unit 5
Introduction To VHDL
Q1 What is VHDL and write down its features?
Ans VHDL, stands for very high speed integrated circuit hardware language, which was
developed in 1980s. VHDL can be defined as follows
It is a programming language that is designed and optimized for digital circuit design and
modeling. This language is used to describe the physical, structural and behavioral
characteristics of digital systems at multiple level of abstraction.
The language that allows to validating the design of a device prior to fabrication.
Language which provides a range of features, that support the simulation of digital
VHDL allows you to specify:
The components of a circuit.
Their interconnection.
The behavior of the components in terms of their input and output signals.
Features of VHDL Model:
Sub-components and their interconnections are described in the design as components.
It contains dataflow description of circuit and concurrent statements execute when data is
available on their inputs.
Functional and possibly timing characteristic are described in behavioral description using
VHDL concurrent statements and processes. The process execute sequentially until it gets
suspended by a wait statement.
Packages is the combination of common declaration, constants, and/or subprograms to
entities and architectures.
Generics is used to communicate information from the external environment to the
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Ports are used for a device to communicate with its environment. A port declaration
defines the names, types directions and possible default values for the signals in a
components interface.
Configuration is an instruction used to bind the component instances to design entities
Group of signal called bus, used for communication.
Driver is a source which provides values to be applied to the signal.
Attribute is a VHDL objects additional information.
Q 2 Write a VHDL code for 4X1 MUX.
Ans Library IEEE;
Use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
Entity MUX is
Port (X0, X1, X2, X3: in std_logic;
S: in std_logic_vector(1 down to 0)
F: out std_logic);
End MUX;
Architecture behavior of MUX is
PROCESS (S, X0, X1, X2, X3)
Case S is
When 0=> f<=X0;
When 01=>f<=X1;
Wen 10=> f <=X2;
When others => f<= X3;
End behavior;
Q 3. Write VHDL coding for parallel in serial out shift register?
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
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entity piso is
clk, d1, load:in std_logic;
din:in std_logic_vector(7 down to 0)
dout: out std_logic
end piso;
architecture piso_arch of piso is
signal reg:std_logic_vector (7 down to 0);
process (clk)
If clk 1 and clk event then
If load = 1then
reg <= din;
reg <=d1& reg (7 down to 1);
end if;
end if;
dout <= reg(0);
end process;
end piso_arch;
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Q 4 Write VHDL code for up/down counter?
Ans :-
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity updown is
clk, rst:in std_logic;
enable, updown:in std_logic;
count: inout std_logic_vector (4 down to 0)
end updown;
architecture updown_arch of updown is
process (clk)
If (clk 1 and clk event) then
If rst = 1then
cout <= 00000;
if(enable =1 and updown=1) then
cout <= cout +1;
if (enable = 1 and updown = 0) then
cout <= cout-1
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end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end updown_arch;
Q 5. Write a VHDL program for half adder?
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity half is
port (
sum, carry:out std_logic;
end half;
architecture half_arch of half is
sum <= (a and not (b)) or (not(a) and b);
carry <= aand b;
end half_arch;
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Multiple Choice Questions
Q 1. For an n-channel JFET with a constant drain-source voltage, if the gate-source voltage is
increased (more negative) pinch-off would occur for:
(a) High values of drain current
(b) Saturation value of drain current
(c) Zero drain current
(d) Gate current equal to drain current
Q 2. For a junction FET in the pinch-off region as the drain voltage is increased the drain
(a) Becomes zero
(b) Abruptly decreases
(c) Abruptly increases
(d) Remains constant
Q 3:- In modern the MOSFET, the material used for the gate is:
(a) High-purity silicon
(b) High-purity silica
(c) Heavily doped polycrystalline silicon
(d) Epitaxial grown silicon
Q 4:- The threshold voltage of an n-channel MOSFET can be increased by:
(a) Increasing the channel dopant concentration
(b) Reducing the channel dopant concentration
(c) Reducing the gate oxide thickness
(d) Reducing the channel length
Q 5:- CMOS is formed by the
(a) Twin tub
(b) CZ method
(c) LPE method
(d) None of the above
Q 6:- Input impedance of MOSSFET is
(a) less than of FET but more than BJT
(b) more than that of FET and BJT
(c) more than that of FET but less than BJT
(d) less than that of FET and BJT
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Q7:- MOSFET uses the electric field of
(a) gate capacitance to control the channel current
(b) barrier potential of p-n junction to control the channel current
(c) both a and b
(d) none of these
Q 8:- In MOSFET devices the N-channel type is better the P-channel type in the following
(a) it has better noise immunity
(b) it is faster
(c) it is TTL compatible
(d) it has better drive capability
Q 9:- In a MOSFET, the polarity of the inversion layer is the same as that of the
(a) charge on the gate electrode
(b) minority carriers in the drain
(c) majority carries in the substrate
(d) majority carries in the source
Q 10:- A depletion MOSFET differs from a JFET in the sense that it has no
(a) channel
(b) gate
(c) P-N junction
(d) Substrate
Q 11:- A D-MOSFET can operate in the
(a) Depletion-mode only
(b) Enhancement-mode only
(c) Depletion-mode or enhancement-mode
(d) Low-impedance
Q 12:- CMOS devices use
(a) Bipolar transistors
(b) Complementary E-MOSFETs
(c) Class A operation
(d) DMOS devices
Q 13:- The main advantage of CMOS is its
(a) High power rating
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(b) Small-signal operation
(c) Switching capability
(d) Low power consumption
Q 14 :- Which of the following effects can be caused by a rise in temperature
(a) Increase in MOSFET current (I
(b) Increase in BJT current (I
(c) Decrease in MOSFET current (I
(d) Decrease in BJT current (I
Q 15:- . In an E only MOSFET, drain current starts only when V
(th) is
(a) positive
(b) negative
(c) zero
(d) greater than V
Q 16:- When not in use, MOSFET pins are kept at the same potential through the use of
(a) shipping foil
(b) nonconductive foam
(c) conductive foam
(d) a wrist strap
Q 17:- A "U" shaped, opposite-polarity material built near a JFET-channel center is called the
(a) gate
(b) block
(c) drain
(d) heat sink
Q 18 :- Which JFET configuration would connect a high-resistance signal source to a low-
resistance load?
(a) Source follower
(b) Common gate
(c) Common source
(d) Common drain
Q 19:- When applied input voltage varies the resistance of a channel, the result is called
(a) Saturization
(b) Polarization
(c) Cut off
(d) Field effect
Q 20:- Which of the following ratings appear(s) in the specification sheet for an FET?
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(a) Voltages between specific terminals
(b) Current level
(c) Power dissipation
(d) All of above