Registrationformoct 2014
Registrationformoct 2014
Registrationformoct 2014
(Please print)
Registration Form
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Address:______________________________________________________________________ Postal Code:
Telephone: (h)_______________________________(w) ___________________________________
Email: _______________________________________Fax: _______________________________________
Describe previous experience with yoga
What is your background with addictions
I would like to register for the Beyond Addiction Retreat in Peru, Cusco Sacred
The retreat consists of 70 hours of teacher training and visits to sacred Inca sites.
Start: Saturday October 18th at 12.00 pm.
Ends: Tuesday October 28th at 9.00 am.
- Yoga costs: US$ 1850 (no tax) payable to Carole Galand (see info bellow)
- US$ 500 deposit is required to hold a space. Balance is required by August 18,
2014 deadline.
- Costs increases to US$ 2100 (no tax) after July 18, 2014.
Includes yoga program Beyond Addiction facilitated by Tej Kaur and Pavan Pal
- Lodging, Meals and Excursions: US$1000 (no tax) payable to Atalaya,, contact Magda Ruiz , upon arrival.
To Register: Please make out a cheque or money order to Carole Galand and send
it to:
Carole Galand
348 Palmerston Blvd
Toronto Ontario
M6G 2N6 Canada.