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Hoa Huong Quynh Nguyen
Box 8932 Wesleyan College
Macon GA 31210 [email protected] 4783908299 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EDUCATION Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the ifted! Hanoi-"ietnam Honors Student, May 2011 "ngl#sh $e%a&'(en' G)A* 9.2+10 #esleyan College! $acon A Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and International Relations Minor in Finance Honors rogra! "ean List # residential Scholar May 201, "ngl#sh $e%a&'(en'- )ol#'#cal .c#ence $e%a&'(en'- and "cono(#cs $e%a&'(en' G)A* 3.7+4.0 #O%& E'(E%IENCE )oard of Director and Co *ounder of Hieu HT ou+ /une 2014now Intern at De+artment of International Treaties and International ,a- /uneAugus' 2013 $inistry of *oreign Affair- Socialist %e+u.lic of "ietnam )&e%a&ed docu(en's 0o& ad1#se& 2&ansla'e "ngl#sh 34#e'na(ese docu(en's Conduc' &esea&ch on s#x con0l#c's &ega&ds 'o sea 'e&&#'o&#al 5o&de&s and #n'e&na'#onal law su#'s. English Instructor May 2012/uly 2012 2augh' 6#gh .chool .'uden's .A2 )&e%a&ed )&o0ess#onal W&#'#ng .7#lls 0o& s'uden's Internshi+ for #esleyan College Admission Office May 2012now Wesleyan 8e%&esen'a'#1e 96o(e 'own A(5assado&* 6ano# and 6o Ch# M#nh C#'y: Consul'ed w#'h h#gh school s'uden's 0o& college ad(#ss#on Wesleyan College 8e%&esen'a'#1e a' 2he 4#e'a5&oade& ;a'#onal College <a#& Internshi+ in Inter-.rand Cor+oration Hanoi "ietnam May 2012/uly 2012 Ass#s'ed 4#ce )&es#den' #n Ma&7e'#ng and )u5l#c 8ela'#on $e%a&'(en' =e%' '&ac7 w#'h 'he >B G&ou% We5s#'e Chec7ed con'&ac's w#'h Accoun'#ng $e%a&'(en' 0o& 0#nal &ou's 2&ansla'ed "ngl#sh and 4#e'na(ese Con0#den'#al $ocu(en's 8esea&ched 0o& (ode&n (a&7e'#ng %lan and 'ele1#s#on 5&oadcas's )&e%a&ed %a&'#es- e1en's- con0e&ences and (ee'#ngs
Internshi+ for "ieta.roader Organi/ation Hanoi "ietnam 0Delegate Team1 /une .e%'e(5e& 2012 $e1elo%ed 'he College <a#& We5s#'es 8esea&ched #n College Ad(#ss#on 9.A2- 2?"<@- Colleges: '&end a(ong h#gh school s'uden's Ad1e&'#sed 0o& ;a'#onal College <a#&s Chose 'he Cand#da'es 0o& 'he Gues' .%ea7e&s o0 'he <a#&s Chief Editor of the Hiroshima 2oga3uin Uni4ersity "oice 2ournal Augus' 2012 ?&gan#Aed 'he 'ea( #n 6#&osh#(a- /a%an and >nd#a $#s'u'ed 0ac#l#'#es "d#'ed w&#'#ngs 5e0o&e %os'#ng )assed #n0o&(a'#on 0o& 'he co((un#'y )&e%a&ed %&og&a(s 'o 5e 5&oadcas'ed #n 6#&osh#(a 2ele1#s#on Hiroshima 2oga3uin Uni4ersity (eace! ,eadershi+ Summer Seminar ?c'o5e&$ece(5e& 2012 ?nl#ne Ad1#se& .'ee&#ng Co((#''ee .e(#na& 8e0lec'#on B $es#gn .u5Co((#''ee Med#a- Mo(en'u( and Ma&7e'#ng Internshi+ at *ran3lin (u.lic %elations and $ar3eting Com+any ?c'o5e& 2012$ec 2012 8esea&ched #n )u5l#c 8ela'#ons $e%a&'(en' W&o'e 'he co(%any we5s#'e )&e%a&ed con'&ac's and (a&7e'#ng %lans 0o& 'he $#&ec'o& CON*E%ENCE eorgia Undergraduate %esearch Conference <e5&ua&y 2013 Ch#nese >n1es'(en' #n A0&#ca* "x%lo#'a'#on o& )h#lan'h&o%yC Colu(5us .'a'e Dn#1e&s#'y. )&esen'e& eorgia Collegiate Honors Council <e5&ua&y 2013 Ch#nese >n1es'(en' #n A0&#ca* "x%lo#'a'#on o& )h#lan'h&o%y and 'he dange& o0 %owe& &ace #n #n'e&na'#onal sys'e(. Geo&g#a .ou'he&n Dn#1e&s#'y. )&esen'e& National Collegiate Honors Council 0The United States1 ;o1e(5e& 2013 Ch#nese Go1e&n(en'Es .%ec#al "cono(#c )ol#cy* A Case .'udy o0 <&ee Ma&7e' #n FheG#ang )&o1#nce )&esen'e& )u5l#shed #n Colu(5us .'a'ed Dn#1e&s#'y 6ono&s Acade(#c /ou&nal 9Mo(en'u(: .%&#ng 2013 All-Ireland Undergraduate %esearch A%&#l 2014 2he 2ens#ons 5e'ween 'he Bal'#c .'a'es and 'he 8uss#an <ede&a'#on* ;A2? and "D "nla&ge(en'- 8uss#an .%ea7#ng M#no& "'hn#c#'#es- and "ne&gy 6a&d )owe& )ol#c#es National Collegiate Honors Council ;o1e(5e& 2014 9co(#ng: 2&ans%o&'a'#on .ecu&#'y Ad(#n#s'&a'#on and )acy a' A#&%o&'s* Cos's and Bene0#'s )&esen'e& ,ANUAE AND S&I,,S <luen' #n 4#e'na(ese- "ngl#sh. >n'e&(ed#a'e #n Ch#nese 8esea&ch s7#lls- co((un#ca'#on- sol1#ng %&o5le(s 5y "xcel- w&#'#ng Gou&nals A#A%DS )h# =a%%a )h# Wesleyan College 8ecogn#'#on o0 5e#ng 'he 'o% 10H o0 'he class .%&#ng 2012 )h# =a%%a )h# Wesleyan College 8ecogn#'#on o0 5e#ng 'he 'o% 10H o0 'he class .%&#ng 2013 $&. "den0#eld 6ono&s Awa&ds 0o& 2o% "xcellency 0o& /un#o& s'uden' .%&#ng 2013 $&. "den0#led 6ono&s Awa&ds 0o& 2o% "xcellency 0o& 8#s#ng .en#o& s'uden'.%&#ng 2014 ?(#c&on $el'a "%s#lon 9>n'e&na'#onal 6ono& o0 .oc#e'y #n "cono(#cs: 0o& 6#gh .cholas'#c Ach#e1e(en' #n 'he 0#eld o0 "cono(#cs. ;o1e(5e& 2013.