Christopher Pyne Transcript

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Minister for Education

Leader of the House
Doorstop Interview
8 September 20!
Well thankyou all very much for coming this morning. The 60 minutes show last night reminded
us of the chaos and dysfunction that was the hallmark of the Gillard Government. The fact is
that Laor chose to re!lace an honourale s!eaker in Harry "enkins with Mr #eter $li!!er and
that is why we are here today ecause the actions that ecame known aout Mr $li!!er have
caused two and a half years of trauma and heartache to "ames %shy. &f Laor hadn't decided
to re!lace Harry "enkins with #eter $li!!er we would not e here today. Let's also consider the
other reasons we are here today. There's een allegations made aout se(ual harassment
against #eter $li!!er which Mr %shy aired again last night. Mr %shy settled an action with the
)ommonwealth for a sum of money and those allegations were then not !ursued in the *ederal
)ourt after an a!!eals !rocess. There's also the fact that Mr $li!!er has een found guilty of
fraud against the )ommonwealth and is awaiting sentencing. That is the outstanding matter. &
stand y all the statements that & have made !reviously over the last two and a half years and &
would remind everyone that these matters have een aired u!hill and down dale for the last two
and half years at least. Those were that & had no s!ecific knowledge of the allegations that Mr
%shy made against Mr $li!!er efore & read aout them in the news!a!ers and that & did not
know aout the action he was taking in the federal court until & read aout it in the +ews Limited
!a!ers one $aturday morning. Those statements were true then and they remain true now.
#O$RNA%IST" ,id you have no s!ecific knowledge what knowledge did you have and how did
you otain it-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well & had no s!ecific knowledge of the allegations Mr %shy later
made that were contained in his affidavits in the federal court. .f course rumours always
circulate around #arliament House in )anerra and rumours have circulated aout #eter
$li!!er for some time. $o & was generally aware of the tenor of the rumours that were circulating
ut & had no s!ecific knowledge of the allegations.
#O$RNA%IST" ,id you meet with Mr %shy efore he made !ulic his allegations against Mr
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well & had three meetings with Mr %shy which &'ve detailed efore. The
first was when & met him in #eter $li!!ers office very riefly. The second was when & shared a
drink with him and another staffer while & was waiting for #eter $li!!er to come ack from the
ad/ournment deate when he was the s!eaker. %nd the third was when he came to collect a
cou!le of ottles of wine that the then Leader of the .!!osition had signed for a retiring staff
memer and that conversation was the cru( of my involvement aired last night on 60 minutes.
#O$RNA%IST" ,id you confirm the offer of a /o within either state or *ederal L+# with Mr
%shy at your office-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well & had a rief meeting with Mr %shy we discussed the fact that the
0ueensland state election was coming very soon. He indicated that he was very uncomfortale
in Mr $li!!ers office and & indicated to him that if we won the 0ueensland state election that
would e a chance !otentially for him to get out of Mr $li!!ers office ut the fact is there was no
/o ever !rovided to Mr %shy and he admits that himself last night.
#O$RNA%IST" ,id you lead him to elieve that there would e a /o !rovided for him-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well Mr %shy did not get a /o from the )oalition1 either from the
0ueensland L+# or *ederal Government.
#O$RNA%IST" 2ut did you lead him to elieve that he might-

CHRISTOPHER PYNE" )ertainly it was my intention to never lead him to elieve that a /o
might e !rovided to him. 2ut oviously if we won the 0ueensland state election and then
suse3uently the *ederal election1 when you are in government there are a lot more /os
availale than when you are in o!!osition and if he felt uncomfortale in Mr $li!!ers office that
would e a chance to get out of that office.
#O$RNA%IST" 4inaudile5 did he say he felt harassed-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well as he said last night in the 60 minutes show1 and & think we should
!oint out Mr %shy has een through 3uite a trauma for the last two and half to three years. &
thought he was very courageous last night in telling his story. He came across as a very decent
!erson who wants to !ut that unha!!y !eriod ehind him and & think the whole country wants to
!ut the unha!!y !eriod of the Gillard Government ehind it. %nd therefore when he came to see
me1 and as he indicated it was a rief meeting1 & didn't have the knowledge that & do now aout
what he was talking aout.
#O$RNA%IST" He never e(!ressed it to you-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" & certainly did not know aout the allegations he suse3uently made
against Mr $li!!er. ,id & know that he felt uncomfortale in #eter $li!!ers office- 6es & did and
that would not have een unusual ecause of the rumours that had circulated aout Mr $li!!er
for some time.
#O$RNA%IST" ,id you raise those rumours with him-
#O$RNA%IST" ,id you intimate to him that a lawyer would e !rovided to him-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Mr %shy said last night on the 60 minutes !rogramme that it was
made very clear to him that there would e no /o and that there'd no lawyer and in fact he got
his own lawyers and took his own actions in the *ederal court and the rest is history.
#O$RNA%IST" 2ut at a meeting in your office did you ever intimate to him or confirm an offer to
him of a lawyer-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well no solicitor was !rovided to Mr %shy.
#O$RNA%IST" 2ut did you intimate to him that one might e-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" & s!oke to Mr %shy riefly and we canvassed the fact that he felt
uncomfortale in #eter $li!!ers office. .viously it would e very sensile if he felt that he was
uncomfortale and as it turned out he made allegations aout se(ual harassment1 it would e
very sensile for him to get good legal advice. He suse3uently did get good legal advice1 ut &
did not !rovide it.
#O$RNA%IST" ,id you give him the im!ression that you would organise legal advice for him-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" That was not my intention no.
#O$RNA%IST" ,o you think that you did give him that im!ression-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" +o & don't elieve & did.
#O$RNA%IST" ,id you say to Mr %shy that you would discredit him if he ever tried to discuss
the meeting that he had.
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" .viously as the Manager of .!!osition 2usiness that & had a
relationshi! with the s!eaker and his office which was im!ortant to maintain. 7ememer that Mr
$li!!er had een a ,e!uty $!eaker and then was the s!eaker. The manager of o!!osition
usiness s!ends a lot of time in the !arliament1 in the chamer1 and given the circumstances of
him re!lacing Harry "enkins oviously one of my roles was to maintain a relationshi! with the
s!eaker and his office. $o if & did make those remarks it would have een to indicate that it
would e est if Mr $li!!er wasn't aware that his staff was in my office telling me that he felt
uncomfortale in his office.
#O$RNA%IST" ,id you threaten to call him a !athological liar !ulicly-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well & certainly would not have used that language and & would have
indicated that when the s!eaker's staff were in my office telling me he felt uncomfortale that
that would affect my relationshi! with Mr $li!!er as the s!eaker if that ecame known.
#O$RNA%IST" Who is lying- $omeody's lying here1 who is it-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well Mr %shy made it clear that noody was lying1 and & watched the
!rogramme last night and & felt that he was a courageous young man standing u! for his
#O$RNA%IST" $urely someone is lying-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" & don't think that is the case and8
#O$RNA%IST" Well if he's not lying he must e telling the truth.
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" $ometimes !eo!le misinter!ret conversations that are made and that
are held. 2ut let's understand the fundamental issue here. The fundamental issue is that Mr
%shy made allegations against Mr $li!!er aout se(ual harassment. They were settled in an
out of court settlement with the )ommonwealth and then were suse3uently not !ursued further
down the track after an a!!eal !rocess. Mr $li!!er was also accused of fraud against the
)ommonwealth and he's een found guilty of that and awaits sentencing. The %ustralian !ulic
deserves a Government that is getting on with the /o of governing1 &'m trying to ring aout
reforms in higher education which & think will e very im!ortant to the country. %nd suse3uently
after this meeting1 after this !ress conference &'m going to )hina and Laos in order to sell
international education and meet with the )hinese ministers of education and others1 so we're
getting on with the /o.
#O$RNA%IST" 2ut if Mr %shy had a conversation with you Mr #yne1 where you concede that
he may have een given the im!ression that legal advice may e !rovided and that a /o may
e !rovided then it stands to reason that he raised with you the !ros!ect that he would e
making allegations against Mr $li!!er-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well & haven't admitted that and &'m not going to have you !ut words in
my mouth Tom1 & haven't admitted that1 &'ve told you e(actly my recollection of that conversation
and &'ve also said that & stand y my two very clear statements that &'ve made for two and half
years that is that & had no s!ecific knowledge of the allegations Mr %shy suse3uently made
and that & was not aware of the se(ual harassment case that he was then to lodge until & read it
in the +ews Limited !a!ers.
#O$RNA%IST" Well he signed a stat dec are you !re!ared to sign a stat dec as well-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well & don't think it's in the interests of the country or the !ulic for there
to e a constant trawling over of a two and a half year old story. The reality is that Mr %shy
wants to move on from this story1 he's told his story on 60 Minutes1 and & think the !ulic
deserve for us to move on from the story that has een a reminder of the sordid1 des!icale
nature of the Gillard government1 the chaos and dysfunction that we were !ut through for three
years1 we want to get on with the /o of governing1 and & intend to do /ust that.
#O$RNA%IST" 2ut clearly %shy has raised these further 3uestions that we really need to
settle1 so is he a !athological liar or is he not-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" &'m sorry you might want to re!eat that 3uestion.
#O$RNA%IST" Well y going on 60 Minutes and raising these issues1 we have not gotten to the
ottom of this1 it is an old story ut we need to !ut it to ed1 so is he !athological liar or is he not
a !athological liar-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" &'m certainly not going to add to the hurt that Mr %shy has already
suffered for at least two and a half years1 !roaly closer to three years. He's een through
trauma and & don't think that either he or the %ustralian !ulic want to trawl over the details of
this sordid story again and again and again. &'m not going to !lay tit for tat with anyody in this
deate. & feel a dee! sense of sorrow that Mr %shy went through what he went through and &
think he deserves to e allowed to get on with his life.
#O$RNA%IST" ,id you s!eak aout the details in terms of !roviding Mr %shy a /o or a lawyer
with either the #rime Minister1 Mal 2rough or Wyatt 7oy-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well & have lots of conversations with my colleagues aout all sorts of
matters1 as Manager of .!!osition 2usiness in the House colleagues sometimes come to me
when they have staff issues or if they are aware of staffing issues. &f they did that then & would
!rovide them with the necessary information to e ale to meet their res!onsiilities. +ow if that
was the case then it would e the normal and correct thing for me to do to !rovide that kind of
su!!ort and information to my colleagues ut &'m not going to reach their !rivacy8
#O$RNA%IST" ,id you !rovide that information to Tony %ott-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Mr %ott and & have lots and lots of conversations. Were we aware of
rumours aout Mr $li!!er- Well everyone in )anerra in #arliament House was aware of
rumours aout Mr $li!!er going ack many years8
#O$RNA%IST" ,id you suggest to him that the L+# may !rovide a /o to Mr %shy-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" ,id & suggest that to Mr %ott-
#O$RNA%IST" 6es
#O$RNA%IST" ,id you ask him aout it- ,id you raise it with him-
#O$RNA%IST" What aout with Mal 2rough-
#O$RNA%IST" %re you willing to categorically deny that you had any !rior knowledge of this
efore it hit the !a!ers-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" What &'ve said is & had no s!ecific knowledge of the allegations. &'m
3uite !re!ared to re!eat that statement today. & had no s!ecific knowledge of the allegations8
#O$RNA%IST" What does that mean-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well it means & wasn't aware of the allegations1 the nature of the
allegations. +ow the nature of the allegations1 told again last night y Mr %shy detailed in his
affidavit are !articularly un!leasant. &'m not going to re!eat those.
#O$RNA%IST" 6ou say you were aware there were rumours circulating and you were aware he
was unha!!y in his office. 6ou discussed this issue with him in your office- &s that correct-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well Mr %shy came to my office to collect a cou!le ottles of wine that
Tony %ott has signed for a retiring staff memer.
#O$RNA%IST" ,id you raise with him the issue of his discontent with his office-
#O$RNA%IST" ,id you discuss the rumours that you concede you were aware of his discontent.
#O$RNA%IST" $o it wasn't raised at all-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" He indicated to me that he was uncomfortale in #eter $li!!er's office.
#O$RNA%IST" ,id you ask why-
#O$RNA%IST" 6ou didn't ask why-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well no1 & didn't.
#O$RNA%IST" ,oesn't that strike you as unusual that you wouldn't ask why he's
unconformale in his office-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" The s!ecific allegations that he's made against Mr $li!!er have een
detailed in his affidavit1 in the court case1 in the suse3uent court case involving fraud against
the )ommonwealth which Mr $li!!er's een found guilty of. He detailed them again last night in
the 60 minutes show & thought very ravely. ,id he raise those s!ecific allegations with me
when he came to !ick u! those cou!le of ottles of wine1 no he didn't.
#O$RNA%IST" What aout the allegations against you though- Why would he think that you
were !re!ared to call him a !athological liar-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" 6ou seem to e a it stuck on that !articular 3uestion. & think that what
&'ve indicated is &'ve had an ongoing relationshi! with #eter $li!!er as the s!eaker. %s the
Manager of .!!osition in the House1 one of my /os is to get along with the s!eaker. %nd the
fact that if Mr $li!!er had een aware that his staff memers had visiting me to collect two
ottles of wine and indicated he was uncomfortale in that office that might have im!acted on
my relationshi! with Mr $li!!er. +ow1 as it turned out1 Mr $li!!er's tenure of s!eaker did not last
very long for the reasons that we now know and really Laor need to answer the 3uestion1 why
did Laor think that re!lacing Henry "enkins with #eter $li!!er was a good idea- %nd what's
een oviously learnt is that it's a very ad idea.
#O$RNA%IST" $o that was a threat against %shy in order to !rotect the relationshi! with
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" +o & wouldn't characterise it in that way no.
#O$RNA%IST" This has affected your re!utation. %re you going to sue Mr %shy-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" & have asolutely nothing to sue Mr %shy aout.
#O$RNA%IST" &f in your !osition at the time were aware that Mr %shy had allegations against
Mr $li!!er would you consider it a!!ro!riate to offer legal counsel or to !ay for legal counsel
through !arty funds. .r to offer a /o within the !arty- Would you consider that an a!!ro!riate
hel!ing hand to someone in that !osition-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well as Mr %shy indicated last night and as was clear from his affidavit
in the court1 he was offered no inducement at all to take the action that he took. That is a very
im!ortant !oint and &'m glad you've raised it Tom. Mr %shy also indicated that he didn't s!eak
to me again at all aout this matter after the meeting in my office to collect the two ottles of
wine. +ever discussed it with me again. What then ha!!ened as we now know is he
a!!roached other memers of the L+# in 0ueensland and Mal 2rough has outlined his !osition
and Mal 2rough as a memer of the L+# took it u!on himself to assist Mr %shy and as he has
said he felt that it was his duty as a citi9en and a human eing to !rotect and hel! someody
who was clearly in difficulty and after that1 that matter was entirely out of my hands.
#O$RNA%IST" &t's clear that he came away from that meeting or that discussion in your office1
ottles of wine in hand with the im!ression that he would e given a /o and the im!ression he
would e given legal counsel1 or that his legal counsel would e !aid for. 6ou've concedied that
would have een a reasonale im!ression for him to have garnered. )an you tell us s!ecifically
what you said to him that gave him that im!ression-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well he suse3uently had a meeting with ,avid 7ussell which has
een made clear and which ,avid 7ussell indicated to him that there would e no /o and that
there'd e no legal su!!ort. Mr %shy8
#O$RNA%IST" 2ut why did he have that im!ression when he left your office-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well Mr %shy has outlined his story last night. & think that has een
canvassed u!hill and down dale1 and & think8.
#O$RNA%IST" $ure1 ut can you /ust tell us why he may have misinter!reted as an offer of a
/o and legal counsel.
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well & think &'ve covered that su/ect and as &'ve said1 &'m8.
#O$RNA%IST" &'m still a it unclear on it.
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well &'m not unclear on it and & think that the !ulic are 3uite clear
aout a cou!le of things. They're asolutely clear that Laor should never have re!laced Henry
"enkins with #eter $li!!er. They're asolutely clear that if Laor hadn't done that1 we would not
e standing here today discussing what has een a traumatic !eriod for "ames %shy and they
are the lame for that. .ther memers of the )oalition have assisted Mr %shy and that has
een on the !ulic record ecause they thought that he needed su!!ort and he was never
offered a /o. He was never offered legal counsel. He made that clear himself last night and &'m
not going to get into a tit for tat argument aout !arsing every sentence and !aragra!h of
interviews made y the !eo!le.
#O$RNA%IST" &s there a case now for another en3uiry aout this- ,o you think this is going
somewhere higher /ust to clear the air-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" +o1 & don't think so. The only outstanding matter in the sorry affair of Mr
$li!!er's s!eakershi! is the sentencing of Mr $li!!er for fraud against the )ommonwealth. &
mean1 that's where at the end of the day1 there are two core issues. The allegations of se(ual
harassment1 which the )ommonwealth settled with "ames %shy when Laor was in !ower and
the fraud against the )ommonwealth and later this month Mr $li!!er will e sentenced.
#O$RNA%IST" ,id you and Mr 7oy have an understanding of these allegations and agreed to
what has ha!!ened-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well Mr 7oy and & are good friends and he's a valued colleague and of
course he will answer for himself aout his involvement. 2ut if &'m a!!roached y a colleague
who indicates that they need some su!!ort ecause of a staffing issue1 my res!onsiility is to
hel! that colleague and of course that's e(actly what & did.
#O$RNA%IST" Minister1 /ust on another issue. 7egional universities today are calling for
safeguards for low income students and greater structural su!!ort. &s that something that you
sym!athise with and would e willing to have the amendments for in your legislation-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well the regional :niversities network and the G; have !ut out a
statement today1 indicating that they want the government's higher education reforms !assed1
that they su!!ort the deregulation of fees. 2oth the G; and 7:+1 the regional :niversities
+etwork indicates that there should e e(tra su!!ort for regional universities and !articularly a
!otential transition !hase. &'m o!en to any suggestion from the cross<enchers and the Laor
!arty or the Greens for that matter in the $enate ecause & think these reforms are vital for
students and for our universities and & will consider any !ro!osal !ut to me y the cross
enchers and y the universities. 2ut fundamentally1 the universities are united in su!!orting
and elieving these reforms should e !assed and & agree with them.
#O$RNA%IST" There are re!orts today that the ne(t generation of sus are to e uilt1
confirmed to e uilt in "a!an1 rather than $outh %ustralia. That would e a roken election
commitment would it not-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well Tom1 there is an unconfirmed re!ort on the front !age of the
%dvertiser today with sources1 certainly not the ,efence Minister1 not the #rime Minister. &n fact
oth the #rime Minister and the ,efence Ministers 3uotations in the story are !recisely what
they've said all along and the #rime Minister re!eated them again today. There'll e a decision
made aout the ne(t generation of su<marines. They are !roaly our most !otent and
im!ortant !art of our armoury. We have to make a decision ased on defence needs1 not
industry needs1 not regional needs1 ut the #rime Minister has indicated that the work that is
done in %ustralia will e done here in %delaide which will mean hundreds and hundreds of /os
for $outh %ustralia and8
#O$RNA%IST" 2ut as a $outh %ustralian frontencher though are you concerned that the
contract a!!ears likely not to e8not to go to $outh %ustralia as it was intended.
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" & don't think that is the gist of the Government's decision making
!rocess. & think that is something of a s!eculative story. %s the $outh %ustralian )ainet
Minister1 oviously1 & want to do everything in my !ower to ensure that $outh %ustralians have
/os and that our economy is growing1 and & wish the $tate Laor government would focus on
that too1 rather than focusing on the !etty !olitics and !oint scoring that they focus on every day.
#O$RNA%IST= ,o you think $outh %ustralia has the ca!aility to uild the sumarines-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" %solutely. $outh %ustralia and the %$) has a great record of uilding
sumarines and are uilding the %ir Warfare destroyers right now as we s!eak they are
!roviding thousands of /os8
#O$RNA%IST" &s your understanding that they will e >0? more e(!ensive to uild here-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well they're !roviding thousands of /os for $outh %ustralians ut also
they're !roviding e(tremely im!ortant defence initiatives for our whole country and that's the
asis u!on which we should make a decision. &'ll do everything & can to fight for $outh %ustralia
and /ust recently of course1 The %dvertiser also revealed that we have allowed 2H# 2illiton to
rely on their !revious environmental im!act statements for the e(!ansion of .lym!ic ,am@ no
thanks to the $tate Laor Government. We are getting on with trying to unlock that enormous
!otential for $outh %ustralia at 7o(y downs. Everything & do like the +orthA$outh corridor
su!!ort that will !rovide enormous infrastructure gains for $outh %ustralia seems to e done in
the teeth of o!!osition from the $tate Laor #arty and again & wish that their Treasure would
!erha!s sto! tweeting and te(ting and start actually studying how he might e ale to grow the
economy and create /os for $outh %ustralians.
#O$RNA%IST" $o you'll e kicking heads and twisting arms in )ainet to get this contract to
$outh %ustralia-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" &'ll e doing what & always do and have done for two decades as the
memer for $turt1 which is loy for and su!!ort $outh %ustralia in everything & do. Whether it's
agriculture1 the wine industry1 the !astoral industry1 mining1 manufacturing1 high<tech
manufacturing1 research1 su!!orting our three universities here1 the $%HM7&1 everything & do in
)anerra is designed to look after the constituency of $turt and the wider city of %delaide and
the state of $outh %ustralia.
#O$RNA%IST" Minister1 how can you guarantee those /os when you have the case of 7ossi
oots and the guidelines from the ,M. don't allow for local usinesses to have consideration
over international usinesses-
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" Well & think it's very unfortunate that the 7ossi oots contract went to a
different !rovider. The guidelines and the !rocess for that egun under the !revious government
and was loed on the desk of the ,efence Minister after the decisions had een made. &'ve
certainly talked to my colleagues in )anerra aout that. & know that the #rime Minister1 the
,efence Minister and & all elieve that that should e handled differently in the future and & have
s!oken oviously to 7ossi 2oots and & will continue to su!!ort them. &t's a good e(am!le of how
Laor made a mess of defence contracting in this state and again the $tate Laor government1 &
think figures recently that & saw1 or maye in the last si( months1 show that even B0?1 more
than B0? of $tate administration1 $tate machinery of Government was eing conducted y
other $tates1 not %delaide usinesses. $o1 we've got to !ut our money where our mouth is and
su!!ort $outh %ustralian usinesses.
#O$RNA%IST" %s an oserver Minister though1 you have to get the im!ression reading the8
4inaudile58 aout this !ro/ect that it's doomed for $outh %ustralia in terms of the uild.
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" +o & don't agree with that )hristo!her. & mean1 & think the truth is there
is a lot of hy!erventilating aout it. %nd rather than hy!erventilating we should calmly1
methodically and in a considered way ensure that the est decisions are made from a defence
!ers!ective and $outh %ustralia will e the ig eneficiary of whatever decision is made1
ecause the %ustralian $umarine )or!oration is here at .sorne.
#O$RNA%IST" 4inaudile5 /um!ed u! on a husting and howled loudly and !roudly for the !ro/ect
in $outh %ustralia.
CHRISTOPHER PYNE" & do1 &'m asolutely enthusiastic aout the %ustralian $umarine
)or!oration and not /ust that defence work ut any defence work at all. More than >0? of the
%ustralian defence industry is conducted in $outh %ustralia1 it's one of our great success stories.
$o rather than ringing our hands we should sim!ly get on with the /o of ensuring the ma(imum
numer of /os and work here in $outh %ustralia. & think with that & etter 9i!1 as the former
#rime Minister used to say1 ecause & have to go to )hina and you don't want me to miss my

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