Marantz 74sm80 02b 02g

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Service 74 SMB0/om20 Manual Stereo Power Amplifier SE oR SRR RE TABLE OF CONTENTS. secrion Page 1 BLOCK DIAGRAM + 2 SCHEMATICOAGAAI AND PARTS LOCATION (atin Sie) 2 4 EXPLODED View AND PARTS LIST en 10 4 TESY EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR SERVICING 12 5 IOLING CURRENT ADJUSTMENT: 12 ELECTRICAL PARTS UST eee 13 wERen noc ERtz” model SM-80 Fest 180 492272550821 MARANTZ DESIGN AND SERVICE Using supaior design and siete nigh ase ‘components, MARANTZ company has creates he ‘ny engnal MARANTE parts can insure ha your MARANTZ prouet wi cortno to perform tote, Spectetins for en faut Pars for your MARANTZ equipment are generally ‘vaebe fo our Natonal Marantz SubessSry or Agent. (ORDERING PARTS: Pars can be ordered eter by mal or by tle. In both ase sovrect par nombor has Tobe spect. ‘he folowing intoration must be supped to olinato ae" Coa 380) Garman Ist, chome, MARANTZ INTERNATIONAL Vestas [380010 inchoven Phone #31/40.758290 ‘esto 31/40 75.6090 “Tole. 85000 PRTC NE routing IND NLMTFAT [AN ofthe sbove locations ae futy equipped to tke care of your tla service needs. Because various counties have dering conigrtin requremert Kt necessury tht you contact the service facity i you partctar county. IReSro na trea no sorce ncn inted your Sune, pone contact he nearest ary for mecesey ih cao of aes. do nestle wo Salat the Technic Department at abovernentoned ares. wz 2760 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (DIN) fa Pomar Quit (20 Mi-20 ee) Come ens ‘cme BS Bonme ons Oar Pon: ee) domme 2onme no man Fow enn) ‘amping factor Frauen Response ie 2 Ponarbanowah ORTHO inp Sent. Int pecans Shame’ Coma Ori ‘SiiRato ewogMod) ower Genauton at max Power Deters ‘Stone ‘Sprcaton subject ochange without prior ate WoW 2 owed owns somx2 ona oo 002% 20 8308 ibiiewovhe acing Btnm 19 1. BLOCK DIAGRAM 1k LST a ra pss 3 3

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