1 - Sep 2015
1 - Sep 2015
1 - Sep 2015
Dear Parents:
Welcome to Grade 4 French Immersion!
We are delighted to be teaching your
children this year! We are looking forward to
a year of many exciting and rewarding
exeriences in the classroom!
"s you are aware# your child will be
attending French and $nglish classes on
alternate days! %heir agenda will be artly in
French and $nglish! %here are a lot of
useful information in it# including release
forms which need to be signed and
returned! Do go o&er it with your child and
let him or her exlain to you how the 7
Habits of Highly Effective Teens can
contribute to his success in school! We at
'idgewood Public (chool lace great
emhasis in the Leader In Me rogram! We
want our students to become the )eaders of
*ur classroom websites will gi&e you an
idea what the students are learning in the
classroom and what homework and
assignments they ha&e! We will also be
ha&ing monthly newsletters! "s we are an
$co+Friendly school# we will be ublishing it
on our classroom website! If you re,uire a
hard coy# lease let us know through your
child-s agenda and we will rint it for you!
%hank you for your suort!
.s *anasyuk and .r! Wong
%he next few weeks will be sent learning
about rocedural texts# through reading and
writing acti&ities in&ol&ing ste+by+ste
instructions to do &arious tasks!
In French# they will also identify a range of
listening comrehension strategies and
exress their ersonal oinions about the
treatment and resentation of the messages
in a &ariety of oral media texts about
familiar# academic# and ersonally rele&ant
We ha&e begun to learn about atterns in
numbers /growing# shrinking# reeating0!
%here will be no math textbook or workbook
sent home for homework with students! *ur
math rogram will be based on roblem
sol&ing using maniulati&es /counters# base
12 blocks# hundreds chart etc!0# 3ournal
"bout .ath /3".0 and grou work in class!
It will also consist of real+life connections
through social 4ustice issues that are
meaningful to the students!
Social Studies
(tudents will identify the hysical regions in
5anada and some of the main human
acti&ities# including industrial de&eloment
and recreational acti&ities!
Ridgewood Public
Grade 4 French Immersion
Classroom websites
(tudents are learning about 'ocks 6 .inerals
and )ight 6 (ound! We will be doing many fun
exeriments and reading about these toics! "
good website to &isit
Please urchase an $nglish+French dictionary
for your child! It is an essential tool for French
Immersion students! It costs only about 84 at
Daily homework is osted on our classroom
website so that it can be written into the
student agenda! 9ou are encouraged to check
your child-s agenda for homework# notes and
future assignments! It must be signed on a
daily basis by a arent or guardian!
If homework assignments are not comleted#
the student will be asked to exlain why! "s a
form of communication between teacher and
arent7guardian# a note will be sent home if
homework is not comleted!
*n occasion# our classes will be going on
excursions outside of the school! It would be
greatly areciated if arents7guardians would
&olunteer their time to accomany us whene&er
ossible! In order to accomany your child on
our school tris# we encourage you to ha&e
criminal record check! %he criminal record
check form is a&ailable in the office!
Upcoming Events
23 Sept Re-Organization Day (No
24 Sept Terry Fox Run
25 Sept Fall Fair - eet the Teacher
Please ro&ide a air of indoor shoes for
your child to kee at school during the
winter months!
It would be greatly areciated if your
child could bring a box of tissue aer!
$ncourage your child to be roacti&e by
checking their class materials /sharened
encils# eraser# sharener# agenda#
homework coybook# 4ournal# etc!0 the
night before school!
$ach child in the school has recei&ed a new
green t+shirt! %o show their school sirit#
lease remind your child to wear their t+shirt
on the Fridays they ha&e an assembly!
Grade 4-s ha&e their assemblies e&ery other
(tudents are encouraged to use the
washroom during recess and lunch to
reduce the amount of time out of the
class and to a&oid disrutions!
About ourselves
.y name is Ms& '(anasyuk# and I-&e
been working in the field of education
for :; years! .y first 1; years of
working as a teacher and a scholar
were in <kraine where I grew u# and
then mo&ed to 5anada where I
continued my teacher career in PD(=!
I am blessed with my :> year old
daughter ?ateryna and two
granddaughters: @ year old Aeronica
and 12 months old $liBabeth! In my
sare time# I en4oy going to the gym#
hiking# cycling# cooking# reading#
sewing# knitting# crocheting# singing
and laying musical instruments
/guitar# iano# recorder# and cello0! I will
be teaching $nglish language# .ath
and (cience to the students!
.y name is M& )ong! I came from
.auritius# a small island about C22 km
east of .adagascar! I taught a few
years in a high school on the island
before coming to 5anada! Dere# I ha&e
been teaching French Immersion
/Grade 1# @ 6 40 at 'idgewood Public
(chool! I also had the oortunity to
teach 5ore French to grades 4 to C
students in another school! I en4oy
gardening #working with comuter and
watching mo&ies! I will be teaching
French language# (ocial (tudies and
(cience to the students!