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Project 1: Literacy Narrative Homework Schedule
Date Homework (listed next to the date DUE)
Thursday, 9/4
Tuesday, 9/9 Read: -EMU Intro to Understanding Rhetoric p. EMU1-EMU29 Make at least 10 comments/annotations either in book or on separate paper, and be prepared to share them. -Writing in Action p.3-11. Look at the The Top Twenty errors and their explanations. Select five of these that are your own personal struggle, and list them on a separate sheet of paper to turn in. **Addition: finish reading the syllabus and post one question/comment on class blog Write: -One-page typed essay on a specific positive or negative experience you have had writing.
Thursday, 9/11 Read: -Understanding Rhetoric, Ch. 1 Why Rhetoric? p. 35-55 (Annotate minimum of 10 comments) -Malcolm X Learning to Read (on EMU-Online under Doc Sharing) Write: One-page typed reflection on Malcolm Xs literacy -Your personal literacy brainstorm (list, map, word cluster) *Bring laptops Tuesday, 9/16 Read: Understanding Rhetoric, Ch. 3, Writing Identities p.114-139 (Annotate minimum of 10 comments) *Write: First draft due; bring four-page hard copy of your Literacy Narrative *Bring laptops Thursday, 9/18 No Reading *Write: Look over peer responses and revise draft. Second draft due, uploaded to EMU-online dropbox by 2:00pm Tuesday, 9/23 Read: Understanding Rhetoric, Introduction, Spaces for Writing p.1-11 (Annotate minimum of 10 comments) -Shitty First Drafts Lamont (Annotate minimum 10 comments) Write: Continue revising drafts Thursday, 9/25 No Reading *Write: Final Literacy Narrative due with complete Invention Portfolio and typed cover letter. Place all items in a one-inch binder with table of contents. Turn in entire portfolio at beginning of class. *Bring laptops Tuesday, 9/30 No class attend scheduled conference with instructor Thursday, 10/2 No class attend scheduled conference with instructor Tuesday, 10/7 Read: Maddalena-McKinneys I Need You to Say I and Alexies Superman and Me (on EMU-Online under Doc Sharing) Write: One-page typed reflection on the two articles together -Written one-page brainstorm list of rhetorical superheroes and qualities that make them heroic.