Chapter 8: America Secedes From The Empire (1775 CE - 1783 CE)

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Chapter 8: America Secedes from the Empire

(1775 CE 1783 CE)

Congress Drafts George Washington
In May of 1775, the Second Continental Congress selected the forty-three year old George
Washington to head the American Army in Boston; this proved on many accounts to be a wise
Though Washington wasnt the perfect military mind, he had the ability to lead people.
Washington was able to calm large groups of people and radiated patience.
The people trusted Washington.

Bunker Hill and Hessian Hirelings
From April of 1775 to July of 1776, the American Revolutionary War raging on proved to be
filled with violent battles, betrayal and confusion.
Though battles were still going on, The Continental Congress adopted the Olive Branch
Petition in July of 1775, which begged King George III to end hostilities.
Bunker Hill (June 1775) showed that, if in possession of adequate supplies, Americans
could defeat British forces.
Many Americans felt betrayed when England hired German mercenaries (Hessians) to
fight in the British Army.

The Abortive Conquest of Canada
After a failed attempt to capture Canada in the winter of 1775, the American soldiers retreated
back to the colonies and fought on bravely.
Richard Montgomerys platoon captured Montreal.
Montgomery was killed in the attempt to capture Quebec.
Southern soldiers defeated 1500 loyalists in February 1776

Thomas Paine Preaches Common Sense

Paine and the Idea of Republicanism

Jeffersons Explanation of Independence

Patriots and Loyalists

The Loyalist Exodus

General Washington at Bay

Burgoynes Blundering Invasion

Revolution in Diplomacy?

The Colonial War Becomes a Wider War
Blow and Counterblow

The Land Frontier and the Sea Frontier

Yorktown and the Final Curtain

Peace at Paris

A New Nation Legitamized

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