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Do animals need to adapt to survive outside of their natural habitat?
Year 5 Science Investigation Biological Sciences
Lesson Focus: To provide students with a shared experience as they investigate animals and their habitats and explore what features or adaptations enable animals to survive in their own and different habitats. Students: - Wor in small groups to investigate different animals and their habitats including! animal characteristics" animal behaviours and habitat features. - #ecord and present their findings and compare these with their classmates. - $esign and construct a new habitat suitable for an animal and explain why. %ontext: This investigation is designed to challenge the student misconception that animals can survive as long as they can find food and water and are not dependent on their habitat to live. The context will be a field trip to the local &oo where students will be placed into small groups each with a teacher or carer. These small groups will rotate through ' predetermined stations the (ig %ats enclosure" the )octurnal *ouse" the #eptile *ouse and the +ustralian animal enclosure. Students will be ased to select one animal from each station to investigate. Students will be ased to use specific terms such as predator" prey" continent" climate" and habitat. +ssessment Focus: Formative assessment is an ongoing aspect of the ,xplore phase and involves monitoring students- developing understanding and giving feedbac that extends their learning. $uring this investigation" the teacher will monitor the student-s developing understanding of - The habitat features of different animals in a &oo enclosure and in their natural habitat. - The physical features" characteristics" and feeding behaviours of animals in a &oo enclosure and in the wild and how they differ or how they are the same. - *ow or if animals can adapt to different habitats and survive and develop strong arguments to support their findings and conclusions. - their own science in.uiry sills. /ey Lesson 0utcomes: 1ear 2 +chievement Standards: The student will analyse how the form of living things enables them to function in their environments. The student will follow instructions to pose .uestions for investigation" predict what might happen when variables are changed" and plan investigation methods. They use e.uipment in ways that are safe and improve the accuracy of their observations. Students construct tables and graphs to organise data and identify patterns. They use patterns in their data to suggest explanations and refer to data when they report findings. They describe ways to improve the fairness of their methods and communicate their ideas" methods and findings using a range of text types. +ustralian %urriculum %ontent $escriptions: Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environmen 3+%SS45'67 With guidance" pose .uestions to clarify practical problems or inform a scientific investigation" and predict what the findings of an investigation might be 3+%S8S96:7 %onstruct and use a range of representations" including tables and graphs" to represent and describe observations" patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate3+%S8S5;57 Woring Scientifically Framewor: Engage: <rior to leaving for field trip" teacher will hold a class discussion to tal about the focus for the investigation. The statement =+nimals can adapt and survive in any habitat> =<rove or $isprove> will be written on the board or displayed on the 8W(. Teacher will lead a classroom discussion about what is a habitat? @uestions will be posed such as =$o you have a habitat?> = What other types of habitats are there for humans?>> 8f you were to live in another habitat how would your day to day life change?> =Would your clothing change" or the food you eat change?> =*ow would you feel if you had to live in another habitat?> $iscuss terminology and scientific terms that students will use. Explore: Students will be placed into small groups and will rotate through ' locations at the Aoo. The explore phase is designed for students to see animals and their habitats first hand in a &oo environment. Students will be able to collect evidence from a variety of sources and using their own sensory sills. This phase has been designed as a field trip so that all students have a shared experience that can be discussed in the elaboration phase once they have returned to the classroom. Students will be ased to document and present their findings using surveys" graphs etc that organise their findings and show any patterns they have observed. Students will be ased to choose : animal only from each station to investigate and answer the following .uestions: What is this animal? What is this animals natural habitat? What is the animals habitat at the &oo lie and how does this differ from it-s natural habitat? 8s this animal endangered? %an you explain why or why not B what do you thin? Students will observe the animal and choose how they will record some characteristics of this animal" using a graph" survey or chart. 8deas could be to chart behaviours and habitat features for the ' different habitats" compare and contrast. For example: is it sleeping? ,ating? Coving around? $oes the animal loo threatened? What is it-s sin covering lie? Shelter materials" food sources" feeding routines etc. Explain hase: $uring the explain lesson students will further explore concepts that they have investigated. Some .uestions that will be explored include: #eflecting on what you now" do you thin there is any difference between an animals behaviour living in the wild to this animal living in the &oo? What do you thin would happen if the animals switched habitats? Why do you thin this? What facts or information can you find that supports your answer? What features of the animal would be useful to it-s habitat? $o you thin the animal could survive in a different habitat? What does this tell you about how animals adapt to their environments? What other habitat do you thin this animal could adapt to and survive in? Why? $raw a picture of this habitat to support your ideas. Elaborate hase: $uring this lesson phase" students will draw on what they now or have discovered so far and apply this nowledge as they design and construct a habitat that they believe one of the animals they have investigate could live and survive in. Students will be able to further research the habitats and behaviours of animals in different habitats using classroom resources in order to answer further .uestions that may have arisen or for further clarification on ideas. Students will be able to create a webpage including photographs of their habitat to explain their findings and why it would suit the animal they have chosen. Evaluation hase: Students will present their habitats to the class on the 8W( and discuss elements of their design and using evidence from their investigation" the student will explain to the class" why the animal would be able to survive in this habitat or what ind of adaptations will be needed in order for the animal to survive in this habitat. Teacher will draw out ideas presented through open ended .uestioning and compare these with earlier conceptions discussed at the beginning of the investigation. SafetyDStudent Canagement 8ssues: Students will wor in small groups with a designated parent helper or carer. Teacher will be floating between groups spending time discussing" and drawing out ideas as learning is scaffolded. Teacher will deal with any behaviour issues that may arise. Students will be instructed to stay within predetermined boundaries and always with the group. Students will be instructed to bring with them a hat" water bottle and lunchDsnacs for the day trip.