Fma Newsletter Sept 14
Fma Newsletter Sept 14
Fma Newsletter Sept 14
Upcoming Events
9th Elementary Early
Release @ Noon
9th Pre 2 & 3, Primary 5
& 6 Classroom
Orientation, 7:00 pm
11th Elem. Classroom
Orientation, 7:00 pm
18th Elementary Social,
Urban Air
6:00 - 8:00 pm
19th Pre-Primary Social,
Little Gym
6:30 - 8:00 pm
19th Box Top Contest
23rd Primary Social,
Urban Air
6:00 - 8:00 pm
6th Spirit Night,
13th Extended Care Only,
Staff Development
24th Box Top Contest
31st Classroom Fall
31st Box Top Crazy Hair
6th Elementary Musical,
11th Elementary Early
Release @ Noon
14th Fun RunTurkey
September/October 2014
The Handprint
FMA Parent Teacher Organizaon Newsleer
Dear FMA parents,
Welcome back. The FMA Parent Teacher Organization has a great school
year planned. The new website is up and running. Please visit us online at
WWW.FMAPARENTS.weebley.COM. The website is a great place to get
all your FMA updates and information. We have the School calendar, our
events calendar, and even a link to pay your write-a-check contribution
We have a brand new group on the board of your PTO. They are excited,
energetic, and the hardest working group with some great new ideas. With
a brand new board in place, we have stayed very busy planning some great
social events. This year the Back-to-school socials are still separated by
grade levels, but we are adding one for the whole school toward to end of
the year. Pre-Primary, Primary, and Elementary all go out different nights
so parents have a better opportunity to meet other parents in the same class.
Chick-fil-A Spirit Night is in October along with the classroom BOX TOP
contest. The prize is Crazy Hair Day so send in all of your BOX TOPS.
Our Annual Fun Run is also a Turkey Trot coming in November, and we
need a lot of volunteers. So, put November 14
on your calendar now and
join us to see one of your kids favorite days first-hand. Our Toy Drive will
take us into December to conclude the first half of the school year. We
have plenty of more tricks up our sleeve. Our used uniform sale was a suc-
cess and was also a great way to meet some of the new, as well as returning
parents. We can always use volunteers so go to the website to sign up.
Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. The PTO is for
you and your children if you have any ideas or would like to help in any
way, we would love to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to let us know
what we can do for you.
~ Marco Banuelas, President
2014-15 Board Members
Marco Bauelas, President
Sam Heintz, Vice-President
Lucy Bond, Treasurer
Jennifer Meyers , Box Tops/Website
Stephanie Hayden, Directory/Website
Tammi Barnes, Fundraising
Ann-Marie Portera, Newsletter
Welcome to the 2014/15 school year. I hope you had an enjoyable and restful summer. We are all looking forward to
new and rewarding days ahead.
Children have settled into their routines with great anticipation and enthusiasm. The first four to six weeks of school is
called Normalization. During this time, the children are adjusting to their environment. This adjustment will take
time for the newer children who may be experiencing some separation anxieties. This is to be expected and is complete-
ly normal. Using our carpool service and allowing us to help your child to his/her class makes this transition go much
more smoothly.
It was so good to see so many of you at Open House and New Parent Information Nights. The Classroom Orientation
Evenings are coming up soon. For children in Pre-1, P1, P2 and P4 it will be on September 4th, 7 until 8 pm. for chil-
dren in Pre-2, Pre-3, P5 and P6 it will be on September 9th, 7 until 8 p.m.
All of the Elementary Classrooms will be
September 11th, from 7 until 8 p.m. Communication is a key when having a successful Parent/Teacher relation-
ship. FMA strongly encourages you to attend these informative meetings. Babysitting will be available.
Please mark your calendars for the first Elementary Early Release day which will be on September 9th at 12:00. Ele-
mentary extended care will be from 12-6:30p.m. on that
day. Check the School Calendar for any In-Service, Extended
Care Only, or Closed Days. We will e-mail reminders to you
and also post these days on the front door a few days in ad-
We are excited to announce that this years Elementary Musi-
cal will be Annie. The musical will be held in November.
More information will follow.
The following are some of the upcoming school events that are
not on your school calendars.
The Scholastic Book Fair has been scheduled for the week of September 8th. Plan on shopping for those birthday
and holiday gifts. For every book you purchase, the school gets points to buy more books for the school.
Lifetouch Photography will be taking individual pictures on Thursday, September 18
. Photo Make-up Day, Tues
day, October 28
The Hearing, Vision and Speech Tests scheduled for October 9th, 14th and 15th, for children ages 4 and 5 years old,
and 1
, 3
, and 5
level students. We have also scheduled the Acanthosis Nigricians (Diabetes) screenings for our
, 3
and 5
levels. These tests are mandatory by the State. If you have not had your child tested by his/her pedia
trician, you may use this service for a small fee. More information will be forthcoming regarding these tests.
The After-School activities for our Extended Care children will begin in September. If you are interested in enrolling
your Extended Care child, you may pick up a registration form at the front office. The activities include the following:
Monday Sheenas Dance Academy
Tuesday Stretch-n-Grow
Wednesday Kidokinetics/Golf
Thursday TOTS (Teams of Tomorrow)
Friday Chess Club
Please remember, if you have any questions or concerns, my door is always open. We are looking forward to a reward-
ing and productive school year. As always, we want to thank you for your continued support.
Ms. Rosen
FMA Administrative Director
Directors Corner : Directors Corner : Directors Corner : Directors Corner :
Dont forget to save your
Box Tops for Education!!
Look for flyers in your Go Folder
to submit!
FMA teachers getting ready
for the new school year!
Our class of 2015!
Ms. McDonald heading to
Annie auditions!
How long have you been at FMA?
- I have worked at FMA since 2011.
What is your favorite thing to do?
- My favorite thing to do is be with my family. We like to eat
out, hike, play ftbol, swim, go bowling, play laser tag, visit
museums and attend ballet productions.
What was your favorite part of the summer?
- My favorite part of the summer is in the beginning of July.
We have lots of fun family oriented festivities, mini stay-cations to enjoy and, of course, fireworks.
What is your favorite color?
- I actually have two favorite colors, pink and orange.
Where have you traveled to and which place is your favorite?
- I have traveled to Mexico, Guatemala and throughout the United States. My favorite place to date is
Elk Point Campground in Vallecito, Colorado.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
- When I was a kid I wanted to be a professional ballerina.
What is your favorite sport and why?
- My favorite sport is Ballet because it requires strength, flexibility, agility, hard work, and LOTS of
What was your favorite book to read as a kid and do you have a favorite book now?
-My favorite book to read as a kid was the Amelia Bedelia series. She is such a literal character,
always taking every word at face value, never able to read between the lines and I still find her well-
intentioned antics heartwarming and hilarious! My favorite book now is the delightful autobiography
that my daughter Hailey wrote in third grade.
What was your favorite movie as a kid and what is your favorite movie now?
- My favorite movie as a kid was the Wizard of Oz and White Christmas. My favorite movies now are
the entire Marvel Series.
What special talents do you have?
- I am a ballerina, a 1/2 marathon runner, a Junior Olympian swimmer, an interior architect and
graphically inclined designer.
What subject did you like in school?
- My favorite subjects in school were science and art.
** Questions from some of her students **
Seora Leon
Elementary Spanish Teacher