Unit Plan Template

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course
Little Red Hen and Informational Unit
Little Red Hen and Informational Unit
Unit Author
First and Last Name Bridget Overton
School District Columbia Public Schools
School Name Mill Creek Elementary
School City State Columbia MO
Unit Overview
Unit Title
!ould you "el# the Little $ed "en%
Unit Summary
&n this unit students 'ill be able to com#are and contrast di(erent versions o) the long loved and
classic book *he Little $ed "en+ ,s they 'ork they 'ill also be able to decide i) they 'ould hel# the
hen or not and to give their reasoning+ Students 'ill be able to study and act out the book versions and
then be able to see the hard 'ork it takes by making bread and become reci#e 'riters introducing
ho' to books+
Subject Area
Language ,rts $eading Science
Grade Level
Aro!imate Time "eeded
. 'eeks
Unit #oundation
Tar$eted %ontent Standard& and 'enchmar(&
Common Core State Standards/ Literacy/
CCSS+EL,0Literacy+$L+-+1 !ith #rom#ting and su##ort com#are and contrast the
adventures and e2#eriences o) characters in )amiliar stories+
CCSS+EL,0Literacy+$L+-+3 !ith #rom#ting and su##ort identi)y characters settings
and ma4or events in a story+
CCSS+EL,0Literacy+$L+-+5 !ith #rom#ting and su##ort ask and ans'er 6uestions
about key details in a te2t+
Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
CCSS+EL,0Literacy+!+-+5 7se a combination o) dra'ing dictating and 'riting to
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Intel Teach Program
Essentials Course
com#ose o#inion #ieces in 'hich they tell a reader the to#ic or the name o) the book
they are 'riting about and state an o#inion or #re)erence about the to#ic or book
8e+g+ My favorite book is...9+
CCSS+EL,0Literacy+!+-+: 7se a combination o) dra'ing dictating and 'riting to
com#ose in)ormative;e2#lanatory te2ts in 'hich they name 'hat they are 'riting
about and su##ly some in)ormation about the to#ic+
"se a co#$ination o% drawing& dictating& and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely
lin'ed events& tell a$out the events in the order in which they occurred& and provide a reaction to
what happened.
)articipate in shared research and writing pro*ects +e.g.& e,plore a nu#$er o% $oo's $y a %avorite
author and e,press opinions a$out the#-.
ith guidance and support %ro# adults& e,plore a variety o% digital tools to produce and pu$lish
writing& including in colla$oration with peers.
CCSS+EL,0Literacy+SL+-+. S#eak audibly and e2#ress thoughts )eelings and ideas
Students should be able to su##ort their vie's 'ith e2am#les )rom the book and be
able to com#are and contrast characters and books+
MO.LO.3.1. Characteristics and Interactions of Living Organisms: There is a fundamental
unity underlying the diversity of all living organisms
Student Objective&)Learnin$ Outcome&
Students 'ill be able to/
7se com#rehension
*ell 'hat 'ho the author illustrators are and key elements o) a story are+
Com#are and contrast books o) similar #lots
7se technology in the classroom
%urriculum*#ramin$ +ue&tion&

!ould you hel# someone i) you 'ere asked to do something
you didn<t 'ant to%
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Intel Teach Program
Essentials Course
Do you think the hen 'ould hel# the other animals make
bread i) they 'ere making it%
&) you 'ere the hen 'ould you share the bread or kee# it )or
yoursel) or )amily%
!hat di(erent animals are used in the di(erent versions o)
the story%
&n 'hat 'ays are the di(erent stories o) the Little $ed "en
similar and di(erent%
&s making bread a di=cult task%
Do characters in a book have a big im#act on it%
!hat is the setting o) this book%
A&&e&&ment Plan
A&&e&&ment Timeline
'efore roject wor( be$in& Student& wor( on roject&
and comlete ta&(&
After roject wor( i&
'riting skills
and #ictures
A&&e&&ment Summary
*hroughout the unit there 'ill be discussion and use o) in)ormal assessments+ *here 'ill be time )or
higher level thinking in discussions to occur and )or me to observe the ans'ers+ *he use o) anecdotal
records 'ill be used to have a record o) ans'ers given )rom students+ Observation 'ill be used to see
ho' students 'ork together in grou#s to act out the book+ , )ormal rubric 'ill be used to assess the
student<s #ictures and 'riting on 'hy they chose 'hether or not to share the bread i) they made it+
!alking around using in)ormal 'riting checklists during this time is another 'ay that 'ill be used to
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Intel Teach Program
Essentials Course
Unit -etail&
Prere.ui&ite S(ill&
$etelling skills
!riting t'o or more sentences
$e>ection on reading
Making connections 'ith books
In&tructional Procedure&
Prior to &nstruction/
Make sure to ac6uire many di(erent versions o) *he Little $ed "en to be used in the
unit+ Pre#are co#ies )or hats to make o) the di(erent animals in the books+ ,sk )or
#arent volunteers to hel# make bread and ac6uire any materials needed )or bread
&ntroduce the essential 6uestion /ould you hel &omeone who a&(ed you to do
&omethin$ you really didn0t want to do1
Start a discussion on this to#ic and give some s#eci?c e2am#les/ take out the trash
'ash the dishes #ick u# trash that isn<t yours etc+ "old u# a #iece o) 'heat and ask
students i) they kno' 'hat it is+ "old u# the book *he Little $ed "en and ask students
based on the cover 'hat the book could be about+ ,sk students to turn and talk to
#artner about 'hat they think the book is about by using the )ront cover+ Call on a
)e' students to share 'hat they think the book might be about 4ust based on the
cover+ & 'ill 'rite some o) the #redictions on the smartboard+ &ntroduce the book title
author and illustrator and ask 'hat each do+ Begin by using a #icture 'alk 'ith the
book and continue talking about 'hat they see using the #ictures and 'hat it could
be about+ $ead the ?rst version o) the book you choose to start 'ith )or this lesson+
*hen discuss 'hether or not our #redictions o) the book 'ere correct or not+
$evie' 'hat the book 'e read yesterday 'as about and e2#lain that today they 'ill
be hearing a very similar story that is a little di(erent+ $ead another book o) *he Little
$ed "en+ ,)ter reading make a @enn Diagram on the smart board chart to com#are
the t'o di(erent stories 'e have read so )ar in class+ During this #ose the unit
Do you think the hen 'ould hel# the other animals make bread i) they 'ere
making it%
&) you 'ere the hen 'ould you share the bread or kee# it )or yoursel) or )amily%
!hat di(erent animals are used in the di(erent versions o) the story%
,llo' )or discussion and use 6uestioning to assess during this time and see 'ho is
actively #artici#ating in the activity+
"ave students go to t'o se#arate areas o) the room based on i) they 'ere the hen i)
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Intel Teach Program
Essentials Course
they 'ould let the animals eat the bread or not+ "ave the t'o grou#s collaborate to
come u# 'ith a )e' reasons 'hy they chose that s#ot+ *hen they 'ill 'rite in their
4ournals the reasons 'hy+ $evie' 'hat 'as taught in class+
$ead a ne' version o) *he Little $ed "en this time 'e 'ould listen to it by CD+ *hen
have a discussion and com#are the versions o) the book that have been read so )ar+
*alk about settings 'e have seen and 'rite those on the smart board then do the
same 'ith characters+
On Fridays students 'ill be able to 'rite in their 4ournals about *he Little $ed "en and
dra' #ictures on 'hat they have learned so )ar as a )un alternative )or )un Friday+
,llo' students to go to the com#uter lab and look u# a s#eci?c animal they 'ant to
act out and they have to get some in)ormation on the s#eci?c animal and tell me 'hy
they 'ant to act out that animal in the #lay+
Make the story relevant and make bread 'ith the students+ !hile starting the bread
'ith the #arent volunteers have students 'ho aren<t at the time making the bread do
the se6uencing activity on ho' to make bread+ *he reci#e is a great one that
re6uires #arent volunteers to take the bread home and bake to bring bake the ne2t
day 'hile taking #ictures to sho' the hard 'ork it takes at home too+ *hen the ne2t
day it can be shared 'ith the class during snack time+
& 'ill rent the &0#ads through the district and have students 'ork in #artners to make
ho' to books )or making bread+ & 'ill s#end a day 4ust teaching students ho' to use
the &0#ads and the care 'e take 'hen 'e use them allo'ing them to #lay around 'ith
them and introducing them to sna#guide+ Each #air o) students 'ill get to 'ork
together 'hile & model doing my o'n as 'ell be)ore sending them on their o'n+ *hey
'ill use the a## called sna#guide that allo's them to 'ork hard #ulling in our
common core standard )rom 'riting as 'ell because it is a )orm o) in)ormation
'riting+ !e 'ould then share these on the smartboard using air server they 'ill be
able to share directly )rom their &0#ads+ & 'ould do this most o) the day so students
can 'ork and share and it is a 'riting curriculum #art o) this reading lesson+
"ave students 'rite about their )avorite Little $ed book and tell 'hy it is their )avorite
version o) *he Little $ed "en+ Students should in)orm the readers o) their 'riting 'hy
they chose that book and give e2am#les+ & 'ould try my hardest to coincide this unit
'ith the o#inion 'riting in our 'riting curriculum+ *his 'ill be the #re assessment )or
the o#inion 'riting unit+ !hile coinciding this 'ith the 'riting unit students 'ill be
able to 7sing the 'riting sheet #rovided students 'ill be able to use the #rom#t
Bring students to car#et and re read the original version o) *he Little $ed "en+ *hen
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Intel Teach Program
Essentials Course
hand out a character hat that they can decorate to each student+ Pulling #o#sicle
sticks )or 'ho gets 'hat character i) there are more 'anting one animal over the
other+ *he animal the student makes the hat o) 'ill be the animal they act out )or the
#lay+ ,ct out the original book allo'ing every student to #artici#ate in acting out
there)ore going over the book several times+
On the last day & 'ill choose students using #o#sicle sticks )or di(erent 4obs+ !e 'ill
then #roduce the #lay and act out the ?rst book o) *he Little $ed "en 'e read 'hile
others are the #roducers 'ho use the &0#ad to record 'ith & Movie+ !e 'ill then share
on the smartboard 'ith students and be distributed to #arents via email+ *his may
take t'o days to edit based on ho' much gets done+
Start our in)ormation 'riting unit during 'riting+ Each student 'ill #air u# 'ith
another student and use the &0#ads to make a ho' to book on ho' to make bread+
Ste# by ste# each #air o) students 'ill use the a##AA+ On the &0#ad to hel# )orm it+ &t
'ill then be shared 'ith the class 'hen com#leted+ *his 'ill be the intro to our
in)ormation 'riting unit+
Students 'ill 'ork on their ho' to stories as a class over a #eriod o) time and in given
ste#s+ !hen 'e are ?nished 'e 'ill share 'ith our B
grade buddies and have a
'riting celebration )or #arents+
*o ?nish u# the unit 'e 'ill talk about the li)e cycle o) a hen and #rovide science
instruction on it+ !e 'ill also take a virtual ?eld tri# to look at hens+
Accommodation& for -i2erentiated In&truction
,dd modi?cations based on the student<s current &EP
Crou# student 'ith a #artner to com#lete 'ork
Provide the instructions to the student again
7se encouragement 'ith the student
&) student has a #ara make sure the #ara is a'are o)
Put student 'ith a #artner
7se visuals to hel# student understand
,llo' student to bring in their native language version o) the
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Intel Teach Program
Essentials Course
Students can buddy u# 'ith struggling students to be their
Cive student a 'riting #rom#t to com#lete about 'hat the
story 'ould be like i) it 'as the dog 'ho made the bread
"ave student use the &0Pad to make a #icture collage o) *he
Little $ed "en
3aterial& and Re&ource& Re.uired #or Unit
Technolo$y 4 Hardware 8Click bo2es o) all e6ui#ment needed9
Digital Camera
D@D Player
&nternet Connection
Laser Disk
Pro4ection System
@ideo Camera
@ideo Con)erencing E6ui#+
Other &#ad Smart Board
Technolo$y 4 Software 8Click bo2es o) all so)t'are needed+9

Deskto# Publishing
E0mail So)t'are
Encyclo#edia on CD0
&mage Processing
&nternet !eb
!eb Page Develo#ment
!ord Processing
Other Sna#guide
,da ,+ 8:FFG9+ !ith love the little red hen+ Ne' Hork/ ,theneum
Books )or Houng $eaders
Caldone P+ 851IB9+ The little red hen+ Ne' Hork/ San#i#er
McJueen L+ 851IB9+ *he little red hen+ Ne' Hork/ Scholastic
Muldro' D+ 8:FF59+ *he little red hen+ Ne' Hork/ Little Colden
Ottolenghi C+ 8:FF:9+ *he little red hen+ Ne' Hork/ Brighter
Sturges+ P+ 8:FF:9+ *he little red hen makes a #iKKa+ Ne' Hork/
Pu=n Publishing Com
2008 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Page of 8
Intel Teach Program
Essentials Course
Measuring Cu#
Measuring S#oons
$olling #in
Parents to hel# 'ith making bread
Programs o) the &ntelM Education &nitiative are )unded by the &ntel Foundation and
&ntel Cor#oration+
Co#yright N :FFO &ntel Cor#oration+ ,ll rights reserved+ &ntel the &ntel logo &ntel
Education &nitiative and &ntel *each Program are trademarks o) &ntel Cor#oration in
the 7+S+ and other countries+ POther names and brands may be claimed as the
#ro#erty o) others+
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