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EBIS Maths Department
Its great to have you a!"! We #$%% have a great year $& you' your parents' an( tea!hers a%% #or" together) We respe!t you an( e%$eve $n you) Har( #or"ers an( stu(ents' #ho put a %ot o& e&&ort $nto the$r #or"' #$%% get very &ar $n !%ass) Lets get the year starte(!!! Supp%$es *ee(e(+ ,) !a%!u%ators -on%y &or some %essons &or year . an( /' ut (a$%y &or year 01 2) eraser 3) pen!$%4pen 5) ru%er 6) protra!tor 7) !ompass .) tra!$ng paper /) g%ue 0) s!$ssors ,8) !o%ore( mar"ers Homework Home#or" $s the est pra!t$!e &or numera!y !%ass) Keep your #or" neat an( !%ear) I& your tea!her !ant rea( $t' he4she !ant mar" $t! 9our tea!her #$%% e !o%%e!t$ng your !opyoo"s per$o($!a%%y throughout the term) Ma"e sure your !opyoo"s are rea(y an( presenta%e at a%% t$mes) 9ou are respons$%e &or "eep$ng up #$th the (a$%y ass$gnments as your tea!her #$%% !he!" them (a$%y $n !%ass) Math ta"es essent$a%%y never:en($ng pra!t$!e $n or(er &or one to grasp the !on!epts) To e su!!ess&u% $n th$s !%ass' you must (o your home#or"! ;ra!t$!e ma"es per&e!t! So a%#ays rememer to pra!t$!e' pra!t$!e' pra!t$!e! The ru%es regar($ng the home#or" po%$!y' as ment$one( $n the stu(ent4parent' han(oo" #$%% e str$!t%y &o%%o#e() Be sure to !ome prepare( #$th your math oo"s an( !opyoo" (a$%y) We WILL have math every(ay so there $s no e<!use &or you not to r$ng your supp%$es) These oo"s (o e%ong to you' ut p%ease ta"e goo( !are o& them' as they shou%( %ast you the #ho%e year) Quizzes 9our tea!her #$%% e g$v$ng a =u$> e$ther on!e every #ee" or t#o #ee"s (epen($ng on your year %eve%) Support We have a support room an( h$gh%y =ua%$&$e( tea!hers to a$( spe!$a% nee(s stu(ents as #e%% as very %o# a$%$ty stu(ents) The EBIS Math (epartment e%$eves that math $s an $ntegra% part o& our stu(ents e(u!at$on an( there&ore #e #ant to ma"e sure that a%% o& EBIS Maths Department our stu(ents e<!e% at the$r $n($v$(ua% pa!e) I& you are as"e( to ?o$n support' you #$%% st$%% e part o& your !%assroom an( you #$%% have e<tra he%p oth (ur$ng the %esson an( somet$mes ta"en outs$(e the %esson &or more $n($v$(ua% he%p) 9our home#or" may e shortene(' ho#ever your =u$>>es an( e<ams #$%% e the same) 9ou may e as"e( to ?o$n or %eave support (ur$ng the year (epen($ng on the top$! an( your a$%$ty) Math Clinic Th$s year #e have a Math C%$n$! run y tea!hers as #e%% as stu(ents $ntereste( $n he%p$ng) It $s open at rea" an( %un!h &or home#or" he%p' stu(y$ng' an( p%ay$ng &un math games that #$%% strengthen your math a!"groun() I& you ever nee( he%p you #$%% a%#ays &$n( someone there to he%p you) Website Ks3mathe$s)#ee%y)!om The Math (epartment #es$te #$%% e up(ate( (a$%y #$th home#or" an( ne#s) ;%ease ma"e sure you !he!" $t o&ten) Classroom Behavior Policy: Wh$%e ea!h tea!her may have her o#n (eta$%e( !%assroom system' these ru%es genera%%y app%y a!ross the Math Department) ,) L$ne up outs$(e o& the !%assroom unt$% I a%%o# you $nto the !%assroom) 2) When you enter the !%assroom p%ease have your oo"' !opyoo"s' an( pens4pen!$%s rea(y) 3) S$t $n your seat =u$et%y an( $mme($ate%y eg$n on the (a$%y m$n$:=u$>4menta% starter pro%ems that you see on the oar() Have your home#or" out on your (es" so that I !an see $t (ur$ng th$s t$me) 5) Wa$t =u$et%y unt$% &urther $nstru!t$on $s g$ven) 6) @o%%o# ($re!t$ons the &$rst t$me they are g$ven) 7) Aa$se your han( an( #a$t &or perm$ss$on to spea") .) Stay $n your seat un%ess you have perm$ss$on to (o other#$se) /) Keep han(s' &eet' an( o?e!ts to yourse%&) 0) *o !urs$ng or name !a%%$ng) ,8) The e%%4!%o!" (oes not en( the %esson) I en( the %esson' so p%ease e respe!t&u%) ,,) 9ou must #ear your un$&orm) The s!hoo% po%$!y #$%% e str$!t%y &o%%o#e() ,2) 9ou may use the athroom (ur$ng %un!h or rea") *o athroom tr$ps (ur$ng my %esson!!! ,3) I& you are asent' p%ease as" a &e%%o# stu(ent &or more (eta$% aout the %esson you m$sse() I& you st$%% have =uest$ons' you may spea" #$th me a&ter !%ass) 9ou are respons$%e &or gett$ng your home#or" to me a&ter e$ng asent) ,5) I& you nee( to sharpen your pen!$%' you may get up an( =u$et%y (o so) I& you nee( a sharpener you may orro# m$ne) ,6) The ($s!$p%$ne ru%es $n the stu(ent4parent han(oo" #$%% e str$!t%y &o%%o#e(! BB Support stu(ents #hen %eav$ng the !%assroom must get up =u$et%y %eav$ng the$r oo" ags eh$n( an( on%y ta"$ng the$r !opyoo"s an( someth$ng to #r$te #$th) They EBIS Maths Department shou%( not ($srupt the$r !%ass or other !%asses a%ong the #ay) When the$r support %esson $s &$n$she( they must go a!" to the$r !%ass an( !o%%e!t the$r th$ngs) Year Th$s year you #$%% e ta"$ng the !he!"po$nt e<am) Th$s e<am g$ves you an( your parents an $(ea o& the %eve% you are at $n numera!y an( #hat to e<pe!t $n ;re:IC) It $s essent$a% that you eg$n ta"$ng stu(y$ng an( organ$>$ng your t$me ser$ous%y so you (o not &ee% over#he%me( $n Apr$%) Year ! Th$s year you #$%% e ta"$ng the ;re:IC e<am) Th$s $s the !ore part o& the ICCSE math e<am an( $t $s essent$a% that you (o not &a$% th$s e<am) @a$%ure #$%% resu%t $n hav$ng to re:ta"e the e<am the &o%%o#$ng *ovemer) The mar"s o& the ;re:ICCSE are ro"en up as &o%%o#s+ C H$ghest mar" D E @ C Lo#est ;ass$ng Mar" D @a$%ure E Dn gra(e( 9ear 0 stu(ents are urge( to ta"e the$r stu($es very ser$ous%y an( (o the$r home#or" (a$%y to "eep up #$th the &ast pa!e( !urr$!u%um) We %oo" &or#ar( to a great year #$th you a%%! EBIS Maths Department FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Stu(ent S$gnature FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ;arent S$gnature