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Maya Angelou High School
2014-2015 Class Syllabus Common Core GEOMETRY Textbook: California Geometry (Holt, Rinehart and Winston) Teacher: Ms. Sau Ying Chung Email: [email protected] Phone: (323) 846 4700 Course Description According to the Mathematics Framework for California Schools, students explore more complex geometric situations and deepen their explanations of geometric relationships, presenting and hearing formal mathematical arguments. Instructional time focuses on six critical areas: (1) congruence of triangles based on rigid motions; (2) similarity of triangles based on dilations and proportional reasoning; (3) circumference, area, and volume formulas; (4) application of the Pythagorean Theorem to the coordinate plane; (5) prove basic geometric theorems; and (6) extend work with probability. California Common Core State Standards Unit One CONGRUENCE G.CO.1213Make Geometric Constructions; G.CO.1 5 Experiment with Transformation in the Plane G.CO.6 - 8 Understand congruence in terms of rigid motions. G.CO.9 - 11Prove geometric theorems. G.MG.1 - 3 Modeling with Geometry: Apply geometric concepts in modeling situations. Unit Two SIMILARITY G-SRT.1 - 3Understand similarity in terms of similarity transformations G.SRT.4 - 5Prove theorems involving similarity. G.MG.1 - 3 Modeling with Geometry: Apply geometric concepts in modeling situations. Unit Three EXPRESSING GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES WITH EQUATIONS; CIRCLES GPE.4 - 7 Use coordinates to prove simple geometric theorems algebraically. G.C.1 - 5 Understand and prove theorems about circles; fnd arc lengths and areas of sectors of circles. GPE.1 - 2 Translate between the geometric description and the equation for a conic section. G.MG.1 - 3 Modeling with Geometry: Apply geometric concepts in modeling situations. Unit Four SIMILARITY, RIGHT TRIANGLES, AND TRIGONOMETRY Geometric Measurement and Dimension Conditional Probability and the Rules of Probability G.SRT.6 8.1Defne trigonometric ratios and solve problems involving right triangles. G.GMD.1 - 6Explain volume formulas and use them to solve problems; Visualize relationships between 2-D and 3-D objects. S.CP.1 - 5 Understand independence and conditional probability and use them to interpret data S.CP.6 - 9 Use rules of probability to compute probabilities of compound events in a uniform probability model. S.MD.6 - 7 Use probability to evaluate outcomes of decisions.
Letter Grade The nal !oint total and you" #o"$ "eco"d #ill dete"mine you" nal %"ade. &ou" su'(ect %"ade #ill 'e lo#e"ed i) the #o"$ "e*ui"ement is not met. +hec$ the on,line %"ade 'oo$ )o" you" !oint total. The nal %"ade )o" -l%e'"a . is 'ased on #ei%hted cate%o"ies: Category Weight /ui00es 1 2inal test ,,,,,,, 304 P"o(ect ,,,,,,, .34 -ssi%nments1+lass #o"$ ,,,,,,, .34 5otes1 6a"m u! ,,,,,, .04 Pa"tici!ations ,,,,,,, .04 Grading Scale: - 7 90 8 .004 9 7 80 8 89 4 + 7 70 8 79 4 : 7 60 8 69 4 2 7 9elo# 39.34 Please note: the class of 201 and !eyond re"uire a grade of a C or a!o#e for credit in core classes. $%&ectati ons .. 9"in% note'oo$; sha"!ened !encils and othe" assi%ned mate"ials e<e"y day. The"e is no !ass to you" loc$e". 2. =nce the "st 'ell is hea"d; 'e seated; and do the 6a"m, u!. 3. Ta$e do#n notes e<e"y day and !a"tici!ate in class acti<ities. 4. :o you" 'est to ans#e"; !"actice and tu"n in the home#o"$ !"o'lems in a timely manne". Please go to tutoring if you are having difculties. Do not wait. Classroo' (ules .. 9E P>EP->E:. +ome to class "eady to #o"$ and #ith a !ositi<e and "es!ect)ul attitude. 2. ?T-& ?E-TE:. 2ollo# the assi%ned seatin% a""an%ement. ?tudents not in thei" seats a)te" the second 'ell #ill 'e ma"$ed ta"dy. &ou a"e held "es!onsi'le )o" you" des$. ?tudents standin% u! 'e)o"e the dismissal 'ell "in%s lose all the !oints ea"ned du"in% the day. 3. 9E =5 T@AE. -)te" the second 'ell; ta"dy students #ithout a !ass o" summons must stand at the 'ac$ o) the "oom until told to sit do#n. The schoolBs ta"dy !olicy is st"ictly )ollo#ed. 4. A-C@A@DE +E-?? T@AE. Fse o) Gall Pass is 'ased on teache"Bs disc"etion. 3. 2=+F? =5 EE->5@5H. Phones; ma$e,u!; iPods; and othe" elect"onic %ad%ets; )ood; Ia<o"ed d"in$s; and unnecessa"y stuJ a"e 5=T allo#ed du"in% class. 6. 9E +-EA and >E?PE+T2FE. @n cases o) <iolations and dis"u!ti<e 'eha<io"; conse*uences (detention; cont"act; conscation; !a"ent con)e"ence; "e)e""al to dean) #ill 'e im!lemented acco"din%ly. 7. 9EG-KE @5 -E@H5AE5T =2 TGE 2@KE P@EE->?: +ou"tesy; ?el), +ont"ol; >es!ect; @nte%"ity; and Pe"se<e"ance. )ssign'e nts @n,class -cti<ities: 6a"m,u!s; 5otes; Gandouts; +lass 6o"$; @ndi<idual L H"ou! 6o"$ -ssessments: P"etests; Gome#o"$ /ui00es; +once!t /ui00es; +ha!te" Test; )!sen ces @t is eMt"emely im!o"tant )o" students to 'e in class e<e"y day. ?tudents a"e eM!ected to 'e in school *+ o) the time. That means they can ha<e no mo"e than 7 a'sences total. 6hen a student is a'sent; it is his1he" "es!onsi'ility to in*ui"e a'out home#o"$ missed du"in% a'sences. - sli! )"om the -ttendance =Nce is "e*ui"ed )o" a'sent students to ma$e u! missed #o"$ o" a test. This ma$e,u! #o"$ must 'e done #ith,in a #ee$ o) the a'sence(s). Eate #o"$ may o" may not 'e %"aded; de!endin% on teache"Bs disc"etion. @t is the studentBs "es!onsi'ility to ma$e u! his1he" *ui00es and tests due to an eMcused a'sence(s The Co''on Core ,i-erence The shi)t )"om +- ?tate ?tanda"ds to +ommon +o"e ?tate ?tanda"ds (++??) "e!"esents an em!hasis on )ocus and cohe"ence. 6ith )e#e" to!ics to co<e"; students #ill ha<e mo"e time to focus and #o"$ dee!e" #ith s!ecic to!ics. +ontent to!ics a"e ca"e)ully se*uenced ac"oss the %"ades and the ++?? domains to c"eate a %"eate" coherence in ho# mathematics is tau%ht. 9esides the content standa"ds; ++?? also int"oduces 8 Aathematical P"actices ?tanda"ds. These content standa"ds and mathematical !"actice standa"ds #o"$ to%ethe" to de<elo! mathematical unde"standin%; eM!e"tise; s$ills; and $no#led%e 8 #hat students need to $no# and 'e a'le to do. (+- ++?? 2"ame#o"$; ! 3) 6hat this means )o" you child is a shi)t in #hat a student must demonst"ate to succeed. ?tudents must 'e a'le to sho# his1he" conce!tual unde"standin%O 'e com!utationally !"ocientO and 'e a'le to a!!ly #hat s1he has lea"ned. @nitially; students may "eact ad<e"sely to the demands o) "i%o" to thin$; !e"se<e"e th"ou%h !"o'lems; and de<elo! !"o'lem,sol<in% s$ills. Pa"ents #ill ha<e to nd ne# #ays to su!!o"t thei" child and encou"a%e him1he" to ta$e e<e"y o!!o"tunity to !"actice; %et hel!; and maste" the math !"actices and content standa"ds. No matter how much work s/he has completed, the student will pass the class only if s/he can demonstrate his/her conceptual understanding, procedural skill, math fuency, and apply what s/he has learned. The work counts in as much as it leads to understanding only. The standa"di0ed testin% has also chan%ed to "eIect this shi)t. ?tudents #ill 'e tested in the .. th %"ade o<e" thei" mathematical cou"se #o"$ )o" the !ast th"ee yea"s o) hi%h school. The test is no lon%e" a !a!e",and,!encil; multi!le, choice test only; 'ut an inte"acti<e on,line test that as$ )o" "es!onses that eM!lain "easonin% and solutions. The *uestions a"e also ada!ti<e meanin% that they chan%e to "eIect you" childBs a'ility and $no#led%e. Please %o on, line and loo$ at the "elease *uestion and1o" sam!le test at the ?ma"te" 9alance #e'site. -s students a"e eM!osed to ++?? in ea"ly %"ades; this t"ansition #ill 'e minimal. To hel! the students; the school oJe"s )"ee tuto"in% a)te" school )"om the math teache"s that a"e )amilia" #ith this cu""iculum shi)t. Please su!!o"t and encou"a%e you" child to %"o# and ada!t to this shi)t. Ay ho!e is to #o"$ #ith you to ma$e this yea" a !"oducti<e and success)ully yea". @ ha<e sho#n the sylla'us to my !a"ent1%ua"dian and #e ha<e "ead and unde"stood the class "e*ui"ements and "ules. PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPP ?i%natu"e o) !a"ent1%ua"dian :ate PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPP ?i%natu"e o) student :ate Class Sylla!us (ecei&t ++ Heomet"y Pe"iod: PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ?tudentBs 5ame PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ?tudentBs Ao'ile Q PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ?tudentBs ?i%natu"e PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Pa"ent1Hua"dian PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Gome1 Phone Q PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 6o"$1+ell Phone Q PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Email o) PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Pa"ent1Hua"dian ?i%natu"e PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP :ate PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPP @s the"e anythin% you #ould li$e me to $no#R Please do not hesitate to email at [email protected]