2 - Kaal Gyan Siddhi
2 - Kaal Gyan Siddhi
2 - Kaal Gyan Siddhi
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Second I ssue
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 2 | P age |
The Divine Holy Lotus Feet of
Param Poojya Sadgurudev Dr. Shri Narayan Datt Shrimali JI
( Paramhansa Swami Nikhileshwaranand ji )
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 3 | P age |
Tantra kaumudi e-magazine
Arif Khan Nikhil
Can be contacted through e mail
[email protected]
www.Nikhil-alchemy2.blogspot.com & Nikhil_alchemy yahoo group
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 4 | P age |
Name of the Articles Page #
1. General rules 5
2. Editorial 6
3. Sadguru Prasang 7
4. Shree Singh Ganpati Sadhana 18
5. Dattarey sadhana 20
6. Kaal gyan aur jyotish sandrabh 25
7. Muslim tantra Hamzaad Siddhi 34
8. Mahakali sadhana 43
9. Dreams indication and mantra siddhi 47
10. Ikshamrityu sadhana 53
11. Kaal sankalan ya vikhandan 56
12. Kaal Gyan aur Shakun shahtra 62
13. Mantra yog se kaal gyan 68
14. Panchanguli Sadhana 73
15. Hypnotism (sammohan) se kaal gyan 78
16. Soota Rahshyam Part 2 89
17. A yurveda 98
18. Saral lakshmi prayog 99
19. We have got a mail - You said it 100
20. In the End 102
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 5 | P age |
This free e magazine available only to the follower register in the
blog Nikhil-alchemy2.blogspot.com. and also nikhil-alchemy groups
memeber . the article appear here, are / will be based on the divine wisdom
of SadGurudev Dr Shri Narayan Dutt Shrimali ji , and his sanyasi shishyas .
we as a your fellow guru brother, here just providing words to their thought. For
the address of these mahayogis are not known to us, as they all are
wondering saints.
The sadhana and mantra appeared / mentioned in any article can be practiced ,on
your own responsibility, if would be much better ,if prior related diksha ,and
permission and direction ,guidance opt from sons of poojya paad sadgurudevji .
Poojya Gurudev Shri Nandkishor shrimali ji,
Poojya Gurudev Shri Kailash Chandra shrimali ji,
Poojya Gurudev shri Arvind shrimali ji,
can be contacted at Jodhpur Rajasthan(India).
Please do not ask us for any type of sadhana related material, and also for Diksha related
Queries , for that you have to contact directly poojya guru Trimurti at jodhpur.
Since sadhana is a very complex matter for success and failure of any
sadhana mentioned in any article here , many things required , to get success , thats
why ,we do not take any responsibility in this connection. we also request, not to do
any sadhana ,which is adverse and not permitted as per legal, morel, society belief.
This e magazine will be published monthly. You are receiving this magazine
,means that you are accepting the term and condition . at any time , you can
withdraw your registration . this e magazine just a forum to share knowledge
between us (All guru brother and sister of Sadgurudev ji),
if still any one raises ,question regarding the authenticity of articles
published here , for them treat all articles just as a fiction and a ear say.
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 6 | P age |
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 7 | P age |
In Sadgurudev ji presence ,Without any
hesitation simply put my question in
his divine holy feet , and many times I
received answer of mine queries even
much before I put them. One such a
occasion when I was sitting in his
divine presence, very politely I asked
Gurudev what is the bench mark of
shishyta (being a true disciple). ?
How a shishy can become kaljayi ( one
who control kaal i.e .samay)?
And when his shishyta (discipleship)
became reaches its truthiness in real
What is the meaning of kaal?
Can we get victory / control over kaal?
After asking the questions I was just
saliently watching his face full of divine
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 8 | P age |
radiance .
Than Sadgurudev ji very lovingly and
blissfully replied me that to become a
shishy or to absorbs the true shishytas
quality is very difficult ,thats the
reason many of the sadhak due to
emotion take Diksha but their chetna
(mental quality) does not keep stand
still on the bhav bhumi of shishyta .
thats why lacking of such ability ,their
life also not reach purntav (full and true
meaning of life).
That we all know that human body is
made of panch maha bhut ( basic five
great element ) means that prathvi
(earth) ,jal (water) , gagan(sky),
vayu(air) ,agni(fire) . Butt his creation
happened only on the physical level
and till than these panch mahabhut
associated with five element , spiritual
or mental progress can not be possible
.understand that way until that
panchbhut get Sanskarised(a special
way to purified) till than sadhak
/ person lives only on the general plain
and his life is based on Annmaykosh
(one of the special five body lies in
human body).and his suppressed
vasnaye (unfulfilled wishes )lies in base
root of his Annmay kosh .if sadhak truly
want to achieve highness and
completeness in his life than he has to
go for Annmaykosh to Pranmaykosh
and from that to anomay kosh(another
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higher body).
Theses are the five element by which
the Sanskar of pannch mahabhut can be
done . but here the true secretive aspect
of theses five element is need to be
understand instead of their material
meaning .
In reality what we understand the
meaning of veda, vedas real meaning
are very secretive, and veda that they
are in existence today their kriyatmak
paksha is being kept secretive. Their
highly effective mantra mentioned in
that very secretive way, only the reason
that any misuse of that could not be
possible. Like that way punished and
purna should be practiced ,not only by
the way of only reading. Veda are
Apourushey meant that they are not
made by any human nor devi , daivta
.upnishad are the elaboration of veda
through which general masses can
associate themself with the highly
effective ,secretive gyan of veda.. but in
reality what we understand the
meaning of vead and purna and
upnishad is just a shadow .since to
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understand that we have to became
shrut .
If I literally define what is shrut , that is
.. to attentively listening the experience
of any great person and absorbs that
facts and experience in our life in
full/ true sense is shrut. And without
applying the this gyan if we express
others than that becomes smriti. What
we have got directly and what other get
from us there is much difference.
Your knowledge/ talk till become
smiriti until you experienced in the
same way as you have been told , and
after that real experiencing if we pass
this gyan to other than that becomes
converted to smiriti to shruti .
Any kriya (action ) by which In true and
in full sense absorbing any knowledge
is possible is known as shrut.
That is misfortune of this country that
we are living in memory smiriti
instead of shruti .means we have not
experienced any thing but what we
listen from our forefather and still
living and absorbing in base less ego .if
our country was a golden bird then we
first experience that and than we have
to told / pass this too others. but we
never tries to understand guru s gyan
and chintan (mental foresightedness )
in practically. And that happens since
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we live in smiriti not in shruti. Todays
dharma also in misunderstood forms
only because of smiriti. What the
founder had said to us ,we had not
taken the meaning what he wants to say
we take that according to our limited
way. through adding to our limited
thought to shruti we converted that in
The downfall of spirituality also
happened because of that . what
Bhagvaan Krishna told us in Gita if we
truly understand that , what is the
necessitates of so many teekas (books
containing the meaning of that ). That
simply show that we have taken the
meaning of his divine word through our
understanding. if that happens than we
is the meaning of that . than the said
teeka becomes smiriti for us. Without
understanding the true real managing
chintan how we can understand what
is the real meaning of gita.
We falsely behave that we are the
shishya and without
understanding/ absorbing the real
meaning of that if we spread that than
its natural that kriyatmak dosha will
come. basic root soul of that almost
Whenever in our life ours paanch bhut
get sankarised than all our atoms
energized and we through becoming
one to gurus chetna achieve fullness and
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 12 | P age |
completeness in life than we not onl;y
receive gyan but it has been absorbs in
our pranschetna (souls ).
There are three main necessary things
need to have ..be human ,be ready to
learn , to have Sadgurudev.
We can only understand and absorbs in
heart the true meaning of veda ,purna
and upnishad only if we became truly
shrut. Life get fortunate if we became
shrut. and completeness can be only
achieved. Through shriti , chaitnyata
and jagrat ( complete awakening and
mental attentiveness) can be gained.
When we be with this panchch
mahabhut Sanskar ,than there is no
difference between him and us.
Through direct contact to him , we
always get the authentic gyan kriya its
not the matter where our guru is .than
there is no isht, we became our self isht.
we our self become the fountain , than
there is no other meaning of guru vaky
and veda opens us since we receive
their true chintan (real meaning). And
practically get successful.
But shishytav only can be achieved if we
set aside completely our ego and fully
became mumukshu , and offer
ourselves to gurus lotus feet. and than
all the holy teerth visible in his lotus
feet and also through their divine hand
we get sanskarised our panch bhuta.
Than we became shriti and through that
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we absorbs essence and flow onward
that essence. this shruti kriya happened
not only through ear but all our five
karamendriya and gyannedriya work
together than true shishytav achieved
all the secretive doors of sadhana
opens us, than completeness finally
achieved us.
And the question of kaal or becoming
kaaljayi , we need to understand tantra
Tantra is not based on dev vaad. But in
the beginning this made a person to
worshipper of shakti . thats the grass
root fact that through either
worshipping various different daivta
and lastly worship param shakti whom
tri dev also worship or directly taking
help from gurus lotus feet reach to
param shakti, understand this way, why
we worship various different daivta just
to gain shakti/ power. And from where
that daivta give you power? He also
receive that from param shakti. So
worshipping directly that pram shakti
is not better.
Tantra believes in only two
section man and woman. And all the
power of man is also comes from the
param shakti, brahmas creative power,
Vishnu caring power and destruction
power of shiv where it comes from ,
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from that param shakti . parammaba is
the centre of all the shakti in universe.
Rising from pashu bhav to reaching veer
bhav is through a process known
tantra. And that not stop here it raise
sadhak upto daivtv bhav. Becoming/
reaching that is the real true meaning
of being a taking birth as a human. this
the fact when we raise our existence
root to spread it that in whole universe.
This experience can not be define ,this
experience is beyond the limit of time
and place.
This can only be understand when
our mind reaches its completeness and
this became possible only when we do
kriya and mantra jap as directed by our
guru, theses mantra awaken the
dormant power inside us. And gives us
a new direction to our mental
attentiveness . this is well known fact
that when we do jap of any mantra ,
energy gets generated in any amount
.and also various geo metrical shape
also created that we can not see
through hour naked eyes, theses figure
are not imaginary one.
In tantra kriya , it is not advocated to
suppress our feeling sand wishes but to
accept that since tantra knows that
through suppression various mental
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dieses can be possible, to break all the
bounding string of the mind and move
freely in his way is the basic aim of
tantra. To free from all the bonding and
pasha and become energized through
self energy is the aim of tantra. The
universe is created by that energy. The
flow of energy is starts from that metal
awaking point and theses all we know
that the expansion of bindu is the
universe. When we expanse bindu the
circle is created, and in the
circumference of that time ,
gap(space),aim, bhavatit chetna
(transdentional meantal attentiveness
lies. And the bindu at the centre
represent that pram shakti through
that atiindriyta can be achived.
Time and space both are in the mind .in
reality they are both apart , if one lies in
the end than others on the other end.
One represent shiv other is shakti.
When we contact our bindy lies in
physical body to our trikut though our
pranuschetana ( menatal attentiveness)
or say that raise bindu to upward
motion than on trikut .shiv and shakti
kaal and space meets . and through this
meeting or adding ,a explosion occurs,
by that energy ,mind / man is divided in
uncountable parts. All theses single
part can create a new universe. and this
expansion can became a sadhak
universal un limit. and that is the
ultimate goal / aim of the tantra. and
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this stage also called kaal jayi stage.
Where the sadhak after attaining all the
ultimate power still behave a fellow to
nature and help her. Now this depend
upon the sadhak that how far he can
expand himself in this kaaljayi stage.
Is that any special kriya for achieving
that .i again questioned.
Yes it is why not. If daily two hours
reciting/ chanting of a special mantra for
continuous 21 days through full
concentration if any sadhak does and
also reach to Sadgurudev holy feet in
person and ask to have this
than very compassionate Sadgurudev
through giving this great Diksha to him
, clears a way to go for this great holy
path to become purntav. Than no
kriyas related to tantra is became
secretive to him. success definitely
achieved by that sadhak. In real sense
he became shrut ,so time and distance
dose not matters for that, he can ever
get directly gyan from Sadgurudev any
place and any time reaches the ultimate
heights of shishyta.
Than he gave me the mantra and
on appropriate time, the mantra still
with me and the foundation of what
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ever achieved by me till date. new page
of secretive gyan opens that day to me.
I am here mentioning you the same
mantra after praying to Sadgurudev ji.
Mantra :
Aing hreeng kleeng praan utthay
chaitanya kleeng hreeng aing phat.
When ever any curiosity comes, without
any hesitation I put in front of
Sadgurudev ji and get the solution of
that why all of you do not do that way.
Through that completeness in life and
reaching to siddhshram is possible. Still
are you thinking ?
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friend ship can be tested on the time of need, true friends are more valuable
and lovable than brother , friendship also affects you thats why choose friend
very wisely.s .... Aachary chanakya
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 18 | P age |
In bhartiya sadhana kram i.e. way
of life who is not knew about
bhagvaan ganpati ,who is sarv
vardyak (every boon giver), sarv
mangal dayak ( every blissful
condition creator ), 12 well
known name are a essential part
of starting any sadhana by every
sadhak. This special form of
almighty can be made/ created
every possible way a human mind
can thinks and also Bhagvaan
Ganpati form are available every
where in different ,different forms
and type. Bhagvaan Ganesh is
present in every shakti peeth
though forms may be different but
he is there to fulfill every sadhak
wish and clearing the way for his
success. One of such a form of
Bhagvaan ganesh is Shree SINGH
GANPTI form, when like a loins
force power and fearlessness is
added to this form of shree
Ganesh than why not the sadhak
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 19 | P age |
of that be with same quality. Than
fearlessness , forcefulness are the
part of sadhak personality. Than
success is a way of life for the
sadhak since when every boon
giver Bhagvaan is with him . this
sadhana can be started from
night of any Wednesday specially
after 11 PM and is of 11 days
only. This sadhana you need to
place siddh Ganpati yantra in
front of you and red colored
aasan and red colored clothes is
required for this sadhana .This
dhyan(mental prayer) have to be
done in the beginning.(offer sindur
before and after the dhyan )
Veena kalap latamri ch dakshe
vidhante karee vamo taam rasam
ch ratn kalashm sanmanjari chaa
Shundadandal sanmrgendra
vadah shankhendu guar shubho
divyadratna nibhanshulo ganpatih
payat sanah||
Then do panchopchar poojan mentally
And do mantra jap of 11 round of
rosary with sphatik rosary for next 11
night continuously.
Mantra -om singh ganpatye
namah .
You will also move forward to have
same forcefull and effective personality
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 20 | P age |
When I became completely
hypnotized with attraction towards
Tantra field, I went on. With a wish to
run away from home, I started
roaming here and there. At some
point of time, I reached to Girnaar.
Have heard that the Siddhas could be
found in that region, but there was
something else in my mind. After
reaching at mountain range, took
blessings of lord Bhavnath. The
atmosphere of surroundings was
strange. Some Naga sadhus were
roaming here there.
At many places the Stuti of Bholenath
was going on.
Your strange surroundings have
made a strange play, no body had
understood you, a sage came to the
A real fact. Who had been able to
understand the world of siddha
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 21 | P age |
Girnar, the residence of siddh
Dattatrey looks a like a face of some
sage from distance. Climbing a strais, I
was wondering about God dattatrey,
the Maha siddha which was
compound of shiva, Vishnu and
bramhas power; the one who gave
proper establishment of Aghor
sadhanas.; The one who were ancient
accomplished men. Pillar of Naga and
nath sect. and at that same moment
voice came from behind Hari om tat-
sat jai gurudatt, A group of sadhu
were seated lost in their own joy. This
had been heard many times but every
time, dont know why I used to think
that these are not just a word but
something special in it, went ahead
while wondering this. The secret of
siddh people do not been revealed so
simply, lost in this thought, I reached
to a mountain peak.
Hardly of 10 feet, had that peak
used to be residence of God Datt. It is
said that he is still alive in his body
and give Darshan at this place
sometime, at that time only a voice
came from behind Hari om tat-sat jai
gurudatt. I looked back; a naga sadhu
was there with a peacock feather in
his hand, scary look, long hairs and
obis. Looking at me he smiled a bit
and then went back into the forest.
This time I became a bit nervous, but
then too I removed this thought by
taking it as co incidence. Took
blessing of god Gurudatts foot stamp,
I started went back. But those words
were running in my ears. In some
hours when I reach down, I was tired
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 22 | P age |
badly. The time went past evening
and was about to dark. Went ahead
with a though to go back in city, at
both side of the road it was a dark
forest. And at the same moment, cant
say from where a Aghori came. From
the road side, he turned and started
towards forest. 5 feet far from me, do
not know why but I too went beside
him. In some steps only when I looked
a while.it ca not happenhe was
just herein a second he was invisible
in airand a word were fold eco
Hari om tat-sat jai gurudatt. It was
not far to understand that it was a
message from nature to me. And I
started researching on this Maha
mantra, but the answer which can
satisfactory trouble shoot my mind,
couldnt be received anywhere.
Well, after some years when the
topic went towards this in discussion
with sadgurudev, I became very
surprised. Sadgurudev said this is the
base mantra od Dattatreya. Yog
mantra tantras are incorporated in
this mantra. This alone single mantra
can give basic siddhis to the very high
level siddhis. And that some nath
yogis do accomplished Jalgaman and
vayugaman even through this
mantra. After that he made me
understood many process of this
mantra which are to be kept secret.
From which one used to be for kaal
gyanm. Quickly I decided to do this
sadhanaas was willing to know a
secret which I was searching from
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7 . |
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 23 | P age |
And that last day of sadhana, was just
slept after mantra chanting. Certainly
a fragrance started floating in air, till
the time I come out of this strange
feeling, before that second fragrance,
thirdforththat way nine different
fragrances kept on floating. I was
willing to see what is happening by
coming out of bad but the body had
become faint. Before I come to
conciousness, 9 different shadows
came to existence, in dark I wasnt
able to see completely but they were
in dress of sages. Certainly my
memory made me remember a
sentence of gurudev in dattatrey
sadhana sometimes 9 Nath even gives
darshan in shukshma Swaroop. So,
are they 9 Nath? At that time all 9
shadows became invisible and a ball
of light existed in front. It was
indescribable joy of light. In some
time only, that light went inside me.
And I felt a bit shock. For a while I
remained unconsciousness. Woke up
in a strange joy and went towards
window. alakh bum bum, khushi
rahe hard um shivjoyi speaking
this, I took a smoke. It was raining out
side, the drops of the rain were
looking like million stars are coming
to earth from sky to be with me in this
joywith no reason a smile came on
my lipsand why it do not
comeyears passed off, but the secret
I wanted to know been knew now.
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V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 24 | P age |
For kaal gyan maha mantra has a kind
of this process. Prepare a lamp from a
cows clarified butter and make Soot.
While preparing that soot keep on
chanting Hari om tat-sat jai
gurudatt .Then take a mirror and
place it in front of your eyes. Make a
dot of that Soot prepared, in the
mirror. The distance between you and
mirror should be one and half to two
feet. Sit in padmasana with gyan
mudra. First pray lord dattatrey for
success in the sadhana and then
looking at the dot chant Hari om tat-
sat jai gurudatt mantra for 3 hours.
Need not of any rosary. In whole
room only light should be of a lamp.
Mantra chanting should be done after
11 PM only. With all rules of sadhana,
this should be continuing for 21 days.
Slowly one will start looking various
scenes and if sadhana is completed in
proper way, sadhak gets capacity to
see past present and future like a film.
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Do not seek experience in the meditation The path to god is not a circus so
that various vision will be shown for your entertainment
Parmahansa Yoganand
, 4| +| 1 | ,
5? .
V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 25 | P age |
Kaal or time in rough sense is a
unbreakable link which never break,
it is us who, who divided it in three
part present, past, future, some
says only present exists and past
and future have no sense. Since
there existence is nowhere. Some
says only past and future exist ,
present is no where, since it is just a
line where future become past, say
1, as you speak, till that, is part of
past. present is just s transition.
I remembered once some ones
asked swami viveakanad ji, are you
swamiji not getting late. he
replied, my son you live in time, I
| , d *
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| | | | *
| 4|
| |
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| 1
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V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 26 | P age |
live in timeless time.
So kaal gyan should not be consider
only reading knowing the future
date of any event going to happen.
But its a science by which you can
learn about yourself that what are
the tendency hidden in you and
what will be the out come, so
through various means you can
reduce or accelerate it, as par the
Destiny/ Fate is already fixed :
If everything is fixed than what is the
need of guru , sadhana, mantra, etc.
just leave on almighty and wait, since
all these serve no purpose. Someone
asked to his master. His master asked
him, just lift one leg, his disciples did
as he ordered. His master replied,
when I asked you to lift one leg, it
depend upon you totally whether
you could lift, left or right leg, this is
the matter of your choice and when
you lift left legs, now you cannot lift
at the same time right leg, since it is
fixed, so is the case of karma(you
have a choice., once you do that, its
result bound to happen, so it is the
case with the karam result, say
either fate, destiny , whatever you
can say.
Simple Astrological points:
Here n this article mentioning some
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 27 | P age |
very simple astrological point (not
carrying any difficult combination or
description)you can check with your
horoscope and find it will help you
to understand yourself.
1. If Saturn planet is in 3 rd
house , means you are the
younger among your brothers,
and you can have younger
sister. And you will face a lot
of trouble from your elder
brothers, or not much support
from the.
2. If moon is in fourth house
,surely in your work field
related to general masses,
means a lot of people come
into contact, you cannot be
3. If Jupiter in eight house ,later
or sooner you will be
interested to occult sciences,
interested in yoga etc.
4. If mercury planet is in fifth
house, than you will be much
interested in business.
5. If Venus is very far away in
horoscope from mars and very
close to Jupiter than you will
not much interest in worldly
6. If Jupiter is with Venus or its
| =
7 B
1. |
| , | |
1 | 7 B
2. =5
H | /
| | .|
F |
4. F
| |
5. H ,
| 7 F |
6. H H 7P
V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 28 | P age |
aspect on Venus than he will
have no interest in sense
7. If fourth house have a aspect
of exalted Jupiter ,than person
will be very wise.
8. If Jupiter is in 5 t bhav or in 7
th bhav or in 9 th bhav , any
wrong doing is done by the
person, he will have much pain
in his soul.
9. If Saturn is in 1
bhav, ot in 4
th bhav or in 8 th bhav, he has
to work very hard.
10. If Saturn is in 4
or in 7 th or
in 11 th person will be very
11. If Jupiter is strong than
person will have faith in god,
religious activity.
12. Person born in Aquarius
lagan will like to live very
13. If Venus is with moon then
person will have very energies
mental capacity.
14. If moon is with ketu is not
consider good for metal
15. If mercury in in sixth than he
=5 F | |
c @ .|
c /( P |
9. ,
10. ,
11. +
12. c
13. H ,=5 |
H |
14. =5 , |
H | |
V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 29 | P age |
will win his enemy with his
16. If moon ,Jupiter, and mercury
is in one bhav the person will
have excellent memory.
17. If is in Aquarius lagan and
rahu is there , person will be
having philosophical nature.
and will be having very shy
18. If mars is in 6
or 7
or on
10 th bhav , person will be
having short temper.and lots
of hair on his body.and strong
19. If lagnesh (lord of lagna) is
in 2,5,8,11, sign than he will
undertake no / less travel.
20. If venus is in 12 th bhav
person will attain very
richness, and if in 6 th than
also have sufficient money for
his living .
21. Jupiter is in 9 th or 10 th
bhav ,person will have
philosophical nature.
22. Moon is in Taurus sign, the
person will not change his
mind very easily.
23. If ketu is in lagna, person will
15. ,
1 |
16. , =5
1 |
| H
1 1 , |
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19. , ,
| |
20. H
c ,
1 |
22. 1 =5
| |
V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 30 | P age |
have some amazing exp.
24. Mercury or in Jupiter is in 4
th bhav shows very good
education career.
25. If Saturn is with moon
person will have a lot of
compassionate character.
26. If , Saturn ,mars. rahu, sun
like planet is in 3
bhav or in 9
th bhav , than person will take
bold decision.
27. If Saturn is in 3
bhav than
person will face all type of
struggle, only than get success.
and also that he usually lives
in ancestral house.
28. If rahu is in lagna, than
person thinking will not be
easily understand by his near
and dear one.
29. If Very strong malefic
planet in 12 th bhav, person
nature be very kind hearted.
30. If Venus is in 2ndbhav than
the person will strongly
attached to opposite sex.
31. Mars and Venus if found in
any bhav ,the person/ child
must be brought up in
religious environment.
24. =5
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25. @ H
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26. ,
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| |
28. |
| |
1 |
30. H | 4
c |
31. H |
/ |
V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 31 | P age |
32. If week moon is in
horoscope than eye and
stomach problem will be
33. If some planets is in fixed
sign ,an some in movable then
person will be having many
34. Saturn and sun is in one
bhav or Saturn and sun is in
to each other, person has to
face many difficulty from
father side, means pitra sukh
will be very less.
35. Person born in April may
have strong aatam power
since sun is strong so person
born in oct and nov will face
little more hard ship since sun
is very weak in that month.
36. Strong mars gives you
courage and patience and very
,very strong mars turn you too
religious nature. weak
marsgives very shorttemper
and tendency to suicide .
37. If Jupiter is anyway related
to 10 th bhav, any of teaching
will be apart of his work.
38. If any bhav and more than
one bhav is totally vacant
between all the all the planet
32. =5 , |
| 1
33. T 1
| |
1 |
35. = |
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,4 =
36. ,
c c
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,1 1 ,cc |
, |
H ||
38. T|
| B
V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 32 | P age |
(in between continuous)than
success will be attain part by
39. If rahu is in 2 nd bhav,
person some times will use
very hard word on his
respected one or religious
person/ things.
40. If second bhav is having
Jupiter, mercury , venus , or
having aspect on that ,person
voice will be soft and
embedded with meaning and
41. If mars is in 7 th,or in8th
or11 th bhav person will be
good in logical talk.
So some simple astrological point ,
those I found while studying in this
subject ,not metioninghere for
starting any debat purpose but just
for help and still you want to know
more ,try to consult with any expert
in this science.but a word of caution,
pleases do not take it as it is, and
nothing change cannot be happened,
we have given one surya sadhana
related to aakarshan to not only
planet sun but other the remaining
planet too, also have afaith that god
has given you mental power and
divine sadhana too so why not use
| 1 |
40. H @ |
7P | P 7
H |
= 7 | =
7 =
| ,
7 |
7 ,
= | |
, | |
| T|
| , |
1 | +
H |
V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 33 | P age |
that and remove many misery of
1 = |
7 ,
| 4| | |
work unto death- I am with you, and when I am gone ,my spirit will work
with you, this life comes and goes, wealth fame enjoyment are of a few
days, it is better , far better to die on the field of duty , preaching the truth
,than to die like a wordly worm .advance. swami Vivekananda
, , , |
c , , |
| . 7 c , H
, 1 | Pc B . . 1
every duty is holy, and devotion to duty is the highest form of the
worship of god swami Vivekananda
, 8 , + . 1
V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 34 | P age |
On reaching that ruins of the
house evening started .here I
came to meet Hasad Baqs. when
Sadgurudev was in sanyasi life
Hasad Baqsnot only understood
very rare miraculous prayogs of
muslim tantra sadhana but also
get fully successfully complete
that. He has various unmatched
gems of muslim tantra what he
got from Sadgurudev ji. mine aim
towards learning and
understanding the mystry and
process was, so since that were
the times tasted ,self realized,
fully effective gyan of
Sadgurudev ji,,I already have
hundreds of hazraats and other
prayog received directly from
Sadgurudev ji. sadgurudev ji told
that any sadhana or tantra from
any religion/ dharma if help you
to progressed on the path of
completeness than learning that
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V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 35 | P age |
could not be wrong or mistaken
.in that duration he told me if
you have time than go to
Jabalpur and definitely meet
hsad baqs there.
When you already solve and
provide solution of mine queries
than why should I go to meet
others in this respect, I told him.
My son that place is very suitable
for practically learning these
prayog and he lives very near to
choushat yogini where he is
doing kaam chandali sadhana. He
also enjoy the sadhana of various
sects and mat and enjoy the
experiences on that Sadgurudev
ji replied and gave me full
details of his residence.
On reaching home what I learnt
from him ,try to understand/ do
practically all the aspect of that
like that 3 years had been passed,
my progress on the muslim
tantra was satisfactory, truly my
inclination towards doing that
sadhana was on difficult and
rare sadhana, off course I
thoroughly understand and
practiced shamshan sadhana
very efficiently but most
effective and powerful sadhana
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V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 36 | P age |
of muslin tantra also attaracts
Then thought of meetting hasad
bhai come to mine mind and one
day I went to meet him, from
shree dham to reaching his house
through walking alone , evening
started. I called him, than with
sound the doors of that old ruins
of the house opend and 55-60
years old person with fully
grown beard on his face in front
of me .radiance on his face, well
built body and effective voice
were his first introduction. On
seeing me he told come inside
come inside I was waiting for you
, had not face any difficulty on
reaching here.
No not at all, I safely reach here,
now what more trouble left for
me. Yes too much hungry and
trusty I am ,but can you tell me
why such a distance from town
you live here, do you not face any
difficulty to get general house
hold things.
Ha ha ha ,oh no not at all ,my
master gave me such an vidya
through that all the needed
things here itself arranged, I
devote my time to learn new,
, , +
. .
, +
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V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 37 | P age |
new prayog and all the necessity
things realted to that already
made available to me through
ruhani forces.(astral forces).
What .. how is that possible what
are the forces help you in this
There are many , my child but I
do not need help from any outer
forces mine own existence fulfils
mine needs.
Your own existence I could not
I will clear the situation but
before that have some food , go
and first wash you hand and face
,there are hot water available in
sampanne (bathroom).
When did you do that !!!! you are
sitting here with me , is here any
body else ????
Oh no no one except me live s
here, I told you mine existence is
capable enough to do that .
I am understanding that but how
is that possible that you sitting
here with me and all the house
hold work you are doing same
Thais as it is my son. But i told
you to go and wash you face and
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V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 38 | P age |
hand and have some food.
Yes as you like , I stand up and
after washing mine face and
hand sit on the dastarkhan
(matt) for taking food. When I
opened the thali (set aside its
covering plate).i was about to
chewue my own finger that mine
all favorite dish like hot rice
,daal, sabji of alu and ghobhi and
papad was there. After finishing
mine food when I sit next to him
, he told me lets move to the
sadhana room. One room than
other room like that after
crossing the five room we finally
reached the room filled with
books and essential sadhana
materials and very attractive,
soothing fragrance was in that
room. One important thing I
would like to share that that
house was not even a little dust
.every room was very clean and
in good shape, there was two
kambal on the floor on that we
sit .
Yes, now tell me what you are
saying to me.
My child, when I talk about
existence that has very deep
meaning each person has two
existence one that we feel every
moment ,walk all the time with
. .
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V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 39 | P age |
us, like us he also enjoy all the
things and comfort enjoyed by
us, and other one is that who
born with us and with us even
after our death, but on power he
is much much capable , that can
makes impossible to possible.
What ever attached to with
human body that is filled with
power, but when we did not use
that through proper way than
become powerless and almost
died. So on not utilizing that our
own power we are reducing our
own strength. Like that our
shadow , yes that is also our part
and highly powerful and also our
existence , either in dark or light
its existence never end, yes that
is another thing that in dark its is
invisible to us. Through that our
hamzaad can be controlled.
Is that kriya is very easy.????
No not that easy, those one who
lacks wisdom, cleverly, courage ,
that can not get siddhta in this
and should not even try for that.
What type of works this can do
Through flying it can reach from
one place to other .
Gives us information about
anything available between
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V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 40 | P age |
earth to sky.
Within second lift mountains for
Can Cure ant type of incurable
Fore tell future for us.
Can hypnotized anyone.
But keep remember that if used
in bad karam that this can makes
a terrible problem for you and
for that you cannot escape, even
if you tried hard. Always take
help him in good work, to make
your life easy is not bad but not
on the cost of others.
What are the way for this..
That can be possible through 4
Day time in sunlight, in night
time in the light of deepak ,in day
or night in front of mirror, or in
night only.
Till that finally process end ,one
should not talk to hamzaad,
neither accept any things from
him, when he told you that now I
am here and stop the process,
you should not end the kriya.
When the process end than very
+ ?
, ,
+ +
. +
, +
u .
V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 41 | P age |
wisely replied him on only
asking by him. Since he place
many condition in front of you.
He also mentioned many
important things about this and
applying of that I became
successful in this sadhana, he
also told me various other
prayog though they are very
difficult and successfully
completing that requires a great
degree of atam bal .if here I am
mentioned all that you can think
that for tough things I am
mentioning here, but in that way
one of very easy and accurate
process describing here, I
applied and became completely
Process is like.. for 90 days
continuously say your own name
3125 times like that use prefix
ya. suppose your name is Aditya
so while time of amal say ya
Aditya ,this process need to be
done alone having only such a
light that you can only see your
shadow. If practicing in night
light up the Deepak filled with
sarson oil(mustard seed oil).
Practices on the same time each
and every day. the number of
days you are practicing the
sadhana be careful no one except
you, can enter that place/ room.
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V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 42 | P age |
whenever anything either you
eat or drink , a little portion of
that be place on the floor/ earth
and said lo Aditya lo khalo ya pi
lo ye tumahara hissa hain (here
is aditya your share eat it or
drink it) if you are successful
doing this for 90 days without
any gap definitely a soft but
highly powerful hamzaad is in
your control to make easy your
work, and slowly and slowly this
appears in front of you , and
finally he fully appeared in front
of you. whatever you ordered
him, he will follow that , yes til
that he returned from completing
the task given by you , your
shadow will be invisible. In this
prayog you do not have to face
any danger like in other
hamnzaad prayog. If sadhana
breaks than too not have any
danger to you. This is the power
who helps you in all the good
works, there is not any other
I am highly oblized to Hasad
Baqsji for giving me such a rarest
gyan to me, if have blessing of
Sadgurudev I will open many
more secretive aspect and
dimension of that.
. + .
+ +
V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 43 | P age |
the continuity of the
Kaal is very micro micro. Kaal is not
just a time only, it is a platform of
mobility for living and non livings.
there are myriad events are there in a
single dot of kaal. we term this as Kaal
yog or Kaal Khand. in Kaal khanad,
there goes thousands processes
altogether running, but the one event
which is most heavier on others, those
effect us. same way if we analyse
those events, we find there are god
and goddess mentioned in our
scriptures for every task. you can take
bramha, vishnu, mahesh, varuna,
indra, laxmi, saraswati, mahavidhya
or any god or goddess, they are
adjoined with nature for particular
this way we find a particular
effect of any god-goddess in every
moment of the life. and this has also
been said that in every moment one
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V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 44 | P age |
or another god will be active in the
body. with the help of sadhana we can
take favour of the god or goddess and
can fulfill our wishes. but we do not
know that which god or goddess will
be active in which moment. and if we
know, then we do not have knowledge
that what nature is going to do in very
next moment and what the effect of
the same would be.
very high accomplished yogis, do have
this type of knowledge of kaal, they do
know that in which moment what will
happen and what and on whom would
be effect of that. which god or goddess
would be active in that moment and
which god or goddess will be active in
individuals body. on the base of this
only, they get to know that in which
moment what is going to happen and
on whom it will give positive or
negative effect, such a micro
knowledge they do have.
As it has been told earlier, that in
every moment one event out of every
event would be having a biggest
effect. it differs for every individual.
and we term it as a life when we bind
them altogether. actually, there would
be hundreds of event happening with
us in a single moment but the effect of
those are so less that we do not
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V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 45 | P age |
understand it. now, the incident
which is going to be affect most, if we
please the god or goddess of that
event, then we will be able to make
that incident in our favour for sure.
but in such less time how we can
understand that what is event, who is
controlling god, what is result etc.for
very high accomplished yogi, this
would be possible. but for a common
men, it is not. and to take this thing
into mind, our sages made one such
sadhana, that every devyoga of every
moment becomes positive it self and
the knowledge is possible of dev yog,
through which we can understand
that in which moment what work
should be done. we get the ability to
understand that the work in
particular moment is going to be
positive or negative and god gives
the goddess of Kaal is said to be Kali
and Kaal stays in her total control. the
people who wish to do this sadhana
should also practice tratak on shakti
This sadhana could be started on
Sunday or else any day of the week.
one should wear black cloths only
during sadhana. This sadhana
requires Mahakali yantra and black
Hakeek rosary. All the rules of the
sadhana are applied.
| .
| 4
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 46 | P age |
after 11pm in the night, sadhak
should take bath and wear black
cloths. should then sit on black Uni
Aaasan. the picture of mahakali
should be in-front. worship the
yantra. light a lamp and Loban dhoop.
then meditate through following lines.
Mundmala dharini Digambara
Shatrusamharini Vichitraroopa
Mahadevi Kaal mukh Stambhinim
Namami tubhyam matru swaroopa
After this pray for success to Mahakali
and pray for success and chant 21
rosary of following mantra
Klim Klim Krim Mahakali kaal
siddhim Klim Klim Krim Phat.
Repeat this for 11 days. after that the
rosary should be worn for 1 month
and then dropped in river and Yantra
could be worshiped by placing it in
pooja sthan.
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 47 | P age |
The world of dream s is still as
mysterious to us, how we can
understand what are they trying to
say us, or it is just reflections of our
daily wish, hidden bhavna or
reflection of our sex related thought.
Very difficult to understand, but every
now and then ,we listen of about so
many such a dream of who become
true. And many times our own friend
and nears one tells us on this .
Generally we go by
understanding the dreams pattern as
their effect and cause stated by
them, I am advocating again that try
to understand their pattern seeing
your life carefully, what the certain
things means to you. may be it is
saying something different to you, I
am here mentioning here some of
mine own and our guru sister
examples so that it will help you to
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 48 | P age |
understand the pattern.
1. While studying in my college
very next day I had to go for a
exam paper but I could not
prepared well for that, I have
seen in my dream that one goat
is burning in fire. Immediately I
woke up I consider sadgurudev
ji s book, I find seeing goat and
fire both are good, but what ,i
have to do , I calmly sit, my
inner voice calls me, indication
is good why not I again go for
study of selected four question
more. And mine surprise, when
paper given to me that all the
four question is in it.
2. Once I dream I had seen , I was
in midst of heavy water mass
surrounded from all side and
continuously rising its level., I
was shocked, still seeing that
and helplessly standing their
,one woman just came from my
behind and push a little and
smiled and moved
ahead.(water is for knowledge,
as mentioned some book, what
I draw conclusion, something
wrong is going to happen with
me soon, and it happened, next
three days was like hell for me,
I faced all the trouble, but came
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 49 | P age |
out successfully as sadgurudevji
blessing always with me.
Actually, I was going through
very tough period not having
any job too, water mass rising
indicating the trouble coming,
the woman is stand for shakti
and pushing me and moved
ahead, indicating why I was
stand their in shock, why not
try to do sadhana and moved
3. One of close friend ,always
seen in dreams water, and also
having some fear that, to
remove that she learn
swimming but still that fear
walk side by side, once she
asked me why this always
happens, I could not have any
answer, I simply said, instead of
understand theoretically go for
answer hidden in your life.
later she confirm as she did
suicide in the past lives in
jumping in to water.(She still
knew about her past lives
details )
4. If I am right I have read one
Russian great writer lawys had
a same dream in that he saw
one pair of foot print in sea
shore and disappearing after a
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 50 | P age |
distance he consulted all the
possible things to understand
but no help a one his friend
gokri sitting he narrated all the
things, he smiled, why to search
for out side, see you life though
you achieved all the things but
still your life is not like foot
print on a sandy ground. And
the writer shocked he never
thought that way, its amazing
facts that on that night the
dreams stopped coming
I am not mentioning here what
are the good dream and what indicate
something bad, there are many article
and books available on this topic, yes
Sadgurudev ji write one complete book
on this subject
Hope this help you little bit.
Dream and mantra Siddhi
Can swapan or dreams can be used as
a instrument to learn about the
mantra Siddhi purpose. Here my
meaning is that are we moving in the
right path or something wrong,
mother nature always guide us in this
Our ancient master are aacharya
guide us in this path, they provide us
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 51 | P age |
some clue by which we can easily
understand the progress. In the
sadhana field.
Positive sign:
1. Sadgurudev, great person, saint
,mahatama darshan is very very
2. Big bungalow, red color flower,
jewelry ,shivling, garden,
Brahmin, meeting with person
unknown, seeing temple ,terth.
3. Getting mantra in dreams. very
good sign. Just use a signnot
start reciting the mantra till you
confirm with your guru.(shri
ma sharda ,when some one
asks her in this type of cause, if
shashtriy way the construction
of the mantra is right, she gave
permission or she correct that,
so directly not started chanted
the mantra till you confirm
from your own guru)
4. Getting Prasad from own guru
or param guru, guru putra
5. apply as a lotion on your body
,with own blood,
6. even sadhak or guru brothers
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 52 | P age |
7. also cow flesh (gou maans ) and
eating of go mans also assign
of mantra Siddhi.
Negative sign:
physical relation with other woman,
suicide, death, hit by some one else.
Hit by Black colored man.etc.
lord swapnesher sadhana
appeared in earlier post in the
blog, very important in
understanding dreams.
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if through tough and difficult situation you face and turns toward the
god than all theses situation like a boon for you. swami Vivekanand
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As long as TOUCH- ME- NOT- ISM is your creed and kitchen pot your
deity , you can not rise spiritually
.. swami Vivekanand
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 53 | P age |
In present time when our
body became the house of diseases
and maximum portion of our income
is been spent on curing such
diseases.In such condition a big
question arise i.e. how to keep our
body fit nfine.Then we think is their
any way to keep our body healthy and
complete freedom from disease but
also along live life as per our wish
You know it is possible through RAS
TANTRA.The same sadhna was
performed by Devvrata (Bhishma)by
permission of his father and blessed
with long life. With complete devotion
we can achieve above all fruits. Shree
Sdgurudev explained in such manner..
This sadhna can be
performing from third to eleventh of
Shukl Paksha.Whole white cloths and
asan should be used while
sadhna.Very first use pure Ashta
sanskarit Parad along with the
Belpatra ras and do the kharal
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 54 | P age |
process and make a gutika of it.Then
in morning first worship the God
Mahamrityunjay and Gurupujan and
request for complete success and
After getting permission put that
parad gutika on vilva patra and by
concentrating your whole
consciousness and by tratak do the
chanting of below mantra for 108
malas. After completing mantras
again repeat the same process means
take fresh vilva patra then place the
gutika and do the same counts In the
same way do it on 108 fresh leaves.
When u r done with the whole
process then keep that Parad gutika
at very safe place.Grind that leaves
and take juice out of it and drink it.
Keep doing this series for 11 days.One
important facts is that the green leave
gets transform into golden color one
by one after each 108 malas which
indicates us that we are going in right
MANTRA : om kleem mrityunjayaay
kleem kleem phat
Via this article I was just trying to
introduce this sadhana. Making
understanding of Mantra and its
pronunciation is gurus work.
Therefore contact Gurudev for it. He
would definitely make you
understand its secrets.
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 55 | P age |
It is just because of his kindness
this sadhana is in front of us.
Definitely attempt this sadhana and
dedicate our all gratitude to
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Even if parrot speaks ram ram ,but when cat catch his neck only te te sound comes
from his mouth, not ram ram Sri Ram krishna Paramhansa.
( true /real gyan is that which obsorb inheart and store in neck ,that will not be
valuable if gained only by memorizing power )
| , | | ,
| , | . .
Nothing is beyond from a person ability ,for a merchant nothing is distant land ,for a
scholar no country is unknown , same way for a person with sweet voice everybody
become friend means none is enemy..
V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 2
Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 56 | P age |
Lost in the past few days, there
lived a strange fun inside me. Vision
of seeing the world was changed.
pleased with sadgurudevs
blessings I was getting knowledge
of Shiva Shakti. Daily sadgurudev
used to points out in regard
Sadgurudev Shiv Shakti and I was
trying to write it much as I could.
The first time I realized that this
whole World is meithoon may.
Shiva and Shakti are always going
on for creation. And creation is only
possible where shiva and shakti
meets and this only gives birth to
kaal, life and even death....
Sadgurudev was making me
understand that secret which was
base of the Vaaam Tantra... In those
days only i came in touch with 2
different and opposite incidents in
my life which were really strange
but at last sadgurudev opened that
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 57 | P age |
secret in front of me that what
those incidents were actually...
once I just entered into my room
after roaming here there at that
time only my one of the familiar
spoke I am waiting, please came
down and then we will sit. Like
daily, I asked him that Ill come in
15 minutes after having a bath. I
looked at wrist watch was, it was,
quarter past nine.
and i just set down on. Just a
moment of eye...my eyes closed and
opened. That much of time
only...And this was moment of
Wind became cold...the noise outer,
was no more. I felt strange. I stood
up to look out at window. In this
second, how darkness had grown
much...anyways when I went took
towel to go for bath, I suddenly
looked at wristwatch. It was 12:30.
I laughed mentally, the watch gone.
let see I may repair it
tomorrow...with this thought I came
out side and My eyes fell on the
wall clock, It was 12:30!! Meance
time was 12:30 actually. But How?
Was I sleeping? No-No how could it
is possible? I was completely awake
just a moment was passed and to sit
for these much hours...??? Have I
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 58 | P age |
had something wrong food?,,, No
No. it was complete truth...what to
do.... finally just thought that
Gurudev only will answer this that
where had my three and Half hour
went? And thinking this, I fall
I was just thinking that let me ask
about that incident to gurudev but
at 8o clock in the morning gurudev
had started directly making me
understand about Shiva and Shakti,
he was speaking it fluent. in the
begin, I felt good but today it was
felt a bit strange..Anyways,
removing all these thoughts I
started noting down. When I was
having any query, I used to ask. But
today it was letting a more
time...thought, 2 hours had been
passes. Then 3,4,5 hours. Now I was
bit tired even then too i was
nodding my head. I was aware that
gurudev must know that I do not
understand anything now.
But 2 more hours passed i
think. I thought that should I ask
gurudev to Stop? in this confusion
only, I was wondering that to note
down everything what gurudev
told, I will need 5-6 register. after
sometime when it became too
tough for me then I told gurudev,
that I am now not able to
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 59 | P age |
understand anything...I think I am
tired...With smile gurudev told. You
tired. Not even 2 minutes passed
and you tired, you just feel good to
sleep. You will keep sleeping or
.I said. What guruji..if some
one will listen on Shiva shakti
theory for 7-8 continuous, then
sleep will automatically come. This
time gurudev smiled and said...7-8
hours. Not even 2 minutes had been
passed...acting smart?...I said guruji
what 2 minutes. you see...with these
word I turned back towards wall
clock. it was 8 and 1 and half
minute...it was sunlight out side,
meaning was clear it was 8 of
morning only. I felt I was getting
made. I bowed down to his feet and
made a sincere request that what is
this all...bliss me...I wouldnt be able
to understand all these
At that time he
accepted my request and made me
understand that the speed and
continuity of the Kaal is very micro.
But what speed we can catch, we
designed time base on it. yogi, with
the power, catches any of the
moment and can make it micro or
macro based on its will...mince,
with that one moment either he
stretch the moment or compress it
(sankalan evem Vikhandan). This
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 60 | P age |
way only, if yogi wishes, he can
convert thousands years in one
moment. with this after
compressing thousands years, in a
moment he will directly go to
thousands years in future, he need
not to wait for thousands year for
to dork in that particular year
which will come after thousand
years. or else Yogi can stretch a
single moment and make hundred
years out of it. for the world it
would have been just a second but
for a yogi, he could have lived
hundreds of years in this. The both
incident happened with you had
been done by me just to make you
understand this, so that you can
understand better now, what I just
My confusion was over
now. I asked that with which
sadhana this is possible? Gurudev
said that this is possible through
any of the way. Like yoga or
tantra..When I asked about process,
he let it went off with a slight
laughter. I understood that this is
very high level of sadhana and to
know the secret of this sadhana is
not possible for me/ but what ever
he made me understand of this
process is very far then
explanations. After that I came to
know that only siddhas of
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 61 | P age |
siddhashrama are applied to do
such sadhanas and made them
realized about these things with
experience. But heart of our
beloved gurudev is so much big that
he let us such common men
experience such divine things
sometimes. For him all these things
are love toward us. Being in the
love toward us, he bless us the way,
word them self could not explain
( |
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Fear comes from the hreat if you ever feel over come by dred of some
illness or accident, you inhale and exhale deeply ,slowly and rhythmically
several times, relaxing with each exhalation, this help the circulation to
become normal, if your heart is truly quiet, you cannot feel fear at all.
.. Parmahansa Yoganand
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 62 | P age |
How we can know our future ,
there are several method available
to us but which one is suitable, is
accurate too, is a very tough
question to decide. Do we have to
depend upon meths or have to get
knowledge about big
mathematical calculation .mother
nature in all forms standing in
front of us to help, but we treat
her as a enemy instead of friend.
whole branch of this kaal gyan is
available in midst of us but in part
by parts .who ever consider
mother nature as a sahyogi
(helper) ,all that great yogis
formulated so many rules and
provided to us, but do society still
understand their contribution?.
Still today,
when crow sounds comes in the
morning, we guess that some
guest will come our home, many
of us stand still in fear when cat
crosses our way. And blame her
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 63 | P age |
for our misfortune, is it the valid
reason/ cause to understand that,
no. in this universe several
incident happen side by side ,and
can be understand by law of
synchronicity, so by knowing one
,we can easily guess other
incident. Now it is well proved
theory and knowledge that each
animal has some peculiar ability
(gift of mother nature)to
understand the sign of astral
world or sookshma jagat .
Not only a
astrologer but common mans also
need to understand these sign, in
ancient time astrologer had
unique ability to understand
these sign, you can read/ see in
the books that they already
mentioned so many quality and
pre condition to be an astrologer,
not like that if not able to get any
job than become a astrologer, this
field is not such a small or low
class one. The sign provided by
mother nature is known as
SHAKUN. They are so effective
that understanding it,you need
not to take advice from
astrologer. sadgurudev ji always
told that baba vakya prmanam
,(means what has been told by
higher one is always right)should
not be followed. Accept the
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 64 | P age |
ancient wisdom but try it your
own knowledge/ wisdom with
applying your brain. i have seen
many time cat crosses my way,
does not bring any bad effect or
Prof krishmurti
(well known astrologer and
inventor of krishnamurti paddhti)
also pointed out many places in
his books about this science.
While going to start any
important work or going to solve
any astrological query about
future or related to ant work, if
electricity gone, surely that work
or result will not be find as
Once he had been
asked whom I would merry tell
me about his complexion? , one
boy bring a cup of tea for him just
on that time, he replied the query
mentioning the boys color and
other related things without doing
any astro calculation. That
prediction proved very correct
Once he had been asked
about a woman (pregnant)
,whether she would have boy or
girl child .suddenly he saw outside
find that one woman carrying a
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 65 | P age |
bag, and the bag torn and two
fruits came out, on that bases he
predicted that twins would come,
and that also proved very correct.
To understand these
shakun you have to use your
brain, knowledge too. while
understanding their meaning one
thing will be always keep in mind
that they not tells us the meaning
what we understand commonly ,if
we have already some related
conclusion in this regards in our
I m just giving example of swapan
science (from dream) to
understand it..
Whether boy child or girl child
will be born in family, I tried to get
the answer through astrological
way, but one of mine relative,
without any calculation, easily
predict the things, if she saw in
dreams a girl that means boy child
will come, and vice versa too, and
many times her prediction correct.
Like that way we can use our
intuition to understand the sign
given by mother nature to
understand their meaning.
While going to do any good
work and see someone
quarreling to others this
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 66 | P age |
shows some
trouble/ obstruction in the
Like same way if you see ,
that some meeting very
happily to others, is a sign of
positive result.
If anyplace you herd the
voice of giddh bird is sign of
coming various troubles.
Is this so simple to understand
Are you aware of the fact that if
bad shakun happen on the left
hand direction and shubh shakun
happened on the right hand
direction consider shubh or good.
For example take chhink, suppose
it occurs while you are going to do
any work, think that bad sign and
wanted to stop the work
At the time of eating,
marriage time, beginning
time of study, the chink
consider good.
Chink of child, old person,
ill/ sick person, or attempted
knowingly does not carry
any weight.
sneeze of cow consider
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 67 | P age |
death inflecting.
How to remove the ills of bad
Whenever you come into the
contact or observe bad shakun,
start the work after taking first 10
minute rest. But if the bad shakun
repeats three time stop the work
for the day.
Poojan of lord shiva removes
the ills of bad shakun.
Poojya sadgurudevji describe in
details about the bad or good
shakun and also the chink and
their result according to the
direction in his book MAHURAT
JYOTISH, iam not
mentioninghere the list of somany
good or bad Shakun , you have
already read manytimes .so come
forward and learn this science, to
understand the gift of mother
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Always think positive even the circumstances totally adverse to you,nothing stay the same
than how can bad sitution always stand infront of you.
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 68 | P age |
Our ancient sages were real
scholars of the science whose basic
aim was to make invention through
which the mankind can attain total
happiness or the magnifying joy
termed as Anand in the scriptures.
Mean while they developed
particular systems for the path of
spirituality which lay the option of
comfortable selection according to
ones nature.
In this regards total 108
system were been designed like
Mantra, Tantra, Yoga, Dhayana,
Darshana, Yagna, Paarad, Sury
Siddhant etc. these were the
particular branches leading to the
same goal with different ways. As
one is independent with
differentiation of thoughts and way
of conduct to live the life, they can
select particular path in which they
do attend a spiritual goal with best
of the comfort.
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 69 | P age |
But when the time passed, more
research had been carried out by
our Maharishis. They made a core
balance between these systems and
started innovating best possible
systems, which can give quick and
best results. Meanwhile they started
combining various methods with
each other and it gave a birth to
very new and effective systems.
For example Sury Vigyan was
complete science of atoms. When it
was applied a bled with tantra it
became easier. And a new way was
found in which the lens used for
Sury Vigyan was not required and
the atoms of matters could be
change with medium of eyes only, it
became sury vigyan tantra. The
same goes for Paarad Tantra, when
paarad vigyan was combined with
various tantrik processes, it became
easier to handle paarad and take
benefit of it.
In all Indian spiritual system, the
most famous systems to everyone
had remained Mantra and Yoga,
though both are very different from
each other. Mantra is science of
Sounds only. Our ear can hear
sounds up to some decibels, but
sound is everywhere rather we can
hear it or not, and sound do prepare
a particular energy vibration. This
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 70 | P age |
way, particular sound prepares a
particular energy and combining
various sounds it gives a set of
specific energy. This is the actual
concept of Mantra Vigyan. On the
other side, Yoga deals with spiritual
attainment with the help of body. In
Yoga system body is counted as
medium only. With particular
exercise they generate energy in the
body with leads a soul to the
spiritual way. Well, in yoga even we
have various types.
When this both science were
combined for to invent a new
system, it became Mantra Yoga. In
this system, energy of the sound
generated through specific chanting
was combined with various yoga
techniques. This made various
accomplishments easy to achieve.
Again they went deep and started
researching more.
This way, they found that with some
methods a vibration could be
generated to activate particular
chakra of Kundalini. In regards of
kaal gyan, it is found that Anahat
Chakra situated to side of Heart is
the main holder of Kaal. And they
innovated special method for Kaal
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Tantra kaumudi Feb 2011 71 | P age |
Such exercises and Processes had
always remained secret; because, to
go through with such process, there
was a condition for the disciples to
master in both the sciences. Like in
this case Mantra and Yoga. Or else if
Guru is very pleased with disciple he
will provide such process. Such
processes are very easy in nature to
perform and can be added into day
to day life. Or else there are very
less boundaries. It makes it very
easy for householders. I have seen
many yogis to give such process at
very last time of their life to the
chief disciples or to particular
people which had been in very
touch of them. One of such process I
am sharing with you all.