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Landsliding on the south east coast of the Isle
of Wight: nature, characteristics and causes
Grant Cole
Project Advisor: Martin Stokes, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences,
Plymouth University, Drakes Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA
This comprehensive report conveys the nature, characteristics and causes of
landsliding along the south east coast of the Isle of Wight. Landsliding is a major
geohazard worldwide and is a major land shaping process on the Isle of Wight
especially along its coastline and the island provides a unique opportunity to study this
process. This report provides information and data on landsliding in an area of the
island which hasnt received extensive attention compared to other areas such as
Ventnor. The report displays a combination of field data involving geological,
lithological and geomorphological data and laboratory data in the form of atterberg
limits and shear strength parameters. The findings of this report show that the majority
of the study area is highly susceptible to landsliding and the lithology and structure of
the area is strongly influencing the type of movement involved in a landslide. The type
and nature of the geology and lithology of the area are the major preparatory factors
allowing landsliding to occur but the triggering mechanisms in the area are inferred to
be rainfall and marine processes. This report also highlights variability of the physical
properties of failed material and that the material is highly susceptible to new or
repeated failures due to its reduction in shear strength. The findings of this report have
pronounced implications for the future of the area due to the predicted future changes
in climate and rise in sea level and landsliding is predicted to be a continual process
shaping the study area and thus a continual geohazard on the island.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
Chapter one: Introduction ............................................................................................................... 126
Chapter two: Methods and Rationale ........................................................................................... 129
Chapter three: Results ..................................................................................................................... 130
3.1 Landsliding in the study area .................................................................................................. 130
3.2 Geology, lithology and landsliding in the study area ....................................................... 136
3.3 Geology and landslide type ..................................................................................................... 141
3.4 Lithology and landslide type ................................................................................................... 142
3.5 Lithology and structure of the area ....................................................................................... 144
3.6 Strength properties of the lithologies ................................................................................... 145
Rocks ..................................................................................................................................................... 145
Soils ....................................................................................................................................................... 145
3.7 Relationship between cliff height and movement type .................................................... 146
3.8 Relationship between cliff height and offset of rotational slides .................................. 147
3.9 Relationship between cliff height and total length of landslide ..................................... 147
3.10 Mapped Complex landslide at Red cliff (Sandown Bay, north) (Figure 3.22) ........... 148
3.11 Mapped mud slide / flow landslide in Whitecliff Bay (Figure 3.25) .............................. 153
Chapter four: Discussion ................................................................................................................ 157
4.1 Factors preparing conditions for landsliding in the area ................................................ 157
Geology and lithology ......................................................................................................................... 157
Discontinuities ...................................................................................................................................... 159
4.2 Factors triggering landsliding in the area: ........................................................................... 160
Rainfall................................................................................................................................................... 161
Marine processes ................................................................................................................................ 162
4.4 Physical properties of materials forming the slopes ........................................................ 165
4.5 Morphology and nature of landsliding .................................................................................. 167
Chapter 5: Models of landsliding in the study area ................................................................. 168
Chapter 6: Conclusion and wider implications ......................................................................... 172
References .......................................................................................................................................... 173
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
Chapter one: Introduction
Landsliding is a worldwide natural hazard and is responsible for considerable loss of
life and damage to property each year (Hong et al. 2007). In Great Britain landsliding
can be seen as potentially the most common geohazard, apart from flooding, but with
less extreme topography and limited tectonic activity Great Britain has a uniquely
different landsliding regime to many other countries in the world (Foster et al. 2011). In
the mid 1980s a landslide database was compiled by the government department of
environment (Jones and Lee, 1994) which has since been incorporated into and
replaced by the British Geological Survey National Landslide Database (Pennington et
al. 2009; BGS, 2013a). This new database was compiled due to a lack of knowledge
on landsliding in Great Britain, in particular, their nature and distribution (Foster et al.
2008). It holds over 15 thousand records (Foster et al. 2011) and is the most
comprehensive source of information on landslides in Great Britain (Pennington et al.
2009). Thus, landslide research, like this project, will help to improve the knowledge
and data on the nature and distribution of landsliding in Great Britain. Landsliding is a
common occurrence on the Isle of Wight and provides the perfect opportunity to study
this process. The island consists of active landslides that are mostly occurring along
the coast, providing a major challenge to coastal management (Mcinnes et al. 1998),
but also consist of past relict landslides such as those at St. Catherines and
Appuldurcombe (BGS, 2013b). The island is famous for its landsliding especially at
Ventnor (e.g. Risknat, 2013a; 2013b; 2013c; 2013d) but apart from Jenkins et al.
(2011), little study has been conducted on less well known areas of the island. This is
mostly due to the fact that studies are carried out on hazards where they pose a direct
threat to the population or infrastructure or in response to a hazard event. Thus, areas
along the coast of the isle of Wight provide the unique opportunity to study landsliding
that have previously had little study.
Landsliding involves the movement of a mass of rock, earth or debris down a slope
(Cruden, 1991). The main types of landslides are fall, slides, topples, flows and
complex and these refer to the movement that is involved in the landslide (Cruden and
Varnes, 1996). Each has their own characteristics and style which are explained by
Varnes (1978) and Cruden and Varnes (1996). There are numerous factors that can
cause a landslide and as suggested by Pospecu (2002) they should be considered as
factors that prepare the conditions for failures, such as geology, and factors that
actually trigger a landslide such as rainfall (e.g. Iverson, 2000) or earthquakes (e.g.
Chen et al. 2012).
1.1 Geology and geomorphology of the study area
The study area consists of a 5km stretch along the east south east coast of the island,
from Yaverland to Bembridge foreland (Figure 1.1, 1.2). The area falls where the
complete geological succession of the Isle of Wight occurs and thus the greatest
change in geology occurs (Figure 1.3), which was a major reason for why this area
was chosen for study as it could be seen what effect the different geologies have on
landsliding in the area. The island consists of a geological succession of early
Cretaceous to early Oligocene age strata (Figure 1.3) with some Pleistocene cover but
with the absence of the Neogene and falls into the Wessex-channel basin (Insole et al.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The oldest rocks on the island belong to the Wealden group (c. 140-126 Ma) (Booth
and Brayson, 2011) and outcrop solely in the south of the island and in the study area
(Figure 1.3). These rocks are brought to the surface in the cores of two asymmetric
anticlines; Brightstone anticline in west and Sandown anticline in east (Figure 1.3)
(Insole et al. 1998). The southern limbs of both of these folds dip gently southwards
but the northern limbs are much steeper and vertical in places (Insole et al. 1998). In
the north of the island the younger Palaeogene (65-23 Ma) strata exist forming a low-
lying, gently sloping topography (Booth and Brayson, 2011). Hopson (2011) provides a
detailed description of the geological history of the Isle of Wight which is beyond the
scope of this paper. The island consists of a prominent east-west trending Chalk
downlands, which forms an elevated ridge creating a spine across the island (Figure
1.3) (Booth and Brayson, 2011). This ridge is the expression of the monocline (Figure
1.3), formed along the northern limb of the asymmetric Brightstone and Sandown
Figure 1.1 Isle of Wight, showing location of study area (shaded
Figure 1.2 Study area (shaded blue) showing key locations.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
anticlines (Jenkins et al. 2011). It also controls the formation of steep chalk cliffs
(Jenkins et al. 2011) which exists in the study area and the majority of the study area
consists of cliffs with varying heights. The problem with the Cretaceous and
Palaeogene strata of the island is that they are mainly composed of relatively soft,
often poorly lithified sedimentary rocks, which makes them highly susceptible to
landsliding (Jenkins et al. 2011) and with the varying geomorphology, discussed in
detail by Booth and Bryson (2011), of the island combined with its structural geology
(Figure 1.3); the study area provides a unique environment for landsliding to occur.
It is the aim of this study to determine the nature, characteristics and causes of
landsliding along the south east coast of the Isle of Wight. The objectives are to
analyse and assess to what extent the geology, lithology, topography and
geomorphology is having on landsliding in the area; to identify which factors are
preparing the conditions for landsliding in the area and to identify factors that could be
triggering landsliding in the area.
Figure 1.3 Geological map of the Isle of Wight. Study area is indicated by blue bar.
Structural geology obtained from Insole et al. (1998) and Hopson (2011).
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
Chapter two: Methods and Rationale
Desk studies, fieldwork and laboratory work were used to collect data are on landslide
in the study area, which are typically used in landslide investigations (Carrara et al.
2003). Remote sensing used Google Earth Pro, utilising its historical imagery in order
to see how the cliff line and landsliding has evolved in the study area, which could then
be related to lithology. It was also used as a means to collect more data on landslides
such as their total length. Field work was conducted from May 27
to 16
June 2012
involving a range of methods. Firstly, an overview of the lithological change of the cliff
section was conducted involving lithological descriptions, thickness of changes using a
TruPulse (electronic distance measurer) and sketches of the cliff line were produced
showing how the lithology changes spatially, which were later reproduced to scale. At
the same time pocket penetrometers were used to determine the undrained strength of
the cohesive soils in the area. For the rock types, an N type Schmidt hammer was
used as a relative indicator of the strength of the rock material (Selby, 1980). Once this
was completed, cliff heights and profiles of the cliff slopes were obtained using the
TruPulse. The points at which this data were collected were determined based on the
morphological change of the cliff line especially where landslides occurred and did not
occur. The locations of these points were recorded using a Geo XH Trimble GPS. A
landslide database was then conducted of the study area recording the location of the
landslides using the Trimble, measurements of the dimensions of the landslide were
taken using the TruPulse and general descriptions and inferred movement type were
noted. Areas consisting of landslides consisting of the same movement type were
grouped into zones for ease of data collection. This would later form the basis of a
landslide inventory for data analysis.
After collecting data of the overview of the study area, more detailed analyses were
conducted on the landslides. One landslide from Sandown Bay and one from Whitecliff
Bay were chosen for detailed study in order to gain further insight into what could be
causing the landslides in both areas and also so a comparison could be made between
the two areas. The two landslides that were chosen were picked to represent the most
common type of landslide that was occurring in the respective areas and thus an
understanding could be made of what is causing the similarities or differences. This
involved geomorphological mapping (Bishop et al. 2012) of the landslide and followed
the approach set out by Fookes et al. (2007). Detailed profiles were taken of the
surface of the landslide taken across the landslide and from the toe to the back of the
landslide. Samples were then taken from the landslide and sealed in an air tight bag
for analysis back in the laboratory, so that the physical properties of the materials
involved in the landslide could be determined to see what affect they might be having
on the landslides. These were determined using Atterberg limits which determine the
plastic and liquid limits of the soil samples, which can then be used to calculate the
plasticity index and liquidity index. These limits were determined following the British
standard method BS 1377: Part 2 (1990); the liquid limit follows the cone penetrometer
method. Moisture content was also determined following BS 1377: Part 2 (1990). The
sample collection was strategic in the form they were taken based on the morphology
of the landslide i.e. back scar, recently active area, in order to see how the physical
properties of the material varied across the landslide. The undrained shear strength of
the in situ material from which the samples were taken were determined in the field
using a field, hand shear vein (Barnes, 2010) in order to be related to its physical
properties and to see how it changes spatially.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
Table 3.1 Main movement type and amount occurring in the study area.
Table 3.2 Main movement types occurring in Complex landslides.
A direct shear box test was used to determine shear strength parameters of the soil
samples to give a relative indication of slope stability and the test followed the
approach set out by Head (1982). Due to the very fine nature of the soils, particle size
analyses was conducted to see if there is any relationship between the size fractions
and atterberg and shear box tests. The samples were described using Eurocode 7
classification which can be found in Norbury (2010), Eurocode 7 terminology is also
used throughout the report. Soils and rocks are referred to in terms of engineering
In addition the terminology used throughout this report follows that of Varnes (1978)
and Cruden and Varnes (1996) for movement types, landslide features etc., which is
similarly adopted by the BGS (2013c).
Chapter three: Results
3.1 Landsliding in the study area
The majority of landslides in the study area have a Complex movement type with Fall
and Flow type landslides being the next dominant (Table 3.1). The most dominant type
of movement involved with Complex landslides is flow type with Translational (planar)
being the next most dominant (Table 3.2).
On the stretch of coastline from Whitecliff to Bembridge there are more Flow type
landslides occurring than along the stretch of coastline from Yaverland to Culver cliff
(Figure 1.2, Table 3.3). For the main type of movements occurring in complex
Landslide type Number of landslides
Complex 27 (39.1%)
Fall 17 (24.6%)
Falls/topple 2 (2.9%)
Flow 12 (17.4%)
Multiple Rotational 1 (1.4%)
Single Rotational 6 (8.7%)
Translational (planar) 4 (5.8%)
Grand Total 69
Landslide type Number of landslides
Flow 11 (40.7%)
Multiple Rotational 1 (3.7%)
Single Rotational 6 (22.2%)
Translational (planar) 9 (33.3%)
Total 27
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
Table 3.3 Main movement types occurring along both coastlines. Numbers in brackets
indicate the amount that were categorised into zones.
landslides, flow types are most commonly occurring along the coastline from Whitecliff
Bay to Bembridge whilst single rotational type landslides are more commonly occurring
from Yaverland to Culver cliff (Table 3.4).
The Fall type landslides seen at Culver Down (Whitecliff) (Figure 3.1 & photo 3, Figure
3.12) show an accumulation of rocks at the base of the cliff / slope, which can vary in
size (see landslide inventory; appendix C). The flow type landslides in Whitecliff Bay
have a typical channel shape to them which then expands at the front in a lobate
structure (Figure 3.2). Complex landslides with flow as the main movement types are
similar but due to there being many converging flows the lobate form is lost for this
particular landslide (Figure 3.3).
Landslide type Whitecliff to
Yaverland to Culver
Complex 15 (5) 55.6% 12 (4) 43.4% 27
Fall 8 47.1% 9 (1) 52.9% 17
Falls/topple 0 2 (2) 100% 2
Flow 11 (2) 91.7% 1 8.3% 12
Multiple Rotational 1 100% 0 1
Single Rotational 3 (2) 50% 3 (1) 50% 6
Translational (planar) 2 50% 2 50% 4
Total 40 (9) 29 (8) 69 (17)
Landslide type Whitecliff to
Yaverland to Culver
Flow 10 (5) 1(1) 11
Multiple Rotational 0 1 1
Single Rotational 1 5 (1) 6
Translational (planar) 4 5 (2) 9
Total 15 (5) 12 (4) 27
Table 3.4 Main movement types occurring in Complex landslides along both coastlines.
Numbers in brackets indicate the amount that were categorised into zones.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
Figure 3.1 Rock fall (2) at Culver down (Whitecliff), person circled in red for scale.
Figure 3.2 Flow type landslide (6) in Whitecliff Bay (south), person for scale.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
Figure 3.4 Cross-sectional shape of a Translational (planar) landslide (16) in Whitecliff Bay
Photo 26 (Figure 3.12) shows a larger flow with a series of active flow channels within
it. All the flows also show a zone of accumulation at the front of the landslide. The
translational (planar) landslides have a U-shape to them (Figure 3.4) which is also
seen in the complex landslides with translational (planar) as the main movement type
(photo, 9 & 11, Figure 3.12).
Rotational slides in the area have a distinct mound shape and a distinct back scar
(photo 12, Figure 3.12) whilst the multiple rotational landslide in Whitecliff Bay (Figure
3.12; 38) have a stepped form to it.
Figure 3.3 Complex landslide with main type of movement (25) being flow type (Whitecliff
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The single rotational slides in Sandown Bay have a similar form to the ones in
Whitecliff with a mound shape created at the front of the landslip (Figure 3.5) and a
distinct back scar as seen on a complex landslide that has a rotational slide as the
main movement type (photo 9, Figure 3.11).
The translational (planar) slides in Sandown Bay are different to the ones in Whitecliff
Bay (Figure 3.6); the U-shape form is lost, except possibly at the back of this landslide
where the failure originated from, they also have a mass of material accumulating at
the front of the landslide that has not rotated.
This is also seen for the complex landslides with a main translational (planar)
movement type (photo 5, Figure 3.11). The complex landslides with flow as the main
movement type show distinctive channels where the material has flowed and then
Figure 3.5 Shallow single rotational landslide (1) at Yaverland. 40L back pack for scale.
Figure 3.6 Shallow Translational (planar) landslide in Sandown Bay, failure occurring near
top of cliff (2). 40L back pack for scale.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
displaced material accumulating at the front of the landslide, spreading out and forming
a lobe (Figure 3.7).
The fall type landslides in Sandown Bay are similar to that in Whitecliff Bay showing an
accumulation of rocks at the base of the cliff (Figure 3.8 & 24, Figure 3.11).
All the fall type landslides in the area are occurring on steep cliff type profiles (Figure
3.9). The flow, translational (planar), complex (flow) and complex (translational (planar)
all have similar profiles that are generally straight with a slight convex part at the
Figure 3.7 Flow type landslide in Yaverland (6).
Figure 3.8 Fall type landslide at Red cliff (19). Person for scale and 40L back pack.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
bottom and concave part at the top (Figure 3.9). The single rotational and complex
(single rotational) profiles are similar in that they have a major convex followed by
concave part to their profiles (Figure 3.9). The multiple rotational and complex (multiple
rotational) are similar to the single rotational profiles but they have at least two
segments to their profiles which are convex followed by concave (Figure 3.9).
3.2 Geology, lithology and landsliding in the study area
The area of study shows that nearly all (98.5%) of the landslides involved bedrock
geology (Table 3.5). Only a single superficial geology was involved solely with a
landslide (Table 3.5). The study area shows great geological variation (Figure 3.10)
and even greater lithological change (Figure 3.11 & 3.12). The majority of landslides in
the area involved just a single geology and Complex type landslides were involved the
most with two geologies (Table 3.6). 41.4% of the landslides in the study area involved
a single lithology, 42.6% involved two lithologies and 16.2% involved three lithologies
(Table 3.6). The majority of Complex landslides involved two lithologies, whereas the
majority of Fall and Flow type landslides involved a single lithology (Table 3.7).
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
Table 3.5 The number and type of landslides involved with either a superficial or bedrock
geology. One landslide had unknown lithology involved with a landslide.
Table 3.7 The number of different lithologies involved with the different types of landslides.
Table 3.6 The number of geologies involved with landslide type.
3.3 Geology and landslide type
The majority of fall type landslides are occurring in the Chalk group, whilst complex
and flow type landslides are occurring in the Wessex formation and Bouldnor formation
respectively (Figure 3.13). The Bouldnor formation also shows the greatest variation in
landslide types occurring within it (Figure 3.13). The majority of the geologies in the
area exhibit either one or two landslide types (Figure 3.13). The Bouldnor formation
and the Bembridge limestone are most commonly involved with complex landsliding
when there are two geological units involved with landsliding (Figure 3.14). Each
combination of geological unit exhibits only a single type of movement except for the
Movement Type Superficial
Bedrock Geology Superficial and
Bedrock Geology
Complex 1 21 5
Fall 0 17 0
Fall/Topple 0 2 0
Flow 0 11 0
Multiple Rotational 0 1 0
Single Rotational 0 5 1
Translational (planar) 0 3 1
Total 1 (1.5%) 60 (88.2%) 7 (10.3%)
Single Geology Two geologies
Complex 17 10
Fall 16 1
Falls/topple 2 0
Flow 11 0
Multiple Rotational 1 0
Single Rotational 3 3
Translational (planar) 4 0
Total 54 (79.4%) 14 (20.6%)
Movement Type One Lithology Two Lithologies Three lithologies
Complex 6 18 2
Fall 10 5 2
Fall/Topple 1 1 0
Flow 6 1 5
Multiple Rotational 1 0 0
Rotational 3 2 1
1 2 1
Total 28 (41.1%) 29 (42.6%) 11 (16.2%)
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
Wessex formation and Cowleaze Chine member, which exhibit two types of failure
(Figure 3.14).
3.4 Lithology and landslide type
The majority of the lithologies involved with landsliding are of an unlithified nature
(Figure 3.11 and 3.12). The majority of these lithologies are arenaceous in nature with
the most dominant lithologies involved with landsliding being Silty CLAY, Clayey SILT,
Clay and Silt (Figure 3.15-3.17), which generally involve a combination of these
different lithologies (Figure 3.16, 3.17). These lithologies most commonly occurred in
complex, flow and slide type landslides (Figure 3.15-3.17). The majority of fall type
0 2 4 6 8 10
Becton Sand
Bembridge Raised Beach
Bouldnor Formation
Bracklesham Group
Chalk group
Ferruginous Sands
Gault Clay
Headon Hill Formation
London Clay Formation
Reading Clay Formation
Sandrock Formation
Shepherd's Chine Member
Upper Greensand
Vectis Formation
Wessex Formation
Translational (planar)
Single Rotaional
Multiple Rotational
0 2 4 6
Atherfield Clay & Ferruginous Sands
Bouldnor Formation & Bembridge
Bouldnor Formation & Bembridge
Raised Beach
Cowleaze Chine Member & Shepherd's
Chine Member
Headon Hill Formation & Bembridge
Vectis Formation & Atherfield Clay
Wessex Formation & Cowleaze Chine
Translational (planar)
Single Rotaional
Multiple Rotational
Figure 3.14 The relationship between movement type and chronostratigraphy for landslides
involving two chronostratigraphic units.
Figure 3.13 The relationship between chronostratigraphy and landslide type for landslides
involving a single chronostratigraphic unit.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
Figure 3.16 The relationship between movement type and lithology for landslides involving
two lithologies.
landslide involved lithified material with Chalk being the most common (Figure 3.15-
0 1 2 3 4 5
Chalk with chert
Clayey SILT
Silty CLAY
Translational (planar)
Single Rotaional
Multiple Rotational
0 1 2 3 4 5
Chalk & Marl
Clay & Clayey SAND
Clay & Limestone
Clay & Marl
Clay & Silt
Clay & Silty CLAY
Clayey SAND & Sand
Clayey SILT
Clayey SILT & Limestone
Clayey SILT & Sand
Silty CLAY & Clayey SAND
Silty CLAY & Limestone
Silty CLAY & Sandstone
Silty CLAY & Sandy CLAY
Silty CLAY & Silt
Silty Clay & Siltstone
Translational (planar)
Single Rotaional
Multiple Rotational
Figure 3.15 The relationship between movement type and lithology for landslides that
involved a single lithology.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
3.5 Lithology and structure of the area
The lithology from Yaverland up to Red Cliff dip shallowly towards the north, with the
inversely graded yellow/orange sand with interbedded Silty CLAYs (Barnes High
Sandstone) dipping 004/13
until you reach a succession of sands (Ferruginous
Sands) forming a cliff section at Red cliff (Figure 3.10 & 3.11). At this point the dip
starts to increase with a dark green Clayey Sand bed in the grey Silty Clay dipping
. The lithology then steepens further after the sands until the chalk where it is
dipping at nearly 60
at culver cliff (Figure 3.10 & 3.11). The cliff section from
Yaverland to the Chalk cliffs, initially consist of very little sandstones or sands up to red
cliff, when a succession of sands then occur. After these sands there are very few
lithologies of a Silt or Clay nature and none after the Chalk cliffs are reached (Figure
The Chalk at Culver Down (Whitecliff Bay) (Figure 3.12) is steeply dipping towards the
north at about 68
The lithology after the Chalk cliffs then steepens to near vertical
with an ironstone unit dipping at 80
(Figure 3.12). There is an abrupt change in dip
towards the north east of Whitecliff Bay where a succession of limestones change dip
over several meters (Figure 3.12). The lithologies after the chalk are mostly Clays,
Silts, Clayey SILTs and sands (Figure 3.12). It is at the limestones there is then a
change to predominantly clay, silty CLAYs, silts and marls up until Bembridge when
there is a conglomerate forming a major part of the cliffs (Figure 3.12).
0 1 2 3
Clay & Silt & Limestone
Clay & Silt & Mudstone
Clayey SILT & Silty SAND & Sand
Interbedded Sandstone & Chert &
Interbedded Silty CLAY & Silt &
Silty CLAY & Silt & Sand
Silty CLAY & Silt & Clayey Sand
Silty Clay & Silt & Sandstone
Translational (planar)
Single Rotaional
Multiple Rotational
Figure 3.17 The relationship between movement type and lithology for landslides involving
three lithologies.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
Table 3.8 Lithologies that gave a Schmidt hammer reading and the compressive strength
values using the graph located on the Schmidt hammer.
Table 3.9 Selected hand penetrometer tests carried out on the cohesive soils of the study
area, showing their approximate unconfined strength.
3.6 Strength properties of the lithologies
Only one of the sand units in the Ferruginous sands at red cliff (Figure 3.10 & 3.11)
gave a Schmidt hammer reading. The sandstone units in the Upper Greensand
formation near the chalk cliffs (Figure 3.10 & 3.11) all gave Schmidt hammer readings
but they all showed relatively low compressive strengths (Table 3.8). The white chalk
unit gave the highest compressive strength whilst the lowest compressive strength was
given in the white chalk with chert located in Whitecliff bay (Table 3.8). In Whitecliff the
only lithology to give a Schmidt hammer reading was a 2.2m thick very fine grained
limestone in the Bembridge limestone formation (Figure 3.11 & 3.12) found in the
limestone succession that changes dip and gives the greatest compressive strength
(Table 3.8).
Lithology Schmidt hammer
reading / R value
Compressive strength
/ fc psi
15 Coarse yellow sandstone
(Figure 3.11)
27.2 2500
26 Pale light brown fine
sandstone (Figure 3.11)
32 2800
27 Fine medium sandstone with
chert (Figure 3.11)
31.6 3200
28 Fine green sandstone (Figure
26.5 2100
29 Dark green fine sandstone
(Figure 3.11)
30.1 2700
30 Blue / grey marl (Figure 3.11) 30 2750
31 Light grey Chalk (Figure 3.11) 30.3 2800
33 White Chalk (Figure 3.11) 31.4 4250
34 White chalk with chert (Figure
25.6 1900
39 White very fine Limestone
(Figure 3.12)
32.4 5400
Soil Weathered state / da N/cm
Unweathered state / da N/cm
4 Slightly Sandy Clayey
SILT (Figure 3.11)
0.67 2.9
3 Clay (Figure 3.11) 2.4
5 Silty Clay (Figure 3.11) 2.07 1.63
12 silty CLAY (Figure
0.6 0.8
14 clayey SAND (Figure
2.26 5.1
1 Clay (Figure 3.12) 0.25 0.57
18 clayey SILT Figure
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The penetrometer tests (Table 3.9) show that the cohesive fine soils of the area have
very low unconfined strengths and that generally the weathered state of the soils is
weaker than the unweathered state.
3.7 Relationship between cliff height and movement type
The majority of Complex landslides in the study area occur in cliff heights between 10
and 40 meters, Fall type landslides occur in a range of cliff heights but the majority are
occurring above 40 meter cliff heights (Table 3.10). Flow type landslides are generally
occurring in cliff heights from 10 to 40 meters. Slide type landslides occur in cliff
heights below 30 meters, with rotational mainly occurring in cliff heights between 10
and 30 meters (Table 3.10).
For the main movement types occurring in Complex landslides, Flow type are
occurring between 10 and 30 meters, rotational between 20-30 meters and
Translational (planar) between 10 and 40 meters (Table 3.11).
Average Cliff Height
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
Complex 1
0 0 0
Fall 0 2
0 2
Falls/topple 0 0 0 0 2
0 0 0
Flow 0 3
0 1
0 0
0 0 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
1 (20%) 1 (20%) 3 (60%) 0 0 0 0 0
Average Cliff Height
Movement Type 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
Flow 0 2 (20%) 8 (80%) 0 0 0 0 0
Multiple Rotational 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0
Single Rotational 1
0 5
0 0 0 0 0
0 2
0 0 0
Table 3.11 The range of cliff heights occurring in the main movement types of Complex
Table 3.10 The range of cliff heights occurring in the movement types of the study area.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
3.8 Relationship between cliff height and offset of rotational slides
There is a positive relationship between cliff height and horizontal displacement with
rotational slides (Figure 3.18). The same trend can also be seen for vertical offset
(Figure 3.19). The multiple rotational and translational (planar) also generally fit this
trend (Figure 3.18 & 3.19). However, the multiple rotational landslide falls the furthest
away from the regression line. The regression line for both does not pass through the
origin, showing that offset will not occur until about 4/5 meter cliff height (Figure 3.18 &
3.19). The R
values show that there is a stronger relationship between cliff height and
vertical offset than horizontal offset.
3.9 Relationship between cliff height and total length of landslide
For both translational (planar) and rotational landslides in the study area, there is a
positive relationship between cliff height and total length (Figure 3.20 & 3.21). There is
some variation in the data as a complex (translational (planar)) and translational
(planar) landslide lie far from the regression line (Figure 3.20). Similarly the multiple
rotational landslides lie the furthest away from the regression line (Figure 3.21). The R
R = 0.6671
0 10 20 30 40 50
Cliff Height / m
R = 0.8961
0 10 20 30 40 50
Cliff Height / m
Figure 3.18 The relationship between cliff height and horizontal offset of rotational slides,
also showing the front rotational slide of a multiple rotational landslide (green diamond) and
a translational (planar) slide (orange diamond). Trend line calculated using linear
Figure 3.19 The relationship between cliff height and vertical offset of rotational slides, also
showing the front rotational slide of a multiple rotational landslide (green diamond) and a
translational (planar) slide (orange diamond). Trend line calculated using linear regression.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
Figure 3.21 The relationship between cliff height and total length of landslides with
rotational nature. Red squares: Single rotational, blue diamonds: Multiple rotational, orange
circles: Complex (Single rotational), circle with the greatest height is Complex (multiple
rotational). Trend line calculated using linear regression.
values for both relationships are similar and relatively high showing there is a relatively
strong positive relationship between the data.
3.10 Mapped Complex landslide at Red cliff (Sandown Bay, north) (Figure 3.22)
The landslide is about 100m at its widest extent by about 50 m at its greatest extent
from the back scar to the toe of the landslide (total length). It is complex in nature with
it appearing to consist of a series of failures. It has a clear back scar, body, toe area
and left flank with a series of younger failures occurring in the body area. The back
scar has steep slopes at about 50
with the gradient decreasing towards the toe but it
is highly variable.
The shear vein tests show that the undrained shear strength is generally low for the
central main body area of the landslide, whilst the T1 taken from the front of the rotated
block and T9 taken from the back scar of the landslide show the highest undrained
shear strength (Table 3.12). T7, which was taken from the front of a younger shallower
R = 0.7357
0 10 20 30 40 50
Cliff height / m
R = 0.7589
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Cliff height / m
Figure 3.20 The relationship between cliff height and total length of landslides with
translational (planar) nature. Red squares: Complex landslides with main movement
being Translational (planar). Blue diamonds: Translational (planar) landslides. Trend
line calculated using linear regression.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
Table 3.12 Field shear vein test conducted on the soils in the field from which samples were
taken from, showing in situ undrained shear strength. Numbers correspond to the location
the tests were carried out on the landslide e.g. 1 = T1 on landslide (Figure 3.21). Apart from
T3 the other tests were carried out where the samples were collected from (see, figure
rotated block, is an exception as it has a higher undrained shear strength than all the
samples apart from T1 and T9.
Test Shear Vein Test (19 mm Vein at depth 20-24cm)
/ KPa
1 52.6
2 22.8
3 22
4 16.8
5 17.6
6 12.6
7 47.2
8 26.4
9 54
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The plastic limits of the samples taken from the landslides are similar except for
samples 3 and 4 which have a slightly higher and much higher plastic limit respectively
than the other soils (Table 3.13). The liquid limits and plasticity index of the samples
are much more variable. The liquidity index for the majority of the samples are close to
zero except for sample 5 which is closer to one and sample 1 is the farthest away from
zero in terms of its negative value (Table 3.13).
All the profiles that pass from the front to the back of the landslide have a convex
section at the bottom of the profile. Profiles 1 and 2 are overall slightly concave than
but profile 3 is generally straight. All the profiles have a central convex part which is
more pronounced in profile 2. The top parts of the profiles are generally straight but
they all have a slight convex part after the central convex section which is more
pronounced in profile 1. All the major parts of the profiles identified also occur around
the same horizontal distances. The profile (4) that was taken across the bottom of the
landslide shows that away from the sides of the landslide it gets deeper towards the
middle. The west side of the profile is generally convex whilst the east side of the
profile is concave and is also steeper than the west side. The east side of the profile
also has a convex part immediately left of the concave side.
The plasticity chart (Figure 3.23) shows the soils have a wide range of plasticity from
low to very high and all but one of the samples plot above the A line. It also shows that
samples can generally be classified as Clays with the exception of sample 4.
Sample Plastic
Liquid Limit Plasticity
1 Slightly Clayey Sandy
19.84 30.07 10.23 -0.29
2 Slightly Sandy CLAY 19.74 45.12 25.38 0.18
3 Silty CLAY with rare
25.11 70.84 45.74
4 Slightly Sandy Silty
35.05 59.50 24.45
5 Slightly Silty Sandy
19.31 40.58 21.27
6 Silty CLAY 21.85 55.42 33.58 0.17
7 Slightly Silty Sandy
19.98 37.90 17.92 0.18
8 Slightly Sandy CLAY 17.84 38.03 20.18 0.09
Table 3.13 Atterberg limits conducted on the soil samples taken from the landslides. The
numbers correspond to the location on the landslide in which the samples were taken from.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The moisture content for all the samples varies (Table 3.14). The angle of internal
friction for each soil varies but soils 1 and 2 have much higher angle of internal friction
than the rest of the soils. The coefficient of cohesion also varies greatly for each
sample (Table 3.14).
Sample Moisture
Content / %
Angle of internal
Coefficient of
1 Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT 16.91 38.98 5.67
2 Slightly Sandy CLAY 24.23 33.53 8.89
3 Silty CLAY with rare
30.61 14.47 33.74
4 Slightly Sandy Silty CLAY 34.73 7.09 11.72
5 Slightly Silty Sandy CLAY 30.73 4.79 9.09
6 Silty CLAY 27.45 19.71 26.60
7 Slightly Silty Sandy CLAY 23.12 7.96 16.77
8 Slightly Sandy CLAY 19.72 19.95 28.00
Figure 3.23 Plasticity chart after Figure 4.17 Norbury (2010).
Table 3.14 Direct shear box tests completed on undrained soil samples. The numbers
respond to the location the soils samples were taken from.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The particle size distribution plots (Figure 3.24) show that sample 3 has the highest
proportion of clay sized particles whilst the other samples have similar clay
percentages. Samples 1, 5, 7 and 8 have higher proportions of sand sized particles
than the other samples and the samples as a whole have varying percentages of silt
sized particles.
3.11 Mapped mud slide / flow landslide in Whitecliff Bay (Figure 3.25)
The landslide has a distinct elongate form and spreads out at the toe area. It also has
some minor scars occurring in the main body of the landslide. The total length of the
landslide is about 44m but is only about 11m at its widest extent.
The profiles taken across the landslide show, it is wider at the back and the front than
in the middle of the landslide. The cross profiles also show that the landslide gets
deeper from the front to the back of the landslide. The profile showing the extent of the
landslide from back to front shows that it is generally straight with slight undulation.
Figure 3.24 Particle size distribution plot (see appendix D for percentage break down)
for the samples taken from the Complex landslide at Red cliff (Sandown Bay). Numbers
correspond to locations samples were taken (see geomorphological map Figure).
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
Table 3.16 Field shear vein tests conducted in the field from which the samples were taken,
showing their undrained shear strength. Numbers correspond to the location the tests were
carried out on the landslide e.g. 1 = T1 on landslide (Figure 3.24).
Sample Moisture
Angle of internal
Coefficient of
1 Silty Sandy CLAY 23.86 27.15 30.75
2 Slightly Sandy CLAY with
frequent shell fragments
25.16 13.26 43.09
3 Slightly Sandy CLAY with rare
shell fragments
30.15 20.37 19.50
4 Slightly Silty CLAY 26.21 8.28 26.44
The shear box test results (Table 3.15), show that the angle of internal friction and
coefficient of cohesion vary for each sample but the moisture contents are much less
Test Shear Vein Test (19mm Vein at depth 32cm)
/ KPa
1 43.6
2 107.8
3 67.4
4 86.8
The shear vein results generally show that shear strength increases towards the back
of the landslide except for test 2 which has the highest shear strength (Table 3.16).
Sample Plastic Limit Liquid Limit Plasticity Index Liquidity Index
1 Silty Sandy CLAY 25.60 47.07 21.47 -0.08
2 Slightly Sandy
CLAY with frequent
shell fragments
24.73 55.47 30.73 0.01
3 Slightly Sandy
CLAY with rare shell
25.48 55.31 29.83 0.16
4 Slightly Silty CLAY 24.89 49.93 25.05 0.05
The plastic limits do not vary greatly between the samples but the liquid limits are
slightly more variable with samples 1 and 4 having similar liquid limits but are lower
than samples 2 and 3 which have similar liquid limits (Table 3.17). The plasticity index
Table 3.15 Direct shear box tests completed on undrained soil samples. The numbers
respond to the location the soils samples were taken from.
Table 3.17 Atterberg limits conducted on the soil samples taken from the landslides. The
numbers correspond to the location on the landslide in which the samples were taken from.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
follows the same pattern except samples 1 and 4 show a slightly larger difference. The
liquidity index for all the samples are close to zero.
The plasticity chart (Figure 3.26) shows that the samples plot in close proximity and
that the plasticity of the samples ranges from intermediate to high. All the samples plot
above the A line and can be classed as silty CLAYs or CLAYs.
Figure 3.27 Particle size distribution plot (see appendix D for percentage break down) for
the samples taken from the mud slide / flow landslide at Whitecliff. Numbers correspond to
locations samples were taken (see geomorphological map Figure).
Figure 3.26 Plasticity chart after Figure 4.17 Norbury (2010).
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The particle size distribution plots show that the samples have similar percentages
Sand and Silt or finer particles but sample 1 has the highest percentage of clay sized
particles. The other three samples have similar percentages of clay sized particles
(Figure 3.27).
Chapter four: Discussion
4.1 Factors preparing conditions for landsliding in the area
Geology and lithology
The results show that bedrock geology is exerting a strong influence on landsliding in
the area as very few landslides involved a superficial geology (Table 3.5). This then
implies that failure is principally occurring in the bedrock geology. However, only one,
well developed, superficial geology was found in the study area, occurring in Yaverland
(Figure 3.11) but nearly every time it was found in the displaced mass of a landslide,
the bedrock geology was found failed too, supporting the fact that failure most likely
occurred in the bedrock geology causing the superficial geology to fail as well. The
geology and thus lithology forming the south east of the Isle of Wight is a major factor
in why the area is highly susceptible to landsliding. The lithology generally consists of
weak, soft, poorly lithified sedimentary rocks (Figure 3.11 & 3.12) with some stronger
rock outcrops, mainly at Culver cliff. The weakness of the lithology is highlighted in the
Schmidt hammer tests, with only a few lithologies out of the entire area giving a
Schmidt hammer reading showing, that for the majority of the lithologies in the area,
the impact of the Schmidt hammer is greater than the lithology it is impacting on (Day,
1980), thus showing its inherent weakness. The lithologies that gave a Schmidt
hammer reading (Table 3.8, Figure 3.11 & 3.12) were all generally low and are
classified by (Selby, 1980) as very weak rock. Thus, with the rocks being inherently
weak it shows that, where they form slopes, they will not be able to withstand great
stresses and therefore are highly susceptible to landsliding. The penetrometer
readings (Table 3.9) highlight how weak the soil lithologies are in the area, as Barnes,
(2010) states the shear strength of the material will be about half their unconfined
strength and thus explains why these soils are so prone to landsliding (Figure 3.11 &
3.12) Even though all the lithologies are weak in terms of their strength, there are
some that are offering more resistance to landsliding. At red cliff, little landsliding is
occurring in the Ferruginous sands at red cliff (Figure 3.10 & 3.11); with only a recent
Fall (19; Figure 3.11) occurring in the sands and the Fall / Topple zones being dormant
(20/21; Figure 3.11). This relative inactivity of landsliding in these sands is most likely
due to the strength of the material. The rate at which the cliff line has retreated is a
good indicator of the material, which is forming the cliff, resistance to erosion. The
Ferruginous sands at Red cliff (Figure 4.1) have not retreated as much as the cliff
sections either side of it, showing that it must be more resistant to erosion and thus
inherently stronger than the lithologies either side of the succession. This is the case
as the lithologies either side of it are of a clay nature (Figure 3.11) and clay is
consistently seen as the weakest material (Foster, 2007). The chalk cliffs show even
less recession showing that the chalk group are more resistant to erosion than the
Ferruginous sands and this is supported by the Schmidt hammer readings (Table 6).
This relationship with lithology and cliff line retreat is also highlighted by May (1980)
along the south west coast of the isle of Wight. The cliff heights also increase at the
sands and the chalk which is argued by Jenkins et al. (2011) shows the stratas
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
resistant to coastal erosion which is related to the strength of the lithology forming the
The resistance that different lithologies are having to landsliding is also highlighted in
Whitecliff where the pattern of landsliding is occurring in the clays and silts and the
less slipped areas in sands (Figure 3.12 & 4.2). This then shows that the clayey and
silty lithologies are more susceptible to landsliding than the sands and thus must be
inherently weaker. The left landslide failure is shallower than the right (Figure 4.2)
which could also be due to the fact the lithology involved in the landslide has more
sand, showing that more homogenous clayey/silty units are prone to more, well
developed (deeper) landsliding. The weakness of the clay lithologies to erosion and
thus susceptibility to landsliding is highlighted by gullies forming in Silty SAND units
where there is a more prominent clay horizon occurring (Figure 4.3). Thus further
showing where clay is occurring or forms a fraction of a lithology then it will be more
prone to landsliding and this is what is being seen in the study area (Figure 3.11, 3.12
& 3.15-3.17). This is supported by the fact that Jones and Lee (1994) state that as the
clay content increases, a material becomes weaker and thus more prone to failure.
Figure 4.1 Google Earth imagery showing the outline of the cliffs at Red cliff and Culver
Down. Cliff outline is highlighted by red dotted line. Yellow bar shows the location of the
succession of sands (Ferruginous sands) involving the lithologies 15 19 (Figure 3.11).
Lime bar shows the location of the chalk cliffs (Chalk group) involving the lithologies 30 34
(Figure 13.1).
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
Discontinuities such as bedding surfaces, faults and joints can weaken a soil or rock
mass (Cruden and Varnes, 1998). Bedding surfaces are prominent in the study area
due to the nature and continual change of the lithology along the cliff sections (Figure
3.11 & 3.12) and thus is most likely contributing to the susceptibility of the cliff sections
to landsliding. However, the lithology in the study area is dipping towards the north and
into the slope which would produce little instability of the slope (Emery and Khun,
Figure 4.2 An example of landslide occurrence related to lithology type. Red dashed line
indicate the outline of the failures and blue / aqua lines indicate the boundaries between the
Figure 4.3 Gullies forming where there is a thicker clay horizon, located left of the red dotted
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
1982). However, landslides 11, 14, 15, 16 and 17 (Figure 3.12) are all occurring where
bedding surfaces (contacts) occur and thus they could be making the slopes more
susceptible to landsliding. Landslide 9 (Figure 3.12 & 4.4) shows that the deepest part
of the landslide is in the centre implying that the failure occurred towards the centre of
the landslide and thus away from the bedding surfaces, showing that they may have
had little influence on this landslide.
The effect that discontinuities can have on the susceptibility of a lithology to landsliding
is highlighted by the chalk forming the cliffs at Culver cliff. Apart from the Limestone in
Whitecliff the Chalk is the strongest material in the study area (Table 3.8) but rock falls
are dominantly occurring along the cliffs (Figure 3.12). This is most likely due to the
well developed discontinuities that run almost perpendicular to the bedding (Figure
4.5). Discontinuities influence the stability of a rock slope (Piteau and Peckover, 1978),
acting as possible planes of failure (Foster, 2007), thus these discontinuities will then
allow the chalk to detach with little or no shear which normally occurs with fall type
landslides (Cruden and Varnes, 1996). It is then due to these discontinuities that the
cliffs consisting of chalk and marl are highly susceptible to Fall type landslides and
highlights how they can weaken a material.
4.2 Factors triggering landsliding in the area:
Figure 4.5 Discontinuities developed in the interbedded chalk and marls at Culver cliff.
Notice that the discontinuities are running at nearly right angles to the bedding. This was also
seen in the whiter Chalk succession seen after this.
Figure 4.4 Complex landslide (9, Figure 3.12) showing the relationship between bedding
surfaces and the extent of the landslide.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
There was numerous evidence of the influence that rainfall might be having on
landsliding in the area; water was seen to be flowing out of the back scar area of a
single rotational slide in Whitecliff (36, Figure 3.12) whilst an earth flow consisting of
clay (which was at or close to its liquid limit) was actively moving on 12
June 2012.
This was preceded by near continuous rainfall amounting to 364mm falling in the
space of 10 days (Isle of Wight weather, 2013a; 2013b, see Appendix A & B) and thus
is the most likely cause for the flow to be actively moving. As rainwater increasingly
infiltrates the ground it causes the pressure of the water that fills the voids between soil
particles to increase, which in turn causes a decrease in effective stress, leading to the
slope becoming more unstable (Matsuura et al. 2008). This then could have triggered
the single rotational landslide in Whitecliff, especially if the aquifer reached a more
impermeable layer, which is highly likely due to the lithology consisting of clay, silt and
marls. The pore water pressures would have increased against the impermeable layer
and locally could have caused a curved shear surface to form, triggering a rotational
slide. The most common type of weather-induced landslides are flow and slide types
(Cruden and Varnes, 1996) and as the majority of the landslides in the area are of flow
and slide type there is then a strong relationship that rainfall is a prime cause for
landsliding in the area.
Due to the dominance of low permeable fine soils forming a major component of the
lithology in the area (figure 3.11 & 3.12), there is then the potential for shear surfaces
to develop where there is a contact between a more permeable layer such as a sand
and a more impermeable layer such as a clay. The water meeting the more
impermeable layer will cause an increase in pore water pressures and this increase
can reach a point when it overcomes the shear strength of the material forming the
slope thus producing a shear surface for failure to occur on (Jones and Lee, 1994).
However, where the bedding contacts are vertical (Whitecliff, Figure 3.12) it is unlikely
that significant pore water pressures will develop as the water will be able to flow
parallel to the bedding, under the influence of gravity, as the dip of the bedding favours
the ingress of water (Jones and Lee, 1994). This is supported by the fact that slip
surfaces along bedding contacts between low and high permeable layers do not
appear to be occurring in Whitecliff (Figure 3.12, 24 & 26). However, it could be a
possible mechanism for landsliding in parts of Yaverland (Figure 4.6) as the lithology is
dipping shallowly not steeply. The failure has mainly occurred in the Silty SAND unit
running along the top of the cliff. The unit below this is a more impermeable Silty CLAY
and thus during high rainfall, pore water pressures could have built up along this
impermeable layer until it caused the unit above to fail.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
Rainfall also causes an increase in the soils moisture content, decreasing matric
suction and thus reducing the shear strength of the soil (Kim et al. 2012) making the
soil more susceptible to failure. The rate at which the moisture content of a soil will
increase will depend on the permeability of the soil and due to the majority of the area
consisting of fine soils (low permeability), it will take a longer response for the mass of
material to fail. However, with increasing moisture content in impermeable fine soils, it
will take longer for the water to dissipate. Thus, if there are continuous amounts of
rainfall it might eventually lead to failures occurring in the low permeable soils but none
occurring in more permeable soils as they can remove their water content quicker. The
other effect of rainfall is that it causes an increase in the moisture content of a mass
material which will increase its weight and thus will increase the stress along a failure
plane which can trigger a failure (Young and Ashford, 2008). This will also have the
effect of increasing the load on a slope, thus increasing stress which can overcome the
strength of the material forming the slope initiating failure.
Marine processes
At high tide the sea reaches the base of the cliffs in most of the area (Figure 4.7)
except in parts of Yaverland especially from the succession of sands (Ferruginous
Sands) up until the chalk. The effect that the sea will have will be to remove material
from the toe of a landslide. This then reduces the stability of the slope and can
promote further recession through landsliding (Lee et al. 2001). The removal of
material from the base of a slope also causes the slope to steepen which is argued by
Wolters and Muller (2008) as being the critical factor for increasing slope instability.
However, the deposition of material at that base of the slope provides protection from
wave run-up and thus erosion only occurs when the debris has been removed (Lee,
2008). This then could also explain why the chalk group has receded the least, as the
falls will deposit material at the base of the slope providing a natural protection to
marine erosion. This effect will be diminished in soft rock cliffs (majority of the study
area) as the displaced material deposited at the base of the cliff / slope will be highly
disturbed and in a fully softened state which will mean it can be easily eroded (Castedo
et al. 2012).Thus, this will have the effect to provide the condition for continuous
landsliding as marine processes will be able to easily remove material from the base of
slopes as most of the area consists of soft rock cliffs (Figure 3.11 & 3.12).
Figure 4.6 Failure occurring in the superficial geology, which is possibly related to
increased pore pressures at impermeable layers.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The problem with the effects of marine erosion is that it can promote new failures to
occur on previously stable slopes but also has the effect of promoting continuous
landsliding in already landslide prone area and this explains why the majority of the
area is landsliding. It is also stated by Young and Ashford (2008) that the periodic
loading of the foreshore during the tidal cycle can cause a rock mass, such as the
chalk forming the cliffs at Culver, to undergo periodic flexure which will exert its own
stress on the rock mass. This then could have the effect of initiating the falls seen in
the chalk at Culver cliff.
Even though the sea does not reach the base of the cliff at the Ferruginous Sands
(Figure 3.9), there is still evidence of marine processes affecting the sands in the form
of tafoni (Figure 4.8). The tafoni is most likely due to salt weathering (Huinink et al.
2004), due to it being a coastal setting, and is an example of cavernous weathering
and results in the weakening of the cliff face (Mol and Viles, 2012). Thus, this can lead
to the development of material falling from the cliff face and as tafoin structures can
grow in size and coalesce to from larger forms (Sunamura and Aoki, 2011), this then
could allow material to detach without shearing to produce falls.
Figure 4.7 Evidence of the sea reaching the base of the cliffs near high tide.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
4.3 Geological and lithological control on landslide type
Lithology is a major factor for the area being extremely prone to landsliding but the
nature and type of the lithology is also influencing the type of movement that occurs in
the landslide. Fine soils with varying amounts of clay and silt compositions are
dominantly producing complex, flow and slide type landslides (Figure 3.15 3.17).
Comparing this to data compiled by the Government department of the Environment
(Table 5.2 (Jones and Lee, 1994), it is similarly seen that the majority of landslides with
a clay lithology are producing complex landslides. However, their data show single
rotational being the next most dominant associated with clay, but this is not being seen
in the study area, which is most likely due to the fact that the soils are not purely of a
clay composition. Fall type landslides are dominantly occurring in Chalk (Figure 3.15-
3.17) and this is similarly seen for the data produced by the Government department of
the Environment (Table 5.2, (Jones and Lee, 1994) showing that this lithology is
having a strong control on the landslide type where it occurs.
Both areas have similar lithologies in terms of the poorly lithified material but Flow type
landslides are more dominant in Whitecliff, whereas rotational landslides are more
dominant in Sandown Bay (including the main movement types in Complex landslides
for both areas) (Table 3.1 & 3.2). This difference in the two areas is most likely due to
the differences in the dip of the lithology. The silt and clay lithologies that are occurring
in Sandown Bay are shallowly dipping (Figure 3.11) but in Whitecliff Bay the lithology
are dipping near vertical (Figure 3.12). This then shows that when the lithology is
dipping shallowly (13
) a surface of rupture is most likely to develop that is curved but
when the lithology is steeply dipping (80
) then a surface of rupture is less likely to
occur (Cruden and Varnes, 1996). However, in the north part of Whitecliff where the
dip is shallow there are no rotational landslides occurring where the limestone
succession exists in the cliff (lithology 39 Figure 3.12). This is most likely due to the
Figure 4.8 Tafoni forming in the sand cliffs of the Ferruginous sands in Sandown Bay.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
limestone reinforcing the cliff and preventing a rupture surface from developing thus
causing the landsliding to occur as flows. This is also seen along the section of
coastline at Hamstead; where a limestone outcropping on the beach (same as the one
in Whitecliff) is influencing the rate of recession and activity of landsliding above it
(Hutchinson, 1983). The influence that this limestone is having on the type of
movement produced in a landslide is amplified when the limestone disappears under
the beach (Figure 3.12); rotational landslides then start to dominate (Figure 3.12)
which further suggesting that when the slope predominantly consists of clayey or silty
materials and the lithology is dipping gently, then a curved rupture surface is most
likely to occur. This also highlights that not only does the lithology influence the
distribution and type of movement in a landslide but also the structural nature of the
lithology. The relationship between the dip of the lithology and the type of landslides
occurring is the result of the structural geology of the area and the change in the dip of
the beds is due to the Isle of Wight Monocline (Insole et al. 1998; Hopson, 2011) and
shows the control that the geological history can have on the type and occurrence of
landsliding in the area.
4.4 Physical properties of materials forming the slopes
The physical properties of the materials occurring in the Complex landslide at red cliff
(Figure 3.22) are highly variable across the whole of the landslide (Table 3.13) but
some relationships can be drawn. Plasticity is the property of a clay material which
allows it to deform permanently under stress without rupturing, up to an elastic yield
point (Reeves et al. 2006) and will retain its shape once the force is removed (Andrade
et al. 2011). Thus, a clayey soil with high plasticity can undergo a greater stress
without rupturing than a clayey soil with low plasticity. Most of the samples have a
lower plasticity than sample 6 which was taken from the back scar of the landslide and
thus the difference in the plasticity could then have caused the landslide. However,
due to the samples being taken from the same landslide the lithology for all the
samples should be the same and thus should have similar physical properties but this
is not being seen. This is most likely due to the material being mixed and deformed
due to failure and thus the test results highlight how the physical properties have
changed compared to its original state which is shown by sample 6. The undrained
shear strength of the samples taken from the toe and main body area of the landslide
are weaker than the back scar, showing that after failure occurs the material becomes
weaker. This has major implications as the failed material will now be more susceptible
to landsliding and this is being shown by the series of younger failures highlighted on
the geomorphological map.
The results of the atterberg limits and particle size distribution show similar physical
properties to that of the samples of Muggaga et al. (2012) in their study. They indicate
that their samples have high expansive potential and thus as some of the samples in
this study show similar physical properties the materials in both landslide (Figure 3.22
& 3.25) are also likely to have high expansive potential making them highly susceptible
to landsliding (Muggaga et al. 2012), thus, explaining why landsliding has occurred.
Due to the variation in the physical properties of the samples (Table 3.13 & 3.17) the
samples will swell at different moisture contents and thus stress will be exerted on the
slopes at different times depending on the physical properties of the material and this
could explain why the landslide in red cliff is seen to progressively fail and not fail at
the same time (Figure 3.22).
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The undrained shear strength of test 3 (Table 3.12) which was taken in a younger
failure is very low and could explain why the material has failed and tension cracks are
forming a small shallow failures are occurring (Figure 3.22, image 3 & 4). The liquidity
index of sample 5 from which T3 was carried out, indicates it was approaching its liquid
limit (Selby, 1993) (Table 3.13). The moisture contents of the samples dont show a
relationship with the undrained shear strength of the materials, which is unusual as an
increase in water content would weaken a material. However, Andrade et al. (2011)
states that an initial increase in water content increases cohesion and increases the
shear resistance of the material until it generally passes its plastic limit. As the plastic
limits of the samples vary, each samples shearing resistance would vary with different
moisture contents and thus this could explain why there appears to be no relationship.
T6, which involved sample 4, shows the lowest undrained shear strength out of all the
materials in its natural state but the liquidity index implies that it is in a solid state. It
was noticed in the field that the material was almost completely saturated and thus
must have been close to its liquid limit. This could then be an anomalous result and the
natural moisture content could have been lost by the sample not being properly sealed.
However, its low undrained shear strength at the time of the test does explain why
there has been a recent shallow failure (Figure 3.22; image 2).
The Whitecliff Bay landslide shows higher undrained shear strengths than the Red cliff
landslide and this could be due to the fact that all the samples are near their plastic
limits (Table 3.17), as Andrade et al. (2011) that the shearing resistance of a clayey
material will be at its highest near its plastic limit. However, samples from the Red cliff
landslide are close to their plastic limits but show very low undrained shear strengths.
This could be due to them having a lower clay content than the samples from the
Whitecliff Bay landslide and thus this could show the effects that clay content will have
on the magnitude of shear resistance when a clayey material is at or near its plastic
limit. However, it is worth noting that that the particle size analysis data show the
samples having very coarse sand percentages but with the samples being sieved to
1mm and the GRADISTAT programme classing very coarse sand as between 1mm
and 2mm (Blott and Pye, 2001), there then shouldnt be any very coarse sand
percentages recorded. Thus, the particle size distribution plots are probably in
accurate and the clay percentages may actually be larger and therefore they should be
used as relative indicators not absolute figures.
The results are slightly conflicting and this is most likely due to an error in the sampling
method as the majority of the samples were taken from the surface of the landslides in
slipped material. If more samples were taken from the backscars of the landslides then
a better relationship could be made between the failed material (body and toe) and the
un-failed material (back scar).
The undrained shear strength results from the landslide in Whitecliff generally show a
better relationship that the displaced material is weaker than the unfailed material
towards the back of the landslide but again this relationship would have been
strengthened if more tests were carried out in the back scar region of the landslide.
The cohesion factor for these samples are generally higher than the samples from the
Red cliff complex landslide but the landslide is of mud slide / flow type not rotational
which contradicts Frattini and Crosta (2013) stating that cohesion effects favour large
(deeper and longer) landslides, which is what the complex landslide at Red Cliff is.
This then could support the fact that the dip of the lithology is having a greater
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
influence on the resultant movement type, as previously stated, than the nature of the
lithology itself.
The angle of internal friction of the materials show that for the majority of the material
occurring in the main body of the red cliff landslide (Figure 3.22), the friction angels are
lower than for the back scar (sample 6, Table 3.14). This supports the fact after failure
occurs the angle to which a clay becomes unstable is less than its original angle in
previously unfailed state (Forster et al. 1994). However, the effects of cohesion also
need to be taken into account, due to its effect as by Andrade et al. (2011), and the
samples taken from the front of the slide (S1 & S2, Figure 3.22) show the highest
angles of internal friction (Table 3.14) contradicting this relationship. The problem is
due to the direct shear box test being a simple test when undrained conditions are
carried out on clay samples and cannot account for the effects of pore water pressures
(Wu, 1996) and could explain why there appears to be little relationship between the
strength parameters. Thus, a better test of these parameters would be a Triaxial test
as suggested by Selby (1993) or an unconfined compression test could be used
(Barnes, 2010) to compare with the shear vein tests but the apparatus to carry out
these tests were not available at Plymouth University.
Overall, the tests generally show that the failed material is weaker than the un-failed
material and thus further failure is likely to continue on the landslides, which is
supported by the fact that younger failures were identified during the geomorphological
mapping of the red cliff landslide (Figure 3.22). However, the properties of the failed
material vary over the entire area of the red cliff landslide and thus each area will fail at
different times under different circumstances. Also, the generally higher undrained
shear strength of the material forming the landslide in Whitecliff Bay, explains why
recent younger failures were not seen when geomorphological mapping the landslide.
4.5 Morphology and nature of landsliding
The single rotational slides in the area show typical hummocky features (Figure 3.5)
caused by the rotation of the displaced mass along a curved rupture surface (Cruden
and Varnes, 1996). These hummocks were also picked out by the profiles (Figure 3.9),
shown by the convex part of the profile. The single rotational slides are shallow failures
when cliff heights are relatively low but get increasingly deeper seated with larger run
outs and offsets as cliff height increases (Figure 3.18-3.21). There is a strong
relationship in the data shown by the R
values but the strongest relationship can be
made between cliff height and vertical offset as there is only about a 10% chance that
other factors are causing this relationship (Wheeler et al. 2004). This is similar for cliff
height and total length of the landslides, as there is only about a 26% chance that this
relationship occurred by other factors. This is understandable as the cliff height will
control the amount of accommodation space available and thus the size of the mass
that fails in a landslide (Jenkins et al. 2011). The weakest relationship is between cliff
height and horizontal offset as there is a much greater chance that other factors such
as the lithology are influencing this relationship (about 33%). The majority of the
landsliding in the area is complex in nature, which is probably due to the great variation
of lithology over the entire area and the complex physical properties of the materials
which is highlighted by the previously discussed red cliff complex landslide. The main
movement of this landslide is believed to be rotational as the toe area of the displaced
mass shows rotation and that ponded water has developed behind the toe of the
landslide, which is typical evidence of a rotated block as the block is usually backward
tilted creating a depression for water to pond (Varnes, 1978). However the complexity
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
of the surface morphology of the landslide indicates that it is not the only movement
type occurring in the landslide and that shallow flows and mud slides have occurred
onto the block as shown by the geomorphological map (Figure 3.22). The morphology
of the landslide also indicates that it was not a single failure but a series of failures,
which is also highlighted by the Google earth imagery showing that the landslide has
enlarged in width between 1999 and 2005 (Figure 3.22). This then suggests that the
surface of rupture for this landslide has widened and possibly retrogressed (Cruden
and Varnes, 1996), which is most likely due to the physical properties of the material.
The larger landslide immediately north of the mapped landslide is also Complex. The
initial movement of the landslide is believed to be multiple rotational due to two clear
hummocks showing up on the profiles of the landslide (Figure 3.9). However, it is
Complex due to the back scar of the landslide being active in the form of flows and this
is due to the scarp being steep and unsupported providing the condition for new
failures (Varnes, 1978). Varnes (1978) also states that steep back scars should
provide the potential for the same failure to occur and there is this possibility as the
landslide is believed to have been continuously active since 1912 (Hutchinson, 1965,
in Jenkins et al. 2011). The fall type landslides in the area show typical accumulations
of debris aprons at the base of the slope forming fan shaped cones (Flageollet and
Weber, 1996) and are typically constrained to the chalk cliffs at culver cliff.
Flow and translational (planar) landslides are inherently different in their classification
but in the case of this study some that have been classed as either flow or translational
(planar) will show characteristics of the other type. This is highlighted by the mud slide
/ flow that was mapped in Whitecliff (Figure 3.25). It consists of features typical of a
mudslide characterised by Brunsden and Ibsen (1996) such as the elongate channel
(shown by the main body) and the accumulation zone (shown by toe area) consisting
of lobes. However, the source area doesnt show the complexity of morphological
features which is normally found in a mud slide (Brunsden and Ibsen, 1996). Cruden
and Varnes (1996) does state that there is often a gradation from slides to flows
depending on the water content, mobility and evolution of the movement. Thus this
appears to be the case for this landslide and can be said to be the case for landslides
in the vicinity of Whitecliff especially the landslides that have been classified as
complex and with main movements of either translational (planar) or flow (see
appendix C). This is supported by the fact that the profiles for the two types of
landslides are also very similar, implying they can be interchangeable (Figure 3.8).
Also, Brunsden and Ibsen (1996) state that mud slides require suitable materials in
order to occur such as overconsolidated clays, silt-clays and fine clayey sands, and as
these form the majority of the study area (Figure 3.11 & 3.12) the flow and translational
(planar) can potentially be categorised as mudslides.
Chapter 5: Models of landsliding in the study area
A series of models have been produced to represent the nature, characteristics and
causal factors of landsliding in the study area (Figure 5.1-5.3). Each area has a unique
landsliding style but the causative factors for landsliding in the area are the same with
a degree of variability, for example, marine processes will erode and remove material
from the base of the slope, which can initiate failure but in front of the Ferruginous
sands in Sandown Bay (Figure 5.1), the sea is not eroding the base of the slope and
thus explains to an extent why little landsliding has occurred in the Ferruginous sands.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
However, in Whitecliff Bay (north) (Figure 5.3) where the sea reaches the base of the cliff
in the whole area, the limestone of the Bembridge limestone formation is resisting marine
erosion and protecting the base of the slope, reinforcing it, but landsliding is still occurring
on the slopes above it. This is due to continuous rainfall increasing the water content of the
materials in the slope causing mud slide/flows to occur and shows when one factor is not
prevalent other triggering factors are. The nature of landsliding varies across the entire
area. Despite the majority of the area having suitable materials for mud slides to occur it is
only a dominant process in Whitecliff Bay (south) and this is due to the near vertical
dipping lithology in Whitecliff Bay (south) (Figure 5.2). Similar materials are present in
Sandown Bay but the area is dominated by rotational slides and this coincides with the
lithology dipping gently to the north not steeply and further evidence of this effect is the
appearance of a mud slide in the Gault Clay which is dipping steeper than similar materials
before it. Further evidence for this relationship is that rotational sliding is dominating in
Howgate Bay where the lithology is dipping gently to the north. However, when there is a
material with greater strength such as the Bembridge limestone, it reinforces the slopes
preventing rupture surfaces from occurring and landsliding only occurs in the form of flows
or mud slides.
Chapter 6: Conclusion and wider implications
The majority of the study area shows landsliding is a dominant process occurring in the
cliff slopes and this is due to the area consisting of weak, poorly lithified sedimentary rocks
making them highly susceptible to landsliding. Even when stronger more resistant rocks
are prevalent (Chalk) it is still highly susceptible to landsliding due to its physical nature
(discontinuities). The topography of the area is also influencing landsliding as it is
providing the accommodation space for the displacement of material to occur through
landsliding. However, these are just preparatory factors for landsliding, the actual
triggering mechanism for landsliding in the area is due to continuous, sometimes intense
rainfall, saturating the materials forming the slopes, allowing them to deform and move
once their liquid limit is reached but also due to it increasing pore water pressures which
can overcome the shear strength of a material triggering a landslide. Marine processes are
also a possible triggering factor as high tide reaches the base of the cliffs in most of the
area, which removes material from the base of the slopes and thus the slopes basal
support increasing the stress on the slope which can overcome the shear strength of the
material forming the slopes causing failure to occur as a landslide. The majority of the
landsliding in the area are of a complex type due to the majority of the slopes not
consisting of a single homogenous lithology. The structure and lithology of the area are
having a strong influence on landslide type but the structure of the area is having a slightly
stronger influence, due to lithologies that are of a similar nature are not continually
producing the same movement type across the area. When stronger more resistant
lithologies are forming at or near the base of the slope it acts to reinforce the slopes above
and resist marine erosion, however, landsliding does still occur above the more resistant
lithology due to high rainfall. These resistant lithologies also act to prevent rupture
surfaces from occurring in the slope above and tend to fail as just flows.
The physical properties and shear strength parameter study highlights how variable the
materials become after failure has occurred and the material becomes inherently weaker,
which will have the effect that allowing continued landsliding on slopes that have already
failed. However, this finding would be strengthened if more samples were taken from
unfailed areas of the landslides and that more appropriate tests should be carried out to
determine the shear strength parameters, which highlights the limitation of these tests.
Also, the triggering mechanisms are to a degree inferred and thus further study into the
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2013, 6, (2), 124-176
relationship between rainfall and landslide frequency of the area would further support or
not support that rainfall is a major triggering factor into landsliding in the area. There is
also the potential for further study into the rates at which material is removed by marine
processes which can give an indication of how frequent landsliding is most likely to occur.
The findings of this report has implications for the future as the principal causes of
landsliding in the area are marine processes and rainfall; the rise in sea level and potential
increase in precipitation predicted by the IPCC will mean that landsliding will be a
continuous process in the area and a continuous hazard to the public that walk near the
top or base of the cliffs, especially the Ferruginous sands and the Chalk. There is then the
need for continuous monitoring of the landsliding in the area and there is future potential
for further research into the frequency of landsliding events in the area and how landsliding
might evolve with future climatic change and sea level rise.
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