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Newsl etter 8/25/14
Vol ume 1, Issue 2
Fortsons Bulletin 2 nd Grade Newsletter Welcome to the 3 rd week of school! Wow! Time flies when we are having fun learning!!! The students are doing an excellent job at following the rules, walking in line, and getting along with their peers. Please continue to encourage our child to exhibit responsible behavior and demonstrate self! control. "an of the students have found that # nd grade is bus. There are a lot of standards we must get through before the students are read for third grade. Please continue to encourage our child to tr his$her best in ever assignment given. Thank ou so much for all ou do to help me help ou child. From The Teachers Desk Weekly Acaem!c Focus " Voca#ulary READING: The students will learn about main idea and how to demonstrate and recount events and details of thoughts, actions, and feelings. ~detail, events, main idea WRITING: The students will learn about collective nouns, how to identify them, and use them in writing. ~noun, collective nouns, groups PHONICS: The students will learn/review that sounds short and long vowels make. They will also discuss long vowels, compound words, and silent e. ~vowels, long, short, compound words, silent e MATH: The students will continue place value. They will also learn about skip counting, number names, expanded form, word form, and standard form. ~place value, ones, tens, hundreds, skip counting, word form, standard form, expanded form, number names. SCIENCE: The students will discover the three properties of matter and how they can change. ~matter, solid, liquid, gas, dissolve, condensation, evaporation SOCIAL STUDIES The students will distinguish the diference among CLASSROOM WISH LIST Ziplock Bags Gummy Bears Healthy Treats Clorox Wipes Baby Wipes $r! %c! &al Dr' (eester )w! %t V! ce*$r! %c! &al +rs' A%,el -o%, NOTE: Please sign the agenda nightly. Homework due Friday. August 27th-School Council/Title Parent !eeting "#$##am. Accelerated %eader will &egin on Se'tem&er ". (a&or )ay Holiday- Se'tem&er ". sgiy %omework Plus! write a stor using some of our spelling words in the composition book. This will be due on &rida of each week. This will help our child improve their writing skills. Please do all homework in the 'omposition (ook. Thurs.* Se't +- Curriculum ,ight. -S.( /$0#-1$##'m with !rs.Holmes. All othersrom 1$##-7$## in homeroom. Students are res'onsi&le 2or making sure they ha3e their homework inside their 2older. Important Information (elow is a list of helpful websites for our child to explore at home. )ou will find learning games that will in enhance the learning we do in class. Acaem!c Tr!.!a /el&0ul We#s!tes Page 2 of 2 Second Grade ES Grade !e"el News Parental Signature: ##################################### $ate: ############### Please sign below once you have read through the newsletter and have your child to return the signed newsletter to his/her teacher. Feel free express any comments/concerns in the box provided below. Thanks you for your cooperation. 444444444444444444444444444444444Comments/Concerns44444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 1uest!o%2 If 20 people are drinking Capri Sun, 16 are eating fish, and 12 are doing both, what fraction of the people is eating fish and Capri Sun? Last Weeks !nswer" #"$0 Monroe Elementary has the saying: When You Miss School, You Miss Out!! This is a true saying. Each time your child is absent your child misses out on aluable time from learning. !ur goal is to hae "##$ attendance each day. The student%s goal should be to come to school eery day ready to learn something new. &e urge you to send your child each day on time. 'chool begins at (:#). Try to aoid checking your child out early. Een a little ")-*# minutes make a di+erence. Each day your child comes to school he/she is further e,uipped with the proper tools to pass any assessment gien. -t takes all parts working together to