SPECIALITY FERTILIZER N Nitrogen P Phosphorous K Potassium S Sulphur Zn Zinc B Boron Ca Calcium Mg Magnessium CROPS / REMARKS ORG % W compound 17 17 14 5 0.5 0 0 0 Maize, Wheat 10% WVC 8 24 20 5 0.5 0.1 0 0 Wheat 10% Potato Mix 8 18 15 6 0.2 0.1 0 0 Potatoes and most tubers 30% S compound 8 21 7 4 0 0 0 0 Seedlings tobacco, vegetables 33% B Compound 6 24 20 5 0 0 0 0 Tobacco, paprika 10% Banana blend 12 3 22 0 0 0 0 0 Bananas, Palm trees 35% Fruit Tree Mix 19 6 25 4 0 0 0 0 Orchard trees i.e. Lemon, Oranges, Natjies.. 0% Soya Mix B 5 20 20 0 0 0 7.5 2 Lime enriched for Soya beans 0% STRAIGHT FERTILIZER N Nitrogen P Phosphorous K Potassium S Sulphur Zn Zinc B Boron Ca Calcium Mg Magnessium CROPS / REMARKS ORG % Ammonium Nitrate 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quick acting all purpose top dressing 0% Ammonium Sulphate 21 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 Quick acting top dressing contains sulphur 0% CAN (Calcium Ammonium Nitrate) 27 0 0 0 0 0 3.2 0 Top dressing, contains calcium 0% CaNO3 (Calcium Nitrate) 15.5 0 0 0 0 0 19.5 0 Top dressing, contains calcium 0% SOP (Sulphate of Potash) 0 0 50 18 0 0 0 0 Provides Potassium and sulphur 0% GSSP (Single Super Phosphate) 0 21 0 12 0 0 9 0 Can use as Basal dressing 0% DAP (Di- Ammonium Phosphate) 18 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 Can use as basal dressing 0% MAP (Mono Ammonium Phosphate) 11 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 Can use as basal dressing 0% MOP (Potassium Chloride) 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 Contains 60% potassium 0% N-Guard Urea 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Neem Coated Slow N release & insecticidal 0% SOIL CONDITIONERS N Nitrogen P Phosphorous K Potassium S Sulphur Zn Zinc B Boron Ca Calcium Mg Magnesium CROPS / REMARKS ORG % Gypsum granules or powder 0 0 0 17 0 0 23 2 Adds calcium and sulphur 0% Lime granules or powder 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 8 -Dolomitic. Reduces soil acidity 0% Lime granules or powder 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 1 -Calcititic. Reduces soil acidity 0% Organic Soil Builder 3 3 3 1 0 0 6 1 Seedlings, nurseries, potted plants, gardens 100% CCM- Micronised Lime 0 0 0 0 0 0 18.9 10.7 Dolomitic Micronised Lime. 2.5kg/Ha 3% CALSUS- Micronised Lime 0 0 0 0 0 0 40.6 2.9 Calcitic Micronised Lime 2.5kg/Ha 3% Gliogrow Energy Enzyme for enhancing crop growth and performance Other products available: J compound (coffee). We also custom formulate fertilizers that suits your crop, soil type and soil nutrient analysis. Other nutrients/micronutrients: Molybdenum, Iron, Copper, Manganese are included in most compounds.
1) Increased soil fertility levels 2) Better water and nutrient holding Capacity 3) Helps to stabilize pH 4) Improved soil structure - aeration 5) Increased micro bacterial activity in soil- efficient nutrient uptake by plants. 6) Introduction of organic micronutrients, Zinc, Boron, Magnesium, Calcium, Copper, Iron, Manganese, etc 7) Improved Cation exchange capacity. Holds huge quantities of positively charged nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and potassium until the plant needs them. 8) Better nutrient utilization: organic acids help transport plant food between soil, roots and plant. 9) Increase in soil micro-organisms: helps transform nutrients into available forms to the crop. 10) Better plant food retention in the root zone, less leaching and volitization.
Crops have higher yields when soils have high fertility levels. Many soils have low fertility levels - due to heavy cropping, mono cropping, years of fertilization, heavy irrigation, or other factors. Organic fertilizers improves soil fertility and have a positive effect on plant growth through a sustained supply of micro-nutrients and micro organisms Zambian Fertilizers combines organic material (mainly chicken manure, lime and gypsum) with chemical fertilizers. This combination results in: a more available and sustained nutrient source for growing plants with added soil enriching capabilities. Slow Release of Urea Urea fertilizer can be coated with certain materials, to reduce the rate at which the nitrogen becomes available to plants thus increasing availability for up-take by plants. These slow-release materials result in more efficient nitrogen use by growing plants. Urea in a slow-release form is popular for use on Cereal crops, golf courses, and other special lawn situations. Zambian Fertilizers Limited introduces N-Guard Slow Release Neem oil Coated Urea. N-Guard Urea is a Research driven highly concentrated product with potent Neem extracts and goodness of neem oil. The benefits of neem Coated Urea are: Inhibition of Urea nitrification hence slowing down losses from leaching and volatilization. N-Guard Urea reported improved yields of upto 48%. Due to the Pesticidal properties of neem oil coating, soil born nematodes, termites and other pests and diseases are controlled. N-Guard Urea is the next Generation Slow Release Urea.
MAIZE FERTILIZER N Nitrogen P Phosphorous K Potassium S Sulphur Zn Zinc Ca Calcium CROPS / REMARKS ORG % D compound 10 20 10 6
0 0 Maize 20% D compound + Lime 10 20 10 6 0 0 Lime enriched (30%) for Maize acidic soils 0% Maize Mix (ZIMBABWE D) 7 14 7 5 0 0 Lime & Organic enriched for Maize especially poor soils 25% R Compound 20 20 0 5 0 0 Maize especially Southern Province 20% X Compound 20 10 5 5 0 0 Maize, especially high rainfall areas, acidic soils 20% VEGETABLE FERTILIZER N Nitrogen P Phosphorous K Potassium S Sulphur Zn Zinc Ca Calcium CROPS / REMARKS ORG % Veg Mix A 10 10 20 4 0 0 For fruiting veggies like Tomato, eggplant, okra, pumpkins, impwa 33% Veg Mix B 12 12 12 4 0 0 For leafy veggies like Cabbage, rape, spinach, broccoli, vegetables 36% Veg Mix C 10 15 15 4 0 0 For tuber Veggies like Onions, carrots 32% Veg Top 24 16 0 24 0 0 0 A top dressing for most vegetables 26% Super Veg Feed 19 19 19 0 0 0 Basal for commercially grown vegetables, esp. tomato 0% Veg Top 32 21 0 32 0 0 0 Top for commercially grown vegetables, esp. tomato 0% Starke Ayres Tomato Basal 10 23 15.7 4.5 0 0 Star Range Tomato Varieties- Star 9030,9009,e.t.c. Star Range Tomato Varieties- Star 9030,9009,e.t.c. Star Range Cabbage Varieties- Star
13% Starke Ayres Tomato Top 11.2 7.3 23.4 0 0 0 Star Range Tomato Varieties- Star 9030,9009,e.t.c. Star Range Tomato Varieties- Star 9030,9009,e.t.c. Star Range Cabbage Varieties- Star
13% Starke Ayres Cabbage Basal 12.3 6.8 20.5 3 0 0 Star Range Cabbage Varieties- Star Range.. Star Range Tomato Varieties- Star 9030,9009,e.t.c. Star Range Cabbage Varieties- Star
15% Starke Ayres Cabbage Top 27 0 0 0 0 3.2 Star Cabbage Varieties- + 3.2% Calcium & 0.1% Boron Star Range Tomato Varieties- Star 9030,9009,e.t.c. Star Range Cabbage Varieties- Star
0% Sulpher Top 26 0 0 1 0.4 42 Quick acting all purpose top dressing contains sulphur 0% SPECIALITY FERTILIZER N Nitrogen P Phosphorous K Potassium S Sulphur Zn Zinc Ca Calcium CROPS / REMARKS ORG % Acid Loving Flowers 10 7 20 10 0 0 Azaleas, Hydrangeas, Gardenias, Roses 31% Lawn & Garden 12 4 8 0 0 0 Lawns, home gardens, flowers 55% Soya Mix A 7 20 13 0 0 9 Lime enriched for legumes i.e. Soya, beans.. 25% Urea 46 0 0 0 0 0 All-purpose top dressing, with high nitrogen 0%
MAIZE 1. Apply MAP - at planting mixed with the compost in the planting hole -200 grams per planting station. 2. Apply BANANA BLEND 30 days after planting and repeat once every month 100 grams per plant
NB: Restart the fertilizer cycle after harvesting to strengthen the root system of the young suckers. 1. Apply D COMPOUND, R COMPOUND or X COMPOUND- at planting - 5 grams per plant 2. Apply first top dressing of UREA when plants are knee high 2.5 grams per plant 3. Apply second top dressing of UREA when plants are hip height 2.5 grams per plant NB: Split applications of UREA improve the plant's utilization of nitrogen. If using N-GUARD UREA, no split application is required. CABBAGE ONION / CARROT 1. Apply VEG MIX B - at planting up to 4 days after planting-15 grams per plant 2. Apply VEG TOP 24 21 days after planting 2.5 grams per plant 3. Repeat Veg Top 24- every 2 weeks three times to make 4 top dress applications 1. Broadcast VEG MIX C - at planting up to 4 days after planting-80 grams per meter square. 2. Broadcast VEG TOP 24 21 days after germination 25 grams per meter square. 3. Repeat Veg Top 24- every 2 weeks three times to make 4 top dress applications
CUCUMBER / SWEET MELON / BUTTERNUT SPINACH / RAPE / CHINESE CABBAGE 1. Apply VEG MIX A - at planting up to 4 days after planting-15 grams per plant 2. Apply VEG TOP 24 21 days after planting 5 grams per plant 3 Repeat Veg Top 24- every 2 weeks three times to make 4 top dress applications 1. Apply VEG MIX B - at planting up to 4 days after planting-2.5 grams per plant 2. Apply VEG TOP 24 21 days after planting 2 grams per plant 3. Repeat Veg Top 24- every 2 weeks three times to make 4 top dress applications WATERMELON / PUMPKIN TOMATO DETERMINATE Rodade, Tengeru 1. Apply VEG MIX A - at planting up to 4 days after planting-25 grams per plant 2. Apply VEG TOP 24 21 days after planting 5 grams per plant 3. Repeat Veg Top 24- every 2 weeks three times to make 4 top dress applications
1. Apply VEG MIX A - at planting up to 4 days after planting-30 grams per plant 2. Apply VEG TOP 24 21 days after planting 5 grams per plant 3. Repeat Veg Top 24- every 2 weeks three times to make 4 top dress applications EGGPLANT / IMPWA / PEPPER / CHILLI / OKRA TOMATO INDETERMINATE: Nemoneta, Bonnada, Nemonadin, MoneyMaker 1. Apply VEG MIX A - at planting up to 4 days after planting-15 grams per plant 2. Apply VEG TOP 24 21 days after planting 2.5 grams per plant 3. Repeat Veg Top 24- every 2 weeks three times to make 4 top dress applications. 1. Apply SUPER VEG FEED - at planting up to 4 days after planting-25 grams per plant 2. Apply VEG TOP 32 weekly: 3 rd to 6 th week after planting 7.5 grams per plant 3. Apply VEG TOP 32 weekly: 7 th to 12 th week after planting 5 grams per plant 4. Apply SUPER VEG FEED weekly: 13 th & 14 th week after planting 7.5 grams per plant 5. Apply VEG TOP 32 weekly: 15 th to 26 th week after planting 2.5 grams per plant IRISH POTATO FRUIT TREES 1. Apply POTATO MIX - at planting apply -20 grams per Station
2. Apply VEG TOP 24 21 days after germination followed by first ridging 5 grams per station. 3. Repeat Veg Top 24- 14 days later followed by second ridging 5gm/station. A third top dress and ridging may be done 14 days later. 1. Apply MAP- at planting mixed with the compost in the planting hole - 200 grams per plant 2. Apply Fruit Tree Mix 30 days after planting and repeat once monthly 100grams per plant
NB: Older fruiting trees require more fertilizer. Consult with agronomist. NB: This application guide is aimed primarily at small to medium scale producers, with moderate yield targets. A 5 gram application is roughly equal to a teaspoon or a Coca Cola bottle cap. GENERAL GUIDELINES Application rates are based on yield targets, e.g. higher yields = higher application rates. For most crops, place fertilizer 3 cm deep and 3 cm away from the plant to avoid fertilizer scorching. Irrigate soon after fertilizer application to dissolve fertilizer and make it available for up-take to the plants' roots. For spacing between rows and between plants, consult with the seed supplier for guidelines for your variety. For more detailed growing information, ask for our Growing Tips or consult with our agronomist.