Clearance Certificate
Clearance Certificate
Clearance Certificate
This is to certify that Shri __________________________________ Employee
No.______ of _____________________ Department has resigned/ terminated and
relieved from the services of the organization with effect from _____________.
This is to certify that the all the material and amount due from him has been
received and recovered/ to be recovered as mentioned below.
Sr. No Departments Particulars Sinature
a% &obile
b% 'aptop / (en drive
c% )isiting *ards
+ (urchase
, Stores
- (roduction
. *anteen
/ &aintenance
0 Security
Sinature o! Emplo"ee #R. Dept Remar$s % Sin Aut&ori'e( Sinator"
Designed & Drafted By: HR