Report Levelling Uthm
Report Levelling Uthm
Report Levelling Uthm
1.0 In!"#$%&"n
Two peg tests is a surveying operation carried out to deterine
w!et!er t!e "eve""ing #u##"e and te"escope "ine o$ sig!t are para""e"%
'.0 A&(
&eg test is a surveying operation carried out to deterine i$
t!e "eve""ing #u##"e '#u##"e a(is) and te"escope "ine*o$*sig!t '"ine o$
co""iation) are para""e"%
).0 E*$&+(,n-
+%, "eve" and tripod ', set)
+%- sta. '- sets)
+%+ sta. #u##"e '- sets)
+%/ tape ', set)
..0 P!"%,#$!,-
/%, Eac! group wi"" #e re0uired to per$or a peg test to c!ec1 t!e
/%- Eac! person in t!e group s!ou"d record t!e resu"t o$ t!e peg
test in t!eir own 2e"d #oo1%
/%+ Set out and ar1 on t!e ground 'wit! wooden pegs driven into
t!e eart!3 or roo2ng nai"s in tar) two point soe +4 part%
/%/ Set up instruent idway #etween two pegs%
/%5 Read sta. on eac! peg '#ac1 sig!t and $oresig!t)3 and
ca"cu"ate !eig!t di.erence%
/%6 Ne(t3 ove instruent a#out L7,48+ #eyond one o$ t!e
pegs 'nora""y $ore sta. position)%
/%9 Read sta. on eac! peg again3 and ca"cu"ate !eig!t di.erence
5%4 Observations Data and Analysis 60 m
Reading sta.
:' )
Reading sta. A
' )
Heig!t di.erence
;irst set up ,%5/4 ,%-/4 4%+44
Reading sta. :'
Reading sta.
A' )
Heig!t di.erence
8 <
;irst set up ,%+-5 ,%4=5 4%-/4
>i.erence '*<) +4 64
* 4%464
5%, I$ 8< t!en t!e instruent is O?@
5%- I $ NOT t!en t!e error is A
/ L mm/m
T!e error is ca""ed co""iation error%
5%+ Accepta#"e error A , per -4 %
6%4 >iscussion
T!ere were soe error occur during t!is two peg test% T!e 2rst
one is w!en t!e position o$ t!e "eve"ing instruents was c!anged
$ro its origina" position3 it wi"" a.ect t!e !eig!t o$ t!e "eve"ing
instruents #ecause t!ere wi"" #e c!anges to t!e tripod stand
"engt!% Moreover3 t!e reading o$ t!e sta. is di.erent every tie t!e
reading were ta1en3 t!is !appen due to t!e di.erent !eig!t o$ t!e
tripod stand w!en t!e setting up process% ;urt!erore3 an error a"so
!appens #ecause t!e sta. didn<t reain sti"" and t!is a.ect t!e
distance #etween t!e sta. and t!e "eve"ing instruents% >uring t!is
peg test3 two peg tests were tested a /, -0(, +10%,- 01"n2 64
in a straig!t "ine% :asica""y3 t!ere s!ou"d #e no error i$ t!e "eve"ing
#u##"e and t!e te"escope*"ine*o$*sig!t are para""e" #ut t!e error t!at
occur are di.erent $or eac! distance and it is #igger t!an t!e
a""owa#"e error% T!e a""owa#"e error $or t!is peg test is ,(( +,!
'0( 0n# $or ,-4 t!e accepta#"e error is 9 or 4%449% I$ ore
t!an t!at3 it is advised to do instruent ca"i#ration%
3.0 C"n%1$-&"n
T!e a""owa#"e di.erent t!at is accepted due to t!e set up is
9% Hence our di.erence is 4%464 or 643 t!e instruent was
not in a good condition%
1.0 Introduction
Vertical Control is the general term applied to any of the various processes by
each elevation of points or differences in elevation are determined. It is the vital
operation in producing necessary data for mapping, engineering design, and
2.0 Aim
To fly reduces level from known point (Benchmark or Temporary Benchmark
to unknown point.
.0 !"eory o# Levellin$
!evelling is a process of transferring height above a datum from one point to another
point. This levelling process is used in engineering to establish building elevations,
layout of highways, determination of flood plains, calculate volumes in earthwork,
design and layout of sewage and water lines, develop topographic maps, and student
crustal"earth movements.
Benchmark is definite, permanent accessible point of known height above a datum to
which the height of other points can be referred.
Calculation in levelling#
o %a$e c"ec&
o Allo'able closure
$llowable closure %
o End closure
&nd closure % ' B( )
o Ad(ustment
).0 E*ui+ments
*.) level and tripod () set
*.+ staff (+ sets
*., staff bubble (+ sets
,.0 -ield +rocedures
-.) observation procedures
-.).) Consider a series of measurements of level loop as shown in .igure ,.,
-.).+ /tart at B( $, so the first measurement from /etup ) is a back sight to
B( $, and the first reading is the foresight to C0) known as a Change
-.)., The levelling staffs then remains at C0), while the instruments moves
to /etup +. Take back sight reading to C0), and foresight reading to
C0+, and so on.
-.).* &ventually, at /etup *, a back sight reading is made to C0,, and
foresight reading to B( $.
-.).- The traverse is then C!1/&2. This allows a check on the levels, since
the sum of all the changes in level should be 3ero.
-.) Booking 0rocedures
-.).) The rise and fall method
The terms that are commonly used in rise and fall method are#
B/% back sight
./% fore sight
I/% intermediate sight
4!%reduced level
-.+ 4eduction (calculation 0rocedures
-.+.) Checks your survey accuracy, and should be within tolerances given
below or suitable for your pro5ect. This check should be applied before
you leave the 5ob
-.+.+ The following check the arithmetic of your level reductions and must
e6act #
(B/ " (./ % 4! (last B( " 4! ( start B(
-.+., 2isclosure should be #
, where 7 is the length of the traverse in km.
-.+.* .or e6ample, disclosure is 8,9mm and the length of the loop is 9.:km
hence, the disclosure limit is mm. Therefore, the
disclosure of 8,9mm is too big (means that the levelling work is not
6.0 Analysis Data
1. %a$e c"ec&
% );.+-- ' );.+*-
% 9.9)9 m
% ).<<- ' ).<=-
% 9.9)9 m
% )-.-,9 ' )-.-+9
% 9.9)9 m
2. End closure
&nd closure % RL (bottom) 4 :M,
% )-.-,9 ' )-.-+9
% 9.9)9m
. Allo'able closure
$llowable closure %
% )= mm
). Ad(ustment
$d5ustment %
% =.,, > m
There were some errors after doing the leveling pro5ect. 1ne of the errors happened
when getting the wrong reading from the staff. These affect the leveling calculation
afterwards. Besides that, distance that is used to do the leveling is not constant due to the
usage of pace instead of measurement tape. $s we all know, a human doesn?t have a specific,
constant pace so this affect the distance between the staff and the leveling apparatus.
(oreover, we also do not know the e6act value of a pace in meter. .urthermore, the staffs
always moves from its original place because of the traffic in that area, there are lots of
vehicle keep on passing through that area.
Before we calculate the closure, we need to do the page check first, calculate and see if
. Then, if the page check is
balanced, we could calculate the closure and if the end closure is less than allowable closure,
it means that the closure is accepted and we can calculate the ad5ustment.
.or this booking survey, the important thing that we must follow is the distance
between the two points must be accurate in order to prevent from getting the paralla6, gross
and other error that can be occur. The ob5ective of the survey was to determine the Temporary
Bench (ark. It should be noted that many of the new technologies provide topographic and
environmental data. In order to increase of new technologies, students also must know how to
conduct and familiar with the basic and manual operations of this e@uipment such as tripod
and level.