DC American History Syllabus

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Dual Credit American History Syllabus

(NWMSU 33-155)
eac!er "n#ormation
Teacher: Ms. Pelton Room: 208 Ofce Hours: 7:00-7:45 am Monday !r"day or
#y a$$o"ntment
Home: %%0-85&-''87 (chool ema"l: catr"na.$elton)mary*"lle.+,2.mo.us
Course Descri$tion% - .eneral educat"on course that /"ll sur*ey the sco$e o0 -mer"can
h"story throu.h selected chronolo."cally arran.ed to$"cs. Te1t#oo+: Give Me Liberty! 2y
3r"c !oner
Northwest Missouri State University Undergraduate Catalog 2004-2006 g !"6
Course &b'ecti(es
4n the #". $"cture5 th"s class $ro*"des the o$$ortun"ty to del*e "nto the com$le1"ty o0
-mer"can culture and ans/er #as"c 6uest"ons a#out /ho -mer"cans are and ho/ they .ot
there. (tudents are as+ed /"th"n th"s course to not only learn a#out -mer"can h"story #ut
to also learn *alua#le c"t"7ensh"$ s+"lls. 4t "s e1$ected that the student /"ll ut"l"7e and
0urther de*elo$ the"r cr"t"cal th"n+"n.5 l"sten"n.5 and /r"t"n. s+"lls.
-0ter com$let"n. th"s course5 students /"ll #e a#le to:
,. -naly7e and "nter$ret $r"mary documents.
2. Research a to$"c ut"l"7"n. all a*a"la#le resources.
&. 8escr"#e the ma9or e*ents that sha$ed -mer"can h"story.
4. 3*aluate the ma9or themes "n -mer"can h"story and cate.or"7e s$ec":c e*ents
/"th"n these themes.
5. ;om$are and contrast the "m$ortance o0 s$ec":c e*ents "n the sha$"n. o0
-mer"can h"story.
Classroom )ules and *rocedures%
,. <ee$ the sylla#us 0or the durat"on o0 the year.
2. Pa$er and a /r"t"n. utens"l =$en or $enc"l> are re6u"red 0or +,+)- class $er"od.
&. -ll $a$ers su#m"tted 0or .rades must ha*e the 0ollo/"n.:
M?- style- @our name5 "nstructorAs name5 class5 and date
;om$leted on loose-lea0 note#oo+ $a$er only =N& s$"ral ed.es- "0 you ha*e
them5 tear them oB #e0ore turn"n. "n your ass".nment>. Mult"$le $a.es need
to #e sta$led to.ether
"# " cannot read it. it does not /et /raded0 Please ma+e "t le."#le. 40 you
need to ty$e "t5 do so.
"# your name does not a$$ear on t!e assi/nment. you 1ill N&
recei(e a /rade0
4. 2ate 1or3 does not e4ist0 -ll ass".nments are to #e su#m"tted on t"me. 40 you
are a#sent5 $lease 0ollo/ the $rocedure 0or turn"n. "n ma+e-u$ ass".nments. +4tra
credit does not e4ist so do not e4$ect it5
5. ;ell Phones- cell $hones /"ll #e ta+en and turned "nto the ofce "0 4 see them #e"n.
used "n class. (tudents may use "$ods5 m$& $layers and other l"sten"n. de*"ces
/hen a$$ro*ed #y "nstructor. (tudents /"ll #e as+ed to lea*e cell $hones "n the
classroom /hen .o"n. to the"r loc+ers or restroom.
%. 40 the student needs to #orro/ a /r"t"n. utens"l 0or the class they /"ll #e as+ed to
rel"n6u"sh an "tem o0 /orth =".e. cell $hone5 "Pod5 +eys5 etc> unt"l the #orro/ed "tem
"s returned.
10 -ttendance $lays a ma9or role "n your .rade. 8a"ly .rades are ."*en 0or
$art"c"$at"on. *artici$ation $oints cannot be earned i# you are not in
class0 Chether you are "n class or not m".ht ma+e the d"Berence #et/een a 2
and an -.
60 (chool $ol"cy chan.e: Please see the student hand#oo+ re.ard"n. the chan.e "n
num#er o0 days a student may m"ss and st"ll rece"*e cred"t 0or the class.
10 D& N& 7+ 2A+ & H"S C2ASS5 40 you are tardy ha*e a $ass s".ned #y a
teacherDstaB mem#er. Tard"es are handled #y the ofce and 0ollo/ the $ol"c"es
la"d out "n the hand#oo+.
,. There "s a test a0ter each un"t. - total o0 s"1 tests /"ll #e ."*en dur"n. the year.
The cha$ters co*ered 0or each test "s co*ered "n the course outl"ne. (tudents
must use #lue #oo+s 0or the"r e1ams. 2lue #oo+s can #e $urchased 0rom the
ECM(F 2oo+store on cam$us.
2. (tudents /"ll rece"*e a study .u"de at least t/o days #e0ore the e1am. 4t "s also
a*a"la#le on Eorth/est Onl"ne. Th"s study .u"de /"ll #e due the day o0 the e1am.
&. 40 a student "s a#sent on an e1am day t!ey are res$ons"#le 0or ma+"n.
arran.ements to ma+e u$ the test e"ther #e0ore or a0ter school. "# t!e test is
not made u$ 1it!in t!ree days o# t!e ori/inal test day t!e test 1ill be
scored as a 8ero in t!e /rade boo30
,. There /"ll #e 6u"77es ."*en throu.hout the course. @ou /"ll rece"*e not":cat"on o0
the 6u"77es a /ee+ "n ad*ance. These 6u"77es /"ll #e ."*en "n an onl"ne 0ormat.
*a$ers and *ro'ects
,. -ll $a$ers and $ro9ects are su#m"tted us"n. Tura#"an c"tat"on style. Th"s "s
di:erent than your home/or+ ass".nments. 31am$les are ."*en on the $a$er
2. - $a$er "s re6u"red. 4n0ormat"on re.ard"n. the $a$er "s a*a"la#le on the $a$er
&. There are *ar"ous $ro9ects due throu.hout the course. 3ach /"ll #e accom$an"ed
#y a $resentat"on.
4. (tudents /"ll ut"l"7e the Eorth/est Onl"ne tool on the EC /e#s"te.
2ate Wor3
,. 4t "s "m$erat"*e all home/or+ #e turned "n #y the ass".ned date.
2. 40 the student "s a#sent =th"s $erta"ns only to a G3R4!438 a#sence as stated "n the
student hand#oo+>5 you are allo/ed as many school days to ma+e u$ the"r /or+
/"th no $enalt"es. Ma+e-u$ tests need to #e re-scheduled /"th"n three days.
31ce$t"ons are #ased on school $ol"c"es.
&. -n ass".nment can #e turned "n late #ut there "s no .uarantee "t /"ll rece"*e a
4. 8ue dates are N& ne.ot"a#le. The ent"re class has access to Eorth/est Onl"ne
and /"ll #e re6u"red to turn "n ass".nments on that s"te #y the due dates. 40 the
ass".nment "s due #y m"dn".ht on !r"day you are res$ons"#le 0or turn"n. "t "n
onl"ne. -s dual cred"t students you ha*e access to the com$uters at EC "n the
?"#rary. There are no e1cuses 0or late /or+.
*la/iarism and Academic Dis!onesty
,. Pla."ar"sm "s a ser"ous "ssue and /"ll #e dealt /"th accord"n. to Eorth/est M"ssour"
(tate Fn"*ers"ty $ol"c"es la"d out "n the"r hand#oo+. They ."*e e".ht #road areas o0
academ"c d"shonesty: =,> o#ta"n"n. unauthor"7ed a"d or "n0ormat"onH =2> ."*"n.
unauthor"7ed a"d or "n0ormat"onH =&> comm"tt"n. $la."ar"sm 0rom /r"tten5 electron"c5
or "nternet sourcesH =4> m"sre$resent"n. 0acts or dataH =5> oBer"n. #r"#esH =%> us"n.
l"#rary resources uneth"callyH =7> us"n. com$uter resources uneth"callyH =8>
+no/"n.ly ass"st"n. "n any o0 the a#o*e $ract"ces. !"rst oBenses rece"*e 0a"lure o0
the course and the second oBense "s d"sm"ssal 0rom the un"*ers"ty.
2. (tudents are re6u"red to su#m"t se*eral ass".nments to turn"t"n.com 0or re*"e/.
&. -ny students cau.ht $la."ar"7"n. the"r /or+ /"ll automat"cally 0a"l that ass".nment.
40 they are cau.ht $la."ar"7"n. the"r research $a$er they /"ll 0a"l that ass".nment as
/ell as the colle.e $ort"on o0 the class.
4. -ny students cau.ht cheat"n. or co$y"n. /"ll rece"*e a 7ero 0or the ass".nment.
Th"s "ncludes the student /ho co$"es the /or+ and the student /ho com$leted the
or"."nal ass".nment.
Student;"nstructor Contact
,. (tudents are encoura.ed to contact the"r "nstructor /"th any 6uest"onsDconcerns
outs"de o0 class t"me. -s much o0 the course /or+ "s su#m"tted onl"ne and done
outs"de o0 the school day "t "s "m$erat"*e th"s contact "s a*a"la#le.
2. -ll $arents /"ll #e as+ed to s".n a contact $erm"ss"on 0orm. Th"s ."*es the
"nstructor $erm"ss"on to te1tDcallDema"l the student "n re.ards to 6uest"ons or
concerns. Parents are also encoura.ed to contact the "nstructor "0 needed.
<radin/ *olicy
,. Irade (cale:
,00-'5J - 82-80J 2- %'-%%J 8K
'4-'0J -- 7'-7%J ;K %5-%&J 8
8'-'%J 2K 75-7&J ; %2-%0J 8-
85-8&J 2 72-70J ;- ?ess than %0J
2. !"nal Irade 0or dual cred"t: 40 the student elects to ta+e the course 0or dual cred"t
at ECM(F5 the dual cred"t .rade /"ll #e the a*era.e o0 the t/o semester
.rades. Irad"n. "s #ased on a $o"nt system.
American History Dual Credit Course &utline
Unit 1% Ne1 World = )e(olutionary War Unit >% <ilded A/e-<reat
;ha$ters ,-5 ;ha$ters ,%-20
Unit 6% Ne1 )e$ublic = ?ac3sonian Democracy Unit 5% Ne1 Deal- t!e
;ha$ters %-,0 ;ha$ters 2,-25
Unit 3% Sla(ery = )econstruction Unit @% Conser(atism =
2ate 6A
;ha$ters ,,-,5 ;ha$ters 2%-28
Honors American History
Si/nature *a/e
-mer"can H"story "s a *ersat"le su#9ect that /"ll a"d you "n *ar"ous as$ects o0 your
0uture. 4t "s "m$erat"*e you are "n th"s class to /or+ hard and ha*e 0un.
Th"s class /"ll #e challen."n. and my e1$ectat"ons 0or my students are h".h.
3*eryone starts the school year /"th and - and 4 /ould l"+e to see you +ee$ that
- throu.hout the semester.
4 encoura.e the $arents o0 my students to #e act"*e "n the"r ch"ldAs educat"on and
to 0eel 0ree to d"scuss any concerns /"th me.
L Once you ha*e read and understand th"s sylla#us $lease s".n and date #elo/.
L Once your $arentD.uard"an has read and understands th"s sylla#us $lease ha*e
them s".n and date #elo/.
Honors *arents Academy and Contact "n#ormation S!eet;Contract
-s a colle.e $re$ class "t "s essent"al the student ha*e access to the "nstructor 0or
6uest"ons and concerns. 4n a normal colle.e sett"n. most .eneral educat"on classes ha*e
a su$$lemental "nstructor =a $ast student> /ho "s a*a"la#le to :ll th"s need. Our honors
students do not ha*e that o$t"on so 4 $ro*"de that ser*"ce. 4 am as+"n. each $arent to
$ro*"de contact "n0ormat"on 0or the"r student as /ell as themsel*es.
Honors *arents Academy
(o many t"mes $arents are una/are o0 the e1$ectat"ons and #ene:ts o0 th"s class. 4
/ould l"+e to "n*ol*e you more "n the $rocess. 4t "s o$t"onal and /ould only re6u"re you
attend one meet"n. to learn a#out the *ar"ous as$ects o0 the class and as+ 6uest"ons. 4t
/ould also $ro*"de you /"th an o$$ortun"ty to $resent any concerns at th"s t"me.
;ommun"cat"on "s the +ey to success.
*lease com$lete t!e #ollo1in/ in#ormation0
Contact "n#ormation
Please "nd"cate "0 you /ould or /ould not consent to contact #et/een the student and
"nstructor outs"de o0 the school day 0or educat"onal $ur$oses *"a $honeDema"l.
MMMM @es5 "t "s o+ay 0or the "nstructor and my student to ha*e contact outs"de o0 the
school day *"a $honeDema"l.
MMMM Eo5 "t "s not o+ay 0or the "nstructor and my student to ha*e contact outs"de o0 the
school day *"a $honeDema"l.
Please "nd"cate /hether you /ould #e "nterested "n attend"n. an Honors Parents
-cademy n".ht.
MMMM @es5 4 /ould #e "nterested "n Honors Parents -cademy.
MMMM Eo5 4 am not "nterested at th"s t"me.
Date and ime #or Honors *arents Academy0 !e meetin/ 1ill be in )oom

Tuesday5 -u.ust 2%5 20,4 ) 5:&0-%:&0$m

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