This document is a schematic for a CANduino board using an MCP2515 CAN controller chip. It shows the pin connections between the MCP2515 chip and other components like an Arduino Pro Mini, crystal oscillator, capacitors and connectors. The schematic is released under a Creative Commons license and is based on original Arduino board designs from Sparkfun and Team Arduino.
This document is a schematic for a CANduino board using an MCP2515 CAN controller chip. It shows the pin connections between the MCP2515 chip and other components like an Arduino Pro Mini, crystal oscillator, capacitors and connectors. The schematic is released under a Creative Commons license and is based on original Arduino board designs from Sparkfun and Team Arduino.
This document is a schematic for a CANduino board using an MCP2515 CAN controller chip. It shows the pin connections between the MCP2515 chip and other components like an Arduino Pro Mini, crystal oscillator, capacitors and connectors. The schematic is released under a Creative Commons license and is based on original Arduino board designs from Sparkfun and Team Arduino.
This document is a schematic for a CANduino board using an MCP2515 CAN controller chip. It shows the pin connections between the MCP2515 chip and other components like an Arduino Pro Mini, crystal oscillator, capacitors and connectors. The schematic is released under a Creative Commons license and is based on original Arduino board designs from Sparkfun and Team Arduino.