Chess Moves Beginners Cheat Sheet

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Chess Moves - Beginners Cheat Sheet
Very first move, can choose
to advance 1 or 2 squares.
Thereafter, can only advance
1 square per turn.
Pawns can only Capture
diagonally, 1 square forward,
to the left or right.
Can be your pening move
!1. "c#, or 1. "f#$.
%oves in an &'shaped pattern(
2 left)right, 1 forwards ... in
*"+ direction.
,nights can -ump over stuff.
%oves diagonally, on a single
color square.
Can move to any square, in a
single direction, per turn,
providing its path is clear.
Can only capture diagonally.
.oo/s can only wor/ along the
straights, but can get from
one side to another, in a
single turn, if the path is
"eeds pen 0iles, or clear
.an/s, to be effective.
*im to get at least one .oo/
onto the 1th .an/ !where
your enemy2s Pawns start
each game$.
3ueens can move to any
square, in any direction,
providing its path is clear.
+our 3ueen should be one of
the &*4T Pieces into battle
!definitely after Pawns,
,nights, 5ishops.$
6se 3ueens in 5attery *ttac/s
with either .oo/s or 5ishops.
,ings can only move or
capture "7 square, in *"+
direction, per turn.
The e8ception is in Castling,
where a ,ing and .oo/ can
switch places !see our 2Basic
Chess Moves2 webpage, in our
5eginners Chess 9uide, for
more on Castling$.
Castle your ,ing as quic/ly as
possible, in the pening.
See our Beginners Chess Guide: http())www.Chess'9ame''chess.html

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