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Fundraiser For John Kerry

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Please join

Senator John Kerry.

Wednesday, September 24
8:30 - 9:30 am
Charlie Palmer's
The Alcove
10l.Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC
Suggested contribution: $1,000 per individual Or $2,500 per PAC
fIost comtnittee: $5,000
To R.S.V.P. or for additional information please contact Jessica Buonaccorsi at
(202) 464-2144 or jbuonaccorsi<fOQ1)nkerry,com
Paid for by John ~ y for Senate
10 GStreet NE. Suite 710
Washington. DC 20002
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JQin the Host CommUtee
Yes, I would like to join the host committee (Suggested conJribution: $5,(00).
Attendthe Event
1 like to attend the event on September 24th. Enclosed is my contribution of _
(Suggested contribution: $1,000per individual or $2,500per PAC).
I cannot attend but would like to support John Kerry for Sen/l.te. Enclosed is my contribution of _
Namel _
Contact (if PAC): _
Address: _
City; State: Zlp: _
Horne Phone; Work Phone: _
E-mail: _
Employer: Occupation: --
__I ama US Citizen or pel'mllllent resident alien (please check)
"', .,
Federal law 'requires us to use our best ejfi:Jrts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, '
and name of employerfor each individual whose contributions aggregate In excess oj $200 per electioncytfle, .
To Contribute by Credit Card:
Please charge to my Amex Visa (please circle)
Name: _
Carn number; Exp. Date: _
Billing Address; _
Signature; _
An individual may contribute a IIlaXimum amount of $2,300 per electioo (the primary and general are separate
elections) to a federal candidate. Pederal multi-candidate politi<;a1 action committee. (PACs) may contribute
$5,000 per election. Contributions from corporations, labor organization treasury funds. foreign nationals. and
federal govemment conlractOrS lIl'" prohibited,
Contributions or gifts to john Kerry for Senate are not deductible for federal income tax pwpo.e.
Paid for by JOM Kerry for Senate
10 GStreet NE, Suite 710
WashingtOn. DC 20002
Telephone (202) 4642144 Fax (202) 464-2159 .', "
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