Test Pattern
Test Pattern
Test Pattern
1. The entrance test will be of 90 minutes duration and the question paper consists of 100
objective (multiple choice only) type questions.
2. The entrance test will consist of any 3 or 4 varieties of objective type items such as
analogies, classification, matching, comprehension of a research study / experiment /
theoretical point of view, etc., with multiple answers besides the usual multiple choice
items. The items will be framed only from the syllabus of entrance test.
3. Pattern of Entrance Test for Admission to M.Sc. Biochemistry, Biotechnology,
Environmental Science, Forensic Science, Genetics, Microbiology and Nutrition &
Dietetics is as follows:
Candidates have to appear for a common entrance test, namely BCBTESFSGMN&D
comprising of Part-A (Chemistry for 40 Marks) and Part-B (One of the optionals studied
at B.Sc. level for 60 Marks. The optionals are Physics, Botany, Zoology, Genetics,
Microbiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology).
4. For the following 5 Yrs Integrated PG Programme
1. M.B.A
The paper has two parts A & B. Part A(Section-A: Verbal Ability) containing 1
to 25, (Section-B: General Knowledge) containing 26 to 40. Part B(Section-C:
Numerical Data Analysis) containing 41 to 70, (Section-D: Reasoning and
Intelligence) containing 71 to 100 multiple choice questions with four alternatives a,
b, c & d.
2. M.A. Applied Economics
The paper has five parts A, B, C, D & E. Part A(Mathematics) containing 1 to 40,
Part B(General English) containing 41 to 55, Part C(General Knowledge)
containing 56 to 70, Part D(Current Affairs) containing 71 to 85 and Part
E(General Economics) containing 86 to 100 multiple choice questions with four
alternatives a, b, c & d.
3. M.Sc in Chemistry & Pharmaceutical Chemistry
The paper has four sections A, B, C & D. Section A Chemistry containing 1 to 34,
Section B Physics containing 35 to 67, Section C Mathematics containing 68 to
100 multiple choice questions with four alternatives a, b, c & d. Sections A & B are
common both M.P.C & B.P.C students. Section C Mathematics is for M.P.C
students and Section D Biology is for B.P.C students.