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ss10 Course Outline 2

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2014-2015 Course Outline

Subject: Social Stuies !rae: 10 "eac#er: Mr$ !oc%
"eac#er contact: j&oc%'()&*ail$co* +,04-'-(-0115.
Course Content: !eo&ra/#0, 1istor0 an 2racticin& Acti3e Citi4ens#i/
This course is an interesting exploration into the conception, development, and expansion of Canada. You will
examine conflict and political processes, technology and economics, social change, geography, and much more! As
we work our way through the curriculum you will continually be expected to focus on skill development in the areas
of problem solving!, critical thinking!, reading and writing.
Course "o/ics:
". The Geography of Canada# landforms, minerals, and agriculture.
$. The Colonies (1814-1840): Colonial background and the end of %ew &rance, 'ebellions ( )ord *urham,
'esponsible +overnment
,. Canada (1840-1867): -ictorian Age and a +rowing *emand for .nion
/. Confederation (1867)# 'oad to Confederation, 0ohn A. 1acdonald2s vision of Canada
3. The Northwest to 1870# %ative peoples, the 45C, 'ed 'iver 6ettlement, and 'ebellions.
7. ohn !" #a$donald%s National &oli$y 8"9:;<# settlement, trade, and the C='
:. 'e(elop)ent of *C# The railway, settlement, and diversity.
9. +)ergen$e of #odern Canada, 18-6 . 1-14# )aurier2s %ew Century, governance, immigration, human rights,
trade unions, and e>uality.
;. Canadian Go(ern)ent# 6tructure of government, Constitution, etc.
"?. Canada and the Glo/al Co))0nity# @conomic regions, free trade in %orth America, =acific 'im, trade blocs
"". Current events

"e5ts: 1ori2ons: Canada #o(es 3est, Canada 4e(isited, Challenge of the 3est, and an atlas
6tudents are evaluated on an ongoing basis. All submitted work that is graded is combined and will be counted
towards final marks. @ach student has the ability to be successful in this courseA in most cases, success is simply a
choice and involves a sincere effort.
Acti3e 6earnin& 407
4omework B%otes $3C
=articipationB5rain Drinklers "3C

For*al E3aluation8Su**ati3e Assess*ent ,07
EuiFFesBTests ,?C
=roGectsB=resentations ,?C
"otal 1007
9:rain ;rin%lers<
At the beginning of each class there will be a >uestionBproblem on the board for you to think about and answer 8e.g.
Dhy do people moveH!<. These >uestions are designed to get you thinking about the topic that we will be
discussing that day, and often give you the opportunity to use your prior knowledge to answer them. Your responses
will count towards your participation mark for the year.
2olicies an 2roceures:
Cell phones should not be used during the lesson portion of classes. They may be used during inIclass independent
work. Cell phones will be confiscated if J see them being used in a way that is distractive to others. Confiscated
items will be returned at the end of class.
6tudents must behave maturely, respecting themselves, others, and the learning environment, while abiding by the
&raser Academy2s Code of Conduct at all times. *o not damage the property of others or use it without prior
1uch of what we learn comes from our experiences in the classroom, so it is important that students attend. => a
class is *isse? it is u/ to t#e stuent to *a%e u/ @or% an catc# u/ @it# t#e rest o> t#e class. 6tudents can
expect to make up for missed tests or assignments because of skipping.
The teacher2s permission is needed to leave the classroom one at a time. Jt is important that the teacher knows
exactly where everyone is in case of an emergency. 'eturn to class promptly.
C#eatin& an /la&iaris* 8using words of others without proper citation< are serious offenses. You will have to redo
the work in either case.
Mr$ !oc%As E5/ectations:
'@6=@CT. '@6=@CT. '@6=@CT.
Always come prepared with textbooks, binder, pens, pencils. @tc.
Dork to @KC@@* the posted criteria
Complete assignments and homework L% TJ1@
=repareB'eview for >uiFFes and exams
Meep your notes tidy
6tudents who are absent are expected to catch up on any work that they have missed upon return. You
need to schedule a time with me to go over any missed assignments and write any missed >uiFFesBtests.

Assi&n*ent Criteria:
Criteria will be developed with students and explained prior to work beginning on any maGor assignment. This will
allow for greater understanding, clarity and ownership of assignments resulting in higher achievement and
embedded knowledge.
6pecific re>uirements for each proGect will be given upon its assignment. 4owever, the general expectation for all
work is as follows#
First an last na*e written in the top right corner of your page
Course an bloc% written below your name
Date written below your course and block
"itle centered and underlined
Double s/ace everything
Drite neatly in blue or blac% in%, or type using 12-14 >ont 8=encil is fine for regular homework
2roo>rea assignments and hand them in OB "=ME
2lace t#is Outline an E5/ectation S#eet in 0our Social Stuies :iner$

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