Website Resume

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Sarah K.

412 Blair Road Vienna, VA 22180 (703) 483-!48
"arah.#.$ettitt%&'ail.(o' - ))).lin#edin.(o'*in*"arahhe++ern
GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, School of Continuing Studies, ,a"hin&ton, -. /0$e(ted
-e(e'1er 2014
Master of Professional Studies, Public Relations and Corporate Communications
Named PR Education Program of the Year in 2012, 2013, 2014 (PR Week)
Related .o2r"e)or#3 PR ,ritin&, 4edia Relation", .or$orate .o''2ni(ation", -i&ital
.o''2ni(ation" Strate&5, .ri"i" .o''2ni(ation", PR .a"e St2die", /le'ent" o+
.o''2ni(ation" Plannin&, B2ildin& 6o2r .reati7e 42"(le
JAES ADISON UNIVERSITY, 8arri"on12r&, VA 4a5 2007
Bachelor of Arts, Dual Major: English and Sociolog
COR!ORATION "OR !U%#IC %ROADCASTING &C!%', ,a"hin&ton, -. 92l5 2010
E!ecuti"e Administrator, #$ Programming and Di"ersit and %nno"ation 4ar(h 2012
Administrati"e Assistant, Media Strategies 92l5 2010 4ar(h 2012
Pro7ide ad'ini"trati7e "2$$ort 15 'ana&in& (alendar", (oordinatin& 'eetin& lo&i"ti(", 'a#in&
tra7el arran&e'ent", 'aintainin& +ile", and handlin& e0$en"e" in (o'$lian(e )ith (o'$an5
$oli(5 +or "enior 7i(e $re"ident" in .PB:" ;ele7i"ion Pro&ra''in& and -i7er"it5 and <nno7ation
S2$$ort $ro=e(t" that are in line )ith and ad7an(e .PB:" 'i""ion to rea(h ne) a2dien(e"
thro2&h di7er"e $ro&ra''in& and 15 2"in& te(hnolo&5 in ne) )a5" to in(rea"e "tation
'er&er" and (olla1oration.
A(t a" a 1a(# 2$ to $ro=e(t (oordinator on $ro=e(t 'ana&e'ent and tra(#in& to en"2re
$ro=e(t" are on "(hed2le and )ithin 12d&et.
-ra+t )ee#l5 a(ti7it5 re$ort" that "2''ari>e the "tat2", $ro&re"" and o2t(o'e" o+
de$art'ental $ro=e(t" and a(ti7itie" +or the ./? and "enior leader"hi$ tea'.
.oordinate &rant", Re@2e"t Aor Pro$o"al di"tri12tion, $ro$o"al (o'$ilation, internal and
e0ternal e7al2ation, deli7era1le", and (lo"e-o2t.
NATIONA# GEOGRA!(IC AGA)INE, ,a"hin&ton, -... Ae1r2ar5 2010 92ne 2010
Administrati"e Assistant
.ond2(ted e0ten"i7e re"ear(h +or 4a5--e(e'1er i""2e" o+ the 'a&a>ine and hel$ed
in+or' +2t2re arti(le" on a )ide ran&e o+ "21=e(t", in(l2din& the do'e"ti(ation o+ ani'al",
Pari" 2nder&ro2nd (ata(o'1", Baha'a" 1l2e hole", /&5$tian )hale, Kin& 9a'e" Bi1le,
and "el+-healin& en&ineerin&.
B$dated and or&ani>ed )ee#l5 &ra$hi( "$read" +or re7ie) +or 4a5--e(e'1er i""2e".
Pre$ared +reelan(e (ontra(t", $a5'ent re@2e"t", and ad'ini"trati7e d2tie".
.o'$leted the Cational Deo&ra$hi( ;otal Re"ear(h ;rainin& Pro&ra' on A$ril 20, 2010.
,a"hin&ton, -... A2&2"t 2007 A2&2"t 200E
Research Assistant
/dited Senior S(holar /'erit2" ,ilton S. -illon:" 'e'oir" +or $21li(ation.
?r&ani>ed ar(hi7e" o+ $21li(ation" and "5'$o"ia +or S'ith"onian Ar(hi7e" and Cational
Anthro$olo&i(al Ar(hi7e".
.ontri12ted to S'ith"onian The Torch ne)"letter, )hi(h rea(he" "(ienti"t", ar(hi7i"t", and
the entire S'ith"onian (o''2nit5.
;ran"(ri1ed and edited hi"tori(al 1E20:" diarie" 15 .atherine 4oton Patter"on, )i+e o+ -r.
Arederi(# -o2&la" Patter"on, third $re"ident o+ ;2"#e&ee Bni7er"it5. ;he diarie" )ill 1e
e0hi1ited at the S'ith"onian A+ri(an A'eri(an 8i"tor5 and .2lt2re 42"e2'.
Pre$ared (ore $rin(i$le" and $re"" o2trea(h +or the 2r1an $lannin& Ser&ei Dri'' +or2'
F;he Dreenin& o+ ,a"hin&ton.G
T(E DAI#Y NEWS*RECORD, 8arri"on12r&, VA 9an2ar5 2007 4a5 2007
&eature 'e(s Reporter
.ond2(ted inter7ie)" and )rote and $21li"hed 12 lo(al ne)" arti(le" +or the Ne!"Record,
a dail5 ne)"$a$er )ith (ir(2lation o+ 30,000.
DE!ARTENT O" STATE, ,a"hin&ton, -...
Press )ffice %ntern 4a5 200! A2&2"t 200!
Press )ffice %ntern 4a5 200 A2&2"t 200
Aa(ilitated 'edia inter7ie)" and 'edia (o7era&e $ertainin& to Se(retar5 o+ State,
.ondolee>>a Ri(eH "$e(i+i(all5, $re"" (on+eren(e", 1rie+in&", and "ta#e-o2t" +ro' initial
$lannin& di"(2""ion" thro2&h 'edia e"(ort (ontrol.
Pre$ared dail5 $re"" 1rie+in&" +or -e$art'ent o+ State S$o#e"'an 15 'onitorin& 1rea#in&
ne)" and (on"2ltin& re$orter" +ro' net)or#", "2(h a" Reuter!, #$%, #& 'a(eera, and )o*.
;ran"(ri1ed and edited tran"(ri$t" o+ $re"" 1rie+in&", )hi(h )ere $o"ted $21li(l5 on the
-e$art'ent o+ State o++i(ial )e1"ite.
I !,ofession-l T,-ining3 B2"ine"" ,ritin& +or Re"2lt", A2nda'ental" o+ Pro=e(t 4ana&e'ent
I Co./ute,3 4i(ro"o+t ?++i(e S2ite, Je0i"-Ce0i", Photo"ho$, <n-e"i&n, 4A. K P. $lat+or'"
I Soci-l edi- !,oficienc03 ;)itter, Jin#ed<n, Aa(e1oo#, Blo&&in& K 6o2;21e

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