Invitation RND Conference
Invitation RND Conference
Invitation RND Conference
11 August 2014
Principal, Claveria Rural and Vocational School
Claveria, Cagayan
Dear Ms !lapitan"
#he Philippine Rice Research $nstitute %PhilRice& 'ill (e hosting the 2)
*ational Rice R+D Con,erence at
the PhilRice Central -.peri/ent Station, *ueva -ci0a on Septe/(er 124, 2014 3e 'ould li4e to invite you to
0oin us as oral presenter
#he con,erence is the (iggest gathering o, rice researchers, scientists, and other sta4eholders in the country
$t provides opportunities ,or e.changing 4no'ledge and e.periences a/ong rice R+D 'or4ers through paper
and poster presentations 5our school, (eing one o, the outstanding i/ple/enters o, the $n,o/ediary
Ca/paign, is in the (est position to spea4 at this i/portant con,erence 3e have selected your school ,ro/ a
pool o, 60 other schools currently i/ple/enting the ca/paign nation'ide
5our presentation should revolve around 7$ntegrating the $n,o/ediary Ca/paign in the curriculu/ o,
Agricultural #echnical Vocational 8igh Schools9 5ou are e.pected to discuss the strategies, techni:ues, and
other e.periences encountered (y your school in i/ple/enting the pro0ect
Should you have :ueries please contact the undersigned" /o(ile no %061;<=)6441& or e/ail
3e loo4 ,or'ard to your ,avora(le response
#han4 you very /uch
?A$M- A MA*A!@ $V
Head, Development Communication Division