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Having Taqwaa of Allaah: Me Myself & I

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Having Taqwaa of Allaah

By the Noble Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee ‫ﺣﻔﻈﻪ اﷲ‬

A LL PRAISE IS DUE to Allaah who

has allowed us to once more
witness another Eedul-Adhaa as well
and in the open, in times of hardship
and times of ease, and in all
as the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah
during which, due to Allaah’s favor Taqwaa of Allaah, in summary, means
that one does whatever he is Hereafter. Allaah  says, {And
upon us, both the pilgrims and the whosoever fears Allaah and keeps
non-pilgrims have the opportunity to commanded to do, and stays away
from everything which he is prohibited his duty to Him, He will make a
strive to reap the rewards of doing way for him to get out (from every
`eebaadah therein. As these days come from, in the areas of one’s `aqeedah
(belief), `eebaadah (worship to Allaah) difficulty). And He will provide him
to an end, we must continue striving to from (sources) he never could
increase our eemaan (belief) and  and in his methodology and
approach to practically manifesting imagine} [at-Talaaq 65:2-3]
maintain taqwaa of Allaah. Regarding
the topic of taqwaa our Noble Shaykh and establishing Islaam (ahkaam, Allaah  also says, {and whosoever
Saalih as-Suhaymee gave the following aadaab, aqlaaq and manhaj). In all of this fears Allaah and keeps his duty to
advice: he must have taqwaa of Allaah. Taqwaa Him, He will make his matter easy
of Allaah  is the reason (or cause) for him.} [at-Talaaq 65:4]
My advice to you is to have taqwaa of for every success in this life and the
Allaah  (i.e. to fear Allaah) - in secret And, {and whosoever fears Allaah
and keeps his duty to Him, He will
expiate from him his sins, and will

Me ~~~ Myself ~~~ & I enlarge his reward.} [at-Talaaq 65:5]

Many people complain about the
By Shaykhul Islaam Ibnul Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah hardships they experience but they do
not tread the path which would make
E very Muslim should be warned
of the oppression of: ‘I – My/
Mine – I Possess’ Indeed these
can be described with is:
I am a slave who sins, makes mis-
takes, seeks forgiveness and recog-
(Continued on page 2)

three words are what Iblees nizes this.

(Shaytan), Fir’awn and Qaroon were
tried with. So regarding the saying of ‘My/Mine ’
Inside this Issue:
and those statements similar to that is: ►Incentive for Performing Hajj Page 2
Iblees said: ‘I am better than him’ My sins, my crimes, my humbleness,
my depravation and submissiveness. ►Visiting the Prophet’s Grave  Page 3
Fir’awn said: ‘Is not mine the
Kingdom of Egypt,’ ►Udhiyyah for the Deceased Page 4
So regarding the saying of ‘I Possess’:
Qaroon said: ‘This has been given Forgive me for my mistakes and what ►Know your Scholars Page 5
to me only because of knowledge I I do intentionally, in jest, or in or in
seriousness and ►Sisters’ Section Page 6
I possess all these shortcomings. ►Sharing in Udhiyyah Page 7
So regarding the saying of the slave [Taken from ‘Za’ad al-Ma’aad’ 2/475 ►And MORE...
of Allaah ‘ I ’ – then the best that he – By Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawzeeyah]
Page 2 Al Baseerah

(TAQWAA Continued from page 1)

Likewise, He  said, {So be afraid of ‘Ulamaa ar-Rabbaaniyeen – those

it easy for them to solve their
Allaah; and Allaah teaches you} [al- scholars who are known for their
problems – and that is by having
Baqarah 2:282] ability to cultivate and nurture as well
taqwaa of Allaah both in secret and in
as for their great knowledge. They are
the open. Therefore, the way to achieve taqwaa the ones who do not deviate from the
of Allaah  is to have knowledge of straight path. They are the Major
It is not possible to attain taqwaa of
this Deen. It is obligatory upon you to Scholars – the ones who Allaah  has
Allaah  without seeking to have
know what has been made prohibited commanded us to return to by His
knowledge and fiqh (understanding) in
for you, so that you may stay away statement, {So ask the people of the
the Deen (Religion) of Allaah .
from it. You must also know that Reminder if you do not know.} [an-
Allaah  says in the Qur’aan, {Allaah
which Allaah  loves and is pleased Nahl 16:43, al-Anbiyaa’ 21:7]
bears witness that Laa ilaaha illa
with so that you may do it, and that
Huwa (none has the right to be Likewise those are the ones who the
which angers Allaah , so that you
worshipped but He), and the Prophet  commanded us to return
avoid it. There is no way that this can
a n g e l s , a n d t h o s e h av i n g
be manifested except by having our affairs to, when he  said, “Verily
knowledge (also give this witness);
knowledge. knowledge (‘ilm) is not attained except by
(He always) maintains His creation
seeking it, just as having forbearance (hilm) is
in justice. Laa ilaaha illa Huwa In order for the Muslim to attain not achieved except by seeking it.” [Silsihah
(none has the right to be beneficial knowledge and righteous as-Saheehah] ♦♦♦
worshipped but He), the All- actions he must ask those people who
Mighty, the All-Wise.} [Aal-‘Imraan possess knowledge. They are the

Added Incentive to Perform Hajj

By the Noble Shaykh Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaani ‫رﺣﻤﻪ اﷲ‬

I T IS NARRATED ON the authority

of Ibn `Umar  who said, “I
was sitting with the Prophet 
in the masjid in Mina when a man
from the Ansaar came and a man
The Messenger of Allaah  said:
‘You came to me, to ask about leaving your
house and aiming for the Bayt-ul-Haraam
and the reward for it; about praying two
rakah after tawaaf and the reward for it;
Allaah writes for you a reward due to it,
and wipes off one of your sins.
As for the two rakah after the tawaaf, then
it is equivalent to freeing a slave from the
from the Thaqeef, they gave salaam going between as-Safa and al-Marwa and Children of Isma`eel. As for your circuiting
and said, ‘O Messenger of Allaah, we the reward for it; your staying the evening of as-Safa and al-Marwa, then it is the
came to ask you questions.’ in Mina, and the reward for it; stoning the same as freeing 70 slaves. As for you stay-
Jamarah and the reward for it; slaughtering ing till the evening in Arafah, then Allaah
So the Messenger  said, ‘If you want I an animal and the reward for it; and the descends to the sky of the Duniya and He
can inform you why you came and what you tawaaf of al-Ifaadah.’ boasts about you to the Angels, and says,
want to ask, and I will do so, and if you “My slaves have come to Me, looking rough,
want I will hold back and you can ask me The man said, ‘I swear by the One from every deep valley hoping for My mercy,
and I will answer you.’ who sent you with the truth! This is so if your sins were equivalent to the amount
what I came to ask you about.’ of sand or the drops of rain or like the foam
They said, ‘Tell us O Messenger of
Allaah!’ The man from Thaqeef said The Prophet  said, ‘As for you leav- on the sea I will forgive them. So go forth
to the Ansaari, ‘Ask.’ So the Ansaari ing your homes aiming for the Bayt-ul- My slaves! Having forgiveness and for what
man said, ‘Inform me O Messenger Haraam: then your she-camel does not or who you have interceded for.”
of Allaah!’ place its foot nor does it raise it except that (Continued on page 6)
Vol. 1 - Issue 11 ~ Nov/Dec 2009 ~ Dhul-Hijjah 1430/Muharram 1431 Page 3

Visiting the Grave

of the Prophet 
By the Noble Shaykh Abdul Azeez ibn Baaz, ‫رﺣﻤﻪ اﷲ‬


Prophet  is not an obligation
nor is it a condition for the
Hajj as some of the common folk
them against every evil, and he warned
against undertaking a journey to other
than the three masaajid. He  said, “Do
not make my grave an ‘eid’ (this word comes
think. However, it is desirable for the from the verb aada and it connotes anything SOME WEAK NARRATIONS
one who visits the masjid of the which one returns to periodically) nor make
Prophet  or is near to it. your houses graves, but invoke blessings on
me, for your blessings reach me wherever you 1. Whoever performs the Hajj and
may be.” [Saheeh Sunan Abu Dawood] did not visit me it is as though he
The position about the permissibility
As for the one who is far from of setting out on a journey with the 2. He who visits me after my death
Madeenah then he should not intention of visiting the grave of the it is as though he visited me
undertake the journey with the Prophet  results in taking the grave as during my life.
intention of visiting the grave. The an “Eid” and leads to what the Prophet 3. He who visits me and the grave of
Sunnah is to undertake the journey  warned against and what he feared my father Ibraaheem in one year,
with the intention of visiting the from excessiveness and laudation. Allaah guarantees the Jannah for
masjid of the Prophet Muhammad . Many of the people have fallen into him.
When one arrives there, he can visit the this due to their belief in the legality of
journeying for visiting the grave of the 4. He who visited my grave then my
grave of the Prophet Muhammad and
Prophet . intercession will become
the grave of the two companions. The
obligatory for him.
visitation of his grave and the grave of
the companions will fall under the LOOKING AT THE EVIDENCE From these ahaadeeth and the likes
visitation of his noble masjid. This is of them, nothing has been
what has been established in the It has been proven by the scholars of established as coming from the
Saheehayn, that the Prophet  said, hadeeth the likes of Daraqutni, Baihaqi, Prophet .
“Do not set out on a journey except to three Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar, and other than Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar in At-Talkhees
masaajid: al-Masjid al-Haraam, the masjid them that the ahaadeeth used by those said, “After the majority of these
of the Messenger  and the masjid of al- who claim that journeying with the narrations have been mentioned—all
Aqsa.” [Bukhaaree, Muslim] intention of visiting the grave of the the chains of this hadeeth are weak.”
If setting out on a journey with the Prophet  is allowed have weak chains
and are fabricated. It is not allowed Al-Haafidh Al-Aqeelee said,
intention of visiting his grave  or the “Nothing is authentic in this
grave of someone else was allowed, that one uses these ahaadeeth to
contradict authentic ahaadeeth used as section.”
then he () would have indicated this
to the Ummah and would have guided supporting evidence for the Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taimiyah ‫رﺣﻤﻪ‬
them to its virtues. This is because he prohibition of journeying to other than ‫ اﷲ‬affirmed that all of these
 was the most sincere of mankind, the three masaajid. ahaadeeth are fabricated and his
the most knowledgeable about Allaah, For the reader inshaa Allaah some of knowledge, memory and meticulous
the strongest in fearing Allaah and he these fabricated ahaadeeth have been research into them should suffice
indeed articulately conveyed the clear mentioned in this section as a means of you.
message. He pointed out every informing you of them and warning (Continued on page 6)
goodness to his Ummah and warned you from being misled by them.
Page 4 Al Baseerah

Fasting optional fasts before Answer: There are two issues related Finally, if this woman is encouraged
making up missed days in to this question. Firstly, this woman and she fights within herself to try to
Ramadhaan conforming to wearing the hijaab hold on to wearing the hijaab
sometimes and taking it off other consistently, then inshaa Allaah she
Question: What is the ruling on a times and secondly, the concept of falls under the ayah wherein Allaah 
woman who has yet to fulfill some of hajar (shunning). mentions that He will guide those
her obligatory fast, but has fasted some who strive for His sake. He says, {As
Regarding the hijaab, it is obligatory
of the virtuous days like the days of for those who strive hard in Us
upon the Muslim woman. To a certain
`Arafah and Aashooraa’ before she (Our Cause), We will surely guide
extent the Muslim woman and the
fulfills some of her missed days of them to Our paths (i.e. Allah's
man also, should feel the importance
Ramadhaan? Benefit us in this matter, religion - Islamic Monotheism).
of the obligation of wearing the hijaab.
may Allah benefit you. And verily, Allah is with the
However, there could be many factors
Muhsinoon (good-doers).} [Al-
Answer: What is incumbent is that a that may cause her to want to refrain
from wearing her hijaab. Ankaboot 29:69] ♦♦♦ Shaykh
person starts with the obligatory
'Abdullaah ibn Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Jarboo
before the optional. What is legislated In any event, this woman inshaa Allaah ‫ﺣﻔﻈﻪ اﷲ‬
for this woman and others who are yet is first of all a Muslim, and inshaa
to fulfill the days of Ramadhaan is to Allaah she is strong in her eemaan
start with fulfilling those (fasts) first (belief) and tries to fight against her
before going on to do the voluntary. desires if she feels some sense of THE TAKBEER FOR `EED
If this women fasted the days on discarding her hijaab. Sometimes she
which fasting is legislated, with the may be triumphant and other times Ibn Mas `ood  used to say the
intentions of fulfilling the obligatory not. What is obligatory upon us is that takbeer during the Days of Tashreeq
fasts, that would be good (better). She we should help her, assist her, and as:
would have combined between the encourage her to try to fulfill this
reward of fasting that day (optional obligation. ‫ﻪ‬ ‫ﻪ ِإ ﱠﻻ اﻟﻠ‬ ‫ َﻻ إِﻟ‬، ‫ﺮ‬ ‫ﺒ‬‫ﻪ َأ ْﻛ‬ ‫ﺮ اﻟﻠ‬ ‫ﺒ‬‫ﻪ َأ ْﻛ‬ ‫اﻟﻠ‬
day) and released herself from the As for the issue of shunning; in the
fulfillment of the obligatory fasting. As ‫ﺪ‬
 ‫ﻤ‬ ‫ﺤ‬
 ‫وِﻟﱠﻠ ِﻪ ا ْﻟ‬ ‫ﺮ‬ ‫ﺒ‬‫ﻪ َأ ْﻛ‬ ‫ﺮ اﻟﻠ‬ ‫ﺒ‬‫ﻪ َأ ْﻛ‬ ‫ اﻟﻠ‬،
lands of kufr (disbelief) or in a land
we have said, what is legislated is that a where there is great difficulty upon the Allaah is Greatest, Allaah is Greatest,
person starts with what has been none deserves worship but Allaah.
Muslims, this is an issue that is not
obligated before they begin with the Allaah is Greatest, Allaah is Greatest,
looked into nor is it considered. This is and to Him is all praise.
optional (acts of worship). ♦♦♦ because shunning in this situation or
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al- land would be helping the Shaytaan ‘Alî  used to say the takbeer
`Uthaymeen ‫رﺣﻤﻪ اﷲ‬ and it is not befitting for us to assist following the Fajr prayer on the
the Shaytaan. Rather, it is upon us to Day of `Arafah until the `Asr
Wearing Hijaab assist a woman like this who at times prayer of the last day of Tashreeq –
only sometimes experiences weakness of eemaan. We he used to say it after `Asr prayer
should assist her, advise her, help her (then stop).
Question: What happens to a woman
and encourage her. Ibn Abî Shaybah, Al-Musannaf .
who wears the hijaab one day and then
doesn’t the next? Is she shunned?
Vol. 1 - Issue 11 ~ Nov/Dec 2009 ~ Dhul-Hijjah 1430/Muharram 1431 Page 5

Know Your Scholars

Part 7 of a series based on a lecture from albaseerah.org by Shaykh Ahmed Al-Munayee, Professor
at Imaam Muhammad Islamic University and Lecturer at Al-Masjid Al-Haraam during Hajj.

THOSE FROM WHOM YOU SHOULD from matters which Shaytaan • a student of knowledge working
TAKE KNOWLEDGE beautifies for them in their heart. with tafseer, experienced in tafseer,
From the effects of this is becoming or well grounded in tafseer.

T HE QUALITIES OF the people of

knowledge have been mentioned.
Those who possess these qualities are
indulgent in desiring popularity and to
be at the forefront of things. The
Nor do they differentiate between the
Mujtahid al-Mutlaq (absolute Mujtahid),
person feels very safe putting himself the Mujtahid al-Muqayyid (restricted
the Scholars and they are the ones who at the level of the people of Mujtahid), the Scholar proficient in the
knowledge should be taken from. knowledge, and this is something Islaamic Sciences at all levels.
There is no problem to take from which he does not deserve. He places
other than them, but with the You find most of the people calling all
himself at the position of the Scholars
condition that those are from the of them scholars. What is important is
at times of dealing with trials and
followers of the Scholars whose that each individual should be placed
tribulations when in reality he is not
attributes have been previously in his proper position. Belittling people
qualified to deal with this.
mentioned. is oppression, and raising them above
These days many of the people do not their station is also oppression.
So, the person who wants to admonish differentiate between a recitor of the
should be very familiar with what he is For this reason, you find people going
Qur’aan and one who narrates a story
speaking about and familiar with the back to du`aat, or those who are
to the people; or one who warns the
principles of our Deen and its simply callers, or those who admonish,
people and one who reminds them, or
branches. This is the least that can be or those only involved in training, or
between the khateeb who gives the
said about an individual who wants to those who are good at telling stories.
khutbah and one who gives sincere
admonish and advise. Allaah  has They have statements, tapes and the
advice (naseehah); or the one who is in
defined certain limits for the person like available and the people take
charge in the Islaamic community and
who wants to pass religious rulings, religious rulings from them—placing
capable of giving commands to enjoin
and He has warned against those who them all at the same level.
the right and forbid the wrong and the
disregard the limitations and person who is deeply involved in The person who is wise in his
regulations that have been ordained. research. understanding knows who to take
As for the person who does not from. How many people don’t really
They do not differentiate between
possess these qualifications, when he have anything to invite you to? They
these and likewise they do not
opens his mouth it is as though he is claim to have what they don’t possess.
differentiate between
speaking about Allaah and His It is important, therefore, if you are
• The person who is deeply in
Messenger  without knowledge as he going to take from an individual, that
involved in research
is actually representing the Book of that individual is one who has also
• a student of knowledge
Allaah as Ibn Qayyim mentions in one taken from someone who is himself
• the Scholar who specializes in an scholarly, and who is known to have
of his books1. One who examines the area,
book would understand the spent some time in acquiring
• the Faqeeh (jurist) – the Jurist who is knowledge. ♦♦♦
importance of the issue and recognize
well grounded in Islaamic
the mistake of some people in dealing _________
Jurisprudence (Fiqh) and the Jurist
with matters which they are not
who has mastered Fiqh 1 ‫إﻋﻼم اﻟﻤﻮﻗﻌﻴﻦ ﻋﻦ رب اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻤﻴﻦ‬
qualified to deal with in the name of
• a student of knowledge working
da`wah, admonition, clarification,
with hadeeth, experienced in
rectification, teaching, or commanding In the next issue we will have the conclusion
hadeeth, or well grounded in
with what is right and forbidding from to this series inshaa Allaah.
what is wrong, or from other than that
Page 6 Al Baseerah

Doing Udhiyyah on behalf of (PROPHET’S GRAVE Continued from page 3)

If anything from these ahaadeeth had

the Deceased been established then the Companions
would have been the foremost
By the Noble Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-`Uthaymeen, ‫رﺣﻤﻪ اﷲ‬ amongst the people in acting in upon
them, explaining them to the Ummah
and calling to them. This is because
they (the Sahaabah) are the best of

Q uestion: Is it recommended
to make the Udhiyyah
(sacrifice) on behalf of the
dead, as is the case with the living,
lifetime and he did not sacrifice on
their behalf; his wife Khadijah died
and she was from the most beloved
of his wives yet he did not sacrifice on
mankind after the prophets and the
most knowledgeable about what
Allaah has prohibited and what He 
has legislated for His servants. They
even if they (the dead) did not her behalf, and his uncle Hamzah  are the most faithful to Allaah and
order with it (the sacrifice), or is it was martyred, and he did not sacrifice most sincere to His creation. Since
a special worship limited to the on his behalf. there is nothing related from them
living only, with the exception of concerning this, this indicates that it is
If this was among the legislated
the deceased who have ordered us something which is not legislated.
with it? matters, then the Messenger  would
have legalized it for his Ummah either Even if something was authentic from
Answer: What we see is the Udhiyyah by his statement, action, or approval. them it would necessitate taking that
is legislated for the living only because As none of that happened, it is known to mean that the legislated ziyaarah
this is what is reported from the that it is not legislated. (visit) is that in which setting out on a
Messenger . It is for the living only, journey is not with the intent of
However, we do not say it is
with the exception of the dead if they visiting the grave alone; and this is by
forbidden, or it is an innovation, or it
entrusted someone to do it for them. reconciling between the ahaadeeth and
is not allowed, because it is similar to
Then it should be done on their Allaah  knows best. ♦♦♦
a charity as some of the scholars have
behalf because the dead person has
compared it with sadaqah (charity) on
ordered with it from his own wealth,
behalf of the dead, and sadaqah on
and his wealth is his to spend as he
behalf of the dead has been
wishes as long as it is not in disobedi- (ENCOURAGEMENT Continued from page 2)
confirmed by the Sunnah.♦♦♦
ence to Allah. So do as he ordered.
As for the living, then he sacrifices on As for stoning the Jamaar (the pillars), then
his behalf, but there is no objection if for every stone that you throw, it removes a
he sacrifices and says “this is on
DID YOU KNOW? big sin from the deadly sins. As for your
behalf of my household” and he slaughtering, then it is saved for you with
intends with that statement the living your Lord. As for shaving your head, then
and the dead, as is apparent from the there is a reward for every strand of hair that
The Prophet  was asked about you shaved, and a sin is wiped off by it.
actions of the Messenger  when he the fast on the day of Arafah,
used to say “this is on behalf whereupon he said, As for you performing tawaaf of the House
Muhammad, the family of after all this, then by this time your are per-
Muhammad and the Ummah of "It expiates the sins of the preceding
year and the coming year." forming tawaaf with no sin upon you and an
Muhammad,” the apparent meaning is Angel comes and places his hand between
that it includes the living and the And he was asked about fasting your shoulders saying, ‘Perform good deeds for
dead. on the day of `Aashooraa', what you face of the future for verily your past
whereupon he said, sins have been forgiven’.’”
As for sacrificing only on behalf of
the dead, then this has not been "It expiates the sins of the Reported by at-Tabaraani in his book “Al-
related on the Prophet . Indeed the preceding year." Kabeer” and by al-Bazaar. Shaykh Al-Albaani
graded it Hassan. Taken from ‘Saheeh at-
daughters of the Prophet  died - [Muslim]
Targheeb wa Tarheeb’. Volume 2, Page 9-10,
three of his daughters died during his hadeeth no. 1112 ♦♦♦
Vol. 1 - Issue 11 ~ Nov/Dec 2009 ~ Dhul-Hijjah 1430/Muharram 1431 Page 7

Abu Ayoob says , “We used to, at the Answer: The manhaj of Ahlus Sunnah
Can families in same house- time of the Prophet , have a man make the wal Jamaa'ah from the Sahaabah, the
hold share in Udhiyyah? sacrifice with one goat for him and for his Tabieen and the atba-Taabieen, is that
household, and people ate.” And the normally a person is not free from
Prophet  used to sacrifice with two minor shirk, except very rarely; it is riyaa
Question: My older brother and I live
goats, one for him and his household (showing off). For example, one may
in the same house and we are both
and the other for everyone that adorn his salaah so that it may be said
married. Is it obligatory for each of us
believed in the oneness of Allaah that he prays well, or he recites nicely so
to make the slaughter/sacrifice
from his nation. Therefore, one that it may be said that his recitation is
(udhiyyah), or is one sufficient for the
sacrifice is enough because you are a good. This is minor shirk.
both of us?
family from the same house and if Accordingly, the `aqeedah of Ahlus
Answer: The Sunnah is to do one you sacrifice more then there is no Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah says this person is
sacrifice for both of you, and it is not problem. ♦♦♦ Shaykh `Abdul `Azeez not a disbeliever because of the
obligatory, it is voluntary. The sacrifice
ibn Baaz ‫رﺣﻤﻪ اﷲ‬ statement of Allaah, {Verily, Allaah
is Sunnah Mu’akdah (a confirmed
forgives not (the sin of) setting up
Sunnah). If you slaughter one then you
partners (in worship) with Him, He
are a family of one house. You are a
Does minor shirk remove one forgives whom He wills, sins other
family of one house - one sacrifice is from Islaam? than that.} [An-Nisaa' 4:116]
sufficient. If you slaughter two
individual sacrifices then the blessing is However, Allaah will either enter him
desired, and all praise is to Allaah. Question: I have heard that minor into the Fire (not permanently), or take
However, it is not necessary as one is shirk does not remove one from the from his good deeds to compensate for
sufficient. fold of Islaam. Is this a consensus his (minor) shirk. This is the madhab of
(ijmaa') with the Scholars? Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah. ♦♦♦ Shaykh
Abdullaah Al-Ghudayyaan ‫ﺣﻔﻈﻪ اﷲ‬

Answers from

Quiz Corner
1.  The 5th pillar of Islaam, to be per‐ Issue #10
formed at least once in a lifetime if 
they are financially able to 
4.  The hill on which a pilgrim ends sa`ee 
6.  The place where pilgrims spend the 
night on 9th Dhul‐Hijjah 
7.  The place where Muslims declare their 
intention to make Hajj or `Umrah and 
enters into the state of Ihraam 
8.  The 8th day of Dhul‐Hijjah 
2.  The well which sprang up when 
Prophet Isma`eel’s mother was in search 
of water for them whilst they were in the 
3.  The stone pillars at which the pilgrims 
throw pebbles. 
5.  A complete ritual bath. 
9.  A desert location where pilgrims spend 
the 9th day of Dhul Hijjah as a rite of Hajj. 
10.  The response to Allaah’s call for Hajj. 
‫ﻣﺴﺠﺪ أﻫﻞ اﻟﻘﺮآن واﻟﺴﻨﺔ‬
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SUNDAYS After Salaatul Maghrib (5:00 pm)


December 11th —13th
(Fri 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm — Sat. 2:00 to 7:00 pm — Sun 8:00 am to 12:00 pm)
Explanation of Six Principles by Shaykh Muhammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab
By: Brother Abdullah Al-An-Saari. Graduate Imaam Muhammed Islamic University

January 16th—18th, 2010
Explanation of Book of As-Sunnah from Sunan Ibn Majah
By: Brother Abu Khaliyl, Jadd Sylvester. Well known Daaeyah and Author

February 13th—15th
Explanation of Principles of Fiqh
By: Brother Abu Thahirah, Abdullah Smith. Graduate Islamic University of Madinah


November 29th— Bring your families and friends and eat all you can
November 29th— Bring your families and friends

Dec. 13th at 7:30 AM — Get Your Tickets Today—Bring your families and friends


Sports—Games—Fun—All Day programs—Bring your friends and teams
Saturday, Dec. 26th— Brothers Only ~~~~~~ Sunday Dec. 27th Sisters only

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109-06 Van Wyck Expressway [email protected]
South Ozone Park, NY 11416

From Van Wyck Expressway (South), follow the sign to JFK Airport, exit on Liberty
Avenue. Keep driving straight on Van Wyck Expressway service road until you reach
109th Avenue. Go past the traffic light. The masjid will be on your right hand side.

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