Having Taqwaa of Allaah: Me Myself & I
Having Taqwaa of Allaah: Me Myself & I
Having Taqwaa of Allaah: Me Myself & I
Fasting optional fasts before Answer: There are two issues related Finally, if this woman is encouraged
making up missed days in to this question. Firstly, this woman and she fights within herself to try to
Ramadhaan conforming to wearing the hijaab hold on to wearing the hijaab
sometimes and taking it off other consistently, then inshaa Allaah she
Question: What is the ruling on a times and secondly, the concept of falls under the ayah wherein Allaah
woman who has yet to fulfill some of hajar (shunning). mentions that He will guide those
her obligatory fast, but has fasted some who strive for His sake. He says, {As
Regarding the hijaab, it is obligatory
of the virtuous days like the days of for those who strive hard in Us
upon the Muslim woman. To a certain
`Arafah and Aashooraa’ before she (Our Cause), We will surely guide
extent the Muslim woman and the
fulfills some of her missed days of them to Our paths (i.e. Allah's
man also, should feel the importance
Ramadhaan? Benefit us in this matter, religion - Islamic Monotheism).
of the obligation of wearing the hijaab.
may Allah benefit you. And verily, Allah is with the
However, there could be many factors
Muhsinoon (good-doers).} [Al-
Answer: What is incumbent is that a that may cause her to want to refrain
from wearing her hijaab. Ankaboot 29:69] ♦♦♦ Shaykh
person starts with the obligatory
'Abdullaah ibn Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Jarboo
before the optional. What is legislated In any event, this woman inshaa Allaah ﺣﻔﻈﻪ اﷲ
for this woman and others who are yet is first of all a Muslim, and inshaa
to fulfill the days of Ramadhaan is to Allaah she is strong in her eemaan
start with fulfilling those (fasts) first (belief) and tries to fight against her
before going on to do the voluntary. desires if she feels some sense of THE TAKBEER FOR `EED
If this women fasted the days on discarding her hijaab. Sometimes she
which fasting is legislated, with the may be triumphant and other times Ibn Mas `ood used to say the
intentions of fulfilling the obligatory not. What is obligatory upon us is that takbeer during the Days of Tashreeq
fasts, that would be good (better). She we should help her, assist her, and as:
would have combined between the encourage her to try to fulfill this
reward of fasting that day (optional obligation. ﻪ ﻪ ِإ ﱠﻻ اﻟﻠ َﻻ إِﻟ، ﺮ ﺒﻪ َأ ْﻛ ﺮ اﻟﻠ ﺒﻪ َأ ْﻛ اﻟﻠ
day) and released herself from the As for the issue of shunning; in the
fulfillment of the obligatory fasting. As ﺪ
ﻤ ﺤ
وِﻟﱠﻠ ِﻪ ا ْﻟ ﺮ ﺒﻪ َأ ْﻛ ﺮ اﻟﻠ ﺒﻪ َأ ْﻛ اﻟﻠ،
lands of kufr (disbelief) or in a land
we have said, what is legislated is that a where there is great difficulty upon the Allaah is Greatest, Allaah is Greatest,
person starts with what has been none deserves worship but Allaah.
Muslims, this is an issue that is not
obligated before they begin with the Allaah is Greatest, Allaah is Greatest,
looked into nor is it considered. This is and to Him is all praise.
optional (acts of worship). ♦♦♦ because shunning in this situation or
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al- land would be helping the Shaytaan ‘Alî used to say the takbeer
`Uthaymeen رﺣﻤﻪ اﷲ and it is not befitting for us to assist following the Fajr prayer on the
the Shaytaan. Rather, it is upon us to Day of `Arafah until the `Asr
Wearing Hijaab assist a woman like this who at times prayer of the last day of Tashreeq –
only sometimes experiences weakness of eemaan. We he used to say it after `Asr prayer
should assist her, advise her, help her (then stop).
Question: What happens to a woman
and encourage her. Ibn Abî Shaybah, Al-Musannaf .
who wears the hijaab one day and then
doesn’t the next? Is she shunned?
Vol. 1 - Issue 11 ~ Nov/Dec 2009 ~ Dhul-Hijjah 1430/Muharram 1431 Page 5
THOSE FROM WHOM YOU SHOULD from matters which Shaytaan • a student of knowledge working
TAKE KNOWLEDGE beautifies for them in their heart. with tafseer, experienced in tafseer,
From the effects of this is becoming or well grounded in tafseer.
Q uestion: Is it recommended
to make the Udhiyyah
(sacrifice) on behalf of the
dead, as is the case with the living,
lifetime and he did not sacrifice on
their behalf; his wife Khadijah died
and she was from the most beloved
of his wives yet he did not sacrifice on
mankind after the prophets and the
most knowledgeable about what
Allaah has prohibited and what He
has legislated for His servants. They
even if they (the dead) did not her behalf, and his uncle Hamzah are the most faithful to Allaah and
order with it (the sacrifice), or is it was martyred, and he did not sacrifice most sincere to His creation. Since
a special worship limited to the on his behalf. there is nothing related from them
living only, with the exception of concerning this, this indicates that it is
If this was among the legislated
the deceased who have ordered us something which is not legislated.
with it? matters, then the Messenger would
have legalized it for his Ummah either Even if something was authentic from
Answer: What we see is the Udhiyyah by his statement, action, or approval. them it would necessitate taking that
is legislated for the living only because As none of that happened, it is known to mean that the legislated ziyaarah
this is what is reported from the that it is not legislated. (visit) is that in which setting out on a
Messenger . It is for the living only, journey is not with the intent of
However, we do not say it is
with the exception of the dead if they visiting the grave alone; and this is by
forbidden, or it is an innovation, or it
entrusted someone to do it for them. reconciling between the ahaadeeth and
is not allowed, because it is similar to
Then it should be done on their Allaah knows best. ♦♦♦
a charity as some of the scholars have
behalf because the dead person has
compared it with sadaqah (charity) on
ordered with it from his own wealth,
behalf of the dead, and sadaqah on
and his wealth is his to spend as he
behalf of the dead has been
wishes as long as it is not in disobedi- (ENCOURAGEMENT Continued from page 2)
confirmed by the Sunnah.♦♦♦
ence to Allah. So do as he ordered.
As for the living, then he sacrifices on As for stoning the Jamaar (the pillars), then
his behalf, but there is no objection if for every stone that you throw, it removes a
he sacrifices and says “this is on
DID YOU KNOW? big sin from the deadly sins. As for your
behalf of my household” and he slaughtering, then it is saved for you with
intends with that statement the living your Lord. As for shaving your head, then
and the dead, as is apparent from the there is a reward for every strand of hair that
The Prophet was asked about you shaved, and a sin is wiped off by it.
actions of the Messenger when he the fast on the day of Arafah,
used to say “this is on behalf whereupon he said, As for you performing tawaaf of the House
Muhammad, the family of after all this, then by this time your are per-
Muhammad and the Ummah of "It expiates the sins of the preceding
year and the coming year." forming tawaaf with no sin upon you and an
Muhammad,” the apparent meaning is Angel comes and places his hand between
that it includes the living and the And he was asked about fasting your shoulders saying, ‘Perform good deeds for
dead. on the day of `Aashooraa', what you face of the future for verily your past
whereupon he said, sins have been forgiven’.’”
As for sacrificing only on behalf of
the dead, then this has not been "It expiates the sins of the Reported by at-Tabaraani in his book “Al-
related on the Prophet . Indeed the preceding year." Kabeer” and by al-Bazaar. Shaykh Al-Albaani
graded it Hassan. Taken from ‘Saheeh at-
daughters of the Prophet died - [Muslim]
Targheeb wa Tarheeb’. Volume 2, Page 9-10,
three of his daughters died during his hadeeth no. 1112 ♦♦♦
Vol. 1 - Issue 11 ~ Nov/Dec 2009 ~ Dhul-Hijjah 1430/Muharram 1431 Page 7
Abu Ayoob says , “We used to, at the Answer: The manhaj of Ahlus Sunnah
Can families in same house- time of the Prophet , have a man make the wal Jamaa'ah from the Sahaabah, the
hold share in Udhiyyah? sacrifice with one goat for him and for his Tabieen and the atba-Taabieen, is that
household, and people ate.” And the normally a person is not free from
Prophet used to sacrifice with two minor shirk, except very rarely; it is riyaa
Question: My older brother and I live
goats, one for him and his household (showing off). For example, one may
in the same house and we are both
and the other for everyone that adorn his salaah so that it may be said
married. Is it obligatory for each of us
believed in the oneness of Allaah that he prays well, or he recites nicely so
to make the slaughter/sacrifice
from his nation. Therefore, one that it may be said that his recitation is
(udhiyyah), or is one sufficient for the
sacrifice is enough because you are a good. This is minor shirk.
both of us?
family from the same house and if Accordingly, the `aqeedah of Ahlus
Answer: The Sunnah is to do one you sacrifice more then there is no Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah says this person is
sacrifice for both of you, and it is not problem. ♦♦♦ Shaykh `Abdul `Azeez not a disbeliever because of the
obligatory, it is voluntary. The sacrifice
ibn Baaz رﺣﻤﻪ اﷲ statement of Allaah, {Verily, Allaah
is Sunnah Mu’akdah (a confirmed
forgives not (the sin of) setting up
Sunnah). If you slaughter one then you
partners (in worship) with Him, He
are a family of one house. You are a
Does minor shirk remove one forgives whom He wills, sins other
family of one house - one sacrifice is from Islaam? than that.} [An-Nisaa' 4:116]
sufficient. If you slaughter two
individual sacrifices then the blessing is However, Allaah will either enter him
desired, and all praise is to Allaah. Question: I have heard that minor into the Fire (not permanently), or take
However, it is not necessary as one is shirk does not remove one from the from his good deeds to compensate for
sufficient. fold of Islaam. Is this a consensus his (minor) shirk. This is the madhab of
(ijmaa') with the Scholars? Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah. ♦♦♦ Shaykh
Abdullaah Al-Ghudayyaan ﺣﻔﻈﻪ اﷲ
Answers from
Quiz Corner
1. The 5th pillar of Islaam, to be per‐ Issue #10
formed at least once in a lifetime if
they are financially able to
4. The hill on which a pilgrim ends sa`ee
6. The place where pilgrims spend the
night on 9th Dhul‐Hijjah
7. The place where Muslims declare their
intention to make Hajj or `Umrah and
enters into the state of Ihraam
8. The 8th day of Dhul‐Hijjah
2. The well which sprang up when
Prophet Isma`eel’s mother was in search
of water for them whilst they were in the
3. The stone pillars at which the pilgrims
throw pebbles.
5. A complete ritual bath.
9. A desert location where pilgrims spend
the 9th day of Dhul Hijjah as a rite of Hajj.
10. The response to Allaah’s call for Hajj.
ﻣﺴﺠﺪ أﻫﻞ اﻟﻘﺮآن واﻟﺴﻨﺔ
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