1000 Sentence Correction Questions
1000 Sentence Correction Questions
1000 Sentence Correction Questions
A caendar stck carved centures ago by the Wnnebago trbe may provde the rst evdence that
the North Amercan Indans have deveoped advanced fu-year caendars basng them on systematc
astronomca observaton.
(A) that the North Amercan Indans have deveoped advanced fu-year caendars basng them
(B) of the North Amercan Indans who have deveoped advanced fu-year caendars and based them
(C) of the deveopment of advanced fu-year caendars by North Amercan Indans, basng them
(D) of the North Amercan Indans and ther deveopment of advanced fu-year caendars based
(E) that the North Amercan Indans deveoped advanced fu-year caendars based
2. A 1972 agreement between Canada and the Unted States reduced the amount of phosphates that
muncpates had been aowed to dump nto the Great Lakes.
(A) reduced the amount of phosphates that muncpates had been aowed to dump
(B) reduced the phosphate amount that muncpates had been dumpng
(C) reduces the phosphate amount muncpates have been aowed to dump
(D) reduced the amount of phosphates that muncpates are aowed to dump
(E) reduces the amount of phosphates aowed for dumpng by muncpates
3. A coecton of 38 poems by Phs Wheatey, a save, was pubshed n the 1770s, the rst book by a
Back woman and t was ony the second pubshed by an Amercan woman.
(A) t was ony the second pubshed by an Amercan woman
(B) t was ony the second that an Amercan woman pubshed
(C) the second one ony pubshed by an Amercan woman
(D) the second one ony that an Amercan woman pubshed
(E) ony the second pubshed by an Amercan woman
4. A common dsabty n test pots s hearng mparment, a consequence of sttng too cose to arge
|et engnes for ong perods of tme.
(A) a consequence of sttng too cose to arge |et engnes for ong perods of tme
(B) a consequence from sttng for ong perods of tme too near to arge |et engnes
(C) a consequence whch resuted from sttng too cose to arge |et engnes for ong perods of tme
(D) damaged from sttng too near to arge |et engnes for ong perods of tme
(E) damaged because they sat too cose to arge |et engnes for ong perods of tme
5. A controversa gure throughout most of hs pubc fe, the Back eader Marcus Garvey advocated
that some Backs return to Afrca, the and that, to hm, symbozed the possbty of freedom.
(A) that some Backs return to Afrca, the and that, to hm, symbozed the possbty of freedom
(B) that some Backs return to the Afrcan and symbozng the possbty of freedom to hm
(C) that some Backs return to Afrca whch was the and whch symbozed the possbty of freedom
to hm
(D) some Backs returnng to Afrca whch was the and that to hm symbozed the possbty of
(E) some Backs return to the and symbozng the possbty of freedom to hm, Afrca
6. A re n an encosed space burns wth the ad of reected radaton that preheats the fue, makng
gnton much easer and ames spreadng more qucky.
(A) ames spreadng
(B) ame spreads
(C) ames are caused to spread
(D) causng ames to spread
(E) causng spreadng of the ames
7. A rm that specazes n the anayss of handwrtng cams from a one-page wrtng sampe that t
can assess more than three hundred personaty trats, ncudng enthusasm, magnaton, and
(A) from a one-page wrtng sampe that t can assess
(B) from a one-page wrtng sampe t has the abty of assessng
(C) the abty, from a one-page wrtng sampe, of assessng
(D) to be abe, from a one-page wrtng sampe, to assess
(E) beng abe to assess, from a one-page wrtng sampe,
8. A huge yng repte that ded out wth the dnosaurs some 65 mon years ago, the Ouetzacoatus
had a wngspan of 36 feet, beeved to be the argest yng creature the word has ever seen.
(A) beeved to be
(B) and that s beeved to be
(C) and t s beeved to have been
(D) whch was, t s beeved,
(E) whch s beeved to be
9. A Labor Department study states that the numbers of women empoyed outsde the home grew by
more than a thrty-ve percent ncrease n the past decade and accounted for more than sxty-two
percent of the tota growth n the cvan work force.
(A) numbers of women empoyed outsde the home grew by more than a thrty-ve percent ncrease
(B) numbers of women empoyed outsde the home grew more than thrty-ve percent
(C) numbers of women empoyed outsde the home were rased by more than thrty-ve percent
(D) number of women empoyed outsde the home ncreased by more than thrty-ve percent
(E) number of women empoyed outsde the home was rased by more than a thrty-ve percent
10. A arge rse n the number of housng starts n the comng year shoud boost new constructon doars
by severa bon doars, makng the constructon ndustrys economc heath much more robust than
ve years ago.
(A) makng the constructon ndustrys economc heath much more robust than ve years ago
(B) and make the constructon ndustrys economc heath much more robust than ve years ago
(C) makng the constructon ndustrys economc heath much more robust than t was ve years ago
(D) to make the constructon ndustrys economc heath much more robust than ve years ago
(E) n makng the constructon ndustrys economc heath much more robust than t as ve years ago
11. A etter by Mark Twan, wrtten n the same year as The Adventures of Huckleberry !nn were
pubshed, reveas that Twan provded nanca assstance to one of the rst Back students at Yae
Law Schoo.
(A) A etter by Mark Twan, wrtten n the same year as The Adventures of Huckleberry !nn were
(B) A etter by Mark Twan, wrtten n the same year of pubcaton as The Adventures of Huckleberry
(C) A etter by Mark Twan, wrtten n the same year that The Adventures of Huckleberry !nn was
(D) Mark Twan wrote a etter n the same year as he pubshed The Adventures of Huckleberry !nn
(E) Mark Twan wrote a etter n the same year of pubcaton as The Adventures of Huckleberry !nn
12. A tte under a mon years ago, the brny waters of the Batc Sea began oodng nto the cod North
Atantc: geoogsts are st debatng whether the ood was gradua or created a catacysm.
(A) whether the ood was gradua or created a catacysm
(B) f the ood was gradua or created a catacysm
(C) about whether the ood was gradua or catacysmc
(D) whether the ood was gradua or catacysmc
(E) whether the ood was gradua or t created a catacysm
13. A ma|orty of the nternatona |ournasts surveyed vew nucear power statons as unsafe at present
but that they w, or coud, be made sumcenty safe n the future.
(A) that they w, or coud,
(B) that they woud, or coud,
(C) they w be or coud
(D) thnk that they w be or coud
(E) thnk the power statons woud or coud
14. A mgrane typcay amcts one sde of the head, asts for hours or days, and may recur as
nfrequenty as once every other month or often, as day.
(A) as nfrequenty as once every other month or often, as
(B) as nfrequenty as once every other month or as often as
(C) nfrequenty, as often as once every other month, or often, ke
(D) nfrequenty, ke once every other month, or often, ke
(E) nfrequenty, ke once every other month, or as often as
15. A new phenomena, whch s vsbe at Managuas ma|or ntersectons, are waves of vendors and
beggars, whch ncude many chdren and mob cars at the stopghts.
(A) A new phenomena, whch s vsbe at Managuas ma|or ntersectons, are waves of vendors and
beggars, whch ncude many chdren and
(B) Vsbe at Managuas ma|or ntersectons are waves of vendors and beggars wth many chdren,
new phenomena that
(C) A new phenomenon vsbe at Managuas ma|or ntersectons s waves of vendors and beggars,
many of them chdren, who
(D) Phenomenay new waves of vendors, beggars, and many chdren are vsbe at Managuas ma|or
ntersectons, whch
(E) A wave of vendors and beggars, many of whom are chdren, are vsbe at Managuas ma|or
ntersectons, where they are a new phenomenon and
16. A number of ngusts contend that a of the thousands of anguages spoken by the words ve bon
peope can be traced back to a common root anguage.
(A) that a of the thousands of anguages spoken by the words ve bon peope can be traced
(B) that the words ve bon peope speak thousands of anguages of whch a can be traced
(C) the words ve bon peope speak thousands of anguages whch are a traceabe
(D) a of the thousands of anguages spoken by the words ve bon peope to be traceabe
(E) the abty to trace a of the thousands of anguages that are spoken by the words ve bon
17. A patent accusng a doctor of mapractce w nd t dmcut to prove damage f there s a ack of
some other doctor to testfy about proper medca procedures.
(A) f there s a ack of some other doctor to testfy
(B) uness there w be another doctor to testfy
(C) wthout another doctors testmony
(D) shoud there be no testmony from some other doctor
(E) ackng another doctor to testfy
18. A pecuar feature of the embryonc mammaan crcuatory system s that n the area of the heart the
ces adhere to one another, beatng n unson and adoptng specazed orentatons excusve of one
(A) beatng n unson and adoptng
(B) they beat n unson whe adoptng
(C) beat n unson, and adopt
(D) beatng n unson yet adoptng
(E) even though they beat n unson and adopt
19. A Presdent enterng the na two years of a second term s key to be at a severe dsadvantage and
s often unabe to carry out a egsatve program.
(A) key to be at a severe dsadvantage and s often unabe to
(B) key severey dsadvantaged and often unabe to
(C) abe to be severey dsadvantaged and cannot often
(D) abe that he or she s at a severe dsadvantage and cannot often
(E) at a severe dsadvantage, often key to be unabe that he or she can
20. A proc archtect who worked from the turn of the century unt the ate 1950s, |ua Morgan
desgned neary 800 budngs n Caforna, perhaps most notaby Wam Randoph Hearsts
monumenta estate at San Smeon.
(A) |ua Morgan desgned neary 800 budngs n Caforna, perhaps most notaby Wam Randoph
Hearsts monumenta estate at San Smeon
(B) perhaps the most notabe of the neary 800 budngs n Caforna desgned by |ua Morgan was
Wam Randoph Hearsts monumenta estate at San Smeon
(C) of the neary 800 budngs n Caforna desgned by |ua Morgan, perhaps the most notabe was
Wam Randoph Hearsts monumenta estate at San Smeon
(D) neary 800 budngs n Caforna were desgned by |ua Morgan, of whch Wam Randoph
Hearsts monumenta estate at San Smeon s perhaps the most notabe
(E) Wam Randoph Hearsts monumenta estate at San Smeon s perhaps the most notabe of the
neary 800 budngs n Caforna desgned by |ua Morgan
21. A proposa has been made to trm the horns from rhnoceroses to dscourage poachers; the queston
s whether toursts w contnue to vst game parks and see rhnoceroses after ther horns are
(A) whether toursts w contnue to vst game parks and see rhnoceroses after ther horns are
(B) whether toursts w contnue to vst game parks to see one once ther horns are
(C) whether toursts w contnue to vst game parks to see rhnoceroses once the anmas horns
have been
(D) f toursts w contnue to vst game parks and see rhnoceroses once the anmas horns are
(E) f toursts w contnue to vst game parks to see one after the anmas horns have been
22. A recent natona study of the pubc schoos shows that there are now one mcrocomputer for every
thrty-two pups, four tmes as many than there were four years ago.
(A) there are now one mcrocomputer for every thrty-two pups, four tmes as many than there were
(B) there s now one mcrocomputer for every thrty-two pups, four tmes as many than there were
(C) there s now one mcrocomputer for every thrty-two pups, four tmes as many as there were
(D) every thrty-two pups now have one mcrocomputer, four tmes as many than there were
(E) every thrty-two pups now has one mcrocomputer, four tmes as many as
23. A recent "e# $ork T!%es edtora crtczed the ctys eecton board for, rst of a, fang to repace
outmoded votng machnes prone to breakdowns, and secondary, for ther faure to nvestgate
aegatons of corrupton nvovng board members.
(A) secondary, for ther faure to
(B) secondy, for ther faure to
(C) secondy, that they faed and dd not
(D) second, that they faed to
(E) second, for fang to
24. A recent study has found that wthn the past few years, many doctors had eected eary retrement
rather than face the threats of awsuts and the rsng costs of mapractce nsurance.
(A) had eected eary retrement rather than face
(B) had eected eary retrement nstead of facng
(C) have eected retrng eary nstead of facng
(D) have eected to retre eary rather than facng
(E) have eected to retre eary rather than face
25. A recent study of ancent cay deposts has provded new evdence supportng the theory of goba
forest res gnted by a meteorte mpact that contrbuted to the extncton of the dnosaurs and many
other creatures some 65 mon years ago.
(A) supportng the theory of goba forest res gnted by a meteorte mpact that
(B) supportng the theory that goba forest res gnted by a meteorte mpact
(C) that supports the theory of goba forest res that were gnted by a meteorte mpact and that
(D) n support of the theory that goba forest res were gnted by a meteorte mpact and that
(E) of support for the theory of a meteorte mpact that gnted goba forest res and
26. A recordng system was so secrety nstaed and operated n the Kennedy Ova Omce that even
Theodore C. Sorensen, the Whte House counse, dd not know t exsted.
(A) A recordng system was so secrety nstaed and operated n the Kennedy Ova Omce that
(B) So secret was a recordng system nstaaton and operaton n the Kennedy Ova Omce
(C) It was so secret that a recordng system was nstaed and operated n the Kennedy Ova Omce
(D) A recordng system that was so secrety nstaed and operated n the Kennedy Ova Omce
(E) Instaed and operated so secrety n the Kennedy Ova Omce was a recordng system that
27. A report by the Amercan Academy for the Advancement of Scence has concuded that much of the
currenty uncontroed doxns to whch North Amercans are exposed comes from the ncneraton of
(A) much of the currenty uncontroed doxns to whch North Amercans are exposed comes
(B) much of the currenty uncontroed doxns that North Amercans are exposed to come
(C) much of the doxns that are currenty uncontroed and that North Amercans are exposed to
(D) many of the doxns that are currenty uncontroed and North Amercans are exposed to come
(E) many of the currenty uncontroed doxns to whch North Amercans are exposed come
28. A representatve of the Womens Bureau of the Unted States Department of Labor contends that
empoyers who oher benets whch permt that empoyees can baance home and work
responsbtes better, reazng gans n attendance, recrutng, and retenton.
(A) whch permt that empoyees can baance home and work responsbtes better, reazng
(B) whch permt empoyees baancng home and work responsbtes better w reaze
(C) that permt empoyees to baance the responsbtes of home and work better w reaze
(D) that permt empoyees a better baance between the responsbtes of home and work, thus
(E) such that empoyees are permtted a baance between home and work responsbtes, and they
w reaze
29. A shy, regous-mnded pubsher who had marred a dukes daughter, Harod Macmans rse to the
poston of Prme Mnster n 1957 surprsed many, though Church had snce the 1930s been
extong Macmans courage.
(A) Harod Macmans rse to the poston of Prme Mnster n 1957 surprsed many
(B) Harod Macmans rse n 1957 to the poston of Prme Mnster surprsed many
(C) Harod Macmans becomng Prme Mnster n 1957 surprsed many
(D) Harod Macman surprsed many by rsng to the poston of Prme Mnster n 1957
(E) the poston of Prme Mnster attaned by Harod Macman n 1957 surprsed many
30. A speca |apanese green tea caed &en%'!(ch' contans brown rce and s consdered as a decacy
t for a gourmet by most |apanese, though t s vrtuay unavaabe outsde Yokohama.
(A) A speca |apanese green tea caed &en%'!(ch' contans brown rce and s consdered as a
decacy t for a gourmet by most |apanese, though t s vrtuay unavaabe outsde Yokohama.
(B) Consdered to be a decacy t for a gourmet by most |apanese, &en%'!(ch' s a speca green tea
that contans brown rce, vrtuay unavaabe outsde Yokohama.
(C) A speca |apanese green tea caed &en%'!(ch' contans brown rce and s consdered a gourmet
decacy by most |apanese, though t s vrtuay unavaabe outsde Yokohama.
(D) Most |apanese consder &en%'!(ch', a speca green tea whch contans brown rce, as a decacy
vrtuay unavaabe outsde Yokohama.
(E) Though vrtuay unavaabe outsde Yokohama, most |apanese consder &en%'!(ch', a speca
green tea that contans brown rce, a gourmet decacy.
31. A star w compress tsef nto a whte dwarf, a neutron star, or a back hoe after t passes through a
red gant stage, dependng on mass.
(A) A star w compress tsef nto a whte dwarf, a neutron star, or a back hoe after t passes
through a red gant stage, dependng on mass.
(B) After passng through a red gant stage, dependng on ts mass, a star w compress tsef nto a
whte dwarf, a neutron star, or a back hoe.
(C) After passng through a red gant stage, a stars mass w determne f t compresses tsef nto a
whte dwarf, a neutron star, or a back hoe.
(D) Mass determnes whether a star, after passng through the red gant stage, w compress tsef
nto a whte dwarf, a neutron star, or a back hoe.
(E) The mass of a star, after passng through the red gant stage, w determne whether t
compresses tsef nto a whte dwarf, a neutron star, or a back hoe.
32. A study commssoned by the Department of Agrcuture showed that f caves exercse and
assocated wth other caves, they w requre ess medcaton and gan weght qucker than do those
rased n connement.
(A) assocated wth other caves, they w requre ess medcaton and gan weght qucker than do
(B) assocated wth other caves, they requre ess medcaton and gan weght qucker than
(C) assocate wth other caves, they requred ess medcaton and w gan weght qucker than do
(D) assocate wth other caves, they have requred ess medcaton and w gan weght more qucky
than do
(E) assocate wth other caves, they requre ess medcaton and gan weght more qucky than
33. A substance derved from the Madagascar perwnke, whch has proved usefu n decreasng mortaty
among young eukema patents, s cutvated n Chna as part of a program to ntegrate tradtona
herba medcne nto a contemporary system of heath care.
(A) A substance derved from the Madagascar perwnke, whch has proved usefu n decreasng
mortaty among young eukema patents,
(B) A dervatve, whch has proved usefu n decreasng mortaty among young eukema patents, of
the Madagascar perwnke,
(C) A Madagascar perwnke dervatve, whch has proved usefu n decreasng mortaty among
young eukema patents,
(D) The Madagascar perwnke has a dervatve whch has proved usefu n decreasng mortaty
among young eukema patents, that
(E) The Madagascar perwnke, a dervatve of whch has proved usefu n decreasng mortaty
among young eukema patents,
34. A wdfe expert predcts that the rentroducton of the carbou nto northern Mnnesota woud fa f
the densty of the tmber wof popuaton n that regon s more numerous than one wof for every 39
square mes.
(A) woud fa f the densty of the tmber wof popuaton n that regon s more numerous than
(B) woud fa provded the densty of the tmber wof popuaton n that regon s more than
(C) shoud fa f the tmber wof densty n that regon was greater than
(D) w fa f the densty of the tmber wof popuaton n that regon s greater than
(E) w fa f the tmber wof densty n that regon were more numerous than
35. Accordng to a pane of heath omcas, there has been a great dea of confuson n the medca
professon about whether obesty s a boogca dsorder posng serous heath rsks or a condton
more reated to appearance than to heath.
(A) about whether obesty s a boogca dsorder posng serous heath rsks or a condton more
reated to appearance than to
(B) wth respect to obesty beng a boogca dsorder posng serous heath rsks or f t s reated
more to appearance than
(C) over whether or not obesty s a boogca dsorder posng serous heath rsks or t s a condton
more reated to appearance than to
(D) about obesty and f t s a boogca dsorder posng serous heath rsks or a condton reated to
appearance more than to
(E) concernng whether obesty s a boogca dsorder posng serous heath rsks or t s a condton
reated to appearance more than
36. Accordng to a recent po, ownng and vng n a freestandng house on ts own and s st a goa of a
ma|orty of young aduts, ke that of earer generatons.
(A) ke that of earer generatons
(B) as that for earer generatons
(C) |ust as earer generatons dd
(D) as have earer generatons
(E) as t was of earer generatons
37. Accordng to a recent study by Rutgers Unversty, the number of women n state egsatures has
grown n every eecton snce 1968.
(A) the number of women n state egsatures has grown
(B) the number of women who are n state egsatures have grown
(C) there has been growth n the number of women n state egsatures
(D) a growng number of women have been n state egsatures
(E) women have been growng n number n state egsatures
38. Accordng to a recent study, the edery n the Unted States are four tmes more key to gve reguar
nanca ad to ther chdren as to receve t from them.
(A) the edery n the Unted States are four tmes more key to gve reguar nanca ad to ther
chdren as
(B) the edery n the Unted States are four tmes as key to gve reguar nanca ad to ther
chdren as t s for them
(C) the edery n the Unted States are four tmes more key to gve reguar nanca ad to ther
chdren than
(D) t s four tmes more key for the edery n the Unted States to gve reguar nanca ad to ther
chdren than they are
(E) t s four tmes as key that the edery n the Unted States w gve ther chdren reguar
nanca ad as they are
39. Accordng to a rung by the state supreme court, the owner of pouted and s abe for the ceanup
of the property even f the owner dd not have the responsbty that pouton occurred before the
tte changed hands.
(A) the owner dd not have the responsbty that pouton
(B) the owner s not responsbe for pouton that
(C) t was not the owners responsbty that pouton woud have
(D) the responsbty of the owner s not that pouton
(E) the responsbty was not the owners that pouton woud have
40. Accordng to a study by the Carnege Foundaton for the Advancement of Teachng, companes n the
Unted States are provdng |ob tranng and genera educaton for neary eght mon peope, about
equvaent to the enroment of the natons four-year coeges and unverstes.
(A) equvaent to the enroment of
(B) the equvaent of those enroed n
(C) equa to those who are enroed n
(D) as many as the enroment of
(E) as many as are enroed n
41. Accordng to a study pubshed by Dr. Myrna Wessman, ony one percent of Amercans born before
1905 had suhered ma|or depresson by the age of seventy-ve; of those born snce 1955, sx percent
had become depressed by age twenty-four.
(A) ony one percent of Amercans born before 1905 had suhered ma|or depresson by the age of
seventy-ve; of those born snce 1955, sx percent had become depressed by age twenty-four
(B) ony one percent of Amercans born before 1905 suher ma|or depresson by the age of seventy-
ve; f they are born snce 1955, sx percent become depressed by age twenty-four
(C) of Amercans born before 1905, ony one percent of them have suhered ma|or depresson by age
seventy-ve, but sx percent of those born snce 1955 do by the age of twenty-four
(D) ma|or depresson s suhered by the age of seventy-ve by ony one percent of Amercans born
before 1905, and by age twenty-four by the sx percent born snce 1955
(E) Amercans born before 1905 suher ma|or depresson by the age of seventy-ve ony one percent
of the tme, but sx percent of those born snce 1955 dd so by age twenty-four
42. Accordng to a survey of graduatng medca students conducted by the Assocaton of Amercan
Medca Coeges, mnorty graduates are neary four tmes more key than are other graduates n
pannng to practce n socoeconomcay deprved areas.
(A) mnorty graduates are neary four tmes more key than are other graduates n pannng to
(B) mnorty graduates are neary four tmes more key than other graduates who pan on practcng
(C) mnorty graduates are neary four tmes as key as other graduates to pan on practcng
(D) t s neary four tmes more key that mnorty graduates rather than other graduates w pan to
(E) t s neary four tmes as key for mnorty graduates than other graduates to pan to practce
43. Accordng to Booker T. Whateys recent anayss, pantng the same crops as are panted on arge
farms w ead to economc dsaster for the sma farmer, who shoud pan a successon of hgh-vaue
crops that w provde a year-round cash ow.
(A) pantng the same crops as are panted on arge farms w ead to economc dsaster for the sma
farmer, who
(B) t w ead to economc dsaster for the sma farmer to pant the same crops as on the arge
farms; they
(C) economc dsaster w resut from pantng the same crops as arge farms to the sma farmer,
(D) economc dsaster for the sma farmer w resut from pantng the same crops as on the arge
farms; they
(E) the sma farmer pantng the same crops as are panted on arge farms w ead to economc
dsaster; they
44. Accordng to Henry Davd Thoreau, the reason a ma|orty s aowed to rue s not that t s more key
to be rght, but because t s stronger.
(A) the reason a ma|orty s aowed to rue s not that t s more key to be rght, but because t s
(B) a ma|orty s aowed to rue not because t s more key to be rght, but because t s stronger
(C) the reason for ma|orty rue s not because they are more key to be rght, they are stronger
(D) the ma|orty s aowed to rue because of ts strength, not because t s more key to be rght
(E) the reason why the ma|orty rues s that t s strong, not because t s key to be rght
45. Accordng to hs own account, Frederc-Auguste Barthod, the scuptor of the Statue of Lberty,
modeed the face of the statue ke hs mothers and the body ke hs wfes.
(A) modeed the face of the statue ke hs mothers and the body ke hs wfes
(B) modeed the face of the statue after that of hs mother and the body after that of hs wfe
(C) modeed the face of the statue ke hs mother and the body ke hs wfe
(D) made the face of the statue after hs mother and the body after hs wfe
(E) made the face of the statue ook ke hs mother and the body ook ke hs wfe
46. Accordng to Interstudy, a nonprot organzaton that studes heath mantenance organzatons
(HMOs), they estmate that, n comparson to ast year, when ony 36 percent of the natons 607
HMOs was protabe, ths year 73 percent w be.
(A) they estmate that, n comparson to ast year, when ony 36 percent of the natons 607 HMOs
was protabe, ths year 73 percent w be
(B) compared to ony 36 percent of the natons 607 HMOs beng protabe ast year, they estmate
73 percent woud be ths year
(C) ony 36 percent of the natons 607 HMOs were protabe ast year; t estmates that ths year 73
percent w be
(D) t estmates 73 percent of the natons 607 HMOs woud be protabe ths year; ast year that
was ony 36 percent
(E) ony 36 percent of the natons 607 HMOs ast year were protabe, whereas they estmate t ths
year to be 73 percent
47. Accordng to scentsts at the Unversty of Caforna, the pattern of changes that have occurred n
human DNA over the menna ndcate the possbty that everyone ave today mght be descended
from a snge femae ancestor who ved n Afrca sometme between 140,000 and 280,000 years ago.
(A) ndcate the possbty that everyone ave today mght be descended from a snge femae
ancestor who
(B) ndcate that everyone ave today mght possby be a descendant of a snge femae ancestor
who had
(C) may ndcate that everyone ave today has descended from a snge femae ancestor who had
(D) ndcates that everyone ave today may be a descendant of a snge femae ancestor who
(E) ndcates that everyone ave today mght be a descendant from a snge femae ancestor who
48. Accordng to some anaysts, whatever ts merts, the proposa to tax away a capta gans on short-
term nvestments woud, f enacted, have a dsastrous ehect on Wa Street tradng and empoyment.
(A) ts merts, the proposa to tax
(B) ts merts may be, the proposa of taxng
(C) ts merts as a proposa, taxng
(D) the proposas merts, to tax
(E) the proposas merts are, taxng
49. Accordng to some economsts, |apan s n danger of pungng nto a depresson that, wth doube-dgt
unempoyment, coud severey stran a socety that regards fetme empoyment as a vrtua rght of
(A) that, wth doube-dgt unempoyment, coud severey stran
(B) that, because of doube-dgt unempoyment, coud be a severe stran for
(C) wth doube-dgt unempoyment, and t coud severey stran
(D) wth doube-dgt unempoyment and coud be a severe stran
(E) wth doube-dgt unempoyment and coud severey stran
50. Accordng to some economsts, the |uy decrease n unempoyment so that t was the owest n two
years suggests that the gradua mprovement n the |ob market s contnung.
(A) so that t was the owest n two years
(B) so that t was the owest two-year rate
(C) to what woud be the owest n two years
(D) to a two-year ow eve
(E) to the owest eve n two years
51. Accordng to surveys by the Natona Insttute on Drug Abuse, about 20 percent of young aduts used
cocane n 1979, doubng those reported n the 1977 survey.
(A) doubng those reported n the 1977 survey
(B) to doube the number the 1977 survey reported
(C) twce those the 1977 survey reported
(D) twce as much as those reported n the 1977 survey
(E) twce the number reported n the 1977 survey
52. Accordng to the Better Busness Bureau, f you fa to advertse the hghest prce n a range of prces
for a servce or product as promnenty as that of the owest, t voates the New York Consumer
Protecton Law.
(A) f you fa to advertse the hghest prce n a range of prces for a servce or product as
promnenty as that of the owest, t
(B) f one fas to advertse the hghest prce n a range of prces for a servce or product as
promnenty as the owest prce, t
(C) faure to advertse the hghest prce n a range of prces for a servce or product as promnenty
as the owest
(D) faure to advertse as promnenty the hghest prce n a range of prces for a servce or product
as the owest
(E) fang to advertse as promnenty the hghest prce n a range of prces for a servce or products
as that of the owest
53. Accordng to the Natona Pasta Assocaton, per-capta consumpton of pasta n the Unted States,
whch has aready been approachng 19 pounds a year, w acheve 30 pounds a year by the twenty-
rst century.
(A) Accordng to the Natona Pasta Assocaton, per-capta consumpton of pasta n the Unted States,
whch has aready been approachng 19 pounds a year, w acheve 30 pounds a year by the
twenty-rst century.
(B) Aready approachng 19 pounds a year n the Unted States, the Natona Pasta Assocaton
predcts that per-capta consumpton of pasta w reach 30 pounds a year by the twenty-rst
(C) The Natona Pasta assocaton predcts by the twenty-rst century that per-capta consumpton of
pasta n the Unted States, whch s aready approachng 19 pounds a year, w reach 30 pounds
a year.
(D) By the twenty-rst century, the Natona Pasta Assocaton predcts that per-capta consumpton
of pasta n the Unted States, havng aready approached 19 pounds a year, w reach 30 pounds
a year.
(E) Accordng to the Natona Pasta Assocaton, per-capta consumpton of pasta n the Unted States
s aready approachng 19 pounds a year and w reach 30 pounds a year by the twenty-rst
54. Accordng to the professors phosophy, the antdote to envy s ones own work, aways ones own
work: not thnkng about t, not assessng t, but smpy dong t.
(A) ones own work, aways ones own work: not thnkng about t, not assessng t, but smpy dong
(B) aways work; because you dont thnk about t or assess t, you |ust do t
(C) aways ones own work: not thnkng about or assessng t, but smpy to do t
(D) not to thnk or assess, but dong ones own work
(E) nether to thnk about ones own work nor to assess t, t s aways smpy dong t
55. Accordng to Unted States Ar Force omcas, a cannon shootng dead chckens at arpanes has
proved hepfu to demonstrate what knd of damage can resut when |ets y nto a ock of arge brds.
(A) shootng dead chckens at arpanes has proved hepfu to demonstrate
(B) shootng dead chckens at arpanes has proved tsef hepfu as a demonstraton of
(C) shootng dead chckens at arpanes proves tsef hepfu as demonstratng
(D) that shoots dead chckens at arpanes proves tsef hepfu to demonstrate
(E) that shoots dead chckens at arpanes has proved hepfu n demonstratng
56. Acd ran and snow resut from the chemca reactons between ndustra emssons of sufur doxde
and ntrogen oxdes wth atmospherc water vapor to produce hghy corrosve sufurc and ntrc
(A) wth atmospherc water vapor to produce hghy corrosve sufurc and ntrc acds
(B) wth atmospherc water vapor producng hghy corrosve sufurc and ntrc acds
(C) and atmospherc water vapor whch has produced hghy corrosve sufurc and ntrc acds
(D) and atmospherc water vapor whch have produced sufurc and ntrc acds whch are hghy
(E) and atmospherc water vapor to produce hghy corrosve sufurc and ntrc acds
57. Added to the ncrease n houry wages requested ast |uy, the raroad empoyees are now seekng an
expanded program of retrement benets.
(A) Added to the ncrease n houry wages requested ast |uy, the raroad empoyees are now
seekng an expanded program of retrement benets.
(B) Added to the ncrease n houry wages whch had been requested ast |uy, the empoyees of the
raroad are now seekng an expanded program of retrement benets.
(C) The raroad empoyees are now seekng an expanded program of retrement benets added to
the ncrease n houry wages that were requested ast |uy.
(D) In addton to the ncrease n houry wages that were requested ast |uy, the raroad empoyees
are now seekng an expanded program of retrement benets.
(E) In addton to the ncrease n houry wages requested ast |uy, the empoyees of the raroad are
now seekng an expanded program of retrement benets.
58. Adut survvors of chd abuse tradtonay have had tte or no chance that they coud get ther
symptoms recognzed and treated.
(A) that they coud get ther symptoms recognzed and treated
(B) to recognze and treat ther symptoms
(C) of gettng ther symptoms recognzed and treated
(D) of recognzng and treatng symptoms
(E) of gettng hs or her symptoms recognzed and treated
59. Ahordng strategc proxmty to the Strat of Gbratar, Morocco was aso of nterest to the French
throughout the rst haf of the twenteth century because they assumed that f they dd not hod t,
ther grp on Agera was aways nsecure.
(A) f they dd not hod t, ther grp on Agera was aways nsecure
(B) wthout t ther grp on Agera woud never be secure
(C) ther grp on Agera was not ever secure f they dd not hod t
(D) wthout that, they coud never be secure about ther grp on Agera
(E) never woud ther grp on Agera be secure f they dd not hod t
60. After a few weeks experence, apprentce |eweers can usuay begn to dscrmnate, though not wth
absoute certanty, genune damonds from mtaton damonds.
(A) genune damonds from mtaton damonds
(B) genune damonds apart from mtatons
(C) between genune damonds and mtaton damonds
(D) among genune damonds and mtaton damonds
(E) whether damonds are mtaton or genune
61. After crude o, natura gas s the Unted States second bggest fue source and supped amost
excusvey from reserves n North Amerca.
(A) After crude o, natura gas s the Unted States second bggest fue source and supped amost
excusvey from reserves n North Amerca.
(B) Natura gas, after crude o the Unted States second bggest fue source, supped amost
excusvey from reserves n North Amerca.
(C) Beng supped amost excusvey from reserves n North Amerca, natura gas, the Unted States
second bggest fue source after crude o.
(D) Natura gas, the Unted States second bggest fue source after crude o, s supped amost
excusvey from reserves n North Amerca.
(E) Natura gas s supped amost excusvey from reserves n North Amerca, beng the Unted
States second bggest fue source after crude o.
62. After gradua decenson down to about 39 hours n 1970, the workweek n the Unted States has
steady ncreased to the pont that the average worker now puts n an estmated 164 extra hours of
pad abor a year.
(A) After gradua decenson down
(B) Foowng a gradua decenson down
(C) After gradua decnng down
(D) After graduay decnng
(E) Foowng graduay decnng
63. After |uy, anyone dsposng of or servcng refrgerators must capture the chorouorocarbons n the
refrgerant chemcas.
(A) anyone dsposng of or servcng
(B) those who dspose or servce
(C) anyone dsposng of or who servces
(D) the dsposa or repar of
(E) someone who dsposes or repars
64. After Oueen Isabea asked Admra Coumbus to descrbe the sand of Hspanoa (now Hat), whch
was newy dscovered, he had reached for a sheet of paper, crumped t, and sad, It ooks ke that-
beyond the mountans, more mountans.
(A) After Oueen Isabea asked Admra Coumbus to descrbe the sand of Hspanoa (now Hat),
whch was newy dscovered, he had reached
(B) On beng asked to descrbe the new dscovery of the sand of Hspanoa (now Hat) by Oueen
Isabea, Admra Coumbus, reachng
(C) Oueen Isabea asked Admra Coumbus to descrbe the newy dscovered sand of Hspanoa
(now Hat), then he reached
(D) When asked by Oueen Isabea to descrbe the newy dscovered sand of Hspanoa (now Hat),
Admra Coumbus reached
(E) After Oueen Isabea had asked Admra Coumbus to descrbe the dscovery of the sand of
Hspanoa (now Hat), he had reached
65. After suherng $2 bon n osses and 25,000 ayohs, the natons semconductor ndustry, whch
makes chps that run everythng from computers and spy satetes to dshwashers, appears to have
made a ong-awated recovery.
(A) computers and spy satetes to dshwashers, appears to have
(B) computers, spy satetes, and dshwashers, appears havng
(C) computers, spy satetes, and dshwashers, appears that t has
(D) computers and spy satetes to dshwashers, appears that t has
(E) computers and spy satetes as we as dshwashers, appears to have
66. After the Arab conquest of Egypt n A.D. 640, Arabc became the domnant anguage of the Egyptans,
repacng oder anguages and wrtng systems.
(A) became the domnant anguage of the Egyptans, repacng oder anguages
(B) became the domnant anguage of the Egyptans, repacng anguages that were oder
(C) becomes the domnant anguage of the Egyptans and t repaced oder anguages
(D) becomes the domnant anguage of the Egyptans and t repaced anguages that were oder
(E) becomes the domnant anguage of the Egyptans, havng repaced anguages that were oder
67. After the Cv War, contemporares of Harret Tubmans mantaned that she has a of the quates of
a great eader, cooness n the face of danger, an exceent sense of strategy, and an abty to pan n
mnute deta.
(A) Tubmans mantaned that she has
(B) Tubmans mantan that she had
(C) Tubmans have mantaned that she had
(D) Tubman mantaned that she had
(E) Tubman had mantaned that she has
68. After the Coona perods 50 percent mortaty rate, fe expectancy mproved for chdren, but as ate
as the nneteenth century about one chd n three ded before reachng the age of sx.
(A) After the Coona perods 50 percent mortaty rate, fe expectancy mproved for chdren, but
(B) Even though chdrens fe expectancy, whch mproved over the Coona perods 50 percent
mortaty rate,
(C) Athough fe expectancy for chdren mproved after the Coona perod, durng whch the
mortaty rate was 50 percent,
(D) Whe there was an mprovement n fe expectancy for chdren after the 50 percent mortaty
rate of the Coona perod, st
(E) Despte chdrens fe expectancy mprovement from the Coona perods 50 percent mortaty
69. After the Vetnam war Bettye Granther, a U.S. Army nurse, contnued her ehorts on behaf of n|ured
Vetnamese chdren, provdng medca care, hepng to reunte estranged fames, and the
estabshment of a fund for the chdrens future educaton.
(A) the estabshment of a fund for the chdrens future educaton
(B) the estabshng of a fund for the future educaton of chdren
(C) estabshng a fund for the chdrens future educaton
(D) estabshng a fund for the chdrens future educaton
(E) the estabshment of a fund for the chdrens future educaton
70. After ths years record-shatterng |anuary performance n Madson Square Garden, the ensembe
were touted as the countrys best new group n decades; no crtc or revewer had anythng but prase
for the young muscans.
(A) the ensembe were touted as the countrys
(B) the ensembe was touted as the countrys
(C) the country touted the ensembe ke the
(D) toutng the ensembe as the countrys
(E) they were toutng the ensembe as the countrys
71. Agng s a property of a anmas that reach a xed sze at maturty, and the varatons n fe spans
among dherent speces are far greater as that among ndvduas from the same speces: a frut y s
ancent at 40 days, a mouse at 3 years, a horse at 30, a man at 100, and some tortoses at 150.
(A) among dherent speces are far greater as that among ndvduas from
(B) among dherent speces are far greater than that among ndvduas from
(C) among dherent speces are far greater than those among ndvduas of
(D) between dherent speces are far more than that between ndvduas of
(E) between dherent speces are greater by far than s that between ndvduas from
72. Aho, a Kowa matrarch, hed festvas n her home, they featured the preparaton of great quanttes
of ceremona food, the wearng of many ayers of coorfu cothng adorned wth sver, and the
recountng of tradtona trba |okes and stores.
(A) Aho, a Kowa matrarch, hed festvas n her home, they featured
(B) Festvas were hed n Aho, a Kowa matrarchs home, whch featured
(C) Aho, who was a Kowa matrarch n her home, hed festvas featurng
(D) In her home, Aho, a Kowa matrarch, hed festvas that featured
(E) Aho, a Kowa matrarch, hed festvas n her home that featured
73. Aaska reguary deposts some of ts prots from the sae of o nto a speca fund, wth the ntenton
to sustan the states economy after the exhauston of ts o reserves.
(A) fund, wth the ntenton to sustan the states economy after the exhauston of ts o reserves
(B) fund, the ntenton of whch s to sustan the states economy after they have exhausted ther o
(C) fund ntended to sustan the states economy after o reserves are exhausted
(D) fund ntended to sustan the states economy after exhaustng ts o reserves
(E) fund that they ntend to sustan the states economy after o reserves are exhausted
74. A-terran vehces have aowed vacatoners to reach many prevousy naccessbe areas, but they
have aso been bamed for causng hundreds of deaths, n|ury to thousands, and serousy damagng
the natons recreatona areas.
(A) deaths, n|ury to thousands, and serousy damagng
(B) deaths and n|urng thousands, and serous damage to
(C) deaths, thousands who are n|ured, as we as serousy damagng
(D) deaths and thousands of n|ures, as we as dong serous damage to
(E) deaths, thousands are n|ured, and they do serous damage to
75. Aong wth the drop n producer prces announced yesterday, the strong reta saes gures reeased
today seem ke t s ndcatve that the economy, athough growng sowy, s not nearng a recesson.
(A) ke t s ndcatve that
(B) as f to ndcate
(C) to ndcate that
(D) ndcatve of
(E) ke an ndcaton of
76. Athough a the proceedngs of the Communst party conference hed n Moscow were not carred
ve, Sovet audences have seen a great dea of coverage.
(A) a the proceedngs of the Communst party conference hed n Moscow were not carred ve
(B) a the Communst party conferences Moscow proceedngs were not carred ve
(C) a the Communst party conference Moscow proceedngs have not been carred ave
(D) not a the Communst party conference Moscow proceedngs have been carred ave
(E) not a the proceedngs of the Communst party conference hed n Moscow were carred ve
77. Athough asprn rrtates the stomach, t can be avoded f the asprn tabet s gven a coatng that
w not dssove unt the tabet reaches the ntestne.
(A) Athough asprn rrtates the stomach, t
(B) The rrtaton of the stomach caused by asprn
(C) The fact that asprn causes rrtaton of the stomach
(D) Asprn causes stomach rrtaton, athough t
(E) Asprn rrtates the stomach, whch
78. Athough dozens of New Yorks sma museums are ether devoted to oca hstory or varous ethnc
groups, there are many one-of-a-knd museums from Manhattan to the Bronx that are open for
exporaton on summer weekends.
(A) Athough dozens of New Yorks sma museums are ether devoted to oca hstory or varous
ethnc groups, there are
(B) Athough dozens of New Yorks sma museums are devoted to oca hstory or varous ethnc
(C) Dozens of New Yorks sma museums are devoted to oca hstory or varous ethnc groups, but
there are
(D) Dozens of New Yorks sma museums are devoted to oca hstory or varous ethnc groups, and
there are aso
(E) Devoted to oca hstory or varous ethnc groups, dozens of New Yorks sma museums and aso
79. Athough eary soap operas were rst ared on evenng rado n the 1920s, they had moved to the
daytme hours of the 1930s when the evenng schedue became crowded wth comedans and varety
(A) were rst ared on evenng rado n the 1920s, they had moved to the daytme hours of the
(B) were rst ared on evenng rado n the 1920s, they were moved to the daytme hours n the
(C) were ared rst on evenng rado n the 1920s, movng to the daytme hours n the 1930s
(D) were ared rst n the evenng on 1920s rado, they moved to the daytme hours of the 1930s
(E) ared on evenng rado rst n the 1920s, they were moved to the 1930s n the daytme hours
80. Athough ms about the Amercan West depct coyotes as sotary anmas howng mournfuy on the
tops of dstant hs, n reaty these gregarous creatures ve n stabe groups that occupy the same
terrtory for ong perods.
(A) ms about the Amercan West depct coyotes as sotary anmas howng mournfuy on the tops
of dstant hs
(B) n ms about the Amercan West coyotes are depcted to be sotary anmas that how
mournfuy on the tops of dstant hs
(C) coyotes are depcted as sotary anmas howng mournfuy on the tops of dstant hs n ms
about the Amercan West
(D) ms about the Amercan West depct coyotes as f they were sotary, mournfuy howng
anmas on the tops of dstant hs
(E) ms about the Amercan West depct coyotes to be sotary and mournfuy howng anmas on
the tops of dstant hs
81. Athough frut can no onger grow once t s pcked, t contnues for some tme to respre, takng n
oxygen and gvng oh carbon doxde, smar to the way human bengs breathe.
(A) smar to the way human bengs breathe
(B) smary to human bengs who are breathng
(C) |ust ke the breathng of human bengs
(D) as human bengs when breathng
(E) |ust as human bengs do when they breathe
82. Athough he s as gfted as, f not more gfted than, many of hs coeagues, he s extremey modest
and hs poetry s unpubshed.
(A) Athough he s as gfted as, f not more gfted than, many of hs coeagues, he s extremey
modest and hs poetry s unpubshed.
(B) Athough he s as gfted, f not more gfted, than many of hs coeagues, he s extremey modest
and wth hs poetry remanng unpubshed.
(C) Athough he s as gfted as, f not more gfted than, many of hs coeagues, he s extremey
modest and w not pubsh hs poetry.
(D) Despte hs beng gfted, f not more gfted than hs coeagues, he s extremey modest and w
not pubsh hs poetry.
(E) Beng a gfted as, or more gfted than, many of hs coeagues, he s extremey modest and hs
poetry s unpubshed.
83. Athough t cams to deve nto potca ssues, teevson can be superca such as when each of the
three ma|or networks broadcast exacty the same statement from a potca canddate.
(A) superca such as when each of the three ma|or networks
(B) superca, as can sometmes occur f a of the three ma|or networks
(C) superca f the three ma|or networks a
(D) superca whenever each of the three ma|or networks
(E) superca, as when the three ma|or networks each
84. Athough t was expected that workers under forty woud show hostty to the pan, the research
report ndcates that both younger and the oder peope approve of governmenta appropratons for
Soca Securty.
(A) younger and the oder peope
(B) younger peope and the oder
(C) the younger and the oder peope
(D) younger and oder peope
(E) peope who are younger and those who are oder
85. Athough t was once funded entrey by the government, the Vctora and Abert Museum was one of
the rst of Brtans natona museums seekng support from corporatons and prvate donors and to
ncrease ncome by ncreasng attendance.
(A) one of the rst of Brtans natona museums seekng support from
(B) one of Brtans rst natona museums seekng support of
(C) among Brtans rst natona museums to seek support of
(D) among the rst of Brtans natona museums to seek support from
(E) among Brtans rst natona museums that have sought the support of
86. Athough |ust nsde the orbt of |upter, amateur astronomers wth good teescopes shoud be abe to
see the comet wthn the next few weeks.
(A) Athough |ust nsde the orbt of
(B) Athough t s |ust nsde the orbt of
(C) |ust nsde the orbt of
(D) Orbtng |ust nsde
(E) Havng orbted |ust nsde
87. Athough many art patrons can ready dherentate a good debenture from an undesrabe one, they
are much ess expert n dstngushng good pantngs and poor ones, authentc art and fakes.
(A) much ess expert n dstngushng good pantngs and poor ones, authentc art and
(B) far ess expert n dstngushng good pantngs from poor ones, authentc art from
(C) much ess expert when t comes to dstngushng good pantngs and poor ones, authentc art
(D) far ess expert n dstngushng good pantngs and poor ones, authentc art and
(E) far ess the expert when t comes to dstngushng between good pantng, poor ones, authentc
art, and
88. Athough many Whtes, notng the presence of some Backs n the mdde cass, thnk that the tme for
enforcng cv rghts measures s past, Backs generay are aware that the gures for average ncome
and unempoyment show as wde of a radca dscrepancy as ever.
(A) that the gures for average ncome and unempoyment show as wde of
(B) that average-ncome and unempoyment gures show as wde
(C) that the average-ncome and unempoyment gures are showng as wde of
(D) of average-ncome and unempoyment gures that show as wde of
(E) of gures for average ncome and unempoyment showng as wde
89. Athough Ms. Bakara had prevousy emphaszed that she coud not speak for other Back peope, she
ventured to do so on ths one occason because she rmy beeved that many mnorty peope, key
most, woud agree wth her.
(A) do so on ths one occason because she rmy beeved that many mnorty peope, key most,
woud agree
(B) speak on ths one occason snce she rmy beeved that many mnorty peope, key most,
woud have agreed
(C) so speak on ths one occason due to her rmy beevng that many mnorty peope, even most,
woud key agree
(D) do so on ths one occason because she rmy beeved that many mnorty peope, f not most,
woud agree
(E) do so on ths one occason snce she rmy beeved many mnorty peope, and even most, woud
key agree
90. Athough Napoeons army entered Russa wth far more suppes than they had n ther prevous
campagns, t had provsons for ony twenty-four days.
(A) they had n ther prevous campagns
(B) ther prevous campagns had had
(C) they had for any prevous campagn
(D) n ther prevous campagns
(E) for any prevous campagn
91. Athough one nk n the chan was demonstrated to be weak, but not sumcenty so to requre the
reca of the automobe.
(A) demonstrated to be weak, but not sumcenty so to requre
(B) demonstrated as weak, but t was not sumcenty so that t requred
(C) demonstraby weak, but not sumcenty so to requre
(D) demonstraby weak, t was not so weak as to requre
(E) demonstraby weak, t was not weak enough that t requred
92. Athough partay destroyed, the archaeoogsts were abe to nfer from what remaned of the
nscrpton that the prest Zonanos was bured n the crypt.
(A) Athough partay destroyed, the archaeoogsts were abe to nfer
(B) Athough partay destroyed, the archaeoogsts had nferred
(C) Athough t had been partay destroyed, the archaeoogsts were abe to nfer
(D) Partay destroyed though t had been, the archaeoogsts had been abe to nfer
(E) Destroyed partay, the archaeoogsts were abe to nfer
93. Athough schstosomass s not often fata, t s so debtatng that t has become an economc dran
on many deveopng countres.
(A) t s so debtatng that t has become an economc
(B) t s of such debtaton, t has become an economca
(C) so debtatng s t as to become an economc
(D) such s ts debtaton, t becomes an economca
(E) there s so much debtaton that t has become an economca
94. Athough she had sgned a pedge of abstnence whe beng an adoescent, Frances Ward was 35
years od before she chose to become a temperance actvst.
(A) whe beng an adoescent
(B) whe n adoescence
(C) at the tme of her beng adoescent
(D) as beng n adoescence
(E) as an adoescent
95. Athough some omcas noted that usng machnes for farmng n Chna costs more than tradtona
hand cutvaton, the mechanzaton of farmng n the vage of Long Bow doubed the corn yed whe
the prevous years costs were cut n haf.
(A) mechanzaton of farmng n the vage of Long Bow doubed the corn yed whe the prevous
years costs were cut n haf
(B) mechanzaton of farmng n the vage of Long Bow doubed the corn yed whe cuttng costs to
haf those of the prevous year
(C) mechanzaton of farmng n the vage of Long Bow doubed the corn yed as cost were cut to
haf of the prevous years
(D) farmng mechanzaton n the vage of Long Bow doubed the corn yed as t cut n haf the
prevous years costs
(E) farmng mechanzaton n the vage of Long Bow doubed the corn yed whe costs were cut to
haf that of the prevous year
96. Athough the bte of brown recuse spders are rarey fata, they cause chronc esh wounds, posng
the greatest danger to the nfant and edery, who are partcuary vunerabe to ts poson.
(A) brown recuse spders are rarey fata, they cause chronc esh wounds, posng the greatest
danger to the nfant and edery, who are partcuary vunerabe to ts
(B) brown recuse spders are rarey fata, they cause chronc esh wounds and pose the greatest
danger to the nfant and edery, who are partcuary vunerabe to ther
(C) the brown recuse spder s rarey fata, t causes chronc esh wounds, posng the greatest
danger to the nfant and edery, who are partcuary vunerabe to ther
(D) the brown recuse spder s rarey fata, t causes chronc esh wounds and poses the greatest
danger to nfants and the edery, who are partcuary vunerabe to ts
(E) the brown recuse spder s rarey fata, they cause chronc esh wounds, posng the greatest
danger to the nfant and edery, who are partcuary vunerabe to ts
97. Athough the coordnaton of monetary pocy can hep factate the ordery nancng of exstng
mbaances, t s unkey that ts ehect on ther sze s sgncant n the absence of an approprate
sca ad|ustment.
(A) t s unkey that ts ehect on ther sze s sgncant
(B) t s unkey that the sze of ther ehect woud be sgncant
(C) ahectng ther szes are not key to be sgncant
(D) the sgncance of ther ehect on ts sze s unkey
(E) ts ehect on ther sze s not key to be sgncant
98. Athough the esser cornstak borer s wdey dstrbuted, contro of them s necessary ony n the
(A) the esser cornstak borer s wdey dstrbuted, contro of them s
(B) wdey dstrbuted, measures to contro the esser cornstak borer are
(C) wdey dstrbuted, esser cornstak borer contro s
(D) the esser cornstak borer s wdey dstrbuted, measures to contro t are
(E) t s wdey dstrbuted, contro of the esser cornstak borer s
99. Athough the manager agreed to a more exbe work schedue, he sad that t must be posted on the
buetn board so that both management and abor w know what everyone s assgned to do.
(A) he sad that t must be posted on the buetn board so that both management and abor w
know what everyone s
(B) he sad t had to be posted on the buetn board so that both management and abor knows what
everyone s
(C) he sad that they woud have to post the assgnments on the buetn board so that management
and abor knew what everyone was
(D) he sad that the schedue woud have to be posted on the buetn board so that both
management and abor woud know what everyone was
(E) sayng that the schedue had to be posted on the buetn board so that both management and
abor woud know what everyone had been
100. Athough the phenomenon of wthdrawa has aways been the cruca physoogca Leng for
dstngushng addctve from nonaddctve drugs, t has become ncreasngy evdent that not a
reguar heron users experence wthdrawa symptoms.
(A) addctve from
(B) addctve and
(C) addctve or
(D) between addctve or
(E) among addctve or
101. Athough the Supreme Court rued as ong ago as 1880 that Backs coud not be excuded outrght
from |ury servce, neary a century of case-by-case ad|udcaton has been necessary to deveop and
enforce the prncpe that a |ures must be drawn from a far cross secton of the communty.
(A) has been necessary to deveop and enforce the prncpe that a |ures must be
(B) was necessary for deveopng and enforcng the prncpe of a |ures beng
(C) was to be necessary n deveopng and enforcng the prncpe of a |ures to be
(D) s necessary to deveop and enforce the prncpe that a |ures must be
(E) w be necessary for deveopng and enforcng the prncpe of a |ures beng
102. Athough the term psychopath s popuary apped to an especay bruta crmna, n psychoogy t
s someone who s apparenty ncapabe of feeng compasson or the pangs of conscence.
(A) t s someone who s
(B) t s a person
(C) they are peope who are
(D) t refers to someone who s
(E) t s n reference to peope
103. Amercan productvty s decnng n reaton to Europes; the energy expended per unt of producton
n the Unted States s as much as twce that expended n West Germany.
(A) as much as twce that expended n West Germany
(B) as much as twce that of West Germanys expendture
(C) up to two tmes of West Germanys expendture
(D) up to two tmes what West Germans expended
(E) up to doube the West German expendture
104. Among the cossacks, vegetabe farmng was once so despsed that t was forbdden on pan of death.
(A) so despsed that t was
(B) so despsed to be
(C) so despsed t had been
(D) despsed enough that t was
(E) despsed enough as to be
105. Among the emotons on dspay n the negotatng room were anger for repeatedy rasng the ssue
over and over agan and preventng the raw wounds from earer battes from ever begnnng to hea.
(A) were anger for repeatedy rasng the ssue over and over agan and preventng the raw wounds
from earer battes from ever begnnng to hea
(B) was anger for repeatedy rasng the ssue and preventng the raw wounds from earer battes
from ever begnnng to hea
(C) were anger over repeatedy rasng the ssue and preventng the raw wounds from earer battes
to begn heang
(D) was anger about the ssue, whch was rased over and over, and preventng the wounds from
earer battes, st raw, to begn heang
(E) were anger about the ssue, whch was rased repeatedy, and preventng the raw wounds from
earer battes to begn to hea
106. Among the ob|ects found n the excavated tempe were sma terra-cotta emges eft by suppcants
who were ether askng the goddess Bona Deas ad n heang physca and menta s or thankng her
for such hep.
(A) n heang physca and menta s or thankng her for such hep
(B) n heang physca and menta s and to thank her for hepng
(C) n heang physca and menta s, and thankng her for hepng
(D) to hea physca and menta s or to thank her for such hep
(E) to hea physca and menta s or thankng her for such hep
107. Among the reasons for the decne of New Engand agrcuture n the ast three decades were the hgh
cost of and, the pressure of housng and commerca deveopment, and basng a marketng and
dstrbuton system on mportng produce from Forda and Caforna.
(A) basng a marketng and dstrbuton system on mportng produce from Forda and Caforna
(B) basng a marketng and dstrbuton system on the mported produce of Forda and Caforna
(C) basng a system of marketng and dstrbuton on the mport of produce from Forda and
(D) a marketng and dstrbuton system based on mportng produce from Forda and Caforna
(E) a marketng and dstrbuton system mportng produce from Forda and Caforna as ts base
108. An array of tax ncentves has ed to a boom n the constructon of new omce budngs; so abundant
has capta been for commerca rea estate that nvestors reguary scour the country for areas n
whch to bud.
(A) so abundant has capta been for commerca rea estate that
(B) capta has been so abundant for commerca rea estate, so that
(C) the abundance of capta for commerca rea estate has been such,
(D) such has the abundance of capta been for commerca rea estate that
(E) such has been an abundance of capta for commerca rea estate,
109. An artstc presence of the rst order, one frequenty ranked wth Pcasso, Stravnsky, and |ames
|oyce, Martha Graham was accamed as a great dancer ong before her nnovatve masterworks
made her the most honored of Amercan choreographers.
(A) Martha Graham was accamed as
(B) Martha Graham was accamed to be
(C) Martha Grahams accam s as
(D) Martha Grahams accam to be
(E) Martha Grahams accam was n beng
110. An attempt to ratfy the Equa Rghts Amendment, begun amost two decades ago, has been
unsuccessfu despte ehorts by many mportant groups, ncudng the Natona Organzaton for
(A) to ratfy the Equa Rghts Amendment, begun amost two decades ago,
(B) begun amost two decades ago, for ratfyng the Equa Rghts Amendment
(C) begun for ratfyng the Equa Rghts Amendment amost two decades ago
(D) at ratfyng the Equa Rghts Amendment, begun amost two decades ago,
(E) that has begun amost two decades ago to ratfy the Equa Rghts Amendment
111. An nventory equa to 90 days saes s as much as even the strongest busnesses carry, and then ony
as a way to antcpate hgher prces or ensure aganst shortages.
(A) as much as even
(B) so much as even
(C) even so much as
(D) even as much that
(E) even so much that
112. An unusuay strong cycst can, t s hoped, provde enough power to set a new dstance record for
human-powered arcraft n MITs daphanous constructon of graphte ber and pastc.
(A) can, t s hoped, provde enough power to set
(B) t s hoped, can provde enough power that w set
(C) hopefuy can provde enough power, ths w set
(D) s hopefu to set
(E) hopes settng
113. Anaysts bamed Mays suggsh reta saes on unexctng merchandse as we as the weather, coder
and wetter than was usua n some regons, whch sowed saes of barbecue grs and awn furnture.
(A) coder and wetter than was usua n some regons, whch sowed
(B) whch was coder and wetter than usua n some regons, sowng
(C) snce t was coder and wetter than usuay n some regons, whch sowed
(D) beng coder and wetter than usuay n some regons, sowng
(E) havng been coder and wetter than was usua n some regons and sowed
114. Ancent Romans found t therapeutc to bathe n cod mk, n strawberres that had been crushed, or
n bathtubs ed wth back cavar.
(A) to bathe n cod mk, n strawberres that had been crushed, or n bathtubs ed wth back
(B) that they bathe n cod mk, n strawberres that had been crushed, or n cavar that was back
(C) to bathe n cod mk, crushed strawberres, or back cavar
(D) that they bathe n cod mk, crushed strawberres, or back cavar
(E) to bathe n mk , strawberres, or cavar
115. Any medca test w sometmes fa to detect a condton when t s present and ndcate that there s
one when t s not.
(A) a condton when t s present and ndcate that there s one
(B) when a condton s present and ndcate that there s one
(C) a condton when t s present and ndcate that t s present
(D) when a condton s present and ndcate ts presence
(E) the presence of a condton when t s there and ndcate ts presence
116. Archaeoogsts n Ireand beeve that a recenty dscovered chace, whch dates from the eghth
century, was probaby bured to keep from beng stoen by nvaders.
(A) to keep from
(B) to keep t from
(C) to avod
(D) n order that t woud avod
(E) n order to keep from
117. Archtects and stonemasons, huge paace and tempe custers were but by the Maya wthout benet
of the whee or anma transport.
(A) huge paace and tempe custers were but by the Maya wthout benet of the whee or anma
(B) wthout the benets of anma transport or the whee, huge paace and tempe custers were but
by the Maya
(C) the Maya but huge paace and tempe custers wthout the benet of anma transport or the
(D) there were but, wthout the benet of the whee or anma transport, huge paace and tempe
custers by the Maya
(E) were the Maya who, wthout the benet of the whee or anma transport, but huge paace and
tempe custers
118. Art museums do not usuay thnk of ther coectons as capta or consder the nterest ncome that
woud be generated f a porton of the capta woud have been nvested n another form.
(A) be generated f a porton of the capta woud have been
(B) have been generated f a porton of the capta woud have been
(C) be generated f a porton of the capta were
(D) be generated f a porton of the capta was
(E) be generated f a porton of the capta had been
119. Artca ntegence emerged durng the ate 1950s as an academc dscpne based on the
assumpton that computers are abe to be programmed to thnk ke peope.
(A) are abe to be programmed to thnk ke peope
(B) were abe to be programmed to thnk as peope
(C) can be programmed to thnk as peope can
(D) coud be programmed to thnk ke peope
(E) are capabe of beng programmed to thnk ke peope do
120. As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb wth a rudmentary sense of vson, t woud be
rated about 20/500, or egay bnd f t were an adut wth such vson.
(A) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb wth a rudmentary sense of vson, t woud
be rated about 20/500, or egay bnd f t were an adut wth such vson.
(B) A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb wth a rudmentary sense of vson that woud be
rated about 20/500, or egay bnd as an adut.
(C) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, ts rudmentary sense of vson woud be
rated about 20/500; quafyng t to be egay bnd f an adut.
(D) A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb wth a rudmentary sense of vson that woud be
rated about 20/500; an adut wth such vson woud be deemed egay bnd.
(E) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, ts rudmentary sense of vson, whch woud
be deemed egay bnd for an adut, woud be rated about 20/500.
121. As a resut of medca advances, many peope that mght at one tme have ded as chdren of such
nfectons as dphthera, pneumona, or rheumatc fever now ve we nto od age.
(A) that mght at one tme have ded as chdren
(B) who mght once have ded n chdhood
(C) that as chdren mght once have ded
(D) who n chdhood mght have at one tme ded
(E) who, when they were chdren, mght at one tme have ded
122. As a resut of the contnung decne n the brth rate, ess peope w enter the abor force n the
1980s than dd n the 1960s and 1970s, a twenty year perod durng whch peope born after the
war sweed the ranks of workers.
(A) ess peope w enter the abor force n the 1980s than
(B) ess peope w be enterng the abor force n the 1980s as
(C) fewer peope w enter the abor force n the 1980s as
(D) fewer peope w be enterng the abor force n the 1980s as
(E) fewer peope w enter the abor force n the 1980s than
123. As a resut of the ground-breakng work of Barbara McCntock, many scentsts now beeve that a of
the nformaton encoded n 50,000 to 100,000 of the dherent genes found n a human ce are
contaned n merey three percent of the ces DNA.
(A) 50,000 to 100,000 of the dherent genes found n a human ce are contaned n merey
(B) 50,000 to 100,000 of the human ces dherent genes are contaned n a mere
(C) the 50,000 to 100,000 dherent genes found n human ces are contaned n merey
(D) 50,000 to 100,000 of human ces dherent genes s contaned n merey
(E) the 50,000 to 100,000 dherent genes found n a human ce s contaned n a mere
124. As busness grows more compex, students ma|orng n specazed areas ke those of nance and
marketng have been becomng ncreasngy successfu n the |ob market.
(A) ma|orng n specazed areas ke those of nance and marketng have been becomng
(B) who ma|or n such specazed areas as nance and marketng are becomng more and more
(C) who ma|ored n specazed areas such as those of nance and marketng are beng ncreasngy
(D) who ma|or n specazed areas ke those of nance and marketng have been becomng more
and more
(E) havng ma|ored n such specazed areas as nance and marketng are beng ncreasngy
125. As contrasted wth the honeybee, the yeow |acket can stng repeatedy wthout dyng and carres a
potent venom that can cause ntense pan.
(A) As contrasted wth the honeybee
(B) In contrast to the honeybees
(C) Unke the stng of the honeybee
(D) Unke that of the honeybee
(E) Unke the honeybee
126. As envsoned by researchers, commerca farmng of obsters w enabe sheres to se the shesh
year-round, takng advantage of oh-season demand, standardze ts szes and coors, and to predct
saes voume n advance.
(A) takng advantage of oh-season demand, standardze
(B) takng advantage of oh-season demand, to standardze
(C) takng advantage of oh-season demand, standardzng
(D) take advantage of oh-season demand, standardzng
(E) take advantage of oh-season demand, to standardze
127. As Hurrcane Hugo approached the Atantc coast, t ncreased dramatcay n strength, becomng the
tenth most ntense hurrcane to ht the Unted States manand n the twenteth century and most
ntense snce Came n 1969.
(A) most ntense snce Came n 1969
(B) most ntense after Came n 1969
(C) the most ntense snce Came n 1969
(D) the most ntense after 1969, whch had Came
(E) snce 1969 and Came, the most ntense
128. As t becomes more frequent to have spouses who both work outsde the home, companes are
begnnng to hep n ndng new empoyment for the spouses of transferred empoyees.
(A) t becomes more frequent to have spouses who both work outsde the home
(B) t becomes more frequent to have coupes both workng outsde the home
(C) t becomes more common that both husband and wfe shoud be workng outsde the home
(D) t becomes more common for both husband and wfe to work outsde the home
(E) coupes n whch both of the spouses workng outsde the home become more common
129. As tgaton grows more compex, the need that experts expan technca ssues becomes more
(A) that experts expan technca ssues becomes
(B) for experts to expan technca ssues became
(C) for experts to expan technca ssues becomes
(D) that technca ssues be expaned by experts became
(E) that there be expanatons of technca ssues by experts has become
130. As many as 300 of the 720 pantngs attrbuted to Rembrandt may actuay be the works of hs
students or other admrers.
(A) the 720 pantngs attrbuted to Rembrandt may
(B) the 720 pantngs attrbuted to be Rembrandts mght
(C) the 720 pantngs that were attrbuted to be by Rembrandt may
(D) the 720 Rembrandt pantngs that were once attrbuted to hm mght
(E) Rembrandts pantngs, athough 720 were once attrbuted to hm, may
131. As measured by the Commerce Department, corporate prots peaked n the fourth quarter of 1988
and have spped snce then, as many companes have been unabe to pass on hgher costs.
(A) and have spped snce then, as many companes have been unabe to pass on hgher costs
(B) and have spped snce then, the reason beng because many companes have been unabe to
pass on hgher costs
(C) and spped snce then, many companes beng unabe to pass on hgher costs
(D) but, many companes unabe to pass on hgher costs, they have spped snce then
(E) yet are sppng snce then, because many companes were unabe to pass on hgher costs
132. As more and more peope nvest ther money n savngs certcates or money-market funds n order
to earn hgher nterest, they are abandonng tradtona ow-nterest nvestment havens such as
passbook accounts and fe nsurance poces.
(A) As more and more peope nvest ther money
(B) Whe peope have more and more been nvestng ther money
(C) As money s more and more nvested by peope
(D) More and more, when nvestors put ther money
(E) Whe, more and more, nvestors have been puttng ther money
133. As part of ther therapy, young poo vctms earnng to ve wth ther dsabtes were heped to
practce fang durng the 1950s, so that they coud earn to fa wthout beng hurt.
(A) As part of ther therapy, young poo vctms earnng to ve wth ther dsabtes were heped to
practce fang durng the 1950s
(B) As part of ther therapy, young poo vctms earnng to ve durng the 1950s wth ther
dsabtes were heped to practce fang
(C) Young poo vctms earnng to ve durng the 1950s wth ther dsabtes were heped to practce
fang as part of ther therapy
(D) Young poo vctms earnng to ve wth ther dsabtes were heped to practce fang durng
the 1950s as part of ther therapy
(E) Durng the 1950s, as part of ther therapy, young poo vctms earnng to ve wth ther
dsabtes were heped to practce fang
134. As rare as somethng becomes, be t a baseba card or a musca recordng or a postage stamp, the
more avdy t s sought by coectors.
(A) As rare as somethng becomes, be t
(B) As rare as somethng becomes, whether t s
(C) As somethng becomes rarer and rarer, ke
(D) The rarer somethng becomes, ke
(E) The rarer somethng becomes, whether t s
135. As recenty as 1950, tubercuoss was never curabe uness sequestered n santarums; today, the
drug Isonazd has made such treatment obsoete.
(A) uness sequestered
(B) wthout sequesterng
(C) wthout beng sequestered
(D) uness t was sequestered
(E) uness patents were sequestered
136. As researchers contnue to probe the hghy expressve voca and postura anguage of woves, ther
cose resembance to dogs has become ever more strkng.
(A) ther cose resembance to dogs has become
(B) the coseness of ther resembance to dogs has become
(C) the cose resembance between them and dogs has become
(D) the cose resembance between woves and dogs becomes
(E) the cose resembance of woves wth dogs becomes
137. As Russe Banks suggests, t s a ack of grand deas that have ony eft wrters wth semotcs,
hermeneutcs, and deconstructon.
(A) As Russe Banks suggests, t s a ack of grand deas that have ony eft wrters wth
(B) Wrters, Russe Banks suggests, who ack of grand deas and eave ony
(C) Russe Banks suggests that a ack of grand deas has eft wrters wth ony
(D) It s Russe Banks suggeston that a ack of grand deas have eft wrters ony wth
(E) It s ony a ack of grand deas, Russe Banks suggests, whch eave wrters wth
138. As saes of cars and ght trucks made n North Amerca were decnng 13.6 percent n ate February,
many anaysts concude that evdence of a recoverng automotve market remans sght.
(A) As saes of cars and ght trucks made n North Amerca were decnng 13.6 percent n ate
February, many anaysts concude
(B) Snce saes of cars and ght trucks made n North Amerca decned 13.6 percent n ate February,
and many anaysts concude
(C) Wth saes of cars and ght trucks made n North Amerca decnng 13.6 percent n ate February,
wth many anaysts concudng
(D) Because saes of cars and ght trucks made n North Amerca decned 13.6 percent n ate
February, many anaysts concuded
(E) Because of saes of cars and ght trucks made n North Amerca decnng 13.6 percent n ate
February, therefore, many anaysts concuded
139. As the etched nes on computer memory chps have become thnner and the chps crcuts more
compex, both the power of the chps and the eectronc devces they drve have vasty ncreased.
(A) the chps crcuts more compex, both the power of the chps and the eectronc devces they
drve have
(B) the chps crcuts more compex, the power of both the chps and the eectronc devces they
drve has
(C) the chps crcuts are more compex, both the power of the chps and the eectronc devces they
drve has
(D) ther crcuts are more compex, the power of both the chps and the eectronc devces they drve
(E) ther crcuts more compex, both the power of the chps and the eectronc devces they drve
140. As the housng ahordabty gap wdens, mdde-ncome fames are especay hard-ht, and these
fames can no onger quafy to buy homes, and rsng renta rates force them to use far more than
the standard 25 percent of ther ncomes for housng, eavng them wth no equty or tax wrte-ohs to
ohset the expendtures.
(A) and these fames can no onger quafy to buy homes, and
(B) snce these fames can no onger ahord to buy homes, furthermore
(C) for these fames can no onger ahord to buy homes, yet
(D) and these fames can no onger ahord to buy homes; however,
(E) and these fames can no onger ahord to buy homes, for
141. As the prce of gasone rses, whch makes substtutng acoho dsted from cerea gran attractve,
the prces of bread and vestock feed are sure to ncrease.
(A) whch makes substtutng acoho dsted from cerea gran attractve
(B) whch makes substtutng the dstaton of acoho from cerea gran attractve
(C) whch makes dstng acoho from cerea gran an attractve substtute
(D) makng an attractve substtuton of acoho dsted from cerea gran
(E) makng acoho dsted from cerea gran an attractve substtute
142. As U.S. nucear attack submarnes prow ther famar haunts deep wthn the oceans of the word
these days, they ncreasngy are engaged n mssons far dherent from the tasks for whch they were
but and for whch ther crews were traned over the ast forty years.
(A) they ncreasngy are engaged n mssons far dherent from the tasks for whch they were but
(B) the mssons they ncreasngy engage n are far dherent than the tasks they were but for
(C) they engage ncreasngy n mssons that dher sgncanty from the tasks they were but for
(D) the mssons they engage n are ncreasngy dherent than the tasks for whch they were but
(E) they ncreasngy engage n mssons far dherent than the tasks for whch they were but
143. As vrtuay a the natons 50 busest arports are, New Yorks were but for an age of propeers,
before |et panes weghng 800,000 pounds needed over two mes of runway.
(A) As vrtuay a the natons 50 busest arports are
(B) As wth vrtuay a of the natons 50 busest arports
(C) Lke vrtuay a of the natons 50 busest arports
(D) Lke the ctes where vrtuay a the natons 50 busest arports are
(E) Lke other ctes where vrtuay a the natons 50 busest arports are
144. As we as heat and ght, the Sun s the source of a contnuous stream of atomc partces known as
the soar wnd.
(A) As we as heat and ght, the Sun s the source of a contnuous stream
(B) Besdes heat and ght, aso the Sun s the source of a contnuous stream
(C) Besdes heat and ght, the Sun s aso the source of a contnuous streamng
(D) The Sun s the source not ony of heat and ght, but aso of a contnuous stream
(E) The Sun s the source of not ony heat and ght but, as we, of a contnuous streamng
145. Astronomers at the Paomar Observatory have dscovered a dstant supernova exposon, one that
they beeve s a type prevousy unknown to scence.
(A) that they beeve s
(B) that they beeve t to be
(C) they beeve that t s of
(D) they beeve that s
(E) they beeve to be of
146. Astronomers studyng the newy dscovered star say that t provdes cues about our gaaxys orgn,
that t may suppy data about how fast our gaaxy s expandng, and moreover t s perhaps the most
dstant star n the entre Mky Way.
(A) about how fast our gaaxy s expandng, and moreover t s perhaps
(B) regardng the speed our gaaxy expands at; moreover, they thnk t may be
(C) about how fast our gaaxy expands and perhaps be
(D) on the gaaxys expanson rate and perhaps
(E) about how fast our gaaxy s expandng, and that t s perhaps
147. At a recent sesson, the French government has decded that Pars needs a second, arger opera
house to compement the famous Pars Opera.
(A) has decded that Pars needs
(B) decded that Pars needs
(C) has decded that Pars w need
(D) decded that Pars has a need of
(E) has decded that Pars needed
148. At a tme when t was unusua to do t, Dorothy Sterng wrote about such ma|or gures of Back
hstory as Harret Tubman and W. E. B. Du Bos.
(A) t was unusua to do t
(B) t was unusua to do so
(C) dong that was unusua
(D) that was an unusua thng to be dong
(E) t was not usua to do
149. At ground eve, ozone s a harmfu poutant, but n the stratosphere t sheds the Earth from the
most boogcay harmfu radaton emtted by the Sun, radaton n the utravoet band of the
(A) n the stratosphere
(B) n the stratosphere, n whch
(C) t s n the stratosphere n whch
(D) n the stratosphere where
(E) t s n the stratosphere and
150. At Shprock, New Mexco, a perennay powerfu grs hgh schoo basketba team has become a path
to coege for some and a source of prde for a communty where the househod ncomes of 49
percent of them are beow the poverty eve.
(A) where the househod ncomes of 49 percent of them are
(B) where they have 49 percent of the househod ncomes
(C) where 49 percent of the househod ncomes are
(D) whch has 49 percent of the househod ncomes
(E) n whch 49 percent of them have househod ncomes
151. At the begnnng of the year, the cty aocated $150 mon to cover the ncrease n wages that t
expected to approve as a resut of negotatons wth the muncpa abor unons.
(A) ncrease n wages that t expected to approve as a resut of negotatons
(B) ncreased wages t expected to approve from negotatons
(C) ncreasng wages expected to be approved as a resut of negotatng
(D) negotated ncreases n wages t expected to approve
(E) ncreases expected to be approved n wages from negotatng
152. At the nvtaton of Kwame Nkrumah, W. E. B. Du Bos setted n Ghara and became the edtor of the
Encycopeda Afrcana.
(A) At the nvtaton of
(B) When he was nvted by
(C) An nvtaton comng from
(D) An nvtaton that came from
(E) After havng an nvtaton by
153. At the tme of the Mexcan agraran revouton, the most radca facton, that of Zapata and hs
foowers, proposed a return to communa ownershp of and, to what had been a pre-Coumban form
of ownershp respected by the Spanards.
(A) and, to what had been a pre-Coumban form of ownershp respected by the Spanards
(B) and, a form of ownershp of the pre-Coumbans and respected by the Spanards
(C) and, respected by the Spanards and a pre-Coumban form of ownershp
(D) and n whch a pre-Coumban form of ownershp was respected by the Spanards
(E) and that had been a pre-Coumban form of ownershp respected by the Spanards
154. Automaton has undermned the tradtona poston of abor as much by robbng workers of the
speca Sks that were once ther most mportant strength than by the emnaton of |obs.
(A) than by the emnaton of |obs
(B) rather than by the emnaton of a |ob
(C) than by emnatng |obs
(D) as by the emnaton of a |ob
(E) as by emnatng |obs
155. Avaton omcas have not ony faed to determne the cause of the crash, but they have aso gnored
demands by the pots unon that the nvestgaton shoud be expedted.
(A) crash, but they have aso gnored demands by the pots unon that the nvestgaton shoud be
(B) crash but aso gnored demands by the pots unon that the nvestgaton be expedted
(C) crash but have gnored demands for expedtng the nvestgaton by the pots unon
(D) crash, but they are aso gnorng the pots unons demands to expedte the nvestgaton
(E) crash: the demands by the pots unon that the nvestgaton shoud be expedted have aso
been gnored
156. Badng s much more common among Whte maes than maes of other races.
(A) than
(B) than among
(C) than s so of
(D) compared to
(E) n comparson wth
157. Bazac drank more than fty cups of cohee a day and ded of cahene posonng; furthermore, cahene
dd not seem to bother Samue |ohnson, the great wrter and excographer, who was reported to have
drunk twenty-ve cups of tea at one sttng.
(A) furthermore, cahene dd not seem to bother
(B) however, cahene dd not seem to bother
(C) however, cahene dd not seem to have bothered
(D) furthermore, cahene dd not seem to have bothered
(E) n addton, cahene dd not seem to bother
158. Bankers requre that the nanca nformaton presented to them by mortgage appcants be compete
and foow a prescrbed format.
(A) be compete and foow a prescrbed format
(B) s compete and t foows a prescrbed format
(C) be compete and a prescrbed format s foowed
(D) to be compete and a prescrbed format be foowng
(E) be competed, and t foowed a prescrbed format
159. Based on accounts of varous ancent wrters, schoars have panted a sketchy pcture of the actvtes
of an a-femae cut that, perhaps as eary as the sxth century B.C., worshpped a goddess known n
Latn as Bona Dea, the good goddess.
(A) Based on accounts of varous ancent wrters
(B) Basng t on varous ancent wrters accounts
(C) Wth accounts of varous ancent wrters used for a bass
(D) By the accounts of varous ancent wrters they used
(E) Usng accounts of varous ancent wrters
160. Based on pnto beans and corn tortas, the Pma Indans have a det that derves 70 percent of ts
proten from vegetabe sources and ony 30 percent from anma foods, the reverse of the typca
North Amercan det.
(A) Pma Indans have a det that derves
(B) Pma Indans n ther det derve
(C) det of the Pma Indans derves
(D) dets of the Pma Indans have derved
(E) det of the Pma Indans, dervng
161. Based on the growth rates of arge modern reptes such as the Gaapagos tortose and examnatons
of fosss of |uvene dnosaurs, scentsts estmate that the argest dnosaurs probaby ved to be
between 100 and 200 years od.
(A) Based on the growth rates of arge modern reptes such as
(B) On the bass of growth rates of arge modern reptes such as
(C) Based on the growth rates of arge modern reptes ke
(D) On the bass of growth rates of arge modern reptes, ke those of
(E) Based on such growth rates as those of arge modern reptes ke
162. Beatrx Potter, n her book ustratons, carefuy coordnatng them wth her narratves, captazed on
her keen observaton and ove of the natura word.
(A) Beatrx Potter, n her book ustratons, carefuy coordnatng them wth her narratves,
(B) In her book ustratons, carefuy coordnatng them wth her narratves, Beatrx Potter
(C) In her book ustratons, whch she carefuy coordnated wth her narratves, Beatrx Potter
(D) Carefuy coordnated wth her narratves, Beatrx Potter, n her book ustratons
(E) Beatrx Potter, n her book ustratons, carefuy coordnated them wth her narratves and
163. Because Haeys comet changes orbt sghty durng the seventy-sx-year nterva between passng
cose to Earth, t may veer onto a coson course wth a panet sometme n the dstant future.
(A) between passng
(B) of passng
(C) between ts passes
(D) of ts passes
(E) as t passes
164. Because natura gas s composed mosty of methane, a smpe hydrocarbon, vehces powered by
natura gas emt ess of certan poutants than the burnng of gasone or dese fue.
(A) ess of certan poutants than the burnng of gasone or dese fue
(B) fewer of certan poutants than burnng gasone or dese fue do
(C) ess of certan poutants than gasone or dese fue
(D) fewer of certan poutants than does burnng gasone or dese fue
(E) ess of certan poutants than those burnng gasone or dese fue
165. Because of the busness communtys uncertanty about the Presdents poston n regard to the ssue
of the budget dect, an unantcpated rse n nterest rates has occurred.
(A) n regard to the ssue of the budget dect, an unantcpated rse n nterest rates has
(B) on the dect, an unantcpated rse n nterest rates has
(C) regardng the budgetary dect, an unantcpated rse n nterest rates have
(D) on the dect, an unantcpated rse n nterest rates have
(E) regardng the dect, an unantcpated rse n nterest rats have
166. Because of the enormous research and deveopment expendtures requred to survve n the
eectroncs ndustry, an ndustry marked by rapd nnovaton and voate demand, such rms tend to
be very arge.
(A) to survve
(B) of rms to survve
(C) for survvng
(D) for survva
(E) for rms survva
167. Because paper of a knds s the bggest snge component of muncpa trash, many muncpates
have tred recycng to reduce the cost of trash dsposa.
(A) Because paper of a knds s the bggest snge component of muncpa trash, many
muncpates have tred recycng to reduce the cost of trash dsposa.
(B) Because paper of a knds s the bggest snge component n muncpa trash, many
muncpates tred to recyce so that the cost of trash dsposa s reduced.
(C) Because paper of a knds are the bggest snge components n muncpa trash, many
muncpates have tred to recyce to reduce the cost of trash dsposa.
(D) A knds of paper are the bggest snge components of muncpa trash, and so many
muncpates have tred recycng to reduce the cost of trash dsposa.
(E) A knds of paper s the bggest snge component of muncpa trash, so many muncpates
have tred to recyce so that the cost of trash dsposa coud be reduced.
168. Because the Earths crust s more sod there and thus better abe to transmt shock waves, an
earthquake of a gven magntude typcay devastates an area 100 tmes greater n the eastern Unted
States than t does n the West.
(A) of a gven magntude typcay devastates an area 100 tmes greater n the eastern Unted States
than t does n the West
(B) of a gven magntude w typcay devastate 100 tmes the area f t occurs n the eastern Unted
States nstead of the West
(C) w typcay devastate 100 tmes the area n the eastern Unted States than one of the
comparabe magntude occurrng n the West
(D) n the eastern Unted States w typcay devastate an area 100 tmes greater than w a quake
of comparabe magntude occurrng n the West
(E) that occurs n the eastern Unted States w typcay devastate 100 tmes more area than f t
occurred wth comparabe magntude n the West
169. Because the enemys new shp s the quetest and t s therefore the most eusve submarne, t s
beng ncreasngy vewed by the mtary as a threat to securty.
(A) and t s therefore the most eusve submarne, t s beng ncreasngy vewed
(B) t s therefore the most eusve of submarnes, and t has ncreased the vew
(C) and therefore the most eusve submarne, t s beng ncreasngy vewed
(D) and therefore t s the most eusve of submarnes, there s an ncreasng vew
(E) therefore beng the most eusve of submarnes, t s ncreasngy vewed
170. Because the nanca revew covered ony the ast few sca years, and therefore the nvestgators
were unabe to determne the extent to possbe earer overpayments.
(A) and therefore the nvestgators were unabe to determne the extent to possbe
(B) so therefore the nvestgators were not capabe of determnng the possbe extent of
(C) therefore the nvestgators were unabe to determne the possbe extent of
(D) the nvestgators were not capabe of determnng the possbe extent of
(E) the nvestgators were unabe to determne the extent of possbe
171. Because young chdren do not organze ther attenton or perceptons systematcay, ke aduts, they
may notce and remember detas that ther eders gnore.
(A) ke aduts
(B) unke an adut
(C) as aduts
(D) as aduts do
(E) as an adut
172. Before the Cv War, Harret Tubman, hersef an escaped save, returned agan and agan to Maryand
to gude other saves aong the Underground Raroad to freedom.
(A) hersef an escaped save, returned agan and agan to Maryand to gude
(B) beng an escaped save hersef, returned agan and agan to Maryand so as to gude
(C) an escaped save hersef, returned agan and agan to Maryand for gudng
(D) hersef as an escaped save, returned agan and agan to Maryand so as to be the gude of
(E) who had been hersef as an escaped save, returned agan and agan to Maryand for the gudng
173. Beng a Unted States ctzen snce 1988 and born n Cacutta n 1940, author Bharat Mukher|ee has
ved n Engand and Canada, and rst came to the Unted States n 1961 to study at the Iowa Wrters
(A) Beng a Unted States ctzen snce 1988 and born n Cacutta n 1940, author Bharat Mukher|ee
(B) Havng been a Unted States ctzen snce 1988, she was born n Cacutta n 1940; author Bharat
(C) Born n Cacutta n 1940, author Bharat Mukher|ee became a Unted States ctzen n 1988; she
(D) Beng born n Cacutta n 1940 and havng been a Unted States ctzen snce 1988, author
Bharat Mukher|ee
(E) Havng been born n Cacutta n 1940 and beng a Unted States ctzen snce 1988, author
Bharat Mukher|ee
174. Beeved to orgnate from a sma area on ther foreheads, eephants emt ow-frequency sounds that
may be used as a secret anguage to communcate wth other members of the herd.
(A) Beeved to orgnate from a sma area on ther foreheads, eephants emt ow-frequency sounds
that may be used
(B) Eephants emt ow-frequency sounds that are beeved to orgnate from a sma area on ther
foreheads, and they may use ths
(C) Eephants emt ow-frequency sounds, beeved to orgnate from a sma area on ther foreheads,
that they may use
(D) Orgnatng, t s beeved, from a sma area on ther foreheads; eephants emt ow-frequency
sounds they may use
(E) Orgnatng, t s beeved, from a sma area on ther foreheads, ow-frequency sounds are emtted
by eephants that may be used
175. Besdes yedng such psychoogca rewards as reef from stress, deep reaxaton, f practced
reguary, can strengthen the mmune system and produce a host of other physoogca benets.
(A) deep reaxaton, f practced reguary, can strengthen the mmune system
(B) one can strengthen the mmune system through deep reaxaton, f t s practced reguary
(C) the mmune system can be strengthened as a resut of deep reaxaton f practced reguary
(D) when deep reaxaton s practced reguary, the mmune system can be strengthened
(E) when practced reguary, the resuts of deep reaxaton can be to strengthen the mmune system
176. Beyond the mmedate cash ow crss that the museum faces, ts survva depends on f t can
broaden ts membershp and eave ts cramped quarters for a ste where t can store and exhbt ts
more than 12,000 artfacts.
(A) f t can broaden ts membershp and eave
(B) whether t can broaden ts membershp and eave
(C) whether or not t has the capabty to broaden ts membershp and can eave
(D) ts abty for broadenng ts membershp and eavng
(E) the abty for t to broaden ts membershp and eave
177. Bhar s Indas poorest state, wth an annua per capta ncome of $111, ower than n the most
mpovershed countres of the word.
(A) ower than n
(B) ower than that of
(C) and ower than that of
(D) whch s ower than n
(E) whch s ower than t s n
178. B Waton contnued on payng, even though he had n|ures that recurred over and over agan,
aways hopng to return back to hs poston as a reguar starter n the game he oved.
(A) on payng, even though he had n|ures that recurred over and over agan, aways hopng to
return back
(B) payng, n spte of recurrent n|ures, aways hopng to return
(C) payng, though n|ured over and over, and he was aways hopng to return back
(D) on payng, even wth n|ures that recurred, and aways hoped to return
(E) to pay, despte recurrng n|ures, hopng that the return
179. Boogsts beeve that they have found one of the substances that te ndvdua genes both when to
become actve and when to reman quescent n the earest phases of an embryos deveopment.
(A) te ndvdua genes both when to become actve and when to reman
(B) te ndvdua genes both at whch tme they shoud become actve or shoud reman
(C) tes ndvdua genes both when to become actve or reman
(D) tes ndvdua genes both when to become actve or when to reman
(E) w te an ndvdua gene both about when t shoud become actve and reman
180. Buegrass muscan B Monroe, whose repertory, vews on musca coaboraton, and voca stye
were nuenta on generatons of buegrass artsts, was aso an nspraton to many muscans, that
ncuded Evs Presey and |erry Garca, whose musc dhered sgncanty from hs own.
(A) were nuenta on generatons of buegrass artsts, was aso an nspraton to many muscans,
that ncuded Evs Presey and |erry Garca, whose musc dhered sgncanty from
(B) nuenced generatons of buegrass artsts, aso nspred many muscans, ncudng Evs Presey
and |erry Garca, whose musc dhered sgncanty from
(C) was nuenta to generatons of buegrass artsts, was aso nspratona to many muscans, that
ncuded Evs Presey and |erry Garca, whose musc was dherent sgncanty n comparson to
(D) was nuenta to generatons of buegrass artsts, aso nspred many muscans, who ncuded
Evs Presey and |erry Garca, the musc of whom dhered sgncanty when compared to
(E) were an nuence on generatons of buegrass artsts, was aso an nspraton to many muscans,
ncudng Evs Presey and |erry Garca, whose musc was sgncanty dherent from that of
181. Bob Wber became Sdney Bechets student and protg when he was nneteen and, for a few years
n the 1940s, came as cose to beng a carbon copy of the |azz vrtuoso n performance as anyone
has ever come.
(A) as anyone has ever come
(B) as anyone ever had been
(C) as anyone ever had done
(D) that anyone ever dd
(E) that anyone ever came
182. Brngng the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shorty after the Second Word
War was a speca governmentay sanctoned prce ncrease durng a perod of wage and prce
(A) Brngng the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shorty after the Second
Word War was a speca governmentay sanctoned prce ncrease durng a perod of wage and
prce contros.
(B) What brought the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shorty after the
Second Word War was a speca prce ncrease that the government sanctoned durng a perod
of wage and prce contros.
(C) That whch brought the ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shorty after the
Second Word War was a speca governmentay sanctoned prce ncrease durng a perod of
wage and prce contros.
(D) What has brought the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shorty after the
Second Word War was a speca prce ncrease that the government sanctoned durng a perod
of wages and prce contros.
(E) To brng the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shorty after the Second
Word War, there was a speca prce ncrease durng a perod of wages and prce contros that
government sanctoned.
183. )ufo %'r!nus toads, erce predators that w eat frogs, zards, and even sma brds, are natve to
South Amerca but were ntroduced nto Forda durng the 1930s n an attempt to contro pests n the
states vast sugarcane eds.
(A) are natve to South Amerca but were ntroduced nto Forda durng the 1930s n an attempt to
(B) are natve n South Amerca but were ntroduced nto Forda durng the 1930s as attempts to
(C) are natves of South Amerca but were ntroduced nto Forda durng the 1930s n an attempt at
(D) had been natve to South Amerca but were ntroduced to Forda durng the 1930s as an attempt
at controng
(E) had been natves of South Amerca but were ntroduced to Forda durng the 1930s as attempts
at controng
184. Budng arge new hosptas n the bstate area woud consttute a wastefu use of resources, on the
bass of avodance of dupcated factes aone.
(A) on the bass of avodance of dupcated factes aone
(B) on the grounds of avodng dupcated factes aone
(C) soey n that dupcated factes shoud be avoded
(D) whe the dupcaton of factes shoud be avoded
(E) f ony because the dupcaton of factes shoud be avoded
185. By 1914, ten of the western states had granted women the rght to vote, but ony one n the East.
(A) ony one n the East
(B) ony one eastern state
(C) n the East there was ony one state
(D) n the East ony one state dd
(E) ony one n the East had
186. By a vote of 9 to 0, the Supreme Court awarded the Centra Integence Agency broad dscretonary
powers enabng t to wthhod from the pubc the denttes of ts sources of ntegence nformaton.
(A) enabng t to wthhod from the pubc
(B) for t to wthhod from the pubc
(C) for wthhodng dscosure to the pubc of
(D) that enabe them to wthhod from pubc dscosure
(E) that they can wthhod pubc dscosure of
187. By anayzng the advanced ofactory apparatus of Pestocene chordates, paeozooogsts have
dscovered a nk between the brans regons of scent dscrmnaton and ts regons of ong-term
memory storage, a nk that coud prove nvauabe n the treatment of amnesa vctms.
(A) paeozooogsts have dscovered a nk between the brans regons of scent dscrmnaton and ts
regons of ong-term memory storage
(B) a nk between the brans regons of scent dscrmnaton and ts regons of ong-term memory
storage has been dscovered by paeozooogsts
(C) there s a nk that paeozooogsts have dscovered between the brans regons of scent
dscrmnaton and ts regons of ong-term memory storage
(D) the dscovery of a nk between the brans regons of scent dscrmnaton and ts regons of ong-
term memory storage was made by paeozooogsts
(E) the brans regons of scent dscrmnaton and ong-term memory storage have a nk that was
dscovered by paeozooogsts
188. By nstang speca eectrc pumps, farmers houses coud be heated by the warmth from cows mk,
accordng to one agrcutura engneer.
(A) farmers houses coud be heated by the warmth from cows mk, accordng to one agrcutura
(B) the warmth from cows mk coud be used by farmers to heat ther houses, accordng to one
agrcutura engneer
(C) one agrcutura engneer reports that farmers coud use the warmth from cows mk to heat ther
(D) farmers, accordng to one agrcutura engneer, coud use the warmth from cows mk to heat
ther houses
(E) one agrcutura engneer reports that farmers houses coud be heated by the warmth from cows
189. By oherng ower prces and a menu of persona communcatons optons, such as caer dentcaton
and voce ma, the new teecommuncatons company has not ony captured customers from other
phone companes but aso forced them to oher compettve prces.
(A) has not ony captured customers from other phone companes but aso forced them
(B) has not ony captured customers from other phone companes, but t aso forced them
(C) has not ony captured customers from other phone companes but aso forced these companes
(D) not ony has captured customers from other phone companes but aso these companes have
been forced
(E) not ony captured customers from other phone companes, but t aso has forced them
190. By showng that South Afrca does not have a free market and s n fact a knd of coectvst wefare
state for Whtes ony, Sowe argues that Amercan conservatves have no vad deoogca grounds to
be n sympathy wth the Pretora regme.
(A) to be n sympathy wth
(B) to sympathze wth
(C) for sympathzng wth
(D) that they shoud sympathze wth
(E) that they shoud have sympathy for
191. By studyng the prmtve vsua systems of snge-ce aquatc organsms, bophyscsts have
dscovered a strkng smarty between agae and cows, a smarty that ndcates the common
evoutonary orgn of pants and anmas: both agae and cows produce a ght-senstve proten caed
(A) bophyscsts have dscovered a strkng smarty between agae and cows
(B) a strkng smarty between agae and cows has been dscovered by bophyscsts
(C) there s a strkng smarty that bophyscsts have dscovered between agae and cows
(D) the dscovery of a strkng smarty between agae and cows was made by bophyscsts
(E) agae and cows have a strkng smarty that was dscovered by bophyscsts
192. By the md-seventeenth century, Amsterdam had but a new town ha so arge that ony St. Peters n
Rome, the Escora n Span, and the Paazza Ducae n Vence coud rva t for scae or magncence.
(A) coud rva t for
(B) were the rvas of t n ther
(C) were ts rva as to
(D) coud be ts rvas n ther
(E) were rvang ts
193. Byron possessed powers of observaton that woud have made hm a great anthropoogst and that
makes hs etters as a group the rva of the best noves of the tme.
(A) makes hs etters as a group the rva of
(B) makes hs etters as a group one to rva
(C) makes hs etters a group rvang
(D) make hs etters as a group the rva of
(E) make hs etters a group whch s the rva of
194. Ca|uns speak a daect brought to southern Lousana by the four thousand Acadans who mgrated
there n 1755; ther anguage s bascay seventeenth-century French to whch has been added
Engsh, Spansh and Itaan words.
(A) to whch has been added Engsh, Spansh and Itaan words
(B) added to whch s Engsh, Spansh, and Itaan words
(C) to whch Engsh, Spansh, and Itaan words have been added
(D) wth Engsh, Spansh, and Itaan words havng been added to t
(E) and, n addton, Engsh, Spansh, and Itaan words are added
195. Cafornas chd-support payments are as hgh or hgher than other states.
(A) as hgh or hgher than other states
(B) at east as hgh as any states
(C) as hgh as, or hgher than, those of any other state
(D) hgher than any states, or |ust as hgh
(E) hgher, or as hgh as, other states
196. Came Caudet worked contnuousy through the 1880s and eary 1890s wth the scuptor Auguste
Rodn; snce there are very few sgned works of hers, the nescapabe concuson seems to be one of
Caudet concevng and executng part of Rodns enormous producton of that perod.
(A) nescapabe concuson seems to be one of Caudet concevng and executng part of Rodns
enormous producton of that perod
(B) concuson of Caudet concevng and executng part of Rodns enormous producton of that
perod seems nescapabe
(C) concuson seems nescapabe that part of Rodns enormous producton of that perod was
conceved and executed by Caudet
(D) concuson of part of Rodns enormous producton of that perod havng been conceved and
executed by Caudet seems nescapabe
(E) seemngy nescapabe concuson s that Caudet woud have conceved and executed part of
Rodns enormous producton of that perod
197. Camus broke wth Sartre n a btter dspute over the nature of Stansm.
(A) n a btter dspute over
(B) over bttery dsputng
(C) after there was a btter dspute over
(D) after havng bttery dsputed about
(E) over a btter dspute about
198. Canadan scentsts have cacuated that one human beng shoud be struck every nne years by a
meteorte, whe each year sxteen budngs can be expected to sustan damage from such ob|ects.
(A) one human beng shoud be struck every nne years by a meteorte
(B) a human beng shoud be struck by a meteorte once n every nne years
(C) a meteorte w strke one human beng once n every nne years
(D) every nne years a human beng w be struck by a meteorte
(E) every nne years a human beng shoud be struck by a meteorte
199. Car owners who nate ther tres propery can substantay boost ther vehces fue emcency, snce
the ncrease n car-road frcton can waste up to ve percent of car fue by undernaton.
(A) Car owners who nate ther tres propery can substantay boost ther vehces fue emcency,
snce the ncrease n car-road frcton can waste up to ve percent of car fue by undernaton.
(B) Because the undernaton of tres can waste up to ve percent of a cars fue by ncreasng car-
road frcton, car owners can substantay boost ther vehces fue emcency by propery
natng the tres.
(C) Ther vehces fue emcency s substantay boosted by car owners through the proper naton
of tres that, when undernated, can waste up to ve percent of car fue by an ncrease n car-
road frcton.
(D) The proper naton of tres by car owners, due to the fact that undernaton can waste up to
ve percent of a cars fue by the ncrease of car-road frcton, can substantay boost ther fue
(E) Because up to ve percent of a cars fue are wasted through the ncreases n car-road frcton
when the tres are undernated, car owners propery natng tres can substantay boost ther
fue emcency.
200. Carbon-14 datng reveas that the megathc monuments n Brttany are neary 2,000 years as od as
any of ther supposed Medterranean predecessors.
(A) as od as any of ther supposed
(B) oder than any of ther supposed
(C) as od as ther supposed
(D) oder than any of ther supposedy
(E) as od as ther supposedy
201. Cardopumonary resusctaton shoud begn between one to four mnutes after a cardac arrest n
order to be a success.
(A) Cardopumonary resusctaton shoud begn between one to four mnutes after a cardac arrest n
order to be a success.
(B) Between one and four mnutes after a cardac arrest, cardopumonary resusctaton shoud begn
to be successfu.
(C) Successfu cardopumonary resusctaton shoud be begun from one to four mnutes after a
cardac arrest occurs.
(D) If t s to be successfu, a cardac arrest shoud be treated wth cardopumonary resusctaton one
to four mnutes afterward.
(E) To be successfu, cardopumonary resusctaton shoud begn wthn one to four mnutes after a
cardac arrest.
202. Carnvorous mammas can endure what woud otherwse be etha eves of body heat because they
have a heat-exchange network whch kept the bran from gettng too hot.
(A) whch kept
(B) that keeps
(C) whch has kept
(D) that has been keepng
(E) havng kept
203. Carpenters, dentsts, sewng machne operators, needeponters, pano payers, and ndeed anyone
who works wth ther hands for ong hours can get carpa tunne syndrome.
(A) anyone who works
(B) anyone workng
(C) workers
(D) those for whom work s
(E) any peope who work
204. Cartographers have ong strugged wth the probem of havng the spherca Earth to draw on a at
sheet of paper.
(A) havng the spherca Earth to draw on a at sheet of paper
(B) havng a at sheet of paper on whch to draw the spherca Earth
(C) how can one draw the spherca Earth on a at sheet of paper
(D) how they coud use a at sheet of paper to draw the spherca Earth
(E) how to draw the spherca Earth on a at sheet of paper
205. Certan pestcdes can become nehectve f used repeatedy n the same pace; one reason s
suggested by the ndng that there are much arger popuatons of pestcde-degradng mcrobes n
sos wth a reatvey ong hstory of pestcde use than n sos that are free of such chemcas.
(A) Certan pestcdes can become nehectve f used repeatedy n the same pace; one reason s
suggested by the ndng that there are much arger popuatons of pestcde-degradng mcrobes
n sos wth a reatvey ong hstory of pestcde use than n sos that are free of such chemcas.
(B) If used repeatedy n the same pace, one reason that certan pestcdes can become nehectve s
suggested by the ndng that there are much arger popuatons of pestcde-degradng mcrobes
n sos wth a reatvey ong hstory of pestcde use than n sos that are free of such chemcas.
(C) If used repeatedy n the same pace, one reason certan pestcdes can become nehectve s
suggested by the ndng that much arger popuatons of pestcde-degradng mcrobes are found
n sos wth a reatvey ong hstory of pestcde use than those that are free of such chemcas.
(D) The ndng that there are much arger popuatons of pestcde-degradng mcrobes n sos wth a
reatvey ong hstory of pestcde use than n sos that are free of such chemcas s suggestve
of one reason, f used repeatedy n the same pace, certan pestcdes can become nehectve.
(E) The ndng of much arger popuatons of pestcde-degradng mcrobes n sos wth a reatvey
ong hstory of pestcde use than n those that are free of such chemcas suggests one reason
certan pestcdes can become nehectve f used repeatedy n the same pace.
206. Chares Lndbergh, for hs attempt at a soo transatantc ght, was very reuctant to have any extra
weght on hs pane, he therefore refused to carry even a pound of ma, despte beng ohered $1,000
to do so.
(A) Chares Lndbergh, for hs attempt at a soo transatantc ght, was very reuctant to have any
extra weght on hs pane, he therefore
(B) When Chares Lndbergh was attemptng hs soo transatantc ght, beng very reuctant to have
any extra weght on hs pane, he
(C) Snce he was very reuctant to carry any extra weght on hs pane when he was attemptng hs
soo transatantc ght, so Chares Lndbergh
(D) Beng very reuctant to carry any extra weght on hs pane when he attempted hs soo
transatantc ght was the reason that Chares Lndbergh
(E) Very reuctant to have any extra weght on hs pane when he attempted hs soo transatantc
ght, Chares Lndbergh
207. Charotte Perkns Gman, a ate nneteenth-century femnst, caed for urban apartment houses
ncudng chd-care factes and custered suburban houses ncudng communa eatng and soca
(A) ncudng chd-care factes and custered suburban houses ncudng communa eatng and
soca factes
(B) that ncuded chd-care factes, and for custered suburban houses to ncude communa eatng
and soca factes
(C) wth chd-care factes ncuded and for custered suburban houses to ncude communa eatng
and soca factes
(D) that ncuded chd-care factes and for custered suburban houses wth communa eatng and
soca factes
(E) to ncude chd-care factes and for custered suburban houses wth communa eatng and soca
factes ncuded
208. Chcago, where ndustra growth n the nneteenth century was more rapd than any other Amercan
cty, was pagued by abor troubes ke the Puman Strkes of 1894.
(A) where ndustra growth n the nneteenth century was more rapd than any other Amercan cty
(B) whch had ndustra growth n the nneteenth century more rapd than that of other Amercan
(C) whch had growth ndustray more rapd than any other Amercan cty n the nneteenth century
(D) whose ndustra growth n the nneteenth century was more rapd than any other Amercan cty
(E) whose ndustra growth n the nneteenth century was more rapd than that of any other
Amercan cty
209. Chd prodges are marked not so much by ther sks but nstead by the fact that these sks are fuy
deveoped at a very eary age.
(A) but nstead
(B) rather than
(C) than
(D) as
(E) so much as
210. Chnese, the most ancent of vng wrtng systems, conssts of tens of thousands of deographc
characters, each character a mnature cagraphc composton nsde ts own square frame.
(A) each character a mnature cagraphc composton nsde ts
(B) a the characters a mnature cagraphc composton nsde ther
(C) a the characters a mnature cagraphc composton nsde ts
(D) every character a mnature cagraphc composton nsde ther
(E) each character a mnature cagraphc composton nsde ther
211. Chronc ow-eve eakng and the routne dscharge of drng mud and mnera sats present
consderabe envronmenta rsk durng ohshore o drng.
(A) Chronc ow-eve eakng and the routne dscharge of drng mud and mnera sats present
consderabe envronmenta rsk durng ohshore o drng.
(B) The reason ohshore o drng presents a consderaby envronmenta rsk s because of chronc
ow-eve eakng and the routne dscharge of drng mud and mnera sats.
(C) A consderabe rsk to the envronment s presented durng ohshore o drng, where ow-eve
eaks are chronc and the routne dscharge of mud and mnera sats.
(D) Ohshore o drng presents a consderabe rsk to the envronment due to the fact of chronc
ow-eve eaks, and mud and mnera sats are routney dscharged.
(E) Chronc ow-eve eakng, aong wth the routne dscharge of drng mud and mnera sats, are
what make ohshore o drng envronmentay rsky.
212. Ctng evdence that the carbon doxde content of the atmosphere has ncreased more than seven
percent n the ast 30 years, many scentsts have expressed a fear of destroyng forests and
contnued use of foss fues w cause an rreversbe shft n Earths cmatc pattern.
(A) many scentsts have expressed a fear of destroyng forests and contnued use of
(B) many scentsts have expressed a fear that destructon of forests and contnued use of
(C) many scentsts have expressed a fear that destructon of forests and contnuay usng
(D) a fear that many scentsts have expressed s that destroyng forests and contnuay usng
(E) a fear that many scentsts have expressed s that destructon of forests and contnua usng of
213. Cark and Forence Waace, a husband-and-wfe medca team, worked steady and emcenty
through the nght, but sppng ther cohee the next mornng, she notced that he seemed dsorented.
(A) sppng ther cohee the next mornng, she notced that he seemed dsorented
(B) sppng ther cohee the next mornng, he seemed to be dsorented, she notced
(C) as they spped ther cohee the next mornng, she notced that he seemed dsorented
(D) as they were sppng ther cohee the next mornng, he seemed, she notced, dsorented
(E) he seemed dsorented, she notced, sppng ther cohee the next mornng
214. Cmatc shfts are so gradua as to be ndstngushabe at rst from ordnary uctuatons n the
(A) so gradua as to be ndstngushabe
(B) so gradua they can be ndstngushabe
(C) so gradua that they are unabe to be dstngushed
(D) gradua enough not to be dstngushabe
(E) gradua enough so that one cannot dstngush them
215. Comparng the Ouechans wth other Natve Amercans of the Southwest, the Ouechans were
snguary unnterested n the accumuaton of matera weath or n the craftng of eaborate pottery
and basketry.
(A) Comparng the Ouechans wth other Natve Amercans of the Southwest, the Ouechans
(B) When you compare the Ouechans to other Natve Amercans of the Southwest, they
(C) When other Natve Amercans of the Southwest are compared to the Ouechans, they
(D) Comparson to other Natve Amercans of the Southwest shows that the Ouechans
(E) Compared wth other Natve Amercans of the Southwest, the Ouechans
216. Computers are becomng faster, more powerfu, and more reabe, and so too are modems, they are
the devces to aow two or more computers to share nformaton over reguar teephone nes.
(A) so too are modems, they are the devces to aow
(B) so too are modems, the devces that aow
(C) so too modems, the devces aowng
(D) aso modems, they are the devces that aow
(E) aso modems, whch are the devces to aow
217. Concerned at the ncrease n accdent fatates, Tennessee adopted a chd-passenger protecton aw
requrng the parents of chdren under four years of age to be restraned n a chd safety seat.
(A) the parents of chdren under four years of age to be restraned n a chd safety seat
(B) the restrant of parents of chdren under four years of age n a chd safety seat
(C) that parents restran chdren under four years of age n a chd safety seat
(D) that chdren be restraned under four years of age n a chd safety seat by ther parents
(E) chdren to be restraned under four years of age by ther parents n a chd safety seat
218. Confused by the many strata and substrata of ancent cvzatons overyng one another,
Schemanns excavatons of the fabed cty of Ium, the ancent Troy, were temporary caed to a
(A) Schemanns excavatons of the fabed cty of Ium, the ancent Troy, were temporary caed to
a hat
(B) Schemanns excavatons of the fabed cty of Ium, the ancent Troy, temporary hated
(C) Schemann temporary hated hs excavatons of the fabed cty of Ium, the ancent Troy
(D) excavatons of the fabed cty of Ium, the ancent Troy, were temporary hated by Schemann
(E) excavatons of the fabed cty of Ium, and of the ancent Troy, were temporary hated by
219. Congress s debatng a b requrng certan empoyers provde workers wth unpad eave so as to
care for sck or newborn chdren.
(A) provde workers wth unpad eave so as to
(B) to provde workers wth unpad eave so as to
(C) provde workers wth unpad eave n order that they
(D) to provde workers wth unpad eave so that they can
(E) provde workers wth unpad eave and
220. Constance Horner, chef of the Unted States governments personne agency, has recommended that
the use of any dangerous or ega drug n the ve years pror to appcaton for a |ob be grounds for
not hrng an appcant.
(A) the use of any dangerous or ega drug n the ve years pror to appcaton for a |ob be grounds
for not hrng an appcant
(B) any dangerous or ega drug, f used n the ve years pror to appyng for a |ob, shoud be
grounds not to hre the appcant
(C) an appcants use of any dangerous or ega drug n the ve years pror to appcaton for a |ob
be grounds not to hre them
(D) an appcants use of any dangerous or ega drug n the ve years pror to appyng for a |ob are
grounds that they not be hred
(E) for ve years pror to appyng for a |ob, an appcants use of any dangerous or ega drug be
grounds for not hrng them
221. Consumers may not thnk of househod ceanng products to be hazardous substances, but many of
them can be harmfu to heath, especay f they are used mpropery.
(A) Consumers may not thnk of househod ceanng products to be
(B) Consumers may not thnk of househod ceanng products beng
(C) A consumer may not thnk of ther househod ceanng products beng
(D) A consumer may not thnk of househod ceanng products as
(E) Househod ceanng products may not be thought of, by consumers, as
222. Contrary to earer con|ectures, t may be that ncreased atmospherc carbon doxde as a resut of
burnng foss fues woud coo the gobe by reducng the amount of soar energy absorbed by snow.
(A) ncreased atmospherc carbon doxde as a resut of burnng
(B) ncreased atmospherc carbon doxde resutng from the combuston of
(C) ncreasng carbon doxde n the atmosphere resutng from the combuston of
(D) carbon doxde n the atmosphere that ncrease from burnng
(E) atmospherc carbon doxde that ncreased from burnng
223. Contrary to popuar beef, vctors n the ancent Greek Oympc Games receved cash przes n
addton to ther aure wreaths.
(A) Contrary to
(B) In contrast wth
(C) Opposte of
(D) Unke
(E) In spte of
224. Contrary to popuar opnon, the movement toward a servce economy s eadng nether to ower
standards of vng, more of an unequa dstrbuton of ncome, or dspacng the physca producton of
(A) eadng nether to ower standards of vng, more of an unequa dstrbuton of ncome, or
(B) eadng nether to ower standards of vng nor a more unequa dstrbuton of ncome, or
(C) not eadng to ether ower standards of vng nor to more of an unequa dstrbuton of ncome,
and nether s t
(D) not eadng to ower standards of vng, more of an unequa dstrbuton of ncome, and t s not
(E) not eadng to ower standards of vng or to a more unequa dstrbuton of ncome, nor s t
225. Convnced at ast of the soundness of her advce, the vagers tred crop rotaton, but crude santary
factes, and even the use of goats mk for the makng of cheese.
(A) the use of goats mk for the makng of cheese
(B) used goats mk to make cheese
(C) the use of goats mk n cheese makng
(D) makng cheese from goats mk
(E) goats mk to make cheese
226. Cooperatve apartment houses have the pecuar dstncton of beng dwengs that must aso operate
as busnesses.
(A) of beng dwengs that must aso operate as busnesses
(B) of dwengs that must aso operate ke busness
(C) that they are dwengs that must operate ke busness
(D) that, as dwengs, they must aso operate ke busnesses
(E) to be a dweng that must aso operate as a busness
227. Coronary angography, a sophstcated method for dagnosng coronary dsease nvovng the
ntroducton of a dye nto the arteres of the heart, s now admnstered seectvey, because t uses x-
rays to observe cardac functon.
(A) for dagnosng coronary dsease nvovng the ntroducton of a dye nto the arteres of the heart,
s now admnstered seectvey, because t uses
(B) for dagnosng coronary dsease nvovng the ntroducton of a dye nto the arteres of heart, s
now admnstered seectvey, because of usng
(C) for dagnosng coronary dsease, nvoves the ntroducton of dye nto the arteres of the heart
and s now admnstered seectvey, because t uses
(D) to dagnose coronary dsease that nvoves the ntroducton of a dye nto the arteres of the heart,
s now admnstered seectvey, because t uses
(E) to dagnose coronary dsease nvovng the ntroducton of a dye nto the arteres of the heart,
whch s now admnstered seectvey, uses
228. Corporatons w soon be requred to report to the government whether they have the necessary
reserves to pay the penson benets earned by ther empoyees and that the nformaton be
pubshed n annua reports to sharehoders.
(A) earned by ther empoyees and that the nformaton be pubshed
(B) that ther empoyees earned and that the nformaton be pubshed
(C) that was earned by ther empoyees wth the nformaton beng pubshed
(D) earned by ther empoyees, nformaton that must aso be pubshed
(E) earned by ther empoyees and pubshed the nformaton
229. Crses n nternatona dpomacy do not aways resut from mace; for natons, ke ndvduas, can
nd themseves ocked nto dmcut postons, unabe to back down.
(A) do not aways resut from mace; for natons, ke ndvduas, can nd
(B) do not aways resuts from mace; natons, |ust as ndvduas, ndng
(C) do not aways resuts from mace; natons, such as ndvduas, can nd
(D) arent aways the resuts of mace; natons n the same way that ndvduas can nd
(E) arent resutng aways from mace; |ust ke ndvduas who can nd
230. Crtcs of the trend toward prvatey operated prsons consder correctons factes to be an ntegra
part of the crmna |ustce system and queston f prots shoud be made from ncarceraton.
(A) to be an ntegra part of the crmna |ustce system and queston f
(B) as an ntegra part of the crmna |ustce system and they queston f
(C) as beng an ntegra part of the crmna |ustce system and queston whether
(D) an ntegra part of the crmna |ustce system and queston whether
(E) are an ntegra part of the crmna |ustce system, and they queston whether
231. Cut-paper desgn, a popuar pastme of Coona women, became an art form n the hands of Abga
Leherts Loyd, a Revoutonary War herone.
(A) desgn, a popuar pastme of coona women, became an art form n the hands of
(B) desgn, a popuar Coona womens pastme, and t became an art form n the hands of
(C) desgn was a popuar pastme for Coona women, then t became an art form n the hands of
(D) desgn s a popuar pastme of Coona women that has become an art form by
(E) desgn, the popuar Coona pastme, became an art form for
232. Dance fans knew Tamara Geva as a soost n severa Baanchne works, a dancer who ntroduced hs
choreography to the Unted States, and as a star n Broadway theater.
(A) a dancer who ntroduced
(B) as a dancer whch ntroduced
(C) the dancer to ntroduce
(D) who ntroduced
(E) as the dancer who ntroduced
233. Darwn was not the rst to advance a theory of evouton; hs tremendous orgnaty ay n the fact
that he proposed the dea of natura seecton as the means by whch evouton worked.
(A) ay n the fact that he proposed the dea
(B) ay n the fact of hs proposng the dea
(C) ad n the fact of hs proposng the dea
(D) ad n hs proposa
(E) ay n hs proposa
234. Decnng vaues for farm equpment and and, the coatera aganst whch farmers borrow to get
through the harvest season, s gong to force many enders to tghten or deny credt ths sprng.
(A) the coatera aganst whch farmers borrow to get through the harvest season, s
(B) whch farmers use as coatera to borrow aganst to get through the harvest season, s
(C) the coatera whch s borrowed aganst by farmers to get through the harvest season, s
(D) whch farmers use as coatera to borrow aganst to get through the harvest season, are
(E) the coatera aganst whch farmers borrow to get through the harvest season, are
235. Defense attorneys have occasonay argued that ther cents msconduct stemmed from a reacton
to somethng ngested, but n attrbutng crmna or denquent behavor to some food aergy, the
perpetrators are n ehect tod that they are not responsbe for ther actons.
(A) n attrbutng crmna or denquent behavor to some food aergy
(B) f crmna or denquent behavor s attrbuted to an aergy to some food
(C) n attrbutng behavor that s crmna or denquent to an aergy to some food
(D) f some food aergy s attrbuted as the cause of crmna or denquent behavor
(E) n attrbutng a food aergy as the cause of crmna or denquent behavor
236. Deger does more than merey summarzng exstng research; he constructs a coherent pcture of two
centures of studes deang wth the changng roes of women.
(A) Deger does more than merey summarzng
(B) Degers study s more than a mere summarzng of
(C) Deger has done more than a mere summarzng of
(D) Degers study has done more than summarze merey
(E) Deger does more than merey summarze
237. Deghted by the reported earnngs for the rst quarter of the sca year, t was decded by the
company manager to gve her stah a rase.
(A) t was decded by the company manager to gve her stah a rase
(B) the decson of the company manager was to gve her stah a rase
(C) the company manager decded to gve her stah a rase
(D) the stah was gven a rase by the company manager
(E) a rase was gven to the stah by the company manager
238. Denta cares and gngvts can be exacerbated not ony by the foods patents eat but aso by when
the patents eat them.
(A) not ony by the foods patents eat but aso by when the patents eat them
(B) by not ony the foods patents eat but aso by when the patents eat them
(C) not ony by the foods patents eat but aso by tme when the foods are eaten
(D) by not ony the foods that are eaten by patents but aso by the tmes the foods are eaten
(E) not ony by what patents eat but aso by when they eat t
239. Despte ts attractveness, nvestng abroad can st pose bg rsks, rangng from the potenta for
potca nstabty n some countres to the shortage of reguatons to protect nvestors and a serous
ack of nformaton about nvestments n others.
(A) to the shortage of reguatons to protect nvestors and a serous ack of nformaton about
nvestments n others
(B) to the shortage of reguatons to protect nvestors and n others a serous ack of nformaton
about nvestments
(C) and the shortage of reguatons to protect nvestors and a serous ack of nformaton about
nvestments n others
(D) and the shortage of reguatons to protect nvestors to a serous ack of nformaton about
nvestments n others
(E) to the shortage of reguatons to protect nvestors n others and a serous ack of nformaton
about nvestments
240. Despte no proof that the consumpton of any partcuar foods reverse hardenng of the arteres,
studes ndcate that refranng from eatng certan foods coud hep reverse bockage of coronary
arteres, the bood vesses that feed the heart.
(A) Despte no proof that the consumpton of any partcuar foods reverse hardenng of the arteres,
studes ndcate that refranng from eatng certan foods coud
(B) Despte no foods havng been proved to reverse hardenng of the arteres when consumed,
studes ndcate that refranng from eatng certan foods can
(C) Athough the consumpton of no partcuar foods have been proved to reverse hardenng of the
arteres, studes ndcate that to refran from eatng certan foods coud
(D) Athough not proved that the consumpton of any foods reverse hardenng of the arteres, studes
ndcate that refranng from eatng certan foods can
(E) Athough t has not been proved that the consumpton of any partcuar food w reverse
hardenng of the arteres, studes ndcate that refranng from eatng certan foods can
241. Despte protests from some waste-dsposa companes, state heath omcas have ordered the eves
of bactera n seawater at popuar beaches to be measured and that the resuts be pubshed.
(A) the eves of bactera n seawater at popuar beaches to be measured and that the resuts be
(B) that seawater at popuar beaches shoud be measured for ther eves of bactera, wth the resuts
(C) the measure of eves of bactera n seawater at popuar beaches and the resuts to be
(D) seawater measured at popuar beaches for eves of bactera, wth ther resuts
(E) that the eves of bactera n seawater at popuar beaches be measured and the resuts
242. Despte the recent eecton of a woman to the omce of prme mnster, the status of women n
Pakstan s tte changed from how t was n the ast century.
(A) s tte changed from how t was
(B) s a tte change from how t was
(C) has changed tte
(D) has changed tte from how t has been
(E) s tte changed from the way t was
243. Deveopng natons n varous parts of the word have amassed $700 bon n debts; at stake, shoud
a sgncant number of these debts be repudated, s the sovency of some of the words argest
mutnatona banks.
(A) shoud a sgncant number of these debts be repudated, s
(B) shoud a sgncant number of these debts be repudated, are
(C) shoud they repudate a sgncant number of these debts, are
(D) f there s a repudaton of a sgncant number of these debts, woud be
(E) f a sgncant number of these debts w be repudated, s
244. Drt roads may evoke the bucoc smpcty of another century, but nancay straned townshps
pont out that drt roads cost twce as much as mantanng paved roads.
(A) drt roads cost twce as much as mantanng paved roads
(B) drt roads cost twce as much to mantan as paved roads do
(C) mantanng drt roads costs twce as much as paved roads do
(D) mantanng drt roads costs twce as much as t does for paved roads
(E) to mantan drt roads costs twce as much as for paved roads
245. Dscrmnaton n wages pad n occupatons that are predomnanty mae over the predomnanty
femae have gven rse to substanta dherentas between the wage of housepanters and secretares
and between the wages of parkng-ot attendants and brary assstants.
(A) pad n occupatons that are predomnanty mae over the predomnanty femae have
(B) pad n occupatons that are predomnanty make over those that are predomnanty femae have
(C) that favors predomnanty mae occupatons over the predomnanty femae have
(D) that favors predomnanty mae occupatons over those that are predomnanty femae has
(E) pad n predomnanty mae occupatons over the predomnanty femae has
246. Dspays of the aurora boreas, or northern ghts, can heat the atmosphere over the arctc enough
to ahect the tra|ectores of bastc msses, nduce eectrc currents that can cause backouts n
some areas and corroson n north-south ppenes.
(A) to ahect the tra|ectores of bastc msses, nduce
(B) that the tra|ectores of bastc msses are ahected, nduce
(C) that t ahects the tra|ectores of bastc msses, nduces
(D) that the tra|ectores of bastc msses are ahected and nduces
(E) to ahect the tra|ectores of bastc msses and nduce
247. Dstngushed archtecture requres the expendture of arge sums of money, even f t s by no means
certan that the expendture of arge sums of money produce dstngushed archtecture.
(A) even f t s by no means certan that the expendture of arge sums of money produce
(B) even f t s by no means certan that the expendture of arge sums of money w produce
(C) even though there s no certanty that the expendture of money n arge sums produces
(D) even though t s by no means certan that the expendture of arge sums of money produces
(E) though there s no certanty as to the expendture of money n arge sums producng
248. Doctors generay agree that such factors as cgarette smokng, eatng rch foods hgh n fats, and
acoho consumpton not ony do damage by themseves but aso aggravate genetc predspostons
toward certan dseases.
(A) not ony do damage by themseves but aso aggravate
(B) do damage by themseves but aso are aggravatng to
(C) are damagng by themseves but aso are aggravatng
(D) not ony do damage by themseves, they are aso aggravatng to
(E) are dong damage by themseves, and they are aso aggravatng
249. Doctors st know tte about how the Lstera bacterum s spread and why the dsease t causes,
steross, amcts some peope n a contamnated area though t spares many others.
(A) though t spares
(B) where t spares
(C) despte sparng
(D) when sparng
(E) whe sparng
250. Domestc automobe manufacturers have nvested mons of doars nto research to deveop cars
more gasone-emcent even than presenty on the road.
(A) nto research to deveop cars more gasone-emcent even than presenty on the road
(B) nto research for deveopng even more gasone-emcent cars on the road than at present
(C) for research for cars to be deveoped that are more gasone-emcent even than presenty on the
(D) n research to deveop cars even more gasone-emcent than those at present on the road
(E) n research for deveopng cars that are even more gasone-emcent than presenty on the road
251. Downzonng, zonng that typcay resuts n the reducton of housng densty, aows for more open
space n areas where tte water or servces exst.
(A) tte water or servces exst
(B) tte water or servces exsts
(C) few servces and tte water exsts
(D) there s tte water or servces avaabe
(E) there are few servces and tte avaabe water
252. Dr. Hakutas research among Hspanc chdren n the Unted States ndcates that the more the
chdren use both Spansh and Engsh, ther nteectua advantage s greater n sks underyng
readng abty and nonverba ogc.
(A) ther nteectua advantage s greater n sks underyng readng abty and nonverba ogc
(B) ther nteectua advantage s the greater n sks underayng readng abty and nonverba ogc
(C) the greater ther nteectua advantage n sks underyng readng abty and nonverba ogc
(D) n sks that underay readng abty and nonverba ogc, ther nteectua advantage s the
(E) n sks underyng readng abty and nonverba ogc, the greater nteectua advantage s thers
253. Dr. Hegsted argues that |ust as poo vaccne s gven to every person to protect the few who mght
actuay contract poo, mass detary change s needed to protect the sgncant number who are
susceptbe to the fe-threatenng ehects of press eatng habts.
(A) |ust as poo vaccne s gven to every person to protect the few who mght actuay contract poo
(B) ke poo vaccne, whch s gven to every person to protect the few who mght contract poo
(C) smar to poo vaccne whch s gven to every person n order to protect the few who mght
actuay contract poo
(D) whe, to protect the few who mght actuay contract poo, poo vaccne s gven to every person
(E) smar to the gvng of poo vaccne to every person n order to protect the few who mght
contract poo actuay
254. Dr. Sayres ecture recounted severa tte-known epsodes n the reatons between natons that
ustrates what s wrong wth aances and treates that do not have popuar support.
(A) reatons between natons that ustrates
(B) reaton of one naton wth another that ustrates
(C) reatons between natons that ustrate
(D) reaton of one naton wth another and ustrate
(E) reatons of natons that ustrates
255. Dr. Tonegawa won the Nobe Prze for dscoverng how the body can constanty change ts genes to
fashon a seemng unmted number of antbodes, each speccay targeted at an nvadng mcrobe
or foregn substance.
(A) seemng unmted number of antbodes, each speccay targeted at
(B) seemng unmted number of antbodes, each targeted speccay to
(C) seemng unmted number of antbodes, a speccay targeted at
(D) seemngy unmted number of antbodes, a of them targeted speccay to
(E) seemngy unmted number of antbodes, each targeted speccay at
256. Durng an era when nterraca tensons n the Unted States have run hgh, Rosa Parks became a
quet, unassumng symbo of the contnued strugge for human dgnty.
(A) have run hgh
(B) ran hgh
(C) had run hghy
(D) run hgh
(E) were runnng hghy
257. Durng an ce age, the budup of ce at the poes and the drop n water eves near the equator speed
up the Earths rotaton, ke a spnnng gure skater whose speed ncreases when her arms are drawn
(A) ke a spnnng gure skater whose speed ncreases when her arms are drawn n
(B) ke the ncreased speed of a gure skater when her arms are drawn n
(C) ke a gure skater who ncreases speed whe spnnng wth her arms drawn n
(D) |ust as a spnnng gure skater who ncreases speed by drawng n her arms
(E) |ust as a spnnng gure skater ncreases speed by drawng n her arms
258. Durng her ecture the speaker used map to carfy drectona terms, for not everyone n attendance
was knowedgeabe that wnds are desgnated by the drecton from whch they come.
(A) or not everyone n attendance was knowedgeabe
(B) for everyone n attendance dd not know
(C) wth everyone n attendance not knowng
(D) wth everyone attendng not knowedgeabe
(E) for not everyone attendng knew
259. Durng Roosevets years n omce Back Amercans began votng for Democrats rather than
Repubcans n natona eectons, but Back support for Democrats at the state and oca eves
deveoped ony after when cv rghts egsaton was supported by Harry Truman.
(A) deveoped ony after when cv rghts egsaton was supported by Harry Truman
(B) deveoped ony after when Harry Truman supported cv rghts egsaton
(C) deveoped ony after Harry Trumans support of cv rghts egsaton
(D) deveops ony at the tme after the supportng of cv rghts egsaton by Harry Truman
(E) deveoped ony after there beng Harry Trumans support of cv rghts egsaton
260. Durng the 1980s approxmatey $50 bon n prvate nvestment capta s estmated to have eft
Mexco and added to the stran on the countrys debt-rdden economy.
(A) Durng the 1980s approxmatey $50 bon n prvate nvestment capta s estmated to have
eft Mexco and added
(B) Durng the 1980s t s estmated that approxmatey $50 bon n prvate nvestment capta eft
Mexco and added
(C) It s estmated that there was approxmatey $50 bon n prvate nvestment capta that eft
Mexco durng the 1980s and added
(D) It s estmated that durng the 1980s approxmatey $50 bon n prvate nvestment capta eft
Mexco, addng
(E) Approxmatey $50 bon n prvate nvestment capta s estmated as havng eft Mexco durng
the 1980s, addng
261. Durng the 1980s t became cear that soctng prvate funds was far more emcent for
envronmentasts who sought nanca ad than to go to state or federa agences.
(A) that soctng prvate funds was far more emcent for envronmentasts who sought nanca ad
(B) that for envronmentasts who sought nanca ad, t was far more emcent to soct prvate
(C) that for envronmentasts seekng nanca ad, prvate organzatons were far more emcent to
go to
(D) for envronmentasts seekng nanca ad, gong to prvate organzatons was far more emcent
(E) for envronmentasts who sought nanca ad, prvate organzatons were far more emcent
262. Durng the eary years of European settement on a contnent that was vewed as wderness by the
newcomers, Natve Amercans, ntmatey knowng the ecoogy of the and, were a hep n the
rescung of many Pgrms and poneers from hardshp, or even death.
(A) Natve Amercans, ntmatey knowng the ecoogy of the and, were a hep n the rescung of
(B) Natve Amercans knew the ecoogy and the and ntmatey and ths enabed them to hep n the
rescue of
(C) Natve Amercans, wth ther ntmate knowedge of the ecoogy of the and, heped to rescue
(D) havng ntmate knowedge of the ecoogy of the and, Natve Amercans heped the rescue of
(E) knowng ntmatey the ecoogy of the and, Natve Amercans heped to rescue
263. Durng the rst nne months of 1979, textbook pubshers ncurred substanta costs for creatng
products that, due to a decne n pubc fundng for nstructona matera, never were sod.
(A) fundng for nstructona matera, never were
(B) fundng for nstructona matera, never was
(C) fundng, the nstructona matera, was never
(D) fundng for nstructona matera, the products were never
(E) fundng, they were never
264. Durng the rst one hundred fty years of the exstence of ths repubc, no one expected the press
was far; newspapers were mosty shr, scurrous, and partsan.
(A) was
(B) to be
(C) of beng
(D) shoud be
(E) had to be
265. Durng the rst year after the corporate reorganzaton, no one consdered the management was we-
organzed; managers were argey untraned and drectoness.
(A) was we-organzed
(B) we-organzed
(C) were we-organzed
(D) seemed to be we-organzed
(E) seemed we-organzed
266. Durng the Great Depresson, ndustra output fe by neary fty percent from ts peak n 1929 down
to ts nadr n 1933.
(A) Durng the Great Depresson, ndustra output fe by neary fty percent from ts peak n 1929
down to ts nadr n 1933.
(B) Durng the Great Depresson, ndustra output fe by neary fty percent from ts peak n 1929 to
ts nadr n 1933.
(C) At the tme of the Great Depresson, ndustra output fe by amost fty percent from ts 1929
peak down to ts 1933 nadr.
(D) At the tme of the Great Depresson, ndustra output fe from ts peak n 1929, by neary fty
percent, to t nadr n 1933.
(E) Durng the Great Depresson, ndustra output fe from ts peak n 1929 to ts nadr n 1933 by
neary fty percent.
267. Durng the nneteenth century Emy Eden and Fanny Parks |ourneyed throughout Inda, sketchng and
keepng |ournas formng the bass of news reports about the prncey states where they had vsted.
(A) formng the bass of news reports about the prncey states where they had
(B) that were formng the bass of news reports about the prncey states
(C) to form the bass of news reports about the prncey states whch they have
(D) whch had formed the bass of news reports about the prncey states where they had
(E) that formed the bass of news reports about the prncey states they
268. Durng the recesson of 1973, home mortgage forecosures resuted n tens of thousands of Amercans
beng evcted from homes that they can no onger ahord monthy payments.
(A) that they can
(B) that they coud
(C) on whch they can
(D) because they can
(E) for whch they coud
269. Durng the Renassance, schoars were uncertan as to the ocaton of Troy, and by the eghteenth
century many hstorans doubted that Troy had ever exsted.
(A) doubted that Troy had ever exsted
(B) doubt that Troy has ever exsted
(C) were n doubt as to the exstence of Troy
(D) were doubtfu concernng Troys exstence
(E) had doubts about Troys ever exstng
270. Each of Hemngways wves-Hadey Rchardson, Paune Pfeher, Martha Gehorn, and Mary Wesh-
were strong and nterestng women, very dherent from the often pad women who popuate hs
(A) Each of Hemngways wves-Hadey Rchardson, Paune Pfeher, Martha Gehorn, and Mary
Wesh-were strong and nterestng women,
(B) Hadey Rchardson, Paune Pfeher, Martha Gehorn, and Mary Wesh-each of them Hemngways
wves-were strong and nterestng women,
(C) Hemngways wves-Hadey Rchardson, Paune Pfeher, Martha Gehorn, and Mary Wesh-were
a strong and nterestng women,
(D) Strong and nterestng women-Hadey Rchardson, Paune Pfeher, Martha Gehorn, and Mary
Wesh-each a wfe of Hemngway, was
(E) Strong and nterestng women-Hadey Rchardson, Paune Pfeher, Martha Gehorn, and Mary
Wesh-every one of Hemngways wves were
271. Eaten n the Medterranean countres, northern Europeans vewed the tomato wth suspcon, for they
assumed t had posonous propertes because of ts reatonshp to deady nghtshade.
(A) northern Europeans vewed the tomato wth suspcon, for they
(B) northern Europeans were suspcous of the tomato, and they
(C) the tomato was vewed wth suspcon by northern Europeans, who
(D) the tomato was suspcous to northern Europeans, and t was
(E) the tomato was vewed wth suspcon by northern Europeans, t beng
272. Eatng satwater sh may sgncanty reduce the rsk of heart attacks and aso ad for suherers of
rheumatod arthrts and asthma, accordng to three research studes pubshed n the "e# *n&l'nd
+ourn'l of ,ed!c!ne.
(A) sgncanty reduce the rsk of heart attacks and aso ad for
(B) be sgncant n reducng the rsk of heart attacks and ad for
(C) sgncanty reduce the rsk of heart attacks and ad
(D) cause a sgncant reducton n the rsk of heart attacks and ad to
(E) sgncanty reduce the rsk of heart attacks as we as adng
273. Ehorts to equaze the funds avaabe to schoo dstrcts, a ma|or goa of educaton reformers and
many states n the 1970s, has not sgncanty reduced the gaps exstng between the rchest and
poorest dstrcts.
(A) has not sgncanty reduced the gaps exstng
(B) has not been sgncant n reducng the gap that exsts
(C) has not made a sgncant reducton n the gap that exsts
(D) have not sgncanty reduced the gap that exsts
(E) have not been sgncant n a reducton of the gaps exstng
274. Egyptans are credted as havng poneered embamng methods as ong ago as 2650 B.C.
(A) as havng
(B) wth havng
(C) to have
(D) as the ones who
(E) for beng the ones who
275. E Nno, the perodc abnorma warmng of the sea surface oh Peru, a phenomenon n whch changes
n the ocean and atmosphere combne aowng the warm water that has accumuated n the western
Pacc to ow back to the east.
(A) a phenomenon n whch changes n the ocean and atmosphere combne aowng the warm water
that has accumuated
(B) a phenomenon where changes n the ocean and atmosphere are combnng to aow the warm
water that s accumuatng
(C) a phenomenon n whch ocean and atmosphere changes combne and whch aows the warm
water that s accumuated
(D) s a phenomenon n whch changes n the ocean and atmosphere combne to aow the warm
water that has accumuated
(E) s a phenomenon where ocean and atmosphere changes are combnng and aow the warm water
276. *r's%us ,ont'nus, a seventeenth-century farce wrtten by Ludwg Hoberg, both predates and
resembes Moeres T'rtu-e and s therefore thought to be one of Moeres sources.
(A) both predates and resembes
(B) t both predates and resembes
(C) both predated and resembes
(D) has both predated and resembed
(E) because t both predated and resembed
277. Europes trave ndustry s suherng as a resut of a suggsh economy, a stretch of bad weather, as
we as the chng ehects of terrorst actvty that s persstent.
(A) as we as the chng ehects of terrorst actvty that s persstent
(B) and the chng ehect of terrorst actvty that s persstent
(C) but persstent terrorst actvty has had a chng ehect too
(D) and the chng ehects of persstent terrorst actvty
(E) as we as the chng ehects of terrorst actvty that perssts
278. Europeans have ong known that eatng qua sometmes makes the eater , but ony recenty has t
been estabshed that the ness s caused by a toxn present n the quas body ony under certan
(A) Europeans have ong known that eatng qua sometmes makes
(B) Europeans have ong known qua eatng s sometmes abe to make
(C) Eatng qua has ong been known to Europeans to sometmes make
(D) It has ong been known to Europeans that qua eatng w sometmes make
(E) It has ong been known to Europeans that qua, when t s eaten, has sometmes made
279. Even as they never forgave the Crusaders who overran ther homeand, the Syrans have never
absoved the French for takng terrtory from them.
(A) Even as they never forgave
(B) Whe they never forgave
(C) |ust ke they never forgave
(D) Smary to not forgvng
(E) In spte of ther never forgvng
280. Even astronomers were amazed at the success of the Neptune yby, whch produced a photograph of
a prevousy undetected moon; ths s key to resut n ncreased governmenta support for the
htherto negected U.S. space program.
(A) ths s key to resut n
(B) that w cause
(C) and whch s key to resut n
(D) ths success s key to resut n
(E) t s key to resut wth
281. Even ther most ardent champons concede that no ess than a technca or scentc breakthrough s
necessary before soar ces can meet the goa of provdng one percent of the natons energy needs.
(A) that no ess than a technca or scentc breakthrough s necessary
(B) that nothng other than a technca or scentc breakthrough s needed
(C) that a technca or scentc breakthrough s necessary
(D) the necessty for an occurrence of a technca or scentc breakthrough
(E) the necessty for a technca or scentc breakthrough occurrng
282. Even though Ba Bartks musc has proved ess popuar than Igor Stravnskys and ess nuenta
than Arnod Schonbergs, t s no ess mportant.
(A) Stravnskys and ess nuenta than Arnod Schonbergs, t
(B) Stravnskys and ess nuenta than Arnod Schonbergs, he
(C) Stravnskys s and ess nuenta than Arnod Schonbergs s, t
(D) Stravnsky and not as nuenta as Arnod Schonberg, he
(E) Stravnsky and not as nuenta as Arnod Schonberg, t
283. Even though ts per capta food suppy hardy ncreased durng two decades, strngent ratonng and
panned dstrbuton have aowed the Peopes Repubc of Chna to ensure nutrtona eves of 2,000
caores per person per day for ts popuaton.
(A) Even though ts per capta food suppy hardy ncreased durng
(B) Even though ts per capta food suppy has hardy ncreased n
(C) Despte ts per capta food suppy hardy ncreasng over
(D) Despte there beng hardy any ncrease n ts per capta food suppy durng
(E) Athough there s hardy any ncrease n per capta food suppy for
284. Even though the drect costs of mapractce dsputes amounts to a sum ower than one percent of the
$541 bon the naton spent on heath care ast year, doctors say fear of awsuts pays ma|or roe n
heath-care naton.
(A) amounts to a sum ower
(B) amounts to ess
(C) amounted to ess
(D) amounted to ower
(E) amounted to a ower sum
285. Even though the state has spent ten years and seven mon doars pannng a reservor aong the
Ub Rver, the pro|ect w have to be abandoned as a resut of the rver becomng so heavy pouted.
(A) w have to be abandoned as a resut of the rver becomng so heavy pouted
(B) s to be abandoned on account of the heavy pouton whch the rver receved
(C) had to be abandoned because the rver had receved such heavy pouton
(D) has to be abandoned because of the rver and ts heavy pouton
(E) must be abandoned because the rver has become so heavy pouted
286. Even today, a century after Pasteur deveoped the rst vaccne, rabes amost aways ks ts vctms
uness nocuated n the earest stages of the dsease.
(A) ts vctms uness nocuated
(B) ts vctms uness they are nocuated
(C) ts vctms uness nocuaton s done
(D) the vctms uness there s an nocuaton
(E) the vctms uness nocuated
287. Everyone partcpatng n the eary socoogca study commtted a cruca methodoogca error by
fang to fuy consder aternatve ways of cassfyng ther data.
(A) by fang to fuy consder aternatve ways of cassfyng ther
(B) by fang fuy to consder aternatve ways of cassfyng ther
(C) they faed to consder aternatve ways to cassfy ther
(D) by not fuy consderng aternatve ways to cassfy the
(E) by not consderng fuy aternatve ways of cassfyng hs or her
288. Except for a concert performance that the composer hmsef staged n 1911, Scott |opns ragtme
opera Tree%on!sh' was not produced unt 1972, sxty-one years after ts competon.
(A) Except for a concert performance that the composer hmsef staged
(B) Except for a concert performance wth the composer hmsef stagng t
(C) Besdes a concert performance beng staged by the composer hmsef
(D) Exceptng a concert performance that the composer hmsef staged
(E) Wth the excepton of a concert performance wth the stagng done by the composer hmsef
289. Executves and federa omcas say that the use of crack and cocane s growng rapdy among
workers, sgncanty compoundng the ehects of drug and acoho abuse, whch aready are a cost to
busness of more than $100 bon a year.
(A) sgncanty compoundng the ehects of drug and acoho abuse, whch aready are a cost to
busness of
(B) sgncanty compoundng the ehects of drug and acoho abuse, whch aready cost busness
(C) sgncanty compoundng the ehects of drug and acoho abuse, aready wth busness costs of
(D) sgncant n compoundng the ehects of drug and acoho abuse, and aready costng busness
(E) sgncant n compoundng the ehects of drug and acoho abuse, and aready costs busness
290. Faced wth an estmated $2 bon budget gap, the ctys mayor proposed a neary 17 percent
reducton n the amount aocated the prevous year to mantan the ctys ma|or cutura nsttutons
and to subsdze hundreds of oca arts groups.
(A) proposed a neary 17 percent reducton n the amount aocated the prevous year to mantan the
ctys ma|or cutura nsttutons and to subsdze
(B) proposed a reducton from the prevous year of neary 17 percent n the amount t was aocatng
to mantan the ctys ma|or cutura nsttutons and for subsdzng
(C) proposed to reduce, by neary 17 percent, the amount from the prevous year that was aocated
for the mantenance of the ctys ma|or cutura nsttutons and to subsdze
(D) has proposed a reducton from the prevous year of neary 17 percent of the amount t was
aocatng for mantanng the ctys ma|or cutura nsttutons, and to subsdze
(E) was proposng that the amount they were aocatng be reduced by neary 17 percent from the
prevous year for mantanng the ctys ma|or cutura nsttutons and for the subsdzaton
291. Factory outet stores, operated by manufacturers, are usuay ocated mes from downtown and
regona shoppng centers so as not drecty to be compettve aganst department stores n the same
tradng area.
(A) so as not drecty to be compettve aganst
(B) n order for them not to have drect competton wth
(C) so that they do not compete drecty wth
(D) n order that they are not drecty compettve aganst
(E) for the purpose of not competng drecty wth
292. Federa authortes nvoved n the nvestgaton have found the oca wtnesses are dmcut to ocate,
retcent, and are suspcous of strangers.
(A) the oca wtnesses are dmcut to ocate, retcent, and are
(B) oca wtnesses to be dmcut to ocate, retcent, and are
(C) that oca wtnesses are dmcut to ocate, retcent, and
(D) oca wtnesses are dmcut to ocate and retcent, and they are
(E) that oca wtnesses are dmcut to ocate and retcent, and they are
293. Federa ncentves now encourage nvestng capta n commerca omce budngs despte vacancy
rates n exstng structures that are exceptonay hgh and no demand for new constructon.
(A) nvestng capta n commerca omce budngs despte vacancy rates n exstng structures that
are exceptonay hgh and
(B) capta nvestment n commerca omce budngs, even though vacancy rates n exstng
structures are exceptonay hgh and there s
(C) capta to be nvested n commerca omce budngs even though there are exceptonay hgh
vacancy rates n exstng structures wth
(D) nvestng capta n commerca omce budngs even though the vacancy rates are exceptonay
hgh n exstng structures wth
(E) capta nvestment n commerca omce budngs despte vacancy rates n exstng structures that
are exceptonay hgh, and athough there s
294. Federa egsaton estabshng a fund for the ceanup of stes damaged by toxc chemcas permts
compensatng state governments for damage to ther natura resources but does not aow cams for
n|ury to peope.
(A) compensatng state governments for damage to
(B) compensatng state governments for the damagng of
(C) gvng state governments compensaton for damagng
(D) gvng compensaton to state governments for the damage of
(E) the gvng of compensaton to state governments for damagng
295. Federay mposed restrctons on how much they may pay sma savers has made dmcutes for
savngs banks as they are competng wth such unreguated nvestment vehces as money market
(A) has made dmcutes for savngs banks as they are competng wth such
(B) has made dmcutes for savngs banks competng wth such
(C) have made dmcutes for savngs banks as they are competng wth
(D) have made t dmcut for savngs banks to compete wth such
(E) have made t dmcut for savngs banks as they are competng wth such
296. Few peope reaze that the chance of accdenta n|ury or death may be as great or greater n the
safety of ther own homes than n a pane or on the road.
(A) may be as great or greater n the safety of ther own homes than
(B) s at east as great or greater n the safety of ther own homes than
(C) mght be so great or greater n the safety of ther own home as
(D) may be at east as great n the safety of ther own homes as
(E) can be at east so great n the safety of ther own home as
297. Ffty-two percent of Unted States hgh schoo graduates go on to coege, compared wth Canadas
thrty-ve percent and Great Brtan, |apan, and West Germanys fteen percent.
(A) Ffty-two percent of Unted States hgh schoo graduates go on to coege, compared wth
Canadas thrty-ve percent and Great Brtan, |apan, and West Germanys fteen percent.
(B) Ffty-two percent of Unted States hgh schoo graduates go on to coege; n Canada t s thrty-
ve percent and n Great Brtan, |apan, and West Germany t s fteen percent.
(C) In the Unted States, Ffty-two percent of hgh schoo graduates go on to coege, compared wth
thrty-ve percent n Canada and fteen percent n Great Brtan, |apan, and West Germany.
(D) The percentage of hgh schoo graduates n the Unted States who go on to coege s fty-two,
compared wth Canadas thrty-ve percent, Great Brtans fteen, |apans fteen, and West
Germanys fteen.
(E) The percentage of Unted States hgh schoo graduates gong on to coege s fty-two that n
Canada s thrty-ve, and that n Great Brtan, |apan, and West Germany s fteen.
298. Fve edgng sea eages eft ther nests n western Scotand ths summer, brngng to 34 the number
of wd brds successfuy rased snce transpants from Norway began n 1975.
(A) brngng
(B) and brngs
(C) and t brngs
(D) and t brought
(E) and brought
299. Forda w gan another quarter-mon |obs ths year aone, many of them n hgh-payng eds ke
eectroncs and bankng, makng the states economy far more dversed than ten years ago.
(A) hgh-payng eds ke eectroncs and bankng, makng the states economy far more dversed
(B) hgh-payng eds ke eectroncs and bankng, and makng the states economy far more
dversed than ts economy
(C) hgh-payng eds such as eectroncs and bankng, to make the states economy far more
dversed than
(D) such hgh-payng eds as eectroncs and bankng, makng the states economy far more
dversed than t was
(E) such hgh-payng eds as eectroncs and bankng, and make the states economy far more
dversed than t was
300. Foowng the destructon of the space shutte Chaenger, nvestgators concuded that many key
peope empoyed by the Natona Aeronautcs and Space Admnstraton and ts contractors work an
excessve amount of overtme that has the potenta of causng errors n |udgment.
(A) overtme that has the potenta of causng
(B) overtme that has the potenta to cause
(C) overtme that potentay can cause
(D) overtme, a practce that has the potenta for causng
(E) overtme, a practce that can, potentay, cause
301. Foowng the nutrton boards advce on sat consumpton woud mean a vrtua end of the use of sat
n cookng, an avodance of obvousy saty foods, and reducng the reance on processed foods that
contan sgncant amounts of often hdden sodum.
(A) reducng the reance on processed foods that contan sgncant amounts of often hdden sodum
(B) reducng the reance on processed foods contanng often hdden but sgncant amounts of
(C) a reducton of the reance on processed foods, contanng as they do often hdden sodum n
sgncant amounts
(D) a reduced reance on the sgncant amounts of hdden sodum often contaned n processed
(E) a reduced reance on processed foods that contan sgncant but often hdden amounts of
302. For a hs professed dsdan of such actvtes, Auden was an nveterate terary gossp.
(A) For a hs professed dsdan of such actvtes
(B) Havng aways professed dsdan for such actvtes
(C) A such actvtes were, he professed, dsdaned, and
(D) Professng that a such actvtes were dsdaned
(E) In spte of professons of dsdanng a such actvtes
303. For amost a hundred years after havng ts begnnng n 1788, Engand exed some 160,000
crmnas to Austraa.
(A) For amost a hundred years after havng ts begnnng n 1788
(B) Begnnng n 1788 for a perod of a hundred years
(C) Begnnng a perod of amost a hundred years, n 1788
(D) Durng a hundred years, a perod begnnng n 1788
(E) Over a perod of a hundred years begnnng n 1788
304. For many peope, househod abor remans demandng even f abe to ahord househod appances
ther grandparents woud nd a mrace.
(A) even f abe to ahord househod appances ther grandparents woud nd a mrace
(B) despte beng abe to ahord househod appances ther grandparents woud nd a mrace
(C) even f they can ahord househod appances ther grandparents woud have found mracuous
(D) athough they coud ahord househod appances ther grandparents woud nd mracuous
(E) even f they are abe to ahord househod appances whch woud have been a mrace to ther
305. For many traveers, charter vacatons often turn out to cost consderaby more than they orgnay
(A) they orgnay seemed
(B) they orgnay seem to
(C) they seemngy woud cost orgnay
(D) t seemed orgnay
(E) t orgnay seemed they woud
306. For members of the seventeenth-century Ashant naton n Afrca, anma-hde sheds wth wooden
frames were essenta tems of mtary equpment, a method to protect warrors aganst enemy
arrows and spears.
(A) a method to protect
(B) as a method protectng
(C) protectng
(D) as a protecton of
(E) to protect
307. For most consumers, the prce of automobe nsurance contnues to rse annuay, even f free of
damage cams and movng voatons.
(A) even f
(B) despte beng
(C) even f they are
(D) athough they may be
(E) even f remanng
308. For protecton from the summer sun, the Mo|ave ved n open-sded, at-topped dwengs known as
shades, each a roof of poes and arrowweed supported by posts set n a rectange.
(A) each a roof of poes and arrowweed
(B) each a roof of poes and arrowweed that are beng
(C) wth each beng a roof of poes and arrowweed
(D) wth roofs of poes and arrowweed to be
(E) wth roofs of poes and arrowweed that are
309. For some brds the sense of sme appears to pay a roe n navgaton, snce pgeons wth surgcay
removed ofactory nerves were found to have ncreased dmcutes n homng.
(A) were found to have ncreased dmcutes
(B) have been found to have ncreased dmcuty
(C) were found to have ncreasng dmcuty
(D) had been found to have ncreased dmcutes
(E) have been found to have ncreasng dmcutes
310. For some reason the new consutant treats hs cents ke dots, takng to them ke they were
mentay decent and ncapabe of understandng more than the smpest deas.
(A) ke dots, takng to them ke they
(B) as f they were dots, takng to them ke they
(C) ke dots, takng to them as f they
(D) as dots, takng to them ke they
(E) ke dots who
311. Foregn nvestors, because of ther growng condence n ther capabty for makng protabe
nvestments n the Unted States, have been ed to move from passve nvovement n commerca
rea estate partnershps to actve deveopment of ther own ncreasngy ambtous pro|ects.
(A) Foregn nvestors, because of ther growng condence n ther capabty for makng protabe
nvestments n the Unted States, have been ed
(B) Foregn nvestors, growng condent about ther capabty for makng protabe nvestments n
the Unted States, has ed them
(C) Growng condence n ther abty to make protabe nvestments n the Unted States has ed
foregn nvestors
(D) Growng condence n ther abty for makng protabe nvestments n the Unted States have
ed foregn nvestors
(E) Growng condent about ther capabtes for makng protabe nvestments n the Unted States,
foregn nvestors have been ed
312. Formuas for cash ow and the rato of debt to equty do not appy to new sma busnesses n the
same way as they do to estabshed bg busnesses, because they are growng and are sedom n
(A) Formuas for cash ow and the rato of debt to equty do not appy to new sma busnesses n the
same way as they do to estabshed bg busnesses, because they are growng and are sedom n
(B) Because they are growng and are sedom n equbrum, formuas for cash ow and the rato of
debt to equty do not appy to new sma busnesses n the same way as they do to estabshed
bg busnesses.
(C) Because they are growng and are sedom n equbrum, new sma busnesses are not sub|ect to
the same appcabty of formuas for cash ow and the rato of debt to equty as estabshed bg
(D) Because new sma busnesses are growng and are sedom n equbrum, formuas for cash ow
and the rato of debt to equty do not appy to them n the same way as to estabshed bg
(E) New sma busnesses are not sub|ect to the appcabty of formuas for cash ow and the rato of
debt to equty n the same way as estabshed bg busnesses, because they are growng and are
sedom n equbrum.
313. Found throughout Centra and South Amerca, soths hang from trees by ong rubbery mbs and seep
fteen hours a day, movng nfrequenty enough that two speces of agae grow on ts coat and
between ts toes.
(A) soths hang from trees by ong rubbery mbs and seep fteen hours a day, movng nfrequenty
(B) soths hang from trees by ong rubbery mbs, they seep fteen hours a day, and wth such
nfrequent movements
(C) soths use ther ong rubbery mbs to hang from trees, seep fteen hours a day, and move so
(D) the soth hangs from trees by ts ong rubbery mbs, seepng fteen hours a day and movng so
(E) the soth hangs from trees by ts ong rubbery mbs, seeps fteen hours a day, and t moves
nfrequenty enough
314. Founded n 1983, the magazne ncreased ts crcuaton more than doube snce then, and ts
(A) ncreased ts crcuaton more than doube snce then,
(B) has snce ncreased ts crcuaton more than doube,
(C) has snce more than doubed ts crcuaton
(D) snce then more than doubed ts crcuaton
(E) more than doubed ts crcuaton snce then
315. Framed by tratorous coeagues, Afred Dreyfus was mprsoned for tweve years before there was
exoneraton and hs freedom.
(A) there was exoneraton and hs freedom
(B) he was to be exonerated wth freedom
(C) beng exonerated and freed
(D) exoneraton and hs freedom
(E) beng freed, havng been exonerated
316. Frances Wrghts book on Amerca contrasted the repubcansm of the Unted States wth what she
saw as the arstocratc and corrupt nsttutons of Engand.
(A) wth what she saw as
(B) wth that whch she saw to be
(C) to that she saw beng
(D) and that whch she saw as
(E) and what she saw to be
317. Freedmans survey showed that peope vng n sma towns and rura areas consder themseves no
happer than do peope vng n bg ctes.
(A) no happer than do peope vng
(B) not any happer than do peope vng
(C) not any happer than do peope who ve
(D) no happer than are peope who are vng
(E) not as happy as are peope who ve
318. From 1965 on, Yugosavas standard of vng has soared, but unempoyment and prces too.
(A) but unempoyment and prces too
(B) and aso unempoyment and prces
(C) but so have unempoyment and prces
(D) and so aso unempoyment and prces
(E) but so dd unempoyment and prces
319. From 1982 to 1987 saes of new sma boats ncreased between ve and ten percent annuay.
(A) From 1982 to 1987 saes of new sma boats ncreased between ve and ten percent annuay.
(B) Fve to ten percent s the annua ncrease n saes of new sma boats n the years 1982 to 1987.
(C) Saes of new sma boats have ncreased annuay ve and ten percent n the years 1982 to 1987.
(D) Annuay an ncrease of ve to ten percent has occurred between 1982 and 1987 n the saes of
new sma boats.
(E) Occurrng from 1982 to 1987 was an annua ncrease of ve and ten percent n the saes of new
sma boats.
320. From the bark of the paper brch tree the Menomn crafted a canoe about twenty feet ong and two
feet wde, wth sma rbs and ras of cedar, whch coud carry four persons or eght hundred pounds
of baggage so ght that a person coud easy portage t around mpedng rapds.
(A) baggage so ght
(B) baggage beng so ght
(C) baggage, yet beng so ght
(D) baggage, and so ght
(E) baggage yet was so ght
321. From the earest days of the trbe, knshp determned the way n whch the O|bwa socety organzed
ts abor, provded access to ts resources, and dened rghts and obgatons nvoved n the
dstrbuton and consumpton of those resources.
(A) and dened rghts and obgatons nvoved n the dstrbuton and consumpton of those
(B) denng rghts and obgatons nvoved n ther dstrbuton and consumpton
(C) and dened rghts and obgatons as they were nvoved n ts dstrbuton and consumpton
(D) whose rghts and obgatons were dened n ther dstrbuton and consumpton
(E) the dstrbuton and consumpton of them dened by rghts and obgatons
322. From the tme of ts defeat by the Germans n 1940 unt ts beraton n 1944, France was a btter and
dvded country; a knd of cv war raged n the Vchy government between those who wanted to
coaborate wth the Nazs wth those who opposed them.
(A) between those who wanted to coaborate wth the Nazs wth those who opposed
(B) between those who wanted to coaborate wth the Nazs and those who opposed
(C) between those wantng to coaborate wth the Nazs wth those opposng
(D) among those who wanted to coaborate wth the Nazs and those who opposed
(E) among those wantng to coaborate wth the Nazs wth those opposng
323. Gaeo was convnced that natura phenomena, as manfestatons of the aws of physcs, woud
appear the same to someone on the deck of a shp movng smoothy and unformy through the water
as a person standng on and.
(A) water as a
(B) water as to a
(C) water; |ust as t woud to
(D) water, as t woud to the
(E) water; |ust as to the
324. Gas hypothess of there beng dherent menta functons ocazed n dherent parts of the bran s
wdey accepted today.
(A) of there beng dherent menta functons ocazed n dherent parts of the bran s wdey
accepted today
(B) of dherent menta functons that are ocazed n dherent parts of the bran s wdey accepted
(C) that dherent menta functons are ocazed n dherent parts of the bran s wdey accepted
(D) whch s that there are dherent menta functons ocazed n dherent parts of the bran s wdey
accepted today
(E) whch s wdey accepted today s that there are dherent menta functons ocazed n dherent
parts of the bran
325. Geoogsts beeve that the Berng and brdge, over whch human bengs are thought to have rst
entered the Amercans, dsappeared about 14,000 years ago when massve gacers meted and
caused the sea eve to rse severa hundred feet wordwde.
(A) are thought to have rst entered
(B) were thought rst to enter
(C) were thought at rst to enter
(D) are thought of as rst enterng
(E) were thought to rst enter
326. Geoogsts beeve that the warnng sgns for a ma|or earthquake may ncude sudden uctuatons n
oca sesmc actvty, ttng and other deformatons of the Earths crust, changng the measured stan
across a faut zone, and varyng the eectrca propertes of underground rocks.
(A) changng the measured stran across a faut zone, and varyng
(B) changng measurements of the stran across a faut zone, and varyng
(C) changng the stran as measured across a faut zone, and varatons of
(D) changes n the measured stran across a faut zone, and varatons n
(E) changes n measurements of the stran across a faut zone, and varatons among
327. George Sand (Aurore Luce Dupn) was one of the rst European wrters to consder the rura poor to
be egtmate sub|ects for terature and portray these wth sympathy and respect n her noves.
(A) to be egtmate sub|ects for terature and portray these
(B) shoud be egtmate sub|ects for terature and portray these
(C) as beng egtmate sub|ects for terature and portrayng them
(D) as f they were egtmate sub|ects for terature and portray them
(E) egtmate sub|ects for terature and to portray them
328. Green anoe zards, famar to schoochdren as chameeons, have recenty become famar to
boogsts as an exceent anma for aboratory studes of the nteracton between stmu wth
(A) an exceent anma for aboratory studes of the nteracton between stmu wth
(B) an exceent anma for aboratory studes of nteracton of stmu and
(C) beng exceent anmas for aboratory studes of the nteracton between stmu wth
(D) exceent anmas for aboratory studes of the nteracton between stmu wth
(E) exceent anmas for aboratory studes of the nteracton of stmu and
329. Growng compettve pressures may be encouragng audtors to bend the rues n favor of cents;
audtors may, for nstance, aow a questonabe oan to reman on the books n order to mantan a
banks prots on paper.
(A) cents; audtors may, for nstance, aow
(B) cents, as an nstance, to aow
(C) cents, ke to aow
(D) cents, such as to be aowng
(E) cents; whch mght, as an nstance, be the aowng of
330. Havng the rght hand and arm beng crpped by a snpers buet durng the Frst Word War, Horace
Pppn, a Back Amercan panter, worked by hodng the brush n hs rght hand and gudng ts
movements wth hs eft.
(A) Havng the rght hand and arm beng crpped by a snpers buet durng the Frst Word War
(B) In spte of hs rght hand and arm beng crpped by a snpers buet durng the Frst Word War
(C) Because there had been a snpers buet durng the Frst Word War that crpped hs rght hand
and arm
(D) The rght hand and arm beng crpped by a snpers buet durng the Frst Word War
(E) Hs rght hand and arm crpped by a snpers buet durng the Frst Word War
331. Heath omcas estmate that 35 mon Afrcans are n danger of contractng trypanosomass, or
Afrcan seepng sckness, a parastc dsease spread by the btes of tsetse es.
(A) are n danger of contractng
(B) are n danger to contract
(C) have a danger of contractng
(D) are endangered by contracton
(E) have a danger that they w contract
332. Hs studes of ce-poshed rocks n hs Apne homeand, far outsde the range of present-day gacers,
ed Lous Agassz n 1837 to propose the concept of an age n whch great ce sheets had exsted n
now currenty temperate areas.
(A) n whch great ce sheets had exsted n now currenty temperate areas
(B) n whch great ce sheets exsted n what are now temperate areas
(C) when great ce sheets exsted where there were areas now temperate
(D) when great ce sheets had exsted n current temperate areas
(E) when great ce sheets exsted n areas now that are temperate
333. Housees that hatch n summer ve ony about three weeks, but those that emerge n the cooer
days of fa often ve onger than sx months.
(A) weeks, but those that emerge n the cooer days of fa often ve
(B) weeks, but those that emerge n the cooer days of fa often ve as ong or
(C) weeks, whch s dherent from those that emerge n the cooer days of fa and often ve
(D) weeks; then those that emerge n the cooer days of fa often ve as ong as or
(E) weeks; ths s dherent from those that emerge n the cooer days of fa, who often ve
334. However much Unted States voters may agree that there s waste n government and that the
government as a whoe spends beyond ts means, t s dmcut to nd broad support for a movement
toward a mnma state.
(A) However much Unted States voters may agree that
(B) Despte the agreement among Unted States voters to the fact
(C) Athough Unted States voters agree
(D) Even though Unted States voters may agree
(E) There s agreement among Unted States voters that
335. Humans have been damagng the envronment for centures by overcuttng trees and farmng too
ntensvey, and though some protectve measures, ke the estabshment of natona forests and
wdfe sanctuares, havng been taken decades ago, great ncreases n popuaton and n the
ntensty of ndustrazaton are causng a wordwde ecoogca crss.
(A) though some protectve measures, ke the estabshment of natona forests and wdfe
sanctuares, havng been taken decades ago, great ncreases n popuaton
(B) though some protectve measures, such as the estabshment of natona forests and wdfe
sanctuares, were taken decades ago, great ncreases n popuaton
(C) though some protectve measures, such as estabshng natona forests and wdfe sanctuares,
havng been taken decades ago, great popuaton ncreases
(D) wth some protectve measures, ke estabshng natona forests and wdfe sanctuares that
were taken decades ago, great ncreases n popuaton
(E) wth some protectve measures, such as the estabshment of natona forests and wdfe
sanctuares, havng been taken decades ago, great popuaton ncreases
336. Ideay, the professona career dpomat shoud hep n the ongong mantenance of an ehectve
Amercan foregn pocy despte changes n admnstraton.
(A) n the ongong mantenance of
(B) n the mantanng of
(C) mantan
(D) to mantan and contnue
(E) the mantenance of
337. Idogossa s a phenomenon, ncompetey understood at best, where two persons deveop a unque
and prvate anguage wth hghy orgna vocabuary and syntax.
(A) where two persons deveop a unque and prvate anguage wth
(B) when two persons deveop a unque and prvate anguage havng
(C) n whch two persons have unque and prvate anguage deveopment wth
(D) havng two persons who deveop a unque and prvate anguage that has
(E) n whch two persons deveop a unque and prvate anguage wth
338. If a snge stran of pant s used for a gven crop over a wde area, a practce fostered by modern
seed-marketng methods, t ncreases the kehood that the mpact of a snge crop dsease or pest
w be dsastrous.
(A) If a snge stran of pant s used for a gven crop over a wde area, a practce fostered by modern
seed-marketng methods, t
(B) If a snge stran of pant s used for a gven crop over a wde area, as s fostered by modern seed-
marketng methods, t
(C) A practce fostered by modern seed-marketng methods, a snge stran of pant used for a gven
crop over a wde area
(D) A snge stran of pant used for a gven crop over a wde area, a practce fostered by modern
seed-marketng methods,
(E) The use of snge stran of pant for a gven crop over a wde area, a practce fostered by modern
seed-marketng methods,
339. If addtona deposts of o are found, t w expand the amount that can be used as fue and reduce
the prce of o, even f the deposts are not mmedatey tapped.
(A) t w expand the amount that can be used as fue and reduce the prce of o
(B) the amount that s abe to be used as fue w expand and the prce of o be reduced
(C) t w cause an ncrease n the amount that s abe to be used as fue and a reducton n the prce
of o
(D) the amount that can be used as fue w ncrease and the prce of o w drop
(E) t w ncrease the amount of o that can be used as fue and cause a drop n the prce
340. If anyone at InterCom Fnanca Advsers woud have antcpated, or even suspected, the mpendng
sae of the Konko kep processng pant, they woud have advsed owners of Konko stock to unoad a
shares mmedatey.
(A) If anyone at InterCom Fnanca Advsers woud have antcpated
(B) Had anyone at InterCom Fnanca Advsers antcpated
(C) If any peope at InterCom Fnanca Advsers woud have antcpated
(D) If any peope at InterCom Fnanca Advsers had antcpated
(E) If anybody at InterCom Fnanca Advsers antcpated
341. If Dr. Wade was rght, any apparent connecton of the eatng of hghy processed foods and exceng
at sports s purey concdenta.
(A) If Dr. Wade was rght, any apparent connecton of the eatng of
(B) Shoud Dr. Wade be rght, any apparent connecton of eatng
(C) If Dr. Wade s rght, any connecton that s apparent between eatng of
(D) If Dr. Wade s rght, any apparent connecton between eatng
(E) Shoud Dr. Wade have been rght, any connecton apparent between eatng
342. If ndustra pouton contnues to depete the ozone ayer, the resutng ncrease n utravoet
radaton w endanger human heath, causng a rse n the ncdence of skn cancer and eye dsease,
and perhaps even threatenng goba ecoogca systems.
(A) and perhaps even threatenng
(B) and may even threaten
(C) and even a possbe threat to
(D) as we as possby threatenng
(E) as we as a possbe threat to
343. If the new arboat does what t s to be dong-trave at hgh speeds undeterred by sandbars,
crocode-nfested mudats, or marshy hppo haunts-t coud revoutonze transport on the 2,900-
me-ong Congo Rver.
(A) If the new arboat does what t s to be dong
(B) If the new arboat does what t s supposed to do
(C) If t does as the new arboat s supposed to do
(D) Dong what t s the new arboat s supposed to do
(E) Dong what the new arboat s to be dong
344. If the proposed expendtures for gatherng nformaton abroad are reduced even further, nternatona
news reports have been and w contnue to dmnsh n number and quaty.
(A) have been and w contnue to dmnsh
(B) have and w contnue to dmnsh
(C) w contnue to dmnsh, as they aready dd,
(D) w contnue to dmnsh, as they have aready,
(E) w contnue to dmnsh
345. If the reporter woud have known the andords sde of the story, she woud not have wrtten an
artce so favorabe to the 81-year-od tenant.
(A) woud have known the andords sde of the story, she woud not have wrtten
(B) woud of known the andords sde of the story, she woud not of wrtten
(C) had known the andords sde of the story, she woud not have wrtten
(D) had known the andords sde of the story, she woud not have wrote
(E) knew the andords sde of the story, she woud not have wrtten
346. Ignorng the admontons of hs stah, the chef nanca omcer accepted the advce of the consutng
company because he beeved that the standardzed accountng procedures woud prove not ony
nexpensve but reabe ndcators of economc performance.
(A) he beeved that the standardzed accountng procedures woud prove not ony nexpensve but
(B) the standardzed accountng procedures w prove both nexpensve and aso
(C) he beeved the standardzed accountng procedures woud prove themseves to be both
nexpensve and
(D) he beeved that the standardzed accountng procedures woud prove to be both nexpensve and
(E) standardzed accountng procedures w prove hs beef that they are both nexpensve and
347. Iguanas have been an mportant food source n Latn Amerca snce prehstorc tmes, and t s st
przed as a game anma by the campesnos, who typcay cook the meat n a heavy spced stew.
(A) t s st przed as a game anma
(B) t s st przed as game anmas
(C) they are st przed as game anmas
(D) they are st przed as beng a game anma
(E) beng st przed as a game anma
348. In 1527 Kng Henry VIII sought to have hs marrage to Oueen Catherne annued so as to marry Anne
(A) so as so marry
(B) and so coud be marred to
(C) to be marred to
(D) so that he coud marry
(E) n order that he woud marry
349. In 1791 Robert Carter III, one of the weathest pantaton owners n Vrgna, stunned hs famy,
frends, and neghbors by ng a deed of emancpaton, settng free the more than 500 saves who
were egay consdered hs property.
(A) settng free the more than 500 saves who were egay consdered
(B) settng free more than the 500 saves egay consdered as
(C) and set free more than 500 saves, who were egay consdered as
(D) and set free more than the 500 saves who were egay consdered
(E) and he set free the more than 500 saves who were egay consdered as
350. In 1922, when Truman was amost forty years od, he was vng n hs mother-n-aws house,
watchng the haberdashery store he opened three years earer go bankrupt, and he faced a future
wth no vsbe prospects.
(A) opened three years earer go bankrupt, and he faced
(B) opened three years earer go bankrupt and faced
(C) had opened three years earer go bankrupt, and he was facng
(D) had opened three years earer go bankrupt, and facng
(E) was openng three years earer gong bankrupt, and facng
351. In 1929 reatvey sma decnes n the market runed many specuators havng bought on margn;
they had to se, and ther seng pushed other nvestors to the brnk.
(A) specuators havng bought on margn; they had to se, and
(B) specuators who had bought on margn; havng had to se,
(C) specuators who had bought on margn; they had to se, and
(D) specuators, those who had bought on margn; these specuators had to se, and
(E) specuators, who, havng bought on margn and havng to se,
352. In 1933 the rubber, cothng, and shpbudng ndustres put nto ehect a sx-hour workday, beevng
t a seemng permanent accommodaton rather than a temporary expedent for what many observers
thought was an economy made overproductve by advances n technoogy.
(A) beevng t a seemng permanent accommodaton rather than a temporary expedent for what
many observers thought was
(B) beevng t a seemng permanent accommodaton nstead of a temporary expedent for what
many observers thought was
(C) beevng that t was not a temporary expedent but a seemng permanent accommodaton to
what many observers thought of as a
(D) not as a temporary expedent but as a seemngy permanent accommodaton to what many
observers thought was
(E) not as a temporary expedent but beevng t a seemngy permanent accommodaton for what
many observers thought
353. In 1973 mortgage payments represented twenty-one percent of an average thrty-year-od maes
ncome; and forty-four percent n 1984.
(A) ncome; and forty-four percent n 1984
(B) ncome; n 1984 the gure was forty-four percent
(C) ncome, and n 1984 forty-four percent
(D) ncome, forty-four percent n 1984 was the gure
(E) ncome that rose to forty-four percent n 1984
354. In 1978 a natona study found that not ony had many contractors censed by a sef-pocng prvate
gud faed to pass quafyng exams, they n addton fased ther references.
(A) they n addton fased ther references
(B) they had ther references fased n addton
(C) but they had aso fased ther references
(D) they had aso fased ther references
(E) but ther references were fased as we
355. In 1978 ony haf the women granted chd support by a court receved the amount awarded; at east
as much as a mon and more others had not any support agreements whatsoever.
(A) at east as much as a mon and more others had not any
(B) at east as much as more than a mon others had no
(C) more than a mon others had not any
(D) more than a mon others had no
(E) there was at east a mon or more others wthout any
356. In 1980 the Unted States exported twce as much of ts natona output of goods as they had n 1970.
(A) twce as much of ts natona output of goods as they had
(B) doube the amount of ther natona output of goods as they dd
(C) twce as much of ts natona output of goods as t dd
(D) doube the amount of ts natona output of goods as t has
(E) twce as much of ther natona output of goods as they had
357. In 1980, for the rst tme, the number of foregners tourng the Unted States were n excess of the
number of Amercans gong abroad.
(A) were n excess of the number of Amercans
(B) had an excess over the Amercans who were
(C) exceeded the Amercans who were
(D) numbered more than the Amercans
(E) exceeded the number of Amercans
358. In 1982 the medan ncome for marred-coupe fames wth a wage-earnng wfe was $9,000 more
than a famy where the husband ony was empoyed.
(A) a famy where the husband ony
(B) of a famy where ony the husband
(C) that for fames n whch ony the husband
(D) a famy n whch ony the husband
(E) those of fames n whch the husband ony
359. In 1990s, there are more babes born by women over thrty years od than under t.
(A) than under t
(B) than were they under t
(C) than had been under t
(D) than were the babes
(E) than those were under t
360. In a 5-to-4 decson, the Supreme Court rued that two upstate New York countes owed resttuton to
three trbes of Oneda Indans for the unawfu sezure of ther ancestra ands n the eghteenth
(A) that two upstate New York countes owed resttuton to three trbes of Oneda Indans for the
unawfu sezure of
(B) that two upstate New York countes owed resttuton to three trbes of Oneda Indans because of
ther unawfu sezure of
(C) two upstate New York countes to owe resttuton to three trbes of Oneda Indans for ther
unawfu sezure of
(D) on two upstate New York countes that owed resttuton to three trbes of Oneda Indans because
they unawfuy sezed
(E) on the resttuton that two upstate New York countes owed to three trbes of Oneda Indans for
the unawfu sezure of
361. In a perod of tme when women typcay have had a narrow range of choces, Mary Baker Eddy
became a dstngushed wrter and the founder, archtect, and buder of a growng church.
(A) In a perod of tme when women typcay have
(B) Durng a tme n whch typcay women have
(C) Typcay, durng a tme when women
(D) At a tme when women typcay
(E) Typcay n a tme n whch women
362. In a pan to stop the eroson of East Coast beaches, the Army Corps of Engneers proposed budng
parae to shore a breakwater of rocks that woud rse sx feet above the waterne and act as a
buher, so that t absorbs the energy of crashng waves and protectng the beaches.
(A) act as a buher, so that t absorbs
(B) act ke a buher so as to absorb
(C) act as a buher, absorbng
(D) actng as a buher, absorbng
(E) actng ke a buher, absorb
363. In a recent po, 86 percent of the pubc favored a Cean Ar Act as strong or stronger than the
present act.
(A) a Cean Ar Act as strong or stronger than
(B) a Cean Ar Act that s stronger, or at east so strong as,
(C) at east as strong a Cean Ar Act as s
(D) a Cean Ar Act as strong or stronger than s
(E) a Cean Ar Act at east as strong as
364. In A.D. 391, resutng from the destructon of the argest brary of the ancent word at Aexandra,
ater generatons ost a but the .l!'d and /dyssey among Greek epcs, most of the poetry of Pndar
and Sappho, and dozens of pays by Aeschyus and Eurpdes.
(A) resutng from the destructon of the argest brary of the ancent word at Aexandra,
(B) the destroyng of the argest brary of the ancent word at Aexandra resuted and
(C) because of the resut of the destructon of the brary at Aexandra, the argest of the ancent
(D) as a resut of the destructon of the brary at Aexandra, the argest of the ancent word,
(E) Aexandras argest brary of the ancent word was destroyed, and the resut was
365. In addton to havng more proten than wheat does, the proten n rce s hgher quaty than that n
wheat, wth more of the amno acds essenta to the human det.
(A) the proten n rce s hgher quaty than that n
(B) rce has proten of hgher quaty than that n
(C) the proten n rce s hgher n quaty than t s n
(D) rce proten s hgher n quaty than t s n
(E) rce has a proten hgher n quaty than
366. In an ehort to reduce ther nventores, Itaan vntners have cut prces; ther wnes have been prced
to se, and they are.
(A) have been prced to se, and they are
(B) are prced to se, and they have
(C) are prced to se, and they do
(D) are beng prced to se, and have
(E) had been prced to se, and they have
367. In ancent tmes, Nuba was the prncpa corrdor where there were cutura nuences transmtted
between Back Afrca and the Medterranean basn.
(A) where there were cutura nuences transmtted
(B) through whch cutura nuences were transmtted
(C) where there was a transmsson of cutura nuences
(D) for the transmttng of cutura nuences
(E) whch was transmttng cutura nuences
368. In Arstophanes 0ys!str't' women are seen as the means of brngng peace and good sense to a war-
torn word.
(A) as
(B) as f they are
(C) that they w be
(D) that they are
(E) for beng
369. In assessng the probems faced by rura mgrant workers, the queston of whether they are better oh
materay than the urban workng poor s rreevant.
(A) In assessng the probems faced by rura mgrant workers, the queston of whether they are
better oh materay than the urban workng poor s rreevant.
(B) The queston of whether the rura mgrant worker s better oh materay than the urban workng
poor s rreevant n assessng the probems that they face.
(C) A queston that s rreevant n assessng the probems that rura mgrant workers face s whether
they are better oh materay than the urban workng poor.
(D) In an assessment of the probems faced by rura mgrant workers, the queston of whether they
are better oh materay than the urban workng poor s rreevant.
(E) The queston of whether the rura mgrant worker s better oh materay than the urban workng
poor s rreevant n an assessment of the probems that they face.
370. In astronomy the term red shft denotes the extent to whch ght from a dstant gaaxy has been
shfted toward the red, or ong-wave, end of the ght spectrum by the rapd moton of the gaaxy
away from the Earth.
(A) to whch ght from a dstant gaaxy has been shfted
(B) to whch ght from a dstant gaaxy has shfted
(C) that ght from a dstant gaaxy has been shfted
(D) of ght from a dstant gaaxy shftng
(E) of the shft of ght from a dstant gaaxy
371. In cod-water habtats, certan nvertebrates and sh convert starches nto compex carbohydrates
caed gyceros, n ehect manufacturng ts own antfreeze.
(A) n ehect manufacturng ts own antfreeze
(B) ehectvey manufacturng antfreeze of ts own
(C) n ehect manufacturng ther own antfreeze
(D) so that they manufacture ther own antfreeze
(E) thus the manufacture of ts own antfreeze
372. In contrast to arge stee pants that take ron ore through a the steps needed to produce severa
dherent knds of stee, processng stee scrap nto a specazed group of products has enabed sma
ms to put capta nto new technoogy and reman economcay vabe.
(A) processng stee scrap nto a specazed group of products has enabed sma ms to put capta
nto new technoogy and reman
(B) processng stee scrap nto a specazed group of products has enabed sma ms to put capta
nto new technoogy, remanng
(C) the processng of stee scrap nto a specazed group of products has enabed sma ms to put
capta nto new technoogy, remanng
(D) sma ms, by processng stee scrap nto a specazed group of products, have been abe to put
capta nto new technoogy and reman
(E) sma ms, by processng stee scrap nto a specazed group of products, have been abe to put
capta nto new technoogy and remaned
373. In contrast to true hbernators such as woodchucks and hedgehogs, whose body temperatures drop
cose to the freezng pont durng the wnter months, the body temperature of bears remans neary
norma throughout ther proonged seep.
(A) the body temperature of bears remans neary norma
(B) a neary norma body temperature s mantaned by bears
(C) a bears body temperature remans neary norma
(D) a bear mantans a body temperature that s neary norma
(E) bears mantan a neary norma body temperature
374. In December of 1987 an automobe manufacturer peaded no contest to crmna charges of
odometer tamperng and agreed to pay more than $16 mon n cv damages for cars that were
test-drven wth ther odometers dsconnected.
(A) cars that were test-drven wth ther odometers dsconnected
(B) cars that t had test-drven wth ther dsconnected odometers
(C) ts cars havng been test-drven wth dsconnected odometers
(D) havng test-drven cars wth ther odometers dsconnected
(E) havng cars that were test-drven wth dsconnected odometers
375. In deveopng new factes for the ncneraton of sod wastes, we must avod the danger of shftng
envronmenta probems from ands poutng the water to poutng the ar wth ncnerators.
(A) ands poutng the water to poutng the ar wth ncnerators
(B) ands poutng the water to the ar beng pouted wth ncnerators
(C) the pouton of water by ands to the pouton of ar by ncnerators
(D) pouton of the water by ands to ncnerators that poute the ar
(E) water that s pouted by ands to ncnerators that poute the ar
376. In Egypt n the ate Paeothc perod, the cmate changed, pastures became deserts, and the
nhabtants were forced to wthdraw to the and borderng the Ne from ther huntng grounds.
(A) nhabtants were forced to wthdraw to the and borderng the Ne from ther huntng grounds
(B) nhabtants had been forced to wthdraw from ther huntng grounds to the and that bordered the
(C) nhabtants were forced to wthdraw from ther huntng grounds to the and borderng the Ne
(D) nhabtants havng been forced to, wthdrew from ther huntng grounds to the and that bordered
the Ne
(E) nhabtants wthdrew, because they were forced to, from ther huntng grounds to the and
borderng the Ne
377. In Engand the we-dressed genteman of the eghteenth century protected ther cothng whe
havng ther wg powdered by pokng ther head through a devce that resembed the stocks.
(A) genteman of the eghteenth century protected ther cothng whe havng ther wg powdered by
pokng ther head
(B) genteman of the eghteenth century protected hs cothng whe havng hs wg powdered by
pokng hs head
(C) genteman of the eghteenth century protected ther cothng whe havng ther wgs powdered
by pokng ther heads
(D) gentemen of the eghteenth century protected hs cothng whe havng hs wg powdered by
pokng hs head
(E) gentemen of the eghteenth century protected ther cothng whe havng hs wg powdered by
pokng hs head
378. In feuda Europe, urban areas deveoped from custers of houses where peasants ved and commuted
to farmands n the countrysde, unke homesteadng poces n the Amercan West that requred
resdency on the and tsef n order to obtan eventua ownershp.
(A) In feuda Europe, urban areas deveoped from custers of houses where peasants ved and
commuted to farmands n the countrysde, unke homesteadng poces n the Amercan West
(B) In feuda Europe, urban areas deveoped from custers of houses where peasants ved and from
whch they commuted to farmands n the countrysde, but n the Amercan West homesteadng
(C) Unke feuda Europe where urban areas deveoped from custers of houses where peasants ved
and commuted to farmands n the countrysde, the Amercan Wests homesteadng poces
(D) Unke feuda Europe where urban areas deveoped from custers of houses where peasants ved
and commuted to farmands n the countrysde, the homesteadng poces of the Amercan West
(E) Urban areas deveoped from custers of houses where peasants ved from whch they commuted
to farmands n the countrysde n feuda Europe, unke the Amercan West where homesteadng
379. In good years, the patchwork of green eds that surround the San |oaqun Vaey town bustes wth
farm workers, many of them n the area |ust for the season.
(A) surround the San |oaqun Vaey town bustes wth farm workers, many of them
(B) surrounds the San |oaqun Vaey town bustes wth farm workers, many of whom are
(C) surround the San |oaqun Vaey town bustes wth farm workers, many of who are
(D) surround the San |oaqun Vaey town buste wth farm workers, many of whch
(E) surrounds the San |oaqun Vaey town bustes wth farm workers, many are
380. In her recenty pubshed study, Rubn asserts that most women do not suher from the empty nest
syndrome; they are, n fact, reeved when ther chdren depart.
(A) they are, n fact, reeved when ther chdren depart
(B) and they are, n fact, reeved when ther chdren departed
(C) they are, n fact, reeved when ther chdren departed
(D) n fact, they are reeved when ther chdren departed
(E) they are reeved at the departure of the chdren, n fact
381. In hs eagerness to nd a cty worthy of Pram, the German archaeoogst Schemann cut through Troy
and uncovered a cvzaton a thousand years oder as was the cty Homers heroes knew.
(A) oder as was the cty Homers heroes knew
(B) more ancent than the cty known to Homers heroes
(C) oder than was the cty known to Homers heroes
(D) more ancent of a cty than Homers heroes knew
(E) oder of a cty than was the one known to Homers heroes
382. In hs research paper, Dr. Frosh, medca drector of the Payne Whtney Cnc, dstngushes mood
swngs, whch may be voent wthout ther beng grounded n menta dsease, from genune manc-
depressve psychoss.
(A) mood swngs, whch may be voent wthout ther beng grounded n menta dsease, from
genune manc-depressve psychoss
(B) mood swngs, perhaps voent wthout beng grounded n menta dsease, and genune manc-
depressve psychoss
(C) between mood swngs, whch may be voent wthout beng grounded n menta dsease, and
genune manc-depressve psychoss
(D) between mood swngs, perhaps voent wthout beng grounded n menta dsease, from genune
manc-depressve psychoss
(E) genune manc-depressve psychoss and mood swngs, whch may be voent wthout beng
grounded n menta dsease
383. In hs work, Leon Forrest s more remnscent of Henry Mers obsessve narratves and Ton
Morrsons mythc anguages than |ames |oyces nterna exporatons.
(A) In hs work, Leon Forrest s more remnscent of
(B) Leon Forrest wrtes more ke
(C) Leon Forrests work s more remnscent of
(D) Leon Forrest remnds one more of
(E) Leon Forrests work more resembes that of
384. In Hoand, a arger percentage of the gross natona product s spent on defense of ther coasts from
rsng seas than s spent on mtary defense n the Unted States.
(A) In Hoand, a arger percentage of the gross natona product s spent on defense of ther coasts
from rsng seas than s spent on mtary defense n the Unted States.
(B) In Hoand they spend a arger percentage of ther gross natona product on defendng ther
coasts from rsng seas than the Unted States does on mtary defense.
(C) A arger percentage of Hoands gross natona product s spent on defendng ther coasts from
rsng seas than the Unted States spends on mtary defense.
(D) Hoand spends a arger percentage of ts gross natona product defendng ts coasts from rsng
seas than the mtary defense spendng of the Unted States.
(E) Hoand spends a arger percentage of ts gross natona product on defendng ts coasts from
rsng seas than the Unted States does on mtary defense.
385. In ts most recent approach, the comet Crommen passed the Earth at about the same dstance and
n about the same poston, some 25 degrees above the horzon, that Haeys comet w pass the
next tme t appears.
(A) that Haeys comet w pass
(B) that Haeys comet s to be passng
(C) as Haeys comet
(D) as w Haeys comet
(E) as Haeys comet w do
386. In |apan edery peope are treated wth far greater respect than most Western countres.
(A) most Western countres
(B) most Western countres do
(C) most Western countres are
(D) they do n most Western countres
(E) they are n most Western countres
387. In |apan, a government advsory commttee caed for the breakup of Nppon Teephone and Teegraph
Company, the argest teephone company n the word, so t woud be two oca phone companes and
one ong-dstance provder.
(A) In |apan, a government advsory commttee caed for the breakup of Nppon Teephone and
Teegraph Company, the argest teephone company n the word, so t woud be
(B) The breakup of the words argest teephone company, Nppon Teephone and Teegraph
Company, was caed for by a government advsory commttee n |apan, so t woud be
(C) A government advsory commttee n |apan caed for the breakup of Nppon Teephone and
Teegraph Company, the words argest teephone company, nto
(D) The breakup of Nppon Teephone and Teegraph Company, the words argest teephone
company, was caed for by a government advsory commttee n |apan, so t woud be
(E) Caed for by a government advsory commttee, the breakup of Nppon Teephone and Teegraph
Company n |apan, the words argest teephone company, was to be nto
388. In |une of 1987, The )r!d&e of Tr!n1uet'!lle2 Vncent van Goghs vew of an ron brdge over the Rhone
sod for $20.2 mon and t was the second hghest prce ever pad for a pantng at aucton.
(A) Rhone sod for $20.2 mon and t was
(B) Rhone, whch sod for $20.2 mon, was
(C) Rhone, was sod for $20.2 mon,
(D) Rhone was sod for $20.2 mon, beng
(E) Rhone, sod for $20.2 mon, and was
389. In |une of 1989, Prnceton Townshp approved a deveopers pans to bud 300 houses on a arge
porton of the 210-acre ste of the Batte of Prnceton, one of ony eght Revoutonary War batteeds
that had remaned undeveoped.
(A) one of ony eght Revoutonary War batteeds that had remaned undeveoped
(B) one of eght of the ony Revoutonary War batteeds that have remaned undeveoped
(C) one of the ony eght undeveoped Revoutonary War batteeds that remans
(D) ony one of eght Revoutonary War batteeds to reman undeveoped
(E) ony one of the eght remanng undeveoped Revoutonary War batteeds
390. In |une, 1981, sx teenagers n the vage of Med|ugor|e, Yugosava, camed to have had vsons of
the Vrgn Mary, who they say has contnued to appear to them over the ensung years.
(A) camed to have had vsons of the Vrgn Mary, who
(B) camed to have vsons of the Vrgn Mary, whom
(C) camed to have had vsons of the Vrgn Mary, whom
(D) camed to have vsons of the Vrgn Mary, who
(E) had camed to have had vsons of the Vrgn Mary, whom
391. In arge doses, anagescs that work n the bran as antagonsts to certan chemcas have caused
psychoogca dsturbances n patents, whch may mt ther potenta to reeve severe pan.
(A) whch may mt ther potenta to reeve
(B) whch may mt ther potenta for reevng
(C) whch may mt such anagescs potenta to reeve
(D) an ehect that may mt ther potenta to reeve
(E) an ehect that may mt the potenta of such anagescs for reevng
392. In metawork one advantage of adhesve-bondng over spot-wedng s that the contact, and hence
the bondng, s ehected contnuousy over a broad surface nstead of a seres of reguary spaced
ponts wth no bondng n between.
(A) nstead of
(B) as opposed to
(C) n contrast wth
(D) rather than at
(E) as aganst beng at
393. In one of the boodest battes of the Cv War, fought at Sharpsburg, Maryand, on September 17,
1862, four tmes as many Amercans were ked as woud ater be ked on the beaches of Normandy
durng D-Day.
(A) Amercans were ked as
(B) Amercans were ked than
(C) Amercans were ked than those who
(D) more Amercans were ked as there
(E) more Amercans were ked as those who
394. In one of the most stunnng reversas n the hstory of marketng, the Coca-Coa company n |uy 1985
yeded to thousands of rate consumers demandng that t shoud brng back the orgna Coke
(A) demandng that t shoud
(B) demandng t to
(C) and ther demand to
(D) who demanded that t
(E) who demanded t to
395. In presentng hs %odus v!vend! proposa, Lansng mped that the Amercan government accepted
the German vew that armed merchant vesses were warshps: however, when the proposa was
dropped by the Wson admnstraton, t seemed to be revertng to the Brtsh vew on ths queston.
(A) when the proposa was dropped by the Wson admnstraton, t
(B) after t was dropped, the Wson admnstraton
(C) by droppng the proposa, the Wson admnstraton
(D) the Wson admnstraton dropped the proposa when t
(E) when they dropped the proposa, the Wson admnstraton
396. In recent years catte breeders have ncreasngy used crossbreedng, n part that ther steers shoud
acqure certan characterstcs and party because crossbreedng s sad to provde hybrd vgor.
(A) n part that ther steers shoud acqure certan characterstcs
(B) n part for the acquston of certan characterstcs n ther steers
(C) party because of ther steers acqurng certan characterstcs
(D) party because certan characterstcs shoud be acqured by ther steers
(E) party to acqure certan characterstcs n ther steers
397. In reference to the current hostty toward smokng, smokers frequenty expressed anxety that ther
prospects for beng hred and promoted are beng stunted by ther habt.
(A) In reference to the current hostty toward smokng, smokers frequenty expressed anxety that
(B) Referrng to the current hostty toward smokng, smokers frequenty expressed anxety about
(C) When referrng to the current hostty toward smokng, smokers frequenty express anxety about
(D) Wth reference to the current hostty toward smokng, smokers frequenty expressed anxety
(E) Referrng to the current hostty toward smokng, smokers frequenty express anxety that
398. In spte of contnung natona trends toward ncreased consumpton of specaty foods, agronomsts n
the Mdwest foresee a gradua reverson to the rasng of agrcutura stapes: feed corn and hard red
(A) a gradua reverson to the rasng of agrcutura stapes
(B) that a gradua reverson back w feature the rasng of agrcutura stapes
(C) a gradua reverson back to the rasng of agrcutura stapes agan
(D) a gradua reverson to rase agrcutura stapes
(E) a gradua reverson nto the rasng of agrcutura stapes
399. In spte of federa subsdzng of pubc transportaton systems massvey and ma|or oca ehorts to
persuade the pubc to use pubc transportaton, mass transt has been steady osng patronage to
the prvate automobe for the past thrty years.
(A) In spte of federa subsdzng of pubc transportaton systems massvey and ma|or oca ehorts
to persuade
(B) In spte of massve federa subsdzng of pubc transportaton systems and ma|or ehorts ocay
at persuadng
(C) Despte massve federa subsdes to pubc transportaton systems and the makng of ma|or
ehorts ocay to persuade
(D) Despte massve federa subsdes to pubc transportaton systems and ma|or oca ehorts to
(E) Despte massve federa subsdes to pubc transportaton systems and makng ma|or oca ehorts
at persuadng
400. In such works as hs 1889 masterpece, A 3'sh for the T!%ber , Frederc Remngton caught the
pubcs fancy by portrayng those moments of conct that dened the Wests romantc heroes.
(A) In such works as hs 1889 masterpece, A 3'sh for the T!%ber, Frederc Remngton caught the
pubcs fancy
(B) In such works as Frederc Remngtons 1889 masterpece, A 3'sh for the T!%ber2 the pubcs
fancy was caught
(C) Frederc Remngton, catchng the pubcs fancy n such works as the 1889 masterpece A 3'sh
for the T!%ber2 dd t
(D) The fancy of Frederc Remngtons pubc was caught n hs 1889 masterpece, A 3'sh for the
(E) The pubcs fancy was caught by Frederc Remngton n such works as hs 1889 masterpece, A
3'sh for the T!%ber2
401. In terms of physcs, the characterstc feature of the roer coaster s that the cars potenta energy,
ganed through ther beng fted by a chan drve through the Earths gravty to the top of the rst
drop, has been converted to knetc energy by the tme the rde ends.
(A) cars potenta energy, ganed through ther beng fted by a chan drve
(B) cars potenta energy, a gan acheved as they are fted by a chan drve
(C) potenta energy from the cars beng fted by a chan drve
(D) potenta energy of the cars, ganed as a chan drve fts them
(E) potenta energy ganed by the cars, beng acheved whe a chan drve fts them
402. In the 1950s astronomers were dvded between those who beeved the unverse began n a cosmc
exposon (the bg bang) wth those who favored the mode of an eterna and nnte steady-state
(A) unverse began n a cosmc exposon (the bg bang) wth
(B) unverse began wth a cosmc exposon (the bg bang) and
(C) unverse had a begnnng a cosmc exposon (the bg bang) or
(D) unverses begnnng was a cosmc exposon (the bg bang) or
(E) unverses begnnng was a cosmc exposon (the bg bang) aganst
403. In the 1950s, when the Chryser Corporaton sponsored a ve teevson show about the assassnaton
of Abraham Lncon, t forbade the actors to menton Lncons name or the name of the Ford Theater
because t dd not want to pug the competton.
(A) t forbade the actors to menton Lncons name or the name of the Ford Theater because t
(B) they forbade the actors from mentonng Lncon or the Ford Theater because they
(C) t was forbdden to menton Lncon or the Ford Theater as they
(D) the actors were forbdden to menton Lncons name or the name of the Ford Theater because
(E) the actors were forbdden from mentonng Lncon or the Ford Theater, snce they
404. In the 1980s the rate of ncrease of the mnorty popuaton of the Unted States was neary twce as
fast as the 1970s.
(A) twce as fast as
(B) twce as fast as t was n
(C) twce what t was n
(D) two tmes faster than that of
(E) two tmes greater than
405. In the face of wdespread concern about envronmenta waste, compact dsc manufacturers are
attemptng to nd a repacement for the dsposabe pastc box n whch they package ther product.
(A) the dsposabe pastc box n whch they
(B) the dsposabe pastc box where they
(C) a dsposabe pastc box n whch to
(D) dsposabe pastc boxes nsde whch they
(E) the dsposabe pastc boxes n whch to
406. In the fa of 1985, ony 10 percent of the women enterng coege panned to ma|or n educaton,
whe 28 percent chose busness, makng t the most popuar ma|or for women as we as for men.
(A) as we as for men
(B) as we as the men
(C) and men too
(D) and men as we
(E) and aso men
407. In the nta pannng stages, the condomnum corporaton took nto account ony the concerns of ts
prospectve cents, not those of surroundng homeowners.
(A) the condomnum corporaton took nto account ony the concerns of ts prospectve cents
(B) the condomnum corporaton has ony taken nto account the concerns of ther prospectve
(C) the condomnum corporaton ony took ther prospectve cents concerns nto account
(D) the concerns of ts prospectve cents ony were taken nto account by the condomnum
(E) prospectve cents had ther concerns ony taken nto account by the condomnum corporaton
408. In the ast few years, the number of convcted crmnas gven communty servce sentences, whch
aow the crmnas to reman unconned whe they perform specc |obs benetng the pubc, have
rsen dramatcay.
(A) sentences, whch aow the crmnas to reman unconned whe they perform specc |obs
benetng the pubc, have
(B) sentences, performng specc |obs that benet the pubc whe beng aowed to reman
unconned, have
(C) sentences, performng specc |obs beneca to the pubc whe they are aowed to reman
unconned, have
(D) sentences whch aow them to reman unconned n ther performng of specc |obs beneca
to the pubc has
(E) sentences aowng them to reman unconned whe performng specc |obs that benet the
pubc has
409. In the ast ten years, the dropout rate among Back hgh schoo students fe substantay over the
past decade, whe the number of Backs who attend coege s more than twce what t was.
(A) fe substantay over the past decade, whe the number of Backs who attend coege s more
than twce what t was
(B) fe substantay, whe the number of Backs attendng coege s more than doube what t was at
that tme
(C) has faen substantay, whe the number of Backs attendng coege has more than doubed
(D) has faen substantay over the past decade, whe the number of Backs attendng coege s
more than twce what t was at that tme
(E) has faen substantay over the past decade, whe the number of Backs who are attendng
coege are more than doube what they were
410. In the ast twenty years, despte the chauvnsm of European connosseurs, Caforna wnes are
respected throughout the word.
(A) are respected
(B) are becomng better respected
(C) whch have ganed respect
(D) have ganed respect
(E) have snce become respected
411. In the ate seventh century, n a dspute over whether the Prophet Muhammads son-n-aw, A,
shoud carry on as the fourth caph, Muhammads successor, Isam spt nto two branches, the
Sunns and the Shtes.
(A) over whether the Prophet Muhammads son-n-aw, A, shoud carry on as the fourth caph,
Muhammads successor
(B) over f A, the Prophet Muhammads son-n-aw, was gong to carry on and be the fourth caph,
Muhammads successor
(C) over whether A, the Prophet Muhammads son-n-aw, was gong to carry on and be the fourth
caph, Muhammads successor
(D) as to whether the fourth caph, Muhammads successor, s to be the Prophet Muhammads son-
n-ow, A
(E) concernng f the fourth caph, Muhammads successor, was to be the Prophet Muhammads son-
n-aw, A
412. In the man, ncdents of breakdowns n nucear reactors have not resuted from apses of hgh
technoogy but commonpace nadequaces n pumbng and wrng.
(A) not resuted from apses of hgh technoogy but
(B) resuted not from apses of hgh technoogy but from
(C) resuted from apses not of hgh technoogy but
(D) resuted from apses not of hgh technoogy but have stemmed from
(E) resuted not from apses of hgh technoogy but have stemmed from
413. In the md-1920s the Hawthorne Works of the Western Eectrc Company was the scene of an
ntensve seres of experments that woud nvestgate changes n workng condtons as to ther
ehects on workers performance.
(A) that woud nvestgate changes n workng condtons as to ther ehects on workers performance
(B) nvestgatng the ehects that changes n workng condtons woud have on workers performance
(C) for nvestgatng what are the ehects n workers performance that changes n workng condtons
woud cause
(D) that nvestgated changes n workng condtons ehects on workers performance
(E) to nvestgate what the ehects changes n workng condtons woud have on workers
414. In the md-1960s a newy nstaed radar warnng system mstook the rsng of the moon as a massve
msse attack by the Sovets.
(A) rsng of the moon as a massve msse attack by the Sovets
(B) rsng of the moon for a massve Sovet msse attack
(C) moon rsng to a massve msse attack by the Sovets
(D) moon as t was rsng for a massve Sovet msse attack
(E) rse of the moon as a massve Sovet msse attack
415. In the mnds of many peope vng n Engand, before Austraa was Austraa, t was the antpodes,
the opposte poe to cvzaton, an obscure and unmagnabe pace that was consdered the end of
the word.
(A) before Austraa was Austraa, t was the antpodes
(B) before there was Austraa, t was the antpodes
(C) t was the antpodes that was Austraa
(D) Austraa was what was the antpodes
(E) Austraa was what had been known as the antpodes
416. In the most common procedure for harvestng forage crops such as afafa, as much as 20 percent of
the eaf and sma-stem matera, whch s the most nutrtous of a the parts of the pant, shattered
and fe to the ground.
(A) whch s the most nutrtous of a the parts of the pant, shattered and fe
(B) the most nutrtous of a parts of the pant, shatter and fa
(C) the parts of the pant whch were most nutrtous, w shatter and fa
(D) the most nutrtous parts of the pant, shatters and fas
(E) parts of the pant whch are the most nutrtous, have shattered and faen
417. In the Sovet Unon the attorneys roe s often payed by the |udge, who not ony reserves tme to
hear ctzens ega compants and aso prepares ther cases shoud the cams be vad.
(A) and aso prepares ther cases shoud the cams be
(B) but aso does the preparaton of ther cases f the cams shoud be
(C) and ther cases are prepared f the cams are
(D) but aso prepares ther cases f the cams are
(E) and prepares ther cases f the cams are
418. In the textbook pubshng busness, the second quarter s hstorcay weak, because revenues are
ow and marketng expenses are hgh as companes prepare for the comng schoo year.
(A) ow and marketng expenses are hgh as companes prepare
(B) ow and ther marketng expenses are hgh as they prepare
(C) ow wth hgher marketng expenses n preparaton
(D) ow, whe marketng expenses are hgher to prepare
(E) ow, whe ther marketng expenses are hgher n preparaton
419. In the tradtona |apanese househod, most cothng coud be packed aty, and so t was not
necessary to have eaborate coset factes.
(A) aty, and so t was not necessary to have eaborate coset factes
(B) at, and so eaborate coset factes were unnecessary
(C) aty, and so there was no necessty for eaborate coset factes
(D) at, there beng no necessty for eaborate coset factes
(E) aty, as no eaborate coset factes were necessary
420. In the Unted States, trade unons encountered far more ntense opposton aganst ther strugge for
soca egtmacy than the organzed abor movements of most other democratc natons.
(A) aganst ther strugge for soca egtmacy than
(B) n ther strugge for soca egtmacy than dd
(C) aganst ther strugge for soca egtmacy as
(D) n ther strugge for soca egtmacy as dd
(E) when they strugged for soca egtmacy than has
421. In theory, nternatona cv servants at the Unted Natons are prohbted from contnung to draw
saares from ther own governments; n practce, however, some governments merey substtute
vng aowances for ther empoyees paychecks, assgned by them to the Unted Natons.
(A) for ther empoyees paychecks, assgned by them
(B) for the paychecks of ther empoyees who have been assgned
(C) for the paychecks of ther empoyees, havng been assgned
(D) n pace of ther empoyees paychecks, for those of them assgned
(E) n pace of the paychecks of ther empoyees to have been assgned by them
422. In three centures-from 1050 to 1350-severa mon tons of stone were quarred n France for the
budng of eghty cathedras, ve hundred arge churches, and some tens of thousands of parsh
(A) for the budng of eghty cathedras, ve hundred arge churches, and some
(B) n order that they mght bud eghty cathedras, ve hundred arge churches, and some
(C) so as they mght bud eghty cathedras, ve hundred arge churches, and some
(D) so that there coud be but eghty cathedras, ve hundred arge churches, and
(E) such that they coud bud eghty cathedras, ve hundred arge churches, and
423. In vrtuay a types of tssue n every anma speces, doxn nduces the producton of enzymes that
are the organsms tryng to metaboze, or render harmess, the chemca that s rrtatng t.
(A) tryng to metaboze, or render harmess, the chemca that s rrtatng t
(B) tryng that t metaboze, or render harmess, the chemca rrtant
(C) attempt to try to metaboze, or render harmess, such a chemca rrtant
(D) attempt to try and metaboze, or render harmess, the chemca rrtatng t
(E) attempt to metaboze, or render harmess, the chemca rrtant
424. Income n a snge year s a very poor gude to ncome and weath over even a few years, much ess a
fetme; n the onger run, a tax on what peope spend s therefore not much dherent than a tax on
ther ncome.
(A) than a tax on ther ncome
(B) from a tax on what they earn
(C) than taxng ncome
(D) from the ncome tax
(E) than a tax on what peope earn
425. Increases n the cost of energy, turmo n the nternatona money markets, and the steady eroson of
the doar have atered the nvestment strateges of Unted States corporatons more radcay than
those of foregn corporatons.
(A) atered the nvestment strateges of Unted States corporatons more radcay than those of
(B) atered the nvestment strateges of Unted States corporatons more radcay than
(C) atered the nvestment strateges of Unted States corporatons more radcay than they have
(D) radcay atered the nvestment strateges of Unted States corporatons more than
(E) radcay atered the nvestment strateges of Unted States and
426. Inda s country wth at east fty ma|or regona anguages, of whom fourteen have omca
(A) of whom fourteen have omca recognton
(B) fourteen that have omca recognton
(C) fourteen of whch are omcay recognzed
(D) fourteen that are omcay recognzed
(E) among whom fourteen have omca recognton
427. Industra pouton has done serousy and possby rreversbe damage to the bronze horses on the
facade of the cathedra of St. Mark La Venca.
(A) has done serousy and possby rreversbe damage to
(B) dd damage that s serousy and possby rreversbe to
(C) damaged, serous and possby rreversby
(D) has done serous and possby rreversbe damage to
(E) dd damage, serous and possby rreversbe
428. Inaton has made many Amercans reevauate ther assumptons about the future; they st expect
to ve better than ther parents have, but not so we as they once thought they coud.
(A) they st expect to ve better than ther parents have
(B) they st expect to ve better than ther parents dd
(C) they st expect to ve better than ther parents had
(D) st expectng to ve better than ther parents had
(E) st expectng to ve better than dd ther parents
429. Inaton n medca costs sowed n 1986 for the fth consecutve year but were st about 50 percent
greater than the rate of prce ncreases for other tems ncuded n the consumer prce ndex.
(A) Inaton n medca costs sowed n 1986 for the fth consecutve year but were
(B) Inaton n medca costs sowed for the fth consecutve year n 1986 but was
(C) In 1986 naton n medca costs were sowed for the fth consecutve year but were
(D) 1986 was the fth consecutve year n whch naton n medca costs sowed but was
(E) 1986 was the fth consecutve year that naton n medca costs were sowed, but they were
430. Intated ve centures after Europeans arrved n the New Word on Coumbus Day 1992, Pro|ect SETI
pedged a $100 mon nvestment n the search for extraterrestra ntegence.
(A) Intated ve centures after Europeans arrved n the New Word on Coumbus Day 1992, Pro|ect
SETI pedged a $100 mon nvestment n the search for extraterrestra ntegence.
(B) Intated on Coumbus Day 1992, ve centures after Europeans arrved n the New Word, a $100
mon nvestment n the search for extraterrestra ntegence was pedged by Pro|ect SETI.
(C) Intated on Coumbus Day 1992, ve centures after Europeans arrved n the New Word, Pro|ect
SETI pedged a $100 mon nvestment n the search for extraterrestra ntegence.
(D) Pedgng a $100 mon nvestment n the search for extraterrestra ntegence, the ntaton of
Pro|ect SETI ve centures after Europeans arrved n the New Word on Coumbus Day 1992.
(E) Pedgng a $100 mon nvestment n the search for extraterrestra ntegence ve centures
after Europeans arrved n the New Word, on Coumbus Day 1992, the ntaton of Pro|ect SETI
took pace.
431. Innovatve companes are not ony skfu n deveopng new products but aso n ndng new ways to
promote od ones.
(A) are not ony skfu n deveopng new products but aso n ndng
(B) are skfu not ony n deveopng new products but aso n ndng
(C) not ony are skfu n deveopng new products, they aso nd
(D) not ony deveop new products, but they are aso skfu n ndng
(E) are both skfu n the deveopment of new products and n ndng
432. Intar, the odest Hspanc theater company n New York, has moved away from the Spansh casscs
and now t draws on the works both of contemporary Hspanc authors who ve abroad and of those n
the Unted States.
(A) now t draws on the works both of contemporary Hspanc authors who ve abroad and of those
(B) now draws on the works of contemporary Hspanc authors, both those who ve abroad and those
who ve
(C) t draws on the works of contemporary Hspanc authors now, both those vng abroad and who
(D) draws now on the works both of contemporary Hspanc authors vng abroad and who are
(E) draws on the works now of both contemporary Hspanc authors vng abroad and those
433. Intended prmary to stmuate famy summer trave, the new arfare, whch aows both an adut and
a chd to y for the prce of one tcket, and aso shortens the advance-purchase requrement for
famy trave to a mnmum of seven days rather than fourteen.
(A) and aso shortens the advance-purchase requrement for famy trave to a mnmum of seven
days rather than
(B) and aso essens the advance-purchase requrement for famy trave to a seven-day mnmum
(C) aso shortens the advance-purchase requrement for famy trave to a mnmum of seven days
rather than that of
(D) aso essens the advance-purchase requrement for famy trave to a seven-day mnmum from
(E) aso shortens the advance-purchase requrement for famy trave to a mnmum of seven days
rather than
434. Internatona sportng events need not be sca dsasters, the nanca success of the 1992 Oympc
Games demonstrates that fact.
(A) the nanca success of the 1992 Oympc Games demonstrates that fact
(B) for exampe, the 1992 Oympc Games were nancay successfu
(C) ke the nanca success of the 1992 Oympc Games demonstrates
(D) a fact demonstrated by the 1992 Oympc Games, whch were nancay successfu
(E) as the nanca success of the 1992 Oympc Games demonstrates
435. Inuts of the Berng Sea were n soaton from contact wth Europeans onger than Aeuts or Inuts of
the North Pacc and northern Aaska.
(A) n soaton from contact wth Europeans onger than
(B) soated from contact wth Europeans onger than
(C) n soaton from contact wth Europeans onger than were
(D) soated from contact wth Europeans onger than were
(E) n soaton and wthout contacts wth Europeans onger than
436. IRS provson 254-B requres that an S corporaton wth assets of greater than $200,000 send W-2
forms to ther fu- and part-tme empoyees on or before |an. 31.
(A) that an S corporaton wth assets of greater than $200,000 send W-2 forms to ther fu- and part-
tme empoyees on or before |an. 31
(B) an S corporaton wth assets of greater than $200,000 send W-2 forms to ther fu- and part-tme
empoyees on or before |an. 31
(C) that an S corporaton wth assets of greater than $200,000 send W-2 forms to ts fu- and part-
tme empoyees on or before |an. 31
(D) an S corporaton wth assets of greater than $200,000 send W-2 forms to ther fu- and part-tme
empoyees on |an. 31 or before
(E) an S corporaton wth assets of greater than $200,000 send W-2 forms to ts fu- and part-tme
empoyees on or before |an. 31
437. It appears ogca to some peope that West Germany, whch bans such seemng esser evs as awn-
mowng on Sundays, st has some 4,000 mes of hghway wth no speed mt.
(A) whch bans such seemng esser evs as
(B) whch bans such seemngy esser evs as
(C) whch s bannng such seemng esser evs ke
(D) bannng such evs that seem esser, for exampe
(E) bannng such seemng esser evs ke
438. It has been estmated that the annua cost to the Unted States of teracy n ost ndustra output
and tax revenues s at east $20 bon a year.
(A) the annua cost to the Unted States of teracy n ost ndustra output and tax revenues s at
east $20 bon a year
(B) the annua cost of teracy to the Unted States s at east $20 bon a year because of ost
ndustra output and tax revenues
(C) teracy costs the Unted States at east $20 bon a year n ost ndustra output and tax
(D) $20 bon a year n ost ndustra output and tax revenues s the annua cost to the Unted
States of teracy
(E) ost ndustra output and tax revenues cost the Unted States at east $20 bon a year because
of teracy
439. It s a speca feature of ce aggregaton n the deveopng nervous system that n most regons of the
bran the ces not ony adhere to one another and aso adopt some preferenta orentaton.
(A) to one another and aso adopt
(B) one to the other, and aso they adopt
(C) one to the other, but aso adoptng
(D) to one another but aso adopt
(E) to each other, aso adoptng
440. It s an oversmped vew of catte rasng to say that a one has to do wth catte s eave them
aone whe they feed themseves, corra them, and to drve them to market when the tme s rpe.
(A) a one has to do wth catte s eave them aone whe they feed themseves, corra them, and to
(B) a one has to do wth catte s to eave them aone to feed themseves, to corra them, and
(C) a one has to do wth catte s eave them aone whe they feed themseves and then corra them
(D) the ony thng that has to be done wth catte s eave them aone whe they feed themseves,
corra them, and
(E) the ony thng that has to be done wth catte s to eave them aone whe they feed themseves,
to corra them, and
441. It s as dmcut to prevent crmes aganst property as those that are aganst a person.
(A) those that are aganst a
(B) those aganst a
(C) t s aganst a
(D) preventng those aganst a
(E) t s to prevent those aganst a
442. It s characterstc of the Metropotan Museum of Art, as of vrtuay every great Amercan museum,
the taste of oca coectors has payed at east as arge a part n the formaton of ther coectons as
has the |udgments of the art hstoran.
(A) of vrtuay every great Amercan museum, the taste of oca coectors has payed at east as
arge a part n the formaton of ther coectons as has
(B) of vrtuay every great Amercan museum, that the taste of oca coectors has payed at east as
arge a part n the formaton of ther coectons as has
(C) t s of vrtuay every great Amercan museum, that the taste of oca coectors has payed at
east as arge a part n the formaton of ts coectons as have
(D) t s of vrtuay every great Amercan museum, that the taste of oca coectors have payed at
east as arge a part n the formaton of ts coectons as have
(E) t s of vrtuay every great Amercan museum, the taste of oca coectors has payed at east as
arge a part n the formaton of ts coectons as has
443. It s not key that the compettve mbaance that now exsts between |apan wth a ma|or ndustra
natons w be redressed durng the foreseeabe future.
(A) wth a ma|or ndustra natons w be redressed durng
(B) wth a other ma|or ndustra natons w be redressed wthn
(C) wth a other ma|or ndustra natons w be redressed durng
(D) and a ma|or ndustra natons w be redressed durng
(E) and a other ma|or ndustra natons w be redressed wthn
444. It s possbe that Natve Amercans orgnay have mgrated to the Western Hemsphere over a brdge
of and that once exsted between Sbera and Aaska.
(A) have mgrated to the Western Hemsphere over a brdge of and that once exsted
(B) were mgratng to the Western Hemsphere over a brdge of and that exsted once
(C) mgrated over a brdge of and to the Western Hemsphere that once exsted
(D) mgrated to the Western Hemsphere over a brdge of and that once exsted
(E) were mgratng to the Western Hemsphere over a brdge of and exstng once
445. It s we known n the supermarket ndustry that how tems are paced on sheves and the frequency
of nventory turnovers can be cruca to prots.
(A) the frequency of nventory turnovers can be
(B) the frequency of nventory turnovers s often
(C) the frequency wth whch the nventory turns over s often
(D) how frequenty s the nventory turned over are often
(E) how frequenty the nventory turns over can be
446. It may be another fteen years before spacecraft from Earth agan venture to Mars, a panet now
known to be cod, dry, and probaby feess.
(A) agan venture to Mars, a panet now known to be
(B) venture to Mars agan, a panet now known for beng
(C) w venture to Mars agan, a panet now known as beng
(D) venture agan to Mars, a panet that s known now to be
(E) w agan venture to Mars, a panet known now as beng
447. It may be that by focusng prmary on a patents menta condton and on vague and often very
specuatve psychodynamc factors, predctons about the patents future behavor decrease n
(A) predctons about the patents future behavor decrease n accuracy
(B) menta heath professonas essen the accuracy of ther predctons about the patents future
(C) the accuracy of predctons about the patents future behavor essens
(D) a decrease n accuracy s seen n predctons about the patents future behavor can be predcted
ess accuratey
(E) the patents future behavor can be predcted ess accuratey
448. It may someday be worthwhe to try to recover uranum from seawater, but at present ths process s
prohbtvey expensve.
(A) It may someday be worthwhe to try to recover uranum from seawater
(B) Someday, t may be worthwhe to try and recover uranum from seawater
(C) Tryng to recover uranum out of seawater may someday be worthwhe
(D) To try for the recovery of uranum out of seawater may someday be worthwhe
(E) Recoverng uranum from seawater may be worthwhe to try to do someday
449. It seems key that a number of astronomca phenomena, such as the formaton of panetary
nebuas, may be caused by the nteracton where two stars orbt each other at cose range.
(A) may be caused by the nteracton where two stars orbt each other
(B) may be caused by the nteracton between two stars that each orbt the other
(C) are because of the nteracton between two stars that orbt each other
(D) are caused by the nteracton of two stars where each s orbtng the other
(E) are caused by the nteracton of two stars orbtng each other
450. It takes a deft baance between savngs dscpne, nvestment knowedge, rsk takng, uck, and tme
to rase a mon doars through nvestments.
(A) It takes a deft baance between
(B) Deft baancng s needed between
(C) Defty baanced, t takes
(D) It takes a deft baance of
(E) A deft baance s what one needs among
451. It was an ncrease n reported cases of maara aong the Guf Coast that n 1921 ed the heath
authortes grantng a permt for expermentaton wth human sub|ects to the group that ater woud
be caed by the name of Unmedco.
(A) authortes grantng a permt for expermentaton wth human sub|ects to the group that ater
woud be caed by the name of
(B) authortes grantng a permt for expermentaton wth human sub|ects to the group that ater to
be caed by the name of
(C) authortes grantng a permt for expermentaton usng human sub|ects to the group that ater
woud be caed by the name of
(D) authortes to grant a permt for human expermentaton to the group ater caed
(E) authortes to grant a permt for human expermentaton to the group that ater woud be caed
by the name of
452. It was because she was pagued by n|ures that tenns ceebrty Tracy Austn, who won the Itaan and
U.S. Opens at age 16 n 1979, sat out the years between 1984 to 1988, occasonay workng as a
teevson commentator.
(A) It was because she was pagued by n|ures that tenns ceebrty Tracy Austn, who won the Itaan
and U.S. Opens at age 16 n 1979, sat out the years between
(B) After wnnng the Itaan and U.S. Opens n 1979 at the age of 16, n|ures pagued tenns ceebrty
Tracy Austn and forced her to st out from
(C) Tracy Austn, the tenns ceebrty who, pagued by n|ures, won the Itaan and U.S. Opens at age
16 n 1979, sat out from
(D) Pagued by n|ures, tenns ceebrty Tracy Austn, who won the Itaan and U.S. Opens at age 16 n
1979, sat out the years from
(E) Tenns ceebrty Tracy Austn, who won the Itaan and U.S. Opens at age 16 n 1979, was pagued
by n|ures when she sat out between
453. It was the oss of revenue from decnes n toursm that n 1935 ed the Saud authortes grantng a
concesson for o exporaton to the company that woud ater be known by the name of Aramco.
(A) authortes grantng a concesson for o exporaton to the company that woud ater be known
by the name of
(B) authortes grantng a concesson for o exporaton to the company ater to be known as named
(C) authortes grantng a concesson for o exporaton to the company that woud ater be known by
the name of
(D) authortes to grant a concesson for o exporaton to the company that ater w be known as
(E) authortes to grant a concesson for o exporaton to the company ater to be known as
454. |apan receved huge sums of capta from the Unted States after the Second Word War, usng t to
hep bud a modern ndustra system.
(A) |apan receved huge sums of capta from the Unted States after the Second Word War, usng t
to hep bud
(B) |apan receved huge sums of capta from the Unted States after the Second Word War and used
t to hep n budng
(C) |apan used the huge sums of capta t receved from the Unted States after the Second Word
War to hep bud
(D) |apans huge sums of capta receved from the Unted States after the Second Word War were
used to hep t n budng
(E) Recevng huge sums of capta from the Unted States after the Second Word War, |apan used t
to hep bud
455. |oachm Rah and Gacomo Meyerbeer are exampes of the knd of composer who receves popuar
accam whe vng, often goes nto decne after death, and never regans popuarty agan.
(A) often goes nto decne after death, and never regans popuarty agan
(B) whose reputaton decnes after death and never regans ts status agan
(C) but whose reputaton decnes after death and never regans ts former status
(D) who decnes n reputaton after death and who never reganed popuarty agan
(E) then has decned n reputaton after death and never reganed popuarty
456. |oan of Arc, a young Frenchwoman who camed to be dvney nspred, turned the tde of Engsh
vctores n her country by beratng the cty of Oreans and she persuaded Chares VII of France to
cam hs throne.
(A) she persuaded Chares VII of France to cam hs throne
(B) persuaded Chares VII of France n camng hs throne
(C) persuadng that the throne be camed by Chares VII of France
(D) persuaded Chares VII of France to cam hs throne
(E) persuadng that Chares VII of France shoud cam the throne
457. |ohn Smth provdes nformaton on the condtons that ead women to a gynecoogst, and he notes
that these condtons can, and sometmes are, used n the promoton of surgery whch s not needed.
(A) and he notes that these condtons can, and sometmes are, used n the promoton of surgery
whch s not needed
(B) notng that these condtons can be, and sometmes are, used to promote needess surgery
(C) and notes that they coud and sometmes are used unnecessary n promotng surgery
(D) sometmes promotng needess surgery
(E) whch they use sometmes to promote unnecessary surgery
458. |opns fath n hs opera Tremonsha was unshakabe; n 1911 he pubshed the score at hs own
expense and decded on stagng t hmsef.
(A) on stagng t hmsef
(B) that he hmsef woud do the stagng
(C) to do the stagng of the work by hmsef
(D) that he hmsef woud stage t
(E) to stage the work hmsef
459. |udge Bonham dened a moton to aow members of the |ury to go home at the end of each day
nstead of to conne them to a hote.
(A) to aow members of the |ury to go home at the end of each day nstead of to conne them to
(B) that woud have aowed members of the |ury to go home at the end of each day nstead of
conned to
(C) under whch members of the |ury are aowed to go home at the end of each day nstead of
connng them n
(D) that woud aow members of the |ury to go home at the end of each day rather than connement
(E) to aow members of the |ury to go home at the end of each day rather than be conned to
460. It coud be argued that the most sgncant vrtue of a popuar democracy s not the rght to 10
partcpate n the seecton of eaders, but rather that t amrms our mportance n the scheme of
(A) but rather that t amrms
(B) but rather ts amrmaton of
(C) but rather ts amrmaton n terms of
(D) but nstead of that, ts amrmng that
(E) amrmng rather
461. |udge Forer recognzes that the Amercan |udca system provdes more safeguards for accused
persons than does the ega system of any other country, but she beeves there s a great dsparty
between the systems of |ustce accorded rch and poor.
(A) for accused persons than does the ega system of any other country
(B) to accused persons as the ega system of any country
(C) for accused persons as the ega system of any country
(D) to accused persons as the ega system of any other country
(E) for accused persons than the ega system of any country
462. |udge Los Forers study asks why do some tgants have a preferred status over others n the use of a
pubc resource, the courts, whch n theory are avaabe to a but n fact are unequay dstrbuted
among rch and poor.
(A) do some tgants have a preferred status over others n the use of a pubc resource, the courts,
whch n theory are avaabe to a but n fact are unequay dstrbuted among
(B) some tgants have a preferred status over others n the use of a pubc resource, the courts,
whch n theory are avaabe to a but n fact are unequay dstrbuted between
(C) do some tgants have a preferred status over another n the use of a pubc resource, the courts,
n theory avaabe to a but n fact are unequay dstrbuted among
(D) some tgants have a preferred status to another n the use of a pubc resource, the courts, n
theory avaabe to a but n fact not equay dstrbuted between
(E) does one tgant have a preferred status over the other n the use of a pubc resource, the
courts, n theory avaabe to a but n fact they are not equay dstrbuted among
463. |udca rues n many states requre that the denttes of a prosecuton wtnesses are made known
to defendants so they can attempt to rebut the testmony, but the Consttuton expcty requres ony
that the defendant have the opportunty to confront an accuser n court.
(A) that the denttes of a prosecuton wtnesses are made known to defendants so they can
attempt to rebut
(B) that the denttes of a prosecuton wtnesses be made known to defendants so that they can
attempt to rebut
(C) that the defendants shoud know the denttes of a prosecuton wtnesses so they can attempt a
rebutta of
(D) the denttes of a prosecuton wtnesses shoud be made known to defendants so they can
attempt rebuttng
(E) makng known to defendants the denttes of a prosecuton wtnesses so that they can attempt
to rebut
464. |ust as a wrter tryng to understand shtet fe mght read Shaom Aechem or Isaac Bashevs Snger,
n the same way wrters tryng to understand Back fe n the Amercan South mght we sten to
records by the Msssspp Deta buesman Chare Patton.
(A) n the same way wrters tryng to understand Back fe n the Amercan South mght we sten to
(B) n the same way wrters who try and understand Back fe n the Amercan South mght we
sten to record
(C) so a wrter tryng to understand back fe n the Amercan South mght we sten to records
(D) so do wrters try and understand Back fe n the Amercan South and mght we sten to a
(E) then wrters tryng to understand Back fe n the Amercan South coud we sten to records
465. |ust as pant speces natve to regons wth browsng mammas evoved many natura ant-browser
defenses (such as sharp spnes and toxc chemcas), so humans n maara regons have evoved
dozens of chemca defenses aganst maara.
(A) so humans n maara regons have evoved dozens of chemca defenses aganst maara
(B) humans n maara regons have been evovng dozens of chemca defenses aganst maara
(C) there has been, n maara regons, an evouton of dozens of human chemca defenses aganst
(D) dozens of chemca defenses aganst maara have been evoved by humans n maara regons
(E) smary, n maara regons, humans have evoved dozens of chemca defenses aganst maara
466. |ust as readng Samue Pepyss dary gves a student a sense of the seventeenth century-of ts
texture and psyche-so |ane Freeds gueess chd narrator takes the operagoer nsde turn-of-the-
century Venna.
(A) so |ane Freeds gueess chd narrator takes the operagoer
(B) so stenng to |ane Freeds gueess chd narrator takes the operagoer
(C) so the gueess chd narrator of |ane Freed takes the operagoer
(D) stenng to |ane Freeds gueess chd narrator takes the operagoer
(E) |ane Freeds gueess chd narrator takes the operagoer to her opera
467. |ust as the European countres of the eary eghteenth century sought to expot the resources of our
contnent, so too are we now attemptng to extract energy and mneras from the ocean bed.
(A) |ust as the European countres of the eary eghteenth century sought to expot the resources of
our contnent, so too
(B) The European countres of the eary eghteenth century sought to expot the resources of our
contnent, and n a smar way
(C) Lke the case of the European countres of the eary eghteenth century who sought to expot the
resources of our contnent, so too
(D) As n the expotaton of the resources of our contnent by European countres of the eary
eghteenth century
(E) Smar to the European countres whch sought n the eary eghteenth century to expot the
resources of our contnent
468. |ust because Kng Afred occuped and forted London n 886 dd not mean that he aso won the
oyaty of ts ctzens: the nvadng Danes were we aware of ths weakness and used t to ther
advantage n 893.
(A) |ust because Kng Afred occuped and forted London n 886 dd not mean that he
(B) The fact that Kng Afred had occuped and forted London n 886 dd not mean that he had
(C) |ust because Kng Afred occuped and forted London n 886, t dd not mean he
(D) The fact that Kng Afred occuped and forted London n 886, t dd not mean that he
(E) |ust because Kng Afred had occuped and forted London n 886, t dd not mean he
469. Kansas Repubcan Nancy Kassebaum, one of ony two women n the U.S. Senate n 1992, sad she dd
not so much wsh for more women senators but more moderate Repubcan ones.
(A) dd not so much wsh for more women senators but more moderate Repubcan ones
(B) wshed not so much for more senators who were women than moderate Repubcans
(C) dd not wsh so much for more women senators as for more moderate Repubcans
(D) dd not wsh for more women senators so much as moderate Repubcans
(E) wshed for more senators who are moderate Repubcans than women
470. Lackng nformaton about energy use, peope tend to overestmate the amount of energy used by
equpment, such as ghts, that are vsbe and must be turned on and oh and underestmate that
used by unobtrusve equpment, such as water heaters.
(A) equpment, such as ghts, that are vsbe and must be turned on and oh and underestmate that
(B) equpment, such as ghts, that are vsbe and must be turned on and oh and underestmate t
(C) equpment, such as ghts, that s vsbe and must be turned on and oh and underestmate t
(D) vsbe equpment, such as ghts, that must be turned on and oh and underestmate that
(E) vsbe equpment, such as ghts, that must be turned on and oh and underestmate t when
471. Last sprng a Coorado heath department survey of 72 paygrounds n prvate chd-care centers
found unsafe condtons n 95 percent of them and they ranged from spnters to equpment near
(A) unsafe condtons n 95 percent of them and they ranged
(B) condtons n 95 percent were unsafe and rangng
(C) the rangng of unsafe condtons n 95 percent of them to be
(D) that 95 percent had unsafe condtons rangng
(E) that 95 percent of them had condtons that were unsafe; the range was
472. Last year, and vaues n most parts of the pneands rose amost so fast, and n some parts even
faster than what they dd outsde the pneands.
(A) so fast, and n some parts even faster than what they dd
(B) so fast, and n some parts even faster than, those
(C) as fast, and n some parts even faster than, those
(D) as fast as, and n some parts even faster than, those
(E) as fast as, and n some parts even faster than what they dd
473. Lawmakers are examnng measures that woud requre banks to dscose a fees and account
requrements n wrtng, provde free cashng of government checks, and to create basc savngs
accounts to carry mnma fees and requre mnma nta deposts.
(A) provde free cashng of government checks, and to create basc savngs accounts to carry
(B) provde free cashng of government checks, and creatng basc savngs accounts carryng
(C) to provde free cashng of government checks, and creatng basc savngs accounts that carry
(D) to provde free cashng of government checks, creatng basc savngs accounts to carry
(E) to provde free cashng of government checks, and to create basc savngs accounts that carry
474. Legend has t that when the Mohawk |oseph Brant was presented to George III n 1776, he proudy
refused to kss the Kngs hand, nasmuch as he regarded hmsef an ay, not a sub|ect.
(A) as he regarded hmsef an ay, not
(B) that he regarded hmsef to be an ay rather than
(C) as he consdered hmsef an ay, not
(D) that he consdered hmsef to be ay nstead of
(E) as he consdered hmsef as an ay rather than
475. Legsaton n the Canadan provnce of Ontaro requres of both pubc and prvate empoyers that pay
be the same for |obs hstorcay hed by women as for |obs requrng comparabe sk that are usuay
hed by men.
(A) that pay be the same for |obs hstorcay hed by women as for |obs requrng comparabe sk
that are
(B) that pay for |obs hstorcay hed by women shoud be the same as for a |ob requrng comparabe
(C) to pay the same n |obs hstorcay hed by women as n |obs of comparabe sk that are
(D) to pay the same regardess of whether a |ob was hstorcay hed by women or s one demandng
comparabe sks
(E) to pay as much for |obs hstorcay hed by women as for a |ob demandng comparabe sks
476. Less detrmenta than the ehects of bactera transformaton s the ehects of bactera deteroraton:
spoage of food, metas corrodng, decay of wood, and other undesrabe ateratons of substances.
(A) s the ehects of bactera deteroraton: spoage of food, metas corrodng
(B) are the ehects of bactera deteroraton: spoage of food, metas corrodng
(C) s the ehects of bactera deteroraton, whch ncude spoage of food, metas corrodng
(D) are the ehects of bactera deteroraton, whch ncudes spoage of food, corroson of metas
(E) are the ehects of bactera deteroraton: spoage of food, corroson of metas
477. Lke Auden, the anguage of |ames Merr s chatty, arch, and conversatona-gven to compex
syntactc ghts as we as to prosac free-verse stros.
(A) Lke Auden, the anguage of |ames Merr
(B) Lke Auden, |ames Merrs anguage
(C) Lke Audens, |ames Merrs anguage
(D) As wth Auden, |ames Merrs anguage
(E) As s Audens the anguage of |ames Merr
478. Lke Byron at Mssoongh, |ack London was sowy ked by the mstakes of the medca men who
treated hm.
(A) Lke Byron
(B) Lke Byrons death
(C) |ust as Byron ded
(D) Smar to Byron
(E) As dd Byron
479. Lke Edvard Greg, whom the Scandnavans ong refused to recognze, the Itaans dsregard for Verd
perssted for a decade after hs crtca accam n France and Austra.
(A) Lke Edvard Greg, whom the Scandnavans ong refused to recognze,
(B) Lke Edvard Greg, who the Scandnavans ong refused to recognze,
(C) |ust as Edvard Greg was ong refused recognton by the Scandnavans,
(D) |ust as the Scandnavans ong refused to recognze Edvard Greg, so
(E) Lke the Scandnavans ong refusa to recognze Edvard Greg,
480. Lke Haydn, Schubert wrote a great dea for the stage, but he s remembered prncpay for hs
chamber and concert-ha musc.
(A) Lke Haydn, Schubert
(B) Lke Haydn, Schubert aso
(C) As has Haydn, Schubert
(D) As dd Haydn, Schubert aso
(E) As Haydn dd, Schubert aso
481. Lke |ohn McPhees works, Ann Beatte panstakngy assembes n her works an nterestng and
compete word out of hundreds of tny detas about a seemngy unnterestng sub|ect.
(A) Lke |ohn McPhees works, Ann Beatte panstakngy assembes n her works
(B) Lke |ohn McPhee, Ann Beattes works panstakngy assembe
(C) Lke |ohn McPhee, Ann Beatte panstakngy assembes n her works
(D) |ust as |ohn McPhees, so Ann Beattes works panstakngy assembe
(E) |ust as |ohn McPhee, Ann Beatte panstakngy assembes n her works
482. Lke many others of hs generaton of Natve Amercan eaders, |oseph Brant ved n two words; born
nto an Iroquos communty and nstructed n tradtona Iroquos ways, he aso receved an educaton
from Engsh-speakng teachers.
(A) Lke many others of hs generaton of Natve Amercan eaders, |oseph Brant ved n two words;
(B) Lke many others of hs generaton of Natve Amercan eaders, vng n two words, |oseph Brant
(C) Lke many another of hs generaton of Natve Amercan eaders, |oseph Brant, vng n two
words, was
(D) As wth many others of hs generaton of Natve Amercan eaders, vng n two words, |oseph
Brant was
(E) As wth many another of hs generaton of Natve Amercan eaders, |oseph Brant ved n two
483. Lke many sef-taught artsts, Pere Hessng dd not begn to pant unt she was we nto mdde age.
(A) Lke
(B) As have
(C) |ust as wth
(D) |ust ke
(E) As dd
484. Lke other educators who prefer to substtute anthooges of short stores or coectons of popuar
essays to du basa readers, Ms. Burton emphaszes how mportant t s to en|oy good terature.
(A) to du basa readers, Ms. Burton emphaszes how mportant t s to en|oy
(B) for du basa readers, Ms. Burton emphaszes the mportance of en|oyng
(C) to du basa readers, Ms. Burton emphaszes that t s mportant to en|oy
(D) for du basa readers, Ms. Burtons emphass s that t s mportant to en|oy
(E) to du basa readers, Ms. Burtons emphass s on the mportance of en|oyng
485. Lke Rousseau, Tosto rebeed aganst the unnatura compexty of human reatons n modern
(A) Lke Rousseau, Tosto rebeed
(B) Lke Rousseau, Tostos rebeon was
(C) As Rousseau, Tosto rebeed
(D) As dd Rousseau, Tostos rebeon was
(E) Tostos rebeon, as Rousseaus, was
486. Lke the 1890s Popusts who exated the rura myth, so urban eaders of the 1990s are tryng to
gorfy the urban myth.
(A) Lke the 1890s Popusts who exated the rura myth,
(B) |ust as the Popusts of the 1890s exated the rura myth,
(C) The Popusts of the 1890s havng exated the rura myth,
(D) |ust ke the rura myth was exated by the Popusts of the 1890s
(E) Popusts of the 1890s were exatng the rura myth, and
487. Lke the coor-dscrmnatng apparatus of the human eye, nsects eyes depend on recordng and
comparng ght ntenstes n three regons of the eectromagnetc spectrum.
(A) nsects eyes depend on
(B) an nsect eye depends on
(C) that of nsects depend on the
(D) that of an nsects eye depends on
(E) that of an nsects s dependent on the
488. Lke the government that came before t, whch set new records for growth, assez-fare captasm s
the cornerstone of the new government.
(A) assez-fare captasm s the cornerstone of the new government
(B) the cornerstone of the new government s assez-fare captasm
(C) assez-fare captasm s the new governments cornerstone
(D) the new government has made assez-fare captasm ts cornerstone
(E) the new government has a assez-fare cornerstone of captasm
489. Lke the one reputed to ve n Loch Ness, aso an nand ake connected to the ocean by a rver,
nhabtants of the area around Lake Champan cam sghtngs of a ong and narrow sea monster.
(A) Lke the one reputed to ve n Loch Ness, aso an nand ake connected to the ocean by a rver,
nhabtants of the area around Lake Champan cam sghtngs of a ong and narrow sea
(B) Inhabtants of the area around Lake Champan cam sghtngs of a ong and narrow sea
monster smar to the one reputed to ve n Loch Ness, whch, ke Lake Champan, s an nand
ake connected to the ocean by a rver.
(C) Inhabtants of the area around Lake Champan cam sghtngs of a ong and narrow sea
monster smar to Loch Nesss, whch, ke Lake Champan, s an nand ake connected to the
ocean by a rver.
(D) Lke Loch Ness reputed monster, nhabtants of the area around Lake Champan, aso an nand
ake connected to the ocean by a rver, cam sghtngs of a ong and narrow sea monster.
(E) Smar to that reputed to ve n Loch Ness, nhabtants of the area around Lake Champan, aso
an nand ake connected to the ocean by a rver, cam sghtngs of a ong and narrow sea
490. Lke ther mae counterparts, women scentsts are above average n terms of ntegence and
creatvty, but unke men of scence, ther femae counterparts have had to work aganst the gran of
occupatona stereotypng to enter a mans word.
(A) ther femae counterparts have had to work
(B) ther probem s workng
(C) one thng they have had to do s work
(D) the handcap women of scence have had s to work
(E) women of scence have had to work
491. Loca resdents cam that San Antono, Texas, has more good Mexcan Amercan restaurants than any
cty does n the Unted States.
(A) any cty does
(B) does any other cty
(C) other ctes do
(D) any cty
(E) other ctes
492. Los Angees has a hgher number of famy dwengs per capta than any arge cty.
(A) a hgher number of famy dwengs per capta than any arge cty
(B) hgher numbers of famy dwengs per capta than any other arge cty
(C) a hgher number of famy dwengs per capta than does any other arge cty
(D) hgher numbers of famy dwengs per capta than do other arge ctes
(E) a hgh per capta number of famy dwengs, more than does any other arge cty
493. Lower-eve management functon most ehectvey when they have thorough tranng and unmpeded
communcaton wth workers, supervsors, and one another.
(A) management functon most ehectvey when they have
(B) managers functon most ehectvey when they have
(C) management functons most ehectvey when they have
(D) managers functon most ehectvey when they have receved
(E) management functons most ehectvey when t has
494. Machnes repacng human abor, there was wde antcpaton that the workweek woud contnue to
become shorter.
(A) Machnes repacng human abor, there was wde antcpaton that
(B) When machnes repaced human abor, there was wde antcpaton
(C) As machnes repaced human abor, t was wdey antcpated that
(D) Insofar as machnes repaced human abor, t was wdey antcpated
(E) Human abor beng repaced by machnes, there was wde antcpaton that
495. Madagascar was one of the ast habtabe areas of the earth to undergo human settement, whch has
made t an dea ste for researchng rare ora and fauna.
(A) Madagascar was one of the ast habtabe areas of the earth to undergo human settement, whch
has made t
(B) Madagascar was one of the ast habtabe areas of the earth to have undergone human
settement, and that has made t
(C) Madagascar underwent human settement as one of the ast habtabe areas of the earth, whch
makes t
(D) Madagascar, one of the ast habtabe areas of the earth, underwent human settement, makng t
(E) Because Madagascar was one of the ast habtabe areas of the earth to undergo human
settement, t s
496. Manfestatons of Isamc potca mtancy n the rst perod of regous reformsm were the rse of
the Wahhabs n Araba, the Sanus n Cyrenaca, the Fuan n Ngera, the Mahd n the Sudan, and
the vctory of the Usu mu|tahds n Shte Iran and Iraq.
(A) Manfestatons of Isamc potca mtancy n the rst perod of regous reformsm were the rse
of the Wahhabs n Araba, the Sanus n Cyrenaca, the Fuan n Ngera, the Mahd n the Sudan,
(B) Manfestatons of Isamc potca mtancy n the rst perod of regous reformsm were shown
n the rse of the Wahhabs n Araba, the Sanus n Cyrenaca, the Fuan n Ngera, the Mahd n
the Sudan, and aso
(C) In the rst perod of regous reformsm, manfestatons of Isamc potca mtancy were the rse
of the Wahhabs n Araba, of the Sanus n Cyrenaca, the Fuan n Ngera, the Mahd n the
Sudan, and
(D) In the rst perod of regous reformsm, manfestatons of Isamc potca mtancy were shown
n the rse of the Wahhabs n Araba, the Sanus n Cyrenaca, the Fuan n Ngera, the Mahd n
the Sudan, and
(E) In the rst perod of regous reformsm, Isamc potca mtancy was manfested n the rse of
the Wahhabs n Araba, the Sanus n Cyrenaca, the Fuan n Ngera, and the Mahd n the
Sudan, and n
497. Many nvestors base ther choce between bonds and stocks on comparng bond yeds to the
dvdends avaabe on common stocks.
(A) between bonds and stocks on comparng bond yeds to
(B) among bonds and stocks on comparsons of bond yeds to
(C) between bonds and stocks on comparsons of bond yeds wth
(D) among bonds and stocks on comparng bond yeds and
(E) between bonds and stocks on comparng bond yeds wth
498. Many of them chseed from sod rock centures ago, the mountanous regons of northern Ethopa
are dotted wth hundreds of monasteres.
(A) Many of them chseed from sod rock centures ago, the mountanous regons of northern
Ethopa are dotted wth hundreds of monasteres.
(B) Chseed from sod rock centures ago, the mountanous regons of northern Ethopa are dotted
wth many hundreds of monasteres.
(C) Hundreds of monasteres, many of them chseed from sod rock centures ago, are dottng the
mountanous regons of northern Ethopa.
(D) The mountanous regons of northern Ethopa are dotted wth hundreds of monasteres, many of
whch are chseed from sod rock centures ago.
(E) The mountanous regons of northern Ethopa are dotted wth hundreds of monasteres, many of
them chseed from sod rock centures ago.
499. Many pocy experts say that shftng a porton of heath-benet costs back to the workers heps to
contro the empoyers costs, but aso heps to mt medca spendng by makng patents more
carefu consumers.
(A) heps to contro the empoyers costs, but aso heps
(B) heps the contro of the empoyers costs, and aso
(C) not ony heps to contro the empoyers costs, but aso heps
(D) heps to contro not ony the empoyers costs, but
(E) not ony heps to contro the empoyers costs, and aso heps
500. Many psychoogsts and socoogsts now contend that the deberate and even bruta aggresson
ntegra to some forms of compettve athetcs ncrease the kehood of mtatve voence that
erupts among crowds of spectators domnated by young adut maes.
(A) ncrease the kehood of mtatve voence that erupts
(B) ncrease the kehood that there w be an erupton of mtatve voence
(C) ncrease the kehood of mtatve voence eruptng
(D) ncreases the kehood for mtatve voence to erupt
(E) ncreases the kehood that mtatve voence w erupt
501. Many schoars regard the pre-Hspanc cvzatons of Peru as the most mpressve n South Amerca.
(A) regard the pre-Hspanc cvzatons of Peru as
(B) regard the pre-Hspanc cvzatons of Peru to be
(C) regard the pre-Hspanc cvzatons of Peru to have been
(D) consder that the pre-Hspanc cvzatons of Peru are
(E) consder the pre-Hspanc cvzatons of Peru as
502. Many wrters of modern Engsh have acqured careess habts that damage the carty of ther prose,
but these habts can be broken f they are wng to take the necessary troube.
(A) but these habts can be broken
(B) but these habts are breakabe
(C) but they can break these habts
(D) whch can be broken
(E) except that can be broken
503. Margaret Courtney-Carke has traveed to remote dwengs n the Transvaa to photograph the art of
Ndebee women, whose muras are branty coored, ther geometrca symmetres embeshed wth
od and new conography and n a stye that vares from woman to woman and house to house.
(A) whose muras are branty coored, ther geometrca symmetres embeshed wth od and new
conography and n a stye that vares from woman to woman and house to house
(B) whose muras are branty coored, ther geometrca symmetres are embeshed wth od and
new conography, and ther stye s varyng among women and houses
(C) whose muras are branty coored, ther geometrca symmetres are embeshed wth od and
new conography, and they are n styes that vary from woman to woman and house to house
(D) wth muras branty coored, ther geometrca symmetres embeshed wth od and new
conography, and ther stye vares among women and houses
(E) wth muras that are branty coored, ther geometrca symmetres embeshed wth od and
new conography, and ther styes vary among women and houses
504. Marketng researchers have found that, because many resdents of the Southeast do not share the
same ethnc hertage as Northeasterners, the two varetes of commercay prepared coesaw most
popuar n New York Cty and Boston are vrtuay gnored by consumers n Rchmond and Raegh.
(A) because many resdents of the Southeast do not share the same ethnc hertage as
(B) because many resdents of the Southeast do not share the same ethnc hertage wth
(C) because many resdents of the Southeast do not have the same ethnc hertage as
(D) due to many resdents of the Southeast not sharng the same ethnc hertage wth
(E) whereas many resdents of the Southeast do not share the same ethnc hertage as
505. Mgrane, the most debtatng common form of headache, amcts perhaps 18 mon Amercans, who
coectvey ose 64 mon workdays a year, and they cost the naton $50 bon n medca expenses
and ost work tme.
(A) year, and they cost the naton $50 bon n medca expenses and ost
(B) year and thus cost the naton $50 bon n medca expenses and ost
(C) year, so as to cost the naton $50 bon n medca expenses and ost
(D) year that costs the naton $50 bon n ost medca expenses and
(E) year, whch thus cost the naton $50 bon n ost medca expenses and
506. Mnnesota s the ony one of the contguous forty-eght states that st has a szabe wof popuaton,
and where ths predator remans the archenemy of catte and sheep.
(A) that st has a szabe wof popuaton, and where
(B) that st has a szabe wof popuaton, where
(C) that st has a szabe popuaton of woves, and where
(D) where the popuaton of woves s st szabe;
(E) where there s st a szabe popuaton of woves and where
507. Modern crtcs are amused by eary schoars categorzng Tactuss 4er%'n!' as an ethnographc
(A) schoars categorzng Tactuss 4er%'n!' as
(B) schoars categorzng Tactuss 4er%'n!' as f
(C) schoars, categorzng of Tactuss 4er%'n!' as
(D) schoars who categorze Tactuss 4er%'n!' as
(E) schoars who categorze Tactuss 4er%'n!' f
508. Montorng heart patents exercse, as we as athetes exercsng, s now done by sma transmtters
broadcastng physoogca measurements to nearby recordng machnes.
(A) Montorng heart patents exercse, as we as athetes exercsng, s now done by sma
transmtters broadcastng physoogca measurements to nearby recordng machnes.
(B) Montorng the exercse of heart patents, as we as athetes exercsng, s now done by sma
transmtters broadcastng physoogca measurements to nearby recordng machnes.
(C) Sma transmtters broadcastng physoogca measurements to nearby recordng machnes are
now used to montor the exercse of both heart patents and athetes.
(D) Broadcastng physoogca measurements to nearby recordng machnes, sma transmtters are
now used to montor heart patents exercse, as we as athetes exercsng.
(E) Both athetes exercsng and heart patents exercse are now montored by sma transmtters
broadcastng physoogca measurements to nearby recordng machnes.
509. More ancent Egyptan tempes were constructed n the regn of Ramses II as n any other.
(A) as n any other
(B) as any other
(C) as n others
(D) than others
(E) than n any other
510. More and more n recent years, ctes are stressng the arts as a means to greater economc
deveopment and nvestng mons of doars n cutura actvtes, despte straned muncpa budgets
and fadng federa support.
(A) to greater economc deveopment and nvestng
(B) to greater deveopment economcay and nvestng
(C) of greater economc deveopment and nvest
(D) of greater deveopment economcay and nvest
(E) for greater economc deveopment and the nvestment of
511. More than ever, paper s expected to be recyced ths year, due to new mandatory recycng aws n
muncpates across the naton.
(A) More than ever, paper s expected to be recyced ths year
(B) It s expected that more paper than ever w be recyced ths year than prevousy and that s
(C) The paper expected to be recyced ths year s more than ever
(D) The amount of paper that w be recyced ths year s expected to be greater than ever
(E) A great ncrease n the amount of paper that w be recyced ths year s
512. More than ve thousand years ago, Chnese schoars accuratey descrbed the ow of bood as a
contnuous crce controed by the heart, but t went unnotced n the West.
(A) but t went
(B) but t was
(C) athough t was
(D) but the dscovery went
(E) athough the dscovery was
513. More than thrty years ago Dr. Barbara Mc-Cntock, the Nobe Prze wnner, reported that genes can
|ump, as pears movng mysterousy from one neckace to another.
(A) as pears movng mysterousy from one neckace to another
(B) ke pears movng mysterousy from one neckace to another
(C) as pears do that move mysterousy from one neckace to others
(D) ke pears do that move mysterousy from one neckace to others
(E) as do pears that move mysterousy from one neckace to some other one
514. Most Corporatons pay at east twce as much to fu-tme empoyees, f the vaue of benets, sck
days, and pad vacaton days are ncuded n earnngs, than to part-tme empoyees, whose houry
wages are often hgher than those of ther fu-tme coeagues.
(A) are ncuded n earnngs, than
(B) are ncuded n earnngs, as
(C) s ncuded n earnngs, than they pay
(D) s ncuded n earnngs, as s pad
(E) s ncuded n earnngs, as they pay
515. Most energy anaysts now agree that the costs of budng and mantanng nucear reactors are too
hgh for nucear power to key prove cheaper than coa or o n the ong run.
(A) too hgh for nucear power to key
(B) hgh enough for nucear power to be unkey to
(C) hgh enough that t s unkey nucear power w
(D) so hgh that nucear power s unkey to
(E) so hgh as to be unkey that nucear power w
516. Most arge companes prefer customzed computer software because t can be moded to t the way a
company does busness, when oh-the-shef software often requres the company to ater ts
procedures to t the software.
(A) when
(B) snce
(C) whereas
(D) because
(E) nsofar as
517. Most natons regard ther arspace as extendng upward as hgh as an arcraft can y; no specc
attude, however, has been omcay recognzed as a boundary.
(A) as extendng
(B) as the extent
(C) to be an extent
(D) to be an extenson
(E) to extend
518. Most North Carona sk resorts broadcast musc onto the sopes; skers can choose among hard rock,
soft pop, and beautfu musc sopes, there are no sopes wthout musc.
(A) skers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, and beautfu musc sopes, there are
(B) because skers can choose hard rock, soft pop, or beautfu musc, there are
(C) however, skers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, beautfu musc, and
(D) athough skers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, and beautfu musc sopes, there are
(E) skers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, beautfu musc sopes, but
519. Most prmates are mmune to fene rhnovrus, but a specc group, ths beng the goden macaques,
are hghy susceptbe to the organsm.
(A) a specc group, ths beng the goden macaques, are hghy susceptbe to
(B) a specc group, the goden macaques, s hghy susceptbe to
(C) one group, speccay goden macaques, s hghy susceptbe of
(D) a specc group, the goden macaques, whch are hghy susceptbe to
(E) a specc group, the goden macaques, whch are hghy susceptbe of
520. Most state consttutons now mandate that the state budget be baanced each year.
(A) mandate that the state budget be baanced
(B) mandate the state budget to be baanced
(C) mandate that the state budget w be baanced
(D) have a mandate for a baanced state budget
(E) have a mandate to baance the state budget
521. Most teen-agers who work for pay hod |obs that requre few sks, tte responsbty, and aso no
hope for career advancement.
(A) tte responsbty, and aso
(B) tte responsbty, and wth
(C) tte responsbty, and oher
(D) carry tte responsbty, and
(E) carry tte responsbty, and oher
522. Most vctms of nfectous mononuceoss recover after a few weeks of stessness, but an unucky few
may suher for years.
(A) but an unucky few may suher
(B) and an unucky few have suhered
(C) that an unucky few mght suher
(D) that a few beng unucky may suher
(E) but a few who, beng unucky, suhered
523. Ms. Chambers s among the forecasters who predct that the rate of addton to arabe ands w drop
whe those of oss rse.
(A) those of oss rse
(B) t rses for oss
(C) those of osses rse
(D) the rate of oss rses
(E) there are rses for the rate of oss
524. Ms. Wrght tres to get nsde Iran to understand how t works, the roe t has payed n the Mdde East
and ts ntrcate reatonshp wth the Unted States, whch s compex and depends heavy on
understandng of the Fars anguage.
(A) whch s compex and depends
(B) because t s compex and depends
(C) but they are compex and depend
(D) whch are compex and depend
(E) a task that s compex and depends
525. Natve Amercan bura stes datng back 5,000 years ndcate that the resdents of Mane at that tme
were part of a wdespread cuture of Agonquan-speakng peope.
(A) were part of a wdespread cuture of Agonquan-speakng peope
(B) had been part of a wdespread cuture of peope who were Agonquan-speakng
(C) were peope who were part of a wdespread cuture that was Agonquan-speakng
(D) had been peope who were part of a wdespread cuture that was Agonquan-speakng
(E) were a peope whch had been part of a wdespread, Agonquan-speakng cuture
526. Neanderthas had a voca tract that resembed those of the apes and so were probaby wthout
anguage, a shortcomng that may expan why they were suppanted by our own speces.
(A) Neanderthas had a voca tract that resembed those of the apes
(B) Neanderthas had a voca tract resembng an apes
(C) The voca tracts of Neanderthas resembed an apes
(D) The Neanderthas voca tracts resembed the apes
(E) The voca tracts of the Neanderthas resembed those of the apes
527. Never before had taxpayers confronted so many changes at once as they had n the Tax Reform Act
of 1986.
(A) so many changes at once as they had n
(B) at once as many changes as
(C) at once as many changes that there were wth
(D) as many changes at once as they confronted n
(E) so many changes at once that confronted them n
528. Never before n the hstory of musc have musca superstars been abe to command so extraordnary
fees of the knd they do today.
(A) so extraordnary fees of the knd they do today
(B) so extraordnary fees as they are today
(C) such extraordnary fees as they do today
(D) such extraordnary fees of the knd todays have
(E) so extraordnary a fee of the knd they can today
529. New hardy varetes of rce show promse of producng hgh yeds wthout the costy requrements of
rrgaton and appcaton of commerca fertzer by earer hgh-yedng varetes.
(A) requrements of rrgaton and appcaton of commerca fertzer by earer hgh-yedng
(B) requrements by earer hgh-yedng varetes of appcaton of commerca fertzer and
(C) requrements for appcaton of commerca fertzer and rrgaton of earer hgh-yedng
(D) appcaton of commerca fertzer and rrgaton that was requred by earer hgh-yedng
(E) rrgaton and appcaton of commerca fertzer that were requred by earer hgh-yedng
530. New |erseys s one of the ve hghest number of reported cases of Lyme dsease n the Unted States.
(A) New |erseys s one of the ve hghest number of reported
(B) New |erseys s one of the ve hghest numbers n reportng
(C) New |ersey has a report of one of the ve hghest numbers of
(D) New |ersey has one of the ve hghest numbers of reported
(E) New |ersey reports one of the ve hghest number of
531. New technques n therma-scannng photography, a process that records radaton from surface
areas, makes t possbe to study the ehects of caefacton, or warmng, of a rver n greater deta
than ever before.
(A) makes t possbe to study the ehects of caefacton, or warmng, of a rver n greater deta than
ever before
(B) make t possbe to study, n greater deta, the ehects of caefacton, or warmng, of a rver than
ever before
(C) have made t possbe to study n greater deta than ever before the ehects of caefacton, or
warmng, of a rver
(D) make possbe the study of the ehects of caefacton, or warmng, of a rver n greater deta than
t ever was before
(E) has made t more possbe than ever before to study n greater deta the ehects of caefacton, or
warmng, of a rver
532. New theores propose that catastrophc mpacts of asterods and comets may have caused reversas
n the Earths magnetc ed, the onset of ce ages, spttng apart contnents 80 mon years ago,
and great vocanc eruptons.
(A) spttng apart contnents
(B) the spttng apart of contnents
(C) spt apart contnents
(D) contnents spt apart
(E) contnents that were spt apart
533. Newcomers to southern Caforna are surprsed to dscover that, n spte of the temperate cmate,
heatng bs are as hgh, or hgher than, those n most Mdwestern or eastern ctes.
(A) as hgh, or hgher than, those n
(B) as hgh, or hgher than,
(C) as hgh as, or hgher than,
(D) at east as hgh as those n
(E) no ower than
534. No ess an authorty than Water Cronkte has reported that haf of a Amercans never read a book.
(A) No ess an authorty than
(B) Nonetheess an authorty
(C) Nevertheess authortaran
(D) Not ess an authorty than
(E) An authorty not ess than
535. No state aw forbds an empoyer from re|ectng a |ob appcant or to dsmss an empoyee based on
the resuts of a e detector test.
(A) an empoyer from re|ectng a |ob appcant or to dsmss
(B) an empoyer to re|ect a |ob appcant or dsmss
(C) that empoyers re|ect a |ob appcant or dsmss
(D) the re|ecton by an empoyer of a |ob appcant or dsmssa of
(E) re|ecton by empoyers of a |ob appcant or dsmssa of
536. None of the attempts to specfy the causes of crme expans why most of the peope exposed to the
aeged causes do not commt crmes and, conversey, why so many of those not so exposed have.
(A) have
(B) has
(C) sha
(D) do
(E) coud
537. Not a empoyment seecton mechansms that have a dsparate ehect, that s, that screens out a
percentage of mnortes or women dsproportonate to ther presence n the reevant abor market,
are unawfu.
(A) that s, that screens out a percentage of mnortes or women dsproportonate to
(B) whch means, that screens out a percentage of mnortes or women dsproportonate wth
(C) whch means, that screen out a percentage of mnortes or women dsproportonate wth
(D) that s, that screen out a percentage of mnortes or women dsproportonate to
(E) that s, that screens out a percentage of mnortes or women dsproportonate wth
538. Not snce Gaeo suhered the scurvy humor of the Inquston has a regous organzaton so
ehectvey curbed the abty of a ma|or scentst that he coud pursue a theory.
(A) has a regous organzaton so ehectvey curbed the abty of a ma|or scentst that he coud
(B) dd a regous organzaton so ehectvey curb the abty of a ma|or scentst that he coud pursue
(C) has a regous organzaton so ehectvey curbed the abty of a ma|or scentst to pursue
(D) dd a regous organzaton so ehectvey curb the abty of a ma|or scentst to pursue
(E) has a regous organzaton so ehectvey curbed whether a ma|or scentst had the abty that he
coud be pursung
539. Not unt the Enghtenment, some 200 years ago, had socety serousy questoned the rght of the
state that t coud execute ts ctzens.
(A) had socety serousy questoned the rght of the state that t coud execute
(B) dd socety serousy questoned the rght of the state that t coud execute
(C) had socety serousy questoned the rght of the state for the executng of
(D) dd socety serousy queston the rght of the state to execute
(E) had socety serousy questoned whether the state had a rght that t coud execute
540. Nowhere n Prakta s the nuence of modern European archtecture more apparent than ther
government budngs.
(A) more apparent than ther
(B) so apparent as ther
(C) more apparent than n ts
(D) so apparent than n ther
(E) as apparent as t s n ts
541. Nucear fuson s the force that powers the Sun, the stars, and hydrogen bombs, mergng the nuce of
atoms and not spttng them apart, as n nucear reactors.
(A) mergng the nuce of atoms and not spttng them apart, as n nucear reactors
(B) mergng the nuce of atoms nstead of spttng them apart, ke nucear reactors
(C) mergng the nuce of atoms rather than spttng them apart, as nucear reactors do
(D) and merges the nuce of atoms but does not spt them apart, as s done n uncear reactors
(E) and merges the nuce of atoms, unke atomc reactors that spt them apart
542. Obern Coege n Oho was a renegade nsttuton at ts 1833 foundng for decdng to accept both
men and women as students.
(A) at ts 1833 foundng for decdng to accept
(B) for the decson at ts 1833 foundng to accept
(C) when t was founded n 1833 for ts decson to accept
(D) n decdng at ts foundng n 1833 to accept
(E) by decdng at ts foundng n 1833 on the acceptance of
543. Of a the possbe dsasters that threaten Amercan agrcuture, the possbty of an adverse change
n cmate s maybe the more dmcut for anayss.
(A) s maybe the more dmcut for anayss
(B) s probaby the most dmcut to anayze
(C) s maybe the most dmcut for anayss
(D) s probaby the more dmcut to anayze
(E) s, t may be, the anayss that s most dmcut
544. Of a the wd anmas n ther area, none was more usefu to the Deaware trbes than the Vrgna
whte taed deer: t was a source of meat, and ts hde was used for cothng, ts anters and bones for
toos, and ts snews and gut for bndngs and gue.
(A) deer: t was a source of meat, and ts hde was used for cothng, ts anters and bones for toos,
and ts snews and gut
(B) deer: t was a source of meat, and ts hde used for cothng, wth ts anters and bones for toos,
and ts snews and gut used
(C) deer: whch was a source of meat, wth ts hde used for cothng, anters and bones for toos, as
we as ts snews and gut used
(D) deer: whch, as we as beng a source of meat, ts hde was used for cothng, ts anters and
bones for toos, and ts snews and gut were
(E) deer: wth, as we as beng a source of meat, ts hde used for cothng, ts anters and bones for
toos, and ts snews and gut
545. Of the twn supernovas, the most recenty dscovered s the argest, but t s the sma one that has
rrevocaby atered astronomsts deas about the orgns of the unverse.
(A) the most recenty dscovered s the argest, but t s the sma one
(B) the one most recenty dscovered s the argest, but t s the sma one
(C) the most recenty dscovered s arger, but t s the smaer
(D) the more recenty dscovered one s the arge one but the sma one
(E) the more recenty dscovered s the arger, but t s the smaer one
546. Often vsbe as smog, ozone s formed n the atmosphere from hydrocarbons and ntrogen oxdes,
two ma|or poutants emtted by automobes, react wth sunght.
(A) ozone s formed n the atmosphere from
(B) ozone s formed n the atmosphere when
(C) ozone s formed n the atmosphere, and when
(D) ozone, formed n the atmosphere when
(E) ozone, formed n the atmosphere from
547. On stage, the force of Carrcks personaty and the vvdness of hs actng dsgused the fact he was,
whch hs survvng vevet sut shows, a short man.
(A) he was, whch hs survvng vevet sut shows,
(B) he was, and t s hs survvng vevet sut that shows t,
(C) of hm beng, as hs survvng vevet sut shows,
(D) that he was, as hs survvng vevet sut shows,
(E) shown n hs survvng vevet sut, that he was
548. On the Great Pans, nneteenth-century setters used mud and grass to bud ther homes, dong t
wthout tmber and nas.
(A) setters used mud and grass to bud ther homes, dong t wthout
(B) setters used mud and grass to bud ther homes, dd t wthout
(C) setters used mud and grass to bud ther homes, makng them whe not havng
(D) setters used mud and grass to bud ther homes, makng do wthout
(E) setters homes were but of mud and grass, makng do wthout
549. Once an apotca confrontaton of the words best athetes, the Summer Oympcs have been
ncreasngy potczed n recent years as the superpowers have dened many of the best athetes
access to competton.
(A) been ncreasngy potczed
(B) been ncreasng potczaton
(C) been of ncreasng potczaton
(D) potczed, ncreasngy,
(E) ncreased potczaton
550. Once common throughout the Western pans, back-footed ferrets are thought to have decned n
number as a resut of the posonng of prare dogs, ther prey.
(A) back-footed ferrets are thought to have decned n number as
(B) t s thought that the decne n number of back-footed ferrets s
(C) the decne n the number of back-footed ferrets s thought of as
(D) that back-footed ferrets have decned n ther numbers s thought to be
(E) the numbers of the back-footed ferret are thought to have decned as
551. Once postoned n space, the Hubbe Space Teescope w capture ght from sources twenty tmes
fanter compared to those that can be detected by ground-based nstruments.
(A) compared to those that can be detected
(B) compared to those they can detect
(C) than that can be detected
(D) than those that can be detected
(E) than those detectng
552. Once the economc and soca usefuness of the motor car was demonstrated and wth ts superorty
to the horse beng proved, much of the eary hostty to t n rura regons dsappeared.
(A) and wth ts superorty to the horse beng
(B) and ts superorty over the horse had been
(C) and ts superorty to the horse
(D) ts superorty over the horse
(E) wth ts superorty to the horse havng been
553. Once they had seen the report from the medca examner, the nvestgators dd not doubt whether
the body recovered from the rver was the man who had attempted to escape from the state prson.
(A) dd not doubt whether the body recovered from the rver was
(B) have no doubt whether the body recovered from the rver was
(C) had not doubted that the body recovered from the rver was
(D) have no doubt whether the body recovered from the rver was that of
(E) had no doubt that the body recovered from the rver was that of
554. One egacy of Madson Avenues recent campagn to appea to peope fty years od and over s the
reazaton that as a person ages, ther concerns change as we.
(A) the reazaton that as a person ages, ther
(B) the reazaton that as peope age, ther
(C) to reaze that when a person ages, hs or her
(D) to reaze that when peope age, ther
(E) reazng that as peope age, ther
555. One noted economst has made a comparson of the Federa Reserve and an automobe as racng
through a tunne, bouncng rst oh one wa, then the other; the car may get where t s gong, but
peope may be hurt n the process.
(A) made a comparson of the Federa Reserve and an automobe as racng through a tunne,
(B) made a comparson between the Federa Reserve and an automobe racng through a tunne,
(C) compared the Federa Reserve wth an automobe as racng through a tunne and whch bounced
(D) compared the Federa Reserve to an automobe racng through a tunne, bouncng
(E) compared the Federa Reserve wth an automobe that races through a tunne and t bounces
556. One of Arthur |essops rst acts as presdent of the FHA was to deny a request from the prvate sector
that federa home oan programs shoud be expanded to cover houses not conformng to cv
constructon codes.
(A) shoud be expanded to cover houses not conformng to
(B) be expanded to cover houses not conformng to
(C) shoud be expand to cover houses not conformng wth
(D) woud have been expanded to cover houses not conformng to
(E) had to be expanded to cover houses not conformng wth
557. One of every two new busnesses fa wthn two years.
(A) fa
(B) fas
(C) shoud fa
(D) may have faed
(E) has faed
558. One of four babes are now born to mothers aged thrty years or more, compared wth |ust one of sx
born n 1975.
(A) of four babes are now born to mothers aged thrty years or more, compared wth |ust one of sx
(B) of four babes s now born to a mother whose age s thrty or oder, compared to |ust one of sx
babes who were born
(C) baby n four are now born to mothers aged thrty or oder, compared to |ust one n sx
(D) baby n four s now born to a mother aged thrty or oder, compared wth |ust one n sx
(E) baby n four s now born to mothers aged thrty years or more, compared to |ust one n sx
559. One of Ronad Reagans rst acts as Presdent was to rescnd Presdent Carters drectve that any
chemca banned on medca grounds n the Unted States be prohbted from sae to other countres.
(A) that any chemca banned on medca grounds n the Unted States be prohbted from sae to
other countres
(B) that any chemca be prohbted from sae to other countres that was banned on medca grounds
n the Unted States
(C) prohbtng the sae to other countres of any chemca banned on medca grounds n the Unted
(D) prohbtng that any chemca banned on medca grounds n the Unted States s sod to other
(E) that any chemca banned n the Unted States on medca grounds s prohbted from beng sod
to other countres
560. One of the most powerfu drvng forces behnd recycng s the threat of egsaton that woud requre
companes that they take more responsbty for the dsposa of ts products.
(A) that they take more responsbty for the dsposa of ts products
(B) that they shoud take more responsbty for dsposng of products
(C) havng to take more responsbty for dsposng of ther products
(D) to take more responsbty for the dsposa of ther products
(E) takng more responsbty for ther products dsposa
561. One pervasve theory expans the ntroducton of breakfast cereas n the eary 1900s as a resut of
the growng number of automobes, whch ed to a decne n horse ownershp and a subsequent
gran gut; by persuadng peope to eat what had prevousy been horse feed, market equbrum was
(A) by persuadng peope to eat what had prevousy been horse feed, market equbrum was
(B) persuadng peope to eat what had prevousy been horse feed restored market equbrum
(C) by persuadng peope to eat what had prevousy been horse feed, t restored market equbrum
(D) the persuason of peope to eat what had prevousy been horse feed restored market equbrum
(E) market equbrum was restored when peope were persuaded to eat former horse feed
562. One reason why more young peope ose ther vrgnty durng the summer than at other tmes of the
year undoubtedy s because schoo vacatons gve adoescents more free tme.
(A) One reason why more young peope ose ther vrgnty durng the summer than at other tmes of
the year undoubtedy s because
(B) If young peope ose ther vrgnty more durng the summer than other seasons, t s undoubtedy
(C) One undoubtabe reason that young peope ose ther vrgnty more durng the summer than
other tmes s
(D) One reason more young peope ose ther vrgnty durng the summer than at other tmes of the
year s undoubtedy that
(E) Young peope ose ther vrgnty more often durng the summer undoubtedy because, for one
563. One vew of the economy contends that a arge drop n o prces shoud eventuay ead to owerng
nterest rates, as we as owerng fears about naton, a ray n stocks and bonds, and a weakenng
of the doar.
(A) owerng nterest rates, as we as owerng fears about naton,
(B) a owerng of nterest rates and of fears about naton,
(C) a owerng of nterest rates, aong wth fears about naton,
(D) nterest rates beng owered, aong wth fears about naton,
(E) nterest rates and fears about naton beng owered, wth
564. Opened n 1683, the Ashmoean was the rst pubc museum n Great Brtan, whe earer the
Bodean has been the rst truy pubc brary.
(A) whe earer the Bodean has been
(B) where the Bodean earer s
(C) |ust as earer the Bodean had been
(D) as the earer Bodean has been
(E) the Bodean earer beng
565. Openng wth trbutes to |azz-age dvas ke Besse Smth and cosng wth Koko Tayors eectred
grave-and-thunder songs, the program w trace the bues vgorous matrarcha ne over more than
50 years.
(A) the program w trace
(B) the program sha trace
(C) there w be a program tracng
(D) t s a program that traces
(E) t w be a program tracng
566. Organzed n 1966 by the Fsh and Wdfe Servce, the Breedng Brd Survey uses annua roadsde
counts aong estabshed routes for montorng of popuaton changes of as many as, or of more than
250 brd speces, ncudng 180 songbrds.
(A) for montorng of popuaton changes of as many as, or of
(B) to montor popuaton changes of as many, or
(C) to montor changes n the popuatons of
(D) that montors popuaton changes of
(E) that montors changes n popuatons of as many as, or
567. Orgnay deveoped for detectng ar poutants, a technque caed proton-nduced x-ray emsson,
whch can qucky anayze the chemca eements n amost any substance wthout destroyng t, s
ndng uses n medcne, archaeoogy, and crmnoogy.
(A) Orgnay deveoped for detectng ar poutants, a technque caed proton-nduced x-ray
emsson, whch can qucky anayze the chemca eements n amost any substance wthout
destroyng t,
(B) Orgnay deveoped for detectng ar poutants, havng the abty to anayze the chemca
eements n amost any substance wthout destroyng t, a technque caed proton nduced x-ray
(C) A technque orgnay deveoped for detectng ar poutants, caed proton-nduced x-ray
emsson, whch can qucky anayze the chemca eements n amost any substance wthout
destroyng t,
(D) A technque orgnay deveoped for detectng ar poutants, caed proton-nduced x-ray
emsson, whch has the abty to anayze the chemca eements n amost any substance
qucky and wthout destroyng t,
(E) A technque that was orgnay deveoped for detectng ar poutants and has the abty to
anayze the chemca eements n amost any substance qucky and wthout destroyng the
substance, caed proton-nduced x-ray emsson,
568. Orgnay pubshed n 1950, 5o%e T'%e 4'6elle was Barbara Pyms rst nove, but t does not read
ke an apprentce work.
(A) does not read ke an apprentce work
(B) seems not to read as an apprentce work
(C) does not seem to read as an apprentce work woud
(D) does not read ke an apprentce work does
(E) reads unke an apprentce work
569. Our rate of teenage pregnances s among the hghest n the ndustrazed word, beng exceeded
ony by Che, Hungary, Romana, Cuba, and Bugara.
(A) s among the hghest n the ndustrazed word, beng exceeded ony by
(B) s among the hghest n the ndustrazed word, exceeded ony by that of
(C) are among the hghest n the ndustrazed word, ony exceeded by
(D) s among the hghest n the ndustrazed word, and exceeds ony
(E) are among the hghest n the ndustrazed word, and they exceed those of ony
570. Out of Amercas fascnaton wth a thngs antque have grown a market for bygone styes of
furnture and xtures that are brngng back the chase ounge, the overstuhed sofa, and the caw-
footed bathtub.
(A) thngs antque have grown a market for bygone styes of furnture and xtures that are brngng
(B) thngs antque has grown a market for bygone styes of furnture and xtures that s brngng
(C) thngs that are antques has grown a market for bygone styes of furnture and xtures that brng
(D) antque thngs have grown a market for bygone styes of furnture and xtures that are brngng
(E) antque thngs has grown a market for bygone styes of furnture and xtures that brng
571. Over ve thousand years ago, archaeoogsts have dscovered that Mesopotaman cooks were
preparng chcken wth corander and tamarnd, |ust as Egyptan cooks are st dong today.
(A) Over ve thousand years ago, archaeoogsts have dscovered that
(B) Over ve thousand years ago, archaeoogsts had dscovered that
(C) Archaeoogsts have dscovered that, over ve thousand years ago,
(D) Over ve thousand years ago, as archaeoogsts have dscovered t,
(E) Archaeoogsts have dscovered, over ve thousand years ago, that
572. Pabo Pcasso, the ate Spansh panter, credted Afrcan art wth havng had a strong nuence on hs
(A) wth havng had
(B) for ts havng
(C) to have had
(D) for havng
(E) n that t had
573. Paeontoogsts beeve that fragments of a prmate |awbone unearthed n Burma and estmated at 40
to 44 mon years od provde evdence of a cruca step aong the evoutonary path that ed to
human bengs.
(A) at 40 to 44 mon years od provde evdence of
(B) as beng 40 to 44 mon years od provdes evdence of
(C) that t s 40 to 44 mon years od provdes evdence of what was
(D) to be 40 to 44 mon years od provde evdence of
(E) as 40 to 44 mon years od provdes evdence of what was
574. Parament dd not accord fu refugee benets to tweve of the recent mmgrants because t beeved
that to do t rewards them for enterng the country egay.
(A) to do t rewards
(B) dong t rewards
(C) to do ths woud reward
(D) dong so woud reward
(E) to do t woud reward
575. Pensons are now vewed as a deferred payment of saary, money a worker s compeed to put away
to take care of ones ater years.
(A) a worker s compeed to put away to take care of ones
(B) that a worker s compeed to put away to take care of onesef n
(C) a worker s compeed to put away to take care of onesef n
(D) workers are compeed to put away to take care of them n
(E) workers are compeed to put away to take care of themseves n
576. Peope have dscovered the prncpes of soar energy whenever fue becomes scarce and expensve
but w forget them every tme a new source of cheap energy s deveoped.
(A) have dscovered the prncpes of soar energy whenever fue becomes scarce and expensve but
w forget
(B) have dscovered the prncpes of soar energy whenever fue has become scarce and expensve
but they forget
(C) dscovered the prncpes of soar energy every tme fue becomes scarce and expensve,
(D) dscover the prncpes of soar energy every tme fue became scarce and expensve, but they
(E) dscover the prncpes of soar energy whenever fue becomes scarce and expensve but forget
577. Peope who nhert the scke ce anema gene from ony one parent seem to be resstant to maara,
an evoutonary advantage that may expan why a genetc condton so debtatng to many
ndvduas has survved n the human popuaton.
(A) seem to be resstant to maara,
(B) seemngy are resstant to maara,
(C) seem to be resstant to maara and have
(D) seemngy are resstant to maara and to have
(E) are, t seems, resstant to maara, and they have
578. Persona traners and tness coaches are to the narcssstc 1980s |ust ke a prvate fencng master
and dancng teacher was to an earer tme.
(A) |ust ke a prvate fencng master and dancng teacher was
(B) as have been a prvate fencng master and dancng teacher
(C) what prvate fencng masters and dancng teachers were
(D) what prvate fencng masters and dancng teachers are
(E) |ust the same as prvate fencng masters and dancng teachers had been
579. Persons, suherng from a decency of the bood enzyme G6PD, eat fava beans and dscover that they
trgger hemoytc anema.
(A) Persons, suherng from a decency of the bood enzyme G6PD, eat fava beans and dscover that
they trgger hemoytc anema.
(B) When persons suherng a decency of enzyme G6PD, a bood enzyme, eat fava beans, they
dscover that t trggers hemoytc anema.
(C) If peope suher decences from the bood enzyme G6PD, they dscover that fava beans trgger
hemoytc anema when eaten.
(D) Hemoytc anema s trggered by peope wth a decency of the bood enzyme G6PD, who
dscover t eatng fava beans.
(E) Persons who suher from a decency of the bood enzyme G6PD dscover that eatng fava beans
trggers hemoytc anema.
580. Physcs professors, the Arnmore Laboratores and Arnmore Research Factes were founded by Leo
and Fontove Arnmore n 1989 after ten years of fundrasng.
(A) the Arnmore Laboratores and Arnmore Research Factes were founded by Leo and Fontove
Arnmore n 1989 after ten years of fundrasng
(B) Leo and Fontove Arnmore founded the Arnmore Laboratores and Arnmore Research Factes n
1989, after ten years of fundrasng
(C) after ten years of fundrasng, the Arnmore Laboratores and Arnmore Research Factes were
founded by Leo and Fontove Arnmore n 1989
(D) the Arnmore Laboratores and Arnmore Research Factes were founded n 1989 by Leo and
Fontove Arnmore after ten years of fundrasng
(E) Leo and Fontove Arnmore founded after ten years of fundrasng the Laboratores and Arnmore
Research Factes n 1989
581. Pagets research reveaed that chdren can earn to count ong before the recognton that a pnt of
water poured from a sma gass nto a arge one remans the same amount of water.
(A) the recognton that
(B) they can recognze that
(C) they woud recognze
(D) they coud have the recognton of
(E) havng the recognton of
582. Pausbe though t sounds, the weakness of the hypothess s that t does not ncorporate a reevant
(A) Pausbe though t sounds, the weakness of the hypothess
(B) Even though t sounds pausbe, the weakness of the hypothess
(C) Though pausbe, the hypothess weakness
(D) Though the hypothess sounds pausbe, ts weakness
(E) The weakness of the hypothess whch sounds pausbe
583. Poor management, outdated technoogy, competton from overseas, and stees repacement to
materas ke aumnum and ber-renforced pastcs have a been cted as causes for the decne of
the Unted States stee ndustry.
(A) stees repacement to materas ke
(B) the repacement of stee by such materas as
(C) the repacng of stee wth materas of
(D) the repacng of stee by means of materas ke
(E) to repace stee by materas such as
584. Presenters at the semnar, one who s bnd, w demonstrate adaptve equpment that aows vsuay
mpared peope to use computers.
(A) one who
(B) one of them who
(C) and one of them who
(D) one of whom
(E) one of whch
585. Promotons, retrements, deaths, and other actons approved by the board of drectors at ts May
meetng w be reported n the |uy 15 ssue of the company paper.
(A) Promotons, retrements, deaths, and other actons approved by the board of drectors at ts May
meetng w be reported n the |uy 15 ssue of the company paper.
(B) Promotons, retrements, and other actons whch have been approved at the May meetng of the
board of drectors aong wth deaths, wth be reported n the |uy 15 ssue of the company paper.
(C) To be reported n the |uy 15 ssue of the company paper are the promotons, retrements, deaths,
and other actons whch were approved at the board of drectors May meetng.
(D) Meetng n May, the promotons, retrements, and other actons approved by the board of
drectors, ncudng obtuares, w be reported n the |uy 15 ssue of the company paper.
(E) The |uy 15 ssue of the company paper w report on promotons, retrements, and other actons
approved by the board of drectors at ts May meetng; the paper w aso ncude obtuares.
586. Prompted by new evdence that the heath rsk posed by radon gas s far more serous than was
prevousy thought, property owners are beng advsed by authortes to test a dwengs beow the
thrd oor for radon gas and to make repars as needed.
(A) property owners are beng advsed by authortes to
(B) property owners are advsed by authortes that they shoud
(C) authortes are advsng property owners to
(D) authortes are advsng property owners they
(E) authortes advce to property owners s they shoud
587. Proponents of artca ntegence say they w be abe to make computers that can understand
Engsh and other human anguages, recognze ob|ects, and reason as an expert does-computers
that w be used to dagnose equpment breakdowns, decdng whether to authorze a oan, or other
purposes such as these.
(A) as an expert does-computers that w be used to dagnose equpment breakdowns, decdng
whether to authorze a oan, or other purposes such as these
(B) as an expert does, whch may be used for purposes such as dagnosng equpment breakdowns or
decdng whether to authorze a oan
(C) ke an expert-computers that w be used for such purposes as dagnosng equpment
breakdowns or decdng whether to authorze a oan
(D) ke an expert, the use of whch woud be for purposes ke the dagnoss of equpment
breakdowns or the decson whether or not a oan shoud be authorzed
(E) ke an expert, to be used to dagnose equpment breakdowns, decdng whether to authorze a
oan or not, or the ke
588. Psychoogsts now contend that the way aduts thnk and fee are determned as much by ther peers
n eary chdhood than by ther parents.
(A) are determned as much by ther peers n eary chdhood than by ther
(B) are determned as much by peers n eary chdhood as do ther
(C) s determned as much by ther eary chdhood peers as by ther
(D) have been determned by chdhood peers as much as ther
(E) was determned as much by ones peers n chdhood as by ones
589. Pubshed durng the ate eghteenth century, Dderots factua *ncyclo7ed!' and hs frend Votares
ctona 8'nd!de were the cause of such a sensatona scanda, and both men prudenty chose to
embark on extended vacatons n nearby Austra.
(A) Dderots factua *ncyclo7ed!' and hs frend Votares ctona 8'nd!de were the cause of such a
sensatona scanda, and
(B) Dderot and hs frend Votares caused such a sensatona scanda wth ther factua
*ncyclo7ed!' and ctona 8'nd!de2 respectvey, that
(C) Dderots factua *ncyclo7ed!' and hs frend Votares ctona 8'nd!de were the cause of a
scanda so sensatona that
(D) the scanda caused by Dderots factua *ncyclo7ed!' and hs frend Votares ctona 8'nd!de
was so sensatona
(E) a factua *ncyclo7ed!' by Dderot and the ctona 8'nd!de, by hs frend Votare, caused a
sensatona scanda, whch
590. Pubshed n Harem, the owner and edtor of the ,essen&er were two young |ournasts, Chander
Owen and A. Php Randoph, who woud ater make hs reputaton as a abor eader.
(A) Pubshed n Harem, the owner and edtor of the ,essen&er were two young |ournasts, Chander
Owen and A. Php Randoph, who woud ater make hs reputaton as a abor eader.
(B) Pubshed n Harem, two young |ournasts, Chander Owen and A. Php Randoph, who woud
ater make hs reputaton as a abor eader, were the owner and edtor of the ,essen&er.
(C) Pubshed n Harem, the ,essen&er was owned and edted by two young |ournasts, A. Php
Randoph, who woud ater make hs reputaton as a abor eader, and Chander Owen.
(D) The ,essen&er was owned and edted by two young |ournasts, Chander Owen and A. Php
Randoph, who woud ater make hs reputaton as a abor eader, and pubshed n Harem.
(E) The owner and edtor beng two young |ournasts, Chander Owen and A. Php Randoph, who
woud ater make hs reputaton as a abor eader, the ,essen&er was pubshed n Harem.
591. Ouasars are so dstant that ther ght has taken bons of years to reach the Earth; consequenty, we
see them as they were durng the formaton of the unverse.
(A) we see them as they were durng
(B) we see them as they had been durng
(C) we see them as f durng
(D) they appear to us as they dd n
(E) they appear to us as though n
592. Ouasars, at bons of ght-years from Earth the most dstant observabe ob|ects n the unverse,
beeved to be the cores of gaaxes n an eary stage of deveopment.
(A) beeved to be
(B) are beeved to be
(C) some beeve them to be
(D) some beeve they are
(E) t s beeved that they are
593. Raph Eson and Amr Baraka both argued that musc was perhaps the utmate expresson of Afro-
Amercan cuture, that t was the one vector of Afrcan cuture that there was no possbty to
(A) that t was the one vector of Afrcan cuture that there was no possbty to eradcate
(B) the one vector of Afrcan cuture that coud not be eradcated
(C) for t was the one vector of Afrcan cuture, and that t was mpossbe to eradcate
(D) a vector of Afrcan cuture that there was no possbty to eradcate
(E) as beng the one vector that coud not be eradcated from Afrcan cuture
594. Ranked as one of the most mportant of Europes young paywrghts, Franz Xaver Kroetz has wrtten
forty pays; hs works-transated nto over thrty anguages-are produced more often than any
contemporary German dramatst.
(A) than any
(B) than any other
(C) than are any
(D) than those of any other
(E) as are those of any
595. Rather than contnue to produce most of the tems necessary for subsstence, a growng number of
farm fames durng the rst decades of the nneteenth century began to specaze n the producton
of gran or cotton and to use the cash proceeds from seng ther crops for buyng necesstes.
(A) seng ther crops for buyng
(B) the saes of ther crops for buyng
(C) ther seng of crops so as to buy
(D) ther seng crops for buyng of
(E) the sae of ther crops to buy
596. Rea smar to a Hoywood move set wth nothng behnd the budng fronts, the countrys apparent
new-found amuence masks a very dherent reaty: most ctzens are not vng at a we.
(A) Rea smar to
(B) Much as f t was
(C) As though
(D) Lke
(E) |ust as
597. Reared apart from each other, a recent Unted States study showed strkng smartes n dentca
twns, ncudng many dosyncrases of behavor.
(A) Reared apart from each other, a recent Unted States study showed strkng smartes n
dentca twns, ncudng many dosyncrases of behavor.
(B) Reared apart from each other, strkng smartes between dentca twns that ncude many
dosyncrases of behavor were shown n a recent Unted States study.
(C) A recent Unted States study showed strkng smartes n dentca twns reared apart from each
other that ncude many dosyncrases of behavor.
(D) Accordng to a recent Unted States study, dentca twns reared apart from each other showed
strkng smartes, ncudng many dosyncrases of behavor.
(E) Accordng to a recent Unted States study, dentca twns showed strkng smartes reared apart
from each other, ncudng many dosyncrases of behavor.
598. Recent essays by Garrson Keor, the humorst and host of the pubc rado show A 9r'!r!e Ho%e
8o%7'n!on, descrbes what mght happen f Huns, Goths, and Vsgoths were to nvade Chcago.
(A) descrbes what mght happen f Huns, Goths, and Vsgoths were to nvade
(B) descrbes what woud happen f Huns, Goths, and Vsgoths nvaded
(C) descrbes what woud happen f Huns, Goths, and Vsgoths woud have nvaded
(D) descrbe what mght happen f Huns, Goths, and Vsgoths were to nvade
(E) descrbe what happen f Huns, Goths, and Vsgoths nvade
599. Recent excavatons suggest that the ancent peopes of the Itaan pennsua merged the cut of
Dama-a goddess of fertty and the harvest-wth Venus.
(A) wth Venus
(B) and Venus
(C) wth that of Venus
(D) and Venus
(E) and Venus cut
600. Recenty dscovered foss remans strongy suggest that the Austraan egg-ayng mammas of today
are a branch of the man stem of mammaan evouton rather than deveopng ndependenty from a
common ancestor of mammas more than 220 mon years ago.
(A) rather than deveopng ndependenty from
(B) rather than a type that deveoped ndependenty from
(C) rather than a type whose deveopment was ndependent of
(D) nstead of deveopng ndependenty from
(E) nstead of a deveopment that was ndependent of
601. Recenty mpemented shft-work equatons based on studes of the human seep cyce have
reduced sckness, seepng on the |ob, fatgue among shft workers, and have rased producton
emcency n varous ndustres.
(A) fatgue among shft workers, and have rased
(B) fatgue among shft workers, and rased
(C) and fatgue among shft workers whe rasng
(D) owered fatgue among shft workers, and rased
(E) and fatgue among shft workers was owered whe rasng
602. Recenty there has been ncreased debate over f a budget surpus shoud go towards ower taxes or
ncreased spendng on soca programs.
(A) over f a budget surpus shoud go towards ower taxes or ncreased spendng
(B) over whether a budget surpus shoud go towards owerng taxes or ncreasng spendng
(C) about a budget surpus gong towards ower taxes or ncreasng spendng
(D) about f ower taxes shoud come from a budget surpus or spendng ncreases
(E) concernng a budget surpus and ts gong towards ower taxes or ncreased spendng
603. Rembrandt so treasured hs coecton of Isamc portrats that when forced to se them n order to
rase money, he rst made copes of more than twenty.
(A) he rst made copes of more than twenty
(B) rst he made copes of more than twenty
(C) more than twenty were coped
(D) copes of more than twenty were made
(E) he copes more than twenty of them rst
604. Repeed by body punshments such as mamng and brandng, the dea of pententares were
reforms of the pena system by Ouakers.
(A) the dea of pententares were reforms of the pena system by Ouakers
(B) pententares were deas for reform of the pena system suggested by Ouakers
(C) Ouakers suggested the pententary as a reform of the pena system
(D) Ouakers suggested that the pena system be reformed as pententares
(E) the pententary was suggested to be a reform of the pena system by Ouakers
605. Reportng that one of ts many probems had been the recent extended saes sump n womens
appare, the seven-store retaer sad t woud start a three-month qudaton sae n a of ts stores.
(A) ts many probems had been the recent
(B) ts many probems has been the recenty
(C) ts many probems s the recenty
(D) ther many probems s the recent
(E) ther many probems had been the recent
606. Research durng the past severa decades on the nature of anguage and the processes that produce
and make t understandabe has reveaed great compexty nstead of underyng smpcty.
(A) that produce and make t understandabe has reveaed great compexty nstead of underyng
(B) of producng and understandng t have reveaed not underyng smpcty but great compexty
(C) by whch t s produced and understood has reveaed not underyng smpcty but great
(D) by whch t s produced and understood have reveaed great compexty rather than underyng
(E) by whch one produces and understands t have reveaed great compexty nstead of underyng
607. Researchers at Corne Unversty have demonstrated that homng pgeons can sense changes n the
earths magnetc ed, see ght waves that peope cannot see, detect ow-frequency sounds from
mes away, sense changes n ar pressure, and can dentfy famar odors.
(A) sense changes n ar pressure, and can dentfy famar odors
(B) can sense changes n ar pressure, and can dentfy famar odors
(C) sense changes n ar pressure, and dentfy famar odors
(D) ar pressure changes can be sensed, and famar odors dented
(E) ar pressure changes are sensed, and famar odors dented
608. Researchers have questoned the use of costy and expermenta dagnostc tests to dentfy food
aerges, such as mk, that supposedy dsrupt norma behavor.
(A) to dentfy food aerges, such as
(B) to dentfy food aerges, ke
(C) to dentfy food aerges, such as to
(D) for dentfyng food aerges, ke that of
(E) for dentfyng food aerges, such as for
609. Revered by an -nformed ctzenry, the Duke of York was feted opuenty for severa months before
there was denuncaton and exe.
(A) there was denuncaton and exe
(B) he was to be denounced wth exe
(C) beng denounced and exed
(D) denuncaton and hs exe
(E) beng exed, havng been denounced
610. Rsng nventores, when unaccompaned correspondngy by ncreases n saes, can ead to
producton cutbacks that woud hamper economc growth.
(A) when unaccompaned correspondngy by ncreases n saes, can ead
(B) when not accompaned by correspondng ncreases n saes, possby eads
(C) when they were unaccompaned by correspondng saes ncreases, can ead
(D) f not accompaned by correspondngy ncreased saes, possby eads
(E) f not accompaned by correspondng ncreases n saes, can ead
611. Roy Wkns was among the ast of a generaton of cv rghts actvsts who ed the naton through
decades of change so profound many young Amercans are not abe to magne, even ess to
remember, what segregaton was ke.
(A) so profound many young Amercans are not abe to magne, even ess to remember
(B) so profound that many young Amercans cannot magne, much ess remember
(C) so profound many young Amercans cannot magne nor even ess remember
(D) of such profundty many young Amercans cannot magne, even ess can they remember
(E) of such profundty that many young Amercans are not abe to magne, much ess to remember
612. Rues bannng cancer-causng substances from food appy to new food addtves and not to natura
consttuents of food because ther use as addtves s entrey avodabe.
(A) ther use as addtves s
(B) as addtves, ther use s
(C) the use of such addtves s
(D) the use of such addtves are
(E) the use of them as addtves s
613. Saes of Unted States manufactured goods to nonndustrazed countres rose to $167 bon n 1992,
whch s 14 percent more than the prevous year and argey ohsets weak demand from Europe and
(A) whch s 14 percent more than the prevous year
(B) whch s 14 percent hgher than t was the prevous year
(C) 14 percent hgher than the prevous years gure
(D) an amount that s 14 percent more than the prevous year was
(E) an amount that s 14 percent hgher than the prevous years gure
614. Sat deposts and mosture threaten to destroy the Mohen|o-Daro excavaton n Pakstan, the ste of
an ancent cvzaton that ourshed at the same tme as the cvzatons n the Ne deta and the
rver vaeys of the Tgrs and Euphrates.
(A) that ourshed at the same tme as the cvzatons
(B) that had ourshed at the same tme as had the cvzatons
(C) that ourshed at the same tme those had
(D) ourshng at the same tme as those dd
(E) ourshng at the same tme as those were
615. Samue Sewa vewed marrage, as other seventeenth-century coonsts, ke a property arrangement
rather than an emotona bond based on romantc ove.
(A) Samue Sewa vewed marrage, as other seventeenth-century coonsts, ke a property
arrangement rather than
(B) As dd other seventeenth-century coonsts, Samue Sewa vewed marrage to be a property
arrangement rather than vewng t as
(C) Samue Sewa vewed marrage to be a property arrangement, ke other seventeenth-century
coonsts, rather than vewng t as
(D) Marrage to Samue Sewa, ke other seventeenth-century coonsts, was vewed as a property
arrangement rather than
(E) Samue Sewa, ke other seventeenth-century coonsts, vewed marrage as a property
arrangement rather than
616. Sartre beeved each ndvdua s responsbe to choose one course of acton over another one, that t
s the choce that gves vaue to the act, and that nothng that s not acted upon has vaue.
(A) each ndvdua s responsbe to choose one course of acton over another one
(B) that each ndvdua s responsbe for choosng one course of acton over another
(C) that each ndvdua s responsbe, choosng one course of acton over another
(D) that each ndvdua s responsbe to choose one course of acton over the other
(E) each ndvdua s responsbe for choosng one course of acton over other ones
617. Schoo desegregaton has worked we n Buhao, New York, n part because parents and teachers
were gven ma|or roes n desgnng the ctys magnet schoos, because extra federa funds were
aocated to make each schoo unque, and because the federa |udge enforced desegregaton orders.
(A) because extra federa funds were aocated to make each schoo unque
(B) because of the aocaton of extra federa funds that make each schoo unque
(C) because each schoo s made unque by aocatng t extra federa funds
(D) extra federa funds were aocated n order to make each schoo unque
(E) extra federa funds were aocated for makng each schoo unque
618. Schoo ntegraton pans that nvove busng between suburban and centra-cty areas have
contrbuted, accordng to a recent study, to sgncant ncreases n housng ntegraton, whch, n
turn, reduces any future need for busng.
(A) sgncant ncreases n housng ntegraton, whch, n turn, reduces
(B) sgncant ntegraton ncreases n housng, whch, n turn, reduces
(C) ncrease housng ntegraton sgncanty, whch, n turn, reduces
(D) ncrease housng ntegraton sgncanty, n turn reducng
(E) sgncanty ncrease housng ntegraton, whch, n turn, reduce
619. Scentc nterest n provdng sutabe habtats for bottom-dweng anmas such as rver cams arses
not because they are mportant sources of human food but from ther roe as an ntegra nk n the
Aquatc food chan.
(A) not because they are mportant sources of human food
(B) athough they are not an mportant sources of human food
(C) not n that they are mportant as human sources of food
(D) not from ther mportance as a source of human food
(E) not from beng mportant sources of food for human bengs
620. Scentsts beeve that unke the maes of most speces of moth, the mae whstng moths of
Nambung, Austraa, ca femae moths to them by the use of acoustca sgnas, but not ofactory
ones, and they attract ther mates durng the day, rather than at nght.
(A) by the use of acoustca sgnas, but not ofactory ones, and they attract
(B) by the use of acoustca sgnas nstead of usng ofactory ones, and attractng
(C) by usng acoustca sgnas, not usng ofactory ones, and by attractng
(D) usng acoustca sgnas, rather than ofactory ones, and attract
(E) usng acoustca sgnas, but not ofactory ones, and attractng
621. Scentsts cacuated that the asterod, traveng at 46,000 mes an hour, s on an eptca path that
orbts the Sun once a year and reguary brngs t back toward Earth.
(A) hour, s on an eptca path that orbts the Sun once a year and reguary brngs t
(B) hour, s orbtng the Sun once a year on an eptca path that reguary brngs t
(C) hour, once a year orbts the Sun, reguary brngng t on an eptca path
(D) hour and orbtng the Sun once a year on an eptca path, reguary brngng t
(E) hour, orbts the Sun on an eptca path once a year and that reguary brngs t
622. Scentsts have observed arge concentratons of heavy-meta deposts n the upper twenty
centmeters of Batc Sea sedments, whch are consstent wth the growth of ndustra actvty there.
(A) Batc Sea sedments, whch are consstent wth the growth of ndustra actvty there
(B) Batc Sea sedments, where the growth of ndustra actvty s consstent wth these ndngs
(C) Batc Sea sedments, ndngs consstent wth ts growth of ndustra actvty
(D) sedments from the Batc Sea, ndngs consstent wth the growth of ndustra actvty n the
(E) sedments from the Batc Sea, consstent wth the growth of ndustra actvty there
623. Scentsts have recenty dscovered what coud be the argest and odest vng organsm on Earth, a
gant fungus that s an nterwoven gree of mushrooms and rootke tentaces spawned by a snge
fertzed spore some 10,000 years ago and extendng for more than 30 acres n the so of a Mchgan
(A) extendng
(B) extends
(C) extended
(D) t extended
(E) s extendng
624. Scentsts have suggested that once every 10 mon years or so a truy coossa ob|ect from space
cuts through the atmosphere and sams nto Earth, sendng up a goba pa of dust that bots out the
Sun, aters the cmate, and changes the course of evouton by kng oh many pant and anma
(A) sendng up a goba pa of dust that bots
(B) thus sendng up a goba pa of dust to bot
(C) thereby sendng up a goba pa of dust to bot
(D) and that sends up a goba pa of dust, bottng
(E) whch sends up a goba pa of dust, bots
625. Scentsts who studed the famous god ed known as Serra Peada concuded that the rch ode was
not produced by the accepted methods of ore formaton but that swarms of mcrobes over mons of
years concentrated the god from |unge sos and rvers and rocks.
(A) not produced by the accepted methods of ore formaton but that swarms of mcrobes over
mons of years
(B) not produced by the accepted methods of ore formaton but nstead swarms of mcrobes over
mons of years that
(C) not produced by the accepted methods of ore formaton but swarms of mcrobes over mons of
years that
(D) produced not by the accepted methods of ore formaton but by swarms of mcrobes that over
mons of years
(E) produced not by the accepted methods of ore formaton but that swarms of mcrobes over
mons of years
626. Scorched by re, staned by water, and nscrbed n cramped handwrtng, the seventeenth-century
Dutch documents on the begnnngs of New York Cty were ong gnored by hstorans, dependng
nstead on Engsh sources for nformaton.
(A) the seventeenth-century Dutch documents on the begnnngs of New York Cty were ong gnored
by hstorans, dependng
(B) the seventeenth-century Dutch documents on the begnnngs of New York Cty were ong gnored
by hstorans, who depended
(C) hstorans ong gnored the seventeenth-century Dutch documents on the begnnngs of New York
Cty, dependng
(D) hstorans ong gnored the seventeenth-century Dutch documents on the begnnngs of New York
Cty and depended
(E) hstorans ong gnored the seventeenth-century Dutch documents on the begnnngs of New York
Cty, they depended
627. Scuptor Aexander Cader, who often made use of od peces of |unk n hs art and aso beeved n
recycng at home; he once turned a broken gobet nto a dnner be and a cake mod nto a amp.
(A) Scuptor Aexander Cader, who often made use of od peces of |unk n hs art and aso beeved
n recycng at home; he
(B) Aexander Cader, for whom od peces of |unk was often made nto scupture, beeved n
recycng at home and
(C) A beever n recycng at home, scuptor Aexander Cader often made use for od peces of |unk
n hs art; he
(D) Aexander Cader, for whom scupture was often made from od peces of |unk, aso beeved n
recycng at home, for exampe, he
(E) Scuptor Aexander Cader, who often made use of od peces of |unk n hs art, aso beeved n
recycng at home; he
628. Secton 13(d) of the Securtes Exchange Act of 1934 requres anyone who buys more than 5 percent
of a companys stock make a pubc dscosure of the purchase.
(A) make
(B) w aso make
(C) to make
(D) must make
(E) must then make
629. Seemng to be one of the few corporatons dversed enough to survve the recesson, many
sharehoders gnored the drop n thrd-quarter prots and nvested even more heavy n Emco.
(A) Seemng to be
(B) As f
(C) In that they seemed
(D) Athough t seemed
(E) Because t seemed to be
630. Seemng to be the ony organzaton ghtng for the rghts of poor peope n the South, Hosea Hudson,
a aborer n Aabama, |oned the Communst party n 1931.
(A) Seemng to be
(B) As
(C) In that they seemed
(D) Snce t seemed
(E) Because t seemed to be
631. Sesmoogsts studyng the earthquake that struck northern Caforna n October 1989 are st
nvestgatng some of ts mysteres: the unexpected power of the sesmc waves, the upward thrust
that threw one man straght nto the ar, and the strange eectromagnetc sgnas detected hours
before the tembor.
(A) the upward thrust that threw one man straght nto the ar, and the strange eectromagnetc
sgnas detected hours before the tembor
(B) the upward thrust that threw one man straght nto the ar, and strange eectromagnetc sgnas
were detected hours before the tembor
(C) the upward thrust threw one man straght nto the ar, and hours before the tembor strange
eectromagnetc sgnas were detected
(D) one man was thrown straght nto the ar by the upward thrust, and hours before the tembor
strange eectromagnetc sgnas were detected
(E) one man who was thrown straght nto the ar by the upward thrust, and strange eectromagnetc
sgnas that were detected hours before the tembor
632. Seng severa hundred thousand copes n sx months, the pubcaton of Mape Leaf Rag n 1899
was an nstant ht, hepng to estabsh Scott |opn as the preemnent ragtme composer.
(A) Seng severa hundred thousand copes n sx months, the pubcaton of Mape Leaf Rag n
1899 was an nstant ht, hepng to estabsh Scott |opn as the preemnent ragtme composer.
(B) The pubcaton n 1899 of Mape Leaf Rag was an nstant ht: n sx months they sod severa
hundred thousand copes and t heped estabsh Scott |opn as the preemnent ragtme
(C) Hepng to estabsh Scott |opn as the preemnent ragtme composer was the pubcaton of
Mape Leaf Rag n 1899, whch was an nstant ht: t sod severa hundred thousand copes n
sx months.
(D) Mape Leaf Rag was an nstant ht: t heped estabsh Scott |opn as the preemnent ragtme
composer, pubshed n 1899 and seng severa hundred thousand copes n sx months.
(E) Pubshed n 1899, Mape Leaf Rag was an nstant ht, seng severa hundred thousand copes
n sx months: t heped estabsh Scott |opn as the preemnent ragtme composer.
633. Senator Lasker has proposed egsaton requrng that empoyers shoud retan a oder workers
ndentey or show |ust cause for dsmssa.
(A) that empoyers shoud retan a oder workers
(B) that a oder workers be retaned by empoyers
(C) the retanng by empoyers of a oder workers
(D) empoyers retenton of a oder workers
(E) empoyers to retan a oder workers
634. Senor executves had a arger percentage ncrease n pay n 1990 than the wages of other saared
(A) Senor executves had a arger percentage ncrease n pay n 1990 than
(B) The percentage of senor executves pay ncrease n 1990 was arger than for
(C) The 1990 ncrease n pay for senor executves was arger n terms of percentage than
(D) In 1990 senor executves had a arger pay ncrease n terms of percentage than dd
(E) The pay of senor executves ncreased n 1990 by a arger percentage than dd
635. Severa recent studes suggest that a chd born nto a famy whose members have aerges w
probaby themseves deveop aerges foowng the onset of a mnor vra nfecton.
(A) a chd born nto a famy whose members have aerges w probaby themseves deveop
(B) chdren born nto fames whose members have aerges w probaby themseves deveop
(C) a chd born nto a famy the members of whch have aerges w probaby deveop an aergy
(D) n those fames where members have aerges, chdren w probaby deveop aerges
(E) chdren born nto a famy n whch there are aerges w themseves probaby deveop an
636. Severa senor omcas spoke to the press on condton that they not be named n the story.
(A) that they not be named
(B) that ther names w not be used
(C) that ther names are not used
(D) of not beng named
(E) they w not be named
637. Severa studes have found that the coronary patents who exercse most actvey have haf or ess
than haf the chance of dyng of a heart attack as those who are sedentary.
(A) have haf or ess than haf the chance of dyng of a heart attack as those who are sedentary
(B) have haf the chance, or ess, of dyng of a heart attack than those who are sedentary do
(C) have haf the chance that they w de of a heart attack, or ess, than those who are sedentary do
(D) are at east fty percent ess key to de of a heart attack as those who are sedentary
(E) are at east fty percent ess key than those who are sedentary to de of a heart attack
638. Severa years ago the det ndustry ntroduced a varety of appette suppressants, but some of these
drugs caused stomach dsorders severe enough to have them banned by the Food and Drug
(A) stomach dsorders severe enough to have them
(B) stomach dsorders that were severe enough so they were
(C) stomach dsorders of such severty so as to be
(D) such severe stomach dsorders that they were
(E) such severe stomach dsorders as to be
639. Severe and ncreasng numerous crtcs are pontng to decences n the Brtsh ega system,
decences that seem to deny a proper defense to many cents who are charged wth crmes.
(A) Severe and ncreasng numerous crtcs are pontng to decences n the Brtsh ega system,
decences that seem
(B) Severe and ncreasng numerous crtcs pont to decences n the Brtsh ega system,
decences seemng
(C) Severe and ncreasngy numerous crtcs are pontng to decences n the Brtsh ega system
that seem
(D) Severey and ncreasngy numerous crtcs pont to decences n the Brtsh ega system
(E) Severey and ncreasngy numerous crtcs are pontng to decences n the Brtsh ega system
that seem
640. She was a chd prodgy, and Cara Schumann deveoped nto one of the greatest pansts of her tme.
(A) She was a chd prodgy, and Cara Schumann
(B) A chd prodgy, Cara Schumann
(C) Chd prodgy that she was, Cara Schumann
(D) Cara Schumann has been a chd prodgy, and she
(E) Beng a chd prodgy, Cara Schumann
641. Smar to rsng nterest rates, consumer and producer prces have been rsng.
(A) Smar to rsng nterest rates, consumer and producer prces have been rsng.
(B) Consumer and producer prces have been rsng, as have nterest rates.
(C) As nterest rates are rsng, so have consumer and producer prces.
(D) Consumer and producer prces have been rsng, ke nterest rates do.
(E) Consumer and producer prces, as nterest rates, have been rsng.
642. Snce 1965 there are four tmes as many Back coege students enroed, and the one mon Back
peope n coege today represent 11 percent of a coege students.
(A) Snce 1965 there are four tmes as many Back coege students enroed
(B) The enroment of Back coege students was ony one-fourth n 1965
(C) The enroment of Back coege students has ncreased four tmes from 1965 on
(D) Ouadrupng snce 1965, there are now four tmes as many Back coege students enroed
(E) The enroment of Back coege students has quadruped snce 1965
643. Snce 1970 the number of Backs eected to state and federa omces n the Unted States has
mutped neary four tmes.
(A) has mutped neary four tmes
(B) has amost quadruped
(C) has amost mutped by four
(D) s amost four tmes as great
(E) s neary fourfod what t was
644. Snce 1975 the number of women n upper-eve management n Amercan corporatons have
ncreased by 25 percent; femae executves saares, however, st ag behnd those of ther mae
(A) have ncreased by 25 percent; femae executves saares, however, st ag
(B) has ncreased by 25 percent, however much ther saares ag
(C) have ncreased 25 percent; femae executves saares, however, st have agged
(D) has ncreased by 25 percent; femae executves saares, however, st ag
(E) have ncreased 25 percent; ther saares, however, st ag
645. Snce 1981, when the farm depresson began, the number of acres overseen by professona farm-
management companes have grown from 48 mon to neary 59 mon, an area that s about
Coorados sze.
(A) have grown from 48 mon to neary 59 mon, an area that s about Coorados sze
(B) have grown from 48 mon to neary 59 mon, about the sze of Coorado
(C) has grown from 48 mon to neary 59 mon, an area about the sze of Coorado
(D) has grown from 48 mon up to neary 59 mon, an area about the sze of Coorados
(E) has grown from 48 mon up to neary 59 mon, about Coorados sze
646. Snce 1986 enroments of Afrcan Amercans, Amercan Indans, and Hspanc Amercans n futme
engneerng programs n the Unted States has steady ncreased, whe the number of other students
who enter the ed has faen.
(A) has steady ncreased, whe the number of other students who enter the ed has faen
(B) has steady ncreased, whe other students enterng the ed have decned n number
(C) ncreased steady, whe there was a decne n the number of other students enterng the ed
(D) have steady ncreased, whe the number of other students enterng the ed has faen
(E) have steady ncreased, whe that of other students who enter the ed fe
647. Snce 1986 when the Department of Labor began to aow nvestment omcers fees to be based on
how the funds they manage perform, severa corporatons began payng ther nvestment advsers a
sma basc fee, wth a contract promsng hgher fees f the managers perform we.
(A) nvestment omcers fees to be based on how the funds they manage perform, severa
corporatons began
(B) nvestment omcers fees to be based on the performance of the funds they manage, severa
corporatons began
(C) that fees of nvestment omcers be based on how the funds they manage perform, severa
corporatons have begun
(D) fees of nvestment omcers to be based on the performance of the funds they manage, severa
corporatons have begun
(E) that nvestment omcers fees be based on the performance of the funds they manage, severa
corporatons began
648. Snce chromosome damage may be caused by vra nfectons, medca x-rays, and exposure to
sunght, t s mportant that the chromosomes of a popuaton to be tested for chemcay nduced
damage be compared wth those of a contro popuaton.
(A) to be tested for chemcay nduced damage be compared wth
(B) beng tested for damage nduced chemcay are compared wth
(C) beng tested for chemcay nduced damage shoud be compared to
(D) beng tested for chemcay nduced damage are to be compared to
(E) that s to be tested for chemcay nduced damage are to be comparabe wth
649. Snce conscous patents often ded of shock on the operatng tabe, the nventon of anesthesa was
essenta to the deveopment of surgery as the nventon of the propeer was to powered ght.
(A) the nventon of anesthesa was essenta to the deveopment of surgery as the nventon of the
propeer was to powered ght
(B) nventng anesthesa was as essenta for the deveopment of surgery as the nventon of the
propeer was for powered ght
(C) the nventon of anesthesa was as essenta n the deveopment of surgery much as the nventon
of the propeer had been for powered ght
(D) the nventon of anesthesa was as essenta to the deveopment of surgery as the nventon of
the propeer was to powered ght
(E) the nventon of anesthesa was essenta to the deveopment of surgery, so was the nventon of
the propeer essenta to powered ght
650. Snce savngs banks have to use short-term deposts to nance ong-term xed-rate mortgage oans,
they sometmes ose money when there s a rse n short-term rates and, on the other hand, they are
unabe to rase the rates on ther mortgages.
(A) when there s a rse n short-term rates and, on the other hand, they are unabe to rase
(B) when short-term rates rse and they are unabe to rase
(C) when a rse n short-term rates occurs and, correspondngy, there s no rse possbe n
(D) wth a rse n short-term rates, and they are unabe to rase
(E) wth short-term rates on the rse and no rse possbe n
651. Snce the 1930s arcraft manufacturers have tred to bud arpanes wth frctoness wngs, shaped
so smoothy and perfecty that the ar passng over them woud not become turbuent.
(A) wngs, shaped so smoothy and perfecty
(B) wngs, wngs so smooth and so perfecty shaped
(C) wngs that are shaped so smooth and perfect
(D) wngs, shaped n such a smooth and perfect manner
(E) wngs, wngs havng been shaped smoothy and perfecty so
652. Snce the move was reeased seventeen UFOs have been sghted n the state, whch s more than
had been sghted n the past ten years together.
(A) whch s more than had been sghted
(B) more than had been sghted
(C) more than they had sghted
(D) more than had reported sghtngs
(E) whch s more than had reported sghtngs
653. Sps of the tongue do not necessary revea conceaed beefs or ntentons but rather are the resut
from the competton between varous processng mechansms n the bran.
(A) but rather are the resut from
(B) and nstead are the resut from
(C) beng rather the resut of
(D) and rather resut from
(E) but rather resut from
654. So poory educated and traned are many young recruts to the Unted States work force that many
busness executves fear ths country w ose ts economc preemnence.
(A) So poory educated and traned are many young recruts to the Unted States work force that
(B) As poory educated and traned as many young recruts to the Unted States work force are
(C) Because of many young recruts to the Unted States work force who are so poory educated and
(D) That many young recruts to the Unted States work force are so poory educated and traned s
(E) Many young recruts to the Unted States work force who are so poory educated and traned
expans why
655. Socrates coud have ed from Athens after he was sentenced to death, but he refused to do t.
(A) Socrates coud have ed from Athens after he was sentenced to death, but he refused to do t.
(B) After he was sentenced to death, Socrates mght have ed from Athens, but he refused to do t.
(C) After he was sentenced to death, Socrates coud have ed from Athens, but he refused to do so.
(D) After he was sentenced to death, Socrates coud have done so after he was sentenced to death.
(E) Socrates coud have ed from Athens but refused to after he was sentenced to death.
656. Some anaysts contend that true captasm exsts ony when the ownershp of both property and the
means of producton s regarded as an naenabe rght of an ndvduas, and t s not a cense
granted by government and revokabe at whm.
(A) s regarded as an naenabe rght of an ndvduas, and t s not
(B) are regarded as ndvduas naenabe rghts, and that t not be
(C) s regarded as an ndvduas naenabe rght, not as
(D) are regarded as an ndvduas naenabe rghts, not when they are
(E) s regarded as the naenabe rghts of an ndvdua, not when t s
657. Some anaysts of retrement probems nsst that the ony way to provde equty and protecton for a
Amercans s to amagamate a retrement-ncome systems, ncudng Soca Securty, nto one centra
(A) nsst that the ony way to provde equty and protecton for a Amercans s to amagamate
(B) have nssted the ony way equty and protecton can be provded for a Amercans s
(C) nsst the ony way to provde equty and protecton for a Amercans s the amagamaton of
(D) are nsstent that the ony way equty and protecton can be provded for a Amercans s the
amagamaton of
(E) nsst that the ony way for the provson of equty and protecton for a Amercans s to
658. Some anaysts pont out that because peope are becomng accustomed to a steady naton rate of
four to ve percent, busnesses found that they coud rase prces accordng to ths amount wthout
thereby provokng strong pubc reacton.
(A) found that they coud rase prces accordng to ths amount wthout thereby provokng
(B) found that they were capabe of rasng prces by ths amount and not provoke
(C) nd that they are capabe of rasng prces by ths amount and not provoke
(D) are ndng that they can rase prces by ths amount wthout provokng
(E) are ndng that they can rase prces accordng to ths amount and w not thereby provoke
659. Some bat caves, ke honeybee hves, have resdents that take on dherent dutes such as defendng
the entrance, actng as sentnes and to sound a warnng at the approach of danger, and scoutng
outsde the cave for new food and roostng stes.
(A) actng as sentnes and to sound
(B) actng as sentnes and soundng
(C) to act as sentnes and sound
(D) to act as sentnes and to sound
(E) to act as a sentne soundng
660. Some bographers have not ony dsputed the common noton that Edgar Aan Poe drank to excess
but aso questoned whether he drank at a.
(A) have not ony dsputed the common noton that Edgar Aan Poe drank to excess but aso
questoned whether he drank
(B) not ony have dsputed the common noton that Edgar Aan Poe drank to excess but aso over
whether he drank
(C) have dsputed not ony the common noton that Edgar Aan Poe drank to excess but aso whether
he may not have drunk
(D) not ony have dsputed the common noton that Edgar Aan Poe drank to excess but aso
questoned whether or not he had drunk
(E) have dsputed the common noton not ony that Edgar Aan Poe drank to excess but aso
questoned whether he may not have drunk
661. Some budngs that were destroyed and heavy damaged n the earthquake ast year were
constructed n voaton of the ctys budng code.
(A) Some budngs that were destroyed and heavy damaged n the earthquake ast year were
(B) Some budngs that were destroyed or heavy damaged n the earthquake ast year had been
(C) Some budngs that the earthquake destroyed and heavy damaged ast year have been
(D) Last year the earthquake destroyed or heavy damaged some budngs that have been
(E) Last year some of the budngs that were destroyed or heavy damaged n the earth quake had
662. Some hstorans of scence have argued that scence moves forward not so much because of the
nsghts of great thnkers but because of more mundane deveopments, such as mproved toos and
(A) because of the nsghts of great thnkers but because of
(B) because of the nsghts of great thnkers as the resut of
(C) because of the nsghts of great thnkers as because of
(D) through the nsghts of great thnkers but through
(E) through the nsghts of great thnkers but resut from
663. Some of the tenth-century stave churches of Norway are st standng, demonstratng that wth sound
desgn and mantenance, wooden budngs can ast ndentey.
(A) standng, demonstratng that wth sound desgn and mantenance, wooden budngs can ast
(B) standng, demonstratng how wooden budngs, when they have sound desgn and mantenance,
can ast ndentey
(C) standng; they demonstrate f a wooden budng has sound desgn and mantenance t can ast
(D) standng, and they demonstrate wooden budngs can ast ndentey when there s sound
desgn and mantenance
(E) standng, and they demonstrate how a wooden budng can ast ndentey when t has sound
desgn and mantenance
664. Some psychatrc studes ndcate that among dstngushed artsts the rates of manc depresson and
ma|or depresson are ten to thrteen tmes as prevaent as n the popuaton at arge.
(A) the rates of manc depresson and ma|or depresson are ten to thrteen tmes as prevaent as n
(B) the rates of manc depresson and ma|or depresson are ten to thrteen tmes more prevaent
than n
(C) the rates of manc depresson and ma|or depresson are ten to thrteen tmes more prevaent
when compared to
(D) manc depresson and ma|or depresson are ten to thrteen tmes as prevaent when compared to
(E) manc depresson and ma|or depresson are ten to thrteen tmes more prevaent than n
665. Some scentsts have been crtca of the aboratory tests conducted by the Federa Drug
Admnstraton on the grounds that the amounts of suspected carcnogens fed to anmas far exceeds
those that humans coud consume.
(A) far exceeds those that humans coud consume
(B) exceeds by far those humans can consume
(C) far exceeds those humans are abe to consume
(D) exceed by far those abe to be consumed by humans
(E) far exceed those that humans coud consume
666. South Korea has wtnessed the words most dramatc growth of Chrstan congregatons; church
membershp s expandng by 6.6 percent a year, fuy two-thrds of the growth comng from
conversons rather than the popuaton ncreasng.
(A) comng from conversons rather than the popuaton ncreasng
(B) comng from conversons rather than ncreases n the popuaton
(C) comng from conversons nstead of the popuatons ncreasng
(D) s from conversons nstead of popuaton ncreases
(E) s from conversons rather than ncreasng the popuaton
667. Spannng more than fty years, Fredrch Muer began hs career n an unpromsng apprentceshp as
a Sanskrt schoar and cumnated n vrtuay every honor that European governments and earned
socetes coud bestow.
(A) Muer began hs career n an unpromsng apprentceshp as
(B) Muers career began n an unpromsng apprentceshp as
(C) Muers career began wth the unpromsng apprentceshp of beng
(D) Muer had begun hs career wth the unpromsng apprentceshp of beng
(E) the career of Muer has begun wth an unpromsng apprentceshp of
668. St. |ohns, Newfoundand, es on the same attude as Pars, France, but n sprng St. |ohns resdents
are ess key to be sttng at outdoor cafes than to be bracng themseves aganst arctc chs,
shoveng snow, or seekng sheter from a ragng northeast storm.
(A) resdents are ess key to be sttng at outdoor cafes than to be bracng themseves aganst
arctc chs, shoveng snow, or seekng
(B) resdents are ess key to st at outdoor cafes, and more to brace themseves aganst arctc
chs, shove snow, or be seekng
(C) resdents are ess key to be sttng at outdoor cafes, and more key to be bracng themseves
aganst arctc chs, shoveng snow, or to be seekng
(D) resdents, nstead of ther sttng at outdoor cafes, they are more key to brace themseves
aganst arctc chs, shove snow, or seek
(E) resdents, nstead of sttng at outdoor cafes, are more key to brace themseves aganst arctc
chs, shove snow, or to be seekng
669. Stabe nterest rates on ong-term bonds are the nanca markets vote of condence n the Federa
Reserve keepng n contro of naton.
(A) n the Federa Reserve keepng n contro of naton
(B) that the Federa Reserve w keep naton under contro
(C) for the Federa Reserve, that t woud keep contro of naton
(D) that naton w be kept contro of by the Federa Reserve
(E) that naton woud be kept contro of by the Federa Reserve
670. Stars ke the sun can contnue to shne steady for bons of years because ts ght and heat are
produced by nucear fuson, n whch ttanc reeases of energy resut n the oss of ony tny amounts
of mass.
(A) ts ght and heat are produced by nucear fuson, n whch
(B) nucear fuson produces ts ght and heat, n whch
(C) nucear fuson produces ther ght and heat, where
(D) ts ght and heat are produced by nucear fuson, where
(E) ther ght and heat are produced by nucear fuson, n whch
671. State omcas report that soarng rates of abty nsurance have rsen to force cutbacks n the
operatons of everythng from oca governments and schoo dstrcts to day-care centers and
recreatona factes.
(A) rates of abty nsurance have rsen to force
(B) rates of abty nsurance are a force for
(C) rates for abty nsurance are forcng
(D) rses n abty nsurance rates are forcng
(E) abty nsurance rates have rsen to force
672. Students n the metropotan schoo dstrct ack math sks to such a arge degree as to make t
dmcut to absorb them nto a cty economy becomng ever more dependent on nformaton-based
(A) ack math sks to such a arge degree as to make t dmcut to absorb them nto a cty economy
(B) ack math sks to a arge enough degree that they w be dmcut to absorb nto a ctys
economy that becomes
(C) ack of math sks s so arge as to be dmcut to absorb them nto a ctys economy that becomes
(D) are ackng so much n math sks as to be dmcut to absorb nto a ctys economy becomng
(E) are so ackng n math sks that t w be dmcut to absorb them nto a cty economy becomng
673. Studes of crcadan rhythms can be apped to probems rangng from chronc nsomna n frequent
transcontnenta ar traveers to workers n a-nght pants beng nemcent.
(A) to workers n a-nght pants beng nemcent
(B) toward workers n a-nght pants beng nemcent
(C) to workers n a-nght pants who are nemcent
(D) to combat worker nemcency n a-nght pants
(E) to decreased emcency among workers n a-nght pants
674. Studes of the human seep-wake cyce have practca reevance for matters rangng from duty
assgnments n nucear submarnes and ar-tramc contro towers to the stah of shfts n 24-hour
(A) to the stah of
(B) to those who stah
(C) to the stamng of
(D) and stamng
(E) and the stah of
675. Studes show that young peope wth hgher-than-average bood pressure and ther fames have a
hstory of hgh bood pressure are more key than others to deveop a severe form of the condton.
(A) and ther fames have a hstory of hgh bood pressure
(B) whose fames have a hstory of hgh bood pressure
(C) and a hstory of hgh bood pressure runs n the famy
(D) whose fames have a hstory of hgh bood pressure runnng n them
(E) wth a hstory of hgh bood pressure runnng n ther famy
676. Sufur doxde, a ma|or contrbutor to acd ran, s an especay serous poutant because t dmnshes
the respratory systems abty to dea wth a other poutants.
(A) an especay serous poutant because t dmnshes the respratory systems abty to dea
(B) an especay serous poutant because of dmnshng the respratory systems capabty of
(C) an especay serous poutant because t dmnshes the capabty of the respratory system n
(D) a specay serous poutant because t dmnshes the capabty of the respratory system to dea
(E) a specay serous poutant because of dmnshng the respratory systems abty to dea
677. Sunspots, vortces of gas assocated wth strong eectromagnetc actvty, are vsbe as dark spots on
the surface of the Sun but have never been sghted on the Suns poes or equator.
(A) are vsbe as dark spots on the surface of the Sun but have never been sghted on
(B) are vsbe as dark spots that never have been sghted on the surface of the Sun
(C) appear on the surface of the Sun as dark spots athough never sghted at
(D) appear as dark spots on the surface of the Sun, athough never havng been sghted at
(E) appear as dark spots on the Suns surface, whch have never been sghted on
678. Teevson programs deveoped n con|uncton wth the marketng of toys, whch was once prohbted
by federa reguatons, are thrvng n the free market condtons permtted by the current Federa
Communcatons Commsson.
(A) Teevson programs deveoped n con|uncton wth the marketng of toys, whch was once
prohbted by federa reguatons, are
(B) Teevson programs deveoped n con|uncton wth the marketng of toys, a practce that federa
reguatons once prohbted, s
(C) Deveopng teevson programs n con|uncton wth the marketng of toys, as once prohbted by
federa reguatons, s
(D) Federa reguatons once prohbted deveopng teevson programs n con|uncton wth the
marketng of toys, but they are
(E) Federa reguatons once prohbted deveopng teevson programs n con|uncton wth the
marketng of toys, but such programs are
679. Temporary-empoyment agences benet not ony from the ncreasng demand for cerca workers but
aso the hgher prots made when hghy pad professonas are paced, requests for whom have
ncreased n the recent wave of corporate takeovers.
(A) the hgher prots made when hghy pad professonas are paced, requests for whom
(B) the hgher prots that are made n the pacement of hghy pad professonas, requests for whom
(C) from the requests for hghy pad professonas, who make hgher prots for the agences when
paced and whose requests
(D) from hghy pad professonas, whose pacement makes hgher prots for the agences and
whose requests
(E) from the hgher prots made n pacng hghy pad professonas, requests for whom
680. Tenor George Shrey sang more than 20 eadng roes at the Metropotan Opera snce havng hs
debut there as Fernando n Cosfan tue on October 24, 1961.
(A) sang more than 20 eadng roes at the Metropotan Opera snce havng
(B) sang more than 20 eadng roes at the Metropotan Opera snce havng had
(C) has sung more than 20 eadng roes at the Metropotan Opera snce
(D) has sung more than 20 eadng roes at the Metropotan Opera after
(E) has sung more than 20 eadng roes at the Metropotan Opera subsequenty to
681. Teratomas are unusua forms of cancer because they are composed of tssues such as tooth and bone
not normay found n the organ n whch the tumor appears.
(A) because they are composed of tssues such as tooth and bone
(B) because they are composed of tssues ke tooth and bone that are
(C) because they are composed of tssues, ke tooth and bone, tssues
(D) n that ther composton, tssues such as tooth and bone, s
(E) n that they are composed of tssues such as tooth and bone, tssues
682. Textbooks for the used book sae shoud be n good condton and shoud have no wrtng n them or
be underned.
(A) and shoud have no wrtng n them or be underned
(B) and shoud not have wrtng n them or not be underned
(C) and contan no wrtng or undernng
(D) wthout contanng wrtng nor be underned
(E) wthout havng any wrtng or no undernng n them
683. That educators have not antcpated the mpact of mcrocomputer technoogy can hardy be sad that
t s ther faut: Avn Tomer, one of the most promnent students of the future, dd not even menton
mcrocomputers n uture 5hock, pubshed n 1970.
(A) That educators have not antcpated the mpact of mcrocomputer technoogy can hardy be sad
that t s ther faut
(B) That educators have not antcpated the mpact of mcrocomputer technoogy can hardy be sad
to be at faut
(C) It can hardy be sad that t s the faut of educators who have not antcpated the mpact of
mcrocomputer technoogy
(D) It can hardy be sad that educators are at faut for not antcpatng the mpact of mcrocomputer
(E) The fact that educators are at faut for not antcpatng the mpact of mcrocomputer technoogy
can hardy be sad
684. That the new managng edtor rose from the pubcatons soft news sectons to a eadershp
poston s more of a andmark n the ndustry than her beng a woman.
(A) her beng a woman
(B) beng a woman s
(C) her womanhood
(D) that she was a woman
(E) that she s a woman
685. The 19th-century proponents of the schoo of thought known as mechansm hed that fe process are
not the products of some mysterous fe force, but are the same chemca and physca processes
that operate n norganc systems, whch s st a sub|ect of debate between boogsts today.
(A) systems, whch s st a sub|ect of debate between
(B) systems, whch are st debated between
(C) systems st debated among
(D) systems, a theory st debated by
(E) systems, a theory st debated between
686. The am of the new reguatons s to make t easer for prospectve homeowners to have funds
avaabe for energy mprovement n ther new houses.
(A) to make t easer for prospectve homeowners to have
(B) to make easer for prospectve homeowners the havng of
(C) makng t easer for prospectve homeowners so they can have
(D) that prospectve homeowners more easy can have
(E) for prospectve homeowners to more easy have
687. The arne ndustry s cuttng ts owest dscount fares more wdey, more substantay, and earer
ths year than t normay does at the end of the summer, a tme durng whch trave usuay
decreases and the ndustry uses some ower fares for the attracton of passengers.
(A) durng whch trave usuay decreases and the ndustry uses some ower fares for the attracton of
(B) durng whch trave usuay decreases and therefore the ndustry w use some ower fares for the
attracton of
(C) n whch trave usuay decreases and n whch the ndustry therefore uses some ower fares
(D) when trave usuay decreases and the ndustry uses some ower fares to attract
(E) when trave usuay decreases and therefore the ndustry w use ower fares for the attracton of
688. The Amercan Medca Assocaton has argued that the rapdy rsng costs assocated wth
mapractce tgaton are drvng doctors from the professon and that reform of the tort system s
mperatve for brngng mapractce nsurance premums under contro.
(A) that reform of the tort system s mperatve for brngng mapractce nsurance premums
(B) that reform of the tort system s mperatve f mapractce nsurance premums are to be brought
(C) that reform of the tort system s mperatve to brng mapractce nsurance premums
(D) reform of the tort system s necessary n brngng mapractce nsurance premums
(E) the tort system needs to be reformed so that mapractce nsurance premums are brought
689. The anmosty between those who reguate and those who are reguated, never more pronounced
than n recent debates over envronmentasm and pouton contro.
(A) The anmosty between those who reguate and those who are reguated, never
(B) The anmosty between those who reguate and those who are reguated, never beng
(C) The anmosty between those who reguate and those who are reguated has never been
(D) Between those who reguate and those who are reguated, such anmosty was never
(E) Between those who reguate and between those reguated, such anmosty has never been
690. The argument that the domnant form of famy structure today s not the nucear famy, but rather t
s a famy whch s moded and extended, s based on a number of facts: the exstence of three-
generatona fames, the amount of vertca and horzonta communcaton between famy subunts,
and the extent to whch famy members oher assstance to one another.
(A) famy, but rather t s a famy whch s moded and extended, s based on a number of facts:
the exstence of three-generatona fames
(B) famy, but s nstead a famy that s moded and extended, s based on a number of facts:
three-generatona fames exst
(C) famy, whch has been moded and extended, s based on a number of facts: the exstence of
three-generatona fames
(D) famy but a moded extended famy s based on a number of facts: the exstence of three-
generatona fames
(E) famy, but aso a moded and extended famy, s based on a number of facts: three-
generatona fames exst
691. The arstocratc vaues expressed n the wrtngs of Marguerte Yourcenar pace her wthn the French
cassca tradton, as does her passonate nterest n hstory, partcuary Roman hstory.
(A) as does
(B) so do
(C) as do
(D) so s the case wth
(E) smary, does
692. The attorney turned down the aw rms oher of a poston because she suspected that t was meant
merey to an amrmatve acton quota wth no commtment to mnorty hrng and eventuay
(A) quota wth no commtment to mnorty hrng and eventuay promotng
(B) quota, havng no commtment to mnorty hrng and eventuay promotng
(C) quota and dd not reect a commtment to mnorty hrng and eventua promoton
(D) quota, not reectng a commtment to mnorty hrng and eventua promoton
(E) quota, not one that reected that mnorty hrng and eventua promoton was a commtment
693. The Audubon Socety and other conservaton groups, concerned over what they have perceved to be
the serous threatenng of the envronment as posed by the poces of the government, are preparng
for a ma|or potca ehort.
(A) have perceved to be the serous threatenng of the envronment as
(B) perceved as the serous threat to the envronment as
(C) perceve beng the serous threat to the envronment
(D) are percevng as the serous threatenng of the envronment
(E) perceve as the serous threat to the envronment
694. The auto ndustry has experenced one of ts most sgncant trends n the ast 50 years, whch s the
mgraton of motorsts from passenger cars to mnvans, sport utty vehces, and pckups.
(A) The auto ndustry has experenced one of ts most sgncant trends n the ast 50 years, whch s
(B) Of the trends the auto ndustry experenced n the ast 50 years has been one of the most
(C) In the ast 50 years, one of the most sgncant trends that the auto ndustry has been
experencng has been
(D) One of the most sgncant trends that the auto ndustry has experenced n the ast 50 years s
(E) In the ast 50 years, the auto ndustry experenced one of the most sgncant trends that t has
had, that of
695. The average weeky wage neary doubed n the 1970s, rsng from $114 to $220, yet the average
worker ended the decade wth a decrease n what ther pay may buy.
(A) wth a decrease n what ther pay may buy
(B) wth what was a decrease n what they were abe to buy
(C) havng decreased that whch they coud buy
(D) decreasng n purchasng power
(E) wth a decrease n purchasng power
696. The Badrck Manufacturng Company has for severa years foowed a pocy amed at decreasng
operatng costs and mprovng the emcency of ts dstrbuton system.
(A) amed at decreasng operatng costs and mprovng
(B) amed at the decreasng of operatng costs and to mprove
(C) amng at the decreasng of operatng costs and mprovng
(D) the am of whch s the decreasng of operatng costs and mprovng
(E) wth the am to decrease operatng costs and to mprove
697. The bank acknowedged that they are and w contnue to experence dmcutes as t attempts to
dea wth the precptous fa of the doar aganst the yen and the dsocatons reected n the stock
market decne.
(A) they are and w contnue to experence dmcutes as t attempts
(B) they are and w contnue to experence dmcutes as they attempt
(C) t s and w contnue to experence dmcutes as t attempts
(D) t s experencng and w contnue to experence dmcutes as they make an attempt
(E) ts dmcutes are key to contnue as t attempts
698. The bank hods $3 bon n oans that are serousy denquent or n such troube that they do not
expect payments when due.
(A) they do not expect payments when
(B) t does not expect payments when t s
(C) t does not expect payments to be made when they are
(D) payments are not to be expected to be pad when
(E) payments are not expected to be pad when they w be
699. The back hoe has entered the popuar magnaton as an ob|ect too massve that nether ght nor
matter can escape ts gravtatona pu.
(A) too massve that nether ght nor matter can escape ts
(B) too massve for ether aowng ght or matter to escape ts
(C) massve enough that ether ght or matter cannot escape ther
(D) so massve that nether ght nor matter coud escape ther
(E) so massve that nether ght nor matter can escape ts
700. The boom n agrcutura exports n the eary 1970s empted Unted States gran bns and many were
ed to thnkng that overproducton was now a probem of the past.
(A) many were ed to thnkng that overproducton was now
(B) many had been ed to thnkng of overproducton as f t were
(C) the thought ths ed to was that overproducton had become
(D) ed many to the thought of overproducton as f t were
(E) ed many to thnk that overproducton had become
701. The bran s somethng of a stmuus reducton system, a means to reduce, n order to comprehend,
the neary nnte amount of stmu that reach the senses at any gven moment.
(A) a means to reduce, n order to comprehend, the neary nnte amount
(B) a means to reduce, n order to comprehend, the neary nnte number
(C) the means of reducng for comprehendng the neary nnte number
(D) the means that reduces, n order to comprehend, the neary nnte amount
(E) the means for reducng n order to comprehend the neary nnte amount
702. The Brtsh Admraty and the War Omce met n March 1892 to consder a possbe Russan attempt to
seze Constantnope and how they woud have to act mtary to dea wth them.
(A) how they woud have to act mtary to dea wth them
(B) how to dea wth them f mtary acton woud be necessary
(C) what woud be necessary mtary for deang wth such an event
(D) what mtary acton woud be necessary n order to dea wth such an event
(E) the necessty of what knd of mtary acton n order to take for deang wth t
703. The Brtsh socoogst and actvst Barbara Wootton once noted as a humorous exampe of ncome
madstrbuton that the eephant that gave rdes to chdren at the Whpsnade Zoo was earnng
annuay exacty what she then earned as drector of adut educaton for London.
(A) that the eephant that gave rdes to chdren at the Whpsnade Zoo was earnng
(B) that the eephant, gvng rdes to chdren at the Whpsnade Zoo, had been earnng
(C) that there was an eephant gvng rdes to chdren at the Whpsnade Zoo, and t earned
(D) the eephant that gave rdes to chdren at the Whpsnade Zoo and was earnng
(E) the eephant gvng rdes to chdren at the Whpsnade Zoo and that t earned
704. The brochure notes that n the semnar the mportance that communcaton s a two-way process w
be emphaszed.
(A) mportance that communcaton s a two-way process w be emphaszed
(B) mportance of communcaton as a two-way process w be emphaszed
(C) mportance of communcaton beng a two-way process w be the emphass
(D) fact w be emphaszed that communcaton s a two-way process and of mportance
(E) emphass w be that communcaton beng a two-way process s mportant
705. The cameras of the Voyager II spacecraft detected sx sma, prevousy unseen moons crcng
Uranus, whch doubes to tweve the number of satetes now known as orbtng the dstant panet.
(A) whch doubes to tweve the number of satetes now known as orbtng
(B) doubng to tweve the number of satetes now known to orbt
(C) whch doubes to tweve the number of satetes now known n orbt around
(D) doubng to tweve the number of satetes now known as orbtng
(E) whch doubes to tweve the number of satetes now known that orbt
706. The capta of Bosna-Herzegovna, Sara|evos popuaton on the eve of the Frst Word War was
(A) Bosna-Herzegovna, Sara|evos popuaton
(B) Bosna-Herzegovna s Sara|evo, whose popuaton
(C) Bosna-Herzegovna s Sara|evo, wth a popuaton
(D) Bosna-Herzegovna, Sara|evo havng a popuaton that
(E) Bosna-Herzegovna, the popuaton of Sara|evo
707. The caterpar of the geometrd moth strkes when speca tacte hars on ts body are dsturbed,
after capturng ts prey, hods the vctm so that t cannot escape.
(A) strkes when speca tacte hars on ts body are dsturbed,
(B) strkng when speca tacte hars on ts body are dsturbed, but
(C) whch strkes when speca tacte hars on ts body are dsturbed,
(D) whch, strkng when speca tacte hars on ts body are dsturbed,
(E) strkes when speca tacte hars on ts body are dsturbed and,
708. The Coast guard s conductng tests to see whether pgeons can be traned to hep nd survvors of
wrecks at sea.
(A) to see whether pgeons can be traned to hep nd
(B) to see whether pgeons can be traned as hep to nd
(C) to see f pgeons can be traned for hepng to nd
(D) that see f pgeons are abe to be traned n hepng to nd
(E) that see whether pgeons are abe to be traned for hep n ndng
709. The Coast Guard recenty redesgned channe markers n the Chesapeake Bay to accommodate arge
numbers of ospreys, whose huge nests formery obstructed the ghts.
(A) numbers of ospreys, whose huge nests
(B) numbers of ospreys, ther huge nests
(C) amounts of ospreys, the huge nests of whch
(D) nests of ospreys they
(E) numbers of ospreys, and ther huge nests
710. The coorzaton of back-and-whte ms by computers s defended by those who own the m rghts,
for the process can mean ncreased revenues for them; many others n the m ndustry, however,
contend that the technque degrades ma|or works of art, whch they ken to puttng pstck on a
Greek statue.
(A) whch they ken to puttng pstck on a Greek statue
(B) whch they ken to a Greek statue wth pstck put on t
(C) whch they ken to pstck put on a Greek statue
(D) kenng t to a Greek statue wth pstck put on t
(E) kenng t to puttng pstck on a Greek statue
711. The Commerce Department announced that the economy grew durng the second quarter at a 7.5
percent annua rate, whe naton eased when t mght have been expected for t to rse.
(A) t mght have been expected for t to rse
(B) t mght have been expected to rse
(C) t mght have been expected that t shoud rse
(D) ts rse mght have been expected
(E) there mght have been an expectaton t woud rse
712. The commsson acknowedged that no amount of money or stah members can ensure the safety of
peope who ve n the vcnty of a nucear pant, but t approved the nstaaton because t beeved
that a reasonabe precautons had been taken.
(A) no amount of money or stah members
(B) nether vast amounts of money nor stah members
(C) nether vast amounts of money nor numbers of stah members
(D) nether vast amounts of money nor a arge stah
(E) no matter how arge the stah or how vast the amount of money
713. The commsson has drected advertsers to restrct the use of the word natura to foods that do not
contan coor or avor addtves, chemca preservatves, or nothng that has been syntheszed.
(A) or nothng that has been
(B) or that has been
(C) and nothng that s
(D) or anythng that has been
(E) and anythng
714. The commsson proposed that fundng for the parks deveopment, whch coud be open to the pubc
eary next year, s obtaned through a oca bond ssue.
(A) that fundng for the parks deveopment, whch coud be open to the pubc eary next year, s
(B) that fundng for deveopment of the park, whch coud be open to the pubc eary next year, be
(C) fundng for the deveopment of the park, perhaps open to the pubc eary next year, to be
(D) funds for the parks deveopment, perhaps open to the pubc eary next year, be
(E) deveopment fundng for the park, whch coud be open to the pubc eary next year, s to be
715. The commssors omce of compance, nspectons, and nvestgatons pans to ntensfy ts scrutny of
stock anaysts to nvestgate not ony whether research s an ndependent functon at brokerage
rms, but aso whether concts resut when anaysts own the stocks they wrte about or when they
are pad for ther work by a rms nvestment.
(A) to nvestgate not ony whether research s an ndependent functon at brokerage rms, but aso
whether concts resut when anaysts own the stocks they wrte about or when they are
(B) to nvestgate not ony whether research s an ndependent functon at brokerage rms, but aso f
concts resut when anaysts own the stocks they wrte about or they are
(C) to not ony nvestgate whether or not research s an ndependent functon at brokerage rms, but
aso f concts resut when anaysts own the stocks they wrte about or are
(D) not ony to nvestgate whether or not research s an ndependent functon at brokerage rms,
but aso whether concts resut when anaysts own the stocks they wrte about or are
(E) not ony to nvestgate whether research s an ndependent functon at brokerage rms, but aso
whether concts resut when anaysts own the stocks they wrte about or when
716. The company announced that ts prots decned much ess n the second quarter than anaysts had
expected t to and ts busness w mprove n the second haf of the year.
(A) had expected t to and ts busness w mprove
(B) had expected and that ts busness woud mprove
(C) expected t woud and that t w mprove ts busness
(D) expected them to and ts busness woud mprove
(E) expected and that t w have mproved ts busness
717. The company s negotatng to se ts protabe credt card subsdary, whch t pans to use money
from to acqure some of the mortgage-servcng operatons that are beng sod by troubed savngs
(A) subsdary, whch t pans to use money from
(B) subsdary, from whch t pans to use money
(C) subsdary, and t pans the use of money from that
(D) subsdary and pans to use money from that sae
(E) subsdary and pans the use of money from that sae
718. The compex tax dspute between the Covered Brdge Ma and Harrs Townshp s not key to be
ad|udcated for severa years, and, n the meantme, both sdes are ntent on creatng dmcutes for
the other.
(A) both sdes are ntent on creatng dmcutes for the other
(B) both sdes are ntent on creatng dmcutes for each other
(C) each sde s ntent on creatng dmcutes for the other
(D) each sde s ntent on creatng dmcutes for one another
(E) the sdes are both ntent on creatng dmcutes for each other
719. The computer software beng desgned for a pro|ect studyng Natve Amercan access to hgher
educaton w not ony meet the needs of that study, but aso has the versatty and power of
factatng smar research endeavors.
(A) but aso has the versatty and power of factatng
(B) but aso have the versatty and power to factate
(C) but t aso has the versatty and power to factate
(D) and aso have the versatty and power of factatng
(E) and t aso has such versatty and power that t can factate
720. The concept of the grand |ury dates from the twefth century, when Henry II of Engand ordered
panes of common ctzens shoud prepare sts of who were ther communtes suspected crmnas.
(A) shoud prepare sts of who were ther communtes suspected crmnas
(B) woud do the preparaton of sts of ther communtes suspected crmnas
(C) preparng sts of suspected crmnas n ther communtes
(D) the preparng of a st of suspected crmnas n ther communtes
(E) to prepare sts of suspected crmnas n ther communtes
721. The current admnstraton, beng worred over some foregn trade barrers beng removed and our
exports fang to ncrease as a resut of deep cuts n the vaue of the doar, has formed a group to
study ways to sharpen our compettveness.
(A) beng worred over some foregn trade barrers beng removed and our exports fang
(B) worryng over some foregn trade barrers beng removed, aso over the faure of our exports
(C) worred about the remova of some foregn trade barrers and the faure of our exports
(D) n that they were worred about the remova of some foregn trade barrers and aso about the
faure of our exports
(E) because of ts worry concernng the remova of some foregn trade barrers, aso concernng the
faure of our exports
722. The data coected by weather arpanes that y nto the heart of a hurrcane are usefu many for
gaugng the storms structure and strength, not for the speed and the path of ther movement.
(A) not for the speed and the path of ther movement
(B) not for the speed and path of ts movement
(C) not the speed and path of ts movement
(D) and not the speed and path of ther movements
(E) and not for the speed and the path of ts movements
723. The debate over bngua educaton centers on the ssue of whether the Unted States shoud foster
the dea of snge common anguage, an dea, some beeve, that has n the past been cruca n
bndng dverse consttuences together.
(A) been cruca n bndng dverse consttuences together
(B) been cruca as a bndng together of dverse consttuences
(C) been cruca to bnd together consttuences that are dverse
(D) become cruca n bndng together dverse consttuences
(E) become cruca to bnd together consttuences that are dverse
724. The decson by one of the natons argest banks to admt to $3 bon n potenta osses on foregn
oans coud mean ess endng by commerca banks to deveopng countres and ncreasng the
pressure on mutgovernment enders to suppy the funds.
(A) ncreasng the pressure
(B) the ncreasng pressure
(C) ncreased pressure
(D) the pressure ncreased
(E) the pressure ncreasng
725. The decsons of |ohn Marsha, the fourth chef |ustce, have had a greater nuence than any chef
|ustce n hstory.
(A) than any chef |ustce n hstory
(B) hstorcay than any other chef |ustce
(C) than have those of any chef |ustce n hstory
(D) n hstory as any other chef |ustce has had
(E) than those of any other chef |ustce n hstory
726. The denquency rates on mortgages for omce budngs, hotes, shoppng mas, and other
commerca propertes hed by the natons nsurance companes n recent months have ncreased
sharpy, eadng to predctons that forecosures on these types of oan coud doube over the next
three years.
(A) n recent months have ncreased sharpy, eadng to predctons that forecosures on these types
of oan coud doube over the next three years
(B) have ncreased sharpy n recent months, eadng to predctons that forecosures on these types
of oans coud doube over the next three years
(C) have ncreased sharpy n recent months, eadng to predctons that doubng of forecosures on
these types of oans coud occur over the next three years
(D) has ncreased sharpy n recent months, and ead to predctons that over the next three years
doubng of forecosures on ths type of oan coud occur
(E) n recent months has ncreased sharpy, and ths eads to predctons that forecosures on that
type of oan n the next three years coud doube
727. The demand for arpane mechancs s expected to grow about ten percent a year n the next decade,
argey because new federa rues cang for ma|or modcatons to oder panes and because the
arnes are addng hundreds of new |ets.
(A) new federa rues cang for ma|or modcatons to oder panes
(B) new federa rues, whch ca for ma|or modcatons to oder panes
(C) new federa rues ca for ma|or modcatons to oder panes
(D) ma|or modcatons to oder panes caed for by new federa rues
(E) ma|or modcatons to oder panes are caed for accordng to new federa rues
728. The department denes a prvate passenger vehce as one regstered to an ndvdua wth a gross
weght of ess than 8,000 pounds.
(A) as one regstered to an ndvdua wth a gross weght of ess than 8,000 pounds
(B) to be one that s regstered to an ndvdua wth a gross weght of ess than 8,000 pounds
(C) as one that s regstered to an ndvdua and that has a gross weght of ess than 8,000 pounds
(D) to have a gross weght ess than 8,000 pounds and beng regstered to an ndvdua
(E) as havng a gross weght of ess than 8,000 pounds and regstered to an ndvdua
729. The deveopment of a new |umbo rocket that s expected to carry the Unted States nto ts next
phase of space exporaton w be abe to dever a heaver oad of nstruments nto orbt than the
space shutte and at a ower cost.
(A) The deveopment of a new |umbo rocket that s expected to carry the Unted States nto ts next
phase of space exporaton w be abe to dever a heaver oad of nstruments nto orbt than
the space shutte and at a ower cost.
(B) The deveopment of a new |umbo rocket s expected to carry the Unted States nto ts next phase
of space exporaton and be abe to dever a heaver oad of nstruments nto orbt at a ower
cost than the space shutte.
(C) The new deveopment of a |umbo rocket, whch s expected to carry the Unted States nto ts
next phase of space exporaton, w be abe to dever a heaver oad of nstruments nto orbt at
a ower cost than the space shutte.
(D) A newy deveoped |umbo rocket, whch s expected to carry the Unted States nto ts next phase
of space exporaton, w be abe to dever a heaver oad of nstruments nto orbt than the
space shutte can, and at a ower cost.
(E) A newy deveoped |umbo rocket, whch s expected to carry the Unted States nto ts next phase
of space exporaton, w be abe to dever a heaver oad of nstruments nto orbt than the
space shutte and to cost ess.
730. The det of the ordnary Greek n cassca tmes was argey vegetaran-vegetabes, fresh cheese,
oatmea, and mea cakes, and meat rarey.
(A) and meat rarey
(B) and meat was rare
(C) wth meat as rare
(D) meat a rarty
(E) wth meat as a rarty
731. The drecton n whch the Earth and the other sod panets-Mercury, Venus, and Mars-spns were
determned from cosons wth gant ceesta bodes n the eary hstory of the Soar System.
(A) spns were determned from
(B) spns were determned because of
(C) spns was determned through
(D) spn was determned by
(E) spn was determned as a resut of
732. The dstnctve heredtary tartans that are aeged to be worn snce antquty by members of the
Hghand cans were n fact desgned by Scottsh wooen manufacturers n the eghteenth and
nneteenth centures.
(A) that are aeged to be worn
(B) aeged to have been worn
(C) that are worn, t was aeged
(D) aeged as havng been worn
(E) that are worn, aegedy
733. The dstrbuton of mass wthn the core of the Earth, ke the mante that surrounds the core, has
been deduced from the orbta behavor of the Earth and the motons of satetes controed by the
gravty of the Earth.
(A) the mante that surrounds the core
(B) that wthn the mante surroundng the core
(C) that of the mante surroundng the core
(D) the mante the core surrounds
(E) the dstrbuton of mass wthn the mante that surrounds the core
734. The domestcated came, whch some schoars date around the twefth century B.C., was the key to
the deveopment of the spce trade n the ancent word.
(A) The domestcated came, whch some schoars date
(B) The domestcated came, whch some schoars havng thought to occur
(C) Domestcatng the came, dated by some schoars at
(D) The domestcaton of the came, thought by some schoars to have occurred
(E) The cames domestcaton, dated by some schoars to have been
735. The earnngs of women are we beow that of men n spte of educatona dherences that are
dmnshng between the sexes.
(A) we beow that of men n spte of educatona dherences that are dmnshng
(B) much beow that of mens despte educatona dherences dmnshng
(C) much beow men n spte of dmnshng educatona dherences
(D) we beow those of men n spte of dmnshng educatona dherences
(E) beow mens despte ther educatona dherences that are dmnshng
736. The economc forces whch may ahect the new pubc oherng of stock ncude sudden downturns n
the market, hedgng and other nvestor strateges for preventng osses, oosenng the nterest rates
n Washngton, and fearng that the company may st be undercaptazed.
(A) oosenng the nterest rates n Washngton, and fearng that the company may st be
(B) oosenng the nterest rates n Washngton, and a fear of the company st beng undercaptazed
(C) a oosenng of the nterest rates n Washngton, and fearng that the company may st be
(D) a oosenng of the nterest rates n Washngton, and a fear of the st undercaptazed company
(E) a oosenng of the nterest rates n Washngton, and a fear that the company may st be
737. The ehorts of the bpartsan commttee were marked as much by frustraton as t was by success.
(A) as t was by
(B) and aso by
(C) as by
(D) and equay by
(E) as there was
738. The Emperor Augustus, t appears, commssoned an deazed scuptured portrat, the features of
whch are so unreastc as to consttute what one schoar cas an artca face.
(A) so unreastc as to consttute
(B) so unreastc they consttuted
(C) so unreastc that they have consttuted
(D) unreastc enough so that they consttute
(E) unreastc enough so as to consttute
739. The end of the eghteenth century saw the emergence of prze-stock breedng, wth ndvdua bus
and cows recevng awards, fetchng unprecedented prces, and excted enormous nterest whenever
they were put on show.
(A) excted
(B) t excted
(C) exctng
(D) woud excte
(E) t had excted
740. The endurance and consstency of baseba star Lou Gehrg, known as The Iron Horse, are
(A) The endurance and consstency of baseba star Lou Gehrg, known as The Iron Horse, are
(B) The endurance and consstency of Lou Gehrg, a baseba star known as The Iron Horse, s
(C) Known as The Iron Horse, the endurance and consstency of Lou Gehrg, the baseba star, s
(D) The reason baseba star Lou Gehrg s known as The Iron Horse s because of hs egendary
endurance and consstency.
(E) Known as The Iron Horse, baseba star Lou Gehrgs endurance and consstency are egendary.
741. The energy source on :oy'&er 2 s not a nucear reactor, n whch atoms are actvey broken apart;
rather a knd of nucear battery that uses natura radoactve decay to produce power.
(A) apart; rather
(B) apart, but rather
(C) apart, but rather that of
(D) apart, but that of
(E) apart; t s that of
742. The evouton of the technoogy of mcroeectroncs over the past decade has been so rapd that t s
sometmes caed a revouton.
(A) has been so rapd that t s sometmes
(B) has been rapd enough sometmes to be
(C) has been rapd enough t s sometmes
(D) s so rapd t has sometmes been
(E) s so rapd that t s sometmes
743. The exhbton of art from Nubans, the ste of a Back cvzaton that goes back to the fourth
mennum B.C., makes cear the Nubans combned artstc eements from Egypt to that of sub-
Saharan Afrca.
(A) the Nubans combned artstc eements from Egypt to that
(B) that the Nubans combned artstc eements from Egypt to that
(C) the Nubans combned artstc eements from Egypt wth that
(D) that the Nubans combned artstc eements from Egypt wth those
(E) that Nubans combned artstc eements from Egypt and those
744. The exgences of dramatc art, as shown even by the hstory pays of Shakespeare, makes the
foreshortenng of dramatzed hstorca events nevtabe.
(A) makes the foreshortenng of dramatzed hstorca events nevtabe
(B) made dramatzed hstorca events nevtaby foreshortened
(C) make the foreshortenng of dramatzed hstorca events nevtabe
(D) has nevtaby foreshortened dramatzed hstorca events
(E) nevtaby foreshortens dramatzed hstorca events
745. The expected rse n the prce of o coud be a serous mpact to ndustrazed natons and severey
dmnsh the possbty to have an economy free of naton.
(A) be a serous mpact to ndustrazed natons and severey dmnsh the possbty to have
(B) serousy mpact on ndustrazed natons and severey mpede the possbty to have
(C) serousy mpact on ndustrazed natons and severey mpede the possbty of havng
(D) have a serous mpact on ndustrazed natons and severey mpede the possbty to have
(E) have a serous mpact on ndustrazed natons and severey dmnsh the possbty of havng
746. The extraordnary dary of Wam Lyon Mackenze Kng, prme mnster of Canada for over twenty
years, reveaed that ths most band and crcumspect of men was a mystc guded n both pubc and
prvate fe by omens, messages receved at sances, and sgns from heaven.
(A) that ths most band and crcumspect of men was a mystc guded n both pubc and
(B) that ths most band and crcumspect of men was a mystc and aso guded both n pubc as we
(C) ths most band and crcumspect of men was a mystc and that he was guded n both pubc and
(D) ths most band and crcumspect of men was a mystc and that he was guded n both pubc as
we as
(E) ths most band and crcumspect of men to have been a mystc and that he guded hmsef both
n pubc as we as
747. The fastest of mammas, cheetahs bodes are geared to acceerate from one to forty mes per hour
n ess than two seconds and reach speeds of seventy mes per hour.
(A) The fastest of mammas, cheetahs bodes are geared to
(B) The fastest of mammas, the body of cheetahs bodes s abe to
(C) Faster than other mammas, the body of the cheetah s geared to
(D) The fastest of mammas, the cheetah can
(E) The cheetah, the fastest of mammas, have bodes that can
748. The fear of rabes s we founded; few peope are known to recover from the dsease after the
appearance of the cnca symptoms.
(A) few peope are known to recover from the dsease after the appearance of the cnca symptoms
(B) few peope are known to have recovered from the dsease once the cnca symptoms have
(C) there are few known peope who have recovered from the dsease once the cnca symptoms
have appeared
(D) after the cnca symptoms appear, there are few known peope who have recovered from the
(E) recovery from the dsease s known for ony a few peope after the cnca symptoms appear
749. The federa government requres hosptas to te a Medcare patent of ther ega rght of chaenge
ther dscharge f they fee they are beng sent home prematurey.
(A) hosptas to te a Medcare patent of ther
(B) hospta to te Medcare patents that they have a
(C) hosptas to te Medcare patents that there s a
(D) that hosptas te a Medcare patent of ther
(E) that hosptas te a Medcare patent that they have a
750. The Federa Reserve Boards reducton of nterest rates on oans to nanca nsttutons s both an
acknowedgement of past economc trends and an ehort to nuence ther future drecton.
(A) reducton of nterest rates on oans to nanca nsttutons s both an acknowedgement of past
economc trends and an ehort
(B) reducton of nterest rates on oans to nanca nsttutons s an acknowedgement both of past
economc trends as we as an ehort
(C) reducton of nterest rates on oans to nanca nsttutons both acknowedge past economc
trends and attempt
(D) reducng nterest rates on oans to nanca nsttutons s an acknowedgement both of past
economc trends and an ehort
(E) reducng nterest rates on oans to nanca nsttutons both acknowedge past economc trends
as we as attempt
751. The eder'l!st papers, a strong defense of the Unted States Consttuton and mportant as a body of
work n potca scence as we, represents the handwork of three dherent authors.
(A) and mportant as a body of work n potca scence as we, represents
(B) as we as an mportant body of work n potca scence, represent
(C) and aso a body of work of mportance n potca scence s representng
(D) an mportant body of work n potca scence and has been representatve of
(E) and as potca scence an mportant body of work too, represent
752. The gure of the |aguar, beng a recurrng symbo wthn Omec art, s promnent among the
herogyphcs nscrbed on a monument that was dscovered n the Mexcan state of Veracruz.
(A) beng a recurrng symbo wthn
(B) a symbo havng recurred wthn
(C) a recurrng symbo n
(D) havng been a symbo that recurred n
(E) recurrng as t s, a symbo n
753. The buster, a paramentary devce that sows the snas pace that prevas even n the best of
tmes n congressona sessons and tests the endurance of everyone assocated wth t, seems more
and more an anachronsm n the age of teecommuncatons.
(A) sessons and tests the endurance of everyone assocated wth t, seems
(B) sessons and tests the endurance of everyone who s assocated wth t, seemng to be
(C) sessons, tests the endurance of everyone assocated wth t, seems
(D) sessons, that tests the endurance of everyone assocated wth t and seems
(E) sessons, testng the endurance of everyone assocated wth t and seemng
754. The nanca crash of October 1987 demonstrated that the words capta markets are ntegrated
more cosey than never before and events n one part of the goba vage may be transmtted to the
rest of the vage-amost nstantaneousy.
(A) ntegrated more cosey than never before and
(B) cosey ntegrated more than ever before so
(C) more cosey ntegrated as never before whe
(D) more cosey ntegrated than ever before and that
(E) more than ever before cosey ntegrated as
755. The rst decson for most tenants vng n a budng undergong beng converted to cooperatve
ownershp s f to sgn a no-buy pedge wth the other tenants.
(A) beng converted to cooperatve ownershp s f to sgn
(B) beng converted to cooperatve ownershp s whether they shoud be sgnng
(C) beng converted to cooperatve ownershp s whether or not they sgn
(D) converson to cooperatve ownershp s f to sgn
(E) converson to cooperatve ownershp s whether to sgn
756. The ve hundred argest manufacturng rms n the Unted States produce goods that are worth
amost as much as that of the four hundred thousand rms that reman.
(A) that are worth amost as much as that of the four hundred thousand rms that reman
(B) of a worth that s amost as much as that of the four hundred thousand rms that reman
(C) amost as much n worth as those of the remanng four hundred thousand rms
(D) amost as much n worth as that of the remanng four hundred thousand rms
(E) worth amost as much as those of the remanng four hundred thousand rms
757. The Forbdden Cty n Be|ng, from whch the emperors rued by heaveny mandate, was a ste whch
a commoner or foregner coud not enter wthout any permsson, on pan of death.
(A) whch a commoner or foregner coud not enter wthout any permsson,
(B) whch a commoner or foregner coud enter wthout any permsson ony
(C) whch no commoner or foregner coud enter wthout permsson,
(D) whch, wthout permsson, nether commoner or foregner coud ony enter,
(E) whch, to enter wthout permsson, nether commoner or foregner coud do,
758. The goden crab of the Guf of Mexco has not been shed commercay n great numbers, prmary
on account of vng at great depths-2,500 to 3,000 feet down.
(A) on account of vng
(B) on account of ther vng
(C) because t ves
(D) because of vng
(E) because they ve
759. The Gorton-Dodd b requres that a bank dscose to ther customers how ong they w deay access
to funds from deposted checks.
(A) that a bank dscose to ther customers how ong they w deay access to funds from deposted
(B) a bank to dscose to ther customers how ong they w deay access to funds from a deposted
(C) that a bank dscose to ts customers how ong t w deay access to funds from deposted checks
(D) a bank that t shoud dscose to ts customers how ong t w deay access to funds from a
deposted check
(E) that banks dscose to customers how ong access to funds from ther deposted check s to be
760. The group caed the Teton Soux nhabts parts of North and South Dakota; ther anguage and
customs dher, however, from the Yankton, Ssseton, and Dakota Soux.
(A) ther anguage and customs dher, however, from
(B) ts anguage and customs dher, however, from
(C) however, they have dherent anguage and customs than
(D) however, ther anguage and customs dher from those of
(E) ts anguage and customs dher, however, from those of
761. The growng demand for housng, tramc congeston, and onger commutng trps has a but
emnated the cost advantage of ownng a house n many rura communtes.
(A) The growng demand for housng, tramc congeston, and onger commutng trps has
(B) Tramc congeston, the growng demand for housng, and onger commutng trps has
(C) Longer commutng trps, tramc congeston, and the growng demand for housng has
(D) Tramc congeston, onger commutng trps, and the growng demand for housng have
(E) The growng demand for housng, as we as tramc congeston and onger commutng trps, have
762. The growth of the raroads ed to the aboton of oca tmes, whch was determned by when the sun
reached the observers merdan and dherng from cty to cty, and to the estabshment of regona
(A) whch was determned by when the sun reached the observers merdan and dherng
(B) whch was determned by when the sun reached the observers merdan and whch dhered
(C) whch were determned by when the sun reached the observers merdan and dherng
(D) determned by when the sun reached the observers merdan and dhered
(E) determned by when the sun reached the observers merdan and dherng
763. The gudng prncpes of the tax pan reeased by the Treasury Department coud have even a greater
sgncance for the economy than the partcuars of the pan.
(A) even a greater sgncance for the economy than
(B) a sgncance that s even greater for the economy than
(C) even greater sgncance for the economy than have
(D) even greater sgncance for the economy than do
(E) a sgncance even greater for the economy than have
764. The gyrfacon, an Arctc brd of prey, has survved a cose brush wth extncton; ts numbers are now
ve tmes greater than when the use of DDT was sharpy restrcted n the eary 1970s.
(A) extncton; ts numbers are now ve tmes greater than
(B) extncton; ts numbers are now ve tmes more than
(C) extncton, ther numbers now vefod what they were
(D) extncton, now wth vefod the numbers they had
(E) extncton, now wth numbers ve tmes greater than
765. The herbcde Oryzan was st beng produced n 1979, three years after the wves of workers
producng the chemca n Rensseaer, New York, were found to have borne chdren wth heart defects
or mscarrages, and none of ther pregnances was norma.
(A) to have borne chdren wth heart defects or mscarrages, and none of ther pregnances was
(B) to have had chdren born wth heart defects or mscarrages, and none of the pregnances was
(C) ether to have had chdren wth heart defects or mscarrages, wthout any of ther pregnances
(D) ether to have had mscarrages or to have borne chdren wth heart defects; none of the
pregnances was
(E) ether to have had mscarrages or chdren born wth heart defects, wthout any of ther
pregnances beng
766. The human growth hormone, made by the ptutary gand, s secreted durng seep n hgher
concentratons than when awake.
(A) durng seep n hgher concentratons than when awake
(B) when seepng n hgher concentratons than wakng hours
(C) n hgher concentratons durng seepng than wakng
(D) n hgher concentratons durng seep than durng wakng hours
(E) n hgher concentratons when aseep than when awake
767. The ncreased popuarty and avaabty of teevsons has ed to the decne of regona daects,
anguage varatons whch orgnate from dverse ethnc and cutura hertages and perpetuated by
geographc soaton.
(A) whch orgnate from dverse ethnc and cutura hertages and perpetuated
(B) that orgnated from dverse ethnc and cutura hertages and perpetuated
(C) orgnated from dverse ethnc and cutura hertages and perpetuated
(D) orgnatng from dverse ethnc and cutura hertages and perpetuated
(E) orgnatng from dverse ethnc and cutura hertages and perpetuatng
768. The nvestor who s uncertan about the future s more key to put money nto bue-chp stocks or
treasury bs than nto god.
(A) than nto
(B) than they do
(C) than they are
(D) as nto
(E) as
769. The Iroquos were prmary panters, but suppementng ther cutvaton of maze, squash, and beans
wth shng and huntng.
(A) but suppementng
(B) and had suppemented
(C) and even though they suppemented
(D) athough they suppemented
(E) but wth suppementng
770. The key to contro over the Eurasan steppes ay n the nomads abty to use the horse both as a
means of transport but aso as an ehectve mtary too.
(A) but aso as
(B) or as
(C) and as
(D) or
(E) and aso
771. The abor agreement permts stah reductons through attrton wth ncreased penson benets and a
speca eary-retrement program for speedng t up.
(A) attrton wth ncreased penson benets and a speca eary-retrement program for speedng t
(B) attrton and provdes ncreased penson benets and a speca eary-retrement program to speed
the attrton process
(C) attrton, whch w be speeded up by provdng ncreased penson benets and a speca eary-
retrement program
(D) attrton, whch, by ther provdng ncreased penson benets and a speca eary-retrement
program, w speed the process
(E) attrton, whch provdes ncreased penson benets and a speca eary-retrement program for
speedng the attrton process
772. The ack of compete hstorca records from the md-to-ate 1800s have made some Back nventons
dmcut to trace to ther orgnators.
(A) have made some Back nventons dmcut to trace to ther orgnators
(B) have made for dmcutes n tracng some nventons by Backs to ther orgnators
(C) have made t dmcut to trace some nventons by Backs to ther orgnators
(D) has made t dmcut to trace some nventons to ther Back orgnators
(E) has made t dmcut n tracng some Back nventons to ther orgnators
773. The ast wd Indan n North Amerca, accordng to anthropoogst Afred Kroeber, was the one
survvor of Cafornas ost Yah trbe, whch staggered out of the mountans near Lassen Peak n
1912, deep n mournng for the ast of hs companons, expectng to be butchered and eaten by whte
(A) whch
(B) who
(C) that
(D) the survvor havng
(E) havng
774. The awyer for the defense charged that she suspected the poce of havng egay taped her
condenta conversatons wth her cent and then used the nformaton obtaned to nd evdence
supportng ther murder charges.
(A) used the nformaton obtaned to nd evdence supportng
(B) used such nformaton as they obtaned to nd evdence supportng
(C) used the nformaton they had obtaned to nd evdence that woud support
(D) of usng the nformaton they had obtaned to nd evdence that woud support
(E) of usng such nformaton as they obtaned to nd evdence that woud be supportve of
775. The man reasons for the phenomena growth of agrbusness over the ast fteen years are because
of eevated and prces, the basng of reta marketng networks on produce mported from other
states, and decreased competton from deveopers.
(A) because of eevated and prces, the basng of reta marketng networks
(B) a resut of eevated and prces, reta marketng networks based
(C) that and prces are eevated, reta marketng networks are based
(D) eevated and prces, reta marketng networks based
(E) because and prces are eevated, the basng of reta marketng networks
776. The ma|or areas of medcne n whch asers are ehectve s n the cuttng and cosng of bood
vesses, and n the destructon of tumors.
(A) s n the cuttng and cosng of bood vesses, and n the destructon
(B) are the cuttng and cosng of bood vesses, and aso the case of destroyng
(C) are the cuttng, cosng of bood vesses, and n the destroyng
(D) are the cuttng and cosng of bood vesses, and the destructon
(E) s n the cuttng and cosng of bood vesses, and the destroyng
777. The man was aways aware, sometmes proudy and sometmes resentfuy, that he was a sma-town
Mdwesterner who was thrust nto a word that was domnated by weather, better-educated, and
more poshed peope than hm.
(A) who was thrust nto a word that was domnated by weather, better-educated, and more
poshed peope than hm
(B) who had been thrust nto a word that was domnated by more weathy, educated, and poshed
peope than hm
(C) who had been thrust nto a word domnated by weather, better-educated, and peope more
poshed than he was
(D) thrust nto a word domnated by more weathy, educated, and poshed peope than hm
(E) thrust nto a word domnated by weather, better-educated, and more poshed peope than he
778. The medeva schoar made amost no attempt to nvestgate the anatomy of pants, ther
mechansms of growth, nor the ways where each was reated to the other.
(A) nor the ways where each was reated to the other
(B) nor how each was reated to some other
(C) or the way where one s reated to the next
(D) or the ways n whch they are reated to one another
(E) or the ways that each reated to some other
779. The metaboc rate of sharks s ow compared wth the rates of most other shes.
(A) wth the rates of most other shes
(B) to most other shes rate
(C) to that of rates for most other shes
(D) to most other shes
(E) wth most other shes
780. The mstakes chdren make n earnng to speak te ngusts more about how they earn anguage
than the correct forms they use.
(A) how they earn anguage than
(B) how one earns anguage than
(C) how chdren earn anguage than do
(D) earnng anguage than
(E) ther anguage earnng than do
781. The modernzaton program for the stee m w cost approxmatey 51 mon doars, whch t s
hoped can be competed n the ate 1980s.
(A) The modernzaton program for the stee m w cost approxmatey 51 mon doars, whch t s
hoped can be competed n the ate 1980s.
(B) The modernzaton program for the stee m, hopefuy competed n the ate 1980s, w cost
approxmatey 51 mon doars.
(C) Modernzng the stee m, hopefuy to be competed n the ate 1980s, w cost approxmatey
51 mon doars.
(D) The program for modernzng the stee m, whch can, t s hoped, be competed n the ate
1980s and cost approxmatey 51 mon doars.
(E) Modernzng the stee m, a program that can, t s hoped, be competed n the ate 1980s, w
cost approxmatey 51 mon doars.
782. The most common reasons for an empoyees unwngness to accept a transfer are that mortgage
rates are hgh, housng n the new ocaton costs more, and the dmcuty of seng the od home.
(A) that mortgage rates are hgh, housng n the new ocaton costs more, and the dmcuty of seng
the od home
(B) that mortgage rates are hgh, housng n the new ocaton costs more, and that t s dmcut to se
the od home
(C) hgh mortgage rates, the greater cost of housng n the new ocaton, and that the od home s
dmcut to se
(D) hgh mortgage rates, the greater cost of housng n the new ocaton, and t s dmcut to se the
od home
(E) hgh mortgage rates, the greater cost of housng n the new ocaton, and the dmcuty of seng
the od home
783. The most favorabe ocatons for the growth of gacers, rather than beng the cod, dry poar regons,
woud be nstead the coo, most mdde attudes, where there s abundant precptaton and where t
s cod enough to aow some snow to accumuate year by year.
(A) gacers, rather than beng the cod, dry poar regons, woud be nstead the coo, most mdde
(B) gacers are not the cod, dry poar regons but the coo, most mdde attudes
(C) gacers are the coo, most mdde attudes rather than the cod, dry poar regons
(D) gacers, nstead of beng the cod, dry poar regons, woud be the coo, most mdde attudes
(E) gacers are, nstead of the cod, dry poar regons, rather the coo, most mdde attudes
784. The natons three mtary academes have seen a dramatc rse n appcatons, one fueed by a
resurgence of patrotsm, ncreasng tuton costs at prvate coeges, and mproved recrutng by the
(A) one fueed by a resurgence of patrotsm, ncreasng tuton costs at prvate coeges, and
mproved recrutng by the academes
(B) one fueed by a resurgence of patrotsm, tuton costs that have ncreased at prvate coeges,
and academes mprovng ther recrutng
(C) one fueed by a resurgence of patrotsm, prvate coeges that ncreased ther tuton costs, and
recrutng mprovements by the academes
(D) fueed by a resurgence of patrotsm, tuton costs ncreasng at prvate coeges, and academes
mprovng ther recrutng
(E) fueed by a resurgence of patrotsm, ncreasng tuton costs at prvate coeges, and academes
mprovng ther recrutng
785. The Natona Labor Reatons Act expressy forbds unons from engagng n secondary boycotts
aganst companes not drecty nvoved n a abor dspute.
(A) unons from engagng n
(B) the engagement by unons of
(C) unons to engage n
(D) unons from becomng engaged wth
(E) that unons engage upon
786. The Natona Transportaton Safety Board has recommended the use of fa-safe mechansms on
arner cargo door atches assurng the doors are propery cosed before takeoh and to prevent them
from poppng open n ght.
(A) assurng the doors are propery cosed
(B) for the assurance of proper cosng
(C) assurng proper cosure
(D) to assure cosng the doors propery
(E) to assure that the doors are propery cosed
787. The nephew of Pny the Eder wrote the ony eyewtness account of the great erupton of Vesuvus n
two etters to the hstoran Tactus.
(A) The nephew of Pny the Eder wrote the ony eyewtness account of the great erupton of
Vesuvus n two etters to the hstoran Tactus.
(B) To the hstoran Tactus, the nephew of Pny the Eder wrote two etters, beng the ony
eyewtness accounts of the great erupton of Vesuvus.
(C) The ony eyewtness account s n two etters by the nephew of Pny the Eder wrtng to the
hstoran Tactus an account of the great erupton of Vesuvus.
(D) Wrtng the ony eyewtness account, Pny the Eders nephew accounted for the great erupton of
Vesuvus n two etters to the hstoran Tactus.
(E) In two etters to the hstoran Tactus, the nephew of Pny the Eder wrote the ony eyewtness
account of the great erupton of Vesuvus.
788. The new contract forbds a strke by the transportaton unon.
(A) forbds a strke by the transportaton unon
(B) forbds the transportaton unon from strkng
(C) forbds that there be a strke by the transportaton unon
(D) w forbd the transportaton unon from strkng
(E) w forbd that the transportaton unon strkes
789. The new reguatons mandate that a company aows ther retrng empoyees who woud otherwse
ose group heath care coverage to contnue the same nsurance at ther own expense for a speced
(A) that a company aows ther retrng empoyees who woud otherwse ose group heath care
coverage to contnue
(B) companes to aow ther retrng empoyees who woud otherwse ose group heath care
coverage that they can contnue
(C) that a company aow ts retrng empoyees who woud otherwse ose group heath care
coverage to contnue
(D) companes aowng a retrng empoyee whose group heath care coverage woud otherwse be
ost the contnuaton of
(E) companes to aow a retrng empoyee whose group heath care coverage woud otherwse be
ost he contnuaton of
790. The number of mountan goras s decnng wth such rapdty that the popuaton s one-haf n the
twenty years between a count made by George Schaer n 1960 and the one made by Dan Fossey n
(A) wth such rapdty that the popuaton s one-haf
(B) wth such rapdty that the popuaton was one-haf
(C) so rapdy the popuaton dvded n haf
(D) so rapdy that the popuaton was haved
(E) n such rapdty that the popuaton s haved
791. The number of undergraduate degrees n engneerng awarded by coeges and unverstes n the
Unted States ncreased by more than twce from 1978 to 1985.
(A) ncreased by more than twce
(B) ncreased more than two tmes
(C) more than doubed
(D) was more than doubed
(E) had more than doubed
792. The odds are about 4 to 1 aganst survvng a takeover oher, and many busness consutants
therefore advse that a companys rst ne of defense n eudng ohers ke these be to even refuse to
take cas from key corporate raders.
(A) that a companys rst ne of defense n eudng ohers ke these be to even refuse
(B) that a companys rst ne of defense n eudng such ohers be to refuse even
(C) a company defendng tsef aganst ohers of ths knd that, as a rst ne of defense, they shoud
even refuse
(D) companes whch are defendng themseves aganst such an oher that, as a rst ne of defense,
they shoud even refuse
(E) that the rst ne of defense for a company who s eudng ohers ke these s the refusa even
793. The omca anguages are of Inda, Hnd, and of Pakstan, Urdu, but nether are spoken by a ma|orty
of the popuaton.
(A) The omca anguages are of Inda, Hnd, and of Pakstan, Urdu, but nether are
(B) The omca anguages are of Inda, Hnd, and of Pakstan, Urdu, but nether s
(C) Omcay, the anguages are Hnd for Inda and for Pakstan, Urdu, but nether are
(D) The omca anguage of Inda s Hnd, and that of Pakstan s Urdu, but nether s
(E) The omca anguage of Inda s Hnd, and Urdu n Pakstan, but none s
794. The Oympc Games heped to keep peace among the pugnacous states of the Greek word n that a
sacred truce was procamed durng the festvas month.
(A) word n that a sacred truce was procamed durng the festvas month
(B) word, procamng a sacred truce durng the festvas month
(C) word when they procamed a sacred truce for the festva month
(D) word, for a sacred truce was procamed durng the month of the festva
(E) word by procamaton of a sacred truce that was for the month of the festva
795. The ony way for growers to savage frozen ctrus s to process them qucky nto |uce concentrate
before they rot when warmer weather returns.
(A) to process them qucky nto |uce concentrate before they rot when warmer weather returns
(B) f they are qucky processed nto |uce concentrate before warmer weather returns to rot them
(C) for them to be processed qucky nto |uce concentrate before the frut rots when warmer
weather returns
(D) f the frut s qucky processed nto |uce concentrate before they rot when warmer weather
(E) to have t qucky processed nto |uce concentrate before warmer weather returns and rots the
796. The ordnance s ntended to force househoders to separate such hazardous waste ke pestcdes,
batteres, fertzers, and o-based pants from the genera stream of househod trash.
(A) to separate such hazardous waste ke
(B) that they shoud separate such hazardous waste ke
(C) separatng such hazardous wastes as
(D) that they shoud separate such hazardous wastes as
(E) to separate such hazardous wastes as
797. The orgna budng and oan assocatons were organzed as mted fe funds, whose members
made monthy payments on ther share subscrptons, then takng turns drawng on the funds for
home mortgages.
(A) subscrptons, then takng turns drawng
(B) subscrptons, and then takng turns drawng
(C) subscrptons and then took turns drawng
(D) subscrptons and then took turns, they drew
(E) subscrptons and then drew, takng turns
798. The orgna empoyees hred, who had been there over twenty years, were ercey oya to the rm,
and t ohered no retrement benets or prot sharng to any empoyees.
(A) and t ohered no
(B) and t ohered nether
(C) st t ohered no
(D) though t ohered no
(E) though t ohered nether
799. The owner of Steees Grocery n Osage, Oho, saved $600 monthy on heat durng the wnter by
puttng a hs refrgerator ar compressors together n an nsuated compartment, then nstang two
fans and a duct that carred waste heat from the compressors nto the man part of the store.
(A) then nstang two fans and a duct that carred
(B) then he nstang two fans and a duct that carred
(C) then two fans were nstaed wth a duct that carred
(D) nstang two fans, and then carryng through a duct
(E) nstang two fans, and a duct carryng
800. The Parthenon was a church from 1204 unt 1456, when Athens was taken by Genera Mohammed
the Conqueror, the Turksh sutan, who estabshed a mosque n the budng and used the Acropos as
a fortress.
(A) who estabshed a mosque n the budng and used the Acropos as
(B) who, estabshng a mosque n the budng, used the Acropos ke
(C) who, when he had estabshed a mosque n the budng, used the Acropos ke
(D) who had estabshed a mosque n the budng, usng the Acropos to be
(E) estabshng a mosque n the budng and usng the Acropos as
801. The pattern of whsker spot on the face of a mae on, ke human ngerprnts, are a feong means of
dentcaton, snce they are both unque and unchangng.
(A) ke human ngerprnts, are a feong means of dentcaton, snce they are both unque and
(B) ke human ngerprnts, s a feong means of dentcaton, snce t s both unque and
(C) ke human ngerprnts, s a means of dentcaton for fe, beng both unque and unchangng
(D) snce they are both unque and unchangng, are, ke human ngerprnts, are a means of
dentcaton for fe
(E) both unque and unchangng, are, ke human ngerprnts, a feong means of dentcaton
802. The peaks of a mountan range, actng ke rocks n a streambed, produce rppes n the ar owng
over them: the resutng ow pattern, wth crests and troughs that reman statonary athough the ar
that forms them s movng rapdy, are known as standng waves.
(A) crests and troughs that reman statonary athough the ar that forms them s movng rapdy, are
(B) crests and troughs that reman statonary athough they are formed by rapdy movng ar, are
(C) crests and troughs that reman statonary athough the ar that forms them s movng rapdy, s
(D) statonary crests and troughs athough he ar that forms them s movng rapdy, are
(E) statonary crests and troughs athough they are formed by rapdy movng ar, s
803. The perod when the great panted caves at Lascaux and Atamra were occuped by Upper Paeothc
peope has been estabshed by carbon-14 datng, but what s much more dmcut to determne are
the reason for ther decoraton, the use to whch prmtve peope put the caves, and the meanng of
the magncenty depcted anmas.
(A) has been estabshed by carbon-14 datng, but what s much more dmcut to determne are
(B) has been estabshed by carbon-14 datng, but what s much more dmcut to determne s
(C) have been estabshed by carbon-14 datng, but what s much more dmcut to determne s
(D) have been estabshed by carbon-14 datng, but what s much more dmcut to determne are
(E) are estabshed by carbon-14 datng, but that whch s much more dmcut to determne s
804. The physca structure of the human eye enabes t to sense ght of waveengths up to 0.0005
mmeters; nfrared radaton, however, s nvsbe because ts waveength-0.1 mmeters-s too
ong to be regstered by the eye.
(A) nfrared radaton, however, s nvsbe because ts waveength-0.1 mmeters-s too ong to
be regstered by the eye
(B) however, the waveength of nfrared radaton-0.1 mmeters-s too ong to be regstered by
the eye makng t nvsbe
(C) nfrared radaton, however, s nvsbe because ts waveength-0.1 mmeters-s too ong for
the eye to regster t
(D) however, because the waveength of nfrared radaton s 0.1 mmeters, t s too ong for the eye
to regster and thus nvsbe
(E) however, nfrared radaton has a waveength of 0.1 mmeters that s too ong for the eye to
regster, thus makng t nvsbe
805. The pot of The )oston!'ns centers on the rvary between Ove Chanceor, an actve femnst, wth
her charmng and cynca cousn, Bas Ransom, when they nd themseves drawn to the same
radant young woman whose taent for pubc speakng has won her an ardent foowng.
(A) rvary between Ove Chanceor, an actve femnst, wth her charmng and cynca cousn, Bas
(B) rvas Ove Chanceor, an actve femnst, aganst her charmng and cynca cousn, Bas Ransom
(C) rvary that deveops between Ove Chanceor, an actve femnst, and Bas Ransom, her
charmng and cynca cousn
(D) deveopng rvary between Ove Chanceor, an actve femnst, wth Bas Ransom, her charmng
and cynca cousn
(E) actve femnst, Ove Chanceor, and the rvary wth her charmng and cynca cousn Bas
806. The presdent of the bock assocaton tred to convnce her neghbors they shoud |on forces to
prevent crme n the neghborhood rather than contnung to be vctmzed.
(A) they shoud |on forces to prevent crme n the neghborhood rather than contnung to be
(B) that they shoud |on forces to prevent crme n the neghborhood rather than contnue to be
(C) about |onng forces to prevent crme n the neghborhood nstead of contnung to be vctmzed
(D) for the |onng of forces to prevent crme n the neghborhood rather than contnue to be
(E) to |on forces to prevent crme n the neghborhood rather than contnung to be vctmzed
807. The prme endng rate s a key rate n the economy: not ony are the nterest rates on most oans to
sma and medum-szed busnesses ted to the prme, but aso on a growng number of consumer
oans, ncudng home equty oans.
(A) not ony are the nterest rates on most oans to sma and medum-szed busnesses ted to the
prme, but aso on
(B) ted to the prme are the nterest rates not ony on most oans to sma and medum-szed
busnesses, but aso on
(C) the nterest rates not ony on most oans to sma and medum-szed busnesses are ted to the
prme, but aso
(D) not ony the nterest rates on most oans to sma and medum-szed busnesses are ted to the
prme, but aso on
(E) the nterest rates are ted to the prme, not ony on most oans to sma and medum-szed
busnesses, but aso
808. The proposed heath care b woud ncrease government reguaton of heath nsurance, estabsh
standards that woud guarantee wder access to peope wth past heath probems and to workers
changng |obs who otherwse coud be uncovered for months.
(A) estabsh standards that woud guarantee wder access to peope wth past heath probems and
to workers changng |obs who
(B) estabshng standards that woud guarantee wder access to peope wth past heath probems
and to workers who are changng |obs and
(C) to estabsh standards that woud guarantee wder access to peope wth past heath probems
and to workers who change |obs that
(D) for estabshng standards that woud guarantee wder access for peope wth past heath
probems and workers changng |obs who
(E) for the estabshment of standards that woud guarantee wder access for peope wth past heath
probems and workers who are changng |obs that
809. The proposed urban deveopment zones do not represent a new prncpe; t was empoyed n
Operaton Bootstrap n Puerto Rco.
(A) do not represent a new prncpe; t
(B) represent not a new prncpe, but one that
(C) are not a new prncpe; the same one
(D) are not a new prncpe, but one that
(E) are not new n prncpe; t
810. The prospect of a new wave of automobe mports has prompted domestc manufacturers to reduce
stah, cose pants, and oherng buyers nanca ncentves so they stay compettve.
(A) reduce stah, cose pants, and oherng buyers nanca ncentves so they
(B) reduce stah, cose pants, and oher nanca ncentves to buyers n order to
(C) reducng stah, cosng pants, and the oher of nanca ncentves to buyers so they can
(D) stah reductons, cosng pants, and oherng buyers nanca ncentves n order to
(E) a reducton of stah, pant cosngs, and oherng nanca ncentves to buyers to
811. The psychoogst Wam |ames beeved that faca expressons not ony provde a vsbe sgn of an
emoton, actuay contrbutng to the feeng tsef.
(A) emoton, actuay contrbutng to the feeng tsef
(B) emoton but aso actuay contrbutng to the feeng tsef
(C) emoton but aso actuay contrbute to the feeng tsef
(D) emoton; they aso actuay contrbute to the feeng of t
(E) emoton; the feeng tsef s aso actuay contrbuted to by them
812. The Ouechuans beeved that a thngs partcpated n both the matera eve and the mystca eve
of reaty, and many ndvdua Ouechuans camed to have contact wth t drecty wth an chana
(dream) experence.
(A) contact wth t drecty wth
(B) drect contact wth t by way of
(C) contact wth the atter drecty through
(D) drect contact wth the atter by means of
(E) contact drecty wth the mystca eve due to
813. The queston of whether to dvest themseves of stock n companes that do busness n South Afrca
s partcuary troubesome for the natons 116 prvate Back coeges because ther economc bases
are often more frage than most predomnanty Whte coeges.
(A) than
(B) than those of
(C) than s so of
(D) compared to
(E) compared to those of
814. The recent surge n the number of arpane ghts has cogged the natons ar-tramc contro system,
to ead to 55 percent more deays at arports, and prompts fears among some omcas that safety s
beng compromsed.
(A) to ead to 55 percent more deays at arports, and prompts
(B) eadng to 55 percent more deay at arports and promptng
(C) to ead to a 55 percent ncrease n deay at arports and prompt
(D) to ead to an ncrease of 55 percent n deays at arports, and prompted
(E) eadng to a 55-percent ncrease n deays at arports and promptng
815. The record of the past s aways ncompete, and the hstoran who wrtes about t nevtaby reects
the preoccupatons of ther own tme.
(A) the hstoran who wrtes about t nevtaby reects
(B) the hstoran wrtng about t w nevtaby reect
(C) a hstoran wrtng about t nevtaby reects
(D) wrtng about t, t s nevtabe for hstorans to reect
(E) hstorans n wrtng about t nevtaby reect
816. The reatonshp between corpuence and dsease reman controversa, athough statstcs ceary
assocate a reduced fe expectancy wth chronc obesty.
(A) reman controversa, athough statstcs ceary assocate a reduced fe expectancy wth
(B) reman controversa, athough statstcs ceary assocates a reduced fe expectancy wth
(C) reman controversa, athough statstcs ceary assocates reduced fe expectancy to
(D) remans controversa, athough statstcs ceary assocate a reduced fe expectancy wth
(E) remans controversa, athough statstcs ceary assocates reduced fe expectancy to
817. The report on the gross natona product-the natons tota producton of goods and servces-
showed that second-quarter naton was somewhat ower than a prevous estmaton and the savngs
rate sghty hgher.
(A) a prevous estmaton and the savngs rate sghty hgher
(B) a prevous estmaton and wth a sghty hgher savngs rate
(C) a prevous estmate and that the savngs rate s sghty hgher
(D) prevousy estmated and a sghty hgher savngs rate
(E) prevousy estmated and that the savngs rate was sghty hgher
818. The reports from the Department of Commerce ndcated that the economy had grown at an annua
rate much hgher than most economsts had predcted may occur.
(A) had predcted may occur
(B) had predcted
(C) predcted the occurrence of
(D) predcted may occur
(E) predcted
819. The resdents opposton to the sprayng program has reknded an od debate among those who
oppose the use of pestcdes and those who fee that the pestcdes are necessary to save the trees.
(A) among those who oppose the use of pestcdes and
(B) between those who oppose the use of pestcdes and
(C) among those opposng the use of pestcdes wth
(D) between those who oppose the use of pestcdes wth
(E) among those opposng the use of pestcdes and
820. The rse n the Commerce Departments ndex of eadng economc ndcators suggest that the
economy shoud contnue ts expanson nto the comng months, but that the mxed performance of
the ndexs ndvdua components ndcates that economc growth w proceed at a more moderate
pace than n the rst quarter of ths year.
(A) suggest that the economy shoud contnue ts expanson nto the comng months, but that
(B) suggest that the economy s to contnue expanson n the comng months, but
(C) suggests that the economy w contnue ts expandng n the comng months, but that
(D) suggests that the economy s contnung to expand nto the comng months, but that
(E) suggests that the economy w contnue to expand n the comng months, but
821. The rsng of costs of data-processng operatons at many nanca nsttutons has created a growng
opportunty for ndependent companes to provde these servces more emcenty and at ower cost.
(A) The rsng of costs
(B) Rsng costs
(C) The rsng cost
(D) Because the rsng cost
(E) Because of rsng costs
822. The root systems of most owerng perennas ether become too crowded, whch resuts n oss n
vgor, and spread too far outward, producng a bare center.
(A) whch resuts n oss n vgor, and spread
(B) resutng n oss n vgor, or spreadng
(C) wth the resut of oss of vgor, or spreadng
(D) resutng n oss of vgor, or spread
(E) wth a resutng oss of vgor, and spread
823. The Rorschzch test s ganng new respect as a dagnostc too because t takes ony one hour to
expose behavor and thought processes that may be unkey to emerge n other procedures or weeks
of ordnary ntervewng.
(A) that may be unkey to emerge n other procedures or weeks of ordnary ntervewng
(B) whose emergence s unkey n other procedures or weeks of ordnary ntervews
(C) that mght not emerge n other procedures or n weeks of ordnary ntervews
(D) that may not emerge under other procedures or weeks of ordnary ntervews
(E) unkey not to emerge durng weeks of ordnary ntervewng or n other procedures
824. The rues that govern potca contrbutons are ess strngent n oca eectons than they are n
natona eectons because they typcay nvove smaer amounts of money and present ess
opportunty for abuse.
(A) The rues that govern potca contrbutons are ess strngent n oca eectons than they are n
natona eectons because they typcay nvove smaer amounts of money and present ess
opportunty for abuse.
(B) Because they typcay nvove smaer amounts of money and present ess opportunty for abuse,
the rues that govern potca contrbutons are ess strngent n oca eectons than the rues are
ess strngent n oca eectons than the rues are n natona eectons.
(C) The rues that govern potca contrbutons are ess strngent n oca eectons than natona
eectons because they typcay nvove smaer amounts of money and present ess opportunty
for abuse.
(D) Because oca eectons typcay nvove smaer amounts of money and present ess opportunty
for abuse than natona eectons, the rues that govern oca potca contrbutons are ess
strngent than natona contrbutons.
(E) The rues that govern potca contrbutons are ess strngent n oca eectons than they are n
natona eectons because oca eectons typcay nvove smaer amounts of money and
present ess opportunty for abuse.
825. The sae of government surpus machnery w begn at 9 a.m. and contnue unt the suppy asts.
(A) w begn at 9 a.m. and contnue unt the suppy asts
(B) begns at 9 a.m., contnung unt the suppy asts
(C) w begn at 9 a.m. and, unt the suppy asts, w contnue
(D) begns at 9 a.m. and, as ong as the suppy may ast, t contnues
(E) w begn at 9 a.m. and contnue as ong as the suppy asts
826. The schoo board rung mandatng that physcay handcapped students be paced n reguar
cassroom settngs whenever possbe aso assured a chdren who have a readng probem of speca
(A) be paced n reguar cassroom settngs whenever possbe aso assured a chdren who have a
readng probem
(B) shoud be paced n reguar cassroom settngs whenever possbe aso assures a chdren that
have a readng probem
(C) are paced n reguar cassroom settngs whenever possbe aso assures those chdren who are
havng readng probems
(D) be paced n reguar cassroom settngs whenever possbe aso assured chdren wth readng
(E) shoud be paced n reguar cassroom settngs whenever possbe aso has assured a those
chdren wth a readng probem
827. The scence of economcs, whch for four decades was domnated by Keynesans, who at rst stressed
the governments roe n stmuatng the economy, but who were utmatey ed away from soutons
based on government nterventon.
(A) economcs, whch for four decades was
(B) economcs that was to be
(C) economcs, one whch has, for four decades, been
(D) economcs s one that for four decades has been
(E) economcs, for four decades, s one that was
828. The Senate approved mmgraton egsaton that woud grant permanent resdency to mons of
aens currenty resdng here and f empoyers hred ega aens they woud be penazed.
(A) f empoyers hred ega aens they woud be penazed
(B) hrng ega aens woud be a penaty for empoyers
(C) penaze empoyers who hre ega aens
(D) penazng empoyers hrng ega aens
(E) empoyers to be penazed for hrng ega aens
829. The specuatve fever of the Roarng Twentes nfected rch and poor ake; vast quanttes of peope
were dangerousy overextended, credt was absurdy easy to obtan, and most brokerage houses
requred ony ten percent cash for stocks bought on margn.
(A) rch and poor ake; vast quanttes of peope were dangerousy overextended
(B) both rch and poor ake; arge amounts of peope dangerousy overextended themseves
(C) rch and poor ake; great numbers of peope were dangerousy overextended
(D) both rch and poor ake; vast amounts of peope dangerousy overextended themseves
(E) both rch and poor; great quanttes of peope were dangerousy overextended
830. The sprayng of pestcdes can be carefuy panned, but accdents, weather condtons that coud not
be foreseen, and pot errors often cause much arger deposts of spray than they had antcpated.
(A) weather condtons that coud not be foreseen, and pot errors often cause much arger deposts
of spray than they had
(B) weather condtons that cannot be foreseen, and pot errors often cause much arger deposts of
spray than
(C) unforeseeabe weather condtons, and pot errors are the cause of much arger deposts of spray
than they had
(D) weather condtons that are not foreseeabe, and pot errors often cause much arger deposts of
spray than
(E) unforeseeabe weather condtons, and pot errors often cause much arger deposts of spray
than they had
831. The study undertaken by Department of the Interor w nvove examnaton and taggng of the
Caforna condor n order to obtan nformaton about ther day movements, foragng habts, and
stes where they nest.
(A) ther day movements, foragng habts, and stes where they nest
(B) ther day movements, foragng habts, and ther nestng stes
(C) ts day movements, foragng habts, and nestng stes
(D) ts day movements, foragng habts, and about nestng stes
(E) day movements, foragng habts, and stes n whch there are nests
832. The suppy of o beng nte has become an economca and potca consderaton of the rst
magntude for a modern ndustra natons.
(A) The suppy of o beng nte has become an economca
(B) The nte suppy of o has become an economca
(C) That the suppy of o s nte has become an economca
(D) The suppy of o beng nte has become an economc
(E) That the suppy of o s nte has become an economc
833. The Supreme Courts concern wth egtmacy s not for the sake of the court but the naton to whch t
s responsbe.
(A) but the naton to whch t s responsbe
(B) but for the sake of the naton to whch t s responsbe
(C) so much as the naton t s responsbe to
(D) as the naton t s responsbe to
(E) but the naton
834. The suspect n the burgary was advsed of hs rght to reman sent, tod he coud not eave, and was
nterrogated n a detenton room.
(A) of hs rght to reman sent, tod he coud not eave, and was
(B) of hs rght to reman sent, tod he coud not eave, and
(C) of hs rght to reman sent and that he coud not eave and
(D) that he had a rght to reman sent, coud not eave, and was
(E) that he had a rght to reman sent, that he coud not eave, and was
835. The task force s revewng the companys hrng practces for the determnaton of whether they are
meetng the requrements set by the Omce of Equa Opportunty.
(A) for the determnaton of whether they are meetng the requrements set by the Omce of Equa
(B) for the determnng of whether or not t meets the requrement set by the Omce of Equa
(C) for the determnng of whether the requrements set by the Omce of Equa Opportunty are beng
met or not
(D) determnng whether the requrements set by the Omce of Equa Opportunty are met
(E) to determne whether they meet the requrements set by the Omce of Equa Opportunty
836. The technca term pagnaton s a process that eaves edtors, nstead of prnters, assembe the
page mages that become the meta or pastc pates used n prntng.
(A) s a process that eaves edtors, nstead of prnters, assembe
(B) refers to a process that aows edtors, rather than prnters, to assembe
(C) s a process eavng the edtors, rather than prnters, to assembe
(D) refers to a process whch aows edtors, but not to prnters, the assemby of
(E) has reference to the process eavng to edtors, nstead of the prnter, assembng
837. The themes that Rta Dove expores n her poetry s unversa, encompassng much of the human
condton whe occasonay deas wth raca ssues.
(A) s unversa, encompassng much of the human condton whe occasonay deas
(B) s unversa, encompassng much of the human condton, aso occasonay t deas
(C) are unversa, they encompass much of the human condton and occasonay deas
(D) are unversa, encompassng much of the human condton whe occasonay deang
(E) are unversa, they encompass much of the human condton, aso occasonay are deang
838. The underyng physca prncpes that contro the mdar gyratons of dvers and gymnasts are the
same as the body orentaton controng astronauts n a weghtess envronment.
(A) as the body orentaton controng
(B) as the body orentaton whch contros
(C) as those controng the body orentaton of
(D) ones to contro the body orentaton of
(E) ones used n controng the body orentaton of
839. The Unted States government empoys a much arger proporton of women n trade negotatons than
any government.
(A) a much arger proporton of women n trade negotatons than any
(B) a much arger proporton of women n trade negotatons than does any other
(C) much arger proportons of women n trade negotatons than has any
(D) proportons of women n trade negotatons that are much arger than any
(E) proportons of women n trade negotatons that are much arger than any other
840. The Unted States petroeum ndustrys cost to meet envronmenta reguatons s pro|ected at ten
percent of the prce per barre of rened petroeum by the end of the decade.
(A) The Unted States petroeum ndustrys cost to meet envronmenta reguatons s pro|ected at ten
percent of the prce per barre of rened petroeum by the end of the decade.
(B) The Unted States petroeum ndustrys cost by the end of the decade to meet envronmenta
reguatons s estmated at ten percent of the prce per barre of rened petroeum.
(C) By the end of the decade, the Unted States petroeum ndustrys cost of meetng envronmenta
reguatons s pro|ected at ten percent of the prce per barre of rened petroeum.
(D) To meet envronmenta reguatons, the cost to the Unted States petroeum ndustry s estmated
at ten percent of the prce per barre of rened petroeum by the end of the decade.
(E) It s estmated that by the end of the decade the cost to the Unted States petroeum ndustry of
meetng envronmenta reguatons w be ten percent of the prce per barre of rened
841. The unprecedented ncreases n the prme endng rate ths year has probaby been brought about by
busness communtys uncertanty about the Presdents poston on the budget dect.
(A) n the prme endng rate ths year has
(B) ths year n the prme endng rate has
(C) ths year n the prme endng rate havng
(D) n the prme endng rate ths year had
(E) n the prme endng rate ths year have
842. The unsked workers at the Aenby pant reazed that ther houry rate of $4.11 to $4.75 was better
than many nearby factory wages.
(A) many nearby factory wages
(B) many wages n nearby factores
(C) what are ohered by many nearby factores
(D) t s n many nearby factores
(E) that ohered by many nearby factores
843. The use of chemca pestcdes n ths country s equay extensve or more so than ten years ago.
(A) equay extensve or more so than ten years ago
(B) equa to or more extensve than ten years ago
(C) as extensve as ten years ago or more
(D) equa to, f not more, than ten years ago
(E) as extensve as t was ten years ago, f not more so
844. The use of gravty waves, whch do not nteract wth matter n the way eectromagnetc waves do,
hopefuy w enabe astronomers to study the actua formaton of back hoes and neutron stars.
(A) n the way eectromagnetc waves do, hopefuy w enabe
(B) n the way eectromagnetc waves do, w, t s hoped, enabe
(C) ke eectromagnetc waves, hopefuy w enabe
(D) ke eectromagnetc waves, woud enabe, hopefuy
(E) such as eectromagnetc waves do, w, t s hoped, enabe
845. The utty company has announced that t w permanenty cose ts Unt I nucear power pant, the
rst pant that had been but by prvate ndustry and the mode for a generaton of modern nucear
(A) that had been but by prvate ndustry and
(B) but by prvate ndustry and whch was
(C) to be but by prvate ndustry and whch was
(D) but by prvate ndustry and
(E) to have been but by prvate ndustry and was
846. The vstng pharmacoogsts concuded that the present amagam of Chnese and Western medcne
s probaby as good, or better than, any system that mght be devsed for the patents who are
treated at the Nan Ka hospta n Tan-|ng.
(A) as good, or better than, any system that mght be devsed for the patents who are
(B) as good, or better, than any system that mght be devsed for patents beng
(C) as good, or better than, any system that mght be devsed for patents whch are beng
(D) good as, or even better than, any other system that may be devsed for the patents who are
(E) as good as, or better than, any other system that mght be devsed for the patents
847. The voumnous persona papers of Thomas Ava Edson revea that hs nventons typcay sprang to
fe not n a ash of nspraton but evoved sowy from prevous works.
(A) sprang to fe not n a ash of nspraton but evoved sowy
(B) sprang to fe not n a ash of nspraton but were sowy evoved
(C) dd not sprng to fe n a ash of nspraton but evoved sowy
(D) dd not sprng to fe n a ash of nspraton but had sowy evoved
(E) dd not sprng to fe n a ash of nspraton but they were sowy evoved
848. The Waersten study ndcates that even after a decade young men and women st experence
some of the ehects of a dvorce occurrng when a chd.
(A) occurrng when a chd
(B) occurrng when chdren
(C) that occurred when a chd
(D) that occurred when they were chdren
(E) that has occurred as each was a chd
849. The Western words ove ahar wth chocoate s we-documented: few peope have been known to
have tasted t for the rst tme wthout requestng more.
(A) few peope have been known to have tasted t
(B) few havng been known to taste t
(C) t has been tasted by few peope
(D) few peope have been known to taste t
(E) few peope havng tasted t
850. The wnds that how across the Great Pans not ony bow away vauabe topso, thereby reducng the
potenta crop yed of a tract of and, and aso damage or destroy young pants.
(A) and aso damage or destroy
(B) as we as damagng or destroyng
(C) but they aso cause damage or destroy
(D) but aso damage or destroy
(E) but aso causng damage or destroyng
851. The work of mathematcan Roger Penrose n the eary 1970s, on the geometry of what are caed
aperodc tes, turned out to descrbe the archtecture of a prevousy unknown cass of crystas.
(A) what are caed aperodc tes, turned out to descrbe
(B) what s caed aperodc tes, descrbes
(C) aperodc tes, descrbng
(D) so-caed aperodc tes, descrbe
(E) aperodc tes, t turned out to descrbe
852. There are more than forty newspapers pubshed n the ctes of Keraa, a state on the Maabar Coast,
whch reects the fact that Keraans are by far Indas most terate ctzens.
(A) whch reects
(B) and that number reects
(C) whch reect
(D) that number reects
(E) that reects
853. There has been a 30- to 40-fod ncrease n the ncdence of maara caused by ncreasng mosquto
resstance aganst pestcdes.
(A) ncrease n the ncdence of maara caused by ncreasng mosquto resstance aganst
(B) ncrease n the ncdence of maara because of ncreasng resstance of mosqutoes to
(C) ncreasng maara ncdence because of ncreasng resstance of mosqutoes to
(D) ncdence of maara ncrease caused by ncreasng mosquto resstance aganst
(E) ncdence of maara ncrease because of ncreased mosquto resstance to
854. There s ampe evdence, derved from the ore of tradtona fok medcne, that naturay occurrng
antbotcs are usuay abe to be moded to make them a more ehectve drug.
(A) are usuay abe to be moded to make them a more ehectve drug.
(B) are usuay abe to be moded to make them more ehectve drugs
(C) are usuay abe to be moded, whch makes them more ehectve drugs
(D) can usuay be moded to make them a more ehectve drug
(E) can usuay be moded to make them more ehectve drugs
855. There s growng demand n the state for ntatve and referendum, a procedure that aows voters
to propose and pass aws, as we as to repea them.
(A) aows voters to propose and pass aws, as we as to repea them
(B) aows voters to propose, pass, and to repea aws
(C) aows voters to propose, to pass, and repea aws
(D) w aow the voter to propose, pass, as we as to repea aws
(E) w aow aws to be proposed, passed, as we as repeaed by voters
856. There s no consensus on what roe, f any, s payed by acd ran n sowng the growth or damagng
forests n the eastern Unted States.
(A) sowng the growth or damagng
(B) the damage or the sowng of the growth of
(C) the damage to or the sowness of the growth of
(D) damaged or sowed growth of
(E) damagng or sowng the growth of
857. There s specuaton that ncreasng cod weather was what may have been responsbe for the
Anasaz move from Mesa Verde to stes n other canyons.
(A) that ncreasng cod weather was what may have been
(B) whether ncreasng cod weather was what was
(C) that ncreasngy cod weather was what had been
(D) whether ncreasngy cod weather may have been what was
(E) that ncreasngy cod weather may have been
858. There s substanta evdence that certan forms of soar energy ether now or wthn a few years w
be economcay compettve wth conventona sources of heat and power.
(A) ether now or wthn a few years w be economcay compettve wth conventona sources of
heat and power
(B) w ether be economcay compettve wth conventona sources of heat and power wthn a few
years or are so now
(C) w be economcay compettve wth conventona sources of heat and power ether now or
wthn a few years
(D) ether are now economcay compettve wth conventona sources of heat and power or w be
so wthn a few years
(E) are ether now or w be wthn a few years economcay compettve wth conventona sources
of heat and power
859. Thomas Eakns powerfu stye and hs choces of sub|ect-the advances n modern surgery, the
dscpne of sport, the strans of ndvduas n tenson wth socety or even wth themseves-was as
dsturbng to hs own tme as t s compeng for ours.
(A) was as dsturbng to hs own tme as t s
(B) were as dsturbng to hs own tme as they are
(C) has been as dsturbng n hs own tme as they are
(D) had been as dsturbng n hs own tme as t was
(E) have been as dsturbng n hs own tme as
860. Those who come to church wth a predsposton to regous beef w be happy n an audtorum or
even a storefront, and there s no doubt that regon s sometmes better served by adapted spaces
of ths knd nstead of by some of the budngs actuay desgned for t.
(A) adapted spaces of ths knd nstead of by some of the budngs actuay desgned for t
(B) adapted spaces ke these rather than some of the budngs actuay desgned for them
(C) these adapted spaces nstead of by some of the budngs actuay desgned for t
(D) such adapted spaces rather than by some of the budngs actuay desgned for them
(E) such adapted spaces than by some of the budngs actuay desgned for t
861. Those who enter marathons soon earn that, to succeed n these grueng compettve events, runners
must be n exceent condton, have unshakabe sef-condence, and, most mportant of a, know
how to pace yoursef.
(A) know how to pace yoursef
(B) s knowng how to pace yoursef
(C) know how to pace themseves
(D) you must pace yoursef
(E) they must know how to pace themseves
862. Those wth a cynca turn of mnd mght specuate f the new corporaton, eager for prot, mght not
have started the rumor that caused ts compettor to decare bankruptcy.
(A) specuate f the new corporaton, eager for prot, mght not have started
(B) specuate f the new corporaton, eager for prot, had not started
(C) specuate f, n ts eagerness for prot, the new corporaton started
(D) wonder as to whether, n ts eagerness for prot, the new corporaton dd not start
(E) wonder whether the new corporaton, eager for prot, had started
863. Though the term graphc desgn may suggest ayng out corporate brochures and annua reports,
they have come to sgnfy wdey rangng work, from package desgns and company ogotypes to
sgns, book |ackets, computer graphcs, and m ttes.
(A) suggest ayng out corporate brochures and annua reports, they have come to sgnfy wdey
(B) suggest ayng out corporate brochures and annua reports, t has come to sgnfy a wde range of
(C) suggest corporate brochure and annua report ayout, t has sgned wdey rangng
(D) have suggested corporate brochure and annua report ayout, t has sgned a wde range of
(E) have suggested ayng out corporate brochures and annua reports, they have come to sgnfy
wdey rangng
864. Three out of every four automobe owners n the Unted States aso own a bcyce.
(A) Three out of every four automobe owners n the Unted States aso own a bcyce.
(B) Out of every four, three automobe owners n the Unted States aso owns a bcyce.
(C) Bcyces are owned by three out of every four owners of automobes n the Unted States.
(D) In the Unted States, three out of every four automobe owners owns bcyces.
(E) Out of every four owners of automobes n the Unted States, bcyces are aso owned by three.
865. Through the years, the exqustey subte avors and superb rchness of Kenyan cohee has attracted
an nternatona foowng of dscernng consumers.
(A) the exqustey subte avors and superb rchness of Kenyan cohee has
(B) the cohee of Kenya, wth ts exqustey subte and superby rch avors, have
(C) the exqustey subte, superby rch avors of Kenyan cohee are what has
(D) Kenyan cohees superb rchness and exquste subtety of avor has
(E) the exqustey subte avors and superb rchness of Kenyan cohee have
866. Tny quanttes of more than thrty rare gases, most of them ndustra by-products, threaten to warm
the Earths atmosphere even more rapdy than carbon doxde durng the next fty years.
(A) to warm the Earths atmosphere even more rapdy than carbon doxde durng the next fty
(B) to warm the Earths atmosphere even more rapdy over the next fty years than carbon doxde
(C) durng the next fty years to warm the Earths atmosphere even more rapdy than carbon
(D) a warmng of the Earths atmosphere durng the next fty years even more rapd than carbon
(E) a warmng of the Earths atmosphere even more rapd than carbon doxdes w be over the next
fty years
867. To compare the ghtnng-fast genus of paywrght Tom Stoppard wth the pedestran ehorts of some
of hs contemporares s to compare the exquste bouquet of a ne wne wth that of ordnary grape
(A) To compare the ghtnng-fast genus of paywrght Tom Stoppard wth the pedestran ehorts of
some of hs contemporares s to compare the exquste bouquet of a ne wne wth that of
ordnary grape |uce.
(B) To compare the ghtnng-fast genus of paywrght Tom Stoppard wth the pedestran ehorts of
some of hs contemporares s comparng the exquste bouquet of a ne wne wth that of
ordnary grape |uce.
(C) Comparng the ghtnng-fast genus of paywrght Tom Stoppard wth the pedestran ehorts of
some of hs contemporares s to compare the exquste bouquet of a ne wne wth ordnary
grape |uce.
(D) Comparng the ghtnng-fast genus of paywrght Tom Stoppard wth the pedestran ehorts of
some of hs contemporares s ke comparng the exquste bouquet of a ne wne wth ordnary
grape |uce.
(E) To compare the ghtnng-fast genus of paywrght Tom Stoppard wth the pedestran ehorts of
some of hs contemporares s to compare a ne wnes bouquet wth ordnary grape |uces
868. To ensure consstenty hgh quaty n ts merchandse, the chan of reta stores became nvoved n
every aspect of ther suppers operatons, dctatng not ony the number of sttches and the wdth of
the hem n every garment as we as the prot margns of those suppers.
(A) ther suppers operatons, dctatng not ony the number of sttches and the wdth of the hem n
every garment as we as
(B) ts suppers operatons, dctatng not ony the number of sttches and the wdth of the hem n
every garment as we as
(C) ther suppers operatons, dctatng not ony the number of sttches and the wdth of the hem n
every garment but aso
(D) ts suppers operatons, dctatng not ony the number of sttches and the wdth of the hem n
every garment but aso
(E) ther suppers operatons, dctatng the number of sttches, the wdth of the hem n every
garment, and
869. To hep preserve ancent Egyptan monuments threatened by hgh water tabes, a Swedsh
engneerng rm has proposed nstang pumps, perhaps soar powered, to ower the underground
water eve and dg trenches around the bases of the stone was.
(A) to ower the underground water eve and dg trenches
(B) to ower the underground water eve and to dg trenches
(C) to ower the underground water eve and dggng trenches
(D) that ower the underground water eve and that trenches be dug
(E) that ower the underground water eve and trench dggng
870. To mantan a hgh demand for ther product, the manufacturers rst took over the marketng and
saes functons prevousy performed by outsde agents; next, they began changng ther advertsng
campagns monthy to keep pace wth the rapd changes n consumers ves.
(A) they began changng
(B) ths began changng
(C) the former began changng
(D) to begn changng
(E) to change
871. To read of Abga Adams engthy separaton from her famy, her dmcut traves, and her constant
battes wth ness s to fee ntensey how harsh fe was even for the so-caed arstocracy of
Revoutonary tmes.
(A) To read of
(B) Readng about
(C) Havng read about
(D) Once one reads of
(E) To have read of
872. To speak habtuay of the truy needy s graduay nstng the noton that many of those who are
|ust caed needy actuay have adequate resources; such a concuson s unwarranted.
(A) To speak habtuay of the truy needy s graduay nstng the noton
(B) To speak habtuay of the truy needy s nstng the noton graduay
(C) To speak habtuay of the truy needy s graduay to nst the noton
(D) Speakng habtuay of the truy needy s to nst the gradua noton
(E) Speakng habtuay of the truy needy s nstng the gradua noton
873. To spread the word about mortgage servcers, a fact sheet that outnes ones ega rghts f you get
caught n a mortgage servng mess has been put together by the Federa Trade Commsson.
(A) a fact sheet that outnes ones ega rghts f you get caught n a mortgage servng mess has
been put together by the Federa Trade Commsson
(B) an outne of ones ega rghts has been put together by the Federa Trade Commsson f one
gets caught up n a mortgagng mess on a fact sheet
(C) shoud you get caught n a mortgagng mess, a fact sheet outnng your ega rghts has been put
together by the Federa Trade Commsson
(D) there s a fact sheet put together by the Federa Trade Commsson, whch outnes ones ega
rghts n a mortgage servcng mess
(E) the Federa Trade Commsson has put together a fact sheet that outnes your ega rghts f you
get caught n a mortgage servcng mess
874. Today, because of mprovements n agrcutura technoogy, the same amount of acreage produces
doube the appes that t has n 1910.
(A) doube the appes that t has
(B) twce as many appes as t dd
(C) as much as twce the appes t has
(D) two tmes as many appes as there were
(E) a doubng of the appes that t dd
875. Todays technoogy aows manufacturers to make sma cars more fue-emcent now than at any tme
n ther producton hstory.
(A) sma cars more fue-emcent now than at any tme n ther
(B) sma cars that are more fue-emcent than they were at any tme n ther
(C) sma cars that are more fue-emcent than those at any other tme n
(D) more fue-emcent sma cars than those at any other tme n ther
(E) more fue-emcent sma cars now than at any tme n
876. Too od to bear arms hmsef, Frederck Dougass served as a recrutng agent, traveed through the
North to exhort Back men to |on the Unon army.
(A) traveed through the North to exhort
(B) and he traveed through the North and exhorted
(C) and traveng through the North exhorted
(D) traveng through the North and exhorted
(E) traveng through the North and exhortng
877. Traveng the back roads of Hungary, n 1905 Ba Bartk and Zotn Kody began ther poneerng
work n ethnomuscoogy, and they were armed ony wth an Edson phonograph and nsatabe
(A) Traveng the back roads of Hungary, n 1905 Ba Bartk and Zotn Kody began ther
poneerng work n ethnomuscoogy, and they were armed ony
(B) In 1905, Ba Bartk and Zotn Kody, traveng the back roads of Hungary, began ther
poneerng work n ethnomuscoogy, and they were ony armed
(C) In 1905 Ba Bartk and Zotn Kody began ther poneerng work n ethnomuscoogy, traveng
the back roads of Hungary armed ony
(D) Havng traveed the back roads of Hungary, n 1905 Ba Bartk and Zotn Kody began ther
poneerng work n ethnomuscoogy; they were ony armed
(E) Ba Bartk and Zotn Kody, n 1905 began ther poneerng work n ethnomuscoogy,
traveng the back roads of Hungary, armng themseves ony
878. Tryng to earn some of the bascs of programmng s the same as to tnker wth a car when one s a
teenager: some peope end up gong to engneerng schoo, and others, twenty years ater, remember
nothng of the experence.
(A) the same as to tnker wth a car when one s a teenager
(B) smar to a teenager tnkerng wth a car
(C) ke tnkerng wth a car as a teenager
(D) the same as a teenager tnkerng wth a car
(E) ke the teenagers tnkerng wth a car
879. Two new studes ndcate that many peope become obese more due to the fact that ther bodes burn
caores too sowy than overeatng.
(A) due to the fact that ther bodes burn caores too sowy than overeatng
(B) due to ther bodes burnng caores too sowy than to eatng too much
(C) because ther bodes burn caores too sowy than that they are overeaters
(D) because ther bodes burn caores too sowy than because they eat too much
(E) because of ther bodes burnng caores too sowy than because of ther eatng too much
880. Two vaence states of uranum, one wth a dect of four eectrons and the other one wth a dect of
sx, occurs n nature and contrbutes to the dversty of uranums behavor.
(A) the other one wth a dect of sx, occurs n nature and contrbutes
(B) the other one a dect of sx, occur n nature and contrbute
(C) the other wth a dect of sx, occurs n nature and contrbutes
(D) the other wth a dect of sx, occur n nature and contrbute
(E) one wth sx, occurs n nature and contrbutes
881. Two week notce beng gven to empoyers before eavng a |ob s the generay accepted protoco.
(A) Two week notce beng gven to empoyers before eavng
(B) Gvng notce to empoyers of two weeks before havng to eave
(C) Two weeks notce to gve to empoyers before eavng
(D) Gvng notce to empoyers two weeks before eavng
(E) To gve two weeks worth of notce before havng to eave
882. Under a provson of the Consttuton that was never apped, Congress has been requred to ca a
conventon for consderng possbe amendments to the document when formay asked to do t by
the egsatures of two-thrds of the states.
(A) was never apped, Congress has been requred to ca a conventon for consderng possbe
amendments to the document when formay asked to do t
(B) was never apped, there has been a requrement that Congress ca a conventon for
consderaton of possbe amendments to the document when asked to do t formay
(C) was never apped, whereby Congress s requred to ca a conventon for consderng possbe
amendments to the document when asked to do t formay
(D) has never been apped, whereby Congress s requred to ca a conventon to consder possbe
amendments to the document when formay asked to do so
(E) has never been apped, Congress s requred to ca a conventon to consder possbe
amendments to the document when formay asked to do so
883. Under Napoeon the French were not abe to organze an adequate suppy system, and t was a ma|or
cause of the faure of ther nvason of Russa.
(A) Under Napoeon the French were not abe to organze an adequate suppy system, and t
(B) The French beng unabe to organze an adequate suppy system under Napoeon
(C) For the French under Napoeon, to be unabe to organze an adequate suppy system
(D) The nabty of the French under Napoeon to organze an adequate suppy system
(E) The French nabty under Napoeon of organzng an adequate suppy system.
884. Under the new corporate nsurance pocy, when an empoyer s charged for damages to a thrd party
whoy or argey as a resut of actons by an empoyee, he s entted to recoup the amount of the
(A) he s entted to recoup
(B) the empoyer s entted to recoup
(C) he or she s entted to recoup
(D) he s entted to recoup for
(E) the empoyer s entted to recoup for
885. Under the restructurng, the huge organzaton that operates the companys basc busnesses w be
dvded nto ve groups, each wth ts own executve.
(A) each wth ts own executve
(B) a havng ther own executve
(C) each havng ther own executve
(D) wth ts own executve for each
(E) every one wth an executve of ther own
886. Under the Safe Drnkng Water Act, the Envronmenta Protecton Agency s requred ether to approve
ndvdua state pans for controng the dscharge of wastes nto underground water or that they
enforce ther own pan for states wthout adequate reguatons.
(A) that they enforce ther
(B) for enforcng ther
(C) they shoud enforce ther
(D) t shoud enforce ts
(E) to enforce ts
887. Unke a funded penson system, n whch contrbutons are nvested to pay future benecares, a
pay-as-you-go approach s the foundaton of Soca Securty.
(A) a pay-as-you-go approach s the foundaton of Soca Securty
(B) the foundaton of Soca Securty s a pay-as-you-go approach
(C) the approach of Soca Securty s pay-as-you-go
(D) Soca Securtys approach s pay-as-you-go
(E) Soca Securty s founded on a pay-as-you-go approach
888. Under the 1986 tax aw, nterest payments on a renanced home oan are deductbe ony f the
amount of the oan does not exceed the purchase prce of the home, the cost of mprovements, and
any addtona amount borrowed aganst the home to pay for medca or educatona expenses.
(A) any addtona amount borrowed aganst the home to pay for medca or educatona expenses
(B) borrowng any addtona amount aganst the home for payment of medca or educatona
(C) aso borrowng any addtona amount aganst the home to pay for medca or educatona
(D) any addtona payment of medca or educatona expenses that were borrowed aganst the
(E) any addtona payment borrowed aganst the home for medca or educatona expenses
889. Unke a hurrcane, whch can be observed from wthn, a tornado s so sma that such a study has not
been practca.
(A) that such a study has not been practca
(B) that studyng t that way has not been mpractca
(C) for such studes as ths to have been mpractca
(D) as to not make such a study practca
(E) as to be mpractca of study
890. Unke a typca automobe oan, whch requres a fteen- to twenty-percent down payment, the
ease-oan buyer s not requred to make an nta depost on the new vehce.
(A) the ease-oan buyer s not requred to make
(B) wth ease-oan buyng there s no requrement of
(C) ease-oan buyers are not requred to make
(D) for the ease-oan buyer there s no requrement of
(E) a ease-oan does not requre the buyer to make
891. Unke auto nsurance, the frequency of cams does not ahect the premums for persona property
coverage, but f the nsurance company s abe to prove excessve oss due to owner neggence, t
may decne to renew the pocy.
(A) Unke auto nsurance, the frequency of cams does not ahect the premums for persona
property coverage
(B) Unke wth auto nsurance, the frequency of cams do not ahect the premums for persona
property coverage
(C) Unke the frequency of cams for auto nsurance, the premums for persona property coverage
are not ahected by the frequency of cams
(D) Unke the premums for auto nsurance, the premums for persona property coverage are not
ahected by the frequency of cams
(E) Unke wth the premums for auto nsurance, the premums for persona property coverage s not
ahected by the frequency of cams
892. Unke computer sks or other technca sks, there s a dsncnaton on the part of many peope to
recognze the degree to whch ther anaytca sks are weak.
(A) Unke computer sks or other technca sks, there s a dsncnaton on the part of many peope
to recognze the degree to whch ther anaytca sks are weak.
(B) Unke computer sks or other technca sks, whch they admt they ack, many peope are
dsncned to recognze that ther anaytca sks are weak.
(C) Unke computer sks or other technca sks, anaytca sks brng out a dsncnaton n many
peope to recognze that they are weak to a degree.
(D) Many peope, wng to admt that they ack computer sks or other technca sks, are
dsncned to recognze that ther anaytca sks are weak.
(E) Many peope have a dsncnaton to recognze the weakness of ther anaytca sks whe wng
to admt ther ack of computer sks or other technca sks.
893. Unke Gertrude Sten, Ezra Pound, and other expatrates, Wam Caros Wams nssted that poets
honor ther own regons and empoy speccay Amercan rhythms.
(A) Unke Gertrude Sten, Ezra Pound, and other expatrates, Wam Caros Wams nssted
(B) Athough Gertrude Sten, Ezra Pound, and other expatrates dd not, Wam Caros Wams
nsstence was
(C) Contrary to Gertrude Sten, Ezra Pound, and other expatrates, t was Wam Caros Wams who
(D) As opposed to what Gertrude Sten, Ezra Pound, and other expatrates dd, Wam Caros
Wams was to nsst
(E) Whe Gertrude Sten, Ezra Pound, and other expatrates dd not, Wam Caros Wams was
894. Unke n other transportaton ndustres, there are no mnmum standards set by government or
ndustry for quafyng for beng an engneer on a tran.
(A) Unke n other transportaton ndustres, there are no mnmum standards set by government or
ndustry for quafyng for beng
(B) Unke other transportaton ndustres that have mnmum standards set by government or
ndustry, there are none for quafyng to be
(C) Athough the government or ndustry usuay sets mnmum standards for transportaton
ndustres, no such one has been set for quafyng as to beng
(D) Athough the government or ndustry usuay sets mnmum standards for transportaton
ndustres, no such standard has been set for quafyng to be
(E) Athough there are usuay mnmum standards set by government or ndustry for transportaton
ndustres, there s none for quafyng and beng
895. Unke most warber speces, the mae and femae bue-wnged warber are very dmcut to te apart.
(A) Unke most warber speces, the mae and femae bue-wnged warber are very dmcut to te
(B) Unke most warber speces, the gender of the bue-wnged warber s very dmcut to dstngush.
(C) Unke those n most warber speces, the mae and femae bue-wnged warbers are very dmcut
to dstngush.
(D) It s very dmcut, unke n most warber speces, to te the mae and femae bue-wnged warber
(E) Bue-wnged warbers are unke most speces of warber n that t s very dmcut to te the mae
and femae apart.
896. Unke other arachnds, whch have ther nerve ces eveny dstrbuted aong ther bodes, the
scorpons nerve ces are custered n ts head, ke a mammas.
(A) bodes, the scorpons nerve ces are custered n ts head, ke a mammas
(B) bodes, the scorpons head had a custer of nerve ces, as a mamma does
(C) body, the scorpon has a custer of nerve ces n ts head, as a mamma does
(D) body, nerve ces are custered n the scorpons head, ke a mammas
(E) body, a custer of nerve ces s n the scorpons head, ke a mammas
897. Unke Schoenbergs tweve-tone system that domnated the musc of the postwar perod, Bartok
founded no schoo and eft behnd ony a handfu of dscpes.
(A) Schoenbergs tweve-tone system that domnated
(B) Schoenberg and hs tweve-tone system whch domnated
(C) Schoenberg, whose tweve-tone system domnated
(D) the tweve-tone system of Schoenberg that has domnated
(E) Schoenberg and the tweve-tone system, domnatng
898. Unke that of human bengs, who waste away when they go wthout food for ong perods, hbernatng
bears exst for months on ony ther excess fat.
(A) Unke that of human bengs, who waste away when they go
(B) Unke human bengs, who waste away when they go
(C) Unke human bengs, wastng away when gong
(D) Dssmar to human bengs, wastng away when
(E) Lackng smarty to human bengs, who waste away when
899. Unke that of the Natve Amercans of Brtsh Coumba, the Pans, and the Southwest, those of Puget
Sound ved n reatvey sma, autonomous vages.
(A) Unke that of
(B) Unke those of
(C) Unke
(D) In contrast to that of
(E) Dssmar to
900. Unke the acd smoke of cgarettes, ppe tobacco, cured by age-od methods, yeds an akane smoke
too rrtatng to be drawn nto the ungs.
(A) Unke the acd smoke of cgarettes, ppe tobacco, cured by age-od methods, yeds an akane
(B) Unke the acd smoke of cgarettes, ppe tobacco s cured by age-od methods, yedng an
akane smoke
(C) Unke cgarette tobacco, whch yeds an acd smoke, ppe tobacco, cured by age-od methods,
yeds an akane smoke
(D) Dherng from cgarettes acd smoke, ppe tobaccos akane smoke, cured by age-od methods,
(E) The akane smoke of ppe tobacco dhers from cgarettes acd smoke n that t s cured by age-
od methods and s
901. Unke the ves of Pushkn, Gogo, Tosto, and Dostoevsk, sub|ects of other Troyat bographes,
Chekhov beongs to the twenteth century, an age of fretfuness and meanchoy skeptcsm.
(A) Unke the ves of Pushkn, Gogo, Tosto, and Dostoevsk, sub|ects of other Troyat bographes,
Chekhov beongs
(B) Chekhov, unke the other Troyat bographes of Pushkn, Gogo, Tosto, and Dostoevsk, beongs
(C) The fe of Chekhov, unke the ves of the sub|ects of other Troyat bographes, Pushkn, Gogo,
Tosto, and Dostoevsk, beongs
(D) Chekhov and hs fe, unke that of the other Troyat bographes-Pushkn, Gogo, Tosto, and
Dostoevsk, beong
(E) The fe of Chekhov, unke that of other Troyat bographes of Pushkn, Gogo, Tosto, and
Dostoevsk, beongs
902. Unke the Shtes, who consttute the other ma|or branch of Isam, the Sunntes do not awat the
Mahd as a messenger from God, nor do they endow hm wth dvne quates or mmunty from faure
n |udgment.
(A) nor do they endow hm
(B) but they do not endow hm
(C) nether do they endow hm
(D) and they nether endow hm
(E) whe endowng hm nether
903. Unke the Unted States, |apanese unons appear reuctant to organze ower-pad workers.
(A) Unke the Unted States, |apanese unons appear reuctant to organze
(B) Unke those n the Unted States, |apanese unons appear reuctant to organze
(C) In |apan, unke the Unted States, unons appear reuctant to organze
(D) |apanese unons, unke the Unted States, appear reuctant to organze
(E) |apanese unons, unke those n the Unted States, appear reuctant about organzng
904. Unke the Unted States, where farmers can usuay depend on ran or snow a year ong, the rans n
most parts of Sr Lanka are concentrated n the monsoon months, |une to September, and the skes
are generay cear for the rest of the year.
(A) Unke the Unted States, where farmers can usuay depend on ran or snow a year ong, the
rans n most parts of Sr Lanka
(B) Unke the Unted States farmers, who can usuay depend on ran or snow a year ong, the rans
n most parts of Sr Lanka
(C) Unke those of the Unted States, where farmers can usuay depend on ran or snow a year
ong, most parts of Sr Lankas rans
(D) In comparson wth the Unted States, whose farmers can usuay depend on ran or snow a year
ong, the rans n most parts of Sr Lanka
(E) In the Unted States, farmers can usuay depend on ran or snow a year ong, but n most parts
of Sr Lanka the rans
905. Unke ther counterparts n other Western democraces, the Amercan abor movement has never
embraced revoutonary deooges cang for the utmate transformaton of the economc order.
(A) Unke ther counterparts n other Western democraces, the Amercan abor movement has never
(B) Unke that of ther counterparts n other Western democraces, the Amercan abor movement
has never
(C) Unke ts counterpart n other Western democraces, the Amercan abor movement never have
(D) Unke that of ts counterparts n other Western democraces, the Amercan abor movement
never has
(E) Unke ts counterparts n other Western democraces, the Amercan abor movement has never
906. Unke transpants between dentca twns, whose genetc endowment s the same, a patents
recevng hearts or other organs must take antre|ecton drugs for the rest of ther ves.
(A) Unke transpants between dentca twns, whose genetc endowment s the same
(B) Besdes transpants nvovng dentca twns wth the same genetc endowment
(C) Uness the transpant nvoves dentca twns who have the same genetc endowment
(D) Asde from a transpant between dentca twns wth the same genetc endowment
(E) Other than transpants between dentca twns, whose genetc endowment s the same
907. Unt qute recenty, Amercan presdents ved n a word n whch the pubc and prvate reams of
ther ves were argey separate, and the press cooperated n mantanng the dstncton, and
Amercans |udged natona eaders wthout recevng, or expectng, ntmate nformaton about them.
(A) and the press cooperated n mantanng the dstncton, and
(B) where the press cooperated n mantanng the dstncton, and where
(C) for the press cooperated to mantan the dstncton and
(D) the press cooperated to mantan the dstncton, for
(E) n whch the press cooperated n mantanng the dstncton, and n whch
908. Upset by the recent downturn n producton numbers durng the rst haf of the year, the possbty of
addng worker ncentves was rased by the board of drectors at ts quartery meetng.
(A) the possbty of addng worker ncentves was rased by the board of drectors at ts quartery
(B) the addton of worker ncentves was rased as a possbty by the board of drectors at ts
quartery meetng
(C) added worker ncentves was rased by the board of drectors at ts quartery meetng as a
(D) the board of drectors rased at ts quartery meetng the possbty of worker ncentves beng
(E) the board of drectors, at ts quartery meetng, rased the possbty of addng worker ncentves
909. Urban omcas want the census to be as accurate and compete as possbe for the reason that the
amount of ow-ncome peope n a gven area ahect the dstrbuton of about fty bon doars a year
n federa funds.
(A) for the reason that the amount of ow-ncome peope n a gven area ahect
(B) for the reason because the amount of ow-ncome peope n a gven area ehects
(C) n that the amount of ow-ncome peope n gven areas ehect
(D) because the number of ow-ncome peope n a gven area ahects
(E) because the numbers of ow-ncome peope n gven areas ehects
910. Usng a Dopper utrasound devce, feta heartbeats can be detected by the twefth week of
(A) Usng a Dopper utrasound devce, feta heartbeats can be detected by the twefth week of
(B) Feta heartbeats can be detected by the twefth week of pregnancy, usng a Dopper utrasound
(C) Detectng feta heartbeats by the twefth week of pregnancy, a physcan can use a Dopper
utrasound devce.
(D) By the twefth week of pregnancy, feta heart-beats can be detected usng a Dopper utrasound
devce by a physcan.
(E) Usng a Dopper utrasound devce, a physcan can detect feta heartbeats by the twefth week of
911. Usng the technques empoyed by genetc engneerng, a new speces of mcroorgansm has been
deveoped by aboratory scentsts to ad n ceanng up o sps by dgestng the o.
(A) Usng the technques empoyed by genetc engneerng, a new speces of mcroorgansm has
been deveoped by aboratory scentsts to
(B) Usng the technques empoyed by genetc engneerng, a new speces of mcroorgansm that was
deveoped by aboratory scentsts w
(C) Usng the technques of genetc engneerng aboratory scentsts have deveoped a new speces
of mcroorgansm to
(D) Empoyng the technques of genetc engneerng there has been a deveopment by aboratory
scentsts of a new speces of mcroorgansm that w
(E) Empoyng the technques of genetc engneerng, a new speces of mcroorgansm that was
deveoped by aboratory scentsts w
912. Very popuar from 1900 unt the 1920s, the renewed nterest n ceng fans began when the energy
crss n 1974 forced homeowners to ook for aternatve methods of heatng and coong.
(A) Very popuar from 1900 unt the 1920s, the renewed nterest n ceng fans began
(B) The renewed nterest n ceng fans, whch were very popuar from 1900 unt the 1920s, began
(C) After they were very popuar from 1900 unt the 1920s, the renewed nterest n ceng fans was
(D) Ceng fans were very popuar from 1900 unt the 1920s, wth renewed nterest begnnng n
(E) From 1900 unt the 1920s ceng fans were very popuar, and now the renewed nterest n them
has begun
913. Voence n the stands at soccer matches has gotten so pronounced n severa European countres
that some stadums have adopted new rues that am to dentfy fans of vstng teams and that seat
them n a separate area.
(A) to dentfy fans of vstng teams and that seat them
(B) to dentfy fans of vstng teams and seat them
(C) to dentfy fans of vstng teams for seatng
(D) at dentfyng fans of vstng teams so as to seat them
(E) at dentfyng fans of vstng teams and that seat them
914. Vrtuay undsturbed for the ast three centures on ther starky beautfu sands near the edge of the
Arctc Crce, the nhabtants of the Lofotens have evoved fokways and a fe-stye that brng warmth
to ther harsh envronment.
(A) the nhabtants of the Lofotens have evoved fokways and a fe-stye that brng warmth
(B) the nhabtants of the Lofotens have evoved fokways and a fe-stye that brngs warmth
(C) evovng fokways and a fe-stye were evoved by the Lofotens nhabtants to brng warmth
(D) evovng fokways and a fe-stye brought warmth to the Lofotens nhabtants as we as
(E) warmth-brngng fokways and fe-styes have been evoved by the nhabtants of the Lofotens
915. Vstors to the park have often ooked up nto the eafy canopy and saw monkeys seepng on the
branches, whose arms and egs hang ke socks on a cothesne.
(A) saw monkeys seepng on the branches, whose arms and egs hang
(B) saw monkeys seepng on the branches, whose arms and egs were hangng
(C) saw monkeys seepng on the branches, wth arms and egs hangng
(D) seen monkeys seepng on the branches, wth arms and egs hangng
(E) seen monkeys seepng on the branches, whose arms and egs have hung
916. Warnng that computers n the Unted States are not secure, the Natona Academy of Scences has
urged the naton to revamp computer securty procedures, nsttute new emergency response teams,
creatng a speca nongovernment organzaton to take charge of computer securty pannng.
(A) creatng a speca nongovernment organzaton to take
(B) creatng a speca nongovernment organzaton that takes
(C) creatng a speca nongovernment organzaton for takng
(D) and create a speca nongovernment organzaton for takng
(E) and create a speca nongovernment organzaton to take
917. Water and resource management probems w be at the head of the egsatures st of concerns for
the comng sesson.
(A) Water and resource management probems
(B) Probems of managng water and resources
(C) Probems n the management of water and other resources
(D) Probems of water and other resource management
(E) Resource management probems, ncudng water
918. What brought the automobe company back from the verge of bankruptcy shorty after the Second
Word War was a speca, governmentay sanctoned prce ncrease aowed durng a perod of wage
and prce contros.
(A) What brought
(B) The thng that brought
(C) That whch brought
(D) Brngng
(E) What has brought
919. What was as remarkabe as the deveopment of the compact dsc has been the use of the new
technoogy to revtaze, n better sound than was ever before possbe, some of the cassc recorded
performances of the pre-LP era.
(A) What was as remarkabe as the deveopment of the compact dsc
(B) The thng that was as remarkabe as deveopng the compact dsc
(C) No ess remarkabe than the deveopment of the compact dsc
(D) Deveopng the compact dsc has been none the ess remarkabe than
(E) Deveopment of the compact dsc has been no ess remarkabe as
920. When Congress reconvenes, some newy eected members from rura states w try and estabsh
tghter restrctons for the amount of gran farmers are to be aowed to grow and to encourage more
aggressve saes of Unted States farm products overseas.
(A) and estabsh tghter restrctons for the amount of gran farmers are to be aowed to grow and to
(B) and estabsh tghter restrctons on the amount of gran abe to be grown by farmers and
(C) estabshng tghter restrctons for the amount of gran farmers are aowed to grow and to
(D) to estabsh tghter restrctons on the amount of gran capabe of beng grown by farmers and
(E) to estabsh tghter restrctons on the amount of gran farmers w be aowed to grow and to
921. When evdence of nanca wrongdong by an eected omca surfaces, t s the eectorate who must
decde whether the evdence warrants censurng hm or oustng hm from omce.
(A) whether the evdence warrants censurng hm or oustng hm
(B) f there s evdence that warrants a censure or an oustng of hm
(C) whether or not the evdence warrants the censurng or oustng of hm
(D) f there s evdence that warrants censurng hm or hs oustng
(E) f the evdence woud warrant that he be censured or that he be ousted
922. When rates were rased n 1985, posta servce omcas predcted they woud make further rate
ncreases unnecessary for at east three years.
(A) they woud make further rate ncreases unnecessary
(B) they woud mean that further rate ncreases woud not be needed
(C) that t woud not be necessary for further rate ncreases
(D) that the ncrease woud make further rate ncreases unnecessary
(E) further rate ncreases w not be needed
923. When the prme endng rates went up n 1987, economsts determned they woud cause nterest
rates to rse and then decne over the ensung ve-year perod.
(A) they woud cause nterest rates to rse and then decne
(B) they woud mean that nterest rates woud rse and then decne
(C) that they w cause nterest rates to rse and then decne
(D) that the ncrease woud cause nterest rates to rse and then decne
(E) that the ncrease woud cause nterest rates rsng and subsequent decnng
924. When the technque known as gene-spcng was nvented n the eary 1970s, t was feared that
scentsts mght nadvertenty create an Andromeda stran, a mcrobe never before seen on Earth
that mght escape from the aboratory and t woud k vast numbers of humans who woud have no
natura defenses aganst t.
(A) t woud k vast numbers of humans who woud have no natura defenses aganst t
(B) t mght k vast numbers of humans wth no natura defenses aganst t
(C) k vast numbers of humans who woud have no natura defenses aganst t
(D) k vast numbers of humans who have no natura defenses aganst them
(E) k vast numbers of humans wth no natura defenses aganst them
925. Where once the unon had acquesced to the pre|udces of ts Engsh-speakng members by
supportng the mposton of an aen tax on mmgrant workers, after 1897 the Unted Mne Workers
made a determned ehort to enst Itaans and Savs n ts ranks.
(A) Where once the unon had acquesced to the pre|udces of ts Engsh-speakng members by
(B) Where once the unon acquesced to t Engsh-speakng members pre|udce for the support of
(C) Whe once the unon had acquesced to the pre|udces of ts Engsh-speakng members n
support of
(D) Whe once the unon acquesced to ts Engsh-speakng members pre|udce n supportng
(E) Whe once the unon had acquesced to the pre|udces of ts Engsh-speakng members n ts
supportng of
926. Whe a states face smar ndustra waste probems, the predomnatng ndustres and reguatory
envronment of the states obvousy determnes the types and amounts of waste produced, as we as
the cost of dsposa.
(A) a states face smar ndustra waste probems, the predomnatng ndustres and reguatory
envronment of the states obvousy determnes
(B) each state faces a smar ndustra waste probem, ther predomnant ndustres and reguatory
envronment obvousy determne
(C) a states face a smar ndustra waste probem, ther predomnatng ndustres and reguatory
envronment obvousy determnes
(D) each state faces smar ndustra waste probems, the predomnant ndustres and reguatory
envronment of each state obvousy determnes
(E) a states face smar ndustra waste probems, the predomnant ndustres and the reguatory
envronment of each state obvousy determne
927. Whe depressed property vaues can hurt some arge nvestors, they are potentay devastatng for
home-owners, whose equty-n many cases representng a fes savngs-can punge or even
(A) they are potentay devastatng for homeowners, whose
(B) they can potentay devastate homeowners n that ther
(C) for homeowners they are potentay devastatng, because ther
(D) for homeowners, t s potentay devastatng n that ther
(E) t can potentay devastate homeowners, whose
928. Whe |acke Robnson was a Brookyn Dodger, hs courage n the face of physca threats and verba
attacks was not unke that of Rosa Parks, who refused to move to the back of a bus n Montgomery,
(A) not unke that of Rosa Parks, who refused
(B) not unke Rosa Parks, who refused
(C) ke Rosa Parks and her refusa
(D) ke that of Rosa Parks for refusng
(E) as that of Rosa Parks, who refused
929. Whe arger banks can ahord to mantan ther own data-processng operatons, many smaer
regona and communty banks are ndng that the cost assocated wth upgradng data-processng
equpment and wth the deveopment and mantenance of new products and technca stah are
(A) cost assocated wth
(B) costs assocated wth
(C) costs arsng from
(D) cost of
(E) costs of
930. Whe some academcans beeve that busness ethcs shoud be ntegrated nto every busness
course, others say that students w take ethcs serousy ony f t woud be taught as a separatey
requred course.
(A) ony f t woud be taught as a separatey requred course
(B) ony f t s taught as a separate, requred course
(C) f t s taught ony as a course requred separatey
(D) f t was taught ony as a separate and requred course
(E) f t woud ony be taught as a requred course, separatey
931. Whe some propose to combat wdespread ega copyng of computer programs by attemptng to
change peopes atttudes toward pratng, others by suggestng reducng software prces to decrease
the ncentve for pratng, and st others by cang for the prosecuton of those who copy software
(A) by suggestng reducng software prces to decrease the ncentve for pratng, and st others by
(B) by suggestng the reducton of software prces to decrease the ncentve for pratng, and st
others ca
(C) suggest the reducton of software prces for decreasng the ncentve for pratng, and st others
(D) suggest the reducton of software prces to decrease the ncentve for pratng, and st others by
(E) suggest reducng software prces to decrease the ncentve for pratng, and st others are cang
932. Whe the base saary for the top ve omcers of the company dd not change from 1990 to 1991, cuts
were made nonsaary compensaton, as n aowances for overseas assgnments and cub
(A) cuts were made nonsaary compensaton, as n
(B) cuts were made n such nonsaary compensaton as
(C) cuts were made n such nonsaary compensaton as those n
(D) cuts n nonsaary compensaton were made n areas ke
(E) there were cuts made n nonsaary compensaton, n areas ke
933. Whe the owner of a condomnum apartment has free and cear tte to the dweng, owners of
cooperatve apartments have shares n a corporaton that owns a budng and eases apartments to
(A) Whe the owner of a condomnum apartment has free and cear tte to the dweng,
(B) The owner of a condomnum apartment has free and cear tte to the dweng, but
(C) Whereas owners of condomnum apartments have free and cear tte to ther dwengs,
(D) An owner of a condomnum apartment has free and cear tte to the dweng, whereas
(E) Condomnum apartment owners have a tte to ther dweng that s free and cear, whe
934. Wam H. |ohnsons artstc debt to Scandnava s evdent n pantngs that range from senstve
portrats of ctzens n hs wfes Dansh home, Kertemnde, and awe-nsprng vews of f|ords and
mountan peaks n the western and northern regons of Norway.
(A) and
(B) to
(C) and to
(D) wth
(E) n addton to
935. Wnd resstance created by openng wndows whe drvng resuts n a fue penaty as great or greater
than s ncurred by usng ar condtonng.
(A) as great or greater than s ncurred by usng ar condtonng
(B) that s as great or greater than s ncurred usng ar condtonng
(C) as great as or greater than that of usng ar condtonng
(D) at east as great as ar condtonngs
(E) at east as great as that ncurred by usng ar condtonng
936. Wsconsn, Inos, Forda, and Mnnesota have begun to enforce statewde bans prohbtng ands
to accept eaves, brush, and grass cppngs.
(A) prohbtng ands to accept eaves, brush, and grass cppngs
(B) prohbtng that ands accept eaves, brush, and grass cppngs
(C) prohbtng ands from acceptng eaves, brush, and grass cppngs
(D) that eaves, brush, and grass cppngs cannot be accepted n ands
(E) that ands cannot accept eaves, brush, and grass cppngs
937. Wth a tota popuaton of ess than two hundred and fewer breedng femaes than ever before, the
Amercan crocode seemed a decade ago to be n danger of dsappearng.
(A) of ess than two hundred and fewer
(B) ower than two hundred and ess
(C) esser than two hundred and fewer
(D) fewer than two hundred and ess
(E) of fewer than two hundred and of fewer
938. Wth damonds, as wth a gems, one shoud ask for a wrtten descrpton of ones purchase; the
descrpton may prove usefu ater f you have reason to beeve the |eweer msed you.
(A) one shoud ask for a wrtten descrpton of ones purchase
(B) you shoud ask for a wrtten descrpton of your purchase
(C) a wrtten dscreton of your purchase s what one shoud ask for
(D) a wrtten descrpton of ones purchase s what shoud be asked for
(E) a wrtten descrpton of your purchase s what shoud be asked for
939. Wth ts abundance of noun nectons, Iceandc s one of severa Germanc anguages that s
compact when wrtten but can engthen consderaby when transated nto Engsh.
(A) s compact when wrtten but can engthen consderaby when transated nto Engsh
(B) are compact when they are wrtten, but they can engthen consderaby when they are transated
n Engsh
(C) s compact when wrtten but can engthen consderaby when beng transated nto Engsh
(D) are compact when wrtten but can engthen consderaby n Engsh transaton
(E) s compact when t s wrtten but can engthen consderaby when transated n Engsh
940. Wth ts pan to deveop seven and a haf acres of shore and, Ceveand s but one of a arge number
of communtes on the Great Lakes that s ookng to ts waterfront as a way to mprove the quaty of
urban fe and attract new busnesses.
(A) s ookng to ts waterfront as a way to mprove the quaty of urban fe and attract
(B) s ookng at ts waterfront to mprove the quaty of urban fe and attract
(C) are ookng to ther waterfronts to mprove the quaty of urban fe and attract
(D) are ookng to ts waterfront as a way of mprovng the quaty of urban fe and attractng
(E) are ookng at ther waterfronts as a way they can mprove the quaty of urban fe and attract
941. Wth |ust severa quck strokes of the pen, the monkeys were drawn by the artst, capturng ther
(A) the monkeys were drawn by the artst, capturng ther antcs
(B) the artst sketched the monkeys, capturng ther antcs
(C) the artst captured the antcs of the monkeys, sketchng them
(D) the artst sketched the monkeys and aso capturng ther antcs
(E) the monkeys and her antcs were sketched by the artst
942. Wth ony 5 percent of the words popuaton, Unted States ctzens consume 28 percent of ts
nonrenewabe resources, drve more than one-thrd of ts automobes, and use 21 tmes more water
per capta than Europeans do.
(A) Wth
(B) As
(C) Beng
(D) Despte havng
(E) Athough accountng for
943. Wth tota saes of ess than three hundred thousand doars and fewer new subscrbers than ast year,
the New Engand Theatre Company s n danger of osng ts budng.
(A) of ess than three hundred thousand doars and fewer
(B) ower than three hundred thousand doars and ess
(C) esser than three hundred thousand doars and fewer
(D) fewer than three hundred thousand doars and ess
(E) of fewer than three hundred thousand doars and of fewer
944. Wthn the boundares of artstc rvary es a sense of famy: the shared genetc nhertance, or
accdent, that enabes muscans to make musc.
(A) Wthn the boundares of artstc rvary es a sense of famy
(B) Wthn the boundares of artstc rvary ays a sense of famy
(C) A sense of famy es nsde of the boundares of artstc rvary
(D) A famy sense es wthn artstc rvarys boundares
(E) Wthn artstc rvarys boundares ays a famy sense
945. Wthout hearng a word of what s beng sad or shouted, an experenced trader on the oor of the
stock exchange can sten to the hum of voces around them and te what s happenng.
(A) Wthout hearng a word of what s beng sad or shouted, an experenced trader
(B) Wthout hearng a word of what s beng sad or shouted, experenced traders
(C) Even though the person has not heard a word of what s beng sad or shouted, an experenced
(D) Even when the person has not heard a word that s beng sad or shouted, experenced traders
(E) In spte of not hearng a word of what s beng sad or shouted, an experenced trader
946. Wynton and Branford Marsas, brothers who have fused the compex rhythms of contemporary |azz
wth the rockng musca egacy of ther hometown, are ttng symbos of the New Oreans |azz
(A) Wynton and Branford Marsas, brothers who have fused the compex rhythms of contemporary
|azz wth the rockng musca egacy of ther hometown, are ttng symbos of the New Oreans
|azz revva.
(B) Wynton and Branford Marsas are brothers, have fused the compex rhythms of contemporary
|azz wth the rockng musca egacy of ther hometown, and are ttng symbos of the New
Oreans |azz revva.
(C) The Marsas brothers, Wynton and Branford, have fused the compex rhythms of contemporary
|azz wth the rockng musca egacy of ther hometown, whch s a ttng symbo of the New
Oreans |azz revva.
(D) Fusng the rhythms of contemporary |azz, whch are compex, wth the rockng musca egacy
of ther hometown, Wynton and Branford Marsas are a ttng symbo of the New Oreans |azz
(E) A ttng symbo of the New Oreans |azz revva are brothers Wynton and Branford Marsas, who
fuse the compex rhythms of contemporary |azz wth the rockng musca egacy of ther
947. Young femae baet dancers and gymnasts sometmes fa to mantan good eatng habts caused by
the desre to be as thn as possbe.
(A) Young femae baet dancers and gymnasts sometmes fa to mantan good eatng habts caused
by the desre to be as thn as possbe.
(B) Good eatng habts sometmes fa to be mantaned by young femae baet dancers and
gymnasts caused by desrng to be as thn as possbe.
(C) Because they desre to be as thn as possbe, good eatng habts are sometmes not mantaned
by young femae baet dancers and gymnasts.
(D) Because they desre to be as thn as possbe, young femae baet dancers and gymnasts
sometmes fa to mantan good eatng habts.
(E) Young femae baet dancers and gymnasts sometmes fa to mantan good eatng habts
because they desre to be as thn as possbe.
948. A dscusson of our natons foregn pocy must begn wth the fact of there beng an ndependent
Western Europe whch now thnks of tsef n trans-natonast terms.
(A) A dscusson of our natons foregn pocy must begn wth the fact of there beng
(B) Begnnng any dscusson of our natons foregn pocy must be the fact of there beng
(C) Any dscusson of our natons foregn pocy must begn wth the fact that there s
(D) Any dscusson of our natons foregn pocy must begn by acknowedgng the exstence of
(E) To begn dscussng our natons foregn pocy thee must be an acknowedgment of the fact that
949. A arge and ncreasngy nuenta sector of pubshng, 20 percent of a the Natona and Amercan
Book awards snce 1950 have gone to unversty-press books.
(A) A arge and ncreasngy nuenta sector of pubshng, 20 percent of a the Natona and
Amercan Book awards snce 1950 have gone to unversty-press books.
(B) A arge and ncreasngy nuenta sector of pubshng, unversty-press books have won 20
percent of a the Natona and Amercan Book awards snce 1950.
(C) Increasngy nuenta as a arge sector of pubshng, 20 percent of a the Natona and
Amercan Book awards snce 1950 have gone to unversty-press books.
(D) Snce 1950, a arge and ncreasngy nuenta sector of pubshng, 20 percent of a the Natona
and Amercan Book awards have gone to unversty-press books.
(E) Snce 1950, unversty-press books, a arge and ncreasngy nuenta sector of pubshng, won
20 percent of a the Natona and Amercan Book awards from then on.
950. A prvate house n New York Cty s a budng owned by an ndvdua or ndvduas havng ess than
eght unts and no commerca space.
(A) a budng owned by an ndvdua or ndvduas havng ess than eght unts and no commerca
(B) one that an ndvdua or ndvduas own wth fewer than eght unts and no commerca space
(C) a budng wth fewer than eght unts, no commerca space, and s owned by an ndvdua or
(D) one that has fewer than eght unts, no commerca space and t s owned by an ndvdua or
(E) one that has fewer than eght unts, s owned by an ndvdua or ndvduas, and has no
commerca space
951. A substance from the corce pant, 50 tmes sweeter than sucrose, was recenty dscovered, s not
ony a natura sweetener but aso prevents tooth decay.
(A) A substance from the corce pant, 50 tmes sweeter than sucrose, was recenty dscovered
(B) A substance, whch was recenty dscovered, from the corce pant, 50 tmes sweeter than
(C) A substance from the corce pant, whch was recenty dscovered to be 50 tmes sweeter than
(D) A substance from the corce pant, 50 tmes sweeter than sucrose , whch was recenty
(E) A recenty dscovered substance, 50 tmes sweeter than sucrose from the corce pant,
952. After more than four decades of research and deveopment, a new type of |et engne s beng tested
that coud eventuay prope arcraft anywhere n the word wthn two hours or hep boost cargoes
nto space at sgncanty ower costs than current methods permt.
(A) tested that coud eventuay prope arcraft anywhere n the word wthn two or hep
(B) tested that coud eventuay have the capabty of propeng arcraft anywhere n the word
wthn two hours or to hep
(C) tested, eventuay abe to prope arcraft anywhere n the word wthn two hours, or hepng
(D) tested, and t eventuay coud prope arcraft anywhere n the word wthn two hours, or hepng
(E) tested, and t coud eventuay have the capabty to prope arcraft anywhere n the word wthn
two hours or hep
953. Athough no proof yet exsts of eectromagnetc eds generated by househod appances posng any
heath threat, mountng scentc evdence has convnced many experts that there s cause for
(A) of eectromagnetc eds generated by househod appances posng any heath threat
(B) of eectromagnetc eds generated by househod appances that pose any threat to heath
(C) that eectromagnetc eds generated by househod appances pose any threat to heath
(D) that poses any threat to heath from eectromagnetc eds generated by househod appances
(E) for any heath threat posed by eectromagnetc eds generated by househod appances
954. Art hstorans are usng a process known as nfrared scannng n anayzng the Mona Lsa to determne
f t has been atered snce competon and f Leonardo da Vnc rst sketched the gure n back, as
done by many artsts of the tme.
(A) f t has been atered snce competon and f Leonardo da Vnc rst sketched the gure n back,
as done
(B) f t had been atered snce competon and f Leonardo da Vnc rst sketched the gure n back,
a practce empoyed
(C) whether t has been atered snce competon and whether Leonardo da Vnc rst sketched the
gure n back, a practce empoyed
(D) whether t was atered snce competon and whether Leonardo da Vnc rst sketched the gure
n back, as was done
(E) whether t had been atered snce competon and whether Leonardo da Vnc rst sketched the
gure n back, a practce done
955. Asset aocators create portfoos, often n the form of mutua funds, wth the ntenton to turn n good
resuts n both bu and bear markets.
(A) wth the ntenton
(B) the ntenton of whch s
(C) ntended
(D) and ntendng
(E) so ntended as
956. Baker was perhaps not the most gfted soost n the orchestra, but the conductor fet what was
ackng n hs technca sk was more than made up by the passon wth whch he payed the musc.
(A) what was ackng n hs technca sk was more than made up by
(B) what he acked n technca sk was more than made up by
(C) whatever was ackng n hs technca sk was more than made up by
(D) whatever he acked n technca sk was more than made up for by
(E) whatever he acked n technca sk he more than made up by
957. By aw, a quaed physcan can ony prescrbe medcne, protectng the pubc.
(A) By aw, a quaed physcan can ony prescrbe medcne, protectng the pubc.
(B) By aw, ony a quaed physcan can prescrbe medcne, protectng the pubc.
(C) By aw, ony a quaed physcan can prescrbe medcne whch protects the pubc.
(D) In order to protect the pubc, by aw a quaed physcan ony can prescrbe medcne.
(E) In order to protect the pubc, by aw ony a quaed physcan can prescrbe medcne.
958. Cartographers have ong strugged wth the probem of havng the spherca Earth to draw on a at
sheet of paper.
(A) havng the spherca Earth to draw on a at sheet of paper
(B) havng a at sheet of paper on whch to draw the spherca Earth
(C) how can one draw the spherca Earth on a at sheet of paper
(D) how they coud use a at sheet of paper to draw the spherca Earth
(E) how to draw the spherca Earth on a at sheet of paper
959. Chd care aready a sod part of the empoyee benets package at many companes, more
busnesses are focusng on a newer famy benet known as eder care, servcng for oder
(A) Chd care
(B) Wth chd care
(C) Chd care as
(D) Beng the Chd care was
(E) Wth chd cares beng
960. Constance Horner, chef of the Unted States governments personne agency, has recommended that
the use of any dangerous or ega drug n the ve years pror to appcaton for a |ob be grounds for
not hrng an appcant.
(A) the use of any dangerous or ega drug n the ve years pror to appcaton for a |ob be grounds
for not hrng an appcant
(B) any dangerous or ega drug, f used n the ve years pror to appyng for a |ob, shoud be
grounds for not hrng an appcant
(C) an appcants use of any dangerous or ega drug n the ve years pror to appcaton for a |ob
be grounds not to hre them
(D) an appcants use of any dangerous or ega drug n the ve years pror to appyng for a |ob are
grounds that they not be hred
(E) for ve years pror to appyng for a |ob, an appcants use of any dangerous or ega drug be
grounds for not hrng them
961. Consumer condence eves, whch many economsts consder an eary ndcaton of the economys
drecton, sagged as the stock market tumbed, but not dramatcay enough for gvng a cear pcture
of new spendng patterns.
(A) tumbed, but not dramatcay enough for gvng
(B) tumbed, but not dramatcay enough to gve
(C) tumbed, and not so dramatcay as to have gven
(D) has tumbed, and not dramatcay enough to gve
(E) has tumbed, but not so dramatcay as to gve
962. Contrary to the schoary wsdom of the 1950s and eary 1960s that predcted the processes of
modernzaton and ratonazaton woud graduay undermne t, ethncty s a wordwde phenomenon
of ncreasng mportance.
(A) woud graduay undermne t
(B) to be a gradua undermnng of t
(C) woud be a gradua undermnng of ethncty
(D) to graduay undermne ethncty
(E) graduay undermnng t
963. For peope who have never worked for a vng, any |ob may nst a vauabe sense of sef-worth and
open doors to better |obs n the future.
(A) may nst a vauabe sense of sef-worth and open doors to better |obs n the future
(B) mght nst for them a vauabe sense of sef- worth and to open doors to better |obs n the future
(C) may, n them, nst a vauabe sense of sef-worth, openng ther doors to better |obs n the
(D) openng the door ater for a better |ob and gvng them a vauabe sense of sef-worth now
(E) may open the door for a better |ob ater and gvng them a vauabe sense now of ther sef-worth
964. In a everaged buyout, nvestors borrow huge sums of money to buy companes, hopng to pay oh the
debt by usng the companys earnngs and to prot rchy by the ater resae of the companes or ther
(A) by usng the companys earnngs and to prot
(B) by usng the companes earnngs and by protng
(C) usng the companes earnngs and protng
(D) wth the companys earnngs, protng
(E) wth the companes earnngs and to prot
965. In many upper-cass Egyptan homes, French was spoken wthn the famy, |ust as t had once been
among the Russan arstocracy.
(A) |ust as t had once been among the Russan arstocracy
(B) |ust ke t once been among the Russan arstocracy
(C) |ust as Russan arstocracy had once done
(D) smar to what the Russan arstocracy had once done
(E) ke what had once been done by the Russan arstocracy
966. In repousse, a method of scupture, workers ay copper sheets over wooden mods, and then, usng a
varety of exotc hammers, carefuy poundng the meta nto shape.
(A) In repousse, a method of scupture, workers ay copper sheets over wooden mods, and then,
usng a varety of exotc hammers, carefuy poundng the meta nto shape.
(B) Repousse s method of scupture n whch workers ay copper sheets over wooden mods and
then, usng a varety of exotc hammers, carefuy pound the meta nto shape.
(C) Repousse workers, who do a method of scupture by ayng copper sheets over wooden mods,
use a varety of exotc hammers, and then poundng the meta nto shape.
(D) Workers who ay copper sheets over wooden mods use a varety of exotc hammers and carefuy
pound the meta nto shape n order to do repousse, a method of scupture.
(E) Layng copper sheets over wooden mods, and usng a varety of exotc hammers n order to
pound the meta nto shape, repousse s a method of scupture done by workers.
967. In the ate nneteenth century Anne Besant was wdey regarded as one of the greatest vng pubc
orators, second ony to Gadstone n a cuture where oratory was the domnant pubc medum.
(A) as one of the greatest vng pubc orators, second ony
(B) to be one of the greatest vng pubc orators, secondary ony
(C) that she was one of the greatest vng pubc orators, secondary ony
(D) as beng one of the greater vng pubc orators she was ony second
(E) to be greater than most other vng pubc orators, and she was second ony
968. Interest rates on mortgages have decned steady durng the rst sx months of ths year but
vrtuay remaned unchanged durng the next three months.
(A) have decned steady durng the rst sx months of ths year but vrtuay remaned unchanged
(B) decned steady durng the rst sx months of ths year but vrtuay reman unchanged
(C) steady decned durng the rst sx months of ths year but reman vrtuay unchanged
(D) decned steady durng the rst sx months of ths but have remaned vrtuay unchangng
(E) decned steady durng the rst sx months of ths year but have remaned vrtuay unchanged
969. Leachng, the recovery of copper from the dranage water of mnes, as a method of the extracton of
mneras, t was we estabshed as eary as the eghteenth century, but unt about 25 years ago
mners dd not reaze that bactera taken an actve part n the process.
(A) as a method of the extracton of mneras, t was we estabshed
(B) as a method of the extracton of mneras we estabshed
(C) was a we-estabshed method of mnera extracton
(D) was a we-estabshed method of extractng mnera that was
(E) had been a method of mnera extracton, we estabshed
970. Lncon, dscoverng n young manhood the secret that the Yankee pedder has earned before hm,
knew how to use a good story to generate good w.
(A) Lncon, dscoverng n young manhood the secret that the Yankee pedder has earned before
hm, knew
(B) Dscoverng n young manhood the secret that the Yankee pedder has earned before hm,
Lncon knew
(C) Lncon, dscoverng the secret that the Yankee pedder had earned n young manhood before
hm, knew
(D) In young manhood Lncon dscovered the secret that the Yankee pedder had earned before hm;
(E) Lncon, dscovered n young manhood the secret that the Yankee pedder had earned before hm,
971. Many economsts predct that the next recesson, when t comes, w be caused by Federa Reserve
acton taken to prevent an natonary upsurge that woud resut f the economy were to expand at an
annua rate of three percent or more.
(A) taken to prevent an natonary upsurge that woud resut
(B) they took for preventng an natonary upsurge that woud resut
(C) taken to prevent an natonary upsurge resutng
(D) they took to prevent an natonary upsurge resutng
(E) taken for preventng an natonary upsurge that w resut
972. Many envronmentasts beeve that the wdespread pantng of trees, aong wth the conservaton of
exstng forests, woud be one of the surest, easest, and east expensve ways to begn to hat or
even to reverse the budup of carbon doxde n the ar.
(A) one of the surest, easest, and east expensve ways to begn to hat or even to reverse
(B) one of the most sure, easy, and east expensve ways to begn a hat or even reverse
(C) one of the surest, easest, and east expensve ways that woud begn hatng or even reversng
(D) a most sure, easy, and nexpensve way begnnng the hatng and even reversng of
(E) the most sure, easest, and nexpensve way that woud begn hatng or even reversng
973. No matter how patenty they expan ther reasons for conscatng certan tems, traveers often treat
customs nspectors ke wanton poachers rather than government empoyees.
(A) traveers often treat customs nspectors ke wanton poachers rather than government empoyees
(B) traveers often treat customs nspectors as wanton poachers nstead of government empoyees
(C) traveers often treat customs nspectors as f they were not government empoyees but wanton
(D) customs nspectors are often treated by traveers as f they were wanton poachers rather than
government empoyees
(E) customs nspectors are often treated not ke government empoyees but wanton poachers by
974. One noted economst has made a comparson of the Federa Reserve and an automobe as racng
through a tunne, bouncng rst oh one wa, then the other: the car may get where t s gong, but
peope may be hurt n the process.
(A) made a comparson of the Federa Reserve and an automobe as racng through a tunne,
(B) made a comparson between the Federa Reserve and an automobe racng through a tunne,
(C) compared the federa Reserve wth an automobe as racng through a tunne and whch bounced
(D) compared the Federa Reserve to an automobe racng through a tunne, bouncng
(E) compared the Federa Reserve wth an automobe that races through a tunne and t bounces
975. Purtan fanatcs brought to cv and mtary ahars a cooness of |udgment and mutabty of purpose
that some wrters have though nconsstent wth ther regous zea, but whch was n fact a natura
outgrowth of t.
(A) but whch was n fact a natura outgrowth of t
(B) but whch were n fact a natura outgrowth of t
(C) but whch were n fact natura outgrowths of t
(D) but t was n fact a natura outgrowth of them
(E) whch was n fact a natura outgrowth of t
976. Seekng to spur scence educaton, eementary and secondary schoos w receve $25 mon over
the next ten years from the Natona Scence Foundaton to promote scence.
(A) eementary and secondary schoos w receve $25 mon over the next ten years from the
Natona Scence Foundaton to promote scence
(B) $25 mon w be spent by the Natona Scence Foundaton over the next ten years to promote
scence n eementary and secondary schoos
(C) over the next ten years $25 mon w be spent on eementary and secondary schoos by the
Natona Scence Foundaton for promotng scence
(D) the Natona Scence Foundaton s to spend $25 mon over the next ten years for promotng
scence n eementary and secondary schoos
(E) the Natona Scence Foundaton w spend $25 mon over the next ten years to promote
scence n eementary and secondary schoos
977. Some archaeoogsts cam that the tabets found at Eba coud force a revson of current theores on
the orgns of |udasm and Chrstanty, ater many scrptura nterpretatons, make a current Bbe
transatons obsoete, and schoars may be requred to credt the Od Testament wth greater hstorca
(A) schoars may be requred to credt the Od Testament wth greater hstorca accuracy
(B) credtng the Od Testament wth greater hstorca accuracy may be requred of schoars
(C) requre that schoars are to credt the Od Testament wth greater hstorca accuracy
(D) credtng the Od Testament wth greater hstorca accuracy may be a schoary requrement
(E) requre schoars to credt the Od Testament wth greater hstorca accuracy
978. Tekttes, whch may have been propeed to Earth from unar vocanoes, are much ke the vocanc
gass obsdan, but ther chemca composton s dherent than any terrestra ava; they contan far
ess water than obsdan does and none of ts characterstc mcrocrystas.
(A) s dherent than any terrestra ava; they contan
(B) s dherent than any terrestra avas, contanng
(C) s dherent from that of any terrestra ava; they contan
(D) dhers from any terrestra ava n contanng
(E) dhers from that of any terrestra avas, contanng
979. The fang of the book es not n a ack of attenton to scentc deta but n the depcton of scenes
of fe and death n the marne word wth emotona overtones that reduce the credbty of the work.
(A) the depcton of scenes of fe and death n the marne word wth emotona overtones that
(B) fact that t depcts marne word scenes of fe and death as havng emotona overtones that
(C) depcton of scenes of fe and death n the marne word, whose emotona overtones
(D) depcton of marne word scenes of fe and death, whch have emotona overtones and thus
(E) fact that f depcts scenes of fe and death n the marne word, whose emotona overtones
980. The Immgraton Servce now has the dscretonary power to keep fames unted even though a
ther members do not meet the ve-year resdency requrement.
(A) a ther members do not meet the ve-year resdency requrement
(B) not a ther members meet the ve-year resdency requrement
(C) a ther members have not met the requrement for a ve-year resdency
(D) not a ther members have resded for ve years, a requrement
(E) a ther members have not resded for ve years, as requred
981. The Lake Manyara Park n Tanzana ahords the vstor wth unequaed opportuntes to photograph
ons payng n trees wthout the ad of teephoto enses.
(A) The Lake Manyara Park n Tanzana ahords the vstor wth unequaed opportuntes to
photograph ons payng n trees wthout the ad of teephoto enses.
(B) The Lake Manyara Park n Tanzana permts the vstor unequaed opportuntes to photograph
ons payng n trees wthout the ad of teephoto enses.
(C) The Lake Manyara Park n Tanzana gves the vstor the unequaed opportunty to photograph
ons payng n trees wthout teephoto enses.
(D) The vstor to the Lake Manyara Park n Tanzana has the unequaed opportunty to photograph
ons payng n trees wthout the ad of teephoto enses.
(E) Even wthout the ad of teephoto enses, the vstor to Tanzanas Lake Manyara Park has an
unequaed opportunty to photograph ons payng n trees.
982. The rse n the prce of crabmeat and an ncrease n demand has convnced some Fordans they
shoud try to harvest and se a speces of arge crab that ves deep n the waters of the Guf of
(A) has convnced some Fordans they shoud try to harvest and se a speces of arge crab
(B) has convnced some Fordans to try harvestng and seng a arge crab speces
(C) has convnced some Fordans that they shoud try the harvest and sae of a arge crab speces
(D) have convnced some Fordans to try to harvest and se a speces of arge crab
(E) have convnced some Fordans to try and harvest and se a arge crab speces
983. The sk and the precson of the Anasaz, ancent nhabtants of the Southwest, n measurng the
movements of the Sun and Moon s evdenced not ony at Chaco Canyon but at a number of other
(A) n measurng the movements of the Sun and Moon s evdenced not ony at
(B) n measurng the movements of the Sun and Moon are evdenced not ony at
(C) n measurng the movements of the Sun and Moon s evdenced at not ony
(D) to measure the movements of the Sun and Moon s evdenced at not ony
(E) to measure the movements of the Sun and Moon are evdenced not ony at
984. There s ampe evdence, derved from the ore of tradtona fok medcne, that naturay occurrng
antbotcs are usuay abe to be moded to make them a more ehectve drug.
(A) are usuay abe to be moded to make them a more ehectve drug
(B) are usuay abe to be moded to make them more ehectve drugs
(C) are usuay abe to be moded, whch makes them more ehectve drug
(D) can usuay be moded to make them a more ehectve drug
(E) can usuay be moded to make them more ehectve drugs
985. Those who have vsted the Grand Canyon have typcay seen ayers of sedment n the gapng
canyon, wth dherent coors that mark the passage of tme ke the rngs n a tree trunk.
(A) seen ayers of sedment n the gapng canyon, wth dherent coors that mark
(B) see ayers of sedment n the gapng canyon, whose dherent coors mark
(C) been seeng ayers of sedment n the gapng canyon, whose dherent coors are markers of
(D) been abe to see ayers of sedment n the gapng canyon, wth dherent coors markng
(E) seen ayers of sedment n the gapng canyon, markng by dherent coors
986. Turkeys economy has grown prodgousy over the past ten years, averagng an annua ncrease each
year that s about eght percent-one of the hghest growth rates n the word.
(A) averagng an annua ncrease each year that s about eght percent
(B) wth an annua average each year whch s about eght percent
(C) eght percent s what t averages out to each year
(D) wth an average annua ncrease of about eght percent
(E) the average of the annua ncrease each year s about eght percent
987. Wth conng technoogy, scentsts are approachng what has ong been the utmate goa of modern
husbandry: achevng a consstency of quaty and producton n farm anmas as once thought to be
mted to manufactured goods.
(A) achevng a consstency of quaty and producton n farm anmas as once thought to be
(B) achevng farm anmas wth a consstency of quaty and producton as were once thought of as
(C) achevng n farm anmas a consstency of quaty and producton that was once thought to be
(D) achevement of farm anmas whose consstency of quaty and producton are the same as what
were once thought to he
(E) achevement of farm anmas at a consstency of quaty and producton once thought of as
988. Tom Bradey was mayor of Los Angees from 1973 to 1993, an era when the cty had transformed
from a coecton of suburban neghborhoods to the second-argest cty n the Unted States.
(A) an era when the cty had transformed
(B) an era durng whch the cty was transformed
(C) an era that transformed t
(D) durng whch era the cty transformed
(E) durng whch the cty was transformed
989. The resuts of the companys cost-cuttng measures are evdent n ts prots, whch ncreased ve
percent durng the rst three months of ths year after t fe over the ast two years.
(A) whch ncreased ve percent durng the rst three months of ths year after t fe
(B) whch had ncreased ve percent durng the rst three months of ths year after t had faen
(C) whch have ncreased ve percent durng the rst three months of ths year after fang
(D) wth a ve percent ncrease durng the rst three months of ths year after fang
(E) wth a ve percent ncrease durng the rst three months of ths year after havng faen
990 Part of the proposed ncrease n state educaton spendng s due to hgher enroment, snce the
number of students n pubc schoos have grown steady snce the md-1980s and, at neary 47
mon, are at a record hgh.
(A) enroment, snce the number of students n pubc schoos have grown steady snce the md-1980s
and, at neary 47 mon, are at
(B) enroment, wth a number of students n pubc schoos growng steady snce the md-1980s and, at
neary 47 mon, reachng
(C) enroment: snce students n pubc schoos have grown steady n number snce the md-1980s and,
at neary 47 mon, have reached
(D) enroment: the number of student n pubc schoos has grown steady snce the md-1980s and, at
neary 47 mon, has reached
(E) enroment: students n pubc schoos have grown steady n number, snce the md-1980s and, at
neary 47 mon, are at
991. Vven Thomas, who had no forma medca tranng, n struggng aganst overwhemng odds, he
became a cardac surgeon and eventuay to receve an honorary doctorate from |ohns Hopkns Unversty.
A) who had no forma medca tranng, n struggng aganst overwhemng odds, he became
B) havng had no forma medca tranng, n struggng aganst overwhemng odds to become
C) who, havng no forma medca tranng, he strugged aganst overwhemng odds n becomng
D) who, havng had no forma medca tranng and strugged aganst overwhemng odds, became
E) who had no forma medca tranng, strugged aganst overwhemng odds to become
992. The yed of natura gas from Norways Tro gas ed s expected to ncrease annuay unt the year
2005 and then to stabze at sx bon cubc feet a day, whch w aow such an extracton rate at east for
50 years producton.
A) 2005 and then to stabze at sx bon cubc feet a day, whch w aow such an extracton rate at east
B) 2005 and then to stabze at sx bon cubc feet a day, an extracton rate that w aow at east
C) 2005 and then stabzng at sx bon cubc feet a day, wth such an extracton rate at the east aowng
D) 2005, then stabzng at sx bon cubc feet a day, aowng such an extracton rate for at east
E) 2005, then stabzng at sx bon cubc feet a day, whch w aow such an extracton rate for at east
993 In archaeoogy, there must be a baance between expanaton of the vaue and workngs of
archaeoogy, reveang the mysteres of past and present cutures, and to promote respect for
archaeoogca stes.
A) between expanaton of the vaue and workngs of archaeoogy, reveang the mysteres of past and
present cutures, and to promote
B) among expanng the vaue and workngs of archaeoogy, reveang the mysteres of past and present
cutures, and promotng
C) between expanng the vaue and workngs of archaeoogy, reveang the mysteres of past and present
cutures, and when promotng
D) among expanng the vaue and workngs of archaeoogy, the reveaton of the mysteres of past and
present cutures, and to promote
E) between expanng archaeoogys vaue and workngs, n the reveang the mysteres of past and
present cutures, and n promotng
994. Accordng to a 1996 survey by the Natona Assocaton of Coege an Unversty Busness Omcers,
more than three tmes as many ndependent nsttutons of hgher educaton charge tuton and fees of
under $8,000 a year than those that charge over $16,000.
A) than those that charge
B) than are chargng
C) than to charge
D) as charge
E) as those chargng
995. Nobody knows exacty how many anguages there are n the word, party because of the dmcuty
(of? ) dstngushng between a anguage and the sub-anguages or daects wthn t, but those who have
tred to count typcay have found about ve thousand.
A) and the sub-anguages or daects wthn t, but those who have tred to count typcay have found
B) and the sub-anguages or daects wthn them, wth those who have tred countng typcay ndng
C) and the sub-anguages or daects wthn t, but those who have tred countng t typcay nd
D) or the sub-anguages or daects wthn them, but those who tred to count them typcay found
E) or the sub-anguages or daects wthn them, wth those who have tred to count typcay ndng
996. Unke most severance packages, whch requre workers to stay unt the ast day schedued to coect,
workers at the automobe company are egbe for ts severance package even f they nd a new |ob
before they are termnated.
A) the ast day schedued to coect, workers at the automobe company are egbe for ts severance
B) the ast day they are schedued to coect, workers are egbe for t at the automobe companys
severance package
C) ther ast schedued day to coect, the automobe company ohers ts severance package to workers.
D) ther ast schedued day n order to coect, the automobe companys severance package s avaabe to
E) the ast day that they are schedued to coect, the automobe companys severance package s
avaabe to workers.
997 Studyng the frut y, a househod nusance but a tme-honored expermenta sub|ect, has enabed the
secrets of how embryos deveop to begn to be unraveed by scentsts.
A) Studyng the frut y, a househod nusance but a tme-honored expermenta sub|ect, has enabed the
secrets of how embryos deveop to begn to be unraveed by scentsts.
B) By the study of the frut y, a househod nusance and aso a tme-honored expermenta sub|ect, t was
possbe for the secrets of how embryos deveop to begn to be unraveed by scentsts.
C) By studyng a househod nusance but a tme-honored expermenta sub|ect, the frut y enabed
scentst to begn to unrave the secrets of how embryos deveop.
D) By studyng the frut y, a househod nusance and aso a tme-honored expermenta sub|ect, the
secrets of how embryos deveop are begnnng to be unraveed by scentst.
E) The study of the frut y, a househod nusance but a tme-honored expermenta sub|ect, has enabed
scentst to begn to unrave the secrets of how embryos deveop.
998: The Industra Revouton, makng t possbe to mass-produce manufactured goods, was marked by
ther use of new machnes, new energy sources, and new basc materas.
A) makng t possbe to mass-produce manufactured goods, was marked by ther use of
B) makng possbe the mass producton of manufactured goods, marked by the use of
C) whch made t possbe that manufactured goods were mass-produced, was marked by ther usng
D) whch made possbe the mass-producton of manufactured goods, was marked by the use of
E) whch made the mass producton of manufactured goods possbe and was marked by usng
999. In |anuary 1994 an o barge ran aground oh the coast of San |uan, Puerto Rco, eakng ts cargo of
750000 gaons nto the ocean, whe causng the pouton of the ctys beaches.
A) eakng ts cargo of 750000 gaons nto the ocean, whe causng the pouton of
B) wth ts cargo of ts cargo of 750000 gaons eakng nto the ocean, and t pouted
C) and ts cargo of ts cargo of 750000 gaons eaked nto the ocean, poutng
D) whe t eaked ts cargo of 750000 gaons nto the ocean and caused the pouton of
E) so that ts cargo of 750000 gaons eaked nto the ocean, and they were poutng
1000. |apans abundant ranfa and the typcay md temperature throughout most of the country have
produced a ush vegetaton cover and, despte the mountanous terran and generay poor sos, t has
made possbe the rasng of a varety of crops.
A) t has made possbe the rasng of
B) has made possbe fro them to rase
C) have made t possbe to rase
D) have made t possbe for rasng
E) thus makng t possbe for them to rase