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Pebblebrook High School 2.0: Project-based; Problem Solved!
Department: Fine Arts/Performing Arts/Drama Fall Semester 2014
COURSE TT!E: Drama 4 "STRUCTOR: Dogias E#A!: [email protected] P$O"E: 770-819-2521 ext. 1920 C!ASSROO# %!O&: SC$OO! 'E%STE: tt!:"""#ebblebrook" P$S SC$OO! (SO": Empowering Students to Become Productive Members of a Global Community P$S SC$OO! #SSO": Modeling and Developing Intellectual, Pysical and Emotional Beaviors tat !ead to Success for "ll )E* ACTO"S: Increase te Graduation #ate Increase rigor and student engagement $Pro%ect&based learning environment' Increase community and parental involvement COURSE DESCRPTO": Drama $ is a% ad&a%ced acti%g class 'or te Drama De!artme%t o' #ebblebrook(s !er'ormi%g arts mag%et !rogram) te *obb *o+%ty *e%ter 'or ,xcelle%ce i% te #er'ormi%g -rts. )E* STA"DARDS: ./#0 0ta%dards: 1 1 2eatre 3asics) 2 1 4m!ro&isatio% a%d 0cri!ts) 5 1 -cti%g) a%d 5 1 Directi%g6 ./#0 0ta%dards: $ 1 2ec%ical 2eatre) 9 1 3+si%ess o' 2eatre) 10 1 *riti7+e) a%d 5 1 2eatre #ro'essio%alism6 ./#0 0ta%dards: 8 1 2eatre 9esearc) 7 1 4%tegrati%g :ter -rt ;orms) a%d 8 1 2eatre <istory6 &RAD"& PO!C*: 2ere are tree categories o' grades tat o%e ca% recei&e. -ll grades will be o+t o' 100=: 1. MI()#* #eading, +riting and #eflecting > 15= o' te 'i%al grade. 2. M",)#* #eearsing, "cting, Moving, Spea-ing and " > 80= o' te 'i%al grade. 5. /I("! > 20= o' te 'i%al grade .10= #er'orma%ce) 10= ?ritte%6 $. C)MM)( "SSESSME(0* 1 5= o' te 'i%al grade. @o%olog+es !er'ormed at te begi%%i%g a%d e%d o' eac semester a%d d+ri%g :ctober a%d @arc commo% assessme%t !eriods. &RAD"& SCA!E: - - 100-90= 3 - 89-80= * - 79-7$= D 1 70-75= ; - 89-3elow Category 2: Rea+ing: 9eadi%g a%d"or @emoriAatio% o' texts a%d articles related to te work 'riting: ,ssay a%d Bo+r%al -ssig%me%ts desig%ed to dee!e% +%dersta%di%g o' te work Refle,ting: :ral a%d ?ritte% re'lectio% a%d disc+ssio% o' te work) teatrical co%ce!ts) a%d istory. Category 3* Re-earsing: Daily 9eearsals o' 0ce%es"@o%olog+es or class material A,ting: @ajor sce%e !er'orma%ces) 7+ality o' work i% warm-+! a%d de&elo!me%tal exercises) risk taki%g) emotio%al co%%ectio%) !re!aratio% a%d commitme%t 2e !ysical body o% stage) !ysical coices) elimi%atio% o' !ysical abits) a%d exec+tio% a%d +%dersta%di%g o' blocki%g Spea/ing: #rojectio%) dictio%) artic+latio%) a%d &ocal coices Anal01ing: 2ext+al a%alysis) writi%g a%alytically abo+t te teatre) a%d teatrical co%ce!t classi'icatio% S*"ER&* ACCESS TO &RADES: 4t is stro%gly e%co+raged tat yo+ kee! yo+r 0y%ergy logi% i%'ormatio% i% a sa'e !lace a%d tat yo+ a&e access to te i%'ormatio% we% %eeded. #are%ts so+ld co%tact te @ai% :''ice .770.819.25216 or @r. Bo% *a%dler at ext. 099 i% order to obtai% teir sy%ergy !assword a%d access i%'ormatio%. Please note tat wen you are viewing grades in Synergy tat a blan- grade column for your cild as no effect on teir grade4 If te space is blan-, ten your student may not ave turned in tat assignment due to absence or te teacer may not ave entered grades for tat assignment at tat time4 "n 567 means tat te student is e8empt from an assignment at te discretion of te teacer4 TE2T%OO)/SUPP!E#E"TA! RESOURCES: Central Te3ts: -cti%g 4"44 by 9obert *oe% Re45ire+/S5pplemental/Parallel Te3ts for t-e Co5rse: 0t+de%ts are re7+ired to a&e a mo%olog+e a%d sce%e book wic o''er selectio%s a%d c+tti%gs 'rom !+blised !lays. &E"ERA! "FOR#ATO": 2e class will meet daily i% te ?ite 3ox) b+t occasio%ally we may relocate to te 3lack 3ox #ATERA!S "EEDED: 0t+de%ts so+ld a&e com'ortable dress o+t clotes tat tey ca% bri%g 'or a%y mo&eme%t"!ysical work. 4t is also a good idea to a&e a com!ositio% book or s!iral %otebook. 9emi%ders are a&ailable &ia Co+ ca% sig% +! te Drama $ 9emi%d list by texti%g @ccce!ad$ to .88$6 21$-7899 DO"ATO" RE6UEST: ;or o+r classrooms) we wo+ld be a!!y to acce!t do%atio%s o' tiss+es a%d a%d sa%itiAer. 0t+de%ts +se tese o'te% d+ri%g class tro+go+t te scool year. C!ASS E2PECTATO"S: RESPEC E!CH "HER 0t+de%ts so+ld always create a sa'e a%d s+!!orti&e e%semble e%&iro%me%t. 9es!ect oter st+de%ts( materialsDes!ecially dress o+t clotes a%d jo+r%als. RESPEC HE SP!CE 0t+de%ts will be asked to com!lete e%d o' class res!o%sibilities. ?e will make te s!ace ready 'or te %ext class. 0t+de%t so+ld a&e %o 'ood or dri%k oter ta% water i% te room. E: /F@ :9 *-EDC. 4' yo+ do %ot ow% it a%d do %ot a&e !ermissio%) lea&e it alo%e. 0t+de%ts so+ld raise teir a%ds i% order to talk a'ter class as beg+%) es!ecially i' a teacer or a%oter st+de%t is talki%g or i' a%%o+%ceme%ts are bei%g made. #lease be co+rteo+s to all members o' te class a%d a&oid talki%g we% oters are doi%g so. RESPEC HE #"R$ 3e 7+iet a%d !re!ared to work we% te bell ri%gs 'or class. /o to desig%ated !laces .circle +!) !laces) desks) etc.6 a%d 7+ietly !re!are 'or te class. Do %ot come to class a%d ask to go to te restroom. /o be'ore class or wait +%til 15 mi%+tes i%to te class. *lass will co%sist o' daily warm-+! wic will 'oc+s o% o%e) two) or all tree o' te 'ollowi%g areas: 1. ;oc+s"*o%ce%tratio% 2. #ysical ?arm-+! 5. ,%semble 3+ildi%g ,xercises) Gect+res) Demo%stratio%s) 9eearsal) a%d #er'orma%ces will be !art o' te mai% !art o' class 0t+de%ts so+ld remai% com!letely 'oc+sed 'or te e%tire class eac day. 0t+de%ts wo are %ot !rese%t i% class or do %ot !artici!ate i% class are %ot eligible to !artici!ate i% a'ter scool reearsals. Do %ot allow oters( %egati&e bea&ior to a''ect yo+r bea&ior. ,&ery day is a% a+ditio%. Do %ot work o% assig%me%ts 'rom a%y oter classH te materials will be co%'iscated. 0t+de%ts so+ld sit +! a%d kee! teir eads +! a%d remai% atte%ti&e d+ri%g i%str+ctio%. Do %ot lie o% te 'loor .or o% oter st+de%ts.6 <air so+ld be ke!t o+t o' te 'ace. F"A! E2A# E2E#PTO": 0t+de%ts wit %o more ta% o%e exc+sed abse%ce may 7+ali'y to exem!t o%e o' teir 'i%al exams. 0t+de%ts wit a co+rse a&erage o' 80 or iger may exem!t o%e 'i%al exam o' teir coice. 0t+de%ts wit a co+rse a&erage o' 79 or below may re7+est tat te% !erce%tage !oi%ts be added to te 'i%al exam grade. 2owards te e%d o' te semester) st+de%ts wo 7+ali'y may s+bmit a% ,xam ,xem!tio% ;orm to te classroom teacer o' teir coice. 2eacers m+st &eri'y tat te st+de%t 7+ali'ies 'or te exem!tio%. PARTCPATO": *lass !artici!atio% is a% im!orta%t com!o%e%t o' te #- c+rric+l+m. @+c ca% be lear%ed 'rom te exca%ge o' ideas tat occ+rs d+ri%g class disc+ssio%s. ;re7+e%t abse%ces 0,94:F0GC jeo!ardiAe yo+r s+ccess i% tis class. 2e !artici!atio% grade will be based o% te degree o' st+de%t i%&ol&eme%t i% te lear%i%g acti&ities) i%cl+di%g atte%tio% to a%d !artici!atio% i% writte% a%d oral exercises) class disc+ssio%) !re!aratio% 'or class) a%d omework. 2o reiterate: 4' yo+ do %ot !artici!ate i% 'ormal class disc+ssio%s) yo+ will %ot recei&e a !assi%g grade 'or tat acti&ity. ATTE"DA"CE A"D #A)E7UP PO!C*: 4t is im!orta%t to kee! abse%ces to a mi%im+m. 2e 0t+de%t <a%dbook o+tli%es atte%da%ce !olicies a%d !roced+res. 2eatre is a collecti&e art) a%d as s+c) te e%tire e%semble is +rt by a member(s abse%ce. @+c o' te work i% tis class will call 'or te st+de%t to a&e a !art%er or !art%ers. 4' te st+de%t is %ot i% te classroom we% te bell ri%gs) te% e or se will be co%sidered tardy. 2ere is a scool-wide tardy !olicy) wic calls 'or dete%tio% to be ser&ed 'or tardies. 8t- PEROD St5+ents in t-e Performing Arts Program are e3pe,te+ to 9e in atten+an,e for an e3tra -alf7-o5r e3ten+e+ +a0: 8 t- Perio+ ;ill 9egin at <:40 p:m: an0 st5+ent entering after <:40 p:m: ;ill 9e ,onsi+ere+ late an+ m5st re,ei.e a tar+0 a+mit from t-e tar+0 offi,e: St5+ents ;-o e3pe,t to 9e a9sent +5ring 8t- perio+ m5st ,-e,/ o5t t-ro5g- t-e atten+an,e offi,e prior to 1:00 pm: An0 st5+ent ;-o +oes not ,-e,/ o5t 5sing stan+ar+ pro,e+5res ;-en missing 8t- perio+ ;ill 9e ,onsi+ere+ A'O! an+ ;ill 9e referre+ to t-e a+ministration: Sit5ations t-at arise after t-e atten+an,e offi,e is ,lose+ ;ill re45ire +ire,t parental ,onta,t to t-e +rama fa,5lt0 .ia p-one ,all= e7mail or parent note: St5+ents ;ill nee+ to pro+5,e t-is +o,5mentation 90 t-eir +rama ,lass perio+ on t-e follo;ing +a0 or t-e0 ;ill 9e ;ritten 5p for s/ipping: !ATE 'OR) PO!C*: E3,5se+ A9sen,es: ;or exc+sed abse%ces) eac st+de%t will be asked to do te make-+! work i% a timely 'asio%. Eo work may be made +! a'ter a +%it is com!lete. 0t+de%ts will recei&e a IAeroJ 'or te work +%til it is made +!. Une3,5se+ A9sen,es: 4' te st+de%t(s abse%ce is +%exc+sed) te% e or se may %ot make +! te work missed. 2e st+de%t will recei&e a KAeroK 'or all work missed d+ri%g +%exc+sed abse%ces !ate 'or/: #oi%ts will be ded+cted 'or late work. 2e ge%eral g+ideli%e is tat late assig%me%ts will recei&e a '+ll letter grade ded+ctio% 'or eac scool day te assig%me%t is late. "o ;or/ is a,,epte+ after t-e 5nit is ,omplete: t is t-e st5+ent>s responsi9ilit0 to s,-e+5le an+ ,omplete t-e ma/e5p ;or/: TARD* PO!C*: 2o a&oid bei%g co+%ted tardy) st%de&ts m%st be seated a&d read' (or class )he& the bell ri&gs. 0cool !olicy states tat st+de%ts may recei&e 0at+rday 0cool) 4%-0cool 0+s!e%sio%) a%d :+t-o'-0cool 0+s!e%sio% 'or re!eated tardies. E2TRA $E!P: @or%i%g 0essio%: @or%i%g sessio%s are a&ailable by a!!oi%tme%t. 2ese sessio%s are +s+ally betwee% 7:$5-8:10 am. -'ter%oo% 0essio%: -'ter%oo% sessio%s may also be a&ailable) b+t tey may be more limited d+e to a'ter scool reearsals. CE!! P$O"ES A"D E!ECTRO"C DE(CES*
-s !er te scool(s !olicy) cell !o%es are %ot to be +sed d+ri%g class time +%less directed by te teacer 'or i%str+ctio%al !+r!oses. 0t+de%ts will recei&e a disci!li%e re'erral a'ter o%e war%i%g to !+t away a%y electro%ic de&ice .+%less te de&ice is bei%g +sed 'or i%str+ctio%6. 0t+de%ts are allowed to bri%g certai% tec%ologies to class .i#ad) la!to!) Li%dle) etc.6) b+t it so+ld "OT i%ter'ere wit te teaci%g or oter(s lear%i%g. ACADE#C "TE&RT*: Ceating is considered a serious matter4 "ny student wo is involved in ceating9plagiarism will receive a grade of .ero on te material, an unsatisfactory in conduct, and is9er parents will be notified4 ;or tis co+rse) ceati%g is de'i%ed as) b+t is %ot limited to) te 'ollowi%g acts: *o!yi%g a%yo%eMs a%swers to 7+estio%s) exercises) st+dy g+ides) class work or omework assig%me%ts 2aki%g a%y i%'ormatio% &erbatim 'rom a%y so+rce) i%cl+di%g te 4%ter%et) wito+t gi&i%g !ro!er credit to te a+tor) or rearra%gi%g te order o' words a%d"or ca%gi%g some words as writte% by te a+tor a%d claimi%g te work as is or er ow%) i.e.) !lagiarism. Gooki%g o%to a%oter st+de%tMs !a!er d+ri%g a test or 7+iA. <a&i%g a&ailable a%y st+dy %otes or oter test aids d+ri%g a test or 7+iA wito+t te teacerMs !ermissio%. *ollaborati%g o% assig%me%ts we% i%de!e%de%t work is ex!ected. C!ASSROO# %!O&: 2ro+go+t te year) st+de%ts are ex!ected to +se te classroom blog +ail0. 4' yo+ are abse%t) it is yo+r res!o%sibility to ceck te blog a%d come !re!ared to te %ext class. -ll a%do+ts a%d assig%me%ts will be !osted daily to te blog. #0 9log: -gai%) my blog is a&ailable at F"A! T$OU&$TS: 2is will be a% exciti%g %ew year ere i% te Drama !rogram. 4' yo+ a&e a%y 7+estio%s or co%cer%s) !lease 'eel 'ree to email are call.