The document provides a schedule of events for North Shore Bible Church for the month of August 2014. It lists the various activities, services, and meetings held each day, including men's prayer, Sunday school, worship services, Bible studies, music team meetings, outreach events, and more. Upcoming events for September and October are also noted, such as cookouts, fairs, meetings, retreats, and pie Sunday.
The document provides a schedule of events for North Shore Bible Church for the month of August 2014. It lists the various activities, services, and meetings held each day, including men's prayer, Sunday school, worship services, Bible studies, music team meetings, outreach events, and more. Upcoming events for September and October are also noted, such as cookouts, fairs, meetings, retreats, and pie Sunday.
The document provides a schedule of events for North Shore Bible Church for the month of August 2014. It lists the various activities, services, and meetings held each day, including men's prayer, Sunday school, worship services, Bible studies, music team meetings, outreach events, and more. Upcoming events for September and October are also noted, such as cookouts, fairs, meetings, retreats, and pie Sunday.
The document provides a schedule of events for North Shore Bible Church for the month of August 2014. It lists the various activities, services, and meetings held each day, including men's prayer, Sunday school, worship services, Bible studies, music team meetings, outreach events, and more. Upcoming events for September and October are also noted, such as cookouts, fairs, meetings, retreats, and pie Sunday.
Mens Prayer, 8;30am Sunday School, 9:15am Worship, 10:15am
18 th
Stage Fort Park, 6pm 19 th 20 th
Bible Study, 7pm 21 st 22 nd 23 rd
9am Music Team
24 th
Mens Prayer, 8;30am Sunday School, 9:15am Worship, 10:15am Informational Meeting
25 th 26 th 27 th
Film Night at Gloucester Cinema 28 th
Gordon College Fair, 5- 7pm 29 th 20 th
9am Music Team
31 st
Mens Prayer, 8;30am Sunday School, 9:15am Worship, 10:15am
UPCOMING EVENTS: September 1 st Labor Day Cookout, 1pm, 3 rd GCTS Church Fair, 11:30am, 4 th Cape Ann Pastors, 9am and Elders/EAC, 7pm, 7 th
Congregational Prayer, 6pm, 8 th Life Groups Begin, 14 th Tim and Jessica Robertson, Nursing Home Ministry, 1:30pm 20 th Biblical Counseling Book Discussion, October 2 nd Cape Ann Pastors, 9am and Elders/EAC, 7pm, 2-5 th Ladies Retreat, 12 th Nursing Home Ministry, 1:30pm and Communion, 6pm, 26 th Pie Sunday