This lesson plan is for a pre-K activity centered around the letter M using pom-poms of different sizes and colors. The teacher will first read the children the book Goodnight Moon and discuss the letter M. Then the children will practice fine motor, sensory, and letter recognition skills by manipulating the pom-poms on a light table or printable chart. As an extension, small groups of children may glue pom-poms to paper to take home. The activity aims to address early learning standards and can be adapted based on individual needs.
This lesson plan is for a pre-K activity centered around the letter M using pom-poms of different sizes and colors. The teacher will first read the children the book Goodnight Moon and discuss the letter M. Then the children will practice fine motor, sensory, and letter recognition skills by manipulating the pom-poms on a light table or printable chart. As an extension, small groups of children may glue pom-poms to paper to take home. The activity aims to address early learning standards and can be adapted based on individual needs.
This lesson plan is for a pre-K activity centered around the letter M using pom-poms of different sizes and colors. The teacher will first read the children the book Goodnight Moon and discuss the letter M. Then the children will practice fine motor, sensory, and letter recognition skills by manipulating the pom-poms on a light table or printable chart. As an extension, small groups of children may glue pom-poms to paper to take home. The activity aims to address early learning standards and can be adapted based on individual needs.
This lesson plan is for a pre-K activity centered around the letter M using pom-poms of different sizes and colors. The teacher will first read the children the book Goodnight Moon and discuss the letter M. Then the children will practice fine motor, sensory, and letter recognition skills by manipulating the pom-poms on a light table or printable chart. As an extension, small groups of children may glue pom-poms to paper to take home. The activity aims to address early learning standards and can be adapted based on individual needs.
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UACCB Pathwise Lesson Plan
Adapted from ETS, Educational Testing Service
Student Teacher: Danielle Fair Subject: Topic: Goodnight Moon by Margaret ise !ro"n #rade $evel: %re&' Date: (une )*,)*+, -umber of Students: + or ) in a center Set.lntroduction: As a class, "e "ould first read the boo/ Goodnight Moon by Margaret ise !ro"n and discuss0 e "ould do this during a study of the letter 1M10 e "ould then discuss the ne" center0 $earning 2bjecti v es The children "ill be practicing s/ills such as 3me motor, sensory e4ploration, and e4posure to alphabet for letter recognition0 Ar/ansas State Frame"or/s Addressed: ,05 6dentifies some letters and ma/es some letter&sound matches , 0+, Demonstrates one&to&one correspondence 708 9oordinates eye and hand movements to complete tas/s %rocedures Materials re:uired: %rintable chart, multi&colored pom&poms of various si;es, light table <optional= #rouping for instruction: 6 "ould put this activity in a center of its o"n or on a light table if "e had one0 Teaching methods.Strategies: 6 "ould first instruct the children on ho" to do the activity by sho"ing an e4ample0 Activities planned: As an e4tension activity, 6 might group the children in small groups and allo" them to glue some pom&poms to a paper of their o"n to ta/e home "ith them0 Special accommodations: 6f 6 had a child "ho didn>t li/e the te4ture or feel of the pom&poms, 6 "ould substitute them for colored marshmallo"s or even tom up pieces of colored tissue paper0 9losure 6 "ould move this activity to a folder in the manipulative center for practice0