Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown: UACCB Pathwise Lesson Plan

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UACCB Pathwise Lesson Plan

Adapted from ETS, Educational Testing Service

Student Teacher: Danielle Fair Subject:
Topic: Goodnight Moon by Margaret ise !ro"n #rade $evel: %re&'
Date: (une )*,)*+,
-umber of Students: + or ) in a center
Set.lntroduction: As a class, "e "ould first read the boo/ Goodnight Moon by
Margaret ise !ro"n and discuss0 e "ould do this during a study of the letter
1M10 e "ould then discuss the ne" center0
$earning 2bjecti v es
The children "ill be practicing s/ills such as 3me motor, sensory e4ploration, and
e4posure to alphabet for letter recognition0
Ar/ansas State Frame"or/s Addressed:
,05 6dentifies some letters and ma/es some letter&sound matches
, 0+, Demonstrates one&to&one correspondence
708 9oordinates eye and hand movements to complete tas/s
Materials re:uired:
%rintable chart, multi&colored pom&poms of various si;es, light table <optional=
#rouping for instruction:
6 "ould put this activity in a center of its o"n or on a light table if "e had one0
Teaching methods.Strategies:
6 "ould first instruct the children on ho" to do the activity by sho"ing an e4ample0
Activities planned:
As an e4tension activity, 6 might group the children in small groups and allo"
them to glue some pom&poms to a paper of their o"n to ta/e home "ith them0
Special accommodations:
6f 6 had a child "ho didn>t li/e the te4ture or feel of the pom&poms, 6 "ould
substitute them for colored marshmallo"s or even tom up pieces of colored tissue
6 "ould move this activity to a folder in the manipulative center for practice0

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