Why I Hate The Term Social Media
Why I Hate The Term Social Media
Why I Hate The Term Social Media
social media?
Allan Poe Castelnuovo
Is not the media,
its the strategy, stupid!
Media Mix
& Content
I hate the term social media
Nebulous (Facebook? Blog? Twitter? MySpace?)
Overly focused on tools
Mention social media and people will tell you about a tool
they either love or hate, unfortunately without any mention
of strategies, objectives, metrics, or people.
Disconnected from business
Even if people think they understand the tools, objectives, people
theyre attempting to influence and so on, social media still seems
so separate, in its own silo, from existing/traditional marketing
plans. How to integrate the new with the old?
Cannot stand alone
Social media is just another channel in a larger mix, not an island.
Nebulous (Facebook? Blog? Twitter? MySpace?)
Overly focused on tools
Mention social media and people will tell you about a tool
they either love or hate, unfortunately without any mention
of strategies, objectives, metrics, or people.
Disconnected from business
Even if people think they understand the tools, objectives, people
theyre attempting to influence and so on, social media still seems
so separate, in its own silo, from existing/traditional marketing
plans. How to integrate the new with the old?
Cannot stand alone
Social media is just another channel in a larger mix, not an island.
Nebulous (Facebook? Blog? Twitter? MySpace?)
Overly focused on tools
Mention social media and people will tell you about a tool
they either love or hate, unfortunately without any mention
of strategies, objectives, metrics, or people.
Disconnected from business
The social media still seems so separate, in its own silo,
from existing/traditional marketing plans.
How to integrate the new with the old?
The problem with many companies web
& social strategies, is the same problem
they had with the websites in the mid 1990s:
they have a built it and they come
If you build it,
they will come.
Not exactly.
Whats the better way to view
social media?
In the context of inbound marketing
& integrated in the marketing plan!
Facebook is
one of the most powerful branding mechanisms in the world,
but its not an advertising mechanism.
Martin Sorrell, CEO Coca Cola
If there is one thing you must know about Facebook, it is this:
Users are not there for the advertising!
The fundamental of Facebook is the connection
between two peoples who share content
that is meaningful to them.
You need better content ,
content that inspires likes, comments and shares.
How to get more followers
Leak a sex tape
How to get the right followers
A good contribution
Acid test: Why are you in Facebook?
(pick one)
Because I think I should
Acid test: Why are you in Facebook?
(pick one)
(not the best answer)
Because I think I should
Acid test: Why are you in Facebook?
(pick one)
(not the best answer)
Because its cool to be social
(not the best answer)
Because I think I should
Acid test: Why are you in Facebook?
(pick one)
(not the best answer)
Because I have a clear goal for my
Because its cool to be social
(not the best answer)
Visit your Facebook page
Log each post for the past month based on whether
they were self promotional, FAN interactions
or shares of others 'content.
Determine the % of Facebook posts attributable to
each type
Find if you are a narcissistic brand:
Please stop advertising Facebook and
Twitter for Free
If you really want your advertising to build your fans and followers,
ditch the icons in favor of a meaningful call to action that tells viewers
why they should engage you on Facebook and Twitter.
Please stop advertising Facebook and
Twitter for Free
If you really want your advertising to build your fans and followers,
ditch the icons in favor of a meaningful call to action that tells viewers
why they should engage you on Facebook and Twitter.
Give them real reasons to engage with your brand!
( Other companies 'logos should never be window dressing
in your paid advertisements!)
Please stop advertising Facebook and
Twitter for Free