Doordashan Training Report
Doordashan Training Report
Doordashan Training Report
(07-07-09 TO 03-08-09)
Session - 2009
Band DD-II
Band III
Channel 31(.)
Video carrier 551.25 MHz
Audio carrier 556.75 MHz
264 × 10 6
fhighest = = 5 MHz
The figure 10 shows the effect of projecting red, green, blue beams of light so that they overlap
on screen.
So if we take R - Y
Similarly B - Y = 0
As such colour difference signals are zero for white or any shade
of gray whereas, Y carries the entire Luminance information.
1) Action area,
2) Production control room, and
3) Central apparatus room,
Action area
9. Tie lines box for video and audio lines from control room
10.Cyclorama and curtain tracks for blue and black curtain for
chroma keying and limbo lighting respectively.
12.Studio warning light and safety devices like fire alarm system
and fire fighting equipments etc.
Unlike films, television media allows switching between different sources simultaneously at the
video switcher in Production control room operated by the Vision Mixer on the direction of the
program producer. The producer directs the cameramen for proper shots on various cameras
through intercom and the vision mixer (also called VM engineer) switches shots from the
selected camera/cameras with split second accuracy, in close cooperation with the producer.
The shots can be switched from one video source to another video source, superimposed, cross
faded, faded in or faded out electronically with actual switching being done during the vertical
intervals between the picture frames. Electronics special effects are also used now days as a
transition between the two sources.
Character Generator(CG)
Character Generator provides titles and credit captions during
production in Roman script. It provides high resolution
characters, different colours for colorizing characters,
background, edges etc. At present bilingual and trilingual C.G are
also being used by Doordarshan.
Sync Pulse-Generator(SPG)
It is essential that all the video sources as input to the switcher
are in synchronism i.e., start and end of each line or all the
frames of video sources is concurrent. This requirement is
ensured by the sync pulse generator (SPG). SPG consists of
highly stable crystal oscillator. Various pulses of standard width
and frequency are derived from this crystal electronically which
form clock for the generation of video signal. These pulses are
fed to all the video generating equipment to achieve this
objective of synchronism. Because of its importance, SPG is
normally duplicated for change over in case of failure.
• Line drive
• Field drive
• Mixed blanking
• Mixed sync
• colour subcarrier
• A burst insertion pulse
• PAL phase Indent pulses
All the camera control voltages are fed from the CCU to the
camera head over the multi-core camera cable. The view-finder
signal is also sent over the camera cable to the camera head
view-finder for helping the cameraman in proper focusing,
adjusting and composing the shots.
Light Control
The scene to be televised must be well illuminated to produce a
clear and noise free picture. The lighting should also give the
depth, the correct contrast and artistic display of various shades
without multiple shadows.
Audio facilities
An audio mixing console, with a number of inputs, say about 32
inputs is provided in major studio. This includes special facilities
such as equalisation, PFL, phase reversal, echo send/receive and
digital reverberation units at some places Meltron console tape
recorders and EMI 938 disc reproducers are provided for playing
back/creating audio effects as independent sources (Unmarried)
to the switcher.
New centers are being supplied with Sony U-matic high band
VCRs along with ½” Sony Betacam SP VCRs, DVC Pro.
Video Chain :
The block diagram on facing page connects all these sections and
it can be observed that the CAR is the nodal area. Now let us
follow a CAM-I signal. CAM-I first goes to a Camera electronics in
CAR via a multi-core cable, the signal is then matched/adjusted
for quality in CCU and then like any other sources it goes to video
switcher via PP (Patch Panel) and respective VDAs(Video
Distribution Amplifiers) and optional Hum compensator/Cable
Light Source
Any light source has a Luminance intensity (I) which is measured
in Candelas. Candela is equivalent to an intensity released by
standard one candle source of light.
Fill Light : Controls the lighting contrast by filling in shadows. It can also
provide catch lights in the eyes. Normally it is a soft source.
Back light : Separates the body from the background, gives roundness to
the subject and reveals texture. Normally it is hard source.
electrical signal.
Any camera will need a device to convert optical image into an
electrical signal. Now let us consider a picture frame made of
small picture element. For more sharpness or better resolution
we have to increase these elements. This picture frame can now
be focused on to a structure of so many CCD elements. Each CCD
element will now convert the light information on it to a charge
signal. All we need now is to have an arrangement to collect this
charge and convert it to voltage. This is the basic principle on
which CCD cameras are based.
All the TV transmitters have the same basic design. They consist
of an exciter followed by power amplifiers which boost the exciter
power to the required level.
The exciter stage determines the quality of a transmitter. It
contains pre-corrector units both at base band as well as at IF
stage, so that after passing through all subsequent transmitter
stages, an acceptable signal is available. Since the number and
type of amplifier stages, may differ according to the required
output power, the characteristics of the pre-correction circuits can
be varied over a wide range.
A block diagram of BEL 10 kW TV Transmitter is shown in Fig. 10.
It consists of :
DP/DG Corrector
This is also used in the exciter preceding LPF (mark III) for pre-
correcting the differential gain and differential phase errors
occurring in the transmitter.
Video Processor
The block diagram of video processor is given in fig. 3.
Vision Modulator
The block diagram of Vision modulator is given in fig. 4 and
schematic diagram is shown in fig. 5
IF Amplifier
IF is amplified to provide sufficient level to the modulator. It
operates as an amplitude limiter for maintaining constant output.
A balanced modulator using two IS-1993 diodes is used in the
Local Oscillator
The block diagram of Local Oscillator is given in fig. 8. It supplies
three equal outputs of + 8 dBm each at a frequency of fv + fvif.
This unit has 3 sub units.
Aural Modulator
The aural modulator unit consists of audio amplifier, VCO, mixer
and APC.
Audio Amplifier
A balanced audio signal at + 10 dBm from studio is converted to
unbalanced signal by audio transformer T4. The output of this is
taken through potentiometer to the input of Hybrid Audio Amp
BMC 1003. A 50 micro second pre-emphasis is also provided.
This is a varactor tuned oscillator. Its frequency can be varied by
coil L4. Transistor TR-17 forms the oscillator. VCO output is
frequency modulated by the audio signal. Output level is 0 dBm.
The characteristics of the TV signal is sections 1 and 2 refer to
CCIR B/G standards. Various other standards are given in Table 1.
Table 1
Frequency Range Vision/sound carrier
spacing channel width
Vision sound carrier spacing 5.5 MHz
Channel width 7 MHz (B) in VHF OR 8 MHz
(G) in UHF
Sound Modulation FM
FM deviation (maximum) + 50 kHz