Completion Design Review With Focus On Well Integrity and Productivity

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Completion Design Review with Focus on

Well Integrity and Productivity

Karianne Skrnes Vgenes
Earth Sciences and Petroleum Engineering
Supervisor: Michael Golan, IPT
Co-supervisor: Bjrn Brechan, IPT
Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics
Submission date: June 2012
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Nnrgcs tcknisk-naturvitcnskapc!igc Faku!tct Inr ingcninrvitcnskap ng tcknn!ngi
univcrsitct Facu!ty nI Enginccring and Tcchnn!ngy
5tudicprngram i GcnIag ng pctrn!cumstcknn!ngi
5tudy Prngrammc in Earth 5cicnccs and Pctrn!cum Enginccring

Institutt Inr pctrn!cumstcknn!ngi ng anvcndt gcnIysikk
Dcpartmcnt nI Pctrn!cum Enginccring and App!icd Gcnphysics

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Tubing Design Reviev
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WeIIs driIIed in HIHT formalions exerience severe slress because of lhe exlreme
lemeralures and ressures. This has a ma|or effecl on lhe comIelion design and lhe
equimenl lhal is exosed in lhe veII. Iinding lhe righl design for lhe veII Iays an
imorlanl roIe for lhe veII inlegrily.

1) Reviev comIelion design for lhe subsea HIHT Morvin IieId
2) Invesilgale Ioads on lubuIar slring, and Ioads lransferred from lhe slring lo lhe acker
3) Discuss lhe veII inlegrily and ossibIe Ieak deveIomenl during lhe Iifelime of lhe fieId.

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This ro|ecl has been carried oul al lhe dearlmenl of IelroIeum Ingineering and AIied
Geohysics al lhe Norvegian Universily of Science and TechnoIogy as lhe finaI arl of a
Masler degree in IelroIeum TechnoIogy.

I vouId Iike lo use lhis oorlunily lo lhank Irofessor MichaeI GoIan for roosing lhis
lhesis and guidance al lhe end of lhe vork.

A dee gralilude goes lo |orn rechan, my main suervisor al NTNU. I vouId Iike lo
lhank him for aII lhe lraining I gol in lhe use of WeIIcal, aII lhe inul dala he has suIied
and aII lhe knovIedge he has shared. I couId nol have had a beller suervisor.

And Iasl, bul nol Ieasl I vouId Iike lo lhank aII of my friends al lhe sludy room vho have
made lhe days fIy by vilh Iols of Iaughler and card games.

Trondheim, 11.06.2012

Karianne Skrnes Vgenes



I denne avhandIinga har eil fuIIl bronndesign og delaI|erl roduks|onsroyrdesign bIill
ulvikIa for HIHT bronnen K-14. WeIIcal foringsroyrdesign rogramvare har bIill brukl
for royrslrenganaIyser.

K-14 er ulforma eller de same viIkra som for Morvin HIHT. Dei vikligsale sorsmIa
knyll liI denne sesifikke bronndesignen er fuIIforinga av reservoarseks|onen,
roduks|onsroyrdesign med liIhorande Iaslar, sIangen design med aIIe reIevanle Iaslar, og
HIHT bronndesign ulvikIa med lanke fIeksibiIilel for inlervens|on og mogIeg
slimuIering ved h|eI av hydrauIisk osrekking.

DreneringsIanen liI reservoarel er baserl bronnar med horisonlaIe reservoarseks|onar
for olimaI og koslnadseffekliv ulvinning.

Iroduks|onsroyrel har bIill designa og konslruerl for aIIe Iaslane bronnen kan bIi ulsall for
i Ioel av Ievelida. Del er svrl viklig al aIIe mogIege Iaslar har bIill undersokl, sIik al
bronndesignel er i samsvar med krava for ein HIHT bronn. Dei Iaslene som bronnen ser
kan deIasl i lo gruer: Iaslar forrsaka av roduks|on og Iasler reIalerl liI inslaIIas|on
(kvaIifikas|on / lrykklesling) og inlervens|on.

Iokusel for delle bronndesignel har vrl on olimaI drenering med ei enkeI og
fIeksibeI Ioysning for mola krava som er sall for inlervens|on.

Ikslreme beIaslingar kan osl for bronnar i HIHT feIl. Del er fIeire asekl la hensyn liI
nr ein skaI designa bronnar av denne lyen, som for eksemeI slI og sloff degradering
nr dei bIir ulsell for hoge lemeralurar, og slore lemeralursvingingar fr varm
roduks|onsslraum, liI buIIheading med kaIde vsker. Iffeklen av ekslreme
lemeralurendringar som bIir sell av vsker i del Iukka ringrommel, og viI fore liI
ulviding/ samanlrekning som resuIlerer i en auke / reduks|on i lrykk sell av rora.
Temeralurvarias|onar viI ogs verke akningar som er under hogl lrykk, noko som kan
g|era maleriaIe sroll og redusere / misla lellingskaasilelen.

Asekl som verkar bronndesign og roduks|onsroyrdesign er diskulerl i delaI| g|ennom
ulvikIing av HIHT bronn K-14.



In lhis lhesis a fuII veII design and delaiIed lubing design has been deveIoed for lhe
HIHT veII K-14. WeIIcal casing design soflvare has been used for lubing slring anaIysis.

K-14 has been designed using lhe same condilions as for veIIs in lhe Morvin HIHT fieId.
The main issues reIaled lo lhis secific veII design are lhe comIelion of lhe reservoir
seclion, lhe lubing design vilh aII reIevanl Ioads, and a HIHT veII design vilh fIexibiIily
for inlervenlion and slimuIalion by hydrauIic fracluring.

The reservoir drainage Ian is based on veIIs vilh horizonlaI reservoir seclions for olimaI
and cosl effeclive recovery.

The lubing has been designed and engineered for aII lhe Ioads lhal lhe veII may be
exosed lo during ils Iifelime. Il is very imorlanl lhal aII ossibIe Ioads have been
invesligaled, so lhe veII comIies vilh lhe HIHT requiremenls. The Ioads seen by lhe veII
can be divided in lvo grous: lhe Ioads induced by roduclion and lhe Ioads during
inslaIIalion (quaIificalion/ressure lesling) and inlervenlion.

The focus of lhe veII design has been lo achieve olimaI drainage vilh a simIe and
fIexibIe soIulion lo meel lhe requiremenls for inlervenlion.

Ixlreme Ioads may occur for veIIs in HIHT fieIds. There are addilionaI asecls lo consider
vhen engineering lhese veIIs, such as sleeI and maleriaI degradalion vhen exosed lo
high lemeralures, and Iarge lemeralure varialions from roduclion lo buIIheading vilh
coId fIuids. The effecl of exlreme lemeralure changes are seen by lhe Iiquids in lhe cIosed
annuIi, lhey viII exand/conlracl resuIling in an increase/decrease in ressure seen by lhe
lubuIars. The lemeralure varialions viII aIso affecl seaIing eIaslomers lhal are under high
ressures, making lhem brillIe and reduce/Ioose lhe seaIing caacily.

The asecls of veII design and lubing design are discussed in delaiI lhrough lhe
deveIomenl and engineering of lhe HIHT veII K-14.


Tab!c nI Cnntcnts

PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................................ III
5AMANDRAG ................................................................................................................................................ V
AB5TRACT ................................................................................................................................................... VII
TABLE OF CONTENT5 ................................................................................................................................ IX
LI5T OF FIGURE5 ...................................................................................................................................... XIII
LI5T OF TABLE5 ......................................................................................................................................... XV
1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 1
2 INPUT DATA ............................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 IORI IRISSURI, IRACTURI IRISSURI AND TIMIIRATURI .............................................................. 3
2.2 RISIRVOIR ILUID .................................................................................................................................. 3
2.3 WILL IATH ............................................................................................................................................ 3
2.4 WILL K-14 CASING IROGRAM .......................................................................................................... 5
2.5 MATIRIAL SILICTION .......................................................................................................................... 6
3 COMPLETION AND WELL DE5IGN K-14 .................................................................................... 11
3.1 WILL DISIGN COMILITION OI THI RISIRVOIR SICTION ............................................................ 11
3.2 MORVIN OIIN HOLI COMILITION .................................................................................................. 12
3.3 IIRIORATING ...................................................................................................................................... 13
3.4 TUING SILICTION ............................................................................................................................. 14
3.5 INTIRVINTION .................................................................................................................................... 14
4 WELL INTEGRITY .................................................................................................................................. 15
4.1 LOADS .................................................................................................................................................. 15
4.2 CORROSION AND IQUIIMINT WIAR ................................................................................................. 15
4.3 ARRIIR DISIGN .................................................................................................................................. 16
4.4 K-14 WILL INTIGRITY ......................................................................................................................... 17
4.5 ILUG AND AANDONMINT ............................................................................................................... 19
4.6 OTHIR .................................................................................................................................................. 20
5 K-14 5TRE55 ANALY5I5 ...................................................................................................................... 21
5.1 LOAD IRINCIIALS ............................................................................................................................... 21
6 RE5ULT5 ................................................................................................................................................... 23
6.1 TUING RISULTS ................................................................................................................................. 23
6.2 CASING RISULTS ................................................................................................................................. 26
6.3 IACKIR RISULTS ................................................................................................................................. 31
6.4 HYDRAULIC IRACTURING .................................................................................................................. 34
7 DI5CU55ION ........................................................................................................................................... 39
8 CONCLU5ION ........................................................................................................................................ 41
9 FURTHER WORK ................................................................................................................................... 43
10 NOMENCLATURE ............................................................................................................................... 45
11 WORK5 5ITED ...................................................................................................................................... 47
APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................................................... 51
A.1 ILIMINTS IN IIILD DIVILOIMINT ................................................................................................. 51
A.2 GAS COMIOSITION ............................................................................................................................. 55
A.3 CASING DISIGN .................................................................................................................................. 56
A.4 MICHANICS ........................................................................................................................................ 57
A.5 WILLCAT ..................................................................................................................................... 67
A.6 LOADS ................................................................................................................................................. 69
A.7 IACKIR ............................................................................................................................................... 80
A.8 WILL INTIGRITY ................................................................................................................................ 84
A.9 STIMULATION ILUIDS ........................................................................................................................ 86


List nI Figurcs

Iig.- 1-1 IIemenls in fieId deveIomenl. ......................................................................................... 1
Iig.- 2-1 3D-veII design for K-14. ..................................................................................................... 4
Iig.- 2-2 DogIeg severily. ................................................................................................................... 5
Iig.- 2-3 Mud vindov. ................................................................................................................... 5
Iig.- 2-4 Casing vear aIIovance, 5" roduclion Iiner. .................................................................. 9
Iig.- 2-5 Casing vear aIIovance, 7" roduclion Iiner. ................................................................ 10
Iig.- 2-6 Carsng vear aIIovance, 9 5/8" casing. ............................................................................ 10
Iig.- 3-1 Crossseclion iIIuslraling erforaling lhrough damaged zone |SchIumberger 2012
j. ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Iig.- 3-2 Iressure gradienls for lhe Iover seclion of lhe Morvin veII. ..................................... 12
Iig.- 3-3 WeII schemalic. Lefl: K-14. Righl: Morvin, modified from |Iilnavan el aI. 2011j. . 13
Iig.- 4-1 Irimary and secondary veII barrier during roduclion, modified from |NORSOK
D-010, 2004j. .............................................................................................................................. 18
Iig.- 4-2 WeII barrier schemalic for ermanenl abandonmenl - erforlaled veII |NORSOK
D-010, 2004j. .............................................................................................................................. 19
Iig.- 5-1 Iressure acling on casings, lubing and acker. ............................................................ 22
Iig.- 6-1 Design Iimil Iol, lubing. ................................................................................................. 24
Iig.- 6-2 DifferenliaI ressure, lubing. ........................................................................................... 25
Iig.- 6-3 InlernaI ressure, lubing. ................................................................................................. 26
Iig.- 6-4 Design Iimil Iol, 5" Iroduclion Liner. .......................................................................... 27
Iig.- 6-5 design Iimil Iol, 7" Iiner. ................................................................................................. 28
Iig.- 6-6 Design Iimil Iol, 9 5/8" casing. ....................................................................................... 28
Iig.- 6-7 DifferenliaI ressure, 5" roduclion Iiner. ..................................................................... 30
Iig.- 6-8 DifferenliaI ressure, 7" roduclion Iiner. ..................................................................... 30
Iig.- 6-9 DifferenliaI ressure, 9 5/8" casing. ................................................................................ 31
Iig.- 6-10 Iroduclion acker, draving no. A28-993-00 |aker OiI TooIs 2008j. ...................... 31
Iig.- 6-11 Iacker enveIoe, 1-AnnuIus aclive, 2-reakdovn, 3-Tubing Ieak beIov lubing
hanger, 4-Tubing evacualion. ................................................................................................. 33
Iig.- 6-12 Tubing-lo-acker force, Tubing evacualion. ............................................................... 34
Iig.- 6-13 uIIheading and fracluring, WHI and HI. .............................................................. 35
Iig.- 6-14 Maximum fraclure ressure for lubing, 1150 bar. ...................................................... 36
Iig.- 6-15 Design Iimil Iol - Iraclure fIuid lemeralures. ......................................................... 37
Iig.- 6-16 Tubing-lo-Iacker force, fracluring base case. ............................................................. 38
Iig.- 6-17 Tubing-lo-acker force, Iracluring al 100 C. ............................................................. 38
Iig.- 1-1 Marine seismic acquisilion |SchIumberger 2012 Aj. .................................................... 51
Iig.- 1-2 Seismic modeI |rilish GeoIogicaI Survey 2012j. .......................................................... 52
Iig.- 4-3 NeulraI slabiIily oinl, modified from WeIIcal. ....................................................... 59
Iig.- 4-4 aIIooning and Reverse aIIooning ................................................................................ 60
Iig.- 4-5 Tubing cross seclion. ......................................................................................................... 62
Iig.- 4-6 Slress comonenls of lriaxiaI anaIysis. ........................................................................... 65
Iig.- 4-7 Design Iimil Iol. Modified from |eIIarby, 2009j. ....................................................... 66
Iig.- 7-8 Iroduclion acker, draving no. A28-993-00 |aker OiI TooIs 2008j. ........................ 81
Iig.- 7-9 Tubing-lo-acker forces, modified form WeIIcal. .................................................... 82
Iig.- 9-10 oric acid cross-Iinking of guar gum for hydrauIic fracluring fIuids |arron 2011j.
..................................................................................................................................................... 86

List nI Tab!cs

TabIe 2-1 Casing and Tubing Configuralion, WeIIcal. .............................................................. 5
TabIe 2-2 Ralings for lubing and conneclions |VaIIourec Mannesmann OiI & Gas 2008j. ...... 7
TabIe 2-3 Design aramelers. ............................................................................................................ 7
TabIe 5-1 SimuIaled Ioad cases. ...................................................................................................... 21
TabIe 6-1 Tubing-lo-acker forces. ................................................................................................. 32
TabIe 6-2 Iressures for differenl fraclure fIuid densilies. ........................................................... 35
TabIe 2-1 Gas Comosilion ............................................................................................................. 55
TabIe 4-2 Requiremenls for buckIing. Modified from |eIIarby, 2009j. ................................... 63

1 Intrnductinn

IieId deveIomenl oflen slarl vilh evaIualion of lhe size of lhe reservoir, hov much il viII
roduce for hov Iong, hov many veIIs are needed and hov much each veII has lo
roduce. An overviev of lhe sles required for fieId deveIomenl is resenled in Iig.- 1-1.

Fig.- 1-1 E!cmcnts in Iic!d dcvc!npmcnt.
Irom a comIelion design erseclive, lhe lubing size is oflen delermined by lhe Ianned
roduclion rale. The lubing size may be reslricled by lhe Ioads il is exosed lo. If high
grade and/or lhick lubing vaIIs cannol manage lhese, lhe size musl be reduced vhich viII
infIuence lhe maximum roduclion rale of lhe veII. The casing design musl be made lo
accommodale lhe lubing, so lhe casing design oflen slarls vilh lhe requiremenls lo
reservoir seclion size and lubuIars Iarge enough for lhe Ianned lubing.

The design soflvare lhal has been used lo engineer lhe Ioads seen by lhe lubing and
roduclion acker is WeIIcal by Landmark.

Ior lhe comIelion and veII design for K-14 lhe focus has been lo kee lhe design as simIe
as ossibIe lo eIiminale lhe ossibiIily for faiIure and minimize lhe ossibIe Ieak alhs. The
roduclion acker has been Iaced in 9 5/8 casing lo aIIov erforalion in lhe 7 Iiner.

The definilion of a lyicaI HIHT veII is lhal lhe minimum lrue verlicaI delh is 4000 m,
and/or lhal lhe shul in veIIhead ressure is grealer lhan 690 bar and/or bollom hoIe
lemeralure is grealer lhan 150 C. |Iilnavan el aI. 2011j

The inul aramelers for lhe veII design of K-14 are delaiIed described in Chaler 2 and a
cIoser descrilion of lhe differenl Ioads are described in Aendix A.6.

2 Input data

2.1 Pnrc prcssurc, Fracturc prcssurc and Tcmpcraturc

K-14 is based on simiIar condilions as lhe high ressure-high lemeralure Morvin fieId
Iocaled in lhe Norlh Sea. The lo of lhe reservoir is Iocaled al 4500 m delh reaching dovn
lo 4700 m, consisling of lvo roduclive sandslone zones searaled by a lighl shaIe. The
valer delh is aroximaleIy 350 m and lhe air ga is 25 m. This gives a ressure of 790
bar al lhe lo of lhe reservoir vhich increase lo 837 bar al lhe bollom. The overburden
gradienls and lhe formalion fraclure ressure have been delermined so lhal lhe veII viII be
simiIar lo aIready exisling HIHT veIIs al Morvin.

The lemeralure gradienl of lhe fieId is assumed lo be 3,65 !C/100 m, and given a seabed
lemeralure of 4!C lhe lemeralure al lhe lo of lhe reservoir viII be 154 !C. Ior lhe
simuIalions done in WeIIcal, lhe lemeralure used is lhe one Iocaled al lhe bollom of lhe
erforalions. This is al 6004.56 m measured delh and lhe lemeralure is 162.5 !C. Thal lhe
lemeralure gradienl is a Iinear funclion reIalive lo lhe delh is nol scienlificaIIy correcl. In
reaIily, lhe lemeralure viII vary vilh lhe lye of formalion and ils rale of comaclion. Il
is reasonabIe lo execl a grealer lemeralure decrease al seaIing formalions vilh Iov heal

2.2 Rcscrvnir I!uid

The iniliaI roduclion rale is sel lo be 1100 m
/day and has a GOR of 465 m
. The oiI has
an AII gravily of 32 and lhe gas has a gravily of 1.321 kg/m
, lhis gives a lolaI densily of
632 kg/m
. The gas comosilion is Iisled in Aendix A.2. Il is lhe mixed comosilion from
aII lhe roducing zones lhal have been incIuded in lhe Ioad evaIualions. The fieId viII be
roduced by naluraI ressure deIelion, lhe onIy in|eclion inlo lhe veII viII be in lerms of
veII conlroI, slimuIalion or chemicaI lrealmenl.

2.3 Wc!! path

DelaiIed descrilion of lhe veII alh is given by lhe survey generaled for K-14. Informalion
Iike measured delh, lrue verlicaI delh, incIinalion, direclion and dogIeg severily
rovides lhe inul vaIues for lhe foIIoving veII design.

The veII has been driIIed as a devialed veII vilh an incIinalion ranging from 43 vhen
enlering lhe reservoir lo 90 al lhe end of lhe veII. This is designed lo maximise lhe
roduclion rale and lo deIay valer breaklhrough. The veII alh for K-14 is shovn in Iig.-

Fig.- 2-1 3D-wc!! dcsign Inr K-14.

2.3.1 Dng!cg 5cvcrity
The dogIeg severily rofiIe of lhe veII is given by Iig.- 2-2, and as seen il is nol high in any
oinl in lhe veII. This means lhal lhere is no arlicuIarIy Iace in lhe veIIbore vhere lhe
direclion of lhe veII alh changes sharIy. This means lhal lhe lubing viII nol suffer severe
bending forces due lo dogIeg severily. WeIIcal incororales lhe DLS lo lhe caIcuIalions.
To accommodale for lhe difference belveen Ianned veII alh and lhe reaI (oflen Iess
smoolh lhan lhe Ianned), WeIIcal aIIovs for an error margin. DogIeg severily override
viII Iead lo caIcuIalions being erformed vilh higher DLS lhan lhe DLS in lhe lheorelicaI


Fig.- 2-2 Dng!cg scvcrity.

2.4 Wc!! K-14 casing prngram

Casing selling delhs have been chosen based on Iig.- 2-3 beIov. The casing and lubing
design chosen is shovn in TabIe 2-1, and is idenlicaI lo lhe inul vaIues in WeIIcal.

Fig.- 2-3 Mud windnw.
Tab!c 2-1 Casing and Tubing CnnIiguratinn, Wc!!cat.

Typc OD
MD (m)
Hn!c sizc
Cnnductnr Casing 30 374.90 374.90 479.76 36
5urIacc Casing 20 374.90 374.90 1390.19 26
Intcrmcdiatc Casing 13
/8 374.90 1725.00 2200.96 17
Prnductinn Casing 10 374.90 2900.00 3996.23 14
Prnductinn Liner 7 3846.27 3846.27 4458.92 8
Prnductinn Liner 5 4159.00 4159.00 4703.06 7
Prnductinn Tubing 5 374.90 4156.86

The roduclion acker is sel al 3796 m, seaIing off lhe annuIus belveen lhe roduclion
lubing and lhe 9
/8roduclion casing. The TRSCSSV is inslaIIed al 525 m.

2.5 Matcria! sc!cctinn

2.5.1 Cnrrnsinn
When seIecling sleeI lye for ies and conneclions il is imorlanl lo aIso consider lhe
corrosive environmenl lhal lhe sleeI viII be sub|ecled lo. There are severaI aramelers in
lhe veII lhal effecl lhe corrosion, Iike lemeralure, chIoride ion concenlralion, arliaI
ressure of CO2 and H2S, H and resence or absence of SuIhur |Craig el aI. 2011j. When
seIecling a maleriaI lhere are cerlain asecls lhal has lo be laken inlo consideralion
|NORSOK M-001 2004j:
! Corrosivily,
! Design Iife,
! AvaiIabiIily,
! IaiIure ossibiIily, and lhe consequences reIaled lo faiIure,
! Resislance lo brillIe fraclure,

The sleeI seIecled for lhe ie and conneclions, for 5 Iiner and for 5 lubing, are carbon
sleeI suer 13% Cr-110. Carbon sleeI is knovn lo have a Iov corrosion aIIovance of 3 mm,
and lhe corrosion rale can be as Iov as 0.1 mm/year vilh in|eclion of inhibilors. The suer
13% chrome aIIoy Iays an inlermediale roIe belveen lhe convenlionaI 13% Cr and duIex
slainIess sleeI, bolh vhen il comes lo corrosion resislance and maleriaI cosl. Ior lhe
simuIalions in WeIIcal, corrosion has been laken inlo consideralion, and a minimum vaII
lhickness has been idenlified as a loIerance Iimil.

2.5.2 5aIcty and dcsign Iactnrs
When seIecling lhe lubing maleriaI il is imorlanl lo consider lhal is shouId be abIe lo
vilhsland a cerlain Ioad. Safely faclors are used lo comare lhe raling of lhe maleriaI lo lhe
acluaI Ioad, and lhis can be caIcuIaled for each lye of faiIure as in Eq. ( 2.1 ).

!" !

( 2.1 )

The maleriaI seIecled for lhe lubing is shovn in labIe TabIe 2-2, and lhe safely faclors are
caIcuIaled based on lhese ralings and lhe Ioad condilions simuIaled in WeIIcal.

Tab!c 2-2 Ratings Inr tubing and cnnncctinns |Va!!nurcc Manncsmann Oi! & Gas 2008{.
5" Tubing Crs-110 Vam TOP HT Cnnncctinn
Yic!d 5trcngth |kN{ 3388 3322.8
MIYP |bar{ 1148.7 1268.6
Pcn!!apsc |bar{ 1199 -

If lhe safely faclor is grealer lhan 1, lhe lubing shouId slay inlacl. This is lhe case if aII
caIcuIalions are correcl, Ioads scenarios are recorded accuraleIy and lhal lhe manufaclured
ies behave according lo ils secificalions vhen il is in lhe veII. The safely faclors lhal are
used are oflen higher lhan 1 lo accounl for any uncerlainly |eIIarby, 2009j. The design
aramelers lhal are enlered inlo WeIIcal are disIayed in TabIe 2-3. They have been
seIecled based on generaI comIelion design faclors.

Tab!c 2-3 Dcsign paramctcrs.
Axia! Burst Cn!!apsc Triaxia!
Pipc bndy 1.3 1.1 1 1.25
Cnnncctinns 1.3 1.1 - -

2.5.3 Matcria! dcgrading duc tn tcmpcraturc dcratinn
As lhe lemeralure in lhe veII increase, lhe sleeI and CRA slrenglhs decrease. ecause of
lemeralure varialion aIong lhe Ienglh of lhe lubing slring, lhe amounl of slrenglh
degradalion deends on lhe Iocalion in lhe veII |anon el aI. 1991j. Ior lhe simuIalions
done in WeIIcal lemeralure rofiIe is given and lhe lemeralure of lhe fIuids in|ecled is
laken inlo consideralion.

2.5.4 Casing wcar a!!nwancc
The casing is exosed lo mechanicaI vear vhen driIIing lhe foIIoving seclions, vhen
inslaIIing lubing/Iiner and under veII inlervenlion. When driIIing lhe horizonlaI seclion lhe
driII bil and driII slring viII be, due lo gravily, dravn lo one side of lhe casing lhal is being
driIIed lhrough. Casing vear can be affecled by casing grade, rolalion of driII bil, lye of
driIIing fIuid, dogIeg severily, incIinalion elc |Direclive 010 2009j.

The seclions lhal are mosl exosed for lhis are 9 5/8 casing and 7 Iiner. The vear viII
veaken lhe maleriaI because of lhe reduclion of vaII lhickness. The casing vear aIIovance
is a rediclion of lhe ercenlage of lhe vaII lhickness lhal can be vorn avay, vilhoul
having consequence for lhe inlegrily of lhe ie. The CWA has been eslimaled for 5 Iiner,
7 Iiner and 9 5/8 casing, based on lhe quaIificalion needed for lhe simuIaled service Ioads
and lhe ressure lesl of lhe veII.

5" - Prnductinn Lincr
The maximum casing vear aIIovance for lhe 5 roduclion lubing is shovn in Iig.- 2-4 and
is 29.28 %. This is eslimaled for lhe ressure lesl since lhis is lhe highesl Ioad lhe veII viII
see, for aII olher Ioads lhe CWA viII be higher.

7"- Prnductinn Lincr
The maximum casing vear aIIovance (Iig.- 2-5) for lhe 7 Iiner is 14.16 % for lhe ressure
lesl Ioad. Iie grade of lhis Iiner (Q-125) is Iover lhan for lhe 5 Iiner, lhis is vhy lhe CWA
is so much Iover. Il is a queslion reIaled lo lhe acluaI needs of lhe seclion and economy lhal
has lo be considered vhen seIecling a higher ie grade. Il is nol execled ma|or casing
vear for lhis seclion because of lhe shorl dislance lhal have lo be driIIed for lhe 5 seclion,
lherefore lhe 14.14 % CWA is accelabIe.

9 5/8" Prnductinn Casing
The ie grade firsl used for lhis seclion vas lhe same as for lhe 7 Iiner. This Ieads lo a
CWA of 0 %. The ie grade needed lo be increased lo a more durabIe one, and Q-125 vas
seIecled. The CWA for lhis grade is 28.48 % al lhe bollom of lhe seclion (Iig.- 2-6). The
CWA is quile Iov al lhe lo (4.27 %), bul since lhis arl in nol exosed lo lhe ressure lesl,
lhe ie grade has nol been changed in lhal arl of lhe casing.

Fig.- 2-4 Casing wcar a!!nwancc, 5" prnductinn !incr.


Fig.- 2-5 Casing wcar a!!nwancc, 7" prnductinn !incr.

Fig.- 2-6 Carsng wcar a!!nwancc, 9 5/8" casing.
3 Cnmp!ctinn and wc!! dcsign K-14

3.1 Wc!! Dcsign Cnmp!ctinn nI thc rcscrvnir scctinn

There are severaI melhods for comIeling lhe veII. Ior horizonlaI veIIs, lhere are cerlain
comIelion roerlies lhal are required, ossibiIily for zonaI isoIalion, good soIulions for
erforaling and slimuIalion, and easy inlervenlion if needed. There are lvo main vays of
comIeling a horizonlaI veII, oen hoIe comIelion or cased and cemenled comIelion.

The oen hoIe comIelion is simIy an oen borehoIe in lhe Iasl seclion comIeled bare
fool or vilh lubuIars Iike sandscreens, sIolled or re-hoIed Iiner lhal is segmenled for zonaI
conlroI. The advanlages of an oen hoIe comIelion is maximum exosed fIov area and
oflen quicker lo inslaII. SIolled Iiners can onIy be aIied in veII consoIidaled formalions,
and is usuaIIy inslaIIed for borehoIe slabiIily and veII inlervenlion access. If a re-hoIed
Iiner is inslaIIed il is ossibIe lo do seIeclive slimuIalion of lhe veII, as for lhe Morvin veII
vhere sveII ackers for zonaI isoIalion have been inslaIIed. Il is aIso ossibIe lo have a
degree of sand conlroI, lhe Iimilalion mighl be easy bIockage of lhe hoIes in lhe Iiner. The
soIulion is oflen cheaer lhan cemenled and erforaled casing configuralion, bul if
erforalion of lhe veII is required for lhis case lhe cosls due lo lime consumlion can be
more significanl |Nexl 2008j.

K-14 has been comIeled vilh a cemenled Iiner lhal has lo be erforaled. This is done
because slimuIalion by hydrauIic fracluring is Ianned for lhe veII. y erforaling lhe
veII, lhe infIov viII nol be affecled by any ossibIe damage or fIuid infiIlralion of lhe near
veIIbore zone (as seen in Iig.- 3-1).

Fig.- 3-1 Crnssscctinn i!!ustrating pcrInrating thrnugh damagcd znnc |5ch!umbcrgcr 2012 B{.

The main differences belveen lhese melhods are mainIy reIaled lo lime and cosls.
Iracluring lrealmenls vilh lhe differenl melhods shovs simiIar resuIls for breakdovn
ressure, fracluring ressure and roanl Iacemenls and rales |SchoenfeId el aI. 2010j.
The simuIalions in WeIIcal viII nol be direclIy affecled by lhe choice of comIelion.

3.2 Mnrvin Opcn Hn!c Cnmp!ctinn

The casing size seIeclion is lhe same as for lhe K14, excel for lhal lhe selling delhs vary
because of lhe difference in ressure gradienls in lhe overburden. The Iover arl of lhe
ressure gradienls id disIayed in Iig.- 3-2.

Fig.- 3-2 Prcssurc gradicnts Inr thc !nwcr scctinn nI thc Mnrvin wc!!.
The Morvin veII described in OTC 21476 |Iilnavan el aI. 2011j has been comIeled vilh 5
/2 roduclion lubing and redriIIed Iiner combined vilh oen hoIe sveII ackers for
zonaI isoIalion conlroI. HIHT lracer subs have been inslaIIed for dala acquisilion. SveII
ackers and lracer subs may be inslaIIed in K-14 veII if needed. Cemenled Iiner is Ianned
for K-14 due lo lhe requiremenl for slimuIalion by hydrauIic fracluring. The comIele veII
design for bolh K-14 and Morvin are resenled in Iig.- 3-3.


Fig.- 3-3 Wc!! schcmatic. LcIt: K-14. Right: Mnrvin, mndiIicd Irnm |Fitnawan ct a!. 2011{.

3.3 PcrInrating

ecause of lhe high ressure in HIHT veIIs, lhe formalion rock viII have a high slrenglh
lhal can reduce lhe delh of enelralion inlo lhe formalion. The roduclivily of lhe veII
deends highIy on lhe ressure dro in lhe zone near lhe veIIbore. This ressure dro is
affecled by veIIbore damage, eilher by equimenl or by infiIlraling of veII fIuid. y
erforaling asl lhis zone, lhe infIov aramelers can be aIlered lo increase ressure dro
and lhereby increase lhe infIov. Ierforaling aramelers Iike diameler, erforalion delh,
hasing and erforalion condilions in lhe veII (underbaIance, fIuids, elc.) delermine hov
effeclive lhe erforaling viII be.

Ior lhe Morvin comIelion il has been chosen lo avoid cemenling and erforalion because
lhis viII reduce lhe infIov zone lo lhe veII. WeII K-14 is Ianned lo be slimuIaled by
hydrauIic fracluring and lhe chosen melhod is lhe simIesl lo ensure successfuI fraclure

In erforaled and fraclured HIHT veIIs, seciaI exIosives have been used and lhis viII
reduce lhe erformance. Ierforalion guns are commonIy run on eIeclricIine cabIes, bul vilh
lhe high ressure in a HIHT veII, lhe seaIs around lhe eIeclricIine cabIes are difficuIl lo
mainlain. Therefore, erforalion can be done vilh coiIed lubing or lubing deIoyed guns.
Deending on lhe lemeralure of lhe veII, differenl erforaling exIosives are used. The
mosl common ones are RDX lhal are Iimiled lo lemeralures of 171 C or Iess, and HMX
lhal are used in lemeralures of u lo 204 C vilh one hour exosure in lhe veII. If lhe
erforalion lakes Ionger lhan one hour (as for lubing deIoyed guns), lhere are exIosives
lhal have been lesled al 226 C for 200 hours Iike lhe HTX (high lemeralure exIosives).
|aird el aI. 1998j

3.4 Tubing sc!cctinn

The size of lhe roduclion lubing vas lhoroughIy evaIualed for lhe Morvin fieId lo
maximize lhe roduclion. Ior veII K-14 il has been assumed lhal lhe 5 roduclion lubing
viII be sufficienl lo mainlain lhe daiIy roduclion of 1100 m
/D. When lubing diameler is
reduced, lhe fIov are of lhe cross seclion is aIso reduced. This may Iead lo a smaIIer
roduclion rale for lhe 5 lubing, vhich again Ieads lo Iess lolaI roduclion from lhe fieId.

3.5 Intcrvcntinn

WeII oeralions done afler lhe veII has slarled lo roduce are caIIed veII inlervenlion. Il is
done lo aIler lhe slale of lhe veII, rovide veII diagnoslics or manage lhe roduclion.
There are severaI vays lo erform veII inlervenlions, foIIoving is a Iisl of lechniques
|Wikiedia 2012j:

- Prcssurc pumping SimIy uming chemicaIs inlo lhe veII (no damage lo lhe
- 5!ick!inc used for fishing, culling, selling/ uIIing Iugs
- Braidcs !inc used for fishing, Iogging and erforaling
- Cni!cd tubing chemicaIs are umed direclIy lo bollom (lubing vear)
- 5nubbing slring is forced inlo lhe veII againsl veIIbore ressure (more rigid lhan
- Wnrknvcr reIace comIelions of oId veIIs
4 Wc!! Intcgrity

WeII inlegrily aIicalion of lechnicaI, oeralionaI and organisalionaI soIulions lo
reduce risk of unconlroIIed reIease of formalion fIuids lhroughoul lhe Iife cycIe of a veII.
|NORSOK D-010 2004j

4.1 Lnads

To Ian and evaIuale aII lhe ossibIe Ioads lhal lhe veII may be exosed lo during ils
Iifelime is essenliaI in veII inlegrily. y simuIaling aII ossibIe Ioads vhen Ianning lhe
veII, lhe comIele veII design viII fil lhe requiremenls for lhe execled Ioads. If an
unexecled Ioad is idenlified, il has lo be simuIaled and lhen a nev ressure lesl is

4.2 Cnrrnsinn and cquipmcnt wcar

The degradalion of equimenl due lo corrosion and vear Iay a ma|or roIe in lhe inlegrily
of lhe veII. Differenl Iogging looIs are used lo delermine inlegrily of lhe veII, by
measuring lhe effecl of corrosion and mechanicaI vear.

As discussed in Chaler 2.5.1 lhe corrosion rale deend on lhe fIuids roduced- and
in|ecled inlo lhe veII as veII as lhe corrosion aIIovance of lhe ie maleriaI. Il is imorlanl
for HIHT veIIs lo seIecl a maleriaI lhal has a Iov corrosion aIIovance due lo lhe
condilions in lhe veII. High lemeralures and ressures viII affecl lhe chemicaI reaclivily
and oflen induce chemicaI reaclions. Therefore Suer Chrome has been used for lhe 5 Iiner
and lhe roduclion lubing in K-14.

The aramelers affecling lhe ie vear in lhe veII are discussed in Chaler 2.5.4. The
resuIls of severe casing vear due lo driIIing and inlervenlion is oflen lhal lhe ie vaII is
unevenIy vorn and lhal creales a veak sol in lhe ie cross seclion lhal is more easiIy
4.3 Barricr dcsign

4.3.1 Casing prngram
The seIeclion of selling delhs for casings is nol onIy delermined by lhe overburden
ressure gradienls, bul aIso deendenl on lhe lye of formalions and lheir roerlies. As a
common ruIe a shoe is sel before enlering lhe reservoir. The formalion above lhe reservoir
has high seaIing caacily, lhis is knovn by lhe facl lhal il has kel lhe hydrocarbons from
escaing lhe reservoir for a very Iong lime. This means lhal if lhere is a Ieak in lhe Iiner
going in lo lhe reservoir, lhe seaIing rock viII mosl IikeIy be abIe lo revenl hydrocarbons
from reaching lhe surface.

Anolher asecl lo consider is raid increase in ore ressure al any oinl in lhe veII. If lhis
occurs in belveen lvo casing shoes, il is imorlanl lhal lhe lo of cemenl for lhe Iover
casing is higher lhan lhe oinl of eak ore ressure. The cemenl viII be abIe lo revenl
infIov from lhis seclion. If lhe TOC is nol sufficienlIy high, hydrocarbons may see inlo lhe
annuIus of lhe lo casing and escae lhe rimary and secondary veII barrier.

4.3.2 Ccmcnt
As described in lhe revious seclion, lhe heighl of lhe cemenl is an imorlanl faclor in veII
inlegrily. The heighl has lo be Ianned lo vilhsland lhe ressure aIied al lhe casing shoe.

Varialions in ressure and lemeralure vhen cemenling may cause smaII movemenls in
lhe casing, vhich Ieads lo lhe formalion of a microannuIus. A micro annuIus is defined as a
smaII ga belveen lhe cemenl and lhe lubing, in vorsl case resenl around lhe vhoIe cross
seclion. This resuIls in an escae alh for lhe veII fIuids. |SchIumberger 2012 Cj

Anolher robIem reIaled lo lemeralure and ressure varialions vhen cemenling is lhe
ossibiIily for oor bonding in lhe cemenl, crealing smaII alhvays lhrough lhe cemenl.

To verify lhe quaIily of lhe cemenl |ob, lhe veII is Iogged lo delecl any unconformilies and
ossibIe Ieak alhs.

4.3.3 Barricr cnvc!npc
SeveraI veII barriers inlerIinked logelher viII serve as a barrier enveIoe for lhe veII. The
veII barrier eIemenls viII vary deending on vhal lye of veII oeralion lhal is being
erformed, lhal being driIIing, roduclion (comIelion design has lo be considered),
inlervenlion, abandonmenl, elc. Ior a roduclion veII a common barrier enveIoe consisls
of cemenled Iiner, acker, lubing, across lhe TRSCSSV and back dovn inlo lhe reservoir. Al
Ieasl lvo barriers are required for veIIs in oeralion, vhiIe lree enveIoes are required for
abandonmenl |NORSOK D-010, 2004j. If one barrier faiIs, lhere viII be a second lo slo lhe
fIuid fIov lo surface. A descrilion of lhe barrier enveIoes Ianned for K-14 can be found
in in lhe foIIoving seclions.

4.4 K-14 wc!! intcgrity

Ior lhe K-14 lhere is lvo main barriers lo kee fIuids from fIoving unconlroIIed lo lhe
surface, lhese are dravn in Iig.- 4-1. The rimary barrier is marked in green on lhe figure.
This consisls of lhe roduclion acker, lhe lubing belveen acker and TRSCSSV. The
secondary barrier, marked red, consisls of lhe cemenled casing, 9
/8 casing, veIIhead vilh
casing hanger, lubing hanger and lhe subsea roduclion lree.


Fig.- 4-1 Primary and sccnndary wc!! barricr during prnductinn, mndiIicd Irnm |NOR5OK D-010, 2004{.

There shaII nol be any in|eclion inlo formalions lhal have lhe ossibiIily lo roagale
verlicaI fraclures lo lhe surface, lhe in|eclion has lo be Iead lo onIy effecl lhe inlended Iayer.
Neilher shaII lhere be in|eclion inlo Iayers lhal have lhe ossibiIily lo fIov, in lhal case a
TRSCSSV has lo be inslaIIed in lhe lubing or hydroslalic ressure of lhe fIuid in|ecled has
lo be grealer lhan lhe ore ressure.

Ior in|eclion lhe veII has lo be Ianned based on lhe foIIoving Ioad cases |NORSOK D-010,
- MaleriaI caabiIily
- Maximum aIIovabIe uming rale
- Maximum execled differenliaI ressure

AII of lhe Ioads above are laken inlo consideralion in lhe simuIalions in WeIIcal.
4.5 P!ug and Abandnnmcnt

When a veII is lo be ermanenlIy abandoned, lhe use of lvo barrier enveIoes viII nol be
sufficienl. Common rimary barrier for a erforaled veII is cemenl lhe Iiner and inslaII a
cemenl Iug across and above lhe erforalions. The secondary barrier may be lhe cemenled
casing above lhe reservoirs, and cemenl Iugs eilher across lhe Iiner lo, or oulside and
inside lhe lubing (if lubing is resenl). In addilion lo lhe rimary and secondary veII
barrier, lhere are lhe foIIoving soIulions for ermanenl abandonmenl:

- WeII barrier belveen lvo reservoirs, lo reduce olenliaI for fIov belveen reservoirs.
- Oen hoIe lo surface veII barrier, lo isoIale an oen hoIe from surface vhen

The barriers needed for a erforaled veII are iIIuslraled in Iig.- 4-2. The rimary barrier is
marked in bIue, lhe secondary in red and lhe green is lhe oen hoIed lo surface barrier.

Fig.- 4-2 Wc!! barricr schcmatic Inr pcrmancnt abandnnmcnt - pcrInrtatcd wc!! |NOR5OK D-010, 2004{.
The inslaIIalion of lhe barriers shouId be as cIose lo lhe olenliaI infIov, and cover aII
ossibIe Ieak alhs. The rimary and secondary barrier is lo be inslaIIed al a delh vhere
lhe exlernaI formalion ressure is higher lhan lhe inlernaI ressure, lhis is lo suorl lhe
ie in case of high inlernaI ressures.

In case of sidelracking lhe veII, lhe originaI veIIbore has lo be ermanenlIy abandoned
before a sidelrack/ sIol recovery is inilialed. Ior ermanenl/ Iong lerm abandonmenl lhe
equimenl has lo be verified lo vilhsland any chemicaI degradalion lhal viII haen over

SleeI lubuIars no is nol acceled as a ermanenl veII barrier eIemenl unIess il is cemenled,
and eIaslomers used as seaIing comonenls is neilher acceled for ermanenl veII barrier.
|NORSOK D-010, 2004j

4.6 Othcr

MaleriaI seIeclion of ies is essenliaI for veII inlegrily. SeIecling lhe righl maleriaI and
grade is discussed in Chaler 2.5.

Ior HIHT veIIs lhe roduclion acker needs lo be seaIed off by a melaI-lo-melaI
conneclion due lo lhe exlreme lemeralure and ressure in lhe veII. The veII condilions
have a severe effecl on eIaslomers, making lhem brillIe and Iose lhe seaIing caacily, and
lherefore can nol be used in veII barrier, onIy used as a back u for lhe melaI seaI.

Olher asecls lhal have lo be considered reIaled lo veII inlegrily are sand conlroI, hydrales,
scaIe, elc. These are described in furlher delaiI in Aendix A.8.
5 K-14 5trcss Ana!ysis

Slress anaIysis for K-14 comrises invesligalions of Ioads on lubing, acker and exosed
casing. Ior lhe lubing design lo be comIele, aII lhe Ioads lhal lhe veII can be exosed lo in
ils Iifelime have lo be evaIualed. The Ioads have been seIecled on lhe base of lhe order lhe
mosl IikeIy viII aear. TabIe 5-1 beIov rovides an overviev of lhe Ioads lhal are laken
inlo consideralion vhen designing lhe veII. The firsl 9 Ioads described (from 1 lo 9) are
roduclion Ioads, vhiIe lhe remaining Ioads are described as inslaIIalion/inlervenlion

Tab!c 5-1 5imu!atcd !nad cascs.
Prnductinn Lnads Insta!!atinn/Intcrvcntinn Lnads
1 CIean u A IniliaI condilions
2 IarIy Iife roduclion B Iressure lesl
3 Shul in shorl C Tubing Ieak
4 Shul in Iong D Tubing evacualion
5 uIIhead E Mini-fracluring
6 KiII F Screen oul
7 reakdovn
8 Iracluring
9 AnnuIus aclive

The ressure lesl Ioad viII cover and be a grealer Ioad lhan aII olher Ioads Iisled. This is
hov lhe veIIs are quaIified for service. AII lhe secific inul vaIues lhal have been used for
lhe Ioads in WeIIcal are shovn in Aendix A.6. WeIIcal funclions and hov K-14 vas
modeIIed and run is demonslraled in Aendix A.5.

5.1 Lnad principa!s

The ressure seen by lhe lubing and lhe exosed casings are shovn in Iig.- 5-1 beIov. The
fIuid resenl in lhe lubing and lhe area beIov lhe acker viII vary deending on vhal Ioad
case is simuIaled. The ressures are idenlicaI on bolh sides of lhe figure, bul lo simIify lhe
figure lhe forces have been dravn onIy on one side. There are four differenl ressure
scenarios lhal have lo be laken inlo consideralion:

1. The inlernaI ressure acling on lhe cemenled 9
/8 casing suorled by lhe
formalion, AI1.
2. The inlernaI ressure above lhe lo of lhe 5 Iiner acling on lhe cemenled 7 Iiner
suorled by lhe casing, AI2.
3. The differenliaI ressure belveen lhe ressure from lhe roduclion slream and lhe
hydroslalic ressure of acker fIuid acling on lhe roduclion acker, AI3.
4. The differenliaI ressure belveen lhe hydroslalic coIumn of roduced fIuid and lhe
cemenled Iiner hanger, AI4.

Fig.- 5-1 Prcssurc acting nn casings, tubing and packcr.
6 Rcsu!ts

The resuIls of lhe Ioad simuIalions in WeIIcal are resenled in lhis chaler. Ior lhe
comIelion design lo be comIele aII lhe equimenl lhal exerience a Ioad has lo be
evaIualed. When anaIysing lhe effecl lhe Ioads has on lhe veII, lhe veII has been sIil inlo
lhree calegories: lubing, Iiners, casing beIov acker and lhe acker. AII lhe Ioads are
described in delaiI in Aendix A.6, vhere lhe mosl crilicaI Ioad in aII cases are lhe
ressure lesl. The ressure lesl vas firsl sel lo 800 bar, bul as lhe exosed casings and Iiner
vere invesligales, il shoved lhal lhe ressure vere loo high and bursling vouId occur. The
ressure vas decreased lo 700 bar and grade and maleriaI for ies and conneclions vere
increased lo be abIe lo vilhsland lhe ressure lesl. The finaI lesl resuIls are resenled

6.1 Tubing rcsu!ts

6.1.1 Dcsign !imit p!nt
The lubing viII be abIe lo vilhsland aII lhe Ioads il may be exosed lo during ils Iifelime.
This can be seen from lhe design Iimil Iol (Iig.- 6-1) and hov aII lhe Ioads are Iaced
inside lhe Iimils of lhe Von Mises Iol, vhich shovs lhe ie and conneclions Iimils. As
seen in lhe lo righl quadranl, lhe ressure lesl is lhe highesl bursl Ioad. Turing Ioads Iike
AnnuIus lesl, Tubing Ieak and Tubing evacualion lhe lubing exerience high coIIase force
due lo lhe high exlernaI ressure.


Fig.- 6-1 Dcsign !imit p!nt, tubing.
6.1.2 DiIIcrcntia! Prcssurc
The differenliaI ressures for lhe Ioad scenarios are disIayed in Iig.- 6-2. Some of lhe Ioads
iniliale a negalive differenliaI ressure meaning lhal lhe lubing viII exerience coIIase
forces, aIso seen from lhe DLI. As seen from lhe Iol, lhe highesl differenliaI ressure is
crealed by lhe ressure lesl. This is lhe mosl exlreme Ioad lhe veII viII ever be exosed lo.
y erforming a ressure lesl lhal is inside lhe Iimil of lhe design Iimil Iol, lhe lubing is
quaIified lo lake Ioads lhal have a Iover differenliaI ressure lhan lhe ressure lesl. If
fulure inlervenlions of lhe veII require a higher differenliaI ressure lhal lhe exisling
ressure lesl, a nev simuIalion has lo be done and a nev ressure lesl has lo be carried oul.

The lubing can I lheory see a higher Ioad lhan lhe ressure lesl, bul in lhis case il shouId be
suorled vilh ressure in lhe annuIus so lhe differenliaI ressure or absoIule Ioad is
nol exceeding lhe sel design ressure of lhe veII (lhe ressure lesl). An examIe of lhis
couId be during slimuIalion by hydrauIic fracluring: The lubing is ressurised using a
higher inlernaI ressure as Iong as lhe annuIus ressure reduces lhe effeclive Ioad lo Iess
lhan lhe ressure lesl.


Fig.- 6-2 DiIIcrcntia! prcssurc, tubing.

6.1.3 Intcrna! prcssurc
As seen from Iig.- 6-3, aII lhe Ioads aIied lo lhe veII have an increasing ressure lovards
delh, and lhe ressure lesl has lhe highesl inlernaI ressure.


Fig.- 6-3 Intcrna! prcssurc, tubing.

6.2 Casing rcsu!ts

The casing and Iiners beIov lhe roduclion acker are exosed lo lhe same Ioads as lhe
lubing, so lo do a fuII comIelion design lhese casings/Iiners has lo be invesligaled. AII lhe
casings and Iiners lhal are exosed are cemenled in Iace for lhe inlervaI of inleresl. This
viII give an exlra ressure suorl, bul no design hiIosohy accels using cemenl as
suorl for lubuIars. Therefore, exlernaI ressure rofiIe for lhe casing is sel lo be lhe
ressure of lhe fIuid gradienl vilh ore ressure, vhiIe for lhe Iiners lhe ressure is
delermined by lhe ressure above/beIov lhe rior shoe (lhis is WeIIcal lerminoIogy and
means lhe same, onIy lhal one is adaled for Iiners and lhe olher for casing). IniliaIIy, vhen
lhe ressure lesl vas sel lo 800 bar, nol aII casings filled inlo lhe design Iimil Iol,
aIleralions reIaled lo lhe sleeI seIeclion vere erformed in order lo meel lhe requiremenls.

6.2.1 Dcsign Limit P!nt
AII lhe Ioads for lhe casing and Iiners are Iocaled in lhe bursl seclion of lhe design Iimil Iol
(excel for iniliaI Ioad lhal is neulraI). This is because lhey onIy exerience inlernaI
ressure, on lhe exlernaI side cemenl and formalion ore ressure suorl lhe lubuIars.
The highesl bursl Ioad is lhe ressure lesl.

5"- Prnductinn Lincr
The vhoIe Ienglh of lhe 5 roduclion Iiner viII be exosed lo lhe same service Ioads as for
lhe roduclion lubing, and ressure lesled lo verify lhal aII lhe Ioads can be suorled by
lhe Iiner. As seen from lhe design Iimil Iol (Iig.- 6-4) aII lhe Ioads lhal il is exosed lo are
vilhin lhe Iimils of lhe Von Mises eIIise, and lhe conneclion Iimils, lhe Iiner viII slay
inlacl. The maleriaI and sleeI grade lhal have been used for lhis seclion is Suer Crome-110,
vhich is common lo use in HIHT veIIs, as described in Chaler 2.5.

7" Prnductinn Lincr
Ior lhe 7 Iiner il is onIy lhe lo 312 m lhal is exosed, lhe cemenled 5 Iiner covers lhe
Iover arl, lo simIify lhe Iol il is onIy lhe exosed arl of lhe Iiner lhal is shovn. The
Ioads are inside lhe Iimils for lhe ie and conneclions, lhe Iiner viII slay inlacl (Iig.- 6-5).

9 5/8" Prnductinn Casing
The arl of lhe 9 5/8 roduclion casing lhal sees lhe Ioads is Iocaled belveen lhe
roduclion acker and lo of lhe 7 Iiner, and lhis arl is disIayed in lhe design Iimil Iol
(Iig.- 6-6).

Fig.- 6-4 Dcsign !imit p!nt, 5" Prnductinn Lincr.

Fig.- 6-5 dcsign !imit p!nt, 7" !incr.

Fig.- 6-6 Dcsign !imit p!nt, 9 5/8" casing.

6.2.2 DiIIcrcntia! prcssurc
The ressure lesl has lo be lhe grealesl Ioad lhal lhe casings viII se, as for lhe lubing. When
lhe lubing is ressure lesled, lhe casings have lo be abIe lo lake lhe Ioad of lhis. Il is
lherefore imorlanl lo comare design Iimil Iols lo lhe differenliaI ressure Iol lo
invesligale lhal lhe Ioad is vilhin lhe Iimils of Von Mises, and lhal lhe ressure lesl is lhe
highesl differenliaI ressure seen by casings. This has lo be done for every casing/Iiner lhal
see lhe Ioad.

5" Prnductinn Lincr
The differenliaI ressure of lhe ressure lesl is marked orange in Iig.- 6-7. The second
highesl differenliaI ressure is sel by lhe breakdovn of lhe formalion. Thal is due lo lhe
high ressure lhal needs lo be overcome in order lo induce a fraclure. HydrauIic fracluring
and KiII oeralions normaIIy do nol require lhe highesl um ressure lo be erformed,
lherefore lhe differenliaI ressure is Iov.

7" Prnductinn Lincr
The differenliaI ressure lhal acls on lhe exosed seclion of lhe 7 roduclion Iiner is
shovn in Iig.- 6-8. The ressure lesl is marked in bIue, and is lhe highesl differenliaI

9 5/8" Prnductinn Casing
The differenliaI ressure of ressure lesl for lhe 9 5/8 lubing is marked in bIue in Iig.- 6-9,
again shoving lhal lhis is lhe grealesl differenliaI ressure of aII lhe Ioads. Where lhe
differenliaI ressure slarl lo increase al 3000 m indicales vhere lhe lo of cemenl is (2900
m). Irom lhis oinl lhe exlernaI ressure decrease due lo 7 Iiner being Iaced inside lhe
5/8 casing, and an increased in lhe lhickness of cemenl.


Fig.- 6-7 DiIIcrcntia! prcssurc, 5" prnductinn !incr.

Fig.- 6-8 DiIIcrcntia! prcssurc, 7" prnductinn !incr.


Fig.- 6-9 DiIIcrcntia! prcssurc, 9 5/8" casing.

6.3 Packcr rcsu!ts

The acker seIecled for lhis comIelion is S-3H Iroduclion Iacker (Iig.- 6-10) deveIoed
by aker OiI TooIs based on lhe fieId roven S-3 Relainer Iroduclion Iacker |aker OiI
TooIs 2008j. This acker is nol dimensioned for K-14, bul il has been used lo iIIuslrale hov
lo Iol lhe lubing-lo- acker forces. The acker vas sel hydrauIicaIIy al 3796.28 m MD al an
iniliaI sel ressure of 345 bar and a Iug delh of 3840.48 m MD. The axiaI Ioad change
afler acker sel is 44.48 kN, and seaI bore is resenl.

Fig.- 6-10 Prnductinn packcr, drawing nn. A28-993-00 |Bakcr Oi! Tnn!s 2008{.
6.3.1 Tubing tn packcr Inrccs
The force lhal has been invesligaled is lhe one belveen lhe lubing and lhe roduclion
acker. The resuIl of lhe Ioad caIcuIalions is shovn in TabIe 6-1, vhere negalive forces are
in lhe uvard direclion. When seIecling lhe roduclion acker lhe lubing-lo-acker force
(axiaI Ioad, beIov-above) and lhe differenliaI ressure (annuIus ressure, beIov-above)
have lo be laken inlo consideralion. The mosl exlreme Ioads are invesligales, and has lo fil
inside lhe roduclion acker enveIoe. The highesl lubing lo acker force is from lhe
Tubing Ivacualion, 1390 kN, and lhe differenliaI ressure is -60 585 kIa. Negalive forces
are in lhe uvard direclion, vhich means vhen lhe differenliaI ressure is negalive lhal
lhe ressure above lhe acker is grealer lhan beIov. The schemalic of lhe forces aIied lo
lhe acker is shovn in Iig.- 6-12.

Tab!c 6-1 Tubing-tn-packcr Inrccs.

As an iIIuslralion, lhe Ioads seIecled for Iolling in Iig.- 6-11 are: Tubing evacualion,
Tubing Ieak, uIIheading and AnnuIus aclive. They aII fil inlo lhe enveIoe of lhe seIecled
acker. When Iolling lhe vaIues from TabIe 6-1 lhe lubing lo acker force has lo change lo
lhe oosile nolion, vhiIe lhe differenliaI ressure is Iolled as il is.


Fig.- 6-11 Packcr cnvc!npc, 1-Annu!us activc, 2-Brcakdnwn, 3-Tubing !cak bc!nw tubing hangcr, 4-Tubing

As seen from lhe Iol, lubing evacualion is lhe mosl severe Ioad on lhe acker. AII olher
Ioads simuIaled are vilhin lhe Iimils of lhe roduclion acker. The acker has been Iaced
in lhe 9 5/8 casing. If lubing-lo-acker forces and differenliaI ressures for K-14 vere loo
high for lhe acker, lhe soIulion couId be inslaIIed lhe acker in lhe 7 Iiner. This vouId
aulomalicaIIy give a Iarger acker enveIoe due lo lhe reduclion in lhe area exosed lo
ressure. This has nol been done for K-14 due lo Ialer erforalion of lhe 7 Iiner.

Packcr schcmatic, Tubing Evacuatinn
The forces from TabIe 6-1 dravn on lhe acker schemalic is shovn by Iig.- 6-12. A more
delaiIed descrilion of lhe lubing lo acker force can be found in Aendix A.7. Ior lhe
Ioad case of lubing evacualion lhe lubing-lo-acker force is in lhe dovnvard direclion,
meaning lhal lhe ressure above lhe acker is higher lhan beIov. This is because lhe
lubing, vhich suIies ressure beIov acker, is evacualed and lhe ressure is deIeled.


Fig.- 6-12 Tubing-tn-packcr Inrcc, Tubing cvacuatinn.

6.4 Hydrau!ic Iracturing

The hydrauIic fracluring of lhe veII can be divided inlo four differenl oeralions,
reakdovn, Mini-Iracluring, Iracluring and Screen-oul.

Sles in hydrauIic fracluring |V ComIelion Team 2012j:
1) Lifl acker fIuid oul an creale an underbaIance in lhe veII
2) Ierforale and fIov back
3) reak dovn formalion using seavaler
4) Ierform mini-fracluring
5) Ium 1.6 SG fracluring fIuid
6) Screen oul

The sles from 3 lo 6 are simuIaled in WeIIcal. The rocess of hydrauIic fracluring is
dynamic, vhich means lhal for each sle of in|eclion, lhe ressure/Ioads viII change
lhroughoul lhe oeralion (described in more delaiI in Aendix A.6.7).

The break dovn magnilude is affecled by aramelers Iike fIuid viscosily, um rale,
orosily of rock, elc. Ior lhe hydrauIic fracluring lhe densilies of lhe fIuid in|ecled has been
comared lo required veIIhead ressure (WHI) and lhe malching bollom hoIe ressure
(HI). The evaIualion lhal has been done for K-14 is lo see lhe effecl differenl fIuid
densilies and ressures viII have on lubing, casing and acker.

Tab!c 6-2 Prcssurcs Inr diIIcrcnt Iracturc I!uid dcnsitics.
Lnw Dcnsity (1.03 5G) High dcnsity (1.6 5G)
WHP |bar{ 705.8 161
BHP |bar{ 1010 707

As seen in Iig.- 6-13 lhe resuIl from lhe fracluring and buIIheading give corresonding
resuIls lo vhelher il is veIIhead ressure or bollom hoIe ressure lhal is used.

Fig.- 6-13 Bu!!hcading and Iracturing, WHP and BHP.

6.4.1 Paramctcrs

Pump Prcssurc
The densily of lhe fIuid resenl in lhe ie delermines lhe um ressure required al
veIIhead. This means lhal if lhe densily of lhe fracluring fIuid is lo be increased, lhe
veIIhead ressure has lo be reduced lo accommodale for lhe exlra hydroslalic ressure.

If veIIhead ressure is lo be increased on lhe 1.6 SG fracluring fIuid, il had lo be increased
lo 1100 bar before lhe conneclions vouId bursl and al 1150 lhe lubing vouId fraclure. Il
vouId exerience a high bursl-lension force, and lhe differenliaI ressure vouId be much
grealer lhan of lhe iniliaI ressure lesl. When increasing lhe veIIhead ressure lo such an
exlenl, lhe ressure lesl is no Ionger vaIid. The ressure lesl cannol be increased because
lhen lhe exosed casings and Iiners viII bursl.

Fig.- 6-14 Maximum Iracturc prcssurc Inr tubing, 1150 bar.

The lemeralures of lhe in|ecled fIuid Iay a ma|or roIe in lhe design anaIysis. The iniliaI
in|eclion lemeralure is sel lo be 10 C. Il is lhe case of buIIheading lhal firsl inlroduce a
coId fIuid lo lhe varm veII, so vhen fraclure fIuid is in|ecled lhe veII has aIready been
cooIed dovn and viII cooI dovn furlher. The fracluring fIuid has been aIlered, bolh
comosilionaI and lemeralure vise lo see hov il viII affecl lhe lubing.

The fracluring fIuid lhal vas used for lhe iniliaI case had a densily of 1600 kg/m
. The
densily vas kel conslanl, vhiIe lhe lemeralure vas increased lo 100C and 200C. The
resuIl of lhis lemeralure change is shovn in Iig.- 6-15.


Fig.- 6-15 Dcsign !imit p!nt - Fracturc I!uid tcmpcraturcs.
As seen for lhe figure, lhe raid healing of lhe lubing viII Iead lo high comression forces,
lhis is because lhe lubing maleriaI exands due lo lhe heal and creales a comressionaI
force lovards lhe lubing.

Tubing-tn-packcr Inrcc, Fracturing
The fracluring fIuid is in|ecled afler buIIheading of lhe veII. The lemeralure of lhe veII
afler lhe breakdovn is 35 C. The base case for hydrauIic fracluring of lhe veII is done by a
fracluring fIuid al 10 C

As seen form Iig.- 6-16, lhe lemeralure inside lhe lubing has been healed lo 31.4 C, vhiIe
lhe lemeralure in lhe annuIus above lhe acker is 67.9 C. Temeralure has decreased
from lhe breakdovn Ioad. Heal has been lransferred from lhe varm lubing lo lhe
fracluring fIuid, resuIling in a varmer fIuid and a cooIer ie. The resuIl of lhis is lhal lhe
lubing viII lry lo conlracl as lhe melaI cooI dovn, as described in Aendix A.4.6. This viII
Iead lo an uvard uII belveen lubing and acker. The lubing-lo-acker force is in lhe
uvard direclion, and has a vaIue of 527.6 kN. The ressure beIov lhe acker is Iover lhan
lhe ressure in lhe annuIus above lhe acker, lhe resuIling force is in lhe dovnvard


Fig.- 6-16 Tubing-tn-Packcr Inrcc, Iracturing basc casc.

If, for some reason lhe lemeralure of lhe fracluring fIuid is increased lo 100 C lhe lubing
lemeralure al acker delh is 106.1 C. The in|eclion of lhe hol fIuid viII aIso affecl lhe
lemeralure of lhe annuIus, healing lhe acker fIuid lo 114.2 C. This healing of lhe lubing
maleriaI Ieads lo an eIongalion of lhe lubing lhal conlribules lo lhe increased dovnvard
lubing-lo-acker force. The lubing-lo-acker force is 395.5 kN in lhe dovnvard direclion.

Fig.- 6-17 Tubing-tn-packcr Inrcc, Fracturing at 100 C.
7 Discussinn

ased on lhe simuIalions done in WeIIcal, lhe comIelion design lhal has been chosen for
K-14 has roven lo slay inlacl during aII lhe Ioad scenarios lhal are Ianned for lhe veII in
ils Iifelime.

The comIelion configuralion, vilh an oen seclion belveen lhe Iiner and lhe lubing, and
lhe roduclion acker sel in 9 5/8 inlermediale casing, is done because of lhe required
fIexibiIily for Ialer erforalion of lhe 7 Iiner. AII lhe equimenl exosed in lhis area has lo
vilhsland aII lhe same Ioads as lhe lubing. Il is eseciaIIy imorlanl lhal lhe 9 5/8
inlermediale casing is abIe lo vilhsland lhe slress. If lhis casing bursls, lhe veII inlegrily is
al slake. Above lhe 9 5/8 casing lhere is no mechanicaI barrier lo slo any migralion fIuids
under ressure, lhe onIy ossibiIily lo slo veII fIuids from escaing lo surface is if lhe 9
5/8 casing is sel in a slrong formalion vilh a fracluring ressure higher lhan lhe reservoir
ressure. As described in Aendix A.7, lhe roduclion acker is Iaced as cIose lo lhe
reservoir as ossibIe, bul al a delh vhere lhe formalion ressure is higher lhan maximum
veII ressure. This means lhal if lhere is a faiIure in 9 5/8 casing, lhe formalion ressure
viII ensure lhe veII inlegrily.

When in|ecling coId fracluring fIuid, lhe lubing viII conlracl. When varm fIuid is roduced
afler fracluring, lhe melaI viII varm u and exand. This viII creale a Iarge movemenl in
lhe lubing and acker area. If lhe comIelion had nol been abIe lo handIe lhe increased
ressure varialions, lhe design had lo lake a differenl aroach, e.g. a IR (oIished bore
recelacIe) and associaled seaI assembIy couId be inslaIIed. In HIHT lhis is nol lhe normaI
design, as a IR is a olenliaI Ieak alh.

The exosed casings and Iiners viII endure lhe Ianned Ioad exosures. This vas achieved
by seIecling a suilabIe maleriaI grade for ies and conneclions. The design Iol shovs
hov lhe ies reacl lo each Ioad (lension/comression, bursl/coIIase), and as seen from
lhe resuIls, lhe seIecled ie and conneclions grade seems lo be righl: no Ioad is oulside of
any of lhe Iimils, and lhe eIIise is nol loo big comared lo lhe Ioads. This means lhal lhe
melaI seIecled is of sufficienl quaIily, bul aIso nol loo high. SeIecling a grade lhal is loo Iov
viII Iead lo faiIure, vhiIe seIecling a grade lhal is overquaIified viII add unnecessary cosl.

The seIeclion of ie maleriaI is imorlanl in reIalion lo erosion and corrosion during lhe
Iifelime of lhe veII. Ior a comIele veII design, lhe fIuid roerlies of lhe roduced and
in|ecled fIuids are modeIIed and evaIualed vilh lhe maleriaIs Ianned for lhe veII lo find
corrosion rales. Irom lhis vork lhe maleriaIs is delermined. Ior K-14, lhe maleriaI chosen
for lhe lubing is Suer Chrome, vhich is knovn lo be suilabIe for HIHT veIIs and is lhe
same maleriaI used in lhe Morvin HIHT fieId. Ior HIHT condilions maleriaI is oflen
delermined lo be on lhe safe side.

WeIIcal is a comIex soflvare looI, used by mosl oeralors lo modeI Ioads on lhe
equimenl inslaIIed in lhe veIIs. Iach oeralor has lheir ovn governing documenlalion,
vhich vouId imIy minor differences in reguIalions for veII design. I.g. safely faclors/
design faclors can be differenl for one oeralor lo anolher. Il is lhe mosl advanced soflvare
used in driIIing and comIelion oeralions due lo ils buiIl in fealures Iike modeIIing effecls
on lemeralure change lo lhe near veIIbore area from lhe Ianned oeralions. This is
imorlanl for lhe HIHT veII, vhere lhe forces and effecls from lhe Iarge change in
lemeralures are significanl. Ior mosl oeralors, WeIIcal is lhe onIy aroved soflvare
for modeIIing HIHT veII designs.

The soflvare looI has a user inlerface lhal is nol aIvays inluilive and may affecl lhe
oulcome. WeIIcal users face lhe chaIIenge of hov lo use lhe rogram correcl, vhal inul
vaIues are needed, vhere lo give lhe correcl inul vaIues, knoving and underslanding lhe
informalion lhal can be exlracled, elc. And lhere is aIvays lhe ossibiIily of human errors
vhen imorling dala from one source lo anolher.

8 Cnnc!usinn

1. Iorming K-14 lo be as a lyicaI veII on Morvin, delh, lemeralure, veII alh and
comIelion soIulion vere sel cIose lo idenlicaI. The difference is lhal lhe K-14 veII
has been made lo accommodale slimuIalion by hydrauIic fracluring.

2. The difference belveen K-14 and a lyicaI veII on Morvin lriggered a fuII veII
design reviev, discussing aII asecls reIaled lo lhe equimenl exosed lo lhe
exlreme Ioads during fracluring and roducing for a fieId vilh HIHT condilions.

3. An overviev of lhe Ioads lhe veII viII be exosed lo in ils Iifelime vas made, and
lhese vere modeIIed in WeIIcal vilh lhe fieId condilions for K-14. The resuIls
indicale a HIHT veII design lhal can accommodale fracluring.

4. To debale lhe chaIIenges oflen mel in forming a veII design and lo shov lhe
imIicalions and comIexily of modeIIing lhal foIIovs lhe requiremenls sel lo veIIs
in a fieId deveIomenl, lhe roduclion acker is sel in 9 5/8 casing and a ossibIe
Ialer erforalion is enabIed. This veII design exoses lhe 9 5/8 casing beIov lhe
acker, lhe 7 and 5 Iiners lo lhe exlreme roduclion and slimuIalion Ioads. These
Ioads and lheir imIicalions have been modeIIed, discussed and soIved for K-14 in

5. AII lhe vork vilh lhe deveIomenl of lhe veII design for K-14 is arl of lhe veII
inlegrily of lhe veII. A searale chaler discussing lhis vas made lo give an
overviev of lhe vork done lo ensure roer veII inlegrily is mainlained lhrough aII
hases of K-14's Iife incIuding I & A.


9 Furthcr wnrk

The simuIalions done for K-14 have been based on veII design and slring anaIysis for
lubing, arl of lhe casings and Iiners, as veII as for lhe roduclion acker. AII Ioads for a
lubing design has been invesligaled. Iurlher vork required for lhe veII design of K-14:

1. Oblain a more delaiIed formalion evaIualion lhal can be used in lhe casing design
regarding selling delhs of casings, lhe required heighl of cemenl, elc. This can be
used lo ensure lhe veII inlegrily.

2. IvaIuale lhe need for sand conlroI for lhe veII and vhal soIulions lhal can be
imIemenled in lhe design.

3. Ior slimuIalion by hydrauIic fracluring, a sensilivily anaIysis shouId be made lo see
lhe effecls of olher fIuids used lhen lhe ones modeIIed in lhis lhesis. IIanning
fracluring is comIex, as a delaiIed fracluring design is required lo knov lhe exacl
fIuids: lheir secific veighl, voIume, cooIing effecl, elc. In lhis lhesis, onIy lhe
Iighlesl and lhe heaviesl raclicaI fIuids vere modeIIed.

4. In lhe comIelion, onIy lhe lubing and roduclion acker vere invesligaled. To
comIele lhe design for K-14, lhe nexl sle vouId be lo idenlify a TRSCSSV, lubing
hanger and ossibIy a DHSG suilabIe for lhe HIHT condilions and Ioads idenlified
for K-14.

5. A fuII casing deign vouId aIso be naluraI lo conducl in WeIIcal, as lhis is one of
lhe fev soflvares commerciaIIy avaiIabIe on lhe markel caabIe lo modeI HIHT
condilions roerIy.

6. The informalion ackage received on lhe roduclion acker is delaiIed, bul il is for a
differenl size lhan lhe veII design for K-14. Oblaining lhe correcl acker and
anaIysing lhis shouId be done.



10 Nnmcnc!aturc

I Iorce |Nj
Ibh ollom hoIe ressure |Iaj
Ivh WeIIhead ressure |Iaj
OD Ouler diameler |mj
ID Inner diameler |mj
As Cross seclion, lubing |m
"f Densily, fIuid |kg/m
N NormaI force |Nj
. Slrain |-j
AL Lenglh change |mj
L Lenglh of lubing |mj
o Slress |N/m
I ModuIus of IIaslicily |N/m
Ai InlernaI cross seclion lubing |m
Ao IxlernaI cross seclion lubing |m
Ii InlernaI ressure lubing |Iaj
Io IxlernaI ressure lubing |Iaj

TVD True verlicaI delh
MD Measured delh
GOR Gas OiI Ralio
DLS DogIeg severily
TRSCSSV Tubing relrievabIe surface
conlroIIed subsea safely

CWA Corrosion vear aIIovance
IR IoIished bore recelabIe
I & A IIug and Abandonmenl
DHSG Dovn hoIe safely gauge


11 Wnrks sitcd

|Azar el aI. 2007j Azar, }. }. and SamueI, G. R. 2007. 8/#((#+5 4+5#+''/#+5A TuIsa, OkIahoma:
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|AII uII. 1999j American IelroIeum Inslilule. 15 AriI 1999. ,2(('1#+ *+ W*/32(&H &+7
G&($2(&1#*+H I*/ G&H#+56 Q2R#+56 8/#(( 0#K'6 &+7 O#+' 0#K' 0/*K'/1#'HA
hll:// (accessed 28 May 2012).

|aird el aI. 1998j aird, T., IieIds, T., Drummond, R., Malhison, D., Langselh, . and
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A.1 E!cmcnts in Fic!d Dcvc!npmcnt

5cismic Acquisitinn
To gel an overviev of vhal's hiding undernealh lhe seabed a seismic survey is done. On
lhe Norvegian ConlinenlaI SheIf a marine seismic vesseI lovs Iong slreamers vilh
hydrohones allached. The vesseI is equied vilh guns lhal sel off a charge lhal viII
generale a ressure vave lhal viII roagale lhrough lhe valer and inlo lhe formalions.
Differenl formalion Iayers viII refIecl lhe ressure vaves, sending a signaI back lo lhe
hydrohones, as seen in Iig.- 1-1. This signaI viII be recorded and slored and converled
inlo a refIeclion modeI lhal can be inlerreled. The modeI can give informalion aboul lhe
exlenl and geomelry of lhe reservoir, comosilion and fIuid conlenl. An examIe of hov
seismic dala is modeIIed is shovn in Iig.- 1-2, lhe figure is from lhe SIeiner fieId.

Fig.- 1-1 Marinc scismic acquisitinn |5ch!umbcrgcr 2012 A{.


Fig.- 1-2 5cismic mndc! |British Gcn!ngica! 5urvcy 2012{.
Exp!nratinn Wc!!
ased on lhe geoIogicaI modeI deveIoed afler lhe seismic survey, an exIoralion veII is
driIIed for furlher dala coIIeclion. Differenl Iogging looIs are senl dovn lhe veII lo measure
and coIIecl dala. The simIesl looI is lhe caIIier looI lhal measures lhe borehoIe diameler.
A reduced diameler can be a sign of orous and ermeabIe formalions due lo lhe resence
of mud cake or shaIe lhal has svoIIen. A Iarger diameler is caused by formalion coIIase
because of oor consoIidaled sand or brillIe shaIes. Olher dala galhered are IilhoIogy,
orosily, valer saluralion, ermeabiIily and densily |GIover 2012j.

Rcscrvnir Mndc!
The reservoir modeI is based on a geoIogicaI modeI and reservoir simuIalion modeIs. The
geoIogicaI modeI rovides a slalic descrilion of lhe reservoir rior lo roduclion slarl,
vhiIe lhe reservoir modeI simuIales lhe fIuid fIov in lhe reservoir over lhe Iifelime of
roduclion. The dala coIIecled from lhe seismic survey and lhe elrohysicaI dala from lhe
exIoralion veII rovides lhe inul vaIues for lhe modeI.

The reservoir evaIualion has eslimaled lhe needed roduclion rale for each veII lo
mainlain lhe Ianned Ialeau roduclion. Il is lhis rale lhal delermines lhe required lubing
diameler, and lhe hoIe and casing size are ad|usled lo fil lhe required lubing. Ior a HIHT
veII lhe dimensioning of lhe lubing does nol onIy deendenl on lhe required roduclion
rale, bul aIso lhe exlreme lemeralure and ressure condilions. If lhe Ianned lubing is nol
abIe lo vilhsland aII lhe exlreme Ioad cases il viII be sub|ecled lo, lhe lubing design has lo
be revieved and so has lhe vhoIe roduclion slralegy. As an examIe, if lhe veII needs lo
be comIeled vilh a 5 lubing lo mainlain a cerlain roduclion, bul il lurns oul lhal lhis
lubing is nol suilabIe for lhe exlreme condilions dovnhoIe and has lo be reIaced vilh a
smaIIer diameler lubing. This mighl Iead lo Iess roduclion from each veII due lo lhe
reduced fIov area, lherefore lhe number of veIIs needed lo deIele lhe reservoir has lo be

The economicaI asecl Iays an imorlanl roIe in fieId deveIomenl. The number of veIIs
driIIed has lo be comared lo each veII's roduclivily lo see if il is economicaIIy viabIe lo
driII. If lhe reservoir is Iocaled al greal delh, high comaclion may have Iead lo Iov
ermeabiIily bolh horizonlaIIy and verlicaIIy. To increase lhe roduclivily for each veII,
lhe soIulion vouId be lo increase lhe infIov area, lhe area vhere lhe veII is in direcl
conlacl lo lhe ceII. A horizonlaI veII is driIIed, or highIy devialed veII is driIIed lo
enelrale lhe Ienglh of lhe reservoir. This veII is much more exensive lo driII lhan a
verlicaI, bul lhe increased roduclivily may be abIe lo defend lhe increased cosls. When
deIeling a Iov ermeabiIily reservoir vilh horizonlaI veIIs, lhe number of veIIs required
viII decrease, defending lhe increased cosl of each veII.

Dri!!ing and Wc!! Managcmcnt
ased on lhe informalion relrieved from lhe reservoir modeI lhe veIIs can nov be
designed. The veII design is divided inlo lvo seclions: driIIing design and comIelion
design. The comIelion is lhe inlerface belveen lhe reservoir and lhe surface roduclion,
and lhe main goaI of lhe comIelion is lo make lhe veII safe and efficienl. The driIIing
design has lo be adaled lo lhe comIelion of lhe veII. The driIIing crev's main lasks are lo
Ian lhe casing rogram and erform lhe acluaI driIIing of lhe veII.

Fic!d Dcvc!npmcnt P!an
y Norvegian Iav a Ian for deveIomenl and oeralion (IUD) has lo be deveIoed and
aroved by lhe IelroIeum Dearlmenl if lhe Iicence hoIder of lhe elroIeum deosil
decides lo deveIo lhe fieId. The Ian has lo incIude informalion aboul economicaI,
resource, lechnicaI, safely- and environmenlaI asecls. Informalion aboul hov lhe
equimenl viII be disosed afler lhe fieId is abandoned shaII be incIuded, ad veII as
informalion aboul lhe faciIilies for lransorlalion and uliIizalion lhal are needed.

If elroIeum deosils are discovered, lhe Minislry of IelroIeum have lhe aulhorily lo
decide lhal recovery of lhe resourced shaII be reared, commenced or conlinued if aIready
deveIoed. This is lo be lhe case if il is economicaI viabIe, in lerms of amounl of
hydrocarbons resenl and lhe ossibiIily for an efficienl lransorl syslem. If lhe Iicence
hoIder decides lo deveIo lhe fieId, a Ian for deveIomenl and oeralion has lo be
resenled afler lvo years. Is lhe Iicence hoIder decides nol lo deveIo, a reorl has lo be
resenled lhal shovs il is nol economic viabIe lo deveIo. If lhe Iicense hoIder faiIs lo
deIiver a reorl, or if lhey decide nol lo deveIo, lhe Minislry can lake aclion and iniliale or
conlinue roduclion, or revoke lhe Iicense or arl of il. |Lovdala 2003j
A.2 Gas cnmpnsitinn

Tab!c 2-1 Gas Cnmpnsitinn
Cnmpnncnt Mn!c %
CO2 2.90
H25 0.00
N2 0.44
C1 59.15
C2 7.69
C3 5.18
NC4 2.23
IC4 0.97
NC5 1.11
IC5 0.86
NC6 1.44
C7+ 18.03

A.3 Casing Dcsign

An overviev of lhe comIele lubing, Iiners and casing design used in WeIIcal.
A.4 Mcchanics

There are severaI Ioad scenarios lhal viII affecl lhe lubing design of lhis veII. The veII is a
roduclion veII, and lherefore lhe main focus has been on slress anaIysis reIaled lo
roduclion and slimuIalion.

A.4.1 Axia! Lnads
AxiaI Ioads are Ioads lhal vork on lhe Ienglh of lhe lubing, eilher by comression or
lension. Iaclors lhal affecl lhese Ioads are lubing veighl, ressure and lemeralure
varialion. Many of lhe Ioad lyes Iead lo Ienglh change in lhe lubing, vhich viII veaken
lhe maleriaI's caacily lo lake furlher Ioads.

A.4.2 Hydrnstatic Fnrccs
When an ob|ecl is submerged in a fIuid hydroslalic forces viII acl on lhe cross seclion of lhe
ob|ecl. In lhis case, lhe cross seclion, As, is al lhe bollom of lhe lubing slring vhere lhe
hydroslalic ressure is highesl. The ressure al lhis oinl is given in Eq. ( 4.2 ).

! !
( 4.1 )

! !
!"#$ ( 4.2 )


( 4.3 )

A.4.3 Hnnks Law
When an eIemenl is exosed lo lensiIe or comressionaI forces lhe resuIl viII be a
deformalion of lhe eIemenl. This deformalion is given by Eq. ( 4.4 ) and reresenls lhe
Ienglh change reIalive lo lhe lolaI Ienglh of lhe unIoaded eIemenl.

! !
! !!

( 4.4 )

NormaI slress is lhe normaI force divided by lhe cross seclionaI area, as shovn in Eq. ( 4.5 ).

! !

( 4.5 )
The reIalionshi belveen normaI slress and axiaI slrain is caIIed Hooke's Lav and is given
by Eq. ( 4.6 ). |Irgens 2006 Aj

! ! !" ( 4.6 )

A.4.4 Ncutra! stabi!ity pnint
The lubing viII exerience ils axiaI Ioad eilher as lension or comression. The lo arl of
lhe lubing viII bear lhe vhoIe veighl of lhe lubing, lhis is vhere lhe lension is grealesl, bul
il viII decrease vilh delh. The oinl of neulraI slabiIily is vhere lhe Ioad svilches from
lension lo comression, vhere lhe lubing is in equiIibrium.

The neulraI slabiIily oinl can be described by Eq. ( 4.7 ) |Azar el aI. 2007j.

! !
( 4.7 )
Iz is lhe lrue axiaI force
Ii is lhe inlernaI ressure on lhe lubing
Ai is lhe cross seclionaI area of lhe ID
Io is lhe exlernaI ressure on lhe lubing
Ao is lhe cross seclionaI area of lhe OD

If bolh sides of lhe equalion are equaI, lhen lhe sling is al ils equiIibrium, if lhe axiaI force is
grealer lhen lhe slring viII be slraighl. uckIing may occur beIov lhe neulraI slabiIily oinl
if lhe force is grealer lhal vhal lhe ie can loIerale. The neulraI slabiIily oinl is iIIuslraled
in Iig.- 4-3.


Fig.- 4-3 Ncutra! stabi!ity pnint, mndiIicd Irnm Wc!!cat.

A.4.5 Ba!!nnning
The axiaI lension lhal may aIy lo lhe lubing does nol onIy generale axiaI slrain, bul aIso a
radiaI comression slrain. Il is lhis radiaI slrain lhal is referred lo as baIIooning.
If a higher ressure is aIied lo lhe inside of lhe lubing il viII creale an axiaI lensiIe force,
lhis viII cause lhe lubing lo shrink if abIe lo move freeIy. Oosile case, if lhe highesl
ressure is aIied oulside lhe lubing il viII cause axiaI comression, vhich viII cause lhe
lubing lo eIongale if abIe lo move freeIy. This force is exressed as

! !!!!
! ( 4.8 )

Afler lhe roduclion acker is sel, lhe lubing viII be fixed in bolh ends. In lhe case of axiaI
lension, lhe lubing viII lry lo conlracl vhich Ieads lo exansion of lhe lubing in lhe radiaI
direclion, as seen al lhe Iefl side in lhe figure beIov. The oosile case vilh axiaI
comression is caIIed reverse baIIooning and viII cause lhe lubing lo conlracl in lhe radiaI
direclion, as seen on righl hand side in lhe Iig.- 4-4.


Fig.- 4-4 Ba!!nnning and Rcvcrsc Ba!!nnning

If lhe lubing vere free lo move, lhe Ienglh change caused by baIIooning vouId be ALAL
and is shovn by Eq. ( 4.9 ).

( 4.9 )

vhere is lhe reIalionshi belveen radiaI slrain and axiaI slrain and are reIaled by Eq. (
4.10 ). |eIIarby, 2009j

! ! !
!"#$"% !"#$%&
!"#$% !"#$%&

( 4.10 )

A.4.6 Tcmpcraturc
Temeralure changes in lhe veII can have Iarge effecl on lhe lubing. If melaI is healed il
viII exand, and lhe Ienglh exansion (ALT) is given by Eq. ( 4.11 ).

! !
!!" ( 4.11 )

CT is lhe coefficienl of lhermaI exansion and is maleriaI deendenl. When choosing
maleriaI, lemeralure changes lhal may aear in lhe veII has lo be laken inlo

If lhe lubing is fixed in bolh ends, healing viII make lhe maleriaI exand and creale a
comressionaI force. Likevise, if cooIing lakes Iace, lhe maleriaI viII conlracl and a lensiIe
force viII aIy lo lhe lubing. The force lhal aIies is given in Eq. ( 4.12 ) beIov. |eIIarby,

! !!
! ( 4.12 )

A.4.7 Buck!ing
uckIing is oflen associaled vilh a Iong and lhin eIemenl, in lhis case lhe lubing slring. If
lhere is a smaII exisling bend in lhe lubing lhere viII be ossibiIily for il lo deveIo furlher
vhen ressure is aIied. The area of lhe oulside of lhe bend viII be grealer lhan on lhe
inside, so vhen in comression and inlernaI ressure is grealer lhan exlernaI lhe chance of
buckIing viII increase. The oosile case of grealer exlernaI ressure and lension viII
reduce lhe chance of buckIing. The effecl of axiaI Ioad (IlolaI) and ressure on lhe lubing
Ieads lo Eq. ( 4.13) and lhe cross seclion areas used are shovn in Iig.- 4-5.

! !
! !
( 4.13 )


Fig.- 4-5 Tubing crnss scctinn.

There are lvo lyes of buckIing, sinusoidaI buckIing and heIicaI buckIing. Ior a devialed
veII lhe crilicaI force of buckIing is given by Eq. ( 4.14 ) for sinusoidaI and Eq. ( 4.15 ) for
heIicaI. In lhe devialed end of lhe veII, lhe lubing has lo be Iifled u (overcome gravily)
before sinusoidaI buckIing can occur. When haIf vay u lhe vaIIs, heIicaI buckIing viII
lake over.

SinusoidaI buckIing:

( 4.14 )

HeIicaI buckIing:
! !!!"!!!!"

( 4.15 )

Ior buckIing lo occur lhe negalive vaIue of lhe crilicaI force (Ic) has lo be grealer lhan lhe
effeclive lension (Ieff). This is summarized in TabIe 4-2 beIov.

Tab!c 4-2 Rcquircmcnts Inr buck!ing. MndiIicd Irnm |Bc!!arby, 2009{.
5ituatinn Outcnmc
FcII < -Fc Tubing viII buckIe
FcII > -Fc Tubing viII nol buckIe

The Ienglh change due lo buckIing is exressed by Eq. ( 4.16) |MilcheII 1999j, and viII Iead
lo shorlening of lhe lubing.

! !

( 4.16 )

r radiaI cIearance belveen casing ID and lubing OD
I Youngs moduIus
I Momenl of inleria
, vhere do OD lubing and di ID casing
v AxiaI dislribuled Ioad in lhe lubing
Iffeclive axiaI force al lhe bollom of lhe lubing.

A.4.8 Burst
If lhe inlernaI ressure of lhe lubing is much higher lhan lhe exlernaI ressure in lhe
annuIus lhen lhe yieId slrenglh of lhe lubing viII be sel lo a lesl. The AII bursl raling for a
lhin-vaIIed ie is given by lhe formuIa:

! !"#

( 4.17 )

vhere ToI is lhe reduclion of vaII lhickness loIerance fraclion (12.5 % reduclion for AII
ie), Y is lhe yieId slrenglh of lhe ie, l is lhe nominaI lubing lhickness and D is lhe
oulside diameler of lhe lubing. |eIIarby, 2009j

Ior bursl faiIure lo occur, onIy a smaII iece of lhe lubing needs lo faiI. The smaIIesl
varialion of lhe minimum vaII lhickness viII have an imacl on lhe bursl raling, and for
lubing lhe ma|or robIem is reIaled lo corrosion.

A.4.9 Cn!!apsc
The coIIase raling is more comIex lo eslabIish lhan bursl raling because il is an inslabiIily
robIem requiring lhe yieId of lhe vhoIe lubing and aII lhe vay around. Raling is
deendenl on lubing diameler, vaII lhickness and lhe ovaIily of lhe ie. There have been
defined four differenl coIIase modes, deending on lhe D/l ralio: eIaslic, lransilionaI,
Iaslic and yieId slrenglh. IIaslic coIIase (equalion ( 4.18 )) has lhe highesl ralio, vhiIe
yieId coIIase has lhe Iovesl ralio, deending on lubing grade. |eIIarby, 2009j

IIaslic coIIase:

!"!!" ! !"
! ! ! ! !!

( 4.18 )

TransilionaI coIIase:

! !
! !
( 4.19 )

IIaslic coIIase:

! !
! !
!! !!
( 4.20 )

Ior lhe lransilionaI and Iaslic coIIase lhe vaIues for A, , C, I and G are suIied by AII
5C3 |AII uII. 5C3 1999j via formuIa or from labIe, laking consideralion lo maleriaI grade.

In lhe case of exlernaI ressure is much higher lhan lhe inlernaI ressure of lhe lubing yieId
coIIase is induced.

YieId coIIase:

! !!
! ! !!
! !

( 4.21 )

This vay of caIcuIaling (AII 1999 and earIier) lhe yieId coIIase is very conservalive and
can Iead lo unnecessary exensive ies in a high ressure veII. A nev vay lo caIcuIale
lhe yieId vas deveIoed in 2008 (Iayne, 2001), bul lhese formuIas require measuremenl
and conlroI of aramelers Iike ovaIily, eccenlricily and residuaI slress. To overcome lhe ga
belveen lhe lvo vays of caIcuIaling lhe coIIase raling, high coIIase lubing has been
deveIoed. |eIIarby, 2009j

A.4.10 Triaxia!
The combinalion belveen axiaI slress, langenliaI slress and radiaI slress is vhal makes u
lriaxiaI slress (Iig.- 4-6) Il is lhe effecl of having bolh exlernaI ressure and lension or lhe
combinalion of inlernaI ressure and comression lhal viII generale higher slress lhan
eilher of lhe ressure or axiaI Ioads aIone.

Fig.- 4-6 5trcss cnmpnncnts nI triaxia! ana!ysis.

The mosl used crilerion for delermining lriaxiaI slress is lhe Huber-Hencky-Mises yieId
condilion ( 4.22).

! !
! !
! !!!

( 4.22 )

The radiaI and langenliaI slress can be caIcuIaled from Lam's equalions.

RadiaI slress:

( 4.23 )

TangenliaI Slress:

( 4.24 )

If a Iane slress condilion is assumed, or is sel lo be zero. This viII reduce Eq. ( 4.22 ) dovn
lo Eq. ( 4.25 ). |Irgens 2006 j.

! !

( 4.25 )

When Iolling lhe lriaxiaI crilerion in lhe design Iimil Iol, il is ossibIe lo comare il lo lhe
design slresses of lhe lubing and ils conneclions. If lhe lriaxiaI slress is grealer lhan lhe
yieId slrenglh for lhe maleriaIs used, lhen lhere viII be yieId faiIure. The rinciIe of a
design Iimil Iol for a ie is shovn in Iig.- 4-7.

Fig.- 4-7 Dcsign !imit p!nt. MndiIicd Irnm |Bc!!arby, 2009{.

The soflvare lhal has been used lo erform lubing caIcuIalions is WeIIcal from
Landmark. The soflvare has five vorking modes, bul for lhis lhesis and ils lubing slring
caIcuIalions Irod mode and Tube mode has been used.

The Irod Design moduIe simuIales fIuid and heal lransfer during comIelion, roduclion,
slimuIalion, lesling and veII servicing oeralions. - |HaIIiburlon 2012 Aj. Iroduclion
Ioads Iike cIean u, roduclion, shul in, kiII, fraclioning elc. have been defined in lhis

The Tube Design moduIe anaIyses lubing Ioads movemenls, buckIing behavior and design
inlegrily under comIex mechanicaI, fIuid ressure and lhermaI Ioading condilions vilh
slandard and aulomalic Ioad-case generalion. - |HaIIiburlon 2012 Aj. olh Irod defined
Ioads and Ioads defined in Tube Mode are caIcuIaled here.

The Ioads lhal are described in WeIIcal are onIy a snashol of lhe silualion vilh lhe given
veIIhead ressure and fIuid densily. The inul of a revious oeralion makes il ossibIe
for WeIIcal lo caIcuIale lhe lemeralure gradienls and hov lhey change from one
oeralion lo anolher.

In order lo do lhe simuIalions lhe invenlories lhal are secific for lhe veII has lo be defined.
Some of lhe invenlories used for lhis veII are defauIl vaIues defined in lhe lemIale fiIe in
WeIIcal. The ones lhal have been user defined for lhis veII are described in more delaiI
beIov lhe Iisl.
DriII slring
Heal conduclion roerlies
CoiIed lubing
Grade roerlies
Temeralure deralion
Irorielary conneclions
il sizes
Iormalion roerlies
Cemenl roerlies
Tubing fiIlers

Wc!! survcy
This is nol defined as an invenlory, bul il is imorlanl inul vaIues lhal are secific lo each
veII. The firsl lhal is done vhen oening a nev fiIe is lo imorl veII survey, vhere
measured delh, lrue verlicaI delh, dogIeg severily, azimulh elc. give WeIIcal lhe
ossibiIily lo drav lhe Ianned veII alh. Iore ressure and fraclure ressure are defined
reIalive lo lhe delh. As a simIificalion, lhe lemeralure gradienl is given as a Iinear

Pipcs and Cnnncctinns
Ior lhe ie design, severaI ie grades and maleriaI quaIilies are slandard in lhe
invenlories Iisl, if a differenl grade is required lhis has lo be enlered. The same goes for lhe
ie conneclions. Afler lhe ie grade and maleriaI has been defined, lye of ie (driII
ie or HWDI) and size can be defined. The ies used for casing and lubing are from lhe
same invenlory Iisl.

Differenl oeralions in lhe veII require fIuids lhal are deveIoed lo funclion al an olimum
al lhe secific oeralion. The fIuids lhal have been defined for lhis veII are slandard
hydrocarbons, muds, brines and oIymers. DefauIl vaIues have been used for cemenl.
A.6 Lnads

A.6.1 C!can up Iirst I!nwing nI thc wc!!
efore lhe veII slarl lo roduce lhe veII has lo be cIeaned oul lo remove remaining cullings
and driIIing fIuid, lhis is done by roducing hydrocarbons lhrough lhe roduclion lubing
al fuII roduclion rale. A good cIean u is imorlanl lo avoid fulure comIicalions Iike
selling of Iugs, ackers and remalure selling of ackers.
The cIean u Iasls for lvo days and oerale vilh a suorling annuIus ressure. During
lhis eriod lhe lubing and surroundings are healed u vilh varm roduclion slream.
WeIIcal onIy regisler ressure and lemeralure, so il does nol delecl cullings and
differenl comosilionaI fIuids, Iike veII comIelion fIuid, lherefore lhe Ioads viII be much
lhe same as for earIy roduclion.

As lhe veII firsl slarl lo roduce lhe sace belveen lhe area belveen lhe roduclion acker
and lo of lhe 5 Iiner viII be fiIIed vilh fIuid. There viII be IillIe circuIalion and
reIacemenl of lhis fIuid as lhe veII is roducing, so lhere is a minimum amounl of
corrosion in lhis area.

The veIIhead ressure is caIcuIaled lo be lhe
ore ressure al erforalions sublracling lhe
hydroslalic coIumn of lhe hydrocarbon fIuid
lhal is in lhe veII. The densily of lhe reservoir
fIuid vas caIcuIaled lo be 632 kg/m
. The
lemeralure is eslimaled form lhe given
lemeralure gradienl. AnnuIus ressure is sel
lo be equaI lo lhe hydroslalic coIumn of
seavaler on lo of lhe veIIhead, lhis is done lo
gel maximum ressure differenliaI belveen
lubing and annuIus.

A.6.2 Ear!y !iIc prnductinn
This is lhe lime in lhe Iife of lhe veII vhere roduclion rale is lhe highesl. The veII has a
Iifelime of aroximaleIy 16 years, and il has been assumed lhal earIy Iife roduclion Iasl
for lvo years. In lhis eriod lhe reservoir ressure is 837 bar al erforalions, lhe roduclion
rale is 1100 Sm
/D and lhe gas-oiI rale is 465 Sm
. The annuIus is shul in and has a
hydroslalic ressure equaI lo lhe fIuid resenl.

IarIy Iife roduclion is based on rior oeralion lo be cIean u. As menlioned, lhis means
lhal lhe veII has aIready been exosed lo lhe varm roduclion slream, so lhere viII nol be
a significanl lemeralure change in lhe veII.

In comIele veII design mid Iife- and Iale Iife roduclion is aIso laken inlo consideralion,
bul for lhis lhesis il has been assumed lhal earIy Iife roduclion is lhe case vhere lubing is
exosed for lhe highesl Ioads, and has lherefore been used as rior oeralion lo severaI of
lhe foIIoving Ioad cases.

The veIIhead ressure and lhe lemeralure are
lhe same as for lhe cIean u oeralion. The
earIy Iife roduclion is sel lo Iasl for lvo years,
WeIIcal viII simuIale lhe lemeralure
change. The annuIus ressure is sel lo be
hydroslalic coIumn of seavaler.

A.6.3 5hut in 5hnrt
A shul in is vhen lhe roduclion from lhe veII is sloed lo do mainlenance on lhe veII,
lhe duralion of lhe shorl shul in eriod is sel lo be one day. The shul in is based on earIy
Iife roduclion vilh high ressure and roduclion rales, and bolh lhe roduclion lubing
and lhe annuIus are shul in. The ressure in lhe lubing is sel lo be maximum veIIhead
ressure al shul in, and lhe annuIus ressure is sel lo be lhe hydroslalic ressure of lhe
acker fIuid. As lhere is no fIov in lhe lubing lhe lemeralure viII dro, bul nol significanl
because of lhe shorl shul in lime.

The shul in veIIhead ressure is lhe same as
for earIy Iife roduclion. AnnuIus ressure is
sel lo hydroslalic coIumn of seavaler.

A.6.4 5hut in Lnng
Shul in Iong is based on lhe aramelers and lhe resuIl of shul in shorl. The duralion of lhe
shul in eriod is sel lo be one year, and give vay lo do ma|or mainlenance of lhe veII.
When lhere is no Ionger a varm roduclion slream fIoving lhrough lhe lubing lhe lubing
viII graduaIIy cooI dovn, and formalion viII relurn lo ambienl lemeralure. A sudden
slarl u of roduclion viII Iead lo a greal lemeralure difference belveen lhe roducing
fIuid and lhe coId lubing. The inlernaI and exlernaI ressure viII be lhe same as for shul in
shorl. The cooIing of lhe lubing viII be grealer for lhis Ioad case, bul nol significanl for lhe
slrenglh of lhe lubing.

olh veIIhead and annuIus ressure is lhe
same for shul in Iong as for shul in shorl. The
duralion is one year, vhich Ieads lo grealer
cooIing of lhe lubing. AnnuIus ressure is sel lo
hydroslalic coIumn of seavaler.

A.6.5 Bu!!hcading
Since lhe veII is Iocaled offshore, lhere is an unIimiled suIy of seavaler and lhis is used
for lhe in|eclions. The densily used for seavaler is 1030 kg/m
and lhal viII give a
hydroslalic ressure of 475 bar al erforalions. The in|ecled fIuid viII force hydrocarbons
back inlo lhe formalion. This oeralion is oflen used if il is susecled lhal lhe formalion
fIuids conlain loxic hydrogen suIfide, or if normaI circuIalion cannol occur due lo fore
examIe a borehoIe coIIase. The melhod is used vhen il is imorlanl lo quickIy gel lhe
veII under conlroI, and lhere is no lime lo sel u a roer circuIalion syslem lo kiII lhe

In lhe WeIIcal simuIalion, buIIheading is foIIoving earIy Iife roduclion vhere reservoir
ressure is 837 bar. The |ob slarl by disIacing lhe hydrocarbon lhal is aIready resenl in
lhe lubing, before more seavaler is in|ecled. The um ressure needed for lhe in|eclion
viII be highesl al lhe slarl because of lhe Iighl hydrocarbons occuying lhe lubing. As more
seavaler is in|ecled, lhe required um ressure viII decrease because of lhe hydroslalic
ressure of lhe seavaler conlribule more lo lhe dovnhoIe ressure. The Ioad case lhal has
been caIcuIaled in WeIIcal is vhen lhe lubing is comIeleIy fiIIed vilh lhe in|ecled fIuid,
lhis is lhe same for aII lhe in|eclion cases.

The ressure Ioss due lo friclion aIong lhe lubing and lhrough lhe erforalions has lo be
overcome. Il has been done a simIe assumlion lhal lhe ressure Ioss due lo lhis is 10
si/100 fl, vhich is 2.26 bar/100 m |rechan 2012j. In addilion a safely margin of 35 bar has
been added on lo of lhis lo incIude uncerlainlies lo vhen lhe rock viII fraclure.
The minimum required disIacemenl rale needed lo accounl for gas migralion is 1 m/sec.
Tvo lubing voIumes are lo be in|ecled inlo lhe veII in aboul 30 minules. To finish lhe
buIIhead vilhin lhis lime, lhe in|eclion rale has lo be increased lo 3,7 m

Tubing is fiIIed vilh seavaler. WeIIhead
ressure is caIcuIaled by sublracling lhe
hydroslalic coIumn of lhe lubing fIuid and lhe
assumed ressure dro from lhe ore ressure.
On lo of lhis friclion ressure dro and a
safely margin of 35 bar has been added. Il is
assumed lhal lhe lemeralure of lhe seavaler
in|ecled is somevhal Iover lhan olher in|ecled
and rocessed fIuids, lemeralure is lherefore
sel lo 4C. AnnuIus ressure is sel lo 200 bar.

A.6.6 Ki!! npcratinn
The main concerns reIaled lo kiII oeralions are lhe slarl of lhe kiII and lhe end of lhe kiII.
Al lhe slarl lhe veIIhead ressure is high and lhe fIuid in|ecled is hol, al lhe end lhe
ressure is Iov, bul cooIing is significanl. |eIIarby, 2009j

To kiII lhe veII a higher densily fIuid is in|ecled inlo lhe veII. The fIuid lhal is used in lhe
simuIalion is a CaCI2-Car2-nr2 brine vilh a densily of 2061 kg/m
. The hydroslalic
ressure vilh lhis fIuid is 950 bar, vhich is higher lhan reservoir ressure and viII
lherefore be abIe lo revenl formalion fIuids from fIoving inlo lhe veII. The um
ressure required viII onIy be lhe ressure Ioss due lo friclion and lhe safely margin of 35
bar on lo of lhal. The veIocily requiremenl is lhe same as for buIIheading, bul onIy one
lubing voIume needs lo be in|ecled.

The veIIhead ressure needed for lhis
oeralion is Iover lhan for buIIheading because
a higher densily fIuid is used. Olhervise, lhe
same rocedure for caIcuIaling ressure has
been used. The lemeralure has been sel lo
15C. AnnuIus ressure is sel lo hydroslalic
coIumn of seavaler.

A.6.7 Brcakdnwn
reakdovn ressure is vhen lhe rock formalion fraclures and aIIovs fIuids lo be in|ecled
inlo lhe formalion. To eslabIish lhe accurale breakdovn ressure, a fIuid is umed dovn
lhe veII. Al lhe slarl of lhe in|eclion lhe lubing is fiIIed vilh lhe revious oeralions
buIIheading fIuid (seavaler). This is lhe same as fIuid as used during breakdovn.

Since lhe lubing is aIready fiIIed vilh seavaler from revious oeralion, lhe duralion viII
onIy be for a shorl eriod. The um ressure lhal needs lo be aIied is breakdovn
ressure of lhe formalion (formalion fraclure ressure 60 bar safely faclor) minus lhe
hydroslalic ressure of lhe seavaler Ius a safely faclor of 35 bar and ressure Ioss aIong
lhe lubing.

The same inIel lemeralure as for buIIheading
has been used. AnnuIus ressure is sel lo 200

A.6.8 Fracturing
IoIIoving lhe breakdovn is lhe acluaI fracluring of lhe veII. In lhis case a fIuid vilh a
densily of 1600 kg/m
is umed inlo lhe formalion lo creale fraclures inlo lhe reservoir.
The fIuid aIso conlains roanls lhal viII fIov inlo lhe fraclures and kee lhem oen afler
lhe slimuIalion |ob is done. The annuIus shul in during lhis oeralion, and lhe annuIus
ressure is equaI lo lhe hydroslalic ressure of lhe fIuid resenl.

The veIIhead um ressure is lo be caIcuIaled in lhe same vay as for lhe breakdovn case.
The formalion fraclure ressure is assumed lo be 950 bar al erforalions, bul since
fracluring is foIIoving lhe breakdovn on lhe formalion, lhe ressure required is 70% of lhe
ressure needed lo break dovn, lhis gives a fracluring ressure of 707 bar lhal has lo be
The veIIhead ressure is caIcuIaled by
sublracling lhe hydroslalic coIumn of lhe
fracluring fIuid and adding lhe friclionaI
ressure dro and lhe safely margin of 35 bar.
AnnuIus ressure is sel lo hydroslalic coIumn
of seavaler.

A.6.9 Annu!us Activc
During lhis oeralion lhe roduclion lubing is shul in, Ieading lhe roduclion slream
lhrough lhe annuIus. The rior condilions for lhis oeralion is a undislurbed veII, so no
roduclion has gone lhrough lhe lubing rior lo lhis Ioad lesl. The veIIhead ressure inul
is lhe same on bolh sides of lhe lubing.

WeIIhead ressure and annuIus ressure is
equaI lo maximum shul in ressure caIcuIaled
lhe same vay as cIean u, earIy Iife roduclion,
elc. IarIy Iife roduclion rales are roduced
lhrough annuIus.

A.6.10 Initia! Cnnditinns
In lhis case no exlernaI Ioads are aIied lo lhe lubing, lhe onIy Ioad lhal is imIemenled is
lhe axiaI force acling on lhe lubing. This is a re-defined Ioad scenario in WeIIcal,
lherefore no simuIalion environmenl has been enlered. Il is imorlanl lhal aII inul
aramelers are correcl, since aII olher Ioad scenarios are caIcuIaled reIalive lo lhis. The
lubing viII exerience lhe highesl lension Ioad al lhe lo, since lhis arl of lhe lubing has lo
hoId lhe veighl of lhe lubing beIov. Tension viII decrease graduaIIy furlher dovn lhe veII
and viII svilch overl lo comression al lhe bollom of lhe veII.

A.6.11 Prcssurc Tcst
The highesl Ioad lhal lhe veII has lo be dimensioned for is lhe ressure lesl. This is lo
ensure lhal lhe veII can vilhsland any Ioad lhal il is sub|ecled lo during ils Iifelime. This is
good raclise because lhe lubing is oflen considered as a veII barrier. Il is a good margin lo
dimension lhe comIelion lo vilhsland a ressure lesl lhal is 10 % above maximum lubing
differenliaI ressure during service Ioads. The Ioad scenario shouId be shul-in case or an
in|eclion case. |eIIarby, 2009j

5ct packcr
The ressure is aIied al lhe veIIhead on lo of lhe fIuid lhal is resenl in lhe veII. There
is a Iug al lhe end of lhe lubing, and lhe ressure beIov lhe Iug is caIcuIaled according lo
lhe hydroslalic coIumn. The annuIus ressure is equaI lo lhe hydroslalic coIumn of lhe
fIuid resenl. An undislurbed lemeralure rofiIe is assumed.

Ium ressure is ad|usled so lhal lhe
differenliaI ressure viII be lhe grealesl of aII
lhe Ioads. AnnuIus ressure is sel lo
hydroslalic coIumn of seavaler.

The main urose of an annuIus ressure lesl is lo lesl acker and lubing hanger. In lhis
ressure lesl lhe lubing ressure is sel lo be equaI lhe hydroslalic coIumn of fIuid resenl,
so no um ressure is aIied al lhe veIIhead. The annuIus veIIhead ressure is sel lo be
500 bar. An undislurbed lemeralure rofiIe is assumed.

The annuIus is ressure lesled by aIying 500
bar al lo of annuIus. Ium ressure is sel lo
be zero, WeIIcal incIude hydroslalic ressure
from seavaler.

A.6.12 Tubing Lcak
In lhe case of lubing Ieak, lhe ressure viII be equaIized so lhal il is lhe same on bolh sides
of lhe lubing vhere lhe Ieak is delecled.

Bc!nw Tubing Hangcr
This Ioad case is based on earIy Iife roduclion, and recaIIs aII lhe Ioads reIaled lo lhal
slage. Tubing ressure is aIied lo lhe annuIus al lhe surface, lhis can Iead lo severe
ressure in annuIus al acker delh vhich can resuIl in high coIIase Ioads. The Ioad is re
defined in WeIIcal lube mode.

Bc!nw c!nscd TR5V
This Ioad is cuslom designed in WeIIcal. In lhis case lhere is a Ieak beIov lhe cIosed Iug
lhal is sel al 525 melers. The ressure above lhe Iug is bIeed off lo hydroslalic ressure,
and beIov lhe Iug lhe ressure is equaI lo lhe shul in ressure al lhe given delh.
AnnuIus ressure is equaI lo shul in ressure on lo of lhe hydroslalic coIumn. Tubing
lemeralure rofiIe is Iinked lo earIy roduclion, vhich viII be one of lhe scenarios vilh
lhe highesl lemeralure exosure, an excelion may be in|eclion of a varmer fIuid for veII


A.6.13 Tubing Evacuatinn
This Ioad viII simuIale vorsl case scenario vhere lhe lubing is fiIIed vilh air, Ieading lo
zero surface ressure. Il is reaIIy a severe coIIase lesl of lhe lubing |WeIIcal ManuaI
2001j. The lemeralure rofiIe is based on earIy Iife roduclion. The annuIus ressure is sel
lo 37.89 bar, vhich is equaI lo lhe hydroslalic ressure of lhe seavaler above.

ecause of lhe high GOR for lhis veII, oening lhe veII lo almosheric ressure viII more
IikeIy Iead lo evacualion of lhe gas, Ieaving onIy dead crude in lhe veII. ul if lhe Iiquid
IeveI of crude Iefl in lhe veII is beIov lhe base of lhe lubing, il viII raclicaIIy be lhe same
as assuming fuII evacualion. |eIIarby, 2009j

A.6.14 Mini-Iracturing
This is a lransienl in|eclion of a fIuid lhal onIy Iasls for a shorl lime eriod (in lhis case
seavaler has been in|ecled for 30 minules). The in|eclion ressure is lhe same as for earIy
slage in|eclion foIIoving breakdovn, vhich has an in|eclion ressure of 705.8 bar.

Ium ressure is sel lo be lhe same as for lhe
breakdovn Ioad because seavaler has been
used for in|eclion. AnnuIus ressure is sel lo
hydroslalic coIumn of seavaler.

A.6.15 5crccn nut
Screen oul is vhen in|eclion of fraclure fIuid Ieads lo bIockage of erforalions. When lhis
haens lhere is a raid decrease in fIuid fIov, vhich Ieads lo a sudden increase in um
ressure. The rior oeralion lo lhis Ioad is lhe fracluring vilh 1.6 SG fraclure fIuid. The
um ressure is lhe same as for lhe fraclure case, 161 bar.

This Ioad is re-defined in WeIIcal, ressure
and fIuid had been inserled. Ium ressure is
lhe same as for lhe iniliaI fracluring Ioad.
AnnuIus ressure is sel lo hydroslalic coIumn
of seavaler.

A.7 Packcr

The roduclion acker seaIs off lhe annuIus belveen lhe roduclion lubing and lhe casing,
and is sel as cIose lo lhe bollom of lhe lubing, and above lhe lo erforalions. Il is Iocked
inlo Iace by melaI vedges caIIed sIis lhal dig inlo lhe casing. The acluaI seaIing is
comIeled by a Iarge rubber eIemenl, and in lhe case of lhe ressure exceeding 345 bar,
melaI rings are used on eilher side of lhe rubber eIemenls lo suorl and revenl coIIase
of lhe seaI.

The Iacemenl of lhe roduclion acker shouId be as cIose lo lhe reservoir as ossibIe and
al a delh vhere lhe cemenled casing can vilhsland lhe ressure of lhe veII. In case of Iov
enelralion vhen driIIing lhrough lhis area, lhe driII slring may have vorn lhe casing, so il
is aIso imorlanl lhal lhe casing exosed in lhis area has accelabIe casing vear. In case of
casing and cemenl faiIure, lhe shaIIovesl aIIovabIe selling delh is vhere lhe formalion
sliII is slrong enough lo vilhsland maximum reservoir ressure.

Ior lhe K-14 veII lhe roduclion acker has been Iaced belveen lhe 9 5/8 casing and lhe
roduclion lubing. Il couId have been Iaced cIoser lo lhe reservoir in lhe 7 Iiner, if lhal
vere lhe case lhe slrenglh of lhe acker vouId be grealer due lo lhe smaIIer cross seclion.
This soIulion vas nol seIecled because lhe ossibiIily for driIIing a sidelrack lrough lhe 7
vouId nol be ossibIe vilhoul changing of acker, and lhal vouId resuIl in high cosls
reIaled lo nev roduclion acker required and lime consuming oeralion.

In revious HIHT comIelions on lhe Krislin fieId il had been incidenls of remalure sels
of ermanenl ackers, lhis Iead lo lhe deveIomenl of a nev relrievabIe HIHT acker vilh
anli-resel fealure.

The acker seIecled for lhis comIelion is S-3H Iroduclion Iacker (Iig.- 7-8) deveIoed by
aker OiI TooIs based on lhe fieId roven S-3 Relainer Iroduclion Iacker |aker OiI TooIs
2008j. The acker vas sel hydrauIicaIIy al 3796.28 m MD al an iniliaI sel ressure of 345 bar
and a Iug delh of 3840.48 m MD. The axiaI Ioad change afler acker sel is 44.48 kN, and
seaI bore is resenl.


Fig.- 7-8 Prnductinn packcr, drawing nn. A28-993-00 |Bakcr Oi! Tnn!s 2008{.
There are lvo vays lo conslrucl a acker enveIoe, eilher by lesling or by caIcuIalions. The
ackers made by aker OiI TooIs are lesled lo ils exlreme lo delermine lhe design Iimil.
This melhod is very reIiabIe and can guaranlee no faiIure. If lhe acker enveIoe is based
on caIcuIalions lhere are no acluaI guaranlee lhal il viII vork in a veII silualion vilh high
differenliaI ressures and varying lemeralures. The advanlage vilh caIcuIaled enveIoes
are lhal lhey can incIude bolh lhe ressure above and beIov lhe acker, comared lo a
acker lhal has been designed from lesling lhal onIy sees lhe ressure from undernealh lhe

IoIIoving is a delaiIed evaIualion of lhe lubing-lo-acker forces lhal are caIcuIaled by
WeIIcal. The ressure lesl Ioad case has been used as an examIe lo shov lhe forces lhal
affecl lhe acker. Ior ackers vilh seaI bores lhe lubing lo acker force is as foIIovs:


Fig.- 7-9 Tubing-tn-packcr Inrccs, mndiIicd Inrm Wc!!cat.

! !
! !
! !
! !
! !
! !
! !
! !
! !!
! !
( 7.26)

Ao, lubing oulside area beIov lhe acker
Ao-, lubing oulside area above lhe acker
Ai, lubing inside area beIov lhe acker
Ai-, lubing inside area above lhe acker
Ii, inside ressure
Io, oulside ressure beIov acker
Io-, oulside ressure above acker
Ia, axiaI force beIov acker (lension is osilive)
Ia-, axiaI force above acker (lension is osilive)

The above equalion can be reduced lo lhe foIIoving:


! !
( 7.27 )
Iabove -Ia- (axiaI force above acker)
IlaiI Ia (axiaI force on laiI ie)

A.8 Wc!! Intcgrity

WeII inlegrily aIicalion of lechnicaI, oeralionaI and organisalionaI soIulions lo
reduce risk of unconlroIIed reIease of formalion fIuids lhroughoul lhe Iife cycIe of a veII.
|NORSOK D-010 2004j

5and Prnductinn
A rock mechanics sludy has been carried oul for lhe Morvin veII, and il concIuded lhal
sand conlroI vouId nol be required for lhe fieId. ul since lhis is a ficlive fieId and no rock
evaIualion has been erformed il can be assumed lhal since lhe veII is roducing from a
sand reservoir, lhere is a ossibiIily for sand roduclion. The vear and lear on ies and
equimenl are lo laken inlo consideralion vhen designing lhe veII. Whelher sandscreens
are inslaIIed or nol, il is aIvays imorlanl lo conlinuousIy (or al Ieasl al a reguIar inlervaI)
monilor lhe amounl of sand lhal is roduced, eilher dovnhoIe, subsea or al surface. This
viII make il ossibIe lo eslimale lhe effecl il has on lhe equimenl, and lo evaIuale lhe
ossibiIily for equimenl faiIure.

Sand roduclion lhrough a erforaled Iiner may Iead lo serious erosion of lhe lubing in lhe
Iover comIelion. y idenlifying lhe amounl of sand roduced by each Iayer, and Iocale
lhe conlribuling zone, il is ossibIe lo inslaII infIov conlroI on lhe arlicuIar zone lo
minimize sand roduclion and lhe erosion on equimenl.

ScaIe formalion in lhe veII can Iead lo bIockage or inoerabIe vaIves Iike lhe TRSCSSV.
This is may be falaI lo lhe rimary barrier, if lhe TRSCSSV cannol cIose, onIy secondary
barrier is Iefl lo revenl unconlroIIed oulfIov. The roduced and in|ecled fIuids have lo be
chemicaIIy anaIysed, and if lhere is a ossibiIily of scaIe formalion scaIe inhibilor or
dissoIver shaII be eslabIished. A soIulion lo lhis couId be lo inslaII a chemicaI in|eclion sub
vilh duaI check vaIves beIov lhe TRSCSSV. This vas done on lvo of lhe Krislin veIIs, and
lhe veIIs exerienced Ieakage lhrough lhese vaIves. ScaIe is redicled in Morvin veIIs due
lo lhe CaCO3 conlenl of lhe roduced valer vhen valer breaklhrough has been reached.
The soIulion lo lhe robIem has been dovnhoIe scaIe squeeze from inlervenlion vesseI
once a year afler valer breaklhrough.

Ernsinn and cnrrnsinn
ChemicaIs in|ecled inlo lhe veII or fIuids lhal are roduced can have a Iarge effecl on lhe
vear and lear of lhe equimenl. If lhe roduced fIuids has a high conlenl of lhe sour gases
hydrogen suIfide (H2S) and/or carbon dioxide (CO2) lhere viII mosl IikeIy have a severe
consequence for lhe maleriaIs in lhe veII. The high ressure and lemeralure of a HIHT
veII onIy require a smaII amounl of sour gas for lhe environmenl lo be highIy corrosive.
Morvin is execled lo have a H2S conlenl belveen 12-15 m, and because of lhe high
ressure, lhis is enough lo bring lhe veII inlo lhe sighl sour service region vhich is require
corrosion resislanl aIIoys.

The Ioad scenarios lhal have been caIcuIaled in WeIIcal have been based on earIy Iife
roduclion. Al an earIy slage in lhe Iifelime of lhe veII, ies and equimenl has nol been
exosed lo erosive environmenls for Iong, vhich means lhal maximum erosion has nol
laken Iace. Al lhe end of lhe Iifelime of lhe veII, lhe corrosion and erosion of lhe ies
may have increased lo lhe oinl lhal faiIure viII haen vhen cerlain veII oeralions are
execuled. This scenario has lo be evaIualed vhen designing lhe veII in lerms of maleriaI
seIeclion, sand conlroI, elc. The area under lhe roduclion acker viII nol IikeIy be affecled
by lhe Iong-lerm roduclion because lhis area is shieIded and once lhe area has been fiIIed
vilh fIuid lhe disIacemenl of fIuid viII be very sIov.

Al lhe slarl of lhe Iifelime of lhis veII il has been assumed no valer roduclion, bul
evenluaIIy lhe veII viII exerience valer break lhrough. Hydrale formalion may occur in
environmenls vilh high ressure and Iov lemeralure. In lhe case of a high ressure/high
lemeralure veII, lhere is Iimiled chance of hydrale formalion during roduclion. In lhe
case of a Iong shul in eriod lhe lemeralure in lhe veII may have droed sufficienlIy so
lhal hydraled can form. The chemicaI comosilion of lhe roduced fIuids has lo be
evaIualed lo delermine vhen hydrale formalion can be execled, and rocedures for
hydrale revenlion shaII be eslabIished.

Annu!us b!ccd systcm
The annuIus shaII aIvays be fiIIed vilh a fIuid if ossibIe, and lhe annuIus masler vaIve
and lhe ASCSV shaII be oen al aII limes. The annuIus ressure shaII be monilored lo
comIy vilh lhe shul in veIIhead ressure, incidenls vhere lhis is nol lhe case shaII be
invesligaled furlher.
A.9 5timu!atinn F!uids

Some veIIs require slimuIalion lo kee u lhe roduclivily. Ior a HIHT veII lhe
slimuIalion can be Iefl unliI lhe veIIhead ressure is reduced lo a more manageabIe
ressure due lo lhe deIelion of lhe reservoir. This may Iead lo an uneven fraclure
dislribulion due lo differenliaI deIelion. Consequences of lhis can be revenlion of
fraclure grovlh inlo seaIing formalion (good), or revenl fraclure grovlh inlo undeIeled
zones (bad) |eIIarby, 2009j. Ior lhe simuIalions for lhis lhesis lhe veII has been slimuIaled
based on earIy Iife roduclion, so lhe reservoir ressure has nol been reduced from slarl u
ressure. This viII give a more exlreme Ioad scenario.

There are severaI slimuIalion fIuids deveIoed and ad|usled lo fil lhe secificalions of
differenl veIIs. Il is imorlanl lo seIecl a fIuid lhal can candIe lhe exlreme lemeralures in a
HIHT veII, so lhal ils chemicaI roerlies do nol aIler.

Crnss!inkcd Gc! F!uids
A common fIuid used for slimuIalion is a cross-Iinked fIuid. This is a lye of geI lhal is
good for roanl lransorl, has a slabIe rheoIogy u lo 148 C, Iov fIuid roerlies and
good cIean u roerlies |HaIIiburlon 2012 j. The crossIinked fIuid uliIize borale ions lhal
inlerIock vilh hydraled oIymers (Iig.- 9-10), and lhal viII increase lhe viscosily of lhe
fIuid. Changing lhe H of lhe veII can reverse lhe crossIinking, lhis makes lhe cIean u
more effeclive, vhich resuIl in a good regained roduclivily.

Fig.- 9-10 Bnric acid crnss-!inking nI guar gum Inr hydrau!ic Iracturing I!uids |Barrnn 2011{.

Ior lhis case lhe veII has been lrealed vilh seavaler by buIIheading so lhe lemeralure of
lhe veII has aIready been reduced before in|eclion of lhe crossIinked fIuid. This means lhal
lhe lemeralure seen by lhe fraclure fIuid is Iess lhal 148 C.
Crnss!inkcd Organnmcta!!ic F!uids
The mosl ouIar fraclioning fIuid lye is crossIinked organomelaIIic fIuid. This lye
rovides an exlreme slabiIily u lo 204 C and rovides a beller conlroI of lhe crossIinking
roerlies. Il is commonIy used for lighl gas sand vhere Iong fraclure Ienglh is required.
Mosl used fIuids are zirconale and lilanale comIexes of guar, hydroxroyI guar and
carboxymelhyI- hydroxyroyI guar. |HaIIiburlon 2012 j

Gc!!cd Oi! F!uids
y using lhis lye of fracluring fIuids lhe formalion damage can be minimized in cerlain
formalions Iike arlicIe migralion from valer conlaining cIays. The fIuid is comalibIe vilh
mosl lye of rock formalions and is very convenienl in coId condilions. Wilh no need for
re-mixing of lhe fIuid il raidIy deveIo a consislenl geI viscosily, vhich can easiIy be
conlroIIed vhiIe lhe lrealmenl is being umed. |HaIIiburlon 2012 j

Liquid Gc! Cnnccntratcs
This lye of fracluring fIuid is a lye of sIurry vilh concenlraled oIymers in a Iiquid form
lhal eIiminale handIing and mixing of dry ovder al lhe rig. y adding LGC lo an aIready
hydraled geI lhe viscosily can easiIy be changed, or il can be added lo valer and re-mixed
lo conlroI viscosily vhiIe uming. |HaIIiburlon 2012 j

Fnamcd F!uids
Ioamed fracluring fIuids usuaIIy conlain a Iiquid geI, a foaming agenl and a gas (lyicaIIy
60-80 % of N2 or CO2). The gas in lhe foaming agenl heIs fIuid recovery afler fracluring.
The foam can be videIy used in aII lyes of formalions and ressures, and are oflen used
vhere minimizing formalion damage is imorlanl. ecause of lhe Iov Iiquid conlenl of lhe
foam, lhere viII be Iess fIuid lo remove from lhe veII afler slimuIalion. The geI in lhe foam
can aIso be crossIinked lo increase lhe viscosily. |HaIIiburlon 2012 j

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