Bedini SG

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The document discusses various free energy technologies including the Bedini SG device, the Aviso electric vehicle, electrostatic energy collection, and more.

Some principles and technologies discussed include the Bedini SG motor, extracting energy from the surroundings through electrostatic means, Aviso's self-charging electric vehicle, and atmospheric electrostatic energy.

The author was frustrated that Bedini and Lindemann claimed their instructions were the first and only authorized version, when the author had already shared open source plans. The author also did not like being criticized for making the plans too simple.


Bedini SG "Authorized" Beginner's Handbook Posted -- Not First
Peter Lindemann and Aaron Murakami's latest ebook
features John Bedini's famous "School Girl Motor",
named for its simplicity. However, this is not the first
such compilation. Nor is it a clear demonstration of
"free energy", though it does illustrate some very

by Sterling
D. Allan
Pure Energy

I was just
going to
post a
regular news bullet link to this one and let it go, but as I
read through the description, I realized I needed to
weigh in on this one with some comments.

On the one hand, I'm glad to see this new Bedini SG:
The Authorized Beginner's Handbook ebook available
from eMedia Press, by Peter Lindemann and Aaron

On the other hand, I don't appreciate the tone of their
description which claims this is the "first complete" set
of instructions, and that this is the "only" and first
"authorized" version of these plans.

Back in 2004, following the TeslaTech conference in Salt
Lake City, my mother-in-law, Susan Manning, and
myself drove up to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho to meet with
John Bedini and Peter Lindemann, based on Peter's
insistence that we should do so, to see some real,
working free energy technology.

Based on Peter's depiction of the Bedini SG technology,
the image I had in my mind was that one input battery
could charge several output batteries, and one of them
could be rotated to the front, to keep the system
running, with an excess of output energy. That's why I
made the 15-hour drive up there to see what they had.

I must have misunderstood him, because that is not
what the Bedini SG is capable of doing. But I didn't
realize that until much later.

With John's permission, I took careful notes, photos,
wrote down part numbers, suppliers; then when I
returned home, I compiled a set of open source plans to
allow others to build this device.

I was the first to replicate it, per these plans,
and Susan was the second. Subsequently, many
hundreds of people have replicated the technology
from these plans.
I spent nearly three months of my life highly focused on
taking data, trying various things: using different
resistances in the circuit to increase/decrease the
frequency of rotation of the wheel and of the solid

My replication of the Bedini SG.
state resonance; trying different distances between the
wheel and the coil; trying various combinations and
types of batteries; using a battery-capacity measuring
device to get a true reading on the batteries on the
input and output side of the circuit.

I learned a lot, and saw some pretty amazing
phenomenon. (Data) In some resistance ranges, for one
resistance setting, I saw at least two separate stable
speeds possible for the wheel, sometimes three. At the
higher resistances, the rotation was no longer
sustained, but an audible, solid-state buzz could be
heard as the "input" batteries were charging the
"output" batteries. That tone frequency would increase
in pitch as the potentiometer was increased. Then the
tone became inaudible, but the solid state resonance
continued up quite a ways. I learned a lot about
batteries, about surface charge, about performance
curves of batteries, about normal and unusual

While all of that was interesting, I never did get results I
was looking for: overunity. I could not definitively say
any of the results in any of the many combinations
proved that I was extracting free energy from the
surroundings (radiant energy?) somehow. I finally gave
it up in frustration and let other, more qualified
researchers, such as Rick Friedrich, pursue the
technology and forums that were created around this

As for my relationship with John and Peter at that time,
it was quite strained. I did not like that they were upset
with me for making the plans "too simple." That jolted
me when they got on my case for that. I had thought
that simplicity was the entire objective.

John seems to have this attitude that other people
should have to work as hard as he has had to work to
get the results he has achieved. And while he comes
across as wanting to share what he knows with the
world, he either intentionally or unintentionally
withholds certain key pieces of information, thus
introducing the wild goose chase by the seekers, which
seems to satisfy him. If too many people were able to
easily replicate his work, then the mystique would
disappear, right?

Another point of tension came when I stumbled onto
and reported on the solid state phenomenon. They did
not want people to know about that. It is part of John's
battery rejuvenation technology. I thought it was pretty
cool, and while I could understand why they might
want to hold that one close to their chests, I knew it
would only be a matter of time before many other
people stumbled onto it like I had. Their wanting to not
talk about it didn't make sense to me. Aren't we all in
this for the same reason, after all? That is, free energy
for the masses and power to the people!

To this day, I'm not convinced that the Bedini SG is a
"free energy" device. It is a good learning tool, and does
get people tinkering and learning new things and
thinking outside the box, which is good. But I don't
know of any useful/practical power generation
products that have been produced as a result of that
open source project. Maybe they are inching their way
forward like so many other devices in this fledgling field
of free energy, in general.

I do have a lot of admiration for John and Peter and
Aaron. But I don't appreciate their implying that the
plans I have posted eight years ago were not at all
"authorized" nor "complete." I hope they will consider
rephrasing that.

Having got that off my chest, I now see the following
statement from Peter in a newsletter he sent out just
after I posted the above story:
...For the first time, a real "do-it-yourself" handbook is being
released on how to build a small model of what is called the
"Bedini SG". This is a device that runs from one battery and
charges another battery.

John Bedini has built models that I have personally seen run
for months without depleting the batteries, and we are
moving toward releasing the entire method. A complete set of
plans with a parts list and recommended suppliers is included.

Pre-assembled Kit Models are also available that have been
tested by independent testers to charge the second battery at
least 25% faster than the front battery runs down. This is the
beginning of a "stand alone" battery charging system that you
can learn how to build yourself.

Proceeds from the sale of these manuals will go to support
John Bedini's research and the further release of more
advanced information in the near future.
The following should be noted about this
The plans as they stand, apparently, are not the
complete set that will accomplish the continual running
arrangement that Peter said he personally witnessed.
Note the wording "and we are moving toward releasing
the entire method."
At best, as is, this system keeps itself running. Nothing
is said about useful energy left over. That's cool science,
but not practical for powering anything in a cost-
effective way.
Maybe, if the progress continues, the system might
morph into a way to charge batteries, using free
energy. That would be neat if 1) progress continues, 2)
the price and maintenance requirements are
reasonable. You can power a calculator by running a
wire from a tree or big rock to the ground, but that's
not practical.
Sorry to be the skeptic on this one. But given my history
with this technology, perhaps you can understand my
burnout on this -- eight years later.

# # #
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Directory:Bedini SG:Introduction
You are here: PES Network > PESWiki > Directory > Bedini School
Girl > Introduction

Introduction to John Bedini's "School Girl Radiant Energy Circuit and

1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
1.2 Preface
1.3 Biographical Snapshots
1.3.1 Peter Lindemann
1.3.2 Gary Bedini
2 See also
Radiant Energy
is free, everywhere present, and an inexhaustible fuel source.
Bedini and Lindemann have built scores of working iterations of this
patented circuit, including a solid state version. Approximately ten of
these demo units were witnessed in person by four PES Network Inc
personnel, including an Electrical Engineer from PES Network. PES
Network is now in process of replicating some of those circuits for the
purpose of additional independent validation and testing.
The plans here are a modification of the "school girl" design posted
elsewhere. The plans posted here are from a modification of that
design introduced by Bedini and Lindemann the day prior to the first
visit by PES Network personnel in Sept. 2004. This iteration
eliminates the 4-way bridge and capacitor, and replaces it with just
one 1000 V diode. Click here for explanation of additional
"School Girl" : In honor of a ten-year-old girl who built the Bedini
patent circuit (in 2001) and demonstrated it at a school science fair,
winning all honors at the fair. The device ran for five days, including
through the night, continuous.
refers to the fact that the magnets just face one direction (in contrast
to being alternate N, S). The coil nominally sees just one polarity.
Input / Output
Electrical output is not the product of gain here. Measured electrical
output is about 30% of input. However, the input battery performance
v. output battery is roughly 1:3 to 1:4.
The measured volts - amps in is ___. The measured volts - amps out
is ___. The input battery control (same make/model, new, as battery
running motor) produces ___ amount of output energy under the
same load conditions as the charged output batteries.
Batteries conditioned by this charging array 1) last longer, 2) output
their energy for a longer period of time, 3) do not heat upon charging,
4) are refurbished.
Estimated Cost of Materials
Could be as cheap as free, depending on how many parts can be
rummaged from junk or spare parts. Purchased new, the components
might run around $110.00.
Sourcing Materials
Components are ubiquitous. Most everything can be obtained from a
local Radio Shack. A kit will follow after the plans are shown to be
Estimated Time of Assembly
Building the frame from scratch, to hold the wheel in position is the
most time-consuming part of the project (roughly 2-8 hours,
depending on skill and adequacy of tools). Affixing magnets takes
between 1-2 hours. Winding coil may take about an hour. Soldering
the circuit may take 1-2 hours. These times will vary widely,
depending on the person's skills and resources.
A New Generation of Scientists
Nikola Tesla's Radiant Energy technology is outside of the realm of
the comprehension of most people in our generation. However, this is
not because it is difficult to understand so much as it is because its
promotion has been impeded for over 100 years by the powers that
be, and the education system does not teach some of the basic
principles upon which this science is founded. Combine that with a
healthy mental block, and you have the reason why very few people
have ventured into this new science, and why yet again fewer have
obtained successful results -- and why those who are successful are
marginalized as having no credibility.
If only there could be a simple experimental procedure that even
junior high school students could do to demonstrate the effect, then
the overwhelming blockage that has stymied this technology could
begin to evaporate.
That is what we believe this experiment project can accomplish. The
plans are simple enough, and the components inexpensive enough,
that even the most meager junior high school budget could afford it
with a high school student directing it -- and hence understand it,
beginning a new generation of students that are raised with Tesla
technology as an integral part of their core scientific paradigm.

Ramifications for Practical Electricity Generation
Once a number of people have successfully build this simple proof of
concept, and understand the principle behind the technology, the
logical next step will be the emergence of scaled versions for
practical applications, ranging from cell phone charging to municipal
power generation -- with radiant energy as the free, everywhere
present, and inexhaustible fuel source.
Telsa, who invented A.C. power, radio, radar and X-ray, has been
called the "inventor of the 20th century," because his inventions have
been so integral to the infrastructure of modern society. Yet he hardly
gets a footnote in our children's textbooks. Maybe this project can
help turn that around, helping Tesla to become the "Father of Free
Energy" in the 21st century.

Biographical Snapshots
PowerPedia:John Bedini - natural at circuits, famous in audio
Peter Lindemann
Directory:Peter Lindemann - 30 years in free energy, a pillar in the
research community.
Lindemann and Bedini joined forces about a year ago. The
synergistic union has been fruitful.
Gary Bedini
John's brother is the business manager of Bedini Technologies Inc.,
and ably handles the business end of their affairs. He has a
Rottweiler temperament in his protection of the two inventors and
their work.

See also

Directory:Bedini SG:Plans
You are here: PES Network > PESWiki > Directory > Bedini School
Girl > Plans

Plans for John Bedini's "School Girl Radiant Energy Circuit and

1 Plans
1.1 "Official"
1.2 Full Assembly
1.2.1 Photo of Bedini's Original
1.3 Circuit Schematic
1.4 Materials
1.5 Assembly Instructions
1.6 Operation
1.7 Variations
1.7.1 More Coils
2 See also

Featured: Electromagnetic > Bedini SG > Plans >
Bedini SG Intermediate Handbook Launched - Peter Lindemann and
Aaron Murakami's latest ebook "goes deeper into the Bedini SG
energizer technology and shows you a bunch of John Bedini's
*SPECIAL TRICKS* for boosting the output even more, which even
includes Nikola Tesla's "Method of Conversion". (PureEnergyBlog;
March 26, 2013)

Featured: Batteries > Rejuvenation / Electromagnetic > Bedini SG > Plans >
Bedini SG "Authorized" Beginner's Handbook
Posted -- Not First - Peter Lindemann and Aaron Murakami's
latest ebook features John Bedini's famous "School Girl Motor",
named for its simplicity. However, this is not the first such
compilation. Nor is it a clear demonstration of "free energy", though it
does illustrate some very interesting principles. (PESN; November
27, 2011)

Full Assembly
Photos, drawings, video, animations.
Photo of Bedini's Original

(click here for enlaraged photo)
Photo of working, "Simplified Bedini School Girl", Sept. 24, 2004,
from which the plans presented on this site are derived.
Differences between this photo and the plans on this site are as
The device in the photo has its shaft fixed (rather than rotating on the
axle as a usual bike wheel) so that its output torque can be
assessed. The automotive fan is attached to illustrate the torque
output. The torque is a function of (a) strength of magnets, (b)
number of coil/circuit assemblies arranged in synchrony {so they fire
at the same time}, (c) voltage input. In this simplified plan
presentation, we are focusing not on the torque but on the output
charging the battery through the circuit -- to verify if this is indeed
tapping some external energy field, i.e. radiant energy.
The device in the photo still has a capacitor affixed to the stand, but
the capacitor is not hooked up to the circuit. It is left over from an
earlier iteration using the same device.
The device in the photo used to also have a four-way bridge, which
was hooked to the capacitor. That has been replaced by a 1000-V
diode (shown in photo).
The device in the photo shows three wires on the coil. That is also an
artifact of a previous iteration. The present design calls for just two
wires on the coil, wrapped at the same time parallel to each other the
entire distance.
Circuit Schematic
Click here for Schematic page - Sketch by John Bedini and cleaned
up by Shelton. Also includes a photo with numbered components.

Materials List page - Complete; includes specifications, quantity
needed, tolerances, and brief sourcing information.

click here for full listing
Assembly Instructions
Assembly Instructions page - Includes tips on where the latitude is,
and what needs to be kept to specs.
Operating Instructions - How to run the device, collect the energy,
and cycle the energy.
(In addition to the windows of tolerance mentioned above).
More Coils
More coils can be added around the perimeter of the wheel.
If there is more than one coil, then the magnets need to be equally
spaced around the perimeter of the wheel because the coils need to
fire at the same time. This is important, but does not require absolute
precision. The window of tolerance is much smaller, however, for this
matter. Multi-coil units need to all fire at the same time. The fields
need to be expanding and collapsing in synchrony or they will
interfere with one another.
Number of turns of wire does not need to be identical from one coil to
the next. The window of tolerance is wide here.
See also
Materials list
Assembly Instructions

Directory:Bedini SG:Materials
You are here: PES Network > PESWiki > Directory > Bedini School
Girl > Materials List

THIS PAGE IS LOCKED FROM EDITING. If you have a change to
recommend, do so through the "discussion" link at the top of the

Materials List for John Bedini's Simplified 'School Girl' Motor and
Battery Energizer

Materials needed, tolerances, sourcing.
1 Worldwide Sourcing
1.1 Australia
1.2 Europe
2 Materials List
2.1 Alligator Clips
2.2 Batteries, Rechargeable
2.3 Bicycle Wheel Rim -- Or Other Rotor Device
2.4 Coil Spool
2.5 Diode
2.6 Diode, 1000 Volt
2.7 Heat Sink
2.8 Magnet Core (Welding Rod)
2.9 Magnet Wire for Coil Winding
2.10 Magnet Wire for Trigger Coil Winding
2.11 Magnets
2.12 Neon Lamps
2.13 Resistor
2.14 Super Glue
2.15 Tape
2.16 Transistor
2.17 Wood (Stand)
3 Tools Needed
4 Contacts
4.1 Digikey
4.2 Radio Shack
5 See also
Worldwide Sourcing
This page focuses on U.S.-based sourcing along with item
descriptions and tolerances. Other pages with regional sourcing
information are linked in this section.
If your region is not listed, and you are compiling sourcing
infromation, feel free to create a regional page using this template
Australian Sourcing for Bedini SG
European Sourcing for Bedini SG
Materials List
The following is the list of materials required to replicate the Bedini
School Girl circuit and motor as presented in this directory.
Parts, listed alphabetically.
Alligator Clips

To connect batteries to circuit.
Wires need to be larger than #20; clips need to be rated for at least 5
Amps. at least 12" recommended.
wide range, with the above minimums in mind, especially the wire
and clip ratings.
At least four. A dozen recommended for experimental variations (e.g.
hooking up output batteries in parallel).
(local hardware store should have these)
recommended > Minute Man Electronics Jumper Wire Test Leads -
"Heavy Duty 36" Jumper Cable Set Philmore # SA45" is just the
ticket with five wires of 20 guage, with alligator clips on both ends,
36" inches long, five colors; just $5.79. Minimum order: $10.00.
Digikey catalogue page on aligator clips - just the clips, no wires.
MGElectronics minimum order 100, but this is just the ticket if it can
be found in smaller quantities.
Froogle > "alligator clips"
Estimated price
less than $7.00 for set of five.
Batteries, Rechargeable
Running the circuit-motor, and receiving a charge from the circuit
(input and output need to be from/to different batteries; closed loop
will not work).
6 to 24-volt batteries. 12-volt lead acid, gel cell recommended.
Comment by Sterling, Oct. 15. I blew two transistors using a 12-volt
tractor battery. This probably was because I only had 425 turns on
my coil and there wasn't enough of an inductance match. Others
have successfully used 12Vs.
At least two: one for input, one for receiving charge. More
recommended for experimental options. (1) Control. An identical
battery to the input battery should be obtained for a control -- to test
the discharge parameters of a battery independent of the circuit
under the same discharge parameters being put to the input battery
for characterization. (2) Additional batteries of the same voltage and
impedance can be added to the output in parallel (e.g. to graphically
demonstrate more output than input). This is the widest and most
crucial variable in the system. Plan ahead the experiment you want to
run before purchasing.
The voltage of the batteries is not crucial, and can be somewhere in
the range of 6 to 24 volts for this particular circuit/motor.
However, the input and output batteries need to be matched in their
voltage and impedance (size). There can be more than one battery
on the receiving end, connected in parallel, of a matched voltage and
impedance (size) of the input battery. For your first replication of this ,
you will want to use new batteries so that bad batteries will not be a
possible reasons for malfunction of the circuit. Not all rechargeables
are suitable for receiving charge from this set-up. Lead acid
- BATT SEALED LEAD ACID 6V 4.2AH by Panasonic LC-
R064R2P Digikey part number P164-ND; $8.66 each; $7.87 for 10;
$7.09 for 24. (OBSOLETE; Jan. 26, 2005, these will no longer be
- BATT SEALED LEAD ACID 12V 12.0AH by Panasonic LC- part number P230-ND $34.34 each. - 10% off entire selection with coupon code: SS10 at
Estimated Cost
$5 (or even free if you rummage) to $75 USD each, depending on
Battery Care
It will be important for you to know your batteries' optimal operating
parameters form their manufacturer or other competent rating
service so that you do not damage them by charging or discharging
too fast or too high/low. As long as you are using the Bedini School
Girl circuit to charge your batteries, you will not need to worry about
speed or level of charging. But if you use another apparatus to
charge your battery, you will need to know your batteries' charging
parameters. If your input and output batteries are matched in voltage
rating and impedance (size) the circuit inherently balances the
charging rate to a level that is not only safe but even beneficial to the
receiving battery. Overcharge is not nearly the concern with the
Bedini School Girl circuit as it is with other chargers. Batteries
actually perform better under frequent use with the Bedini School Girl
circuit, than if you let a few days pass between uses.
See Battery Characteristics index of resources
Bicycle Wheel Rim -- Or Other Rotor Device

Non-magnetic wheel rim
To cycle the magnets past the coil in repeated motion.
24-inch diameter would be fine. Bearings should be in good shape.
Rotation should be fairly straight. Make sure the rim is non-magnetic.
+ / - 10 inches in the diameter (not crucial at all). Doesn't have to be
bicycle wheel. Any non-magnetic rotating wheel of similar size and
weight should work. These plans are for a 24-inch rim. If you go
smaller or large than this, you will need to adjust the number of
magnets accordingly so that the spacing is approximately the same
distance as on the 24-inch specified plans. You might want to source
your wheel before purchasing magnets so you know how many
magnets to get. Also, if you want to have your shaft coming from the
wheel to convey the torque of the wheel, you will need to configure
an alternative bearing system.
Source & Price
Free (should be able to rummage one from junk, yard sale, thrift
store, bike repair shop, etc.) Take a magnet of some kind with you to
make sure the rim is non-magnetic.
Try Northern Industrial Tools Poly Wheel and TireFor Garden Carts -
20 inch wheel with 5 spokes and rim of rugged, impact-resistant
white polypropylene. Aluminum alloy hub has 1/2in. ball bearing bore
to fit 1/2 in. axle. $19.99 sale price. Note, this wheel might not have
the same smooth bearings that can be found in a mountain bike
wheel, for example.
Other rotor devices used successfully: - CD ROM drive mechanism, -
target board; - Child's bike wheel (plastic). Use your imagination.
Coil Spool

To wind the parallel lengths of magnetic wire around to (1) create an
electromagnet to pump the magnets on the wheel and (2) receive
pulses of energy from the magnets for the receiving battery.
plastic, 3 inch diam. by 3 inches long, with 3/4 inch center opening.
opening needs to be +/- 20%. Length of spool can be +/- 40%.
Material needs to be non-metallic, non-magnetic, and adequately
Radio Shack spool for speaker or soldering wire will work. Remove
wire from spool. ~$3.00 for spool with speaker wire. Solder Spools (without solder) - In stock: 3.5"
diam flange x 3" transverse x 3/4" bore opening. $0.20 each, $200
minimum order. Will send one free sample.
Contact: Pittsfield Plastics Engineering Inc., Precision Spools
PO Box 1246; Pittsfield, MA 01202
Tel: (413) 442 - 0067; Fax: (413) 445 -7849

recommended: 1N4001; 1 A, 50 V
(some models have used the 1N914)
50-300 volt range; low power, fast silicon diode
See part number 1N4001MSTR-ND
Estimated cost
less than $0.50 each
Diode, 1000 Volt

Assure one-way flow of energy from circuit to receiving battery.
1N4007 (1000 Volt; 1 Amp) [A sister component to resistor 1N4001]
High volt rating very important; a lower Amp rating may work.
See part number 1N4007MSTR-ND
Estimated cost
less than $0.50 each
Heat Sink

Sample scrap of aluminum that could be used as a heat sink.
Dissipate heat from transistor. (Ratings of transistor should be
adequate for circuit, and no heating result. This is a precautionary
4" x 4" x 1/16" aluminum plate
Size not crucial; probably shouldn't be too much smaller than the
above dimensions.
local recycler or junk yard.
NAPA part number BK 735-4369 is a fuel pump block-off plate made
of aluminum, and is about of the dimensions above, and should work
just fine. approx. $4.99.
Estimated Price
free, or nominal.
Magnet Core (Welding Rod)

Electromagnet core material to propel magnets along as it is pulsed
by the circuit.
Welding rod; 0.042" inch diameter copper coated steel rod. 3 foot
lengths. (will be cut to length of the coil spool
Get 3-5 lbs. (around 10 rods of 3 feet each).
Rough cut okay. Diameter not crucial, could be smaller by 50% or
larger by 100%.
Available at your local welding supply store (such as Oxyarc) or
hardware store (such as True Value or Ace). Try also an auto parts
Estimated Price
$0.60 per rod.
The thicker the rod, the harder it is to cut. You're going to be cutting a
lot to fill the spool hole.
Magnet Wire for Coil Winding

Is wound parallel to the #23 magnet wire. The purpose of the #20
guage is to pass current from the input battery into the coil to create
an electromagnet to pump the magnets on the wheel.
#20 wire, coated. Can't have splices.
#20 gauge or larger (smaller number). Don't go smaller than #20, or
more than 100% larger.
one length (450 900 turns is about 175 350 feet.)
McMaster-Carr, p. 715 (scroll down to "magnet wire"). example: 22
awg, 1500 ft/spool for $20.00. 20 awg available in 900 foot spool.
(PowerWerx 20# ProdID=2106 - 157 feet; $8.95(not long enough; will
work, but not with larger voltages/impedences in the input batteries)
(Marlin P. Jones & Associates 20 AWG MAGNET WIRE; stock #7255
WI - 150ft; 1/2 lb. $8.95(not long enough; will work, but not with larger
voltages/impedences in the input batteries)
Froogle > "magnet wire"
ThomasNet directory of magnet wire suppliers
Try eBay
Resources explanation of purpose and parameters of magnet wire
Magnet Wire for Trigger Coil Winding

Is wound parallel to the #20 magnet wire. The #23 guage magnet
wire receives pulses of energy from the magnets for the receiving
#23 wire, coated. Can't have splices. Copper with high voltage
#23 gauge or larger. #20 guage will work fine. Don't go smaller than
#23, or more than 100% larger.
one length (450 900 turns is about 175 350 feet.)
See above.

Affixed to wheel to pass by the coil to both (1) receive a magnetic
pulse from the input battery to propel it along and (2) infuse a pulse
into the receiving winding to pass energy into the receiving battery.
Ceramic 5; dimensions: 1" x 2" x 3/8" inches.
16 for a 24-inch wheel. Get some extra in case of breakage. You also
might consider one or two for a control, to measure Gauss before
and after experimental runs.
Must be ceramic (strontium ferrite). Number of magnets is not
essential, though an even number and even spacing will be
necessary if you wish to try and add more coil/circuits later.
Magnet Sales & Manufacturing Inc. - part number 21989; Ceramic 5,
standard dimensions: 1.875 x .875 x .387 inches, 150,000 in stock ;
$1.60 each for 20; $0.74 each for 200. $250 minimum. For smaller
orders contact their authorized distributor: Culver City Industrial
Hardware 310-398-1251. $1.99 each for 20; and $0.89 each for 200. Part #MA740 - $2.86 each for minimum
purchase of 18 magnets. 240 in stock as of Sept. 28, 2004; 2 weeks
lead time when out.
AZ Magnets - 2-3 week lead time; $8.82 each for 17 magnets. Price
goes down to $2.50 for 160 magnets. (as of Sept. 28, 2004)
Radio Shack; Catalog #: 64-1877 - 1-7/8x7/8x3/8" specs According
to tech support, for these magnets, they do not give rating (e.g.
"Ceramic 5"). $1.29 each.
International shipping
Ceramic Magnets
Neon Lamps

The lamp provides a path for the output energy in case the receiving
battery is disconnected while the motor is running. This prevents
burn-out of the transistor. The light should not go on unless the
output battery is disconnected.
Chicago Miniature Neon Base Wire Terminal T-2 65VAC .6mA NE-2
(??) 90 Volt DC neon bulb (??)
Make & Model
A1A by Chicago Miniature (definite)
See also Lumex P/N GT-NE3S1025T, Free sample
Source part number 606-A1A Estimated Factory Lead Time: 1
Estimated Price
$0.38 USD each.

Varying the resistance is the "volume/speed" control for this device.
680 Ohms should work well for this particular arrangement.
47 ohms to 20k ohms; 1/2 W to 2 W. See Resistance
specifications page.
one, for bare minimum, but if you want to be able to tune your device,
you should get one 47 ohms resistor and one 10k ohms
potentiometer to connect in series.
Sourcing part number 680W-2-ND - includes component spec
Radio Shack has a wide range of resistors and potentiometers.
Estimated Price
$0.23 USD each. Usually come packaged in 5 or 10. Potentiometers
run around $3.00.
Super Glue
(1) for attaching the transistor to the aluminum heat sink; (2) for
securing the welding rods inside the spool to serve as a core.
standard super glue
will need quite a bit to secure all the welding rods (e.g. four tubes of 3
Any adequate glue will do. Tape can be used in some placed.
(most hardware stores and grocery stores should have it)
3 gm Super Glue Adhesive $0.95 each

For second level of adhesion of magnets to wheel (beyond just glue).
Also to maintain wires to prevent snagging.
One-sided, preferably electric tape or duct tape.
Any tape that is adequately sticky and non-magnetic.
Enough for the circumference of your wheel plus a little for overlap
and do-over.
Most any store.
UU77 $1.09 / roll; $0.20 / 10 rolls.

2N3055 Transistor, 100V, TO-3 case; fully metal
Don't monkey with this one. Get the exact component called.
One, for the circuit. Several extra in case you burn one up.
See part number 2N3055OS-ND (View spec sheet)
Estimated Cost
$2.10 USD each
Wood (Stand)
to hold the wheel steady, and to fasten the circuit and hold the coil.
plywood or solid wood
one sheet approximately 3' x 2' feet square by ~3/4" inch thick (to be
cut into three pieces -- two for uprights and one for base)
two lengths of 2" x 6" or larger of about 6 inches long (to hold coil and
stabilize uprights)
any non-magnetic material of size and thickness adequate to hold
the wheel
available anywhere; try any construction site or do-it-yourself friend's
garage; or junk yard. Last resort, try lumber yard or hardware store.
Estimated Price
free, from scrap pile (any construction site); or $17.00 for new 4' x 8'
sheet of particle board; $3.00 for new six-foot 2" x 4".
Tools Needed
Wire cutter.
Something to cut the welding rods to length (may want to use cutter
available where you purchased the rods).
Something to fabricate the stand for the wheel. (e.g. jig saw to cut
Soldering gun and solder.
Metal drill to put hole in aluminum heat sink to fasten circuit to device.
Screw driver and 2-4 screws to screw heat sink to stand.
Paintbrush and paint or sealant, to apply paint or sealant to wood.
Skill Saw, to cut boards.
Drill, to wind wires on coil.

See also: Recommended Instrumentation for Experimentation on
Bedini SG
Digi-Key Corporation 701 Brooks Avenue South Thief River Falls,
MN 56701 USA
Phone: 800-344-4539 or 218-681-6674 Fax: 218-681-3380

Radio Shack
1-800-THE-SHACK (1-800-843-7422)

See also
Recommended Instrumentation and Tools
Assembly Instructions
Operating Instructions
Directory:Bedini SG:Schematic
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THIS PAGE IS LOCKED FROM EDITING. If you have a change to recommend,
do so through the "discussion" link at the top of the page.

Schematic for John Bedini's "School Girl Radiant Energy Circuit and

1 Updated Schematic
1.1 Schematic by Bedini
1.2 Schematic by Sheldon
2 Analogous Circuit Photo
2.1 T. Cullen's Simplified Schematic
3 See also
Updated Schematic
Above schematic instructions are not totally accurate about tweeking with
the bulb but useful. Do not worry about paralleling the diodes, just make
D2 3W 1000V 1N5408. You can charge the batteries in parallel or
otherwise. Try and get 10 new or used Interstate 6v golf cart batteries.
Build as below but add the small bulb (LP1) and 1K pot (R1) in series with
the resistor (R2 which is now a 100 Ohm resistor or you can use 10 Ohm).
D1 can be 1N914. The neon bulb (NE-2) is simply one neon bulb. One
additional update is on the coil (T1). Cut 150 to 350 feet of each wire (same
length). You can use two #18 size wire at 150 feet instead. Instead of
winding two wires in parallel, twist the two wires like litz wires. For these
smaller size wires you can have 6 or more twists per inch. Just don't twist
too much or they will break. Then wind it as you would have the other
wires. Use the parts listed below and on this site. You can use the transitor
BD243C as found in John's patent in place of the one below. There are
more updates. See the Bedini_Monopole3 [1] list for details.
Schematic by Bedini
Bedini School Girl (Simplified) Schematic Sketched by John Bedini for this
project at Sept. 27,
Schematic on left corresponds to the photo below.
B = Base
C = Collector
E = Emitter
= 680 Ohms resistor
= 1N4001 Diode
= 1N4007 Diode
= Neon Bulb
= Run Battery
= Charge Battery
Schematic by Sheldon

Analogous Circuit Photo

Close-up image of an analogous circuit to the Bedini SG. This photo
corresponds to the circuit sketch above.
Transistor body is different than the 2N3055 called for in these plans.

Numbered Image

1 Solder junction (insulated base [same for 2,3,4]) joining (a) wire coming
from (+) battery "in" and (b) #20 magnetic wire to coil and then to collector
2 Solder junction joining (a) wire coming from (-) battery "in" and (b)
emitter and (c) Diode 1N4001 and (e) #23 magnetic wire going to coil then
resistor then base.
3 Resistor 680 Ohms, between (a) Base/Diode1N4001 and (b) #23 magnet
wire going to coil then emitter.
4 Solder junction joining (a) diode {19} (1N4007) and (b) wire to battery
receiving charge.
5 Insulated wire coming from (+) battery "in"
6 #20 magnetic wire from (+) battery "in" to coil and then to collector
7 Insulated wire coming from (-) battery "in"
8 #23 magnet wire coming from emitter to coil to resistor.
9 Wire connecting 1N4001 diode to junction {2}
10 Transistor emitter, connected to junction {2}
12 Wire connecting 1N4001 diode to (a) base and (b) resistor {3}.
13 Transistor base: connected to resistor and diode 1N4001
14 Resistor connected to #23 magnet wire going to coil then to emitter.
15 from resistor to #23 magnet wire to coil to emitter
16 #20 magnet wire (per Bedini SG specs) from transistor's "collector" lead
17 connection of transistor's "collector" lead to wire to Diode 19 and to
#20 magnet wire 16 to coil to input battery's positive lead
18 wire from transistor's "collector" lead to Diode 19
19 1N4007 Diode 1000V
20 Insulated wire to positive terminal of battery receiving charge
21 Transistor (Different one in this photo than is called in these plans)
22 Aluminum plate heat sink
23 Neon bulb, between collector and emitter. (not shown in picture, nor
schematic, but that is where it goes, and that is where it is situated on the
school girl simplified demonstrated in Bedini's shop).
T. Cullen's Simplified Schematic
while this schematic is functional, we have since learned of John Bedini's
recommendation to make the connections as short as possible, especially
the diode between the base and the emitter of the transistor.

The simplified Bedini SG circuit layout by T. Cullen of PES Network Inc.
Lays out the diodes, resistor, and neon bulb in a line for easy access and

Bare Bones of T. Cullen's Bedini SG circuit system.

Directory:Bedini SG:Assembly
You are here: PES Network > PESWiki > Directory > Bedini School
Girl > Assembly Instructions

Assembly Instructions for J ohn Bedini's "School Girl Radiant
Energy Circuit and Motor"
The materials list is complete, as is the schematic page. Combined
with the following information, enough information is presented to
replicate the design. Several people now have
successfullyreplicated this device.

1 Assembly
1.1 Building the Frame
1.2 Fastening Magnets to Wheel
1.3 Winding the Coils
1.4 Filling Core
1.5 Soldering the Circuit
1.6 Battery Tips
1.6.1 Connecting the Batteries
1.7 Adjusting Resistance
1.8 One 1N4007 to Each Battery in Bank
2 Instruction Additions
2.1 Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2004
3 Cautions
4 See also
Building the Frame
Stand needs to have stability front-back, left-right.
Rotor shouldn't have much resistance in its turning, and needs to be
made of non-magnetic material.
Plan for ~1/8 inch gap or less between the coil spool and the wheel
with magnets glued and taped.
Frame material should be non-magnetic, but some metal can be
You may want to be able to increase or decrease the distance
between the wheel and the spool, for experimental variable
Direction of rotation does not have to be perpendicular to coil, but
can be at 90 degrees as well.
Fastening Magnets to Wheel
Use a compass to determine "N" the north end of your magnets. The
Earth's North Pole is magnetically south, so the "north" end of your
compass will be attracted to the "south" end of your magnet. (ref)
North faces out -- toward the coil.
Label your magnets.
All magnets face the same direction (north out).
Magnet spacing does not need to be uniform unless you are going to
attempt more than one coil.
Determine an equal spacing for the magnets about the perimeter of
the wheel and mark where they should go. This is not crucial to
proper operation with one coil, but if you want to later add more coils
(each with a separate circuit), symmetrical spacing will be important
for symmetrical firing. If your wheel diameter is more or less than the
~24 inches called in these plans, adjust the number of magnets
accordingly to be within the same range of spacing between
magnets. You don't want to get your magnets much closer than 1.5 -
2 widths apart.
If you wish to use more than one coil, each coil will need it's own
complete circuit. All coils will need to fire in unison, so the magnet
spacing will need to be uniform. Spacing between magnets should
not be less than 1.5 - 2 magnet widths (whichever way you have
them oriented).
Use super glue and/or tape (or rubber bands, or ...) to affix the
Winding the Coils
"Fill the spool." Approximately 450 900 turns.
Wind the two wires on the coil together.
It is very important that the two wires be next to each other the entire
distance of the winding.
Arrangement of the winding is not crucial. There is no pattern
required. Symmetry is not required. Think fishing spool or kite spool,
and you'll be fine. The window of tolerance is very wide here.
You might use a drill to spin the spool. A chordless drill generally can
turn slower, making it easier to count turns and to make sure the two
wires are wound parallel the whole distance.
John says the Exact number of turns on the coil is not crucial. Close
is adequate. The window of tolerance is quite wide here. However,
an exact count will be necessary for scientific rigor in documenting
and reproducing.
Keep track of input output pairs.
Counting visually is nerve-wracking and prone to error. Use an
audible trigger in winding (e.g. a clacker on the spool). Alternatively,
you might affix tape to both ends of spool, protruding outward around
1/2 inch. This will hit your hand as the spool turns, helping you to
count turns.
Filling Core
Be sure to have the side that will be facing the magnets flush with the
top of the spool so you can spin your magnets close to the spool
without hitting a rod in the core.
You might drill a 1" inch hole in your base around 1/2 inch deep for
the other side of the core to protrude into, so you don't have to cut
your rods short.
Use glue on each rod to keep it from moving.
Tap the last few rods in with some light object until you can't fit any
Soldering the Circuit
Try to keep all wires as short as possible.
Don't overheat your diodes, resistor, or transistor when soldering.
If you don't know how to solder, you could use wire nuts or even
nuts/bolts to secure your connections.
Make sure the circuit works before soldering the connections.
Alligator clips can be be used to hold things in place until you solidify
A little 9-V battery can be used to test the circuit. (Sterling's
John keeps the wires in his circuit as short as possible, going nearly
to the quick when fastening his diodes to the transistor. The circuit
will work with the wires being longer, but he says it works better when
they are short.
Also, be sure to use a heavy guage wire when connecting your
batteries in parallel or series.
Battery Tips
In functional application, you should not draw power from the same
battery that is presently being charged. You should have one bank of
batteries under charge, and another for discharge, and then switch
between them.
See Battery Characteristics
Connecting the Batteries

Once your system is confirmed running, you will want to beef up your
connections to optimize the effect. Use a heavy guage wire and
terminal connectors with crimping.
The above photo shows a set-up for rotation of batteries from the
back end to the front, allowing for single battery charging (fresh from
the front) while that battery comes up the same voltage as the bank
of batteries, so they can then be connected in parallel.
Adjusting Resistance
Sterling uses the following set-up to adjust the resistance on the
circuit. Note that the arrangement includes a switch to enable meter
readings without extended disconnection of the circuit. Depending on
how responsive the meter is, the circuit is interrupted for maybe one
or two seconds using this method.

The 25 Ohm resistors give a fine-tuning capability. The bread board
enables hard resistor plug-in to the appropriate range desired. The
5k Ohm potentiometer enables a wide berth of tuning.
Note, the 5k ohm potentiometer tends to be unstable in how it holds
the resistance. If you wish to lock into a particular resistance, you
should consider hard wiring the hard resistors into the bread board
and bypassing the 5K potentiometer.
One 1N4007 to Each Battery in Bank
Dec. 9,
Peter and John recommend that we set up our 1:4 battery
arrangement as follows:
to isolate each of the batteries in the back-end charging bank.
in addition to the 1N4007 diode coming from the circuit to the
batteries positive terminal, branch off to each battery with a 1N4007
diode so that they see the circuit independently.
Harlan tried omitting the diode coming from the circuit, just using one
going to each battery, and that did not work.
the worst battery in the set does not become the weak link in the
no need to stop the circuit when rotating batteries
no need to have the bank standing idle discharging while the battery
from the input comes up to charge
when the input battery discharges, the battery with the highest
charge from the bank (not necessarily the one that has been there
the longest), can be brought to the front end to run the circuit
There is another trick that John will disclose to us in due time.
Instruction Additions
Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2004
Tuning Tips - John gives several tips on how to optimize the Bedini
SG, from how to tune in the base resistor, to wire gauge
modifications. He would like to see us get to the point that we can run
a 500 W inverter.
Doesn't work for Sterling - I implemented most of John Bedini's
recent suggestions. Does not reveal over unity, though the solid state
test looked at first like it was going to. (Jan. 3, 2004)
CAUTIONS - Dangers associated with this project are mainly with the
batteries, but also with wheel rotation and soldering. Be sure you
understand the risks and that you take necessary precautions.
While this design can deliver some good shocks, they are not of a
dangerous level.
If the neon bulb is not in place, the transistor is likely to burn out if the
device is run without a receptacle for the radiant energy (e.g. a
receiving battery). The neon bulb absorbs the excess output energy
and serves similar to a shock absorber or fuse (though nothing is
"tripped" and has to be reset).
See also
Operating Instructions
John and Peter's Coaching - Index created to keep track of the
various coaching comments John Bedini and his associate, Peter
Lindemann, have provided.
Materials List
Assembly Variations

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Directory:Bedini SG:Replications
You are here: PES Network > PESWiki > Directory > Bedini School
Girl > Replications

Replications of J ohn Bedini's "School Girl Radiant Energy
Circuit and Motor"
1 Original
2 Replications Completed
2.1 Related Replications
2.2 To Newcomers
2.3 Variants
3 Replications Under Way
3.1 Things to Include in Your Report
4 See also

John Bedini and Peter Lindemann built a device in Sept. 2004 from
which these plans are derived. Four PES Network Inc personnel saw
the device in operation, along with about a dozen other similar
iterations of the Bedini Circuit.

Replications Completed
"ASE Master Mechanic Jeff Williams
from and shows you how to build your own Bedini motor with easy
step by step instructions. Enjoy" (YouTube; Jan 15, 2010)

Replication by Sterling Allan - Completed Oct. 9, 2004 and has
been running experiments nearly continously since that time.
Index of Experiments and Data by Sterling Allan - discovered a solid
state (no moving parts) resonance window.

Susan Carter's Replication - Achieved rotation Oct. 11, 2004.
Video, photos, and data pending.

T. Cullen's Replications - Has made 5 Bedini motors so far.

Gerhard Flemming's Replication - Uses a target board for the rotor
and PVC pipe for frame. Achieved rotation Oct. 13, 2004.

Rick Reynolds replication - successfully built Oct. 17, 2004.
Horizontal version.

Bonfirebuddhist Replicates Bedini SG - Hit solid state resonance
right off, without realize that is what he did. Couldn't get wheel to
turn, yet the squealing sound results in output batteries being
charged. (Oct. 24, 2004)

Jim Siwek's SG Replication - Achieved rotation, currently
supercharging batteries in preparation of unity experiments.

Rick Friedrich's Replication of the Bedini SG - accomplished Nov.
8, 2004 using CD drive for bearings and CDs to hold magnets. Has
made about 10 Bedini machines so far and has experienced what
John said would happen with them. He is now directing the public
email discussion about these machines.

Jack Welch's SG - My S.G.has been running for two weeks.It is a
learning experience.I have some experiece being a for 40
yrs.I think the areas to look into is better cores and a radient energy
collector. (Nov. 15)

Marcus' Replication - Commenced Nov. 19. Novel approach to kick
starting solid state; measuring radiant spike.

Emmet Claims OU in Bedini SG - Says he has achieved over unity
with several configurations since the third week of November. In
process of conveying details.
Pakis' Replication - Using solid state resonant mode since
accomodations don't have room for wheel. Toying with LI batteries

MCharley's Replication - First accomplished Nov. 28. Two builds.

"Oneness" 's replication - Many successful replications, One with
rollerblade wheel,rare earth magnets, and and single coil and a
second one using two coils and one rollerblade wheel.First reported
Dec. 5, 2004 updated 4/29/06

Replication by Richard - Has been wanting to build a Bedini for a
year. Success on Christmas eve. Slight modification from plans.
Walter's Bedini SG Replication - 16-year-old from Argentina
achieves rotation on Dec. 31, 2004 using Used a CD drive as a shaft
and a CD as a wheel.
Atlantis' Replication - three iterations.
Robert Claypool - reported on Jan. 4, 2005, that he replicated the
Bedini SG via a laptop (?). On Sept. 9, 2007, User:Hackwrench says

"Zanadu"s replication of the Bedini SG - Data collection
commencing. Photos posted. (April 10, 2005)

Kevin Roberts's replication of the Bedini Simplified SG (June 8,

Ken's Replication of the Bedini SG - Using VCR head as rotor.
(Aug. 3, 2005)

Erwin Rem's replication of the Bedini Simplified SG - discovered
ambient electromagnet (August, 2008)

Replication by SSGUKRAINE - Completed at 23 October 2010 and
runs fast!

MORE (create a page to report your replication and data collection
Related Replications

Electromagnetic > Modified Bedini Cole Window motor - Mike
(HMM) has posted a demonstrated video of a device which quickly
became buzzed as "overunity," but he does not claim it to be such.
Complete instructions provided. Many researchers presently seeking
to replicate the effect.

To Newcomers
Welcome to Participants - Page created to orient project
newcomers in how to post their reports on this site.
"HS" Replication - Advanced form of Bedini SG. First reported Dec.
3, 2004

Monsieur Bonheur post photos - This is not a Bedini SG replication,
but a more advanced Bedini variant. Uses four coils. Prelim data
shows charging of receiving batteries. Completed Oct. 18, 2004.

Replications Under Way
Matt's replication of the Bedini SG - June 12, 2005
Ken's replication of the Bedini SG - August 3, 2005
Joe's replication of the Bedini SG - November 10, 2005
Phil Au's replication of the Bedini SG - November 25, 2005
Matthias Schmitt's replication of the Bedini SG - January 10, 2007
If you are replicating, feel free to post your progress here at PESWiki.
You can create your own page by typing the following in the address
or your browser:
You will then see a page that says that there are no contents for that
page. Click on "edit" and type away. Then preview and save. That's
Here's a template with content to get your page started.
Feel free to then link to that page from this one.
Here's a Template page for your Data presentation.
Feel free to help others present and organize their pages as well.
Things to Include in Your Report
The more of the following you can include, the better.
Stage of development (sourcing, building, collecting data, number of
Data from operation.
Components used (materials list, or how it varries from that
recommended here); approximate cost.
Battery specifics, deep cycle, quick charge, lead-acid, gell cell,
factory ratings....
Photos, video, diagrams.
Whether you are willing to let someone else come and view your
Recommendations for improvement, cautions.
Sources for components.
Theory of operation.
Out-of-the-ordinary Temperature Variations, or lack thereof.
Abstract and Conclusions
See also

SG:Replications:PES:Sterling Allan
Shortcut url for this page:
You are here: PES Network > PESWiki > Directory > Bedini
SG > Replications > PES > Sterling D. Allan

Sterling D. Allan's Replication of J ohn Bedini's Simplified
'School Girl' Motor-Energizer

Replication accomplished on Oct. 9, 2004. It was the first one built
based on the plans presented here. Experiments were run, and data
were collected for about three intense months. Others have taken the
experimentation further with their replications.
At the time, I did not have a way to quantitize the mechanical energy
of the wheel spinning, so I did not have a way to document the net
energy "in" versus the net energy "out". Others, including Rick
Friedrich and Peter Lindemann, who have experimented with this
system and taken such measurements claim that there is more
energy on the output side, than on the input side -- that this system is
indeed invisibly extracting energy from the environment somehow.
(SDA; July 31, 2007)

List of Experiments ran and data obtained by Sterling Allan, using
this set-up.

Video of Perendev Magnet Motor and Bedini Motor replication -
"I don't like the term perpetual-motion", says Sterling D. Allan.
Whatever you might call it, the Perendev & Bedini Motors that
Sterling brought to TeslaTech 2005 certainly caused a stir. (American
AntiGravity; Jan. 12, 2006) [video]
1 Highlights
2 Chronological Report
2.1 Tuesday, May 21, 2013
2.2 Previous Reports / Chronology
3 Coaching Input
4 Data
5 Set-up
5.1 Overview
5.1.1 Sept - Dec 2004
5.1.2 Dec 2004 - present
5.2 Photos, Videos
5.2.1 Videos
5.2.2 Photos Present Previous
5.3 Materials
5.3.1 Batteries
5.3.2 Auxiliary
6 See also
The output batteries charge at approximately the same rate at which
the input batteries discharge. I have charged Lead Acid, NiCd, and
NiMH batteries. I have noted that the Bedini SG-charged batteries
last longer than when charged by some other means. I'm in process
of documenting the difference (not high priority, as other
phenomenon have my interest).
I have achieved rotation speeds of from ~25 rpm to ~370 rpm (22"
diam wheel). The rough estimate of energy required to maintain the
wheel's rotation at 60 rpm is in the range of ~0.08 Watts.
Solid State Resonance Discovery
On Oct. 19, in Experiment 5.2, I accidentally discovered a way for the
circuit to run in solid state resonance, with no rotation of the wheel
required. I have subsequently documented the relationship between
ohms and amps and state of charge.
Balancing the Egg
On Dec. 29 I discovered a narrow rotation speed of 54.8 and 55.2 +/-
0.05 rpm at around 2.66 ohms base resistance (with 16.5" diam
wheel having 24 magnets) in which a solid state resonance that
occurs from 0 to 55.3 rpm "fights" with two stable rotation resonances
that begin to come into play from 54.8 rpm an up. From 55.0 rpm and
down, the wheel decelerates to zero if left alone. From 55.1 and up,
the wheel accelerates to the first stable rotation speed of 97.5 rpm
where it maintains indefinitely. If given a manual spin faster, the
second stable rotation speed is 191.3 rpm. In that narrow rotation
speed window of 54.8 and 55.2 +/- 0.05 rpm, which is very hard to
get to, a delicate balance point can be maintained like balancing an
egg on end. It got it to last for as long as 15 minutes without any
outside assist. Once it starts going one way or the other, it does so
rapidly. What is astonishing is that at the balance point, the input and
output amps measured (ahmmeter in series) jump all over the place,
not sinusoidally, but randomly.
Chronological Report
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Most of my activities are now being chronicled on my Experiments
and Data index page.
Previous Reports / Chronology
Chronology / Index of tests, modifications, reports of Sterling's
replication of the Bedini SG.
See also "Latest" Page for entire Bedini SG project.
Coaching Input
Peter Lindemann's Coaching of Sterling's Replication - Suggestions
about the Bedini "School Girl" (simplified) replication and experiment.

List of experiments run and data collected by Sterling Allan on this

I followed the materials, circuit, and instructions as set forth in this
Sept - Dec 2004
Wheel was 22" inch diam. rear mountain bike tire (non-metalic rim)
lined with 16 ceramic 5 magnets per spec.
My coil had ~425 windings of #20 and #22 magnet wire.
Dec 2004 - present
I am using a 16.5" inch diam. front bike tire (non-metalic rim) lined
with 24 ceramic 5 magnets per spec.
My coil has ~1095 windings of #19 magnet wire (bifiar winding).

Photos, Videos
Video with audio explanation (1 Mb avi) - shows motor running,
general layout.
Video showing the ringing effect (1.1Mb avi format) - Taken Oct. 17,
aroung 11:55 pm mdt -- before I realized this was a solid state
resonant effect.
As of Dec. 24, 2004 my wheel is 16.5" diameter and has 24 magnets
equally spaced around it.

Close-up of coil, with 1,290 turns of 19 gauge magnet wire.
Integrated to my replication as of Dec. 28, 2004.

Photos of device and data plot from Sterling's replication

22" wheel version
Essentially the same as described in materials page. Exact list

Ten 6V Panasonic-BSG 4.2Ah/20h sealed lead acid batteries part
number LC-R064R2P from Data
Sheet | photo | catalogue
NAPA #8221; 12-V ("lawn & garden" tractor battery); 165 CAA; 165
CA [8.25 Ah; C20- 0.413 amps]; Load Test Amps: 83 Amps; Reserve
Capacity: 17 Minutes
NAPA #7269-8D? Item#: NBR7269; 12-V, 1380 CA; 1155 CCA. Load
Test Amps: 578 Amps; Reserve Capacity: 400 Minutes. (Dead
battery from fire department used in their fire truck.)
This section needs more work, as there are many relevant items
being used not yet listed here.

BK Precision 600 Battery Capacity Analyzer (12V Storage Type
Only) click here for description
Multimeter by GB Instruments, GDT-11. Used to measure volts.
Multimeter by UNI-T, Model UT60A, with accuracy of three digits to
the right of the decimal point for current readings.
Optical/digital tachometer by (DT2234A)
25-Ohm Rheostat from Radio Shack. 3 W, wirewound variable
resistor, 20% tolerance. Part #271-265. $3.99.
75mA, 12-V Midget Screw-Base Lamp from Radio Shack, part 272-
1143. $1.35/two.
14 V, 200 mA, Screw-Base Lamp #1487; Radio Shack 272-1134.
Miniature Lamp Base from Radio Shack (for 75mA screw base bulb).
Part #272-358. $1.19 per 6-pack.
See also

Directory:Bedini SG:Theory
You are here: PES Network > PESWiki > Directory > Bedini School
Girl > Theory

Theory Behind J ohn Bedini's "School Girl Radiant Energy
Circuit and Motor"

1 Theory
1.1 Tidbits
1.2 Resources for Understanding Radiant Energy
2 See also
Inductive Fractionation and Reactive Power - Peter Lindemann
presents a portion of his theory as to how radiant energy works, and
how this is illustrated in the Bedini SG motor-charger. John adds a
few things too. (John's Site) Study the scalar waves
and magnetic fields and quaternions to understand more how the
School Girl Motor Energizer works.
Radiant energy is particulate -- two orders of magnitude smaller than
Output radiant energy is longitudinal, and not picked up by regular
electrical measuring equipment, which only measures transverse
The idea is to have no current flow. The more current, the less
radiant energy. Current is inefficient energy.
Helosolaris ---- model the SG with vizimag, you will see why it works.
Power on(The N pole leaving register is repulsed - the incoming
magnet is attracted from behind, the S pole, through the inner rotor.)
Two for one, hooray! Set your coil up to do this -- The magnets north
pole is attracted into register unpowered, if you power the magnet in
(N-S poles) then more work is required to remove it(electron
momentum/current in the coil), just after register the sine
wave(voltage) goes negative in the coil(not really it is electron pileup)
your meter only says it goes negative. If you added no power the
sine wave is symetrical, you add power to the negative portion of the
sine wave - two for one again! The field then collapses adding
momentum to incoming magnet with no backdrag on the one
leaving(relative distance), simple :)
In magnetic systems like this remember timing and field strength
determine the field geometry more than anything, DO NOT
overpower the coil, DO NOT get the magnets too close to the coil.
And no magical zeropoint required, how about that.
Resources for Understanding Radiant Energy
Directory:Radiant Energy
Peter Lindemann's Website
Radiant Energy and Cold Electricity
Lindemann's Products
Video > The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity by Peter A.
Lindemann, D.Sc.
Book (same title, sold out, but preparing for another printing)
The Radiant News - back-issues for sale; written by Dr. Lindemann

Directory:Bedini SG:Data
You are here: PES Network > PESWiki > Bedini School Girl > Data

Data Report for J ohn Bedini's Simplified 'School Girl' Motor and
Battery Energizer

1 Data
1.1 Reports
1.2 Observations
1.3 Replications
1.4 Demonstrations Available
1.4.1 Video
1.4.2 On Site
2 See also
Most data is being published under the
individual replications pages.
See also the Replications index page.
SDA Exp. 21: Thought I had it, but not yet - Solid state charge
works better than rotational charge at the same charging current. For
the spinning rotor scenario, I implemented most of John Bedini's
recent suggestions. Neither test reveals over unity, though the solid
state test looked at first like it was going to. 17 pp of data posted.
(Dec. 29 - Jan. 3)
SDA Exp 18: Battery Load Test: Control v. Bank - Output was ~85%
of input. The difference can be ascribed to what is required to keep
the motor wheel in motion. (Dec. 20-23)
SDA Exp13: Continuous Rotation of Conditioned Batteries - Rotating
ten 6V batteries connected 2x 6v into five quasi 12-Vs, taking turns
on input side. Running from Nov. 22 to 27, 2004, the average voltage
level of the set gradually dropped from 6.598 to 6.413.
Gerhard Flemming reports 4-battery rotation results - 12v that have
been supercharged, rotated one at a time through the front end
(input) show a gradual collective decline in charge over time. [Note,
Peter/John recommended 5, four for the back side.]
SDA Exp 12: Same Charge Current with Three Different Input
Scenarios Shows Uniform Charging Speed - Each schenario
delivered 0.040 amps +/- .001 to the receiving battery. One scenario
entailed the wheel rotating at nearly twice the speed as another
scenario. A third scenario entailed a large variation in the gap
between the wheel and the coil. Battery charged a nominally the
same rate each time.

SDA Exp. 11: Influence of Gap Between Wheel and Coil (Nov. 15,16

SDA Exp 10.4 Standing Discharge Rates - Batteries longest on the
Bedini Circuit discharged significantly more slowly at first, but then
after a day discharged to a lower voltage than those batteries that
are more recent to the circuit and lower than one that was damaged
early on, and dropped rapidly at first.

SDA Exp. 10.2: Ohms v Amps v RPM and Multiple Stable Rotation
Curves - data shows several regions in which two stable rotation
speeds are obtained at the same resistance in the Bedini SG circuit.
Looking for ideal resistance for running the motor-energizer.
SDA Exp. 9: Charging with "Zero Current" - Resistor set to 20.8k
ohms where the input current is 0.00_ amps, and the output current
is theoretically zero as determined by extrapolation of a linear curve
drawn from data taken at 0.035, 0.025, 0.015, and 0.005 amps
output. Results show no change in battery. (Oct. 29 through Nov. 3,
SDA Exp. 8 -- Hitting all batteries with a calibrated discharge device
to characterize their state of charge - Using West Mountain
Radio Computerized Battery Analyzer (CBA) from
(Oct. 26, 2004)

SDA Exp. 6: Solid State characterization & charging - Experiment to
(1) determine the window where solid state (no wheel rotation, but
circuit activation by resonance) can take place; (2) supercharge more
batteries, seeking optimal solid state charge profile in process. (Oct.
22,23, 2004)
Page 2: Charts from Experiment 6 Graphing ohms versus amps.
Includes discovery of "zero charge" output point.
SDA Exp. 5: Solid State Resonant Effect Accidentally Discovered -
Found in process of running an experiement on various resistances
versus amps and rpm. (Oct. 19, 2004)

Batteries "see" each other, even though not in parallel - Multiple
batteries being charged at the same time tend toward the same
voltage. Input voltage seen by the output batteries. Input batteries
upon rotation recoil to an extrapolated line.
SDA Exp. 1 -- Switching input and output batteries - Test ran for 100
hours using the same two 6V batteries then was terminated as
batteries were too low to continue. (Oct. 9-12, 2004)
SDA Exp. 0: RPMs v Amps - shows a linear relationship between
rpm and amps. Double speed of rotor = double amps being drawn
from battery (note that this worked because the battery being used
was weak enough to not sustain its natural rpm). (Oct. 9, 2004)
See also:
Bedini SG Effects on Batteries - Index proposes and reports
experiments performed on all battery types, chargeable and "non-
School Girl motor has to be kick-started. (Other Bedini circuit designs
are self-starting; his designs also include solid state iterations.)
Increased load on motor draws less amperage from the input battery.
The device is not a torque-producing motor but readily runs down
when extra load is added.
Claim (not proven [actually disproven by the numerous tests run in
this project]): the output radiant energy is not picked up by regular
instrumentation in the form of increased output current, but the
increased charge in the battery does signal the existence of the
(not documented)The magnet strength is essentially irrelevant to
producing the radiant effect in the coil.
(claim, not proven that I know of) Radiant energy does not require
conducting materials to flow, but can travel outside the plastic sheath
of conduit.

Replications - Listing of people who are in process of replicating or
who have successfully replicated the device. An index page for each
investigator, and a page for each device, with sub-pages for data
Demonstrations Available

Video of Sterling Allan's replication, with audio explanation (1 Mb avi)
- shows motor running, general layout.

Video of Susan Carter with her replication of Bedini's motor - Shows
start-up, running, neon bulb flickering.

Bendini School Girl Motor.avi Click here to view Gerhard Flemming's
Replication] (789 kb avi format) - shows motor turning.
On Site
Listing of locations where someone might physically go to see a
device in operation. (Though it might be easier to just build one
Visitors Welcome
Sterling Allan's place in Ephraim, UT.
See also

You are here: PES Network > PESWiki > Directory > Bedini
SG > Replications > PES > Sterling Allan > Data

Data from Sterling D. Allan's Replication of J ohn
Bedini's Simplified 'School Girl' Motor and Battery Energizer
1 Synopsis
2 Sterling's Data
3 Note about Trickle Charger
4 See also
I do not believe that I ever achieved a situation in which I was
harnessing unseen energy external to the system. All my data
support an internal charge-discharge scenario, with a net loss due to
system inefficiencies.
I did observe a number of very fascinating phenomena. Though
driven by an expectation for success that ended up not being met, I
will say that the experience was worth while. The quest was
enjoyable, though very frustrating as well.
Batteries are a very tricking thing to work with.
You need to take into consideration the charge/discharge curve
A discharged battery voltage will rise very rapidly with very little loss
of voltage from a fully-charged battery.
-- Sterling D. Allan (Jan. 21, 2007)
Sterling's Data
SDA Exp. 21: Thought I had it, but not yet - Solid state charge
works better than rotational charge at the same charging current. For
the spinning rotor scenario, I implemented most of John Bedini's
recent suggestions. Neither test reveals over unity, though the solid
state test looked at first like it was going to. 17 pp of data posted.
(Dec. 29 - Jan. 3)

Exp. 20.1: Like Balancing an Egg on End - reports a phenomenon in
which a quasi-steady balance point is attained between solid state
resonance and the first rotation speed. At that point, the meter jumps
all over the place. (Dec. 29)
SDA Exp. 19: New Coil and Wheel - Changed wheel from 22" diam
16 magnets to 16.5" diam 24 magnets. Changed coil from ~425 turns
to ~1290 turns. New wheel spins faster on old coil, stabilizes more
rapidly on new coil. Data compared.
Experiment 18: Battery Load Test: Control v. Bank - Though
output was less than input, the amount of energy required to keep
the motor wheel in motion during charge bespeaks the tapping of
radiant energy. (Dec. 20-23)

Experiment 17: Continous Rotation of Conditioned Batteries -
Continual rotation of conditioned batteries from the back to the front
to the back, etc, sees four consecutive increases in battery capacity
in 48 hours. Subsequent data explains. Commenced Dec. 10;
terminated Dec. 18, 2004.
Brief update of my recent experimentation - Thumbnail sketch of
three reports pending.
Exp. 16: Testing various household battery types, rechargeable and
non-rechargeable to see how they perform with the Bedini SG
Eveready NiCd Rechargeables endure longer on Bedini SG
charge - A baby swing ran 1.43 times longer after the second charge
of four NiCd D-size batteries.
Rayovac Maximum Plus Alkaline AA non-Rechargeable batteries do
not hold charge - Four non-rechargeable Alkaline AA Batteries by
Rayovac took a charge from the Bedini SG but then did not perform
under load.
Exp. 15: Deceleration Data - to calculate rough estimate of energy
required to keep wheel rotating. Nov. 29
Exp. 14: Recharing the batteries. Individually supercharged each of
the batteries again. Nov. 29 - Dec. 3, 2004.

Exp. 14.2 - Compares Steady State Discharge with Average Voltage
Drop During Continuous Rotation of Conditioned Batteries. Dec. 3-

Exp13: Continuous Rotation of Conditioned Batteries - Rotating
ten 6V batteries connected 2x 6v into five quasi 12-Vs, taking turns
on input side. Running from Nov. 22 to 28, 2004, the average voltage
level of the entire set gradually dropped from 6.598 to 6.413.
Same Charge Current with Three Different Input Scenarios
Shows Uniform Charging Speed - Each schenario delivered 0.040
amps +/- .001 to the receiving battery. One scenario entailed the
wheel rotating at nearly twice the speed as another scenario. A third
scenario entailed a large variation in the gap between the wheel and
the coil. Battery charged a nominally the same rate each time.

Influence of Gap Between Wheel and Coil - Exp. 11 by SDA shows
that the closest distance does not produce optimum RPM. (Nov.
15,16 data)
Experiment 10 -- Super-Charging all batteries - in order to begin
the rotation scenario (taking turns moving one from back side to front
side). Batteries are in various stages of exposure to Bedini circuit.
Four have been supercharged previously.

Exp.10.2 Ohms v Amps v RPM and Multiple Stable Rotation
Curves - Sterling's Bedini SG data shows several regions in which
two stable rotation speeds are obtained at the same resistance in the
Bedini SG circuit. Looking for ideal resistance for running the motor-

Exp.10.4 Different Standing Discharge Rates - Batteries longest on
the Bedini Circuit discharged significantly more slowly at first, but
then after a day discharged to a lower voltage than those batteries
that are more recent to the circuit and lower than one that was
damaged early on, and dropped rapidly at first.
Experiment 9 -- Charging with "Zero Current" - Resistor set to
20.8k ohms where the input current is 0.00_ amps, and the output
current is theoretically zero as determined by extrapolation of a linear
curve drawn from data taken at 0.035, 0.025, 0.015, and 0.005 amps
output. Results show no change in battery. (Oct. 29 through Nov. 3,
Experiment 8 -- Hitting all batteries with a calibrated discharge
device to characterize their state of charge - Using West Mountain
Radio Computerized Battery Analyzer (CBA) from
(Oct. 26, 2004)
Batteries 2 and 7 load test compared - Battery 7 is factory new, while
Battery has been all over the Bedini circuit (input, output many times,
series, parallel, supercharged, solid state). Very unusual graph
emerges of battery 2's performance next to battery 7. Bedini-SG-
conditioned Battery 2 holds its charge better than factory-new
battery 7.
Batteries 2 and 5 load test compared - Battery 5 started later, and
was only "solid state" (no moving parts) charged, including the "no
current" charge. Battery 2 held its charge better than Battery 5,
possibly because it has spent more time being conditioned in the
Bedini circuit; though I expect that the "no current" charge will prove
to be more robust all other things held the same.

Experiment 7 -- Charging output batteries with 0 current, only
radiant energy - Based on data collected in Exp. 6, which showed
that output battery amperage versus ohms resistance forms a linear
graph between 2k and 10k ohms where it goes to zero, while input
amps creates an asmyptotic curve. Resistance for test set at 17.49
ohms. Output battery charge increased slightly and held firm, while
control batteries dropped. (Oct. 24, 25, 2004)

Experiment 6 -- Solid State characterization & charging -
Experiment to (1) determine the window where solid state (no wheel
rotation, but circuit activation by resonance) can take place; (2)
supercharge more batteries, seeking optimal solid state charge
profile in process. (Oct. 22,23, 2004)
Page 2: Charts from Experiment 6 Graphing ohms versus amps.
Includes discovery of "zero charge" output point.
Experiment 5 -- Solid State Resonant Effect Accidentally
Discovered - Found in process of running an experiement on various
resistances versus amps and rpm. (Oct. 19, 2004)
Experiment 4 -- Super-charging Batteris 3,4 -- Two 6V in series
(12V) gave 0.32 amps input, 0.10 amps output. Used 12-volt 2-amp
trickle charger on input Batteries 1,2. (Oct. 15-17, 2004)
Experiment 3 -- 12-V tractor batteries -- I blew three transistors
when trying to hook up this circuit. Melted the plastic off one of my
wires. Peter says I need more wraps on my coil to have more
inductance to match the impedance of the larger battery. (Oct. 14,
15, 2004)
Experiment 2 -- Trickle charged Batt. 4 on input while charging
Batt. 1,2,3 - Two 6V in series (12V) gave 0.32 amps input, 0.10
amps output. Used 12-volt 2-amp trickle charger on input Batteries
1,2. (Oct. 14, 2004)

Experiment 1 -- Switching input and output batteries - Test ran
for 100 hours using the same two 6V batteries then terminated due to
new information about the nature of batteries. (Oct. 9-12, 2004)
Deceleration of wheel - data collected, tabulation pending. To
approximate the resistances of the wheel rotation. Did decelartion in
Exp. 1 and Exp __.
Experiment 0 -- RPMs v Amps - first data I collected; shows a linear
relationship between rpm and maps. Double speed of rotor = double
amps being drawn from battery (note that this worked because the
battery being used was weak enough to not sustain its natural rpm).
(Oct. 9, 2004)
Note about Trickle Charger
Nov. 20, 2004
I'm noticing a high degree of stability, reproducibility, and
predictability in using the IntelTender Model 150-6 from DigiKey with
my 6v Panasonic (LC-R064R2P) 4.2Ah input batteries.
By keeping the trickle charger on, the input voltage is highly stable,
making for more rigorous science because that is one less variable in
the mix.
As I'm supercharging my batteries one at a time (recommended,
rather than in sets, because of the varying characteristics of
individual batteries), I see the same input voltage per given voltage of
the output battery. Off the top of my head, without actually running
the numbers, I would estimate that it is +/- 0.005 volts consistent. It is
very good.
The only caveat to this is that between batteries, when the circuit is
disconnected, the input batteries, still on trickle, will jump up in
voltage, so when re-connected to the circuit, it will take 15-30
minutes for them to equilibrate back to a consistent level.
Another consistency that arises in this set-up is input/output current.
It, also, is a function of input voltage level and output voltage level,
other factors (resistance, etc.) being the same.
I've seen it reproduced over and over as I'm supercharging one
battery after another using the same parameters.

See also

See also News:Electromagnetic

Directory of electromagnetic energy generation modalities, in which
more energy emerges than was put into the system (over unity),
harvesting energy from some external source, usually unseen. Also
covering super efficient methods.
1 Overviews
2 Events
3 Technologies
3.1 Motor-Generator Self-Looped with Usable Energy Left Over
3.2 Commercial
3.3 Companies
3.4 Research & Development
3.4.1 Solid State
3.4.2 Toroids
3.4.3 EV Gray
3.4.4 Joseph Flynn's Parallel Path Magnet Technology
3.4.5 Rodin Coils
3.4.6 Tools
3.4.7 Plans
3.5 Other PES Network Coverage
3.6 Disappeared in History
3.7 For Communications
3.8 Other
3.9 Books
3.10 Theory
3.11 Videos
3.11.1 Why Batteries Work and Capacitor's Don't
3.12 Cautions
4 Resources
4.1 Forums
4.2 Winding
4.3 Testing
4.4 Volunteers
4.5 Humor
4.6 In the News
4.7 History
4.9 Sponsors
5 See also

Feature: Electrolysis > Hydrogen / Electromagnetic >
Hydroxy Gen and OU Replications - Michael Couch writes about
the many self charging battery system videos of various origins;
Bedini, Tesla Switch, SEC, and others showing up all over Youtube.
100% 'Looped' Hydroxy Genset, Kapanadze OU and Self Charging
Battery Systems Demoed! (PESN; July 13, 2010)

Featured: Orgone / Aetherometry / Weather Control / Bio-Energetics >
Report on Reich Research from Group in Greece - An
introductory paper giving a Reichian perspective on zero point
energy, global weather phenomena, free energy, modern science
and non-science, misconceptions and associated dangers; as a
contribution to discussions involving climate changes, disasters, and
the quest for new energies. (PESN and BeforeItsNews; May 15,

Featured: Wireless Transmission > Scalar > Tesla >
Eric Dollard's Talk on Longitudinal Wave Energy - In
1996 Eric Dollard gave a talk about Tesla's Longitudinal Wave
Energy at a gathering of HAM radio operators. A video recording of
the event has been posted on Youtube. As one of the most
knowledgeable experts in the world on the topic, such a rare talk is
something to pay attention to! (PESN; May 9, 2011)


Featured: Jobs / Electromagnetic > Tesla > Events > Tesla Extravaganza >
Vegas Tesla Holographic Expo Extravaganza Coming
this Summer - James Turner is pulling together an expo and new
show genre to go on tour, featuring the life and inventions of Nikola
Tesla -- old and new -- which will include a first-time-ever
combination of high-definition 2-D screen with holographic projection
in front of it, in sync with live performers. Opportunity for finding
exhibitors and sponsors. (PESN and BeforeItsNews; January 21,

Newsletters > Future Energy eNews > Flight / Batteries / ZPE / Events >
Future Energy eNews: July 2010 - Tom Valone's headlines this
month include: 1) New Proton Measurement Throws Physics a
Curve; 2) Molten Metal Batteries Yield 20 times More Current; 3) The
Flying Prius; 4) Clean Energy 101; 5) COFE4 - SPESIF Call for
Papers -- a great opportunity for inventors who would like a chance to
put their invention on paper in a peer-reviewed publication.

Featured: Events > TeslaTech Conf. > 2011 >
Pre-Registration for Discount to 2011 ExtraOrdinary
Technology Conference - You can save 40% if you register
now for the annual TeslaTech conference on the last weekend of
July in Albuquerque, NM, that features presentations and
demonstrations of exotic free energy technologies. Also, an update
on Michael Riversong, M.C. for that event, who is presently in the
hospital. (PESWiki; December 19, 2010)

Featured / Best Exotic FE: Electromagnetic / Events > 2011 > NEW: Bedini Conferences >
Early Registration Promotion of Upcoming July 2011
Bedini Conference - Rick Friedrich is offering several incentives
for early registration to the July 29-31, 2011 conference to be held in
Idaho, USA. The unspoken promise in this series of Bedini
conferences is that eventually, working, commercial overunity
devices of increasing quality and capability will emerge from this
process. (PESWiki; December 24, 2010)

Motor-Generator Self-Looped with Usable
Energy Left Over

Featured / Top 5: Electromagnetic >
Motor-Generator Self-Looped with Usable Energy Left
Over - Featuring a number of systems in which a motor turns a
larger output generator, and the generator is producing enough
energy to keep the motor running, as well as enough left over to
power other things. A starter motor, temporarily, gets it going; then it
stays going until turned off. Energy source could have something to
do with phase angle harvesting vacuum energy. (PESWiki;
September 5, 2012)


Featured / OS: Electromagnetic > Keppe >
Keppe Motor is in Open Source Production - The Keppe
motor runs cool, has very high and consistent efficiency across all
speeds, and is easy to make. More importantly, the group behind it
has figured out the secrets to getting along with one another,
concepts that can transform our world for good. (PESN; January 23,

Featured / Best Exotic
FE: Electromagnetic > Rasa's_Zero_Point_Institute / Magnacoaster >
Rasa's Zero Point Institute Announces Emerging
Generators Galore - A theoretical physicist and networker in
India describes the scientific basis for magnetic resonance
generators. He said he has received his Vorktex generator from
Magnacoaster, who is now delivering back-orders, and that this is but
one of several variations presently being deployed widespread in the
third world. (PESN; June 11, 2012)

Featured: Electromagnetic? > NEW: Elecotric Ltd. >
Elecotric claims to power house for 10 months -
English inventor, John M. Davenport, has posted several videos
showing his house being powered by some kind of solid state exotic
free energy technology that requires, "no fuel, no sun, no wind, no
batteries (no emissions)." He says the units are available for
25/month, plus a security deposit. Just don't try to call them. (PESN;
December 18, 2012)

Featured: Lighting > CFL / Electromagnetic > Solid State > Don Bell >
Free Energy for the Downcast -- "One Man's Trash..."
Revolution Commencing - Dallas inventor, Donald Bell, has
three technologies he's rolling out to make energy more affordable;
and he's using discarded items as his building material to give away
to Dallas County residents a free CFL lamp with 75-W incandescent
output equivalent that runs for 5 days continuous. He also has a
home lighting package and a self-charging cell phone that harness
power radio waves. (PESN and BeforeItsNews; October 3, 2011)

Featured / Best Exotic FE: Electromagnetic >
Is AVIG the first electromagnetic free energy device
to make it to market? - A Ukrainian group is selling 1, 5, and
100 kilowatt electromagnetic overunity systems in a price range lower
than solar power; and they claim to have 24 ready to ship anywhere
in the world. If it's real, this makes them the first exotic free energy
device to emerge into the marketplace. (PESN; November 7, 2010)

Feature: Electromagnetic >
Magnetron Fuelless Generator by PowerStream - PowerStream
claims to have a self-generating power system called the Magnetron,
which they say is "first of its kind to market", advertising output
capabilities between 5KW and 2 MW. They say the load-following
device could be the primary and sole source of energy for a myriad of
applications, from home to business to transportation power.
(PESWiki; June 8, 2010) (Comment)

Featured: Electromagnetic / Magnet Motors > Steorn >
Steorn's e-Orbo self-looped electromagnetic motor
demonstration underway - The long-awaited, public demo of
electromagnetic overunity that is self-looped to keep itself running
continuously, is now under way, with Steorn's e-Orbo being shown at
Dublin's Waterways Centre. A D-cell battery powers the motor and is
supposedly recharged by it continuously. (PESN; Dec. 15, 2009)

Featured: Electromagnetic > Kapanadze >
Kapanadze's 100 kW free energy device third-party tested - A
video has been posted showing the setup of the one hundred kilowatt
free energy generator by Tariel Kapanadze's group as it is being
third-party tested, complete with large coils, arcing spark gaps, huge
capacitors and mesh screens, set atop a ~one-inch-thick glass.
(PESN; July 24, 2009) (Comment)

Featured: Electromagnetic >
REM Source, LLC > REMGen (story removed) - On Sept. 16,
2009, REM Source requested that we remove the contents that
appeared on this page. In the future, we anticipate providing updates
when they are ready for coverage. (PESN; July 23, 2009)


Feature: Electromagnetic > Electrolysis > Kanarev >
Kanarev announces a self-running motor-generator -
Russian Professor Ph. M. Kanarev presents what he calls "the
world's first self-rotating electric generator," saying it has been tested
by a scientist from the Russian Academy of Science. The device was
built to demonstrate Kanarev's theory of the mocrocosm. (PESN;
Oct. 13, 2010)

Featured: Electromagnetic > MagnaCoaster >
Magnacoaster Vorktex nearing commercial rollout (Interview) -
Canadian inventor, Richard Willis, claims to have a solid state device
that amplifies input power, such as from a solar panel, to produce
many more times output -- enough to power a home, for under
20,000 USD. The technology involves pulsing (kHZ) the input power
through a coil next to large, permanent magnets. (PESN; July 10,
2009) (Comment at

Magnacoaster Motor Co - Magnetic motor and generator produces
electric power without using fuel. A home unit is planned for
production in fall of 2008. Several demonstrationvideos have been

Featured: Electromagnetic / Propulsion >
EmDrive - Chinese Say They're Building 'Impossible' Space
Drive - Chinese researchers are proceeding to build a demonstration
version of a technology developed by Satellite Propulsion Research
Ltd (SPR Ltd) of the UK, who have tested both an experimental
propellant-less thruster and a demonstrator engine that use patented
microwave technology to convert electrical energy directly into thrust.
(PESWiki; Sept. 27, 2008)

Wilt's Clean Energy, Inc - Herman and Cathrine Wilt and James
Wiggins have successfully developed their patented electromagnetic
engine. This is another milestone validating and legitimizing
the Magnet Motor. (PESWiki; May 8, 2008)

World Improvement Through the Spirit Ministries - Timothy
Thrapp's organization claims to have many technologies for sale,
including electromagnetic motors that produce more energy than they
consume to run; both mechanical and solid state.

Phemax Technology's Plasmagnetic Alternator - Patent pending
device allegedly generates electricity via plasma arc (Microsun)
technology, initiated with low voltage, high current, high temperature,
thermally conductive, thorium tungsten / graphite electrodes
submerged in water. The resulting syngas runs a Phemax generator,
which is said to have 5x amplification capability. (PESWiki; Aug. 7,

AKOIL Power Generator - Russian company claims to have a fuel-
less generator. Is taking orders for units from 100kW up to 10 MW.
Ten kilowatt demo allegedly available for assessment. Previous
experience with company/dealers suggests caution. ("PESWiki";
Sept. 16, 2006)

New "Energy from the Vacuum" Documentary Series DVD
release - John Bedini - Bedini conducts a tour of his lab and
explains how every motor works, in addition to patiently answering a
whole host of questions pertaining to 'radiant energy'.

Self-running Bedini motor - Long-time participant in various Bedini
motor replication projects, Rick Friedrich posts videos, photos,
diagrams, and explanation of his set-up, which he says measures a
net gain in energy "from nature".

Modified Bedini Cole Window motor - Mike (HMM) has posted a
demonstrated video of a device which quickly became buzzed as
"overunity," but he does not claim it to be such. Complete instructions
provided. Many researchers presently seeking to replicate the effect.

Chas Campbell Generator - Australian inventor demonstrates a
prototype generator with input of 800 W, able to self-run off the 3500
W output, with energy left over to run a drill, a saw, and other
appliances. Claims he can scale it up to 1 megawatt output.

CD Motor Open Source Project - Experiment developed between
Sept 2001-2004 under the direction of Tim Harwood, inspired by the
claims of Robert Adams and his exotic pulsed motor technology, was
widely replicated; is now published again. Allegedly achieves over
unity, but no self-runners were ever achieved.

Robert Jackson's Dynamotor Electric Generator - Inventor is willing
to let rights to motor go to someone who can help get patent
completed by Feb. 25, 2006. Rought prototype in Dallas, TX.

Gemini Electric Motor - With permanent magnets positioned at
BOTH ends of the coils, additional energy is achieved without
consuming additional electricity. It is capable of handling twice the
power of a conventional motor. Two energy fields contribute to
rotational power and torque, while the third produces electricity from
normally unused electromagnetic fields within the motor.

Directory:CDmotor - Apparatus design by Tim Harward. The
objective is to mimic the exotic results claimed by Robert Adams, yet
at low cost, with ubiquitous materials.

Hilden-Brand Electromagnet Motor - Jack Hilden-Brand recently
measured around 2x over-unity in his electromagnetic motor design,
which closely resembles the Joseph Flynn parallel path concept.

The Hydraulic Battery-powered Electromagneti Generator from
Tennessee - A trio of inventors from Tennessee have design a
hydraulic, battery, electromagnetic system than they say can
fuellessly run a home or a vehicle, or other devices. Several working
prototypes have been built. Presently awaiting "pending" patent
status, they are ready to build a business to bring this technology to

Stephen Kundel's Motor - Video of second version prototype shows
a quickly vibrating motor, with electrical input. As it accelerates, less
electrical input required. Over-unity not documented. More here.
("PESWiki"; Mar. 14, 2006)

Lutec - Claims generator that will produce up to 1000 watts of DC
electricity twenty four hours a day, every day, which will be stored in
a battery bank and then inverted to AC power and connected directly
into the home or business.

Electric Motor Secrets DVD by Peter Lindemann - In his DVD
presentation, drawing on 30 years of his own research and
development, Lindemann explains in simple terms what back EMF is,
and how one can build motors and generators that do not involve
back-EMF. He asserts that such designs can improve upon the most
effective motors of today by many-fold, not just a few percent.

Magnetic Power Inc - Mark Goldes' company claims to be close
enough to have some demo devices, which extract energy from the
vacuum of space, ready for market in 2007. 1 kW module expected
shortly thereafter. (

Energy By Motion (EBM) Going Commercial? - Gamma
Manager in Hungary (originally from Toronto Gamma Managers'
Energy by Motion) springs on the scene with three humongous
prototypes getting 6% over-unity, complete with patents, scientific
certifications, demo hours, and a price tag for a power plant. The
alleged rate: 6 cents/kW-hour.

Millennial Motors - The Magnetronic Motor uses a small amount of
magnetic force to control a large amount of magnetic force. Motor
concept is tested and prototype developed, preparing for production,
with public debut scheduled for July 2007. Company is planning to
retrofit cars to produce pollution free vehicles.

Magratten Electromagnetic Motor for Sale -
site launched to announce completion of the Gary Magratten motor,
now available for sale, for research purposes. Said to be 200% over-
unity; no independent verification known.

Tom Bearden's Motionless Electromagnetic Generator - Claims three
previously working prototypes of a device that extracts energy from
the vacuum of space.

Magnetricity NeoGen PM Dynamo - Based on the late Bill
Mullers' work with super magnets in a motor/generator design, this
site describes Rex Hebert's ongoing research into developing a self-
running permanent magnet dynamo. (Jan. 2006)

Joseph Newman Motor - Joseph Newman is one of the more
notorious names in the free energy world, having claimed for years
that he has developed an electromagnetic device that produces more
energy than it consumes, harnessing its excess energy from an
unseen, free energy source.

N-1 Homopolar Generator by Bruce DePalma - A model of pre-
existent primordial field of the universe and a method for harnessing
that energy.

Electrostatic Generator by Walter Owens - Owens and Company
LLC has come up with a device which he claims extracts free and
ubiquitous static energy for practical use. A rotating device rubs
against wool or nylon and collects static electricity in a set of coils.

Perendev 300 kW Self-Running Electromagnetic Generator -
Draws energy from magnetic principles not presently appreciated by
mainstream science. Expected cost will be around 3/10 cents per
kW-h. Not Validated (

Perepiteia Generator Aims to Harnesses Back EMF - Thane Heins
of Potential Difference Inc stumbled upon a way of making electric
induction motors work, at the very least, more efficiently. At most, he
may have found a way to manipulate magnetic fields so that instead
of slowing down a generator it speeds it up. (PESWiki; Feb. 6, 2008)

Raser Technologies - Raser Technologies develops innovative,
high-performance electric motor and controller technology for clean
renewable power.

Rotoverter - A "rotoverted" AC motor can best be described as an
off-shelf 3-phase AC motor with its phases reconnected very simply
to run on single phase AC input (house grid for example), and with
only 2 of the 3 phases in the motor connected to power source.
Various generators and alternators, or even a 2nd 3ph motor hooked
up to work as alternator, can be turned by shaft to demonstrate
"overunity" (more watts output than input)

Donald Sitler's Permanent Magnet Motor - Prototype allegedly
uses modest electrical input to convert magnetic force into motion.
Test rig shown in video runs on about 1.44 watts, turning at about
400 rpm. It uses neodymium permanent magnets in the stator and

Can the SuperMag Engine/Generator Solve the World's Clean
Energy Needs? - Enigma G.C.'s "SuperMag", being marketed by
Supervision Entertainment, allegedly uses manipulated magnetic
fields to generate electricity sufficient to power the needs of a home
or office building and provides clean electrical power for free to the
consumer after the initial cost of the purchase and installation of the

Testatika Electromagnetic Generator - Includes an inductance
circuit, a capacitance circuit, and a thermionic rectification valve.
Alleged free energy machine harnesses energy from the aether. Also
known as the Swiss M-L converter or Thesta-Distatica.

Vallee Synergetic Generator (VSG)

Research & Development

Fundraisers > Electromagnetic > Tiffee's Energy Multiplier >
Energy Multiplier: Cleaner Efficient Energy
Production (Indiegogo) - "The technology we are developing is a
supplemental generator. It supplements any electrical source of
supplied energy by generating an increase at the output while
reducing the demand placed on the energy source at the input. It is in
short a source for sustainable, clean electricity for the life of the
device at a fraction of the cost." (PureEnergyBlog; March 5, 2013)

Featured: Electromagnetic > Potential Differences, Inc >
Thane Heins' Regenerative Acceleration Generator
Goes Instead of Stopping - Thane Heins, a native of Ottawa,
Canada, has made progress developing his Regenerative
Acceleration Generator Technology. With the use of a special coil
design, the technology allows for complimentary torque and
electricity to be created in an electric vehicle with no extra power
required by the prime mover. He says that a researcher was fired
from the University for supporting his research.
(PESN andBeforeItsNews; August 28, 2011)

Featured: Electromagnetic >
HOAX: Larskro's Replication of Tiziano Rovella's
Self-Accelerating Electromagnetic Motor - A new video
by YouTube user, Larskro, appears to be a replication of a device
shown in November, 2010 by Tiziano Rovella, entailing an
electromagnetic set-up that seems to accelerate without any
apparent external source of input energy. Turned out to be a haox,
with hidden batteries. (PESWiki; April 10, 2012)

Solid State
See Directory:Solid State Generators - separate index page here
at PESWiki

See Directory:Toroidal_Power - separate index page

Featured: Electromagnetic > Toroids >
Unification Coil by 1StopEnergies - The Unification Coil
was invented and created by Daniel & Erica Nunez of Bronx, NY. It
combines the work of Marco Rodin's "Rodin Coil" and Randy Powell's
"Abha Coil". They posted a video on Wednesday claiming over 450%
overunity as measured by multimeters, powering a bank of LED
lights. An electromagnetic field emanates at least 20 feet from the
small coil. (PESWiki; September 29, 2012)

EV Gray
See Directory:EV_Gray - separate page

Featured / Classifieds: Electromagnetic > EV Gray > Francoeur >
Original EV Gray Motor Available for Right Lab - Alan
Francoeur of BC, Canada, has been doing research and
development in electromagnetic overunity systems for maybe a
couple of decades. He has three of the original Edwin V Gray motors,
and recently acquired one of the original controllers, which he thinks
may be where the secret is found. He's willing to sell one of his
motors to help finance his reverse engineering project. (PESWiki;
January 30, 2013)

Joseph Flynn's Parallel Path Magnet Technology

Featured: Electromagnetic > Electric Vehicles > eCars > ArcticTek >
Alaska Star's axial flux motor revolution (Interview) - Chris Hunter
describes his new ultra-efficient, 800-mile range electromagnetic
motor design that he's making for his Alaskan car. He also talks
about some of his other emerging prototypes, including the
Aerothermal Rankin cycle engine, beta voltaic solar panels,
magnetolysis, and battery extender. (PESN; March 16, 2010)

Featured: Electromagnetic > Electric Vehicles > eCars >
Chris Hunter's Axial Flux Motor - Alaskan inventor, Chris Hunter, is
retrofitting his '93 Geo Storm with an electromagnetic motor of his
own design, which draws from a wide range of scientific studies,
including Flynn Parallel Path, Bedini battery rejuvenation, back EMF
harvesting, and other innovations. (PESWiki; March 15, 2010)

Joseph Flynn's Parallel Path technology - A motor built with this
technology is at least 3.5 times more efficient than conventional
motors, offers excellent torque, and high power to weight ratios. All
motor companies should license this technology. It's not perpetual
motion. It doesn't violate laws of physics. It does add a new rule that
will become a chapter in all new electronics textbooks, and will
become standard fare in all electric motors.

Joe Flynns Parallel Path Magnetic Technology - Article by Tim
Harwood, who ran a successful replication project. Versions of the
article were published in 2003 in Nexusmagazine and New Energy
Technologies magazine. (PESWiki; Feb. 21, 2006)

Build your own Flynn Parallel Path magnet technology proof-of-
concept - Flynn associate, Michael Schuckel, provides a complete
set of instructions of how to build a very basic device that proves the
revolutionary magnet flux multiplication concept set forth by Joseph
Flynn, and now being pursued by some large companies. (PESWiki;
Feb. 20, 2006)

How Parallel Path Gets Over Unity - Paul Noel explains how Joe
Flynn's Parallel Path device works and where the energy comes
from. "What Joe Flynn has is a transistor (actually a pair) for a
magnetic circuit." (PES Academy; March 7, 2006)

Rodin Coils
See Directory:Marko_Rodin_Coil_/_Torus_/_Motor'

Feature: Electromagnetic >
The Marko Rodin Coil - Marko Rodin claims to have discovered the
source of the non-decaying spin of the electron, and proposes a wide
range of applications of this knowledge including energy harnessing.
His models fascinated many and could become a cornerstone of
future science. (PESWiki; Aug. 28, 2010)

Featured: Electromagnetic > Rodin > SkyCollection >
The Many Exotic Coils of SkyCollection - Jorge Rebolledo
C. of Mexico is the founder of the organization SkyCollection, and
seeks to use compressed starship coils based on Rodin math for
energy applications. He has built many prototype systems that
appear to produce very interesting effects, and may eventually lead
to overunity energy production. (PESN and BeforeItsNews; August
17, 2011)

Featured: Electromagnetic / Toroidal Power > Rodin Toroid >
Vortex based mathematics at TEDx Charolette by
Randy Powell - As a sort of clone of Marco Rodin, Randy Powell
is assisting in promoting the math principles that allegedly can
combine all scientific disciplines and create free energy as well as
healing, food production, and technology enhancement. (PESN; Oct.
23, 2010)


Academy > Magnetism > Electromagnetic > Steorn >
Steorn's free SKDB Lite collaboratory for engineers - SKDB Lite
uses Clearspace by Jive Software, a very capable professional tool
for online collaboration and sharing of documents. The Modules in
the e-Learning section covers 27 topics pertinent to understanding
the logic behind Steorns claims. These elegantly produced Flash
modules are broken down into topical categories covering basic
physics, rotary systems, magnetism, rotating electromagnetic
systems, tools for data analysis and tools for testing. (OhmyNews
International; June 10, 2010)

Electromagnetic > Electric Motors >
Washer Dryer electric motors may help in alternative energy -
Devices released this year, by Toshiba, for example, use variable
magnet motors, making it possible to regulate the magnetic force of
magnetic fields in the motor. By changing the magnetic force of
permanent magnets, they can change the motors characteristics
between low-speed and high-speed operation. (GreenOptimistic; May
10, 2010)
Possibly something inventors could incorporate into a Bedini design? -- Craig Stangland


Featured / OS: Electromagnetic / Magnet Motors >
Tom Ferko's Satellite Generator -- Open Sourced via
PES - Michigan inventor has come up with a unique combination of
separate (satellite) magnet wheels, a coil, special circuitry and back-
emf harvesting to produce some very unusual effects, including
running on very little power, and super fast speeds of a 2-inch
diameter magnet spinning far above the coil. (PESWiki; November 3,

Featured: Classifieds / Electromagnetic >
Group looking for independent test volunteers - Before
open sourcing their design, a group of scientists is looking for 5-10
scientists to test a couple of prototypes that have several unusual
phenomena, including apparent overunity. (PESN; August 7, 2012)

DIY / Electromagnetic > Plans >
Energy from the Vacuum is stylin' - Jeane Manning writes: "When
a serious hands-on experimenter wants to build non-conventional
energy converters and asks where to get how-to information, I
usually recommend the online Energetic Forums and also the Energy
From the Vacuum series of DVDs. Tony Craddock, executive
producer for Energetic Productions Inc., has filmed interviews on
various topics beginning with the theories of Tom Bearden."
(Changing Power; August 23, 2011)

Featured / OS: Wireless Transmission / Electromagnetic > Scalar > Solid
State > Tesla > Coils > Jackson >
Tesla Coils: Unleash the Aether - Nikola Tesla's most
significant contribution was not AC power, radio, or the induction
motor, but what we call the Tesla Coil - a tool which allows for the
power of the aether to be unleashed and harnessed. Now being
launched through an open source project.
(PESN and BeforeItsNews; April 19, 2011)

Featured / OS: Suppression > Electromagnetic > Muller Dynamo >
Romero's Self-Sustaining Dynamo Drama - An forum member going by the handle "romerouk" claims
to have produced a self sustaining "Muller Dynamo." He has posted
instructions, specifications, pictures, and videos of the device. Then
yesterday, after receiving an unsettling visit, he announced it was all
a, "big fake." (PESN and BeforeItsNews; May 11, 2011)

Feature / DIY: Electromagnetic > Creative Science >
Creative Science & Research divulging more about
Fuelless Engine - The Indiana company that has been doing
alternative energy research since 1992 and producing 'free
energy' plans, has announced that they will be revealing more about
their fuelless engine. Customer testimonials and critical reviews
posted. (PESN; Sept. 25, 2010)

Organizations > 'Free Energy' Plans by Creative Science and
Research - Company sells plans for devices that they say can
provide "free power for your home, garage, car or truck". They claim
to have heaters, engines, and other devices that are over unity or
that require no fuel. A few buyers say the kits do not operate as
claimed. Others are satisfied.

Bedini SG - This "Bedini School Girl (Simplified)" iteration is a variant
of the "School Girl Motor" that has been circulated on the Internet
since 2001.

Featured: Contests / Electromagnetic > Rotoverter >
Rotoconversion Energy Saving Method accepted into Tech
Briefs contest - An inventor who proposed a system similar to the
"Energy from the Vacuum Cleaner" design I posted on April Fools
day has had his Rotoverter motor design accepted into NASA Tech
Brief's "Create the Future" contest. His Rotoconversion motor
purportedly can cut energy waste by up to 90% compared to a
conventional motor. (PESN; April 4, 2010) (Comment)

Adams Motor - The CD motor instructions posted are compiled by
Tim Harwood and originated by Robert Adams.

Lindemann Rotary Attraction Motor - Peter Lindemann has been
coaching a forum in replicating a modified off-the-shelf motor, adding
a Bedini-like circuit for improved efficiency, smoother running, and
possible over-unity performance.

Ross Motor - Theoretical overunity motor design presented by Jim
Ross, based on theories put forth by Tom Bearden.

Free Energy Generator: The Mini Romag Electromagnetic
Motor - The Mini Romag free energy generator from Magnetic
Energy uses the principle of moving magnetic flow named the
magnetic current for generating electrical power. According to
Magnetic Energy this generator is able to produce 3.5 volts, 7A DC (
about 24 Watts ) of free electricity while its generate sufficient power
to sustain itself (The Green Optimistic; Feb 6, 2008)

Radu Electromagnetic Motor - Vadu Vacarescu has build a Sprain-
like electromagnetic motor, using a spiral arrangement of magnets
around a rotor, then using an electromagnet to get the rotor past the
magnetic stick point. Is his claim of a COP of 4 a measurement
error? (PESWiki; Mar. 25, 2008)

Stiffler 'Cold Electricity' circuit - Ronald R. Stiffler has come up
with a circuit that he calls a "cold electricity" circuit that appears to be
harnessing free energy from the environment. "This is a totally self-
contained, self-powered circuit. There are not tricks to it."

Harvey Achieves Constant Speed with His MPMM Magnet Motor
Variant - Video shows a modified MPMM motor that involves tying a
stator magnet to a coil and circuit to coordinate its pumping action to
keep the motor running at a constant speed. "The unique nature of
this approach is that the rotor is propelled by the stator, not the
solenoid." (PESWiki; March 7, 2008)

LaFonte Perpendicular Magnetics Motor - Butch LaFonte now
offers to open source what he and his associates have come up with,
being far enough along to begin some serious building and testing
and possibly start coming up with some useful output designs.
(PESWiki; July 24, 2008)

Other PES Network Coverage

Feature: Electromagnetic >
Andreas' Free Energy Generator - Polish inventor living in Greece,
Andrzej Wojcik, who has made a name for himself manufacture low
speed permanent magnet generators, now claims to have come up
with a generator that consumes 150 Watts while running a 600 Watt
load. His "proof" video is not skeptic proof. (PESWiki; June 29, 2010)

Featured: Electromagnetic / Aether >
Kapanadze Free Energy Generator - Georgia Republic inventor,
Tariel Kapaladze, claims to have invented a 5 kilowatt free energy
generator. In a demonstration video, the device appears to produce
copious amounts of energy from no visible source. Though it appears
to be extracting energy from the aether, some people think it could
be a matter of getting energy from the electrical grid through
inductive coupling. (PESWiki; July 9, 2009)

Featured: Electromagnetic > Motors / EVs >
Ultra efficient and powerful Magnetronic Motor (Interview) -
Because the design by Millennial Motors, Inc. eliminates more than
95% of the iron from their motor, they are able to capture nearly all of
the collapsing electromagnetic fields into a capacitor to be used
again in the next pulse. Their coils are ultra simple to wind, and are
arranged in removable, modular nodes. (PESWiki; Oct. 15, 2008)

Feature: Electromagnetic > Gap-Power >
Gap-Power video claims to describe and demonstrate
overunity - New videos by Art Porter illustrates a magnetic
neutralization technique via an electromagnetic coil, and in the
operation of the device most of the rotational torque comes from
permanent magnets, allegedly producing more energy out than in.
(PESN; July 27, 2010)

Featured: Electromagnetic > Electrostatic / Magnetism >
Rosmary Ainslie's Magnetic Field Model - Combining
symmetry, patterns and principals of correspondence, Rosemary
Ainslie developed an alternate physics model that is able to reconcile
the mass volume ratio of the proton ... She has been able to
experimentally prove her concepts related to the electromagnetic
interaction by inducing more energy from a circuit than is available
from the supply, achieving COP>17 in 2002. Her latest results point
to an infinite coefficient of performance. (PESWiki; March 2, 2011)

Featured: Electromagnetic >
Keppean Scalar Motor Demonstration Under Way - The Keppe
Motor allegedly requires a quarter as much electricity to generate
power as a normal motor -- by capturing scalar energy from the
"vacuum" of space. It is named for Brazilian scientist, Norberto
Keppe, Ph.D., whose book The New Physics Derived from A
Disinverted Metaphysics proposes a spiritual-based direction for our
planet's technological philosophy. (PESWIki; Sept. 23, 2008)

Store > Electromagnetic > Keppean Scalar Motor >
Keppe Releases a New Motor Manual 3.0 - "The Keppe Motor 3.0
uses 70-90% less energy than traditional low-power induction motors
and is readily adaptable for practical applications." The motor is
based on Keppes disinversion of Physics, enabling the design of a
motor that allegedly capture the natural scalar energy that exists in

Featured: Electromagnetic >
Electro Magnetic Energy (EME) by TWM Technology - Device
sips power from six motorcycle batteries while also recharging them.
Next prototype expected to be 500 - 1000% efficient, harnessing
permanent magnet power. (PESWiki; Dec. 4, 2008)

Featured: Electromagnetic > Zero Amp Tech >
Zero Amp Tech demonstration reflections - Peter Sumaruck has
captured the imagination of many with his demonstration alleging
0.05 Watts input from a genset powering five motors (4000 Watts)
output through his modified variable AC motor controller. However, a
New Energy Congress assessment gives reason for skepticism.
(PESN; Nov. 30, 2008)

Electromagnetic > Pete's Zero Zamps Tech
Peter Sumaruck Demonstrates Apparent Closed Loop Power
Production System - On March 30 a video was posted apparently
showing Pete running his motor for three hours with no diminishing of
input battery levels or generation of heat in the driving components,
while the same set-up without his technology would supposedly only
power the output for two hours, draining the batteries.
(WorldOpinionView; Apr. 2, 2009)

Featured: Magnet Motors / Gravity Motors / Electromagnetic >
Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory - Theory predicts that both
gravitational and electron motion energy can be lead out via pulse
force at resonance on oscillating, vibrating, rotating or flux change
systems. The ideal pulse force for a simple pendulum can be thought
of as the pull applied perpendicular to the arc of motion when the
pendulum bob is at the maximum displaced position. (PESWiki; Sept.
16, 2008)

Featured: Electromagnetic >
The Wardforce Pathway to Free Energy - Steve Ward has
demonstrated a magnetic force he calls the "Wardforce." This force
could be considered the opposite of Lenz Law's back-EMF concept,
because it can support the motion of an electric motor instead of
resist it. Could this be a pathway to overunity?
(PESN and BeforeItsNews; June 5, 2011)

The Orion Project >
Update on Pulsed Motor Generator by the Orion Project - Greer's
group reports: "In one test, the Pulsed Motor Generator successfully
powered an 18 pound metal rotor at a steady speed of 1500 rpm with
as little as 25 watts of input power." (Orion Project; August 12, 2008)

Featured: Electromagnetic >
Daniel Quale's Lenzless Generator - Inventor claims to have come
up with an electric generator that is unaffected by Lenz's Law.
According to the site, this type of generator should be capable of
overunity. (PESWiki; March 9, 2009)

Featured: Electromagnetic >
Alan Francoeur Interference Disc Generator - Alan L. Francoeur
describes his generator as a multi-phase, interchangeable, ac/dc,
variable, frequency dynamo machine of high efficiency. Due to some
"prior art" controversy, in the interest of history, we resurrect this
information. (PESWiki; March 9, 2009)

David Bowling's Continuous Charging Device - Arizona inventor
says he has developed a device that will put out a continuous 12 volt
electrical current which he has then been using to run motors, small
appliances, and charge batteries. (PESWiki; Apr. 30)

Weather Control Via Newman-Like Device - A dozen years ago,
while pursuing a possible overunity machine, Mr. Wells discovered
that the machine was effecting local weather. Several machines and
years later, the effect is much better understood and refined.

Ronald Classen's Replication of the Muller Dynamo - With as
much work as has gone into this prototype, you would hope that Ron
might be into over unity. He's looking for feedback from those who
might help him prove and improve what he has.

Using a Clock Pendulum to Generate Electricity - Bill Mehess has
invented a system in which a clock pendulum mechanism swings
magnets into coils, allegedly generating enough electricity to
recharge the clock spring as well as power other devices. (PESN;
Mar. 24, 2007)

James D. Hardy's Self-Looped Water Pump and Electricity
Generator - Massachusetts inventor demonstrates a patent pending
technology in which a 165 gallon/minute water pump powers a water
wheel, which is connected through belts to a one horse power
generator, which powers the water pump as well as an incandescent
bulb. (PESWiki; July 16, 2008)

Disappeared in History

Suppression / Videos > Energy from the Vacuum series >
Cold Heat from Canada (Trailer) - In 1968, Designex Inc. in Toronto,
Canada, was powering the refrigerator, lights, radio and other
appliances in their offices with a device of their own design that was
self powered by cold negative radiant energy. Toronto Hydro, the
local power company, sent a crew out, who removed all Toronto
Hydro power meters, fuse boxes, and wiring in an attempt to shut the
power off, but to no avail. (Energy from the Vacuum; Disc. 19; July,

For Communications

Electromagnetism > Nikola Tesla >
Tapping Tesla to Save Trapped Miners - The noted pioneer in
electricity and radio showed over a century ago that a magnetic wave
generator could be used for wireless communications. Basically, the
generator works like an electromagnet. Powered by standard
alternating current or battery, it runs electricity through a wire that is
coiled around a metal cylinder, creating a harmless, low-energy
magnetic field that extends for hundreds of meters. (ScienceMag;
Aug. 20, 2010)


Electric Motor Design Cuts Energy Use in Half - Thor Power is
commercializing a new electric motor design that generates twice the
power at half the weight and double the efficiency of existing electric
motors. This cuts the consumers' operating costs by 50%, for
applications like refrigerators and air conditioners. (Ben Franklin
Technology Partners)

Brushless Doubly-Fed Generator (BDFG) improves the reliability
of wind turbines - A research team from the University of
Cambridge have developed a new generator technology for the wind
turbine industry to the point of commercial exploitation, for application
in a wide spectrum of wind turbines ranging from multi-megawatt
systems for wind farms down to domestic micro turbines. (PhysOrg;
Oct. 29, 2007)

Nissan Super Motor - One motor provides output through two
shafts, enabling it to function as both a motor and a generator, to
reduce the size and improve the efficiency of the drive unit compared
with two conventional motors. The Super Motor has rotors positioned
on both the inside and outside of one stator, enabling power to be
delivered through two shafts by applying compound current to the
Stator coils.

Raser Technologies - Symetron AC induction motor technology
achieves high torque without permanent magnets. A few simple
changes to conventional motors yield significant increases in power,
performance and efficiency. With up to 3 times the power density, a
lower cost per kilowatt, Symetron is ideal for use in electric &
hybrid vehicles, industrial applications and power generation.

Featured: Suppression / Electromagnetic >
Lester Hendershot's Fuelless Motor - In the 1920's Lester
Hendershot was working on a new type of aviation compass and
found a method of generating energy. He is reported to have
accepted an offer he couldn't refuse being paid never to work on his
device again and "committed suicide" in 1960 the same year the U.S.
Navy's Office of Naval Research began looking at his work.
(PESWIki; Feb. 25, 2009)

Trinity Motors - Multiple Field motor technology with high
performance armature configuration achieves 30% improvement in
energy efficiency, while magnetic suspension greatly reduces bearing
friction. PowerMax motor/generator features chargeback
capabilities that can recharge batteries while the motor is running.
Suitable for electric cars, heating and cooling motors, power

Copper Motor Rotor Project - Substitution of copper for aluminum
in the rotor conductor bars will reduce I2R losses, and increase motor
efficiency. If the design of the rotor and stator are re-evaluated to
account for the better electrical conductivity of the copper, even
greater improvements in efficiency can be obtained.
See also Copper Motor Rotors Boost Performance of Army
Trucks (pdf).

Variable Torque Motors - Axial field weakening yields higher
efficiency over the rpm range, creating a "built-in" transmission that
mechanically enables an operating range up to 10x the motor base
speed for electric vehicles. VTM offers hybrid retrofit packages
installed on the drive shaft of rear wheel drive vehicles using Maxwell
BoostCap ultracapacitors for energy storage.

ExRo - The Variable Input Electrical Generator has been designed to
more efficiently convert variable energy sources such as wind into
electricity, producing 30% higher output. The VIEG is a permanent
magnet brushless system, so maintenance costs are minimal, and
since it is a direct drive system, the cost, weight and inefficiency of
the gearbox is also eliminated.

Best Electric Machine - The Advanced Brushless Wound-Rotor
Synchronous Doubly-Fed Electric Machine System improves the
cost-performance envelope in electric motor and generator systems.
It shows nearly 50% reduction in cost and nearly 50% improvement
in power density. It has high reliability and low maintenance with no
brushes or slip rings.

InMotion Technologies - The IMT motor is a single sided axial flux
permanent magnet (PM) brushless motor with a slotted iron stator.
New power electronics and magnetically strong materials allow
dramatic improvements in efficiency of small machines and variable
speed drives. Suitable for electric bicycles, air conditioners, fans and
electrical appliances.

Featured: Electromagnetic / Magnet Motors >
The Magnevex Research Project - Based on the research and
writings of Ernest L. Norman, the Magnevex magnet motor /
generator uses neodymium magnets passing coils of wire to
generate electricity. The goal is to do away with the battery that is
presently used to run the motor side of the magnetic vortex.
(PESWiki; Feb. 1, 2009)

Ultra Motor Company - Permanent magnet DC Hub motors have
only five major components, are simple in design, easy to
manufacture and suited for narrow, wheel-mounted motor
applications such as electric bikes and scooters. Ultra motors offer
significant space-saving while delivering higher torque and efficiency
- without the need for gears, belts or chains.

Direct Drive Systems - High speed permanent magnet motors &
generators above 1.5MW are able to operate at speeds of turbo-
machines which are up to 12 times faster. DDS electric machines are
smaller (20% the size and weight of conventional electric motors),
more reliable, more efficient and more economical in capital and
operating costs.

UQM Technologies - Permanent magnet electric motor system
achieves a 10 to 1 constant power speed ratio (CPSR), providing
both high torque and high speed capability in the same machine at
levels greater than that of other motor technology. Peak power is
increased by 33 percent and continuous power output by nearly 100
percent, and system efficiency from 2 to 8 percent. Suitable for
electric vehicles and distributed power generation.

WaveCrest Laboratories - WaveCrest motors enhance dynamic
performance and control of vehicles by providing high levels of both
positive and negative torque at the wheel. They independently power
the wheels on one or more of a vehicles axles, and occupy less
interior space. The low-speed torque and fast response time replaces
costly systems such as anti-lock braking and traction control.
Regenerative braking reduces brake wear and extends electric

Bodine Electric - Extremely high torque, energy efficiency, and
extraordinary precision make e-TORQ motors the practical direct
drive solution in applications which traditionally required a speed
reducer. North Dakota State University used one of these motors to
finish first in a field of 30 teams in the American Solar Challenge in
July of 2003.

Multi Products Company, Inc. - Manufacturer of custom
gearmotors and gearboxs which can be designed to meet extreme
torque applications. Gearmotors can be custom designed, built, and
manufactured for both AC and DC applications. All gearmotors are
custom made in the USA.

NovaTorque - Produces small diameter fractional horsepower
motors for the appliance industry with coils wound parallel to the axis
of rotation, resulting in much higher efficiency and lower waste heat

Synchro Pulse - High efficiency brushless motor technology utilising
an innovative approach to the magnetic engineering inside the
motors, delivering more load for less electricity without requiring
exotic materials or unusual production techniques. The motors use
much less electricity for a given load and the speed controller
ensures you never deliver more power than needed.

Batteryless Bicycle Flashing Light System - video A Non-Friction
Bicycle Dynamo (Generator). No friction on any parts of the bicycle;
no drag; very bright. Get the energy almost free (at least on bicycle).
Uses a tumbling magnet electrical generating system. Exterior
magnet can be in any orientation.


Electromagnetic OU >
Basic Principles of Over Unity Electromagnetic Machines - A
new groundbreaking book written by Jovan Marjanovic, gives a
scientific view into the world of free energy from electric charges and
magnetic fields. The goal of this book is to unlock the secrets of over
unity and it is intended to be a kind of textbook for the understanding
of free energy magnetic machines. (; December
15, 2011)


Electromagnetic > Kapanadze >
The Kapanadze coil analyzed by William J. McFreey (pdf) -
Starting on p. 128 of chapter 3 of Patrick J. Kelly's compilation, this
article explain the working principles of Kapanadze devices. "This
explanation extends to Tesla, Hubbard, Meyer, Mark, SR193. In my
opinion, this is a perfect explanation and the only correct one. This
'overunity' is called... nuclear energy, no matter how it is disguised." -
- Greg Pakulski (; May, 2012)

Featured: ZPE > Electromagnetic >
Nuclear Catastrophe: How the lack of fundamental
research on alternative energy led to a wrong energy
policy - In an open letter to the scientific and government
communities, a group of eminent scientists point out the
shortcomings of nuclear energy as it has been implemented, and
ask: "Is there a safer replacement for nuclear energy? The correct
answer is Yes! It comes from the revised concept of space the
physical vacuum." (PESN; May 10, 2011)

Feature: Grand Unified Theories > Galactic Sea of Energy >
The role of the plasma with heterodyne resonance
mechanism in overunity devices - "In my recent book, Field
Propulsion by Control of Gravity - Theory and Experiments, I
describe a unique physical mechanism at the quantum mechanical
level. Investigating many experiments that apparently succeeded in
obtaining overunity, I am sure that the same mechanism is involved.
It always involves EM activated plasma that in some cases may not
be visually observed." (PESWiki; Sept. 17, 2010)

Featured: Electromagnetic Overunity > Bearden >
Bearden writes to New Scientist about fundamental flaws in EE
model - Tom Bearden urges the scientific community to reexamine
their core electrical models to account for asymmetric systems that
physics acknowledges, thus providing explanation and support for
the many inventors discovering overunity electromagnetic effects.
(PESN; March 7, 2010)

Electromagnetic >
Basic Principles of Over Unity Electro Machines (pdf) - In this
work author analyzed several patented electromagnetic machines
with over unity behaviour and explained basic principles behind their
work. Author found four basic principles for construction over unity
electromagnetic machines and one for increasing energy of the river.
(; November 23, 2009)

Electromagnetic / Aether
Robert Distinis New Electromagnetism and Ethereal
Mechanics - New Electromagnetism consists of spherical field
models for both Coulomb forces and magnetic forces, introducing
additional terms to resolve anomalies and paradoxes. Ethereal
Mechanics proposes a more coherent explanation of time, energy,
matter and existence.

Mathematical Proof of Free Energy (pdf) - Paper alleges that with
simple formulas in electromagnetics it can be proven that the
Newton's Third Law is not valid in all cases for electrical charges and
that an electrical generator with high voltage achieved by high RPM
has energy surplus in comparison with another generator with low
voltage and high current. (; March 02, 2009)
(Thanks Bobsy)

The Deliberate Curtailment of Nikola Tesla's Primary Energy
Source - Tom Bearden and Leslie Pastor discuss how the present
electrical engineering model (and practice) was severely curtailed to
exclude overunity (COP>1.0) electrical power systems that take their
excess electromagnetic energy directly from their interaction with the
active medium (vacuum/spacetime).

(4.16 Minutes)The Electromagnetic Spectrum Song
Composed and performed by Emerson & Wong Yann (YouTube; Dec
4, 2007)

Electromagnetic > Bedini SG >
Spinning Magnet Using Bedini Circuit (video) - I found this looking
for a back-up copy of Bedini's video about Howard Johnson's linear
track and magnet motor. A cow magnet is seen spinning vertically on
top of a plate over a Bedini coil powered by a 9-V battery on the input
side, powering a 9-V on the output. (YouTube by Pirate88179; May
03, 2009)

Why Batteries Work and Capacitor's Don't
NEC member, Ken Rauen gave the following comment on June 12,
Harold Aspden composed what he calls Aspden's Law, an equation,
which creates an opportunity for an asymmetrical circuit to introduce
energy when the charge carriers in a circuit have mass that slows
down the current motion. Ionic motion in a battery causes this
disjunction in charge motion. The Correas have it posted on their
website, This is why Bedini says a cap
won't work but a battery will. Capacitors just shuttle electrons like the
wires. Batteries convert the charge carriers to metal ions which move
MUCH slower. Pulsing makes the transition significant enough to
allow energy to be gated. The original Tesla coil was energized by
pulsed DC, quenched with a magnetic arc blowout. Pulsed AC does
not do the same thing.

Featured: Electromagnetic > Bedini SG >
Magniwork free energy plans = bogus claim; say they'll remedy
that - Magniwork has been selling a set of plans for a free energy
device they say could be scaled to power an entire house. However,
it turns out that the device is nothing more than the Bedini SG circuit,
which, though interesting, has never been embodied in a self-looped
system with energy left over for practical use. They've apologized
and removed the Bedini stuff. (PESWiki; June 2, 2009)

Featured / Polls: Electromagnetic > Magniwork >
Poll regarding the Magniwork power generator - We've been
calling it a scam, but is it? What's your experience? Haven't bought
the plans. Won't get plans; a scam. Got the plans; looks bogus.
Got the plans; haven't tried building. Plans not clear enough. Built
it; doesn't tap free energy. It's powering stuff, but not house. It's
powering my house completely. (PES Network; Aug. 16, 2009)

Featured: Wind / Electromagnetic > Boswell
Boswell Power Production Unit Runs Continuously Even
Without Wind - Finally, we may have found a 24-7 clean energy
device that is available for purchase, capable of powering a home (3
kW), yet looks like a conventional device. Company claims a few
hundred have been installed since late 2007. (PESN; Mar. 11, 2009)

Featured / Buyer Beware: Electromagnetic > Boswell >
Boswell Power Production Unit Videos Posted - Claims that
something turning in a 5-gal. bucket elevated on a 4-foot PVC pipe,
having 12-gauge wire coming from it is producing 5.4 kW and has
been powering his home for months. Documents PG&E vehicle
stopping by the day after he posted his video. (PESN; April 14,

GMC Holding > SEC Files Action On Fuelless Motor Fraud - The
US Securities and Exchange Commission has filed an action against
GMC Holding Corporation (GMC) and its CEO, Richard Brace, for
defrauding investors by issuing false press releases touting the
company's development of a motor technology device capable of
generating unlimited energy. (PESN; Feb. 27, 2008)

Electromagnetic >
LEGO electromagnetic motor hoax by Tom A - In February of
2009, Tom Altman(?) posted a video on YouTube showing magnets
around a wheel with an inductive coil supposedly firing from the
incoming magnetic flux to kick the magnet along. It turns out, though,
that a hidden capacitor, pre-charged-was assisting the kick.
(PESWiki; Sept. 19, 2009)

Planes Could Be Brought Down By DIY 'E-bombs' -
Electromagnetic pulse weapons capable of frying the electronics in
civil airliners can be built using information and components available
on the net. All it would take to bring a plane down would be a single
but highly energetic microwave radio pulse blasted from a device
inside a plane, or on the ground and trained at an aircraft coming in
to land. (New Scientist; April 1, 2009)


Forums > Exotic FE / UFOs / Conspiracy > AlienScientist >
AlienScientist Discussion Forums GRAND OPENING! - After
much encouragement, the brilliant and wise 'AlienScientist', who has
produced so many excellent YouTube videos, has now launched
a forum that features some experts in the fields of UFOlogy, exotic
energy, breakthrough science, conspiracy evidence, and other
maverick topics in defiance of mainstream boredom. (YouTube /
AlienScientist; September 1, 2011)


Electromagnetic > Tools > Construction > SeanCLaNZeR >
CLaNZeR's CNC Coil Winding Machine - One of the most well-
respected free energy replicators, Sean CLaNZeR of CNCDudez has
launched a KickStarter campaign to raise money to do a run of 100
CNC Coil Winding Machines. They've already built and delivered
several of these. Pledge to get one. (KickStarter; October 30, 2012)


Feature: Electromagnetic / Tools > Testing >
NASA scientists Nelson & House willing to verify overunity
electromagnetic machines - A couple of NASA scientists have
been following the free energy world for years and would like to
believe that Tesla type of technology is possible that harnesses
limitless energy from the environment via electromagnetic means.
One of them has a lab set up to test such claims. (PESWiki; May 19,


Featured: Classifieds > Electromagnetic OU >
Volunteer Researcher, Jose Ruiz, Looking for an OU
Lab - Single, 34-year old mechanical engineer from California State
University, LA, is looking into the possibility of volunteering on
designing, building and testing overunity devices. "I ask for a few
things: food, shelter, high speed internet, a few free hours a day or
night for trading and, most importantly, interesting projects to work
on." (PESWiki; December 15, 2010)


Featured: Humor / ZPE > Vortex / Anti-Gravity / Electromagnetic / Radiant Energy >
Energy from the vacuum (cleaner) - U.S. inventor, Dr. Thie, gets
more than he had hoped for when he figures out a way to harness
the vortex formed in his vacuum cleaner, combining the principles of
quantum physics, Schauberger's vortices, and Tesla's radiant
energy. (BeforeItsNews; April 1, 2010) (PESN; Examiner)

Humor > Electromagnetic >
Motorcyclists show how it feels to be an electron (video) - In a
"cage of death" demonstration, six motorcyclists pull stunts that
resemble an atom. The act was put on by the Nan Shi Theatre
acrobatic troupe in Shanghai. A variation on the old Wall of Death
motorcycle circus act, one, then two, then three and eventually six
riders enter a metal cage and tear round the inside together. The
criss-cross stunt with five riders inside is particularly jaw-dropping.
(YouTube; August 6, 2008)

In the News
Moved to News:Electromagnetic

Featured: Electromagnetic > Tesla >
BBC Shock and Awe: The Story of Electricity - This BBC
documentary does an excellent job of reviewing the fascinating
history of electricity and its many key players of the past two
centuries. It is astonishing how rapidly the technology unfolded and
how radically it changed how we live. So will it be with Free Energy.
(PESN; March 31, 2012)

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See also
Directory:Emdrive (Electromagnetic Space Drive)
Directory:Electric Motors
Directory:Best Exotic Clean Energy Technologies
News:Best Exotic Free Energy Technologies
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Directory:Galactic Sea of Energy
Directory:Aether | PowerPedia:Aether
Directory:Atmospheric Electrostatic Energy
Directory:Dark Energy
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Directory:Zero Point Energy
Directory:Grand Unified Theories | Directory:Aether Physics Model
Directory:Fractal Antennas as an Energy Source
Directory:Electromagnetic (overunity)
News:Electromagnetic (latest) | 2009 | 2006-2008
Directory:Motor-Generator Self-Looped with Usable Energy Left Over
Directory:Magnet Motors | News:Magnet Motors
Directory:Linear Magnet Accelerators
Directory:Pyramid Power
Directory:Quantum Particles
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Categories: Galactic | Electromagnetic

PowerPedia:John Bedini
John Bedini

John Bedini
Some people play the piano by music, others play by ear, and some
can do both. The talents are different. John Bedini has a natural
ability with electronics. He does not work from a circuit diagram,
though he knows how to read them and compose them. For him, the
positioning and balancing of components comes as naturally as one
who is gifted at playing the piano by ear. He can "compose on the
fly." He has a natural feel for what diodes to use with what capacitors
and transistors and transformers; what they do, and how they
interact. He has worked with these building blocks, even making the
from scratch for years.
His original and persisting fame has come in the world of audio
equipment. His Bedini sound systems are still used in the
professional recording industry. Three-D sound, the ability to convey
high fidelity on junk wires, digital sound with the quality of analogue,
and more.
1 Nikola Tesla
2 Conferences
3 Product in Market: Renaissance Charge
4 Patents
4.1 USP7109671
4.2 USP6677730
4.3 USP6545444
4.4 USP6392370
4.5 USP5748745
4.6 US5487057
4.7 US5464442
4.8 US54555795
5 Websites
6 Videos
7 Books
8 Project Pages
9 Interviews
10 Theory
11 Coverage
11.1 In the News
11.2 Directories
11.3 Counterfeits
12 See also
Nikola Tesla
John Bedini's devices such as the Schoolgirl motor, the Monopole
Battery Energizer, etc, apply Radiant Energy Technology, by
generating Unidirectional Wave Impulses. There is talk of enormous
High Voltage Spikes, but without current. A brief perusal of gathered
comments from John Bedini yields that he calls this Reactive Power -
something that has to be transformed into actual energy. A capacitor
always features in his designs, to convert this Reactive Power to
useful electricity. Triggering mechanisms (for timing) and tuning are
very crucial also. Tuning into resonance of the rotor + trigger so that
maximum benefit is reached. Bedini also likes to use the rotation of
some of his battery chargers to also spin a larger fan (Bedini
Monopole Energizer) to provide mechanical work also.

Featured: Electromagnetic / Events > 2012 > Bedini Conferences >
John Bedini - Peter Lindemann 2012 Science &
Technology Conference, June 30 & July 1, 2012 -
Upcoming conference will feature nine different speaker/presenters,
highlighting new and potentially disruptive technologies including
Bedini's Crystal Battery technology, the Real History of the Ed Gray
self-running engine, and advanced discoveries in Classical
Mechanics that make it possible to harness Gravitational
Accelerations and Centrifugal Forces. (PESWiki; February 15, 2010)

Events > Electromagnetic > John Bedini / Peter Lindemann >
Bedini will be at Nov. 13-14 technical conference - Jeane
Manning writes: "Peter Lindemann will reveal motor secrets, Jeff
Wilson is said to have a machine that runs itself as well as charges
itself; and there will be other speakers too.... There will also be a Big
Surprise event. Ill try to blog right away afterward. During the event,
no cellphones or cameras are allowed, we're told." (ChangingPower;
October 23, 2010 )

Events > Radiant Energy > John Bedini > 2010 Conference >
Bedini conference report - Sanford Staab gives his review of the
recent conference in Sandpoint, Idaho announcing the new "Tesla
Switch" which is a power amplifier for solar panels, that lets you
improve the efficiency of your solar panels by up to 2x; as well as the
other inventions of John Bedini, including the 3- and 10-pole
monopole motors. (Sanford's Blog; Apr. 14, 2010)

Featured / Events: Radiant > Electromagnetic > Bedini >
Tesla Switch Solar Charger to debut at Bedini conference - The
April 10 event in northern Idaho will feature a new Tesla switch that
enables the batteries in a solar array to last much longer, while also
enabling more energy to be drawn from the solar panel system.
The Renaissance Chargers and 10-coil Energizer kits will also be
demonstrated. (PESN; Feb. 11, 2010) (Comments)

Product in Market: Renaissance Charge
In 2007 John Bedini began limited distribution of a line of battery
chargers and rejuvenators (same product), which both charge
batteries using much less energy than traditional chargers, as well as
restores sulfated batteries to near new condition. In Nov. 2008, he
began increasing the marketing for these devices which have been
performing well.
Directory:Renaissance Charge Device by Energenx
Note that Bedini has stated that he is forced by the patent office to
employ the term "Back EMF" even though the device does not even
utilize BackEMF at all. He is using high voltage radiant energy spikes
to electrochemically re-charge batteries. f.ex. If you understand this
further, please clarify.
2006 - September - 19 - USP7109671 - Device and method of a
back EMF permanent electromagnetic motor generator
This invention is a back EMF permanent electromagnetic motor
generator and method using a regauging process for capturing
available electromagnetic energy in the system. The device is
comprised of a rotor with magnets of the same polarity; a timing
wheel in apposition to a magnetic Hall Effect pickup switch
semiconductor; and a stator comprised of two bars connected by a
permanent magnet with magnetized pole pieces at one end of each
bar. There are input and output coils created by wrapping each bar
with a conducting material such as copper wire. Energy from the
output coils is transferred to a recovery rectifier or diode. The
magnets of the rotor, which is located on a shaft along with the timing
wheel, are in apposition to the magnetized pole pieces of the two
bars. The invention works through a process of regauging, that is, the
flux fields created by the coils is collapsed because of a reversal of
the magnetic field in the magnetized pole pieces thus allowing the
capture of available back EMF energy. Additional available energy
may be captured and used to re-energize the battery, and/or sent in
another direction to be used as work. As an alternative, the available
back EMF energy may be dissipated into the system.
Inventors: Bedini; John C. (Coeur d'Alene, ID), Assignee: Energenx,
Inc. (Post Falls, ID), Filed: March 26, 2002
2004 - January - 13 - USP6677730 - Device and method for pulse
charging a battery and for driving other devices with a pulse
A two-phase solid-state battery charger can receive input energy
from a variety of sources including AC current, a battery, a DC
generator, a DC-to-DC inverter, solar cells or any other compatible
source of input energy. Phase I is the charge phase and phase II the
discharge phase wherein a signal or current passes through a dual
timing switch that controls independently two channels dividing the
two phases. The dual timing switch is controlled by a logic chip or
pulse width modulator. A potential charge is allowed to build up in a
capacitor bank, the capacitor bank is then disconnected from the
energy input source and then pulse charged at high voltage into the
battery to receive the charge. The momentary disconnection of the
capacitor from the input energy source allows for a free-floating
potential charge in the capacitor. Once the capacitor has completed
discharging the potential charge into the battery, the capacitor
disconnects from the battery and re-connects to the energy source
thus completing the two-phase cycle.
Inventors: Bedini; John C. (Coeur d'Alene, ID), Assignee: Energenx,
Inc. (Coeur d'Alene, ID), Filed: December 21, 2001
2003 - April - 8 - USP6545444 - Device and method for utilizing a
monopole motor to create back EMF to charge batteries
A back EMF monopole motor and method using a rotor containing
magnets all of the same polarity and in a monopole condition when in
momentary apposition with a magnetized pole piece of a stator
having the same polarity, said stator comprised of a coil with three
windings: a power-coil winding, a trigger-coil winding, and a recovery-
coil winding. The back EMF energy is rectified using a high voltage
bridge, which transfers the back EMF energy to a high voltage
capacitor for storage in a recovery battery. The stored energy can
then be discharged across the recovery battery through the means of
a contact rotor switch for further storage.
Inventors: Bedini; John C. (Coeur d'Alene, ID), Assignee: Bedini
Technology, Inc. (Coeur D'Alene, ID), Filed: March 13, 2001
2002 - May - 21 - USP6392370 - Device and method of a back
EMF permanent electromagnetic motor generator
This invention is a back EMF permanent electromagnetic motor
generator and method using a regauging process for capturing
available electromagnetic energy in the system. The device is
comprised of a rotor with magnets of the same polarity; a timing
wheel in apposition to a magnetic Hall Effect pickup switch
semiconductor; and a stator comprised of two bars connected by a
permanent magnet with magnetized pole pieces at one end of each
bar. There are input and output coils created by wrapping each bar
with a conducting material such as copper wire. Energy from the
output coils is transferred to a recovery rectifier or diode. The
magnets of the rotor, which is located on a shaft along with the timing
wheel, are in apposition to the magnetized pole pieces of the two
bars. The invention works through a process of regauging, that is, the
flux fields created by the coils is collapsed because of a reversal of
the magnetic field in the magnetized pole pieces thus allowing the
capture of available back EMP energy. Additional available energy
may be captured and used to re-energize the battery, and/or sent in
another direction to be used as work. As an alternative, the available
back EMF energy may be dissipated into the system.
Inventors: Bedini; John C. (Coeur d'Alene, ID), Assignee: Bedini
Technology, Inc. (Coeur d'Alene, ID), Filed: January 13, 2000
1998 - May - 5 - USP5748745 - Analog vector processor and
method for producing a binaural signal
An analog vector processor and method for converting right and left
mono and stereo audio input signals through a series of six amplifier
blocks and two control blocks using a series of unique signal path
connections. The six amplifier blocks are comprised of three dual-
amplifiers, two spacial amplifiers, a four-amplifier integrated circuit
that inverts and transposes the signal path thus putting the signals
out-of-phase. The two control blocks are comprised of a new and
unique signal mixer control block that selects a mono, stereo, spacial
or binaural signal, and a level control block for dual tracking of the
signals. The resultant output signals are of an altered sound field
producing a binaural effect thus creating a three-dimensional sound
experience. The input signals may be from any sound source or
conducting medium.
Inventors: Bedini; John C. (Coeur d'Alene, ID), Assignee: Bedini
Electronics, Inc. (Coeur d'Alene, ID), Filed: February 26, 1996
1996 - January - 23 - USP5487057 - Apparatus and method for
reducing electronic relaxation noise present information
recording medium
A method and apparatus is provided for reducing relaxation noise in
a conducting medium. The device is fabricated by affixing two
magnets at like, repelling poles; wrapping said magnets with a coil of
wire in an orientation orthogonal to the interface between the joined
magnets and the like poles of the magnets to form a magnetic unit;
connecting said coil to a motor means, an electrical power supply
means and a switch means; attaching a spindle to said motor means.
The spindle receives said conducting medium. The apparatus can be
in a housing. The conducting medium is placed on said spindle. By
activating the device, a modulated magnetic electromagnetic field is
created simultaneous to the spinning of the conducting medium. The
information recording medium rotates through the modulated
electromagnetic field, thereby reducing the relaxation noise.
Inventors: Bedini; John C. (Coeur d'Alene, ID), Assignee: Bedini
Electronics, Inc. (Coeur d'Alene, ID), Filed: June 22, 1994
1987 - February - 17 - USP5464442 - Anti-copy system
An anti-copy system which prevents copying of tapes and records
and other source material by placing a degrade signal on an analog
source signal to be recorded on a recording device. One embodiment
of the system includes a pulse width modulation (PWM) circuit that
generates a pulsed signal in a frequency range from near the upper
end to well above the range of hearing. The PWM pulsed signal is
modulated by the source signal to be recorded. The PWM signal
becomes the degrade signal. This degrade signal is keyed so that it
is combined with the source signal only when the frequency of the
source signal exceeds a desired threshold. The combined source
signal and degrade signal are recorded on the original recording.
This original recording can be played back without the presence of
the degrade signal impacting the audible quality of the reproduced
source signal. However, attempts to make taped copies of the
original recordings cause the degrade signal to beat against the bias
oscillator frequency of the tape recording head, thereby creating
harmonic signals that result in distortion and noticeable alteration of
the reproduced source signal that are unpleasant and objectionable
to the listener. The anti-copy system may be used with stereophonic
recordings, monophonic recordings, or even digital recordings of the
type wherein an audible tone burst is used to represent desired
digital data.
Inventors: Bedini; John C. (Sylmar, CA), Assignee: TVI Systems, Ltd.
(Los Angeles, CA), Filed: June 24, 1983
1985 - November - 26 - USP4555795 - Monaural to binaural audio
An audio processor which converts monaural input to a realistic
pleasant sounding binaural output in which optical coupling means,
having a nonlinear transfer characteristic, creates an unbalanced
output to a pair of audio outputs. The system provides for a high or
low level input, which may be selected by a switch, to an emitter
follower which drives an optical coupling circuit. The optical coupling
circuit is comprised of a light emitting diode and a phototransistor
connected in a phase splitting network. The phase splitting network
provides an unbalanced output to terminals for connecting to
preamplifiers, amplifiers, etc. An alternative embodiment employs two
optical coupling circuits in two separate signal processing channels,
including two phase splitting networks.
Inventors:Bedini; John C. (Sylmar, CA), Assignee:TVI Systems, Ltd.
(Los Angeles, CA), Filed: July 21, 1983
Websites - John Bedini's Official
Discussion Forum - Manufacturer of John Bedini's Battery
Chargers / Rejuvenators. - Catalog of John Bedini's Battery Chargers
& Crystal Batteries - John's personal homepage. - Catalog of John Bedini's Audio
Wikipedia:Bedini_Audio_Spectral_Enhancer - Wikipedia article
regarding the John Bedini Audio Spectral Enhancer (B.A.S.E. (see
monoaural to binaural patent)
John Bedini Compilation of John Bedini's Websites

John Bedini / Floyd Sweet / Radiant Energy > Energy from the Vacuum series >
Sweet Memories -- DVD number 30 in the "Energy from the
Vacuum" series - Few people know that in the early days of the
development of Floyd Sweet's seminal overunity device, which was
measured as putting out over a million times more power than was
input, John Bedini was an integral part of the team. ...It was John
who in fact built and tested many of the key components for Floyd
Sweet... (EnergyFromTheVacum; March 3, 2012)

Radiant Energy > Energy from the Vacuum series >
The Cejka Files -- DVD number 20 in the "Energy from the
Vacuum" series - Like John Bedini, John Cejka had been an
electrical prodigy from an early age. He also had an encyclopedic
knowledge of the free energy scenenot only its history, but also
its secret technologies, its inventors and its pioneers. And he had the
documentation to support this prodigious knowledge. Documentation
that was not available to the general public: and insights that were
clearly privileged. (ZP Energy; Sept. 5, 2010)

Magnet Motors > Howard Johnson >
Bedini Posts Video of Howard Johnson's Devices - John
Bedini and Rick Friedrick post a video showing Howard Johnson's
linear track magnet train and original magnet motor that John has in
his possession, received from HJ years ago. He addresses the video
to Mylow to encourage him in his efforts to carry on the work of the
late H.J. (YouTube; May 15, 2009)

New "Energy from the Vacuum" Documentary Series DVD
release - John Bedini - Bedini conducts a tour of his lab and
explains how every motor works, in addition to patiently answering a
whole host of questions pertaining to 'radiant energy'.

Featured: Videos >
Energy from the Vacuum series - Parts 1-9, now available, feature
Tom Bearden as well as John Bedini, Walter Rosenthal, Deborah
Chung, Howard Johnson, Peter Lindemann, Daniel Sheehan, Sparky
Sweet, and T Henry Moray. "Even a tiny efficiency of tapping [space
energy] could and will extract all the energy anyone could wish."
(PESWiki; March 15, 2009)


Featured: Batteries > Rejuvenation / Electromagnetic > Bedini SG > Plans >
Bedini SG "Authorized" Beginner's Handbook Posted
-- Not First - Peter Lindemann and Aaron Murakami's
latest ebook features John Bedini's famous "School Girl Motor",
named for its simplicity. However, this is not the first such
compilation. Nor is it a clear demonstration of "free energy", though it
does illustrate some very interesting principles. (PESN; November
27, 2011)

Electromagnetic > Bedini >
Bedini - "Free Energy Generation" - 2nd Edition - Tony Craddock
writes: "We are pleased to announce that the 2nd Printing of John
Bedini and Tom Bearden's "Free Energy Generation" has now been
received. At John Bedini's insistence, the 2nd Printing now includes
his original documentation, diagrams and explanations of the Bedini
Cole Window Motor, so there are about 50 new pages of material in
this Edition. (ZPEnergy; July 9, 2011)

Project Pages

Self-running Bedini motor - Long-time participant in various Bedini
motor replication projects, Rick Friedrich posts videos, photos,
diagrams, and explanation of his set-up, which he says measures a
net gain in energy "from nature".

Bedini School Girl Circuit and Motor
John Bedini's posts to the SG project list (pdf) - Compiled by Ron
Pugh. 33 posts, 15 pages. Tesla's radiant energy, battery behavior,
Sweet VTA, Kron theory. (April 25, 2005)
April 6th, 2008, Sky Meadow Media - Serving the New Energy
Movement Since 2001 interview with John Bedini
September 6th, 2006, Jeff Rense interview with John Bedini on Royal
Raymond Rife
Magnet Motors > Mylow > OS:MYLOW:Theory >
Mylow's gate - "I have explained that the switching is very important
and you must understand that first. I don't care how many magnets
you glue on that disc it's not going to work until you understand the
switch and where the energy is coming from." -- John Bedini
(Mylow_Magmo; May 15, 2009 11:57 am Mountain)
In the News

Featured: Electromagnetic / Events > 2013 > Bedini Conferences >
John Bedini - Peter Lindemann 2013 Science &
Technology Conference; June 28-30 - Featured presenter:
Eric Dollard on 'Alternating Electric Waves', in addition to the
regulars: Bedini, Lindemann, Jeanne Manning, Aaron Murakami,
Paul Babcock, Chuck Hupp, Jim Murray. "If you have ever wondered
whether advanced energy inventions really exist, then this is the
Conference you have always wanted to attend!" (PESWiki; May 10,

Featured / OS: Electromagnetic > John Bedini >
Les Kraut replicates Bedini Ferris Wheel and other
exotic circuits - We've created a directory page featuring the
work of Les Kraut, a test engineer by training, who has replicated and
experimented with many of John Bedini's circuits; including the Ferris
Wheel, Bedini SG, SSG, Window Motor; as well as other
technologies, such as the GEET; and most Steven E. Jones' 8x
overunity Joule Thief modified circuit. (PESWiki; May 28, 2011)

Featured / Best Exotic FE: Electromagnetic / Events > 2011 > NEW: Bedini Conferences >
Early Registration Promotion of Upcoming July 2011
Bedini Conference - Rick Friedrich is offering several incentives
for early registration to the July 29-31, 2011 conference to be held in
Idaho, USA. The unspoken promise in this series of Bedini
conferences is that eventually, working, commercial overunity
devices of increasing quality and capability will emerge from this
process. (PESWiki; December 24, 2010)

Featured: Electromagnetic / Events > 2010 > Bedini Conference >
Wiseman calls Bedini 3-pole kit revolutionary - "The
little 3-pole kit they are selling is going to revolutionize America. It
allows grassroots experimentation so that people can get a working
understanding of the principles that allow Free Energy to be
gathered." (PESWiki; December 8, 2010)

Featured: Electromagnetic / Events > 2010 > Bedini Conference >
Bedini Renaissance Conference marks turning point
in overunity electromagnetic research - The enthusiastic
chatter about the Bedini Conference describes a monumental event
with amazing demonstrations of technologies and networking of
people who previously have only known each other by usernames.
What came to be called the "Bedini Ferris Wheel" was unveiled,
drawing milliamps while producing tremendous torque and electricity.
(PESN; November 23, 2010)

Events: Electromagnetic / Radiant Energy >
Renaissance Conference November 13-14, 2010 - A Workshop
giving people a chance to spend time at the shop with John Bedini
and others of like-mind in actual assembly of his cutting edge energy
technology, including the R-Charge battery chargers, Bedini/Cole
magnetic window motor energizers, and electric vehicle conversions.
"This may be more significant than the '84 Tesla Symposium." -- Rick
Friedrich (R-Charge; Sept. 2010)

Featured: Electromagnetic > Bedini >
GAP Power magnetic amplification and neutralization illustrates
regauging - Art Porter has posted a video series that demonstrates
what John Bedini calls "regauging", a principle involved in being able
to replicate some of Tesla's later work. (PESN; Feb. 20, 2010)

Featured: Radiant > Electromagnetic > Bedini >
Bedini on Oscillator vs. Tesla Switch - "The Oscillator can work
down to voltages of 0.7 tenths of a volt, so it can charge in very low
light -- no magic except in the conversion here; just good
engineering..." Videos show analogue meters and oscilloscope
readouts of the input (3.8 amps) versus output (8.5 amps). (PESN;
Feb. 14, 2010) (Comments)

Featured / Events: Radiant > Electromagnetic > Bedini >
Tesla Switch Solar Charger to debut at Bedini conference - The
April 10 event in northern Idaho will feature a new Tesla switch that
enables the batteries in a solar array to last much longer, while also
enabling more energy to be drawn from the solar panel system.
The Renaissance Chargers and 10-coil Energizer kits will also be
demonstrated. (PESN; Feb. 11, 2010) (Comments)

Featured: Electromagnetic > Bedini >
Bedini 10-coil energizer kits now available - Tony Craddock has
posted a new infomercial video about the 10-coil energizer kit being
manufactured by Rick Friedrich. Their purpose is to educate about
Tesla's radiant energy technology, especially pertaining to its
desirable effect on batteries, to rejuvenate them and charge them
with much less input electricity required. (PESN; Feb. 9, 2010)

Featured: Electromagnetic > Bedini / Steorn >
Is Steorn's e-Orbo a copy of Bedini's monopole? - Bedini
associate, Rick Friedrich, says he wishes people would give due
credit when they consult and then copy John Bedini's technology.
"Steorn not only copied my 3 pole monopole kit, ...with a few different
unessential parts configurations, but they even had the nerve to call it
the classic!" Says Steorn's demonstrations are not very convincing.
(PESN; Jan. 13, 2010)

Top 100 / Featured / FEN: Batteries > Chargers > R-Charge >
Interview with John Bedini about his Renaissance Charger that
Rejuvenates Batteries Using Tesla Technology - Bedini talks
about what Tesla's radiant energy is, and how he is using some of
those principles in a device that he's had available for limited
distribution for 1.5 years but is now marketing more widely. (PESN;
Nov. 20, 2008)

Mythbusters Fumbles Bedini - December 2004 Discovery
Channel program debunking free energy included a replication of one
of John's motors. They didn't even have magnets on the flywheel.
Read John Bedini's comment.
Wikipedia:John Bedini - Aion Alchemy focuses on radiant
energy and the replication of the Bedini patents.

Featured: Buyer Beware / Magnet Motors > Howard Johnson >
Howard Johnson Magnet Motor Scam Hosted by
ClickBank - ClickBank has been hosting a vendor that claims to
have developed plans for a magnet motor that will power a house
using less than $100 in parts, taking maybe a couple of hours to
build, even by "newbies" -- obviously bogus. Furthermore, at least
some of the plans are misnamed and plagiarized.
(PESN and BeforeItsNews; March 17, 2012)

See also

Directory:Renaissance Charge Device
by Energenx
Claims to Rejuvenate Dead or Dying Rechargeable Batteries
Page first featured November 10, 2008
The Renaissance Charge line of products by well-known new energy
inventor, John Bedini of Energenx, Inc., rejuvenates many dead or
dying rechargeable batteries (allegedly using radiant
energyprinciples), saving both on the cost of replacing them, as well
as saving the environment from their unnecessary disposal.
Additionally, as a charger, it is said to draw less current than a
traditional charger performing the same function of bringing
discharged batteries up to full charge.

"Renaissance Charge is pleased to bring to the marketplace the first
radiant battery chargers that radically reduce battery replacement
costs while dramatically increasing battery capacity."
Although all batteries degrade over time, Energenx says that the use
of this radiant (in the tradition of Tesla) charger can slow this process
down considerably, resulting in energy savings and battery longevity.
They say that batteries that have become useless are commonly
restored to working order.
Many years of testing all types of batteries and chargers have
convinced the company that there is no safer and better technology
for batteries. This includes batteries used in automobiles, trucks, farm
and industrial equipment, recreational vehicles, solar and wind
generation systems, and emergency standby systems. While
different chargers are made to be used with specific batteries, the
company has found that most, if not all, types of batteries can be
improved with this technology. This includes, but is not limited to,
lead-acid starter batteries, deep cycle batteries, gel cell batteries, Ni-
Cd batteries, and Ni-MH batteries. Testing on other battery
chemistries is currently underway.
The company states that construction contractors would save money
if they would just rejuvenate rather than discard their sulfated
batteries. Most batteries require only a few hours to be restored on
the Renaissance Charge system.
1 Official Websites
2 Interview
3 Videos
4 How it Works
5 Products
5.1 RC1UA: Home Battery Recharge System
5.2 RC-2A12: 12-V Battery Revitalizer
5.3 RC-30A12 & RC-15A24: Industrial Battery Recharge System
5.4 E-CAR: For Electric Cars
6 Costs
7 Advantages
8 Independent Testing
9 Patents
10 Profiles
10.1 Company: Renaissance Charge, LLC
10.2 Company: Energenx
10.3 Inventor: John Bedini
11 Coverage
11.1 In the News
11.2 Recognitions
11.4 Contact
12 See also
Official Websites
Energenx Forum

Download (10 Mp; mp3, excerpt) - On Nov. 19, 2008, 11:00 am
Mountain time, Sterling D. Allan conducted a 1-hour, live interview
with John Bedini as part of the Free Energy Now radio series, on
KFNX News-Talk Radio broadcasting out of Phoenix, Arizona at
1100 on the AM dial at 50,000 Watts. John Bedini talks about what
Tesla's radiant energy is, and how he is using some of those
principles in a device that he's had available for limited distribution for
1.5 years but is now marketing more widely.


(8.44 Minutes)
Renaissance Radiant Energy Battery Charger (YouTube; Nov. 5,
_ _ _ _ _

(3.41 Minutes)
Maintenance Manager Tom Childs tells us how he saved lots of
money on restoring batteries - In just three cycles Tom restores
seven sets of four golf-cart batteries a week over seven weeks to
new capacity condition. He wondered at first about the cost but now
is looking to get three more Rejuvenators. (YouTube; Nov. 24, 2008)
_ _ _ _ _

(1.55 Minutes)
John Koorn saved his big company a lot of money by restoring
useless batteries - John works for a large security company in
Australia and has enjoyed saving his company a lot of money with
restoring gel cell and power tool batteries. (YouTube; Nov. 24, 2008)
How it Works
Quoting from the site:
Although there is no solution to reconstituting a shorted battery cell, a
severely sulfated battery can be "Radiantly" charged back to a near
new condition. Conventional chargers cannot break through the
sulfated layers that normally form through conventional charging and
discharging cycles. After becoming so sulfated they can no longer be
charged, most old batteries are recycled or discarded as worthless.
In the course of the development of a highly efficient energy
generation system, John C. Bedini, Vice President of R&D for
Energenx, has invented and patented the Bedini Motor/Generator
and several solid-state battery charging systems. One common,
extraordinary characteristic of all of these systems has always been
the unusual benefits the battery receives while being charged with
these systems.
Instead of conventional constant current or constant voltage DC
charging, batteries charged by electrical pulses with specific shape,
frequency, and magnitude trigger improved electrochemical energy
transfer in the battery. Because of this, the life of new batteries can
be dramatically extended, and the capacity of older batteries,
previously unable to be adequately charged by conventional means,
can be increased.
"All this [Tesla-radiant] energy is on the regular power lines, you just
have to pick it off." -- John Bedini (Nov. 10, 2008)
Quoting from the site:
RC1UA: Home Battery Recharge System

"Specially designed for Ni-Cd and Ni-MH batteries, the RC-1AU also
charges small lead-acid batteries. This charger will put sustaining
power into anything from 1.2V "AAA" flashlight batteries to 24V
cordless tool packs. Don't throw those old batteries out until you've
given them a chance with this charger."

RC-2A12: 12-V Battery Revitalizer

Quoting from
Simple, compact, portable radiant charging power for 12V batteries.
This charger delivers a slow, but amazingly powerful revitalizing
charge. If your automotive battery's cranking power is getting
marginal, leave this charger on it overnight, then turn the key. You'll
see the difference.
This new compact (4 1/2"L x 3"W x 2 3/4"D) battery charger
incorporates state-of-the-art radiant technology, specifically designed
to be used with 12 volt lead-acid batteries. This charger sports some
of the same features as the industrial chargers including automatic
shutoff, anti-sparking, short-circuit protection, battery maintenance
and reverse polarity protection.
Extensive testing has shown that this little charger outperforms any of
the rival competition in its class. It will easily charge highly sulfated,
unchargeable batteries and maintain good batteries at their peak
performance levels.
There is no substitute for radiant charging, especially when the need
arises for that extended run time of a deep cycle battery or the
reliability of a starter battery. The thinner plates of a starter battery
deteriorate rather rapidly during the course of normal use and
conventional recharging. Radiant charging takes advantage of the
battery's own natural conversion process to help restore the negative
effects of rapid discharging, giving this type of battery its longest
possible life. The thicker plates of a deep cycle battery can now
provide incredible longevity thanks to this little charger's ability to
keep them free from sulfation buildup.
By using the Renaissance charger as part of a regularly scheduled
maintenance charging routine, the battery replacement intervals, in a
fleet of electric vehicles for example, can be effectively extended.
Radiant charging provides benefits that can save you time and
money, increasing your battery's life to meet or exceed its
manufacturer's warranty.
RC-30A12 & RC-15A24: Industrial Battery
Recharge System

"12V or 24V charger models. This industrial charger packs all the
power you need to get your batteries in shape in the shortest amount
of time possible. Select between two primary functions: charge and
cycle to choose the proper function for rebuilding and maintaining
your battery for optimal performance."

E-CAR: For Electric Cars

"Designed for nearly any 72-144V electric car conversion by an
electric car enthusiast. Use it to bring those all-too-familiar dying
batteries back. Maximize your range and keep that expensive bank in
top shape."

"Hundreds of millions of dollars are lost every year in battery
replacement costs and lost productivity. A huge percentage of this
cost can be attributed to the improper charging of batteries by
conventional means. A radiant charging system will actually save you
money while keeping your battery-powered systems running more
powerfully. With increased battery power, the productivity will be
easily recognized. Charging down time and wasted energy will be
significantly reduced. This could represent a savings of 30% or more
of your annual battery replacement and energy costs combined."
Recharge "dead" batteries
Instead of conventional constant current or constant voltage DC
charging, batteries charged by electrical pulses with specific shape,
frequency, and magnitude trigger improved electrochemical energy
transfer in the battery. Because of this, the life of new batteries can
be dramatically extended, and the capacity of older batteries,
previously unable to be adequately charged by conventional means,
can be increased.
Independent Testing
The golf cart chargers for GCS (Genesis Charger Systems) are UL
Listed, and the other products will be going through this certification
process, which is very rigorous for battery charger products.
"These items follow our patents right to the T." -- John Bedini, Nov.
10, 2008
On May 1, 2001, ENERGENX obtained an exclusive worldwide
license from John Bedini to any proprietary technology being
developed by John Bedini pertaining to a monopole motor/generator
based energy delivery system for charging batteries, including a
patent application filed on March 13, 2001 entitled "Device and
Method for Utilizing a Monopole Motor to Create Back EMF to
Charge Batteries." This was later issued as a patent on April 8, 2003.
An additional patent application entitled "Device and Method for
Pulse Charging a Battery and for Driving Other Devices with a
Pulse", covered by the license agreement relating to this technology
was subsequently filed on December 21, 2001 and issued as a
patent on January 13, 2004 .
Issued Patents
U.S. Patent 6,392,370 issued May 21, 2002 for a "Device and
Method of a Back EMF Permanent Electromagnetic Motor
Generator". Expires January 12, 2020.
U.S. Patent 6,545,444 issued April 8, 2003 for a "Device and Method
for Utilizing a Monopole Motor to Create Back EMF to Charge
Batteries". Expires March 13, 2021.
U.S. Patent 6,677,730 issued January 13, 2004 for a "Device and
Method for Pulse Charging a Battery and for Driving Other Devices
with a Pulse". Expires December 21, 2021.
Currently the company has one Patent Pending and is in preparation
of filing additional patents.
Company: Renaissance Charge, LLC

Founded in 2007, Renaissance Charge, LLC began after several
years of researching the viability of the superior battery charging
technology developed over many years by John Bedini and
Energenx, Inc.
"Our mission is to bring products that incorporate this technology to
the marketplace. It is our goal to ensure our customers success, and
as such, we seek to provide top-notch technical support and advice
regarding the use of the technology."
Company: Energenx
John C. Bedini, Vice President for R&D of ENERGENX, and the
inventor of the Bedini Motor/Generator have developed the patented
Motor/Generator as well as several solid-state systems which have
shown to be dramatically superior to conventional battery charging
mythologies. Upon its formation, ENERGENX has been assigned by,
and has acquired from John Bedini, the exclusive rights to these
patents and any subsequent patents. In the course of the
development of a highly efficient energy generation system, different
ancillary products have emerged.
Yahoo Finance - EENX.OB
Inventor: John Bedini
See PowerPedia:John Bedini
In the News

Featured: Electromagnetic / Events > 2010 > Bedini Conference >
Bedini Renaissance Conference marks turning
point in overunity electromagnetic research - The
enthusiastic chatter about the Bedini Conference describes a
monumental event with amazing demonstrations of technologies and
networking of people who previously have only known each other by
usernames. What came to be called the "Bedini Ferris Wheel" was
unveiled, drawing milliamps while producing tremendous torque and
electricity. (PESN; November 23, 2010)

Events > Electromagnetic > John Bedini / Peter Lindemann >
Bedini will be at Nov. 13-14 technical conference - Jeane
Manning writes: "Peter Lindemann will reveal motor secrets, Jeff
Wilson is said to have a machine that runs itself as well as charges
itself; and there will be other speakers too.... There will also be a Big
Surprise event. Ill try to blog right away afterward. During the event,
no cellphones or cameras are allowed, we're told." (ChangingPower;
October 23, 2010 )

Events: Electromagnetic / Radiant Energy >
Renaissance Conference November 13-14, 2010 - A Workshop
giving people a chance to spend time at the shop with John Bedini
and others of like-mind in actual assembly of his cutting edge energy
technology, including the R-Charge battery chargers, Bedini/Cole
magnetic window motor energizers, and electric vehicle conversions.
"This may be more significant than the '84 Tesla Symposium." -- Rick
Friedrich (R-Charge; Sept. 2010)

Featured / Events: Radiant > Electromagnetic > Bedini >
Tesla Switch Solar Charger to debut at Bedini conference - The
April 10 event in northern Idaho will feature a new Tesla switch that
enables the batteries in a solar array to last much longer, while also
enabling more energy to be drawn from the solar panel system.
The Renaissance Chargers and 10-coil Energizer kits will also be
demonstrated. (PESN; Feb. 11, 2010) (Comments)

Featured: Electromagnetic > Bedini >
Bedini 10-coil energizer kits now available - Tony Craddock has
posted a new infomercial video about the 10-coil energizer kit being
manufactured by Rick Friedrich. Their purpose is to educate about
Tesla's radiant energy technology, especially pertaining to its
desirable effect on batteries, to rejuvenate them and charge them
with much less input electricity required. (PESN; Feb. 9, 2010)

Top 100 / Featured / FEN: Batteries > Chargers > R-Charge >
Interview with John Bedini about his Renaissance Charger that
Rejuvenates Batteries Using Tesla Technology - Bedini talks
about what Tesla's radiant energy is, and how he is using some of
those principles in a device that he's had available for limited
distribution for 1.5 years but is now marketing more widely. (PESN;
Nov. 20, 2008)

Energenx Enters Into Agreement With Renaissance Charge to
Undertake Test Market on... - Energenx, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board:
EENX), an Idaho-based electronics company engaged in the
development of innovative battery charging technology, announced
that it entered into an agreement with Renaissance Charge, LLC to
launch a test marketing program for three innovative products.
(Reuters; April 8, 2008)

Display Exhibit Graphic (pdf)
The R-Charge device was exhibited at the Top 100 Clean Energy
Technologies Display at the Environmental Hall of Fame in Chicago,
See Discussion page
Tesla Chargers
POB 713
Liberty Lake, WA 99019, USA
Phone: (509) 921-6960
Energenx, Inc
10183 N. Aero Dr. Suite 2
Hayden, Idaho 83835, USA
Phone: (208) 772-3303
Fax: (208) 772-3373
See also
Congress:Top 100 Technologies Energy Hall of Fame Chicago
Directory:Battery Chargers
PowerPedia:John Bedini
Site:LRP:ENERGENX - John C. Bedini - Nikola Tesla
Directory:Bedini SG
Directory:Bedini SG:Battery Characteristics
Directory:Batteries:Most Ah ratings are incorrect
News:Energy Storage | 2009
PowerPedia:Electric battery
Directory:Battery Reconditioning and Recycling
OS:Lead Acid Battery Reconditioning with Replacement Electrolytes
PowerPedia:Earth battery
Directory:Lithium Ion Batteries
PowerPedia:Lithium Ion Batteries
Directory:Lithium Sulphur Batteries
Directory:Proton Polymer Batteries
Directory:Silver Polymer Batteries
Directory:Water-Powered Batteries
Directory:Utility Scale Batteries
Directory:Vanadium Redox Batteries
PowerPedia:Baset trailer
Directory:Fuel Cells
News:Nikola Tesla
Directory:Nikola Tesla
PowerPedia:Nikola Tesla - encyclopedia entry
Directory:Nikola Tesla Overviews
Directory:Best Exotic Clean Energy Technologies
Directory:Radiant Energy | PowerPedia:Radiant Energy | OS:Radiant
Directory:Electromagnetic - overunity | News:Electromagnetic
Directory:Atmospheric Electrostatic Energy
Directory:Tesla coil
Article:Tesla DC Thermoelectric Coils
Directory:Gary Bluer's Slayer Exciter Kit
Directory:Tesla's Pierce-Arrow
PowerPedia:Scalar field theory
PowerPedia:Tesla's Flying Machine
Directory:Wireless Transmission of Electricity | PowerPedia:Wireless
transmission of electricity
PowerPedia:Wardenclyffe Tower
PowerPedia:Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity
Directory:Tesla Turbines | PowerPedia:Tesla Turbine
PowerPedia:Teslascope -- Extraterrestrial Radio Transmitter
OS:Tesla, Meyl, and Jackson's Wireless Aetheric Power
Two Toroid Over-Unity Gabriel Device by David Klingelhoefer
Directory:Bedini SG - for learning radiant energy
OS:Ambient Energy Collection Device
Reprint:Tesla's Solar Ideas
Directory:Ismael Aviso Self-Charging Electric Car
Directory:Magratten Electromagnetic Motor
Directory:Renaissance Charge Device by Energenx
Events:ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference - TeslaTech
Events:Energy Independence Day - held each year on July 10, the
birth date of Nikola Tesla.
Directory:TeslaSecret Scam
Community:Tesla Society
Template:Galactic footer

Directory:Peter Lindemann
Peter A. Lindemann

Peter A. Lindemann
Peter Lindemann is one of the world's foremost experts on explaining
how radiant energy works. He is a foremost spokesman for Tesla's
radiant energy, as well as the follow-up work by EV Gray and Moray.
As personally witnessed by PES Network individuals, Peter has
experience with working technology, and is not just speaking
"Lindemann explains Tesla's bizarre electricity experiments, which no
amount of exposure to Tesla's work, from all other sources, has ever
done for me." -- Ken Rauen, Science Advisor for PES Network]
Peter also has extensive knowledge and experience in the field
of gravity motors, having built dozens of designs (none working so
far), and having reviewed the literature extensively.
1 Brief Bio
2 Official Website
3 Interviews
4 Projects
5 Conferences
6 Books & Videos
8 Contact
10 See also
Brief Bio
From: (Lindemann's site)

Peter A. Lindemann became interested in Free Energy in 1973, when
he was introduced to the work of Edwin Gray. By 1981, he had
developed his own Free Energy systems based on variable
reluctance generators and pulsed motor designs. During the 1980's,
he worked off and on with both Bruce DePalma and Eric Dollard. In
1988, he joined the Board of Directors at Borderland Sciences
Research Foundation, and served until 1999. Currently, he is a
Research Associate of Dr. Robert Adams in New Zealand, as well as
a close collaborator with Trevor James Constable in the United
States. Dr. Lindemann is one of the foremost authorities on the
practical applications of Ether technology and Cold Electricity. He is
currently Director of Research for Clear Tech, Inc.

Official Website - "Free Energy"
Biographical Sketch - includes list of articles.
Radiant Energy & Cold Electricity - reviewing the work of Tesla,
Moray, EV Gray, Baumann, and Lindemann.
Current State of Technology - radiant energy, cold
electricity, permanent magnet technologies, mechanical
heaters, super-efficient electrolysis, implosion/vortex, cold
fusion, Solar Assisted Heat Pumps. (See essay The World of Free
Energy by Dr. Lindemann)
Electric Motor Secrets Official Discussion Forum

Download - On Oct. 1, 2007, as part of the Free Energy Now radio
series, Sterling D. Allan conducted a 1-hour, live interview with Peter
Lindemann regarding his Rotary Attraction Motor. Also
addressed gravity motors.
Download - On April 21, 2007, Sterling D. Allan interviewed Peter
Lindemann regarding his Electric Motor Secrets DVD, in which
drawing on 30 years of his own research and development, he
explains in simple terms what back EMF is, and how one can build
motors and generators that do not involve back-EMF. He asserts that
such designs can improve upon the most effective motors of today by
many-fold, not just a few percent.


Lindemann Rotary Attraction Motor - Peter Lindemann has been
coaching a forum in replicating a modified off-the-shelf motor, adding
a Bedini-like circuit for improved efficiency, smoother running, and
possible over-unity performance.


Featured: Electromagnetic / Events > 2013 > Bedini Conferences >
John Bedini - Peter Lindemann 2013 Science &
Technology Conference; June 28-30 - Featured
presenter: Eric Dollard on 'Alternating Electric Waves', in addition to
the regulars: Bedini, Lindemann, Jeanne Manning, Aaron Murakami,
Paul Babcock, Chuck Hupp, Jim Murray. "If you have ever wondered
whether advanced energy inventions really exist, then this is the
Conference you have always wanted to attend!" (PESWiki; May 10,

Featured: Electromagnetic / Events > 2012 > Bedini Conferences >
John Bedini - Peter Lindemann 2012 Science &
Technology Conference, June 30 & July 1,
2012 - Upcoming conference will feature nine different
speaker/presenters, highlighting new and potentially disruptive
technologies including Bedini's Crystal Battery technology, the Real
History of the Ed Gray self-running engine, and advanced discoveries
in Classical Mechanics that make it possible to harness Gravitational
Accelerations and Centrifugal Forces. (PESWiki; February 15, 2010)

Featured: Electromagnetic / Events > 2010 > Bedini Conference >
Bedini Renaissance Conference marks turning
point in overunity electromagnetic research - The
enthusiastic chatter about the Bedini Conference describes a
monumental event with amazing demonstrations of technologies and
networking of people who previously have only known each other by
usernames. What came to be called the "Bedini Ferris Wheel" was
unveiled, drawing milliamps while producing tremendous torque and
electricity. (PESN; November 23, 2010)

Events > Electromagnetic > John Bedini / Peter Lindemann >
Bedini will be at Nov. 13-14 technical conference - Jeane
Manning writes: "Peter Lindemann will reveal motor secrets, Jeff
Wilson is said to have a machine that runs itself as well as charges
itself; and there will be other speakers too.... There will also be a Big
Surprise event. Ill try to blog right away afterward. During the event,
no cellphones or cameras are allowed, we're told." (ChangingPower;
October 23, 2010 )

Books & Videos

Featured: Batteries > Rejuvenation / Electromagnetic > Bedini SG > Plans >
Bedini SG "Authorized" Beginner's Handbook
Posted -- Not First - Peter Lindemann and Aaron Murakami's
latest ebook features John Bedini's famous "School Girl Motor",
named for its simplicity. However, this is not the first such
compilation. Nor is it a clear demonstration of "free energy", though it
does illustrate some very interesting principles. (PESN; November
27, 2011)

Magnetism > Peter Lindemann >
Magnet Secrets by Peter Lindemann - If you ever wanted the truth
about if magnets can save money, save equipment, increase energy
efficiency as well as holding up to other claims that many companies
make, look no further! Magnet Secrets by Peter Lindemann is THE
definitive book showing a method that that is actually used by the
government, military, universities and companies including Coca
Cola and Disney World. (eMediaPress; December 13, 2010)

Electromagnetic / Newsletters > Lindemann's Free Energy >
Peter Lindemann's December free energy newsletter - The DVD
from Peter Lindemann's excellent presentation at the Bedini
conference, Electric Motor Secrets, Part 2, is now available. "This is
the first time I have laid out the complete methodology for building a
fully self-running machine, basically from 'off-the-shelf' parts." (Free-; December 3, 2010)

Store / Videos > Peter Lindemann >
Classic Energy Videos - Regarding the five video set, with six
bonus videos, Aaron Murakami wrote: "Peter and I just put this up.
The Bedini and DePalma films aren't available anywhere else.
[Suggesting an interview, pending], Peter can give some * GREAT *
history about these films as the first 5 he either starred in, filmed or
produced." (Classic Energy Videos; Aug. 15, 2010)

Electric Motor Secrets DVD by Peter Lindemann - In his DVD
presentation (Published April, 2007), drawing on 30 years of his own
research and development, Lindemann explains in simple terms what
back EMF is, and how one can build motors and generators that do
not involve back-EMF. He asserts that such designs can improve
upon the most effective motors of today by many-fold, not just a few

Book and Video > The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity -
explains Tesla's "radiant energy" -- 'one of the most powerful Free
Energy methods ever discovered'. Also covers the work of EV
Gray who furthered the work with radiant energy.
TeslaTech Review - contains summary of contents.
Google - listing of sites that mention, feature, or carry the book and/or

Featured: Videos >
Energy from the Vacuum series - Parts 1-9, now available, feature
Tom Bearden as well as John Bedini, Walter Rosenthal, Deborah
Chung, Howard Johnson, Peter Lindemann, Daniel Sheehan, Sparky
Sweet, and T Henry Moray. "Even a tiny efficiency of tapping [space
energy] could and will extract all the energy anyone could wish."
(PESWiki; March 15, 2009)

Thermodynamics & Free Energy (PDF), Borderlands Magazine, 3rd
Quarter, 1994
Engine.pdf Tesla's "Self-Acting" Engine, Borderlands Magazine, 3rd
Quarter, 1995
The World of Free Energy, March 1, 2001
Peter A. Lindemann Clear Tech, Inc.
PO Box 713, Liberty Lake, WA 99019
phone: (509) 921-6960; fax: (509) 921-6960; Order Line Only : 888-
See Discussion page
See also

Directory:Atmospheric Electrostatic
Index of devices designed to harvest atmospheric electrostatic
energy, also known as "ambient" or "upstairs". One of the "invisible"
free energy sources.
The phenomenon of lightning is a function of a high electrostatic
differential between the ground and the sky, which always exists to
varying extents. Some researchers have been able to tap that ever-
present electrostatic potential to produce electricity for use. It's not
yet a matured field, but is certainly interesting.
1 Technologies
1.1 ERR Fluxgenerator
1.2 Ismael Aviso's FYMEGM
1.3 Stiffler
1.4 Harnessing Static from Friction
1.5 Nelson's Electron Trap
1.6 Pyramidal Electric Transducer
1.7 Rosmary Ainslie
1.8 Testatica
1.9 Ion Source Beam Projector
1.10 Scott F. Hall's Electrostatic Gizmo
1.11 Aluminum-Paper-Steel
1.12 Other Technologies
2 Resources
2.1 Overview
2.2 Theory
2.3 In the News
2.4 Facebook Photo Albums
3 See also
ERR Fluxgenerator

Featured / Best Exotic FE: Electromagnetic / Electrostatic > ERR Fluxgenerator >
ERR Fluxgenerator Looks to 2011 to be a Year
of Redemption - The Noahs Ark Foundation, which had a
major setback in 2002 when 20,000 solid state generators were
confiscated by the Japanese government, looks to 2011 to be a
watershed year, both in its development of 100+ kilowatt generator
systems, as well as battery and wastewater treatment technologies.
(PESN; December 31, 2010)

Ismael Aviso's FYMEGM

Featured / Best Exotic FE: EVs > Electrostatic >
Ismael Aviso Self-Charging Electric Car - An
inventor from the Philippines has demonstrated a bare bones electric
vehicle with an 11-kW DC motor running on just one 12-volt battery,
which is kept charged via an antennae circuitry that draws
electrostatic or radio wave energy from the surroundings. He's also
developed a super-efficient repelling force that he wants to engineer
into an engine. (PESWiki and BeforeItsNews; February 5, 2011)


Featured: Electromagnetic > Electrostatic > Stiffler >
Stiffler's Space Energy Coherence (SEC) lights
up - Dr. Stiffler has posted another video demonstrating how to
collect energy from the ambient environment, in this case brightly
lighting 12 LEDs. His simple setup utilizes a couple of coils and a
"Spacial Energy Coherence" (SEC) circuit along with a small tower
resembling those used by Nikola Tesla. (PESN and BeforeItsNews;
May 3, 2011)

Featured: Electromagnetic > Electrostatic > Stiffler >
Stiffler Frequency Amplification Effect
Replicated - Ismael Aviso has developed a system that
apparently captures and amplifies electromagnetic waves from the
environment to produce energy. Now, Dr. Stiffler has posted a video
on Youtube showing what he calls Spatial Energy Coherence (SEC)
powering LEDs from an earth ground wire and three coils in
resonance. Replicator, K4ZEP, claims it works with RF frequencies.
(PESN and BeforeItsNews; March 5, 2011)

Harnessing Static from Friction

Piezoelectric / Electrostatic > from Friction >
How Friction May Someday Charge Your Cell Phone - A
nanogenerator made from inexpensive materials harvests
mechanical energy and produces enough power to charge personal
electronics. Georgia Tech researchers demonstrated that a static
charge phenomenon, called the triboelectric effect, can be harnessed
to produce power using a type of plastic, polyethylene terephthalate,
and a metal. (MIT Technology Review; November 19, 2012)

Electrostatic Generator by Walter Owens - Walter Owens has
come up with a device which he claims extracts free and ubiquitous
static energy for practical use. A rotating device rubs against wool or
nylon and collects static electricity in a set of coils.

Nelson's Electron Trap

Nelson Scientific's Electron Capture - Developing commercial
method for capturing electrons for electricity. Device catches free
electrons in a vacuum, where they are redirected to conductors,
yielding electricity. (

Pyramidal Electric Transducer

The Pyramidal Electric Transducer: A DC to RF Converter for the
Capture of Atmospheric Electrostatic Energy - California
researcher, Peter Grandics, shows how an antenna, modeled on the
Great Pyramid of Giza, can transfer the power of atmospheric
electrostatic discharge impulses into a resonant circuit that converts
the random impulses into an alternating current as a potential source
of renewable electric power.

Pyramidal Power by Thomas Trawoger - Austrian inventor
demonstrates that a fairly simple set-up of a home-made capacitor
and two home-made coils, stimulated by a magnet, positioned at the
geometric center of a metallic pyramid will produce appreciable
amounts of current, enough to run a small fan.

Rosmary Ainslie

Featured: Electromagnetic > Electrostatic / Magnetism >
Rosmary Ainslie's Magnetic Field Model -
Combining symmetry, patterns and principals of correspondence,
Rosemary Ainslie developed an alternate physics model that is able
to reconcile the mass volume ratio of the proton ... She has been
able to experimentally prove her concepts related to the
electromagnetic interaction by inducing more energy from a circuit
than is available from the supply, achieving COP>17 in 2002. Her
latest results point to an infinite coefficient of performance. (PESWiki;
March 2, 2011)


Testatika Electromagnetic Generator - Includes an inductance
circuit, a capacitance circuit, and a thermionic rectification valve.
Alleged free energy machine works by harnesses energy from the
aether. Those controlling keep a very tight hold and do not intend to
release it to the general public.

Testatika Machine Video - The Methernitha commune claims to
have invented a machine that produces three to four kilowatts of DC
continuously from the static electricity in the air, depending on its
dryness. Sepp Hasslberger provides an English transcription for their

Ion Source Beam Projector

Ion Source Beam Projector - James Fauble claims to have come
up with a way to harness ions from the atmosphere for energy
generation. Open source project put on hold on May 5, 2007 due to
lack of funding to build a replica of an earlier prototype.

Scott F. Hall's Electrostatic Gizmo

Scott F. Hall's Magnet Motor from Kitchen Stuff - Video at
YouTube shows a continuously-running gizmo composed of a
conglomeration of things found in his kitchen, including a can of dog
food, tooth picks, refrigerator magnets, a pencil, spring clips, and a
small corner cut out of a box.


Aluminum, Paper, Steel Electrostatic Energy Generator -
YouTube user singerxyz posted videos showing two different set-ups
that he came up with that appear to extract energy from the ambient
environment. In one, he wrapped an aluminum tube from a lawn chair
with paper (insulator), and then wound that with non-galvanized steel
wire. (PESWiki; Aug. 15)

Other Technologies
Atmospheric Electric Generator Rex Research on Jules Guillot's

Human-Powered / Electrostatic (?) >
Clothing the Body Electric: Cotton T-Shirt Fabric Can Store
Electricity, Maybe Keep Your Cell Phone Charged - One day our
cotton T-shirts could have more functions; for example, a flexible
energy storage device that could charge your cell phone or your
iPad. (ScienceDaily; June 29, 2012)

Organizations > 'Free Energy' Plans by Creative Science and
Research - Company sells plans for devices that they say can
provide "free power for your home, garage, car or truck". They claim
to have heaters, engines, and other devices that are over unity or
that require no fuel. A few buyers say the kits do not operate as
claimed. Others are satisfied.

On July 21, 2007, NEC member, Gary Vesperman wrote:
This device Pyramidal Electric Transducer by Grandics has
superficial functional resemblances to Nikola Tesla's wireless
power invention, Thomas Moray's Radiant Energy
Pump/Electricity Generator, and Marc Millis' "'Converter of Zero-
Point Electromagnetic Radiation Energy to Electrical
Energy (see my compilation of "Advanced Technologies for Foreign
Resort Project" which is

Featured: Electrostatic >
Electrostatic Motor Power and Propulsion
Using Potential Energy of Ions - Mr. Anthony N. Fresco
has published a paper and submitted a patent application for a motor
and propulsion technology that utilizes the potential energy of ions.
No prototype yet. Could the ions in sea water be used as a vast
energy source? (PESN; March 8, 2011)


Electromagnetic / Electrostatic >
Bearden: The Real Cause of the Energy Crisis - "In 1891 Nikola
Tesla -- who gave us AC electric power, the rotating magnetic field
that makes modern motors and generators possible, and radio -- had
already discovered how to take all the EM energy one wishes directly
from the seething 'active medium' -- i.e., in modern physics terms,
from the active vacuum. He was already briefing technical societies
that this could be done at will." (Hasslberger Blog; April 1, 2011)


Electrostatic >
Northwestern research team turns theory of static electricity on
its head - Researchers at Northwestern University offer evidence in
a paper published in Science, that shows that what scientists have
believed to be true about the causes behind the creation of static
electricity, is wrong. Instead of one object winding up with more or
less electrons as a result of rubbing together, they claim, there is an
actual transfer of slight amounts of actual material. (PhysOrg; June 1,

In the News
Commenced Feb. 2011

Featured / Best Exotic FE: Electrostatic > Aviso >
Aviso engineers are currently working on
control software - Ismael Aviso has provided an update about
his progress in bringing forward his system that apparently pulls
electrostatic energy from the surroundings. On the side, he has make
a breakthrough in his health water generation process, making it
much more affordable. (PESN; February 8, 2013)

Featured / Best Exotic FE: Electrostatic > Aviso >
Aviso demonstrates capacitor-based "OU"
system - Ismael Aviso has posted several videos showing his
electrostatic technology that allegedly pulls energy from the
surroundings. In these videos he runs the system on capacitors, with
just one small battery to run his circuitry. Nexus reporter/ physicist,
Jerome Dangman witnesses it running for 30 minutes. (PESN;
August 27, 2012)

Best Exotic FE: Electrostatic > Aviso >
Another Typhoon puts Aviso under water again (video) - The
intense Manila weather, with a Typhoon and massive rain striking
another blow to Ismael Aviso's operations, putting them under water,
even as international teams are scheduled to come inspect his
technology. (YouTube / ley858; August 6, 2012)

Human-Powered / Electrostatic (?) >
Clothing the Body Electric: Cotton T-Shirt Fabric Can Store
Electricity, Maybe Keep Your Cell Phone Charged - One day our
cotton T-shirts could have more functions; for example, a flexible
energy storage device that could charge your cell phone or your
iPad. (ScienceDaily; June 29, 2012)

Featured / Best Exotic FE: Hydroxy / Electrostatic > Aviso >
Aviso Demonstrates Self-Looped Generator for
Philippine International TV - Ismael Aviso recently
demonstrated what he calls a "self-looped generator" for two of the
major Philippine TV stations. It's a variation of a previous set-up in
which he powered an electric vehicle from a Tesla-related antenna
that apparently pulls ambient energy from the surroundings. (PESN;
May 15, 2012)

Featured / Best Exotic FE / Events: Hydroxy / Electrostatic > Aviso >
New Advances Delay Aviso Energy Demo - The
public demonstration of Ismael Aviso's ambient power antenna
technology assisting a hydroxy cell as well as generating heat -- both
demonstrating free energy in operation -- is now scheduled for
February 2 in the California Bay Area. The event will also be
broadcast live, probably through (PESN and BeforeItsNews;
November 19, 2011)

Best Exotic FE: EVs > Electrostatic > Aviso >
E-car inventor eyes Europe conquest - Filipino inventor and
alternative energy visionary Ismael Aviso is eyeing a potentially
productive trip to Europe before showing off his inventions to
technical experts and investors in the United States next month.
Aviso has made online free energy circle buzzing with excitement
over prospects of his creations such as his fuel-less, self-charging
electrical car and power generator. (Manila Bulletin; November 1,

Featured / Best Exotic FE: EVs > Electrostatic > Aviso EV >
Aviso's Free Energy Circuit Revealed - Ismael Aviso
has developed multiple variations of a technology that collects free
energy from the ambient environment. Due to a massive number of
emails asking for more information, Aviso has posted a series of
YouTube videos that provide details and a demonstration of his novel
circuit. (PESN andBeforeItsNews; May 23, 2011)

Featured / Best Exotic FE: Radiant Energy / Solid State > Electrostatic > Aviso EV >
Aviso Solid State Generator Makes Hundreds of
Watts - Philippine inventor, Ismael Aviso, presents his Motionless
Electric Generator (MEG), reporting that it has been powering around
800 Watts of resistive light bulbs while the battery voltage drops very
little, which powers the circuit involved in harnessing this radiant
energy from the surroundings. (PESN and BeforeItsNews; March 2,

Featured / Best Exotic FE: EVs > Electrostatic > Aviso EV >
Aviso Envisions 1 Million Self-Charging EV
Retrofit Stations by 2011 End - Latest developments of
Ismael Aviso include: MEG powers 800 Watt bulbs for 4 hours; OU
Researcher Replicates Aviso's Coil-Short Cascade Effect; Intellectual
Passport Bypasses Convoluted Patent Journey; Aviso's EV isn't Self-
Sustaining Yet; Aviso Aims for 50 MPH Self-Charging EV Kit; Aviso
Invites Dark Players to Change Sides. (PESN and BeforeItsNews;
March 1, 2011)

Best Exotic FE: EVs > Electrostatic > Aviso >
Overview of Aviso Free Energy Technology (video) - Ashtweth of
Panacea-BOCAF has compiled recent video footage, adding a voice-
over description, talking about the antenna system that harvests
ambient energy from the surroundings, the repelling force, the recent
coverage on Philippines Channel 7, and the recent collaborative
testing by the Department of Energy. He
encourages donation support of this breakthrough team. (YouTube /
andrewg85; February 25, 2011)

Featured / Best Exotic FE: EVs > Electrostatic > Aviso EV >
Philippine DOE Verifies Aviso's Self-Charging
EV - Today, the Philippine Department of Energy tested Ismael
Aviso's electric car, showing that running off wall power, the 11 kW
DC motor ran at 45% efficiency, but with Aviso's on-board generator
which harvests ambient energy from the surroundings, the motor ran
at over 133% efficiency -- overunity. (PESN and BeforeItsNews;
February 24, 2011)

Featured / Best Exotic FE: EVs > Electrostatic > Aviso EV >
How Aviso extracts energy from the
surroundings to power his electric
vehicle (Interview) - Philippine inventor, Ismael Aviso says he
combines the high frequency shorting effect pursued by Tesla, with
the back EMF to create a carrier wave to harness ambient energy.
He was on Channel 7 this morning, who attended a government
created scientific panel to review his technology.
(PESN and BeforeItsNews; February 21, 2011)

Best Exotic FE: EVs > Electrostatic > Aviso EV >
Aviso EV battery goes up to 14 Volts with some tuning - I don't
quite grasp what Aviso is getting at here, but maybe some of you will.
With some adjustments to the sytem, instead of running down, the
12V battery, rated for 12.6 full, elevates to 14 volts, while powering
the 11 kW DC motor. (PESWiki; February 11, 2011)

Featured / Best Exotic FE: EVs > Electrostatic > Aviso EV
Aviso EV Battery Stays at 13 Volts Driving
Around Town - Filipino inventor, Ismael Aviso, has posted a
new video set showing his EV driving around town. The voltage of
the single battery powering the vehicle shows 13 volts throughout the
nearly 25 minutes of running, sometimes with four people on board.
The battery is purportedly kept charged via an antennae circuitry that
draws energy from the surroundings. (PESWiki and BeforeItsNews;
February 8, 2011)

Featured / Best Exotic FE: EVs > Electrostatic >
Ismael Aviso Self-Charging Electric Car - An
inventor from the Philippines has demonstrated a bare bones electric
vehicle with an 11-kW DC motor running on just one 12-volt battery,
which is kept charged via an antennae circuitry that draws
electrostatic or radio wave energy from the surroundings. He's also
developed a super-efficient repelling force that he wants to engineer
into an engine. (PESWiki and BeforeItsNews; February 5, 2011)

Facebook Photo Albums
Electrostatic Collection by PES Network
See also
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News:Best Exotic Free Energy Technologies
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Directory:Aether | PowerPedia:Aether
Directory:Atmospheric Electrostatic Energy
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Directory:Grand Unified Theories | Directory:Aether Physics Model
Directory:Fractal Antennas as an Energy Source
Directory:Electromagnetic (overunity)
News:Electromagnetic (latest) | 2009 | 2006-2008
Directory:Motor-Generator Self-Looped with Usable Energy Left Over
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