English Portfolio
English Portfolio
English Portfolio
While working in English this year you will be expected to maintain a three-ring binder with 5 separate
sections. This portfolio project is year-long and will be assessed minimally at mid-term and quarterly
finals. The project will require organization and neatness. The goal of the portfolio is to provide a place to
document and facilitate learning and achievement in this class.
Section One: Journal
As readers, writers, and thinkers, it is imperative to have a place to document ones own
thoughts and questions. Your practice of responding to classroom prompts in your
journal will allow thought exploration and practice expressing thought and opinion on the
Section Two: Writing Assignments
This section of your portfolio is devoted to the various revisions of writing assignments
such as narratives, reports, letters, and projects. While in class you will be offered a
variety of information that you will need to document in your class notes. This will
involve keeping record of classroom discussions, lectures, and group assignments. This
section will also house your Quarterly Reading Report materials.
Section Three: Literature Handouts
As we survey a variety of literature, you will be provided with various handouts that
correspond with our reading and analysis. This will include discussion questions,
character descriptions, plot analysis, etc. You must keep and refer back to materials to
facilitate your comprehension.
Section Four: Vocabulary Extension
People will judge you by your vocabulary. An impressive vocabulary makes an
impression. We will work on improving our vocabulary so that you may speak concisely
and precisely, as well as better understand what you read and hear. When you don't
recognize a word in your reading, it depletes your understanding of the piece.
Section Five: Grammar Practice
Many learners say that they don't like studying grammar; they think it is boring.
However, whenever you wish to speak or write clearly, grammar is important. Language
is like a house: made of bricks (vocabulary) and cement (grammar). Without bricks, you
can't build a house. But without cement, the house will fall apart. Grammar holds
vocabulary together, making your meaning exact.