Edtech506 Unit of Instruction-Template-Su14

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Dave Sheiner

Boise State University

Masters of Educational Technology
Final Project: Screen Printing Technologies
1. Unit oals !long range"ho# does this unit $t #ith year%long goals&'
The goals of this unit are to teach gra(hic design students (rinting and screen
(rinting technologies. The unit #ill cover the follo#ing o)jectives:
De*onstrate an understanding of the screen (rinting (rocess.
+dentify the various a((lications of screen (rinting and the outco*es it
+dentify *aterials and o(erations used in the screen (rinting (rocess.
+dentify the varia)les that a,ect the i*age and results of the screening
Produce a screen (rinted (roduct on various su)strates using a((ro(riate
in-s and (rocedures.
.ong ter* class goals and re(resentative to(ics include the (rinci(les of design
co*(osition/ gra(hic design and layout/ ty(ogra(hy/ i*age generation and $le
(re(aration/ (hotogra(hy/ digital i*aging/ (re(ress (re(aration/ (rinting and
screen (rinting technologies/ )inding and $nishing (rocesses/ *ulti*edia
)lending/ and )usiness and entre(reneurshi( (rinci(les.
0. S(eci$c #ays to relate goal!s' to curriculu* !tea*1de(art*ent/ syste* and state
The goals fall under the ra(hic Production Technologies Path#ay #hich (rovides
students #ith an understanding of (rinting technology industries and careers in
gra(hic arts and design. This (ath#ay is (art of 2alifornia3s 2areer Technical
Education (rogra*. The goals and o)jectives follo# the 2alifornia State
Standards for 2areer Technical Education.
4. 2haracteristics of the students for #ho* this unit is intended !needs in the
cognitive/ a,ective/ (hysical/ and social areas'
The screen (rinting unit is designed for high school students enrolled in the
ra(hic Production Technologies Path#ay. Students in this (ath#ay engage in
an instructional (rogra* that integrates acade*ic and technical (re(aration and
focuses on career a#areness/ career e5(loration/ and s-ill (re(aration. The
Unit of Instruction
(ath#ays e*(hasi6e real%#orld/ occu(ationally relevant e5(eriences of
signi$cant sco(e and de(th in gra(hic design. The -no#ledge and s-ills are
ac7uired #ithin a se7uential/ standards%)ased (ath#ay (rogra* that integrates
hands%on/ (roject%)ased/ and #or-%)ased instruction and designed to (re(are
students for entry to a career/ (ostsecondary education/ or advanced technical
8. Student3s Present .evel of Perfor*ance and 9no#ledge !Do the students have
the ade7uate -no#ledge to co*(lete the unit successfully& :hat (rere7uisite
s-ills *ust the students have to co*(lete the unit content& +nclude technology
Students enrolled in this course *ust $rst ta-e +ndustrial Technology 2ore #hich
is a se*ester long course and introduces students to *ulti(le technology sectors
such as architecture/ gra(hic design/ co*(uter )asics/ *anufacturing (rinci(les/
and engineering design. ;fter co*(letion students can than choose a technology
(ath#ay to co*(lete such as ra(hic Production/ Engineering Design/ or
;rchitecture (ath#ay.
<. 2lassroo* .ayout and grou(ing of students !:here #ill the learning ta-e (lace&
=o# #ill the roo* )e organi6ed& =o# #ill students )e grou(ed !#hole grou(/
individuals/ (airs/ s*all grou(s/ etc.'
The classroo* layout consists of t#o roo*s/ a standard classroo* #ith four
ta)les for u( to eight students and a technology la) #hich has 00 co*(uters and
#or- area. The lesson #ill )e delivered in the classroo* and focus on the
lessons o)jectives. Students #ill than *ove into the technology la) and #or- in
(airs to learn the screen (rinting (rocedures.
>. +ntroductory (rocedures !=o# #ill you introduce the unit and the goals&'
The unit #ill )e introduced )y sca,olding a screen (rinting de*onstration in the
technology la). ;fter the de*onstration students #ill (artner u( in the classroo*
and have a (air share discussion a)out the screen (rinting o)jectives and
guidelines. ;fter co*(leting the (air share discussion students #ill than #atch a
?ouTu)e video on the screen (rinting (rocess #hich sho#s a ste( )y ste(
a((roach to the (rocedures/ a((lications/ and *aterials used in screen (rinting.
Students #ill than create a design )rief in their class )logs #hich includes the
goals/ criteria/ and constraints of the (roject.
@. Materials and *edia !any resource/ (ersons or *aterials: )e as s(eci$c as
(ossi)le. +dentify resource/ its availa)ility/ ho# it is to )e used and #hy.
0 +*ages created in ;do)e +llustrator/ s*all i*age for the front of t%shirt
and large i*age for the )ac- of t%shirt.
:ooden *esh screen: (lain%#eave *ono$la*ent (olyester/ used to
transfer in- to the t%shirt.
E*ulsion: this is used to transfer the i*age to the screen.
Scoo( 2oater: this is used to a((ly the e*ulsion layer in an even coat.
.ight source
?ouTu)e video: Aideo sho#ing the ste(s to the Screen (rinting (rocess/ its
a((lications/ and *aterials used in screen (rinting.
Static gra(hic visuals: The visuals #ill hel( students (re(are for the screen
(rinting (rocess. Each gra(hic visual #ill sho# the di,erent ste(s to
screen (rinting.
B. Aisuals !although this is (art of the *aterials and *edia/ + #ant this to )e a
s(eci$c (art of your (lan'. +dentify at least EIGHT static graphic visuals
(NOT links to video clips or websites, please that you #ill )e creating and
use/ their (ur(ose/ and design.
These are so*e e5a*(les of static gra(hics + #ill )e using in *y lesson. +
(lan to create a static gra(hic for the four to(ics )elo#.
1. Designing C 2olor Se(aration
0. Screen Pre(aration C E5(osure
4. Printing and Dying
8. Final Screen Printed Product
D. ;ssess*ent and evaluation of learner understanding !+dentify the *ethods the
teacher #ill use to identify student learning levels and needs. Descri)e #hen
these #ill )e used during the unit'
To evaluate students understanding of the screen (rinting (rocess + #ill use a
co*)ination of (erfor*ance/ for*ative and self assess*ent.
Perfor*ance ;ssess*ent #ill )e used for the (hysical co*(onents of the
(roject. This includes the t#o (rinted i*ages created in ;do)e +llustrator
and the actual screen (rinted T%shirt.
For*ative ;ssess*ent #ill )e used to 7ui6 students on the a((lications/
*aterials/ and (rocess of screen (rinting technologies.
Self ;ssess*ent #ill also )e used so learners have ti*e to reEect on their
#or- in class. Students #ill use their class )log to create a design )rief
and reEect on the design (rocess used through out the (roject.
1F.Gelate assess*ent instru*ents to the outco*es stated in the goals.
For*ative assess*ent #ill )e used to evaluate the follo#ing goals and
o)jectivesH test student3s -no#ledge of the screen (rinting (rocess/ its
various a((lications/ *aterials and o(erations used/ and the varia)les that
a,ect the i*age.
Perfor*ance assess*ent #ill )e used to evaluate the $nal screen (rinted
(roduct #hich #ill )e a T%shirt #ith a front and )ac- i*age.
Self assess*ent #ill )e used to reEect on all the goals and o)jectives.
Students should use the design (rocess to docu*ent all the di,erent
ste(s used in screen (rinting technologies. The design (rocess starts #ith
creating a design )rief #hich lists the goals/ criteria and constraints of the
* Adapted from Unit Plan at

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