GRE Word List

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GRE Word List - 1

introspection examining one's own thoughts and feelings

philanthropist one who loves mankind
antidote medicine used against a poison or a disease
strive to make great efforts, to struggle
ambidextrous able to use the left hand or the right equally well
retrospective Looking back on past
precursors a person or thing that precedes, as in a process or job.
introvert one who turns towards himself
gerontocracy government ruled by old people
ambiguous doubtful; uncertain
braggart boastful
aggravate make worse; irritate
entice attract, lure
alleviate make (pain) easier to bear
adorn add beauty; decorate
equilibrium state of being balanced
abhor to hate; to detest
connote Suggest or imply in addition to the precise, literal meaning
endeavor to make an effort, to try very hard
agile active; quick-moving
renovate restore something to better condition
curriculum course of study
malevolent malicious; evil; having or showing ill will
amalgamate mix; combine; unite societies
xenophile (zen-uh-
a person who is attracted to foreign peoples cultures
drowsiness feeling sleepy half asleep
stray wander lose one's way
disrobe undress
acumen Keen, quick, accurate insight or judgment
suffocate cause or have difficulty in breathing
sporadic happening from time to time
scent smell (especially pleasant)
sequence succession connected line of
audacious Bold
affinity close connection; relationship
animosity strong dislike
heterogeneous made up of different kinds
fragile easily injured broken or destroyed
legacy Bequest or inheritance
massacre cruel killing of a large number of people
appease make quiet or calm
submerge put under water liquid sink out of sight
adulteration making unpure; poorer in quality
combustion process of burning
premature doing or happening something before the right time
shunned avoided, kept away from
anguish severe suffering
apt well-suited; quick-witted
conceal hide keep secret
grumble to complain
indigenous native
offhand Without preparation or forethought
loll rest to sit or stand in a lazy way hang (dog's tongue)
correlate have a mutual relation
somersault rolling backward or forward (not sideways) movement
abscond to go away suddenly (to avoid arrest)
edible fit to be eaten/not poisonous
extinguish end the existence of/wipe or put out
inquest Legal or judicial inquiry, especially before a jury and especially made by
a coroner into the cause of someone.s death
surcharge additional load/charge
accolade praise; approval
conjoin to join together
timid shy easily frightened
opaqueness dullness/not allowing light to pass through
disallow refuse to allow or accept as a correct
abide be faithful; to endure
impermeable that cannot be permeated
console give comfort or sympathy to
warrant authority written order guarantee
acclaimed welcomed with shouts and approval
extinct no longer active
reminiscent suggest something in the past
catalyst substance that causes speeding up
embezzle use in a wrong way for one's own benefit
shallow little depth; not earnest
clientele customers
brittle easily broken
negligent taking too little care
affable polite and friendly
salvage the saving of property from loss
moribund in a dying state; near death
relapse fall back again
dangle hand or swing loosely
ascend go or come up
asterisk the mark * (e.g.. omitted letters)
yarn tale story fibers for knitting
arrogance proud; superior manner of behaviour
divergence getting farther apart from a point
allegiance duty support loyalty
vigorous strong energetic
dwarf person much smaller the usual size
livid Furiously angry, enraged
rejuvenation becoming young in nature or appearance
fragrant sweet-smelling
judicious sound in judgment; wise
hospitable liking to give hospitality
odor smell
scribble write hastily
ameliorate improve; make better
poseur a person who attempts to impress by acting unlike himself
sawdust tiny bits of wood
narcissism Self-love
dullard a stupid, insensitive person
succumb yield, die
sluggard lazy slow-moving person
flop fail/move/fall clumsily
ingest take in by swallowing
reiterate say or do again several times
derivative unoriginal; obtained from another source
defer postpone
eloquence fluent speaking skillful use of language
clot half-solid lump formed from liquid
commuter person who travels regularly
weigh measure hoe heavy something is
steeply rising or falling sharply
torque twisting force causing rotation
benefactor person who has given help
moderation quality of being limited; not extreme
plea request
invincible too strong to be defeated
enduring lasting
flimsy lacking solidarity, strength
tadpole form of a frog when it leaves the egg
turmoil trouble disturbance
sanity health of mind soundness of judgment
cryptic secret with a hidden meaning
gallant brave,behaves well with women
endorse write one's name on the back of
sponge porous rubber for washing live at once expense
volatile changeable inconstant fickle unstable explosive
alloy to debase by mixing with something inferior
reconcile settle a quarrel restore peace
fission splitting or division (esp. of cells)
commemorate keep the memory of
gait a manner of walking, stepping, or running
dormant in a state of inactivity but awaiting development
shard A piece of broken pottery
chisel steel tool for shaping materials
encapsulate enclose in capsule
complaisant trying to please; obliging
grievous causing grief or pain; serious dire grave
hypocrisy falsely making oneself appear to be good
enzyme catalyst
eradicate get rid of pull up by the roots
infuriate fill with fury or rage
Lambaste attack verbally
sanction approval (by authority) penalty
engulf swallow up
euphoria elation state of pleasant excitement
renowned celebrated; famous
colloquial involving or using conversation.
evoke call up bring out
mischievous harmful; causing mischief
implicit implied though; not plainly expressed
abysmal extreme bad
dote show much fondness center one's attention
riddle puzzling person or thing
misogynist one who hates women/females
disproof proof to the contrary
sadastic Cruel
impromptu without preparation
inclined directing the mind in a certain direction
erratic irregular in behaviour or opinion
meticulous giving great attention to details
ambivalent having both of two contrary meanings
pertain belong as a part have reference
auxiliary helping; supporting
constrict make tight or smaller
luminary star; light-giving body
ossified turned to bone; hardened like bone; Inflexible
tonic something giving strength or energy
perish be destroyed decay
presentiment anticipatory fear; premonition
indistinct not easily heard; seen clearly marked
dupe cheat make a fool of
abstruse difficult to comprehend; obscure
turbulence being uncontrollably violent
connoisseur a person with good judgement (e.g.. in art)
aberration straying away from what is normal
extralegal outside the law
pest destructive thing or a person who is nuisance
parenthesis sentence within another one something separated
sophisticated complex; subtle; refined
ail to cause pain, uneasiness, or trouble to.
limp lacking strength; walking unevenly
arcane known or understood by very few
mite A very small amount, portion, or particle
edify instruct; correct morally
recuperate become strong after illness loss exhaustion
satiate satisfy fully
yeoman man owning small estate; middle-class farmer
fidelity loyalty accuracy
pluck pull the feathers off pick (e.g.. flowers)
perjury willful FALSE statement unlawful act
paradigm a model example or pattern
gullible easily gulled
sobriety quality or condition of being sober
tractable easily controlled or guided
writ written order
mesmerize hypnotize
predominate have more power than others
articulate speak distinctly; connect by joints
fleet number of ships; quick-moving
solvent of the power of forming a solution
dislodge move force from the place occupied
partisan one-sided committed to a party biased or prejudiced
spear weapon with a metal point on a long shaft
vivacious lively high-spirited
beguile mislead or delude; cheat; pass time
coagulation change to a thick and solid state
foolproof incapable of failure or error
liberality free giving; generosity
elaborate worked out with much care in great detail
brass yellow metal (mixing copper and zinc)
permeate spread into every part of
malleable yielding easily shaped; moldable; adapting
suffice be enough
lampoon publicly mock or ridicule
immutable that cannot be changed
forgery counterfeit
patron regular customer person who gives support
cordial warm and sincere
retrograde receding
cumbersome burdensome; heavy and awkward to carry
sheath cover for the blade of a weapon or a tool
repel refuse to accept/cause dislike
unscathed unharmed unhurt
superimpose put something on the top
boisterous noisy; restraint
implosion collapse; bursting inward
centurion leader of a unit of 100 soldiers
knit draw together; unite firmly
pivotal of great importance (others depend on it)
enigma something that is puzzling
buoyant able to float; light-hearted
jabber talk excitedly; utter rapidly
treacherous not to be trusted, perfidious
bewilder puzzle; confuse
stride walk with long steps
garrulous too talkative
redeem get back by payment compensate
calipers metal supports attached to the legs measuring instrument
impede hinder; get in the way of
resuscitation coming back to consciousness
apartheid brutal racial discrimination
concur agree in opinion happen together
indulgent inclined to indulge
recitals a number of performance of music
woo try to win
misanthrope person who hates mankind
evasive tending to evade
eulogy formal praise panegyric
foster nurture; care for
pilferer to steal, especially in small quantities
refine make or become pure cultural
dexterity skill (esp. in handling)
bogus sham; counterfeit; not genuine
incongruous out of place; not in harmony or agreement
multifarious varied; motley; greatly diversified
skit short piece of humorous writing
repulsive causing a feeling of disgust
hapless unlucky
convoluted complicated;coiled; twisted
indefatigability not easily exhaustible; tirelessness
fawn To seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious
wince show bodily or mental pain
feud bitter quarrel over a long period of time
cognizant being fully aware of
substantiation giving facts to support (statement)
euthanasia easy and painless death

GRE Word List - 2
irate angry
underbid make a lower bid then somebody else
alcove recess/partially enclosed place
frantic wildly excited with joy; pain; anxiety
peccadillo small sin small weakness in one's character
pervade spread through every part of
decree order given by authority
concoct invent, prepare by mixing together
turquoise greenish-blue precious stone
miser person who loves wealth and spends little
valiant brave
derogatory insulting; tending to damage
tarnished lost brightness
reverent feeling or showing deep respect
imminent likely to come or happen soon
voluptuous arousing sensual pleasures
suppress prevent from being known put an end to
irrevocable final and unalterable
soggy heavy with water
vindictive having a desire to revenge
wanton unrestrained; willfully malicious; unchaste
pinch be too tight take between the thumb and finger
earthenware dishes made of baked clay
unearth discover and bring to light
savor taste flavor something
hoax mischievous trick played to deceive
vitriolic corrosive; sarcastic
loquacious talkative; garrulous
defiance open disobedience or resistance
candid frank; straight-forward
warmonger person who stirs up war
gust outburst of feeling; sudden rain wind fire etc.
coalescing coming together and uniting into one substance
precursory preliminary; anticipating
counterfeit forgery
gush burst out suddenly/talk ardently
quandary state of doubt or perplexity
chortle loud chuckle of pleasure or amusement
compunction feeling of regret for one's action
plunge move quickly suddenly and with force
revere have deep respect for
swerve change direction suddenly
abraded rubbed off; worn away by friction
punitive Punishing
dawdler person who is slow waste of time
noxious harmful
torment severe pain or suffering
squander spend wastefully
exculpate to clear from a charge of guilt
stifled suppressed, kept back
antithetical direct opposing
deplete use until none remains
apropos by the way
recompense make payment to reward punish
coerce compel to force to make obedient
aseptic surgically clean
implacable incapable of being placated; unpleasable
holster leather case for a pistol
proliferate grow reproduce by rapid multification
propagation increasing the number; spreading; extending
personable pleasing in appearance attractive
reciprocity granting of privileges in return for similar
vigilance watchfulness self-appointed group who maintain order
distraught distracted violently upset in mind
ineptitude quality of being unskillful
lustrous being bright; polished
condense increase in density strength make laconic
extol to praise highly
forestall prevent by taking action in advance; preempt
stipulate state or put forward as a necessary condition
lament show feeling of great sorrow
provoke make angry vax
plummet fall plunge steeply
subpoena written order requiring a person to appear in a low court
accrue accumulate
idolatry excessive admiration of
apprehensive grasping understanding fear unhappy feeling about future
nihilism total rejection of all religious and moral beliefs
soot black powder in smoke
valorous brave
complaisance tending to comply obliging willingness to please
illicit unlawful; forbidden
viscous sticky/semi-fluid
aversion strong dislike
haughty arrogant; conceited
concord agreement or harmony
latent present but not yet active; developed or visible
topple be unsteady and overturn
supersede take the place of
entangle put into difficulties
variegate To mark with different shade or colors
inept unskillful; said or done at the wrong time
deviance being different in moral standards (from normal)
enunciate pronounce (words)/express a theory
polemic a controversial argument / a person engaged in such an argument
pristine primitive unspoiled pure as in earlier times unadulterated
impediment something that hinders (e.g. stammer)
floe a sheet of floating ice
malevolence wishing to do evil
prevalent common
undermine weaken gradually at the base make something under
arduous steep difficult ascent; laborious
slack sluggish; dull; not tight
calisthenics exercises to develop strong bodies
placate soothe pacify calm
palate roof of the mouth; sense of taste
regicide crime of killing a king
iconoclast person who attacks popular beliefs
pungency sharpness stinging quality
aloof reserved; indifferent
indomitable not easily discouraged or subdued
finesse delicate way of dealing with a situation
whimsical full of odd and fanciful ideas
tamper interfere with
recluse person who lives alone and avoids people
hush make or become silent
felon person guilty of murder
frugal careful; economical
shun keep away from avoid
mendacious lying; habitually dishonest
apprise give notice to inform
muffler cloth worn round the neck; silencer
bigot stubborn; narrow-minded person
imperative urgent; essential
enthral take the whole attention, enslave
smolder burn slowly without flame
dismal sad; gloomy; miserable
perilous dangerous
lavish giving or producing freely liberally or generously
trickle flow in drops
diabolical having the qualities of a devil
vehemence forcefulness
disencumber free from encumbrance
impending imminent; about to happen; expected
stickler person who insists on importance of something
stigma mark of shame or disgrace
avow admit; declare openly
castigation severe punishment
benevolence wish or activity in doing good
incessant Constant
squat crouch/settle without permission
indulge gratify; give way to satisfy allow oneself
deter discourage hinder
incredulous skeptical; unwilling to believe
tenacity firmness persistency adhesiveness tending to hang on
exuberance state of growing vigorously being full of life
apostate one who abandons long-held religious or political convictions
gist the point general sense
transient temporary fleeting
connotation suggestion in addition to
engrave impress deeply
berate scold sharply
conciliatory reconciling; soothing; comforting; mollifying
subdue overcome bring under control
soar rise fly high
empirical relying on experiment
procrastination keeping on putting off
tassel bunch of threads
immaculate pure; faultless
astute clever quick at seeing to get an advantage
flaunting show off complacently
impair worsen; diminish in value
prone prostrate; inclined to (undesirable things)
coy shy/modest (especially of a girl)
pillage plunder (especially in war)
incorrigibility cannot be cured or corrected
extrovert cheerful person
approbation approval
efface rub or wipe out, obliterate
taciturn unspoken, silent
mollify make calmer or quieter
exorbitant much too high or great
sober self-controlled
truce (agreement) stop of fighting for a time
conviction convincing firm belief
bolster give greatly needed support
precepts rules establishing standards of conduct
castigate to chastise; correct by punishing
curtail make shorter then was planned
fallacious based on error
espouse To take in marriage
nonchalant not having interest
flamboyant brightly colored; florid
gorge eat greedily/narrow opening with a stream
vex annoy distress trouble
grandiloquent using pompous words
poncho large piece of cloth
impassive unmoved; feeling no sign of passion
pitfall covered hole as a trap unsuspected danger
coddle treat with care and tenderness
inscrutable incapable of being discovered or understood
shrill sharp; piercing
arboreal of connected with trees
boorish crude; rude
lull become quiet or less active
timorous fearful timid afraid
imperturbable calm not capable of being excited
perch take up a high position
prudence careful forethought
cohort a group or band of people
sagacious having sound judgment; perceptive; wise like a sage
ignoble not noble; inferior
intersperse place here and there
oblivious unaware; having no memory
rescind repeal/annul/cancel
nebulous cloud-like; hazy; vague; indistinct
disseminate distribute (esp. ideas)
heed attention/give notice to
laudatory expressing or giving praise
bask in enjoy warmth and light
fluke lucky; stroke
ebullient overflowing with enthusiasm showing excitement
pliant easily bent
endearing making dear or liked
precarious uncertain risky dangerous
inferno hell
palpitate tremble beat rapidly and irregularly
embellish make beautiful
ominous threatening
fluster make nervous or confused
matriculation be admitted enter a university as a student
susceptibility sensitiveness
graze touch or scrape lightly in passing
quell suppress subdue
divulge make known something secret
dubious feeling doubt
malapropism misuse of a word (for one that resembles it)
maverick rebel; nonconformist
irascible irritable; easily angered
incise engrave; make a cut in
ostracism shut out from society refuse to meet talk
ambrosial extremely pleasing to taste
sidestep step to one side
extort obtain by threats violence
cling to resist separation
epitome brief summary representative example a typical model
arabesque a complex ornate design
ferocity savage cruelty
cantankerous bad-tempered/quarrelsome
chaste pure
corroboration additional strengthening evidence
expurgate to remove obscenity purify censor
insensible unconscious; unresponsive; unaffected
garner to gather and save to store up
fidget move restlessly make nervous
impervious not allowing to pass through (of materials)
rift split crack dissension
efficacy production of a desired result
Conduce To bring about
attune bring into harmony
convoke call together summon
enmity hatred being an enemy
credulous ready to believe things
palpability can be felt or touched
plead address a court of law as an advocate
feral Existing in a wild or untamed state
gourmand a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess
morbid diseased; unhealthy (e.g.. about ideas)
superfluous more then is needed or wanted
equipoise equal distribution of weight equilibrium
veer change direction
benign kind and gentle
lackluster (of eyes) dull
chastisement punishment
breach opening; broken place; breaking
rarefy to make thin to make less dense to purify or refine
dissent have a different opinion refuse to assent
neophyte person who has been converted to a belief
reticence uncommunicativeness
pious dutiful to parents; devoted to religion

GRE Word List - 3
trudge walk heavily
thrift care economy thriving prosperous
daunt intimidate make fearful
veneration regard with deep respect
grave serious requiring; consideration
frenetic frantic; frenzied
disheveled untidy
temperate showing self-control
impiety lack of reverence or dutifulness
blas bored with pleasure or dissipation
scalding hot enough to boil
irresolute hesitating; undecided
rave act with excessive enthusiasm
heresy belief contrary to what is generally accepted
guile deceit; cunning
fret worry; irritation; wear away
chicanery legal trickery/false argument
telltale That gives warning or information
feckless lacking purpose or vitality ineffective careless
ardor enthusiasm
debacle a breakup overthrow sudden disaster
tawdry cheap gaudy showy tacky
striated striped grooved or banded
jocular meant as a joke
exoneration set someone clear (e.g.. from blame)
contentious argumentative pugnacious combative quarrelsome
cajole use flattery or deceit to persuade
resilience quality of quickly recovering the original shape
disdain look on with contempt
taunt contemptuous reproach hurtful remark
alacrity eager and cheerful; readiness
abeyance suspended action
apotheosis deification glorification to godliness
hoodwink trick; mislead
glimmer weak/unsteady light
terse brief and to the point
ulterior situated beyond
jagged notched
myriad very great number
inimitable defying; imitation; unmatchable
conundrum a riddle dilemma enigma
incite stir up; rouse
falter waver/move in an uncertain manner
drawl slow way of speaking
clamor shout complain with a lot of noise
nexus a connection or link
render deliver provide represent
clinch come to grips/settle conclusively
abet help/encourage somebody (in doing wrong)
decorum propriety properness
quiescence state of being passive/motionless
discreet careful/prudent
ale fermented alcoholic beverage similar to but heavier than beer
sash long strip worn round the waist
ruffian violent cruel man
tepid lukewarm
itinerate to travel from place to place to peregrinate
doleful dismal; mourful
innocuous causing no harm
exhaustive complete; thorough
abrogate repeal or annul by authority
recant take back as being FALSE give up
crush press lose shape subdue overwhelm
talon claw of a bird of prey
quack person dishonestly claiming to something
emaciate make thin and weak
sever break off
sodden soaked; saturated
mephitic Poisonous; noxious
sketchy shortly, roughly, quickly
intrepid fearless; brave; undaunted
preternatural not normal or usual
pariah an outcast a rejected and despised person
unfeigned not pretended sincere
servile like a slave lacking independence
ossify to turn to bone to settle rigidly into an idea
prim neat; formal
churlish (adj) boorish
fixate stare at
commodious having plenty of space for what is needed
flinch draw; move back; wince
insurrection rising of people to open resistance to
recast cast or fashion anew
thwart obstruct/frustrate
transgress break go beyond (a limit)
engrossing taken up all the time or attention writing in large or formal
vilify slander say evil things
intransigence unwillingness to compromise stubbornness intractability
covert disguised
heinous odious (of crime)
infuse put; pour; fill
ubiquitous present everywhere
quixotic fanciful, fantastic, imaginary
fracas noisy; quarrel
putrefaction becoming rotten
torpid dull and slow
assuage make something (pain desire) less
insinuate suggest unpleasantly; make a way for something gently
sycophant person who flatter to the rich and powerful
urbane elegant refined in manners
ebullience exuberance outburst of feeling
austere severely moral and strict simple and plain
inadvertent not paying proper attention
assail attack violently
stingy spending using unwillingly
equivocal having a double or doubtful meaning; suspicious
proclivity inclination
cower crouch shrink back
colander bowl-shaped vessel with many holes used to drain off water
maul hurt by rough handling
provisional of the present time only
burnish to polish; rub to a shine
penury extreme poverty
dirge a song of grief or lamentation
ire anger
vain without use result conceited
ruddy reddish, healthy-looking
forfeit suffer the loss of something
engender cause produce give rise to
occluded blocked up
rotund rich and deep; plump and round
puerile childish
savant person of great learning
profuse abundant/lavish
enervate weaken deprive of strength attenuate
adamant kind of stone; inflexible
dynamo a generator something that produces electric current
equivocate try to deceive by equivocal language
gnaw waste away; bite steadily
wean to turn away (from a habit)
pry get something inquire too curiously
beatify to bless; make happy or ascribe a virtue to
discrete distinct
hegemony predominance
glut supply to much fill to excess
crease line made by crushing white line on the ground in cricket
ascertain get to know
foray to venture
guileless honest; straightforward
sting something sharp
splice join (two ends)
penitent feeling or showing regret
elegy a lament a melancholy composition
reticent reserved; untalkative; silent; taciturn
pusillanimous cowardly; craven
obtuse blunt/stupid
paucity scarcity a lacking of
retinue following; attendants
diatribe bitter and violent attack in words
cogitate think deeply mediate
consummate perfect/make; perfect/complete
stolid showing no emotion impassive
effrontery boldness impudence arrogance
dissolution disintegration looseness in morals
derision ridicule mockery deriding
indolence laziness
pyre large pile of wood for burning
erudite learned; scholarly
mercurial quick changeable in character fleeting
corporeal physical of or for the body
pedestrian commonplace trite unremarkable
equable steady; regular
admonitory containing warning
luculent easily understood; lucid; clear
coeval of the same period; coexisting
insularity narrow-mindedness; isolated
auspicious favorable successful prosperous
secular material (not spiritual) living outside monasteries
streak long thin move very fast
nascent coming into existence; emerging
decry disapprove of
penchant strong inclination a liking
pulchritude Physical beauty
onus responsilibilty,burden
vanquish conquer
extirpate to destroy exterminate cut out exscind
assiduous diligent hard-working; sedulous
privation hardship
accretion the growing of separate things into one
covetous eagerly desirous
defalcate (v) to embezzle or misappropriate
baneful causing harm or ruin; pernicious; destructive
indelible that cannot be rubbed out
palliate lessen the severity of
cogent strong; convincing
dearth shortage
pellucid transparent easy to understand
condone forgive
lumber move in a clumsy/noisy way
discredit refuse to believe
recidivism relapse into antisocial or criminal behavior
lurk be out of view ready to attack
coda passage that completes a piece of music
cornucopia abundant supply
veneer surface appearance covering the TRUE nature
petrify to make hard rocklike
censure expression of blame or disapproval a rebuke
elicit draw out
serration having a toothed edge
dainty pretty/delicate(food)/difficult to please
caustic biting sarcastic
highbrow (person) with superior tastes
odious repulsive; hateful
abjure promise or swear to give up
chauvinist a blindly devoted patriot
tyro a beginner
inane silly; senseless
dilate speak comprehensively become wider large
deprave make morally bad;corrupt
denigrate blacken; belittle; sully; defame
duplicity deliberate deception
protracted prolonged
taut tightly stretched
turbid muddy having the sediment stirred up
fledgling an inexperienced person.
punctilious Meticulous
bellicose inclined to fighting
ignominious shameful; dishonorable; undignified; disgraceful
interim as an installment
avid eager; greedy
florid very much ornamented naturally red (e.g.. of face)
malign to speak harmful untruths about someone
inundate flood cover by overflowing
attenuate make thin; weaken; enervate
consume get to the end of
phlegmatic calm; sluggish; temperament; unemotional
sanctimony self-righteousness hypocritical with FALSE piety
inimical harmful or unfriendly
prevaricate to equivocate to stray from the truth
ingenuous naive; young; artless; frank; honest; sincere
veracity truth
barren not good enough; unable to have young ones without value
plaque flat metal on a wall as a memorial
lien legal claim until a debt on it is repaid
exigency emergency an urgent situation
chagrin vexation
aver affirm; assert; prove; justify
credulity too great a readiness to believe things
snub treat with contempt
libel statement that damages reputation
forbearance patience; willingness to wait
volubility fluency verbosity easy use of spoken language
conceit over-high opinion of too much pride
idiosyncrasy personal mannerism
obdurate hardened and unrepenting; stubborn; inflexible
dud no use person something that fails
facile easily done
contiguous touching neighboring near
jejune insubstantial/dull/immature
waft scent waving movement carry lightly through
resigned unresistant; submissive
abut border on
finagle to practice deception or fraud; scheme.
repudiate disown refuse to accept or pay
tocsin a signal, especially of alarm
verisimilitude appearing TRUE or real
fringe edge ornamental border part of hair over the forehead
chastened corrected punished
somatic of the body
pernicious harmful; injurious
husk worthless; outside part of anything
insipid without taste or flavor
coax get somebody to do something by kindness
dolt stupid fellow
penurious poor/stingy
parley negotiation
effluvia outflow in a stream of particles a noxious odor or vapor
incursion a raid; a sudden attack
obfuscate to darken; make obscure; muddle
preclude prevent make impossible

GRE Word List - 4
disingenuous sophisticated artful trying to deceive cunning
encumbrance burden things that get on the way of
obtain to be established accepted or customary
morose ill-tempered; unsocial
gloat over look at with selfish delight
quirk habit or action peculiar to something
extempore without previous thought or preparation
disparate essentially different
regale to delight or entertain to feast
scorch become discolored/dry up/go at high speed
perpetrate be guilty commit (a crime)
foil prevent from carrying out
salubrious healthful
malinger to fake illness or injury in order to shirk a duty
grouse Complain or grumble (verb)
Palpable Obvious
discern see with an effort but clearly
waffle talk vaguely and without much result
transitory brief
perfunctory done as a duty without care
pundit pedant authority on a subject
extant still in existence
mundane worldly as opposed to spiritual commonplace everyday
deluge great flood heavy rush of water
visceral of the internal organs of the body
lachrymose causing tears; tearful
ascribe consider to be the origin of or belonging to
sullied to be stained or discredited
exscind to cut out cut away
temerity boldness brashness intrepidness
extenuate reduce the strength of lessen seriousness partially excuse
grovel crawl; humble oneself
collusion secret agreement for a deceitful purpose
squalid foul filthy
undulate to move in wavelike fashion fluctuate
fagged too tired
shrewd astute; showing sound judgement
hollow not soled with hole
harbinger One that indicates or foreshadows what is to come; a forerunner.
august majestic; venerable
conspicuous easily seen remarkable
epiphany A Christian feast celebrating the manifestation of the divine nature of Jesus to the
Gentiles as represented by the Magi.
rife widespread
evince to show clearly to indicate
Pastiche work (usually artistic) which imitates
gaucherie socially awkward; tactless behavior
snare trap
rancorous feeling bitterness; spitefulness
finical too fussy about food clothing etc.
mellifluous sweetly flowing
macabre gruesome; suggesting death
uncouth rough awkward
amortize end (a debt) by setting aside money
obviate to make unnecessary get rid of
levity lack of seriousness
ascetic practicing self-denial; austere; stark
delineate to portray depict sketch out
paean song of praise or triumph
nadir lowest; weakest point
emote stir up excite
fervor warmth of feelings earnestness
congeal make or become stiff and solid
verve spirit vigor enthusiasm
gauche hence; awkward
lope move along with long strides
expostulate argue earnestly to dissuade correct or protest
discourse speech lecture
lionize treat as a famous person
dilettante a lover of an art or science
noisome offensive; disgusting (smell)
bandy discuss lightly or glibly; exchange (words) heatedly
dogmatic positive certain arbitrary without room for discussion
epicurean devoted to pleasure (sensuous enjoyment)
sumptuous magnificent
craven cowardly
lassitude weariness; tiredness
ostentation display to obtain admiration or envy
sanguine cheerful; confident; optimistic
irksome tiresome
prodigal wasteful; reckless with money
brash hasty rush; cheeky; saucy
requite repay give in return
imperious commanding; haughty; arrogant
didactic intended to instruct
presage warning sign
sophomoric being immature
trifling unimportant
drone male bee person who isn't self-employed
verdant fresh and green
ensconce To settle (oneself) securely or comfortably
intransigent uncompromising
prodigious enormous; wonderful
palatial magnificent
agog eager/excited
desiccant substance used to absorb moisture
philistine a smug ignorant person one who lacks knowledge
broach bring up; announce; begin to talk about
wile a trick
heretic recreant, protestant,skeptic
supine lying on the back slow to act passive
reactionary opposing progress
raconteur person who tells anecdotes
ferment substance become excited
qualm feeling of doubt temporary feeling of sickness
hauteur haughtiness
perfidious treacherous; faithless
festoon a decorative chain or strip hanging between two points
rumple make rough
propitious auspicious; presenting favorable circumstances
remonstrate to protest object
roll call calling of names
curmudgeon bad-tempered person
bequest arrangement to give something at death
inchoate not yet fully formed; rudimentary; elementary
facetious humorous; funny; jocular
fatuous without sense foolish; self-satisfaction
reproach scold upbraid
wan looking ill, not bright
rapacious greedy (esp for money)
stymie to hinder obstruct or block
baleful harmful; ominous causing evil
obtrusive projecting; prominent; undesirably noticeable
preen tidy/show self-satisfaction
jibe gibe; make fun of
extricable that can be freed
figurehead carved image on the prow of a ship
benison blessing
provident frugal; looking to the future
rivet fix take up secure metal pin
barrage artificial obstacle built across a river
fetid stinking
burgeon grow forth send out buds
overweening presumptuously; arrogant; overbearing
discountenance refuse to approve of
vacillation being uncertain hesitating
eschew avoid
pedantic bookish showing off learning
impetuous having sudden energy; impulsive
rueful dejected
equanimity calmness of temperament
hubris arrogant; pride
kibosh block, halt, stop
mendicant a beggar
soporific producing sleep
atonement repayment death of Jesus
ford shallow place in a river (to cross)
forswear renounce; disallow; repudiate
excoriation severe criticism
macerate make or become soft by soaking in water
supplicate make a humble petition to
saturnine gloomy; dark; sullen; morose
skiff small boat
boggle To hesitate as if in fear or doubt
profundity depth
blithe cheerful; casual; carefree
slur join sounds/words (indistinct)
contemn to scorn or despise
blandness polite manner; comforting; uninteresting
cloture closing device (in Parliament) to end a debate by voting
hallow to make holy; consecrate
tortuous devious/not straightforward
egress way out exit
scabbard sheath for the blade
rant use extravagant language
vacuity idleness
dereliction deserting and leaving to fall into ruins
seminal like a seed constituting a source; originative
petrous like a rock hard stony
prudish easily shocked; excessively modest
mendacity dishonesty
machination plot; scheme (esp. evil)
restive refusing to move reluctant to be controlled
perspicacity quick judging and understanding
labyrinthine to entangle the state of affairs
esoteric abstruse intended only for a small circle of
perfidy treachery breaking of faith
entreat ask earnestly
prune dried plum silly person
incumbents official duties
contrite filled with deep sorrow for wrongdoing
maladroit tactless; clumsy
probity uprightness incorruptibility principle
manacle chains for the hands or feet
indigence poverty
fervid showing earnest feeling
imbroglio complicated and embarrassing situation
stigmatize describe somebody scornfully
molt lose hair/feathers before new growing
overhaul examine thoroughly to learn about the condition
germane relevant; pertinent to
specious illogical of questionable truth or merit
goad something urging a person to action
vestige trace or sign
cravat piece of linen worn as a necktie
eddy circular or spiral movement (e.g.. of wind)
cordon line (of police acting as a guard)
forage food for horses and cattle
poignant deeply moving keen
depredation plundering
flax pale yellow (hair) a plant
parsimonious too economical; miserly
exploit brilliant achievement develop use selfishly
subsume include under a rule
aleck one who considers himself smarter than others
petulant unreasonably; impatient
rubicund red and healthy
severance severing
ineluctable certain; inevitable
platitude a trite or banal statement unoriginality
lugubrious mournful; excessively sad
insouciant unconcerned; carefree
halcyon calm and peaceful
officious too eager or ready to help offer advice
gouge tool for cutting grooves in wood
interdict prohibit forbid
onerous needing effortl burdensome
predilection special liking mental preference
flout reject mock to go against (as in going against tradition)
demagogue person appealing not to reasons
belligerent (person nation) waging war
chary cautious; wary
feint pretend
profligate wasteful prodigal licentious extravagant
impute to attribute to a cause or source ascribe
upbraid scold reproach
cabal a scheme or plot a group of plotters
deprecate protest against; express disapproval of
obsequious too eager to obey or serve
inveterate deep-rooted. long-established
retard check hinder
spurious false; counterfeit
propitiatory conciliatory; appeasing; mitigating
maudlin sentimental in a silly or tearful way
shunt send from one track to another lay aside evade discussion
aplomb self-confidence
dulcet melodious; harmonious
tautology a repetition a redundancy
inured accustomed to adapted
nemesis deserved and unavoidable punishment for wrong doing
gregarious living in societies liking the company
denouement an outcome or solution; the unraveling of a plot
hone stone used for sharpening tools
cursory quick; hurried
forge workshop for the shaping of metal to shape metal lead
impecunious having little or no money
sordid wretched; comfortless; contemptible
argot jargon; slang
plethora glut
sinuous winding; undulating serpentine
vigilant member of a vigilance committee
libertine immoral person
desultory aimless;haphazard; digressing at random
propinquity nearness in time or place affinity of nature
salacious obscene
augury omenl sign
harangue a long passionate speech
odium intense hatred or dislike
turgid excessively ornate swollen or bloated
recalcitrant disobedient
harrow to distress; create stress or torment
mulct to deprive (someone) of something, as by fraud, extortion, etc.
homiletics act of preaching
eclat Great brilliance, as of performance or achievement
foible defect of character (a person is wrongly proud)
epistle letter
deposition dethronement; depositing
inculcate fix firmly by repetition
tangential suddenly changeable
gainsay to deny; to oppose
middling fairly good but not very good

countervail counterbalance moot open to discussion or debate;
doubtful repertoire A stock of plays, dances, or pieces that a
company or a performer knows or is prepared to perform narynot
any; no; pinchbeck An alloy of zinc and copper used as imitation
gold; A cheap imitationstentorian extremely loud and
powerful finicky finical resort to frequently visit profaneworldly
having contempt for God divestiture taking off getting rid of
giving up gossamer soft light; delicate material churl bad-
tempered person temperance abstinence from alcohol self-control
moderation truculence aggressiveness ferocity inveigh to attack
verbally; denounce;
deprecate diffidence shyness atavistic something reverting to an
earlier type levee formal
reception/embankment astringent substance that
shrinks pucker wrinkle trepidation alarm excited state of
mind opprobrious showing scorn or
reproach diaphanous transparent;
gauzynugatory trifling/worthless rebuff snub distrait distracted ten
uous insubstantial flimsy weakdetumescence diminishing or
lessening of swelling glean gather facts in small
quantitiesdisinter dig up from the earth vitiate lower the quality
weaken the strength foppish like a man who pays too much
attention to his clothes panegyric formal praise
eulogy flak criticism; anti-aircraft guns ramify to be divided or
subdivided to branch out plod continue doing something without
resting refractory stubborn; unmanageable;
intractable fecund fertile encomiumwarm or glowing praise
eulogy panegyric expedient likely to be useful for a
purposepugnacious fond of in the habit of
fighting vituperate curse abuse in words trenchant forceful
effective vigorous extremely perceptive incisive disconcert upset
the self-possession of quaillose courage turn
frightened obloquy abusively; detractive language; sharp
criticism; vituperation discomfit confuse
embarrass impudent rash; indiscreet quaff drink
deeplyuntoward unfortunate inconvenient sermon reproving a
person for his faults voluble fluentsublime extreme;
astounding rabble mob crowd the lower classes of
populace calumnyslander; aspersion peremptory urgent;
imperative; unchallenged; ending debate strut a supporting
bar blandishment flattery; coaxing cant insincere
talk/jargon bereft rob or dispossess of something
(material) fetter to shackle put in chains prosaic straightforward.;
lacking in imagination and spirit turpitude wickedness
shamefulness glib ready and smooth but not
sincere raffish showing vulgar in nature or appearance;
tawdry ensign flag/badgecontumacious insubordinate
rebellious asperity roughness; harshness; ill temper;
irritabilitymeretricious attractive on the surface but of little
value simper (give a) silly/self-conscious smile idyll a carefree
episode or experience teetotal oppose to alcohol incense make
angryveritable real rightly named invective abusive language;
curses mien demeanor implicate to be
involved endemic epidemic hirsute hairy;
shaggy unencumbered easy-going trifle sophistryfallacious;
reasoning faulty logic impugned challenged to be
doubted surfeit satiate feed to fulness or to excess quotidian banal;
everyday umbrage offense resentment miseenscene the stage
setting or scenery of a play felicitous suitably expressed; well
chosen; apropos hack cut roughly; hired horse toady obsequious
flatterer peregrination traveling about wanderingmettle quality of
endurance or courage ineffable to great to be described in
wordsecumenical representing the whole Christian
world incipient beginning canvass discuss thoroughly sort of
touting plaintive mournful; melancholy; sorrowful pine waste
away through sorrow or illness ostensible seeming appearing as
such professed tout To solicit customers, votes, or
patronage piquant agreeably pungent; stimulating tamp tap or
drive down by repeated light blows forbear refrain from; be
patient; ancestor slate king of blue-grey stone propose
criticize minatory menacing; threatening stanch to stop the flow of
a fluid fledgedable to fly trained experienced plumb get to the root
of deferential showing respect sundryvarious miscellaneous;
separate stipple paint with dots blatant noisy and
rough aspersionslander demur to hesitate; raise
objections consternation surprise and fear; dismay spurn have
nothing to do reject or refuse cadge to beg; to get by
begging bedizen to adorn especially in a cheap showy
manner purvey provide supply desuetude cessation of use
disuse suppliantasking humbly
beseeching presumption arrogance brummagem Cheap and
showycountenance to favor or approve of belabor beat
hard obstreperous noisy; loud redoubtableformidable causing
fear balk obstacle purposely to get on the way
of supercilious disdainful characterized by haughty scorn trite not
new virago a loud domineering woman a scold or
nagstygian hence; dark; gloomy rebus puzzle in which pictures
stand for words orison prayerpreponderance greatness in number
strength weight reprobate person hardened in sin; one devoid of
decency hermetic sealed by fusion expiation ending;
expiring vagary strange act or idea sententious short and pithy full
of maxims/proverbs trencherman person who eats a lothew make
by hard work cut (by striking) proscribe denounce as
dangerous dissemble speak or behave so as to hide something (in
mind) portent omen marvelous
threateningimperviousness haughty; arrogant;
commanding picaresque involving clever rogues or
adventurers pileous Covered with hair venal ready to do
something dishonest doggerel trivial poorly constructed
verse splenetic bad-
tempered;irritable peripatetic wandering imprecationan invocation
of evil a curse froward intractable not willing to yield or comply
stubbornprofligacy shameless immorality lithe bending;
twisting mettlesome courageous; high-spiritedpetrified taken away
power (to think feel act) succor assistance relief in time of
distressfulsome disgusting offensive due to
excessiveness ferret discover by searching
searchtravesty parody/imitation duress threats to compel
somebody puissance strength acarpouseffete no longer fertile;
worn out pied of mixed colors effete infertile; worn out;
weakedacious voracious;
devouring constrain compel sobriquet nickname wend to go
proceedfulmination bitter protest nibble show some inclination to
accept (an offer) ponderous heavy; bulky; dull brook to tolerate;
endure palaver To flatter; to cajole pique hurt the pride or self-
respect stir (curiosity) slake to assuage to satisfy
allay salutary remedial wholesome causing
improvement detraction slandering verbal attack
aspersion welter turmoil a bewildering
jumble repast meal abraid to awaken or rouse nostrum a quack
remedy; an untested cure stintto be thrifty to set
limits pith essential part force soft liquid substance suborn induce
by bribery or something to commit perjury nonplused greatly
surprised refulgent shining; brilliant expatiate to roam wander
freely fustian bombastic garble make unfair selection from
facts recondite little known; abstruse scurvy mean;
contemptible mince pronounce or speak affectedly
euphemize epithet adjective sedulous persevering prolix tiring
because too longimportune beg urgently solicit (of a
prostitute) involute complex bilge bulge; the protuberance of a
cask cavalcade a possession sere make hard and without
feeling drolljesting descry catch sight of see something in the
distance brazen made of brass repine at be discontented
with limn paint portray wag merry person lucubrate write in
scholarly fashioncoruscate sparkle crass without refinement or
sensitivity; gross. consequential pompous self
important foment put something warm (to lessen the
pain) testiness witness/evidencerecreancy cowardice a cowardly
giving up arrant in the highest degree quibble try to avoid by
sophistication lam a hasty escape; flight. Archaic marked by the
characteristics of an earlier period imbibe to consume (liquids) by
drinking; drink repose rest;sleep perfunctorilyperformed merely as
a routine duty; hasty and superficial impasse a position or
situation from which there is no escape;
deadlock pulchritudinous physically beautiful;
comely. eupepticgood digestion

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