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Jefferson County High School Lesson Plan Template
Teacher: Megan Whitehead
Grade/Subject: American Literature, 11 th Grade Unit: The Crucible/EOC Review Lesson Title: EOC Review: Standard 4, Logic Duration: 45 minutes STATE STANDARD(S) Identify what you want to teach. Reference State, Common Core, ACT College Readiness Standards, and/or State Competencies.
This lesson covers Reporting Category 4 for the English III TCAP EOC. The SPIs covered in this lesson range from SPI 3003.5.1- SPI 3003.5.14. Though either MLA or APA (or both) may be taught to satisfy these SPIs, the primary writing style for this class is MLA.
LESSON OBJECTIVE Clear, Specific, and Measurable NOT ACTIVITIES Student-Friendly: "The student will" Explicitly Stated for Students
Students will review the EOC practice test, focusing on Reporting Category 4. Students will analyze material and reason to find the correct answers. Students will work together in organized groups to formulate answers and reasoning.
Measures Student Mastery In More Than Two Ways Aligned with the Lesson Objective Includes Measurable Formative and Summative Assessments Requires Written Task
Formative: Teaching will orally assess student knowledge and progress through questions and some classroom discussion. Students are asked to answer selected questions in groups.
Summative: Students were given a practice EOC to assess current student understanding. Students will be summativly assessed with an EOC Practice Test on April 25. MATERIALS Aligned with the Lesson Objective Rigorous & Relevant
2 EOC Practice Tests ( the first contains student answers marked in; the second is for post-assessment) Pencil Post-its with student names/group names attached. Questioning sheets for accountability purposes. Promethean Board: Flipchart on Standard 4 for the EOC Reporting Category with coordinating questions from Practice Test. TCAP EOC Reporting Categories Sheet (Pink Sheet)
ACTIVATING STRATEGY Hook Essential Higher Order Question(s) Activates Prior Knowledge Real-World Connections -5-7 min. -
Pass out booklets. Teacher will inform students that the next EOC practice test will be on Thursday, April 25 (their next English class period). Teacher will review the structure of group work in the classroom and go over expectations. -Roles -Questioning sheets -SPIs in practice booklet
INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Step-by-Step Procedures and Times Modeling Strategy I Do Planned Questioning (Knowledge/Comprehension, Application/Analysis, Creation/Evaluation) Multiple Thinking and Problem Solving Strategies Grouping Strategies Differentiated Instructional Strategies to Provide Intervention & Extension Select two students to pass out EOC practice tests to their classmates. Take roll. (5-6 min.) Groups will be given a questioning sheet for their questions. Teacher will give each group 4 minutes to complete their question. Students with the leader role will keep group on task. Student with the secretary role should write the explanation on the questioning sheet. Students with the speaker role will present material to the class. All students will annotate their thoughts in their practice booklet. (5-10 min.) Once groups have completed their question, we will look at the flipchart. When the corresponding question appears on the chart, the speaker for the corresponding group will explain the question and the reasoning needed to find the correct answer. All students should annotate notes/SPI number in their practice tests. (10-15 min.) Once the first set of questions is completed, the second set of questions is handed out and the process is repeated. Students answer questions and share material with the class. (10 -15 min.) Process is repeated for the third time. Lesson will progress based on the depth of coverage/discussion. GUIDED & INDEPENDENT PRACTICE We Do-You Do Student Work Encourages Higher Order Thinking & Problem Solving Relevance to Students' Lives Differentiated Strategies for Practice to Provide Intervention & Extension
Guided Practice: In previous lessons, students have been breaking down these types of questions the past few weeks. Teacher will provide aid and scaffolding as needed.
Independent Practice: Students in groups will review answers, annotate notes, fill out questioning sheet and share material with the class. Once the review is complete, students will take practice test home as a study guide for the EOC.
Reflection/Wrap-Up Summarizing, Reflecting, Restating, Connecting Provides for Student Engagement
(3-5 min.)
Teacher will summarize information covered in the lesson. Teacher will ask students if they have any questions.
Teacher asks students to give feedback concerning lesson. Is the material covered relevant? Is the instruction style aiding students in the review of the material?
Teacher will instruct students to make stacks of practice tests, questioning sheets and sticky notes. Students will rearrange desks to original position.
NOTE: Lunch will be taking place approx. 30 min. into the class period.