Citate Celebre - Famous Quotes
Citate Celebre - Famous Quotes
Citate Celebre - Famous Quotes
Iosif V. Stalin
Dati-ne copilul timp de opt ani si va fi un Bolsevic pentru totdeauna.
...educatia trebuie sa sa tinteasca spre distrugerea vointei libere, astfel incat, dupa ce
elevii au terminat scoala, trebuie sa fie incapabili, tot restul vietii lor, sa gandeasca sau sa
actioneze altfel decat conducatorii scolii au dorit.
Johann Gottlieb Fichte, filozof german
A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of
political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not
have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task
assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper
editors and schoolteachers.
-- Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) Author Source: Forward to Brae !ew "orld#$ 193%
Un stat totalitar eficient ar fi unul in care toti sefii politici executivi si armata lor de
manageri controleaza o populatie de sclavi care nu trebuie sa fie constransi pentru ca isi
iubesc sclavia. Ai face sa o iubeasca cade in sarcina - in statele totalitare de azi -
ministerelor responsabile de propaganda, ziarelor, editorilor !n.a. de carti" si
Aldous Huxle !"#$%&"$'().For*ard to +,ra-e .e* /orld0, "$(1
Give me a child and Ill shape him into anything. -- B& F& S'())er$ *ew(sh
+sycholo,(st a)d +(o)eer o- .eha(or(s/
Dati-mi un copil si il voi modela in orice.
,.F.S2inner, 3siholog e-reu si 3ionier al beha-iorism&ului
..modern methods of propaganda. f these the most influential is what is called
!education" .. #t may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of
anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the $tate with money and
e%uipment. .. &here all children go to school, and all schools are controlled by the
government, the authorities can close the minds of the young to everything contrary to
official orthodoxy. .. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were
-- Bertra)d 0ussell$ 12he 3/+act o- Sc(e)ce o) Soc(ety4
...metode moderne de propaganda. Dintre acestea cel mai influent este ceea ce este
denumit educatie... #e poate spera ca in timp, oricine va fi in stare sa convinga pe
oricine de orice daca il poate prinde pe tanarul rabdator si este sustinut de catre #tat cu
bani si ec$ipament ...Acolo unde toti copii merg la scoala si toate scolile sunt controlate
de guvern, autoritatile pot inc$ide mintea tanarului catre orice este contrar a ceea ce este
oficialm politic corect... %opulatiei nu i se va permite sa afle cum au fost generate
propriile convingeri.
,ertrand 4ussell, +Im3actul Stiintei in Societate +