Boys Town

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Boys Town

Teaching Social Skills

The Well Managed Classroom
The Value of Social Skills

School is one of the biggest challenges for

students today, name some of the

Why do students struggle within the

school setting
What are social skills

!efine Social Skills"

Social, or life, skills are a set of beha#iors

that enable indi#iduals to interact with one
another in ways that are socially

They are not a set of beha#iors, they #ary

de$ending on the conte%t and situation
Task &nalysis

Where to Begin'at the end

What is the end goal of the social skill and

what are you going to do to get there

Break the goal down into obtainable goals

and ob(ecti#es.

Make sure each ste$ is measurable.

Task &nalysis )uidelines

*ee$ the focus of the skill limited.

+dentify the beha#iors of the skill as ste$s.

,se s$ecific and obser#able terms. -Can a

!ead Man !o +t.

/ut ste$s in order of $erformance.

What is so im$ortant about task analy0ing

a skill.

Making the abstract tangible.

Value of Social Skills

Modeling the beha#ior that you want your

students to demonstrate is one of the easiest
ways to teach social skills.

Mastering a s$ecific skills de$ends on the

student1s ability and de#elo$ment.

Teaching social skills is not (ust a, 23ne and

!one4 $ractice'5ou will ha#e to
Value of Social Skills

2Social Skills instruction is a uni#ersal
inter#ention that offers benefits to all students.
9owe#er, some youth, es$ecially ones
diagnosed as emotionally or beha#iorally
disturbed, will re:uire more intensi#e and
indi#iduali0ed inter#ention.4
8ow what
Teaching Social Skills

Many of the students that come into our

classrooms lack in the area of social skills,

This is the beginning of the, 2Blame

Teaching Social Skills

Before you can e#en begin to address

your student1s social skill needs, you need
to know what you ha#e to teach.

9ow are you going to collect data on

where to begin social skill instruction
Teaching Social Skills

/roacti#e Teaching Strategies of teaching

Social Skills"
/lanned Teaching
Blended Teaching
/re#enti#e Teaching
/lanned Teaching

+ntroduce the skill

!escribe the a$$ro$riate beha#ior

)i#e a reason


/lanned Social Skills instruction

Blended Teaching

Blending or combining social skills and

academic instruction.

+ntegrating social skills into lesson $lans,

assignments or other areas of academics
that occur throughout the day.

)i#e some e%am$les of blended teaching

/re#enti#e /rom$ting

/rom$ting is a brief reminder statement

about the use of a skill $rior to an incident
or situation in which a$$lication of the skill
is necessary.

/re#enti#e /rom$ts are not after the fact

statements'they should come B;<37;
the student takes action.
Correcting /roblem Beha#ior

9ow are you going to res$ond to $roblem

Walk away
&sk, Why don1t you feel like talking to me
Tell him sternly, 2+ e%$ect you to greet me
whene#er you enter my classroom.4
/at him on the back and say ok.
=augh it off and say something witty or
Correcting /roblem Beha#ior

9ow you res$ond to $roblem beha#ior

determines how the rest of the class or
day will go.
Correcting /roblem Beha#ior

What do you think the most im$ortant

thing is when res$onding to $roblem
&ccording to =ong and Wood ->??@.'Crisis
is the $roduct of a child1s stress that is
ke$t ali#e by the reaction of others.
Correcting /roblem Beha#iors

When faced with aggressi#e beha#iors, the

natural reaction is to be aggressi#e.

&nswering aggression with aggression is more

likely to occur if'
5ou get caught u$ in the conflict cycle
Belie#e that their $ersonal #alues and beliefs are
being #iolated
<eel as if they are not meeting their $rofessional
<eel re(ected and hel$less
/re(udge a student in crisis
9a#e unresol#ed issues
Correcting the /roblem Beha#ior

8ot only can your beha#ior ha#e an

im$act on fre:uency and se#erity of
beha#ior, but the en#ironment can
contribute to $roblem beha#iors as well.

5ou want to create an en#ironment that

fosters res$ect, res$onsibility and
accountability to flourish.
Correcting /roblem Beha#ior

Managing the =earning"

9ow you address ina$$ro$riate beha#ior

de$ends on beha#ior that is ha$$ening.

,se the least restricti#e conse:uence'

what is often :uick and con#enient is not
always correct.

/ound of <lesh
Correcting /roblem Beha#ior

;ffecti#e Teaching Strategies when addressing

$roblem beha#iors...
Correcti#e /rom$ts
Correcti#e Strategies
CoolAdown Time
Cou$ling Statements -obser#ing and describing the beha#ior.
7eality StatementsBreasons'-the why.
S$ecific /raise
Correcting /roblem Beha#ior

Correcti#e Teaching" most restricti#e

teaching strategy

When the other o$tions and strategies do

not work, Correcti#e Teaching is the ne%t

Correcti#e Teaching Ste$s"

3ffer initial $raise or em$athy
!escribe the ina$$ro$riate beha#ior
!escribe the a$$ro$riate beha#ior
)i#e rationale
8egati#e Conse:uence -o$tional.
Correcting /roblem Beha#iors
Correcting /roblem Beha#iors
6 Teacher" + see that you are listening to me right now because you are
looking at me.
6 Teacher" When + asked you to raise your hand to get the teacher1s
attention, you continued to shout out and interru$t class.
6 Teacher" When you ha#e something to say in class it is im$ortant that
you raise your hand :uietly and wait to be called on.
6 Teacher" +t is im$ortant to get the teacher1s attention a$$ro$riately
because e#eryone1s #oice is im$ortant and e#eryone deser#es to be
6 Teacher" =et1s $ractice the skill of getting the teacher1s attention again,
and this time + want you to get the teacher1s attention by following the
ste$s of getting the teacher1s attention.
6 Teacher" Because we had to meet and $ractice the skill you were not
able to ha#e the time that you needed or wanted during your break. +n
the future + would $refer that you get all the time that you need during
your break. Thank you for meeting with me and $racticing the skill.

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