Complete List of PeopleSoft Tables

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The document provides a comprehensive list of over 50 PeopleSoft tables across various categories like security, versions, translations etc.

Some of the main PeopleSoft tables listed include PSRECDEFN, PSPACKAGEDEFN, PSROLEDEFN, PSAUDIT, PSRELEASE etc.

PeopleSoft tables can contain details like field definitions, style definitions, role definitions, audit information, release details, language codes and more.

Complete List of PeopleSoft Tables

I could not find this elsewhere and hence, I decided to build one myself a complete list of PeopleSoft
tables. Often a times when working on something like a PeopleSoft issue or a PeopleSoft upgrade,
you feel the need to have a handly list of PeopleSoft tables.
What weve tried here is to provide a huge list of PeopleSoft Tables so that when you want to have quick
access to PeopleSoft Tools Tables and their usage, then you can simply head over to this post.
If you want to get this complete list of PeopleSoft tables in a well compiled document, you can use the
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PeopleSoft Object Definition Tables
PSACTIVITYDEFN Activity definitions are stored
PSAESECTDEFN Stores the application engine section definitions
PSAESTEPDEFN Stores the application engine step definitions
PSAESTEPMSGDEFN Stores the messages of the AE programs
PSPCMPROG Peoplecode programs stored
PSSQLTEXTDEFN Application engine sql
PSAEAPPLDEFN Application engine program name
PSPNLDEFN Page names
PSPNLGROUP Stores Component definitions
PSBCDEFN Stores component interface names
PSBUSPROCDEFN Stores Business process definitions
PS_APPR_RULE_HDR Stores Approval rule set definitions
PSCHNLDEFN Stores channel definitions
PSEVENTDEFN Changing the column value of active to 0 leads to disabling activities
PSFLDFIELDDEFN Filelayout stored
PSFILEREDEFN File reference stored
PSINDEXDEFN Index information stored
PSIODEFN Stores business interlink information
PSKEYDEFN Stores the index key information
PSMPDEFN Contains info about mobilepages
PSMSGAGTDEFN Refers to the activity object
PSMSGCATDEFN Related to Messages - Message catalogs
PSMSGDEFN Stores Application Message definitions
PSDBFIELD Contains field definitions
PSDDLDEFPARMS This table holds the storage structure of the tables for db platforms
PSGATEWAY This table hold the gateway url.
PSIDXDDLPARM This table holds the storage structure of the indexes for db platforms
PSRECDEFN This table holds the information of all the peoplesoft records.
PSPACKAGEDEFN This table holds the application packages definitions
PSPNLGRPDEFN Contains Panel group definitions
PSPRDMDEFN Contains the portal information
PSPROJECTDEFN Contains project definitions
PSPRSMDEFN Detailed information of the portal objects
PSPRUFDEFN Information about portal objects
PSPRUHDEFN Information about portal objects
PSQRYDEFN Holds the query definitions
PSROLEDEFN Role definitions
PSSQLDEFN SQL object definitions are stored
PSSQLTEXTDEFN SQL objects text are stored
PSSTEPDEFN Contains stepnames with reference to the activity
PSSTYLEDEFN Contains the styles definitions
PSSTYLSHEETDEFN Contains the stylesheet definitions
PSSUBDEFN Conatins Message subscription definitions
PSTOOLBARDEFN Holds a single row provided by PS, which helps to view the toolbar
PSTREEDEFN Contains the treename
PSCLASSDEFN Gives info abt the peoplesoft permission lists
PSURLDEFN To see which URLs are used as fileservers for the file attachments
PS_AE_TEMPREC_VW Tracks all temporary tablenames and their descriptions
PS_AE_TEMPLOCK_VW Tracks how many locks are currently in effect for a particular temporary table
PS_DATA_FIND_BASE Used as search record for the panel. SHould always be empty.
PS_MSG_CATLG_VW Contains text for all error messages and warnings.

PeopleSoft Security Tables
PSROLECLASS Provides the permission lists associated to each role
PSROLEUSER Gives info abt the roles assigned to the Oprids

PeopleSoft Login Details and Authorization
PSACCESSLOG Login and logout information of the users

PSACCESSPRFL Contains the symbolic id,accessid/password details.
PSCLOCK Login fails if the table is empty
PSOPRDEFN This table holds the peoplesoft Oprids/passwords info with symbolic id.

PeopleSoft Audit Tables
PSAUDIT This table holds all the changes for panel/record modifications
PeopleSoft Version Details
PSRELEASE This table holds the application release details
PSSTATUS This table gives the peopletools information

PeopleSoft Language Details
PSLANGUAGES Contains 1 for the column INSTALLED against the columnLANGUAGE_CD.

PeopleSoft Modules Listed
PS_INSTALLATION List the modules in the database
PeopleSoft Process Type Details
PS_PRCSDEFN Contains process type and process names
PSPRCSLOCK Contains a single record, this gets updated when a process is submitted
PeopleSoft Process Status
Holds the process rqst details should be in synch with psprcsrqst.Should be in
synch with PSPRCSRQST
PSPRCSRQST This table holds the process submitted details
PS_CDM_LIST Contains the process instance details.Should be in synch withPS_CDM_AUTH
PS_CDM_AUTH Contains the process instance details
PeopleSoft Report Node Details
This table holds the report node information which contains the report repository
PS_CDM_DISTSTATUS Contains the definition of report status
PeopleSoft Batch Server Details
PS_SERVERDEFN Contains the server definitions
PSSERVERSTAT Gives information about the batch server status

PeopleSoft RenServer Details
PSREN Holds the portnumber details of a renserver configured domain
PeopleSoft Translate Value Details
PSXLATDEFN Holds the translate fieldname and version number for caching
PSXLATITEM Holds the translate fieldname and their values

PeopleSoft Object Versions
PSLOCK This table is used for version control
PSOPTIONS This table is used to turn off or on the change control enabling feature
PSVERSION This table holds the version number details

Though we tried to compile a comprehensive list of all PeopleSoft tools tables but we may have missed
some of those. If you know of any other important tables which are not present in above list, please do
share with us in comment section below.

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