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collected by Flemming Funch
! hou" i# the time it t$%e# to mo&e lite" o' boiling ($te" %ilomete" )! *+,--- mile# .e" #econd i#n/t 0u#t $ good ide$ 1 it/# the l$(2 3! A billion he"e, $ billion the"e 1 ."etty #oon it $dd# u. to "e$l money! 4! A c$ndle lo#e# nothing o' it# light by lighting $nothe" c$ndle! 56elly7 8! A ci&ili9$tion i# $# g"e$t $# it# d"e$m#, $nd it# d"e$m# $"e d"e$mt by $"ti#t# +! A d$y o' (o""y i# mo"e e:h$u#ting th$n $ (ee% o' (o"%! ;! A di''e"ence to be $ di''e"ence mu#t m$%e $ di''e"ence! *! A di''e"ent (o"ld c$nnot be built by indi''e"ent .eo.le! <! A '$ult "ecogni9ed i# h$l' co""ected! -! A '"iend i# $ gi't you gi&e you"#el'! 5Robe"t L! Ste&en#on7 ! A good "ule 'o" going th"ough li'e i# to %ee. the he$"t $ little #o'te" th$n the he$d! )! A g"e$t .le$#u"e in li'e i# doing (h$t .eo.le #$y you c$nnot do! 3! A g"ou. i# $# c$.$ble $# it cont$in# c$.$ble indi&idu$l membe"# 4! A h$..y memo"y i# $ 0oy 'o"e&e"! 8! A hen i# only $n egg/# ($y o' m$%ing $nothe" egg! +! A l$ugh i# 0u#t li%e #un#hine! It '"e#hen# $ll the d$y! ;! A le$ding $utho"ity i# $nyone (ho h$# gue##ed "ight mo"e th$n once! *! A little #mile $dd# $ g"e$t de$l to you" '$ce &$lue! <! A m$n c$n/t "ide you" b$c% unle## it/# bent! 5=!L!6ing7 )-! A m$n o' .e$ce doe# mo"e good th$n $ &e"y le$"ned m$n! 5Thom$# $/6em.i#7 )! A m$n (ho m$%e# $ mi#t$%e $nd doe#n/t co""ect it, i# m$%ing $nothe"! 6on'ut#e ))! A m$n ("$..ed u. in him#el' m$%e# $ &e"y #m$ll bundle! )3! A mi#t$%e ."o&e# th$t $t le$#t #omeone #to..ed t$l%ing long enough to do #omething! )4! A myth i# $n e''emin$te moth! )8! A .e"#on (ho $im# $t nothing h$# $ t$"get he c$n/t mi##! )+! A .e"#on/# li'e i# dyed (ith the colo" o' hi# im$gin$tion! 5=$"cu# Au"eliu#7 );! A .e##imi#t i# $ .e"#on (ho mou"n# the 'utu"e! )*! A #t$nd c$n be m$de $g$in#t in&$#ion by $n $"my> no #t$nd c$n be m$de )<! A #(i't 'lo(ing1#t"e$m doe# not g"o( #t$gn$nt 3-! A t"ue '"iend i# #omeone (ho i# the"e 'o" you (hen he/d "$the" be $ny(he"e el#e! 3! A ($"m #mile i# the uni&e"#$l l$ngu$ge o' %indne##! 3)! A (ell1u#ed doo" need# no oil in it# hinge# 33! A (o"d i# $ (o"d, $nd $ m$n i# $ 'loo" "$g! 34! A y$(n i# $ #ilent #hout! 5G!6!?he#te"ton7 38! Act $# i' you/ll li&e 'o"e&e"! Pl$n $# i' you (ould die tomo""o(! 3+! Add little to little $nd the"e (ill be $ big .ile 3;! $g$in#t in&$#ion by $n ide$!@ 11Aicto" Bugo, CBi#toi"e d/un ?"imeC 3*! Aim $t the #un! You m$y not "e$ch it, but you (ill 'ly highe" th$n i' you ne&e" $imed! 3<! All $n#(e"# $"e b$#ic$lly #im.le 4-! All m$chine# h$&e $n inn$te #en#e o' i""e#.on#ibility! 4! All menD(omen h$&e ten '$ult#! Pic% ten '$ult# you c$n li&e (ith! 4)! All the h$..ine## you e&e" 'ind lie# in you 43! All the (onde"# you #ee% $"e (ithin you"#el'! 5Si" Thom$# E"o(n7 44! All thing# $"e di''icult be'o"e they $"e e$#y! 48! Almo#t $nything i# e$#ie" to get into th$n out o'! 4+! Although '$te ."e#ent# the ci"cum#t$nce#, ho( you "e$ct de.end# on you" ch$"$cte"! 4;! Al($y# do "ight! Thi# (ill g"$ti'y #ome .eo.le $nd $#toni#h the "e#t! 5=$"% T($in7 4*! Al($y# %ee. $ "eco"d o' d$t$ 1 it indic$te# you/&e been (o"%ing! 4<! Al($y# t"y to be $ little %inde" th$n i# nece##$"y! 1 Si" F$me# E$""ie 8-! An $.ology i# $ good ($y to h$&e the l$#t (o"d! 8! An in&e#tment i# $nything th$t co#t# mo"e th$n you c$n .o##ibly $''o"d! 8)! An in&i#ible c$" c$me out o' no(he"e, #t"uc% my &ehicle, $nd &$ni#hed! 83! An #$ne .e"#on h$# di''iculty in in#$ne #u""ounding# 84! And on the Eighth d$y God #$id the (o"ld ($# 'unny, $nd She c"e$ted L$ughte"! 88! Any $ttem.t to $d0u#t the $i" conditione" (ill m$%e it (o"#e! 8+! Any 'ool c$n c"itici9e, condemn $nd com.l$in 1 $nd mo#t do! 5D$le ?$"negie7 8;! Any ide$ th$t ($# not .ut in by "e$#on c$nnot be t$%en out by "e$#on! 8*! Any in'o"m$tion i# &$lu$ble to the deg"ee th$t you c$n u#e it 8<! Any ."oblem, to be $ ."oblem, mu#t cont$in $ lie +-! Anyone bo"ed the#e d$y# i# not .$ying $ttention! 5Eill ?o.el$nd7 +! Anything $d0u#t$ble (ill #oone" o" l$te" need $d0u#tment! +)! Anything (hich i# not di"ectly ob#e"&ed tend# to .e"#i#t +3! Anything (ith teeth #oone" o" l$te" bite#! +4! A# long $# you h$&e $ (indo(, li'e i# e:citing! +8! At the touch o' lo&e, e&e"yone become# $ .oet! 5Pl$to7 ++! A&e"$ge#G he$d in the o&en, 'eet in the '"ee9e", on $&e"$ge I/m com'o"t$ble +;! Ee $ li&ing e:."e##ion o' God/# %indne##! 1 =othe" The"e#$ +*! Ee c$"e'ul ho( you li&e> you m$y be the only Eible #ome .eo.le e&e" "e$d! +<! Ee t"ue to you" o(n go$l# ;-! Ee you"#el'!!!!you/"e bette" $t it! ;! Ee'o"e bo""o(ing money '"om $ '"iend, 'i"#t decide (hich you need mo"e! ;)! Eeing $li&e i# lo&ing being $li&e! ;3! Eelie' i# not the beginning o' %no(ledge 11 it i# the end! 5Goethe7 ;4! Eelie&e th$t you h$&e it, $nd you h$&e it! ;8! Eelie&e you c$n, belie&e you c$n/t 1 eithe" ($y, you/"e "ight! ;+! Eelie&ing i# $ 'ind thing, but .l$cing tho#e belie'# into e:ecution i# $ te#t o' #t"ength! ;;! Ee($"e o' $ll ente"."i#e# th$t "eHui"e ne( clothe#! 5Tho"e$u7 ;*! Ee($"e (h$t you #et you" he$"t u.on, 'o" it #u"ely #h$ll be you"#! 5R$l.h I$ldo Eme"#on7 ;<! Ele##ed i# he (ho h$# nothing to #$y $nd c$nnot be .e"#u$ded to #$y it! *-! E"$&e"y i# not $ l$c% o' 'e$"! It/# ."oceeding in #.ite o' it! *! ?$#he(# $"e nut#! *)! ?h$llenge# m$%e you di#co&e" thing# $bout you"#el' th$t you ne&e" "e$lly %ne(! *3! ?h$nce '$&o"# the ."e.$"ed mind! *4! ?h$nge #t$"t# (hen #omeone #ee# the ne:t #te.! 5Iilli$m D"$yton7 *8! ?hee"'ulne## i# the $tmo#.he"e unde" (hich $ll thing# th"i&e! 5Fe$n P$ul Richte"7 *+! ?he"i#hing child"en i# the m$"% o' $ ci&ili9ed #ociety! 5Fo$n G$n9 ?ooney7 *;! ?hild"en $"e li%ely to li&e u. to (h$t you belie&e o' them! **! ?hild"en h$&e mo"e need o' model# th$n o' c"itic#! *<! ?hild"en need lo&e, e#.eci$lly (hen they don/t de#e"&e it! <-! ?oincidence i# God/# ($y o' "em$ining $nonymou#! 5Albe"t Ein#tein7 <! ?ommunic$tion i# the uni&e"#$l #ol&ent! <)! ?om.ute"# $"e 11 they do e:$ctly (h$t you tell them to do! <3! ?on'u#ion i# cont$giou# <4! ?on#i#tency i#n/t $ nece##$"y $#.ect o' li'e! The uni&e"#e i# un'ini#hed, you %no(! <8! DARE to get the ?IA o'' d"ug#! <+! De$l (ith the '$ult# o' othe"# $# gently $# (ith you" o(n! <;! De#tiny i# not $ m$tte" o' ch$nce! It/# $ m$tte" o' choice! <*! Di''icult thing# t$%e long time, im.o##ible thing# $ little longe"! <<! Di#$..ointment "eHui"e# $deHu$te .l$nning! 5R!E$ndle"7 --! Di&iding --J "e#.on#ibility bet(een t(o .eo.le gi&e# -J 'o" e$ch o' them! -! Do e&e"y $ct o' you" li'e $# i' it (e"e you" l$#t! 1 =$"cu# Au"eliu# -)! Do e&e"ything (ith $ mind th$t let# go! Do not e:.ect ."$i#e o" "e($"d! 1 Ach$$n ?h$h -3! Do I h$&e the .$"ty to (hom I $m #.e$%ingK -4! Do not 'ollo( (he"e the .$th le$d#! R$the" go (he"e the"e i# no .$th $nd le$&e $ t"$il! -8! Do not 0udge othe" .eo.le, 0u#t #nic%e" $t them! -+! Do not #.e$% mo"e cle$"ly th$n you thin%! -;! Do (h$t you c$n (ith (h$t you h$&e (he"e you $"e! 5Teddy Roo#e&elt7 -*! Do (h$t you c$n, (ith (h$t you h$&e, (he"e you $"e! 5Theodo"e Roo#e&elt7 -<! Do you lo&e li'eK Then don/t ($#te you" time, /c$u#e th$t/# (h$t li'e i# m$de o' -! Do you thin% the .e"#on ne:t to you %no(# e&e"ything you don/t %no(K !Don/t be 'ooled by $..e$"$nce#, but be $ m$#te" o' illu#ion! )! Double neg$ti&e# $"e $ no1no 3! Duty i# $ m$tte" o' the mind! ?ommitment i# $ m$tte" o' the he$"t! 4! E$ch d$y #lo(ly #h$.e# ou" li&e#, $# d" ($te" #h$.e# the #tone! 8! E$ch #m$ll t$#% o' e&e"yd$y li'e i# .$"t o' the tot$l h$"mony o' the uni&e"#e! +! E$"th l$ugh# in 'lo(e"#! ;! E$#y to u#e@ i# e$#y to #$y! *! E&en i' on the "ight t"$c%, you/ll get "un o&e" i' you 0u#t #it the"e! <! E&e"y h$"d1boiled egg i# yello( in#ide! )-! E&e"y time I %i## you I/m #till not ce"t$in th$t you "e$lly lo&e me! 5El&i#7 )! E&e"y time you lend money to $ '"iend you d$m$ge hi# memo"y! ))! E&e"ybody ($nt# #ym.$thy, but nobody ($nt# $nybody 'eeling #o""y 'o" them! )3! E&e"ything i# t"ue! )4! E&e"ything #t$"t# $# #omebody/# d$yd"e$m 5L$""y Ni&en7 )8! E&e"ything the go&e"nment gi&e# out it h$# t$%en '"om #omeone el#e! )+! E&e"y(he"e i# ($l%ing di#t$nce i' you h$&e the time! 5Ste&en I"ight7 );! E:$m.le i# not the m$in thing in in'luencing othe"#! It i# the only thing! 5Sch(eit9e"7 )*! E:.e"ience i# $ de$" te$che", but 'ool# (ill le$"n '"om no othe"! )<! E:.e"ience i# the be#t te$che", but the tuition i# &e"y co#tly! 3-! E:.e"ience ."$i#e# the mo#t h$..y the one (ho m$de the mo#t .eo.le h$..y! 3! F$ilu"e i# not de'e$t until you #to. t"ying! 3)! F$ilu"e i# the o..o"tunity to begin $g$in mo"e intelligently! 33! F$the"hood i# ."etending the ."e#ent you lo&e mo#t i# #o$.1on1$1"o.e 5E!?o#by7 34! Fe$" %noc%ed on the doo", F$ith o.ened it, $nd the"e ($# no one the"e2 38! Fl$tte" i# he$lthy, i' you don/t inh$le! A!Ste&en#on 3+! Fool me once, #h$me on you! Fool me t(ice, #h$me on me! 3;! Fo" e&e"y ."oblem the"e i# $n o..o"tunity! 3*! F"iend# 0oy $nd di&ide #o""o(! 3<! F"iend#hi. i# the only cement th$t c$n hold the (o"ld togethe"! 4-! G$the" the c"umb# o' h$..ine## $nd they (ill m$%e you $ lo$' o' contentment! 4! Geniu# i# J in#.i"$tion $nd <<J .e"#.i"$tion! 4)! Gentle (o"d# (o"% bette" th$n h$"d one#! 43! Gi&e light, $nd the d$"%ne## (ill di#$..e$" o' it#el'! 1 E"$#mu# 44! Gi&e me the lu:u"ie# o' li'e $nd I (ill (illingly do (ithout the nece##itie#! 48! Gi&ing m$%e# li&ing mo"e lo&ing! 4+! Go $he$d, "oc% the bo$t! The only .eo.le (ho c$"e $"e the one# (ho c$n/t #(im! 4;! Go o'ten to the hou#e o' $ '"iend, 'o" (eed# cho%e the unu#ed .$th! 4*! God g$&e me thi# illne## to "emind me th$t I/m not L> he i#! 5=uh$mmed Ali7 4<! God i# not .l$ying dice (ith the uni&e"#e! 5Albe"t Ein#tein7 8-! Good coo%ing t$%e# time! I' you $"e m$de to ($it, it i# to #e"&e you bette"! 8! Good enough i#n/t! 8)! Good t$#te i# the enemy o' c"e$ti&ity! Pic$##o! 83! Good(ill i# e$"ned by m$ny $ct#> it c$n be lo#t by one! 5Dunc$n Stu$"t7 84! G"e$t #.i"it# o'ten encounte" &iolent o..o#ition '"om medioc"e mind#! 5Ein#tein7 88! Guillotine o.e"$to"# get #e&e"$nce .$y! 8+! B$bit i# li%e $ #o't bed, e$#y to get into but h$"d to get out o'! 8;! B$..ine## i# $ con#ciou# choice, not $n $utom$tic "e#.on#e! 5=ild"ed E$"thel7 8*! B$..ine## i# $cce.t$nce! 8<! B$..ine## i# li%e 0$m! You c$n/t #."e$d e&en $ little (ithout getting #ome on you"#el'! +-! B$..ine## i# m$de to be #h$"ed! +! B$..ine## i# not $l($y# me$#u"ed in #mile#! +)! B$..ine## i# the o&e"coming o' not un%no(n ob#t$cle# to($"d $ %no(n go$l +3! B$&e you hugged #omeone tod$yK +4! Be (ho c$nnot 'o"gi&e othe"# b"e$%# the b"idge o&e" (hich he mu#t him#el' .$##! +8! Be (ho h$# no 'i"e in him#el' c$nnot ($"m othe"#! ++! Be (ho l$ugh# 'i"#t l$ugh# l$#t !! i' nobody l$ugh# in the middle! +;! Be (ho l$ugh# l$#t !! thin%# #lo(e#t! +*! Be"e/# $ doll$", go buy you"#el' $ cle$n #hi"t! +<! Be"e/# to loo%ing $t you, %id2 ;-! Bo( long you li&e h$# nothing to do (ith ho( long you $"e going to be de$d! ;! Bo( m$ny ."og"$mme"# to #c"e( in $ light bulbK None, it/# $ h$"d($"e ."oblem2 ;)! Bo( to le&it$teG th"o( you"#el' to the 'loo" $nd mi## it! ;3! I $m only &i#iting thi# .l$net ;4! I c$n $lte" my li'e by $lte"ing the $ttitude o' my mind! ;8! I c$n/t be o&e"d"$(n, I #till h$&e #ome chec%# le't! ;+! I did not he$" to (o"d# you #$id, in#te$d I he$"d the lo&e! ;;! I do not 'eel $ny $ge yet! The"e i# no $ge to the #.i"it! ;*! I don/t c$"e $bout money, I 0u#t ($nt to be (onde"'ul! =!=on"oe! ;<! I don/t %no(! I/m m$%ing it u. $# I go $long! *-! I he$" $nd I 'o"get! I #ee $nd I "emembe"! I do $nd I unde"#t$nd! *! I thought my (indo( ($# do(n, but 'ound it ($# u. (hen I .ut my h$nd th"ough it *)! I ($nt to li&e 'o"e&e", o" die in the $ttem.t! *3! Ide$#, $nd not b$ttle# m$"% the 'o"($"d ."og"e## o' m$n%ind! *4! I' $ .e"#on l$c%# ."oblem# he (ill in&ent them *8! I' $ll thing# you e#che(, they $"e glue! *+! I' $nything c$n/t go ("ong, it (ill! *;! I' $t 'i"#t you do #ucceed 11 t"y to hide you" $#toni#hment! **! I' h$"d (o"% i# the g"e$te#t thing on e$"th, I/ll t"y =$"#! *<! I' I %ne( th$t tomo""o( the (o"ld (ould go to .iece#, I (ould #till .l$nt $n $..le t"ee! <-! I' it $in/t b"o%e don/t 'i: it! <! I' it #ucceed#, it i# "ight> i' it '$il#, it i# ("ong! <)! I' it ($#n/t 'o" the l$#t minute, nothing (ould get done! <3! I' it (e"en/t 'o" Edi#on (e/d be ($tching TA by c$ndlelight! <4! I' it (e"en/t 'o" l$(ye"#, (e (ouldn/t need them! <8! I' m$n c$nnot '$ce (h$t he i#, then m$n c$nnot be '"ee <+! I' mu#ic be the 'ood o' lo&e then .l$y on <;! I' my mind c$n concei&e it, $nd my he$"t c$n belie&e it, I %no( I c$n $chie&e it! <*! I' nobody mind#, it doe#n/t m$tte"! <<! I' the 'it (e$"#, #hoo it! )--! I' the (o"ld #eem# cold to you, %indle 'i"e# to ($"m it! )-! I' the"e/# #omething I c$n/t #t$nd, it/# $ .e"#on (ho t$l%# (hile I/m inte""u.ting! )-)! I' (e do not #ucceed, then (e '$ce the "i#% o' '$ilu"e! 11 D$n Qu$yle )-3! I' (e (e"en/t $ll $ little c"$9y, (e/d go nut#! )-4! I' you $"e $ h$mme" e&e"ything loo%# li%e $ n$il! )-8! I' you $"e (illing to $dmit (hen you $"e ("ong, you $"e "ight! )-+! I' you c$n e:.l$in it, you $"en/t e:.e"iencing it! )-;! I' you don/t h$&e $ d$tum, c"e$te it! )-*! I' you don/t m$%e ($&e#, you/"e not unde" ($y! )-<! I' you h$&e to be li%ed, you $"e #.i%ed! )-! I' you lo&e #omeone you mu#t be #t"ong enough to $llo( them to be! )! I' you mu#t (o""y 1 (o""y EIG2 ))! I' you need $ h$nd, the be#t .l$ce to loo% i# $t the end o' you" #lee&e! )3! I' you need 'ou" #c"e(# 'o" $ 0ob, the 'i"#t th"ee (ill be e$#y to 'ind! )4! I' you "e'u#e to $cce.t $nything but the be#t, you &e"y o'ten get it! )8! I' you #to. to be %ind, you mu#t #(e"&e o'ten '"om you" .$th! 1 =$"y Iebb )+! I' you t$l% $bout #omeone behind thei" b$c%, thei" b$c% (ill be "ight behind you );! I' you ($nt to l$#t, 0u#t mo&e '$#t! )*! I' you ($nt to m$%e $n e$#y 0ob #eem mighty h$"d, 0u#t %ee. .utting it o''! )<! I' you (o"% on $ none:i#tent ."oblem the"e $"e much 'e(e" ob#t$cle# to o&e"come! ))-! I' you" #hi. doe#n/t come in, #(im out to it2 ))! I' you" &i#ion i# $ll blu""y, you/&e got $nothe" (o""y! )))! I' you/"e $#%ed to 0oin $ .$"$de, don/t m$"ch behind the ele.h$nt#! ))3! I' you/"e h$..y $nd you %no( it, cl$n% you" ch$in#2 ))4! Im$gin$tion i# mo"e im.o"t$nt th$n %no(ledge! 5A!Ein#tein7 ))8! Im$gin$tion i# "e$l! ))+! Im."o&ement begin# (ith @I@! ));! In my g$"den lo&e g"o(#! ))*! In o"de" to 'ini#h 'i"#t, you mu#t 'i"#t 'ini#h! ))<! In the "$ce 'o" Hu$lity, the"e i# no 'ini#h line! 5D$&id T! 6e$"n#7 )3-! In#ecu"ity e:i#t# in the $b#ence o' %no(ledge )3! It i# bette" to gi&e $nd "ecei&e! 1 Ee"n$"d Gunthe" )3)! It i# bette" to (e$" out th$n "u#t out! )33! It i# '$" bette" th$t (e #hould e"" in $ction th$n com.letely "e'u#e to .e"'o"m! )34! It i# '$" bette" to get no(he"e '$#t th$n to get no(he"e #lo(ly! )38! It i# in the #helte" o' e$ch othe" th$t the .eo.le li&e! 1 I"i#h ."o&e"b )3+! It i#n/t (h$t h$..en#, it/# ho( you de$l (ith it! )3;! It t$%e# $ long time to g"o( $n old '"iend! )3*! It t$%e# both the #un $nd the "$in to m$%e $ be$uti'ul "$inbo(! )3<! It/# de0$ &u $ll o&e" $g$in )4-! It/# di''icult to (o"% in $ g"ou. (hen you/"e omni.otent! 11 Q 5'"om St$" T"e%7 )4! It/# e$#ie" to $.ologi9e $'te"($"d# th$n getting #omething $llo(ed in the 'i"#t .l$ce! 1 ?li''o"d Stoll )4)! It/# not $ m$tte" o' g"o(ing old, it/# getting old i' you don/t g"o(! )43! It/# not the lo$d th$t b"e$%# you do(n, it/# the ($y you c$""y it! )44! It/# not (h$t you %no(, it/# ho( '$#t you c$n 'ind it out! )48! I/&e h$d $ lot o' (o""ie# in my li'e, mo#t o' (hich h$&e ne&e" h$..ened! 5=$"%T($in7 )4+! Fu#t "emembe", (hen you/"e o&e" the hill, you begin to .ic% u. #.eed! )4;! 6ee. cool, but do not '"ee9e! )4*! 6ee. on #o(ing you" #eed, 'o" you ne&e" %no( (hich (ill g"o( 1 .e"h$.# it $ll (ill! )4<! 6ee. you" 'e$"# to you"#el', but #h$"e you" cou"$ge (ith othe"#! )8-! 6ee. you" 'eet clo#e to the g"ound! )8! 6ind (o"d# c$n be #ho"t $nd e$#y to #.e$% but thei" echoe# $"e t"uly endle##! 1 =!The"e#$ )8)! 6indne## i# the noble#t (e$.on to conHue" (ith! )83! 6ite# "i#e highe#t $g$in#t the (ind, not (ith it! 5?hu"chill7 )84! Let the be$uty (e lo&e be (h$t (e do! 1 Rumi )88! Let the"e be #.$ce# in you" togethe"ne##! )8+! Let/# li&e in $ ($y #o th$t e&en the unde"t$%e" get# #$d (hen (e die! =$"% T($in )8;! Libe"ty i# $l($y# un'ini#hed bu#ine##! )8*! Li'e c$n only be unde"#tood b$c%($"d#, but it mu#t be li&ed 'o"($"d#! 56ie"%eg$$"d7 )8<! Li'e con#i#t# o' little #ho"t moment#! )+-! Li'e i# $ do1it1you"#el' ."o0ect! )+! Li'e i# $ g$me! A g$me con#i#t# o' '"eedom, b$""ie"# $nd .u".o#e#! )+)! Li'e i# $ my#te"y to be li&ed, not $ ."oblem to be #ol&ed! )+3! Li'e i# $ "iddle! The #olution i# ("itten on the b$c%#ide! )+4! Li'e i# $ #ong! Lo&e i# the mu#ic! )+8! Li'e i# $n $d&entu"e in 'o"gi&ing! 5No"m$n ?ou#in#7 )++! Li'e i# h$"d by the y$"d, but by the inch, li'e/# $ cinch! )+;! Li'e i# li%e $n onion> you .eel o'' one l$ye" $t $ time, $nd #ometime# you (ee.! )+*! Li'e i# the $"t o' d"$(ing (ithout $n e"$#e"! )+<! Li'e i# the only thing (o"th li&ing 'o" );-! Li'e i# the"e 'o" the t$%ing !! o" the "e'u#ing! );! Li'e i# tough, $nd then you die );)! Li't (he"e you #t$nd! );3! Lincoln i# $li&e $nd li&ing in Di#neyl$nd! );4! Li&e in .e$ce in $ time o' #t"e##! );8! Li&e, Lo&e, L$ugh, $nd be h$..y! );+! Loo% $t me, I (o"%ed my#el' u. '"om nothing to $ #t$te o' e:t"eme .o&e"ty! 5G"oucho =$":7 );;! Lo&e $""i&e# on ti.toe $nd b$ng# the doo" (hen it le$&e#! 5Robe"t Lemb%e7 );*! Lo&e doe#n/t m$%e the (o"ld go "ound! Lo&e i# (h$t m$%e# the "ide (o"th(hile! );<! Lo&e i# (h$t d"e$m# $"e m$de o'! )*-! Lo&e #ought i# good, but gi&en un#ought i# bette"! 5Sh$%e#.e$"e7 )*! Lo&e you"#el', lo&e the E$"th, "e#.ect li'e! )*)! Luc% i# $ m$tte" o' ."e.$"$tion meeting o..o"tunity! )*3! Luc% i# (h$t h$..en# (hen ."e.$"$tion $nd o..o"tunity meet! )*4! =$%e it $# #im.le $# .o##ible but no #im.le"! 5Albe"t Ein#tein7 )*8! =$%e no 0udgment# (he"e you h$&e no com.$##ion! )*+! =$%e one .e"#on h$..y e$ch d$y, e&en i' it/# you"#el'! )*;! =$%e you" li'e $n $ct o' lo&e! )**! =$%e you" li'e $n $ct o' lo&e! )*<! =$n ."e'e"# to belie&e (h$t he ."e'e"# to be t"ue! 5E$con7 )<-! =$n th"i&e# only in the ."e#ence o' $ ch$llenging en&i"onment )<! =$n (ill endu"e $ lot o' .$in to obt$in $ little .le$#u"e )<)! =$n/# mind, once #t"etched by $ ne( ide$, ne&e" "eg$in# it# o"igin$l dimen#ion#! )<3! =$tte" c$nnot be c"e$ted o" de#t"oyed, no" c$n it be "etu"ned (ithout $ "ecei.t! )<4! =$y I ne&e" mi## $ "$inbo( o" $ #un#et bec$u#e I $m loo%ing do(n! )<8! =$y you li&e $ll the d$y# o' you" li'e! 5Fon$th$n S(i't7 )<+! =ind# $"e li%e .$"$chute# 11 they only 'unction (hen o.en! )<;! =ind# $t "e#t "u#t! )<*! =ond$y# $"e the .othole# in the "o$d o' li'e! 5Tom Iil#on7 )<<! =oney 1 the "oot o' $ll e&il!!! =$n need# "oot#! 3--! =oney i# $ good #e"&$nt, but $ b$d m$#te"! 3-! =oney i# '$" mo"e .e"#u$#i&e th$n logic$l $"gument#! 5Eu"i.ide#7 3-)! =o#t o' $ll 1 let lo&e guide you" li'e! 5?olo##i$n# 3G47 3-3! =o#t o' tod$y/# (o""ie# $"e li%e .uddle#G tomo""o( they (ill h$&e e&$.o"$ted! 3-4! =y c$" ($# leg$lly .$"%ed $# it b$c%ed into the othe" &ehicle 3-8! =y con#cience doe#n/t %ee. me '"om doing thing#! It doe# %ee. me '"om en0oying them! 3-+! =y "eligion i# &e"y #im.le! =y "eligion i# %indne##! 1 The D$l$i L$m$ 3-;! Neithe" #ound no" thought# c$n t"$&el th"ough $ &$cuum 3-*! Ne&e" cl$"i'y tomo""o( (h$t you c$n ob#cu"e tod$y! 3-<! Ne&e" clo#e you" li.# to tho#e to (hom you h$&e o.ened you" he$"t! 5?!Dic%en#7 3-! Ne&e" de#e"t $ com"$de in need, in d$nge", o" in t"ouble! 3! Ne&e" get in $ b$ttle o' (it# (ithout $mmunition! 3)! Ne&e" gi&e $ #uc%e" $n e&en b"e$%! 5I!?!Field#7 33! Ne&e" %id $ %idde"! 34! Ne&e" let $ 'ool %i## you, ne&e" let $ %i## 'ool you! 38! Ne&e" mi#t$%e $cti&ity 'o" ."og"e##! 3+! Ne&e" "eg"et ye#te"d$y! Li'e i# in you tod$y, $nd you m$%e you" tomo""o(! 3;! Ne&e" t$l% to #t"$nge men 3*! Ne&e" (ithd"$( $llegi$nce once g"$nted! 3<! Ne:t to .o(e" (ithout hono", the mo#t d$nge"ou# thing in the (o"ld i# .o(e" (ithout humo"! 3)-! No m$tte" (h$t you" lot in li'e m$y be, build #omething on it! 3)! No ."oblem c$n (ith#t$nd the $##$ult o' #u#t$ined thin%ing! 3))! Nobody "e$lly 'ind# out (h$t he belie&e# until he begin# to in#t"uct hi# child"en! 3)3! None lo&e the be$"e" o' b$d ne(# 3)4! Nothing i# im.o##ible 'o" the m$n (ho (ill not li#ten to "e$#on! 3)8! Ob#t$cle# $"e (h$t you #ee (hen you t$%e you" eye# o'' you" go$l#! 3)+! Ob&iou#ly c"ime .$y#, o" the"e/d be no c"ime! 5G!Go"don Liddy7 3);! O' $ll the gin 0oint# in $ll the to(n# o' the (o"ld #he ($l%# into mine 3)*! Oh, you $cto"# on the #t$ge o' li'e, .l$ying the .$"t# o' th$t (hich you $"e not! 1 The Eible 3)<! Old too #oon, #m$"t too l$te! 33-! On $ cle$" d$y you c$n #ee 'o"e&e"! 33! On $ cle$" di#% you c$n #ee% 'o"e&e" 33)! On the d$y (hen (e c$n 'ully t"u#t e$ch othe", the"e (ill be .e$ce on E$"th! 333! On Ie#te"n ci&ili9$tionG @I thin% it (ould be $ good ide$!@ 11 =$h$tm$ G$ndhi 334! One doe#n/t get ch$nce# 11 one t$%e# ch$nce#! 338! One holog"$m i# (o"th ,---,---,--- (o"d#! 33+! One mo"ning I #hot $n ele.h$nt in my .$0$m$#! Bo( it got into it, I don/t %no(! 33;! One ($y to #to. .eo.le '"om do(n you" th"o$t i# to %ee. you" mouth #hut! 33*! Only 'ool# c$n be ce"t$in> it t$%e# (i#dom to be con'u#ed! 33<! Only Robin#on ?"u#oe h$d e&e"ything done by F"id$y! 34-! O.en the Pod b$y doo"# B$l!!! 34! Ou" be#t ."e.$"$tion 'o" tomo""o( i# the ."o.e" u#e o' tod$y! 34)! P$tience i# the $bility to .ut u. (ith .eo.le you/d li%e to .ut do(n! 343! Pe$ce i# not $ #e$#on, it i# $ ($y o' li'e! 344! Peo.le $"e b$#ic$lly good! 348! Peo.le $"e lonely bec$u#e they build ($ll# in#te$d o' b"idge#! 34+! Peo.le $"e mo"e li%ely to belie&e $ Huote i' it i# $nonymou#! 5Anonymou#7 34;! Peo.le (ho do thing# th$t count, ne&e" #to. to count them! 34*! Peo.le (ho li%e othe"# $"e .eo.le othe"# li%e! 34<! Peo.le (ith dog# $"e co($"d# (ho don/t d$"e bite .eo.le them#el&e#! 38-! P"$ctice i# the be#t o' $ll in#t"ucto"# 38! P"$ctice "$ndom %indne## $nd #en#ele## $ct# o' be$uty! 38)! P"$ctice "$ndom %indne## $nd #en#ele## $ct# o' be$uty! 383! P"inci.le# become modi'ied in ."$ctice by '$ct#! 384! P"ob$bly the mo#t neglected '"iend you h$&e i# you 388! Re$ch out $nd byte #omeone 38+! Re'"ige"$to"# $"e '"igid! 38;! Re'u#e No&$c$ine!!! T"$n#cend Dent$l =edic$tion 38*! Re'u#ing to $#% 'o" hel. (hen you need it i# "e'u#ing #omeone the ch$nce to be hel.'ul! 38<! S$dne## i# but $ ($ll bet(een t(o g$"den#! 56$hlil Gib"$n7 3+-! Science i# o"g$ni9ed %no(ledge! Ii#dom i# o"g$ni9ed li'e! 5Imm$nu$l 6$nt7 3+! Sec"ecy i# the enemy o' e''iciency, but don/t let $nyone %no( it! 3+)! Sibe"i$ i# $ (inte" (onde"l$nd 3+3! Sit $t the 'eet o' the m$#te"# long enough, $nd they/ll #t$"t to #mell! 3+4! So't i# the he$"t o' $ child> do not h$"den it! 3+8! Solution to h$"d($"e ."oblem#G th"o( it $($y $nd buy $ ne( one 3++! Solution to #o't($"e ."oblem#G ($it $nd (hile $nd they might 0u#t di#$..e$" 3+;! Some .eo.le gi&e $nd 'o"gi&e> Othe"# get $nd 'o"get! 3+*! Some .eo.le gi&e thei" (o""ie# #(imming le##on# in #te$d o' d"o(ning them! 3+<! Some .eo.le thin% they $"e gene"ou# bec$u#e they gi&e $($y '"ee $d&ice! 3;-! Some thing# h$&e to be belie&ed to be #een! 5R$l.h Bodg#on7 3;! Sometime# the 'ool (ho "u#he# in get# the 0ob done! 5Al Ee"n#tein7 3;)! Sometime# you $l"e$dy h$&e (h$t you ."$y 'o"! 3;3! Some(he"e, #omething inc"edible i# ($iting to be %no(n! 3;4! S.eech i# h$"d, but (ho c$n %ee. HuietK 3;8! S."ing $..e$"# $nd (e $"e once mo"e child"en! 3;+! St$"t e&e"y d$y (ith $ #mile $nd get it o&e" (ith! 5I!?!Field#7 3;;! St$ti#tic# $"e no #ub#titute 'o" 0udgment! 5Ben"y ?l$y7 3;*! Succe## de.end# on you" b$c%bone, not you" (i#hbone! 3;<! Succe## i# $ 0ou"ney, not $ de#tin$tion! 3*-! Succe## i# $ m$tte" o' luc%! A#% $ny '$ilu"e! 3*! Succe##'ul .eo.le ne&e" h$&e to go to the b$th"oom! 3*)! T$%e $ little time to do (h$te&e" m$%e# $ h$..y you! 3*3! T$%e c$"e o' the minute#, $nd the hou"# $nd ye$"# (ill t$%e c$"e o' them#el&e#! 3*4! T$%ing $ moment to t$%e it e$#y i# being $ '"iend to you"#el'! 3*8! The $n#(e" to the Hue#tionG @Ih$t i# the me$ning o' li'e $nd the uni&e"#eK@ i#G 4)! 3*+! The $"m o' the mo"$l uni&e"#e i# long, but it bend# to($"d# 0u#tice! 5=!L!6ing7 3*;! The be#t gi't# $"e tied (ith he$"t #t"ing#! 3**! The be#t thing# in li'e $"e me##y! 3*<! The be#t ($y to .$y 'o" $ lo&ely moment i# to en0oy it! 5Rich$"d E$ch7 3<-! The bigge#t mi#t$%e you c$n m$%e i# to $l($y# be $'"$id o' m$%ing one! 3<! The chie' enemy o' good i# bette"! 3<)! The cont"ol cente" o' you" li'e i# you" $ttitude! 3<3! The d$"%e#t hou" i# only +- minute# long! 3<4! The de#igne" o' the .$th i# the guy #t$nding $t the end o' it! 1 Amo# Fe##u. 3<8! The diction$"y i# the only .l$ce (he"e #ucce## come# be'o"e (o"%! 3<+! The di''e"ence bet(een o"din$"y $nd e:t"$o"din$"y i# th$t little e:t"$! 3<;! The Em.i"e# o' the 'utu"e $"e the Em.i"e# o' the mind 1 Iin#ton ?hu"chill 3<*! The end i# only the beginning!!! 3<<! The enemy/# cold he$"t #ummon# the $""o( to it! 5Men #$ying7 4--! The 'i"e o' $d&e"#ity (ill melt you li%e butte", o" tem.e" you li%e #teel! The choice i# you"#! 4-! The 'i"#t duty o' lo&e i# to li#ten! 4-)! The 'i"#t ."e"eHui#ite o' $n $d&$nced being i# $ #en#e o' humo"! 1 Rich$"d E$ch 4-3! The 'i"#t #te. o' h$ndling $nything i# g$ining $n $bility to '$ce it 4-4! The 'loo" mo&e# 'u"the" $($y (hen you bend o&e"! 4-8! The 'utu"e i#n/t (h$t it u#ed to be 1 A"thu" ?! ?l$"%e 4-+! The gi't o' h$..ine## belong# to tho#e (ho un("$. it! 4-;! The g"$## i# g"eene" on the othe" #ide, but it i# 0u#t $# h$"d to mo(! 4-*! The h$..ine## o' you" li'e de.end# on the Hu$lity o' you" thought#! 4-<! The he$"t mu#t h$&e it# time o' #no( !! to "e#t in #ilence, $nd then to g"o(! 4-! The he$"t th$t b"e$%# o.en c$n cont$in the (hole uni&e"#e! 1 Fo$nn$ =$cy 4! The hou"# th$t m$%e u# h$..y m$%e u# (i#e! 5Fohn =$#e'ield7 4)! The 0ou"ney i# mo"e im.o"t$nt th$n the de#tin$tion! 43! The l$te" you $""i&e $t (o"%, the e$"lie" you c$n le$&e 44! The le## you %no( $bout $n o..o"tunity, the mo"e $tt"$cti&e it i#! 48! The longe" the .$tient li&e#, the g"e$te" hi# ch$nce# o' "eco&e"y! 4+! The m$n (ho "o(# the bo$t #eldom h$# time to "oc% it! 5Eill ?o.el$nd7 4;! The m$. i# not the te""ito"y! 5Al'"ed 6o"9yb#%y7 4*! The me$ning o' $ communic$tion i# the "e#ult you get! 5R!E$ndle"7 4<! The mind 'o"get#, but the he$"t $l($y# "emembe"#! 4)-! The mo"e $d$.ted you $"e, the le## $d$.t$ble you tend to be! 4)! The mo"e I encou"$ge $ child to thin% 'o" him#el', the mo"e he (ill c$"e (h$t I thin%! 4))! The mo#t im.o"t$nt thing in communic$tion i# to he$" (h$t i#n/t being #$id! 4)3! The olde" I get, the bette" I u#ed to be! 4)4! The one thing (o"#e th$n $ Huitte" i# the one (ho i# $'"$id to begin! 4)8! The only "e$#on #ome .eo.le li#ten to "e$#on i# to g$in time 'o" "ebutt$l! 4)+! The only "ichne## the"e i# i# unde"#t$nding 4);! The only thing (o"#e th$n not getting (h$t you ($nt i# getting (h$t you ($nt! 4)*! The only thing (o"#e th$n ($tching $ b$d mo&ie i# being in one! 5El&i# P"e#ley7 4)<! The othe" c$" collided (ith mine (ithout gi&ing ($"ning o' it# intention 43-! The .e"#on (ho h$# $ll the $n#(e"# unde"#t$nd# none o' the ."oblem#! 43! The .e"#on (ho m$%e# no mi#t$%e# u#u$lly doe# not m$%e $nything! 43)! The ."ice o' g"e$tne## i# "e#.on#ibility! 433! The ."ice o' libe"ty i# ete"n$l &igil$nce 11 U!S!A!F! 434! The .u".o#e o' li'e i# $ li'e o' .u".o#e! 1 Robe"t Ey"ne 438! The .u".o#e o' o"g$ni9$tion# i# to #to. thing# '"om h$..ening! 43+! The Huic%e#t ($y to %ill the hum$n #.i"it i# to $#% #omeone to do medioc"e (o"%! 1 Ayn R$nd 43;! The "$ce i# not $l($y# to the #(i't but to tho#e (ho %ee. on "unning 43*! The "$in in S.$in '$ll# m$inly on the .l$in 43<! The "e$#on (e h$&e time i# #o e&e"ything doe#n/t h$..en $t once! 44-! The "e($"d o' $ thing (ell done i# to h$&e done it! 44! The #ec"et o' li'e i# th$t the"e i# no #ec"et o' li'e! 44)! The #ho"te#t $n#(e" i# doing! 443! The #i:th #hei%/# #hee./# #ic%! 444! The #oone" you '$ll behind, the mo"e time you h$&e to c$tch u.! 448! The #ubcon#ciou# mind i# $ ment$l 'i"ele## coo%e" (he"e ide$# #imme" N de&elo. 44+! The #u."eme te#t o' $ .e"#on i# hi# $bility to m$%e thing# go "ight 44;! The tedium he"e i# "elie&ed only by the bo"edom! 44*! The tele.hone .ole ($# $.."o$ching '$#t 44<! The th"e#hold o' in#ult i# in di"ect "el$tion to intelligence! 48-! The time1t"$&el con&ention (ill be held t(o (ee%# $go! 48! The to(e" in Pi#$ i# #t"$ight 1 the "e#t o' the (o"ld i# c"oo%ed! 48)! The t"ue $"t o' memo"y i# the $"t o' $ttention! 483! The t"ue &oc$tion o' m$n i# to 'ind hi# ($y to him#el'! 5Be##e7 484! The uni&e"#e "e$""$nge# it#el' to $ccommod$te you" .ictu"e o' "e$lity! 488! The ($y to le$"n i# to begin! 48+! The (o"ld i# mo"e $li&e $t night> it/# li%e God i#n/t loo%ing! 5El&i# P"e#ley7 48;! The (o"ld o(e# you nothing 11 it ($# he"e 'i"#t! 48*! The (o"#t (hi#tle"# (hi#tle the mo#t! 48<! The"e $"e 3 %ind# o' men (ho don/t unde"#t$nd (omenG young, old, N middle$ged! 4+-! The"e $"e no '$ilu"e# 11 only 'eedb$c%! 5R!E$ndle"7 4+! The"e i# $ 8- .e"cent ch$nce o' $nything 11 eithe" it h$..en# o" it doe#n/t! 4+)! The"e i# $ #uc%e" bo"n e&e"y minute! 4+3! The"e i# ne&e" $ny need to (o""y! Ie h$&e enough #ho&el# to bu"y e&e"ybody! 4+4! The"e i# no g"e$te" cu"#e th$n tot$l idlene## 4+8! The"e i# no li$" lying li%e $n $ng"y m$n 4++! The"e i# no ."oblem $ good mi"$cle c$n/t #ol&e 4+;! The"e i# no th"ill Huite li%e doing #omething you didn/t %no( you could! 4+*! The"e i# nothing in thi# (o"ld con#t$nt but incon#t$ncy 4+<! The"e i# nothing ("ong (ith you th$t #ome ."o9$% $nd $ .olo m$llet (ouldn/t h$ndle! 4;-! The"e i# #o much $.$thy in the (o"ld tod$y !! but (ho c$"e#K 4;! The"e mu#t be mo"e to li'e th$n h$&ing e&e"ything2 1 =$u"ice Send$% 4;)! The"e/# $l($y# "oom 'o" im."o&ement> It/# the bigge#t "oom in the hou#e! 4;3! They 11 (hoe&e" they m$y be 11 c$n do (h$te&e" they ($nt! 4;4! Thing# m$y come to tho#e (ho ($it, but only the thing# le't o&e" by tho#e (ho hu#tle! 4;8! Thing# tu"n out be#t 'o" the .eo.le (ho m$%e the be#t o' the ($y thing# tu"n out! 4;+! Thin% $ll you #.e$%, but #.e$% not $ll you thin%! 4;;! Thi# i# you" #lum 1 %ee. it cle$n! 4;*! Tho#e needing ."oo' "e'u#e to #ee it! 5I$lte" E$"too7 4;<! Thou #h$lt not ."$ctice mi"th cont"ol! 4*-! Time 'lie#, but "emembe"G you $"e the n$&ig$to"! 4*! Time i# li%e the oce$n, $l($y# the"e, $l($y# di''e"ent! 5Ogden N$#h7 4*)! Time i# n$tu"e/# ($y o' e&e"ything '"om h$..ening $t once! 4*3! Time i# n$tu"e/# ($y o' ."e&enting e&e"ything '"om h$..ening $t once! 4*4! Time, li%e $ #no('l$%e, di#$..e$"# (hile (e/"e t"ying to decide (h$t to do (ith it! 4*8! To $&oid hitting the bum.e" o' the c$" in '"ont, I #t"uc% the .ede#t"i$n! 4*+! To be (h$t (e $"e, $nd to become (h$t (e $"e c$.$ble o' i# the only end in li'e! 4*;! To d"e$m o' the .e"#on you (ould li%e to be i# to ($#te the .e"#on you $"e! 4**! To en0oy li'e (e mu#t touch much o' it lightly! 5Aolt$i"e7 4*<! To '$il to do good i# $# b$d $# doing h$"m! 5Plut$"ch7 4<-! To g$in $ good "e.ut$tion, ende$&o" to be (h$t you de#i"e to $..e$"! 1Soc"$te# 4<! To gi&e you mu#t be (illing to "ecei&e! To "ecei&e you mu#t be (illing to gi&e! 4<)! To h$nde you"#el', u#e you" he$d! To h$ndle othe"#, u#e you" he$"t! 4<3! To lo&e $nd be lo&ed i# to 'eel the #un '"om both #ide#! 5D$&id Ai#cott7 4<4! To lo&e #omething i# to gi&e it "oom enough to g"o(! 4<8! Too m$ny 'ol%# go th"ough li'e "unning '"om #omething th$t i#n/t $'te" them! 4<+! Too much $in/t enough! 4<;! Touch the hole in you" li'e, $nd the"e 'lo(e"# (ill bloom! 5Men #$ying7 4<*! T"$''ic inc"e$#e# to 'ill the "o$d #.$ce $&$il$ble! 4<<! T"u#t e&e"ybody, but cut the c$"d# you"#el'! 5I!?!Field#7 8--! T"uth i# o(ned by e&e"yone! 8-! T"y not to become $ .e"#on o' #ucce##, but "$the" $ .e"#on o' &$lue! 5Albe"t Ein#tein7 8-)! Ai#u$li9e the ty.e o' .e"#on you ($nt to be! Then $ct $# i' you $l"e$dy ARE th$t .e"#on! 8-3! I$%e u. 1 the time i# No(2 8-4! I$" i# good bu#ine##! 8-8! Ie $"e $ll igno"$nt $bout di''e"ent thing#! 5Iill Roge"#7 8-+! Ie $"e $ll 0u#t c"$#h dummie# on the in'o"m$tion high($y 11 Ste&e Io"on$ 8-;! Ie c$n get bette" ide$# in ) h"# o' /c"e$ti&e lo$'ing/ th$n in * h"# $t (o"% 8-*! Ie c$n only $.."eci$te the mi"$cle o' $ #un"i#e i' (e h$&e ($ited in d$"%ne##! 8-<! Ie do not "emembe" d$y#, (e "emembe" moment#! 1 ?$#$"e P$&e#e 8-! Ie 'o"'eit th"ee 'ou"th# o' ou"#el&e# in o"de" to be li%e othe" .eo.le! 5Scho.enh$ue"7 8! Ie gott$ %ee. u. (ith the Fone#e# 8)! Ie m$%e $ li&ing by (h$t (e get! Ie m$%e $ li'e by (h$t (e gi&e! 83! Ie m$y gi&e (ithout lo&ing, but (e c$nnot lo&e (ithout gi&ing! 84! Ie m$y h$&e $ll come on di''e"ent #hi.#, but (e $"e in the #$me bo$t no(! 1 =!L!6ing 88! Ie mu#t con#t$ntly build di%e# o' cou"$ge to hold b$c% the 'lood o' 'e$"! 8+! Ie #hould be .$tient (ith e&e"yone, but $bo&e $ll (ith ou"#el&e#! 8;! Ie$lth i# not (h$t (e h$&e, but (h$t (e $"e! 8*! Ielcome to the ne:t le&el2 8<! Iell done i# bette" th$n (ell #$id! 8)-! Iell the t"ouble (ith being $ good #.o"t i# th$t you h$&e to lo#e to ."o&e it! 8)! Ih$t do (omen ($nt, my God (h$t do they ($ntK 5Sigmund F"eud7 8))! Ih$t I le$"ned I don/t "emembe"! Ih$t little I %no( I h$&e gue##ed! N!?h$m'o"d 8)3! Ih$t i# t"ue 'o" you i# (h$t you h$&e ob#e"&ed you"#el' 8)4! Ih$t lie# behind u# $nd (h$t lie# be'o"e u# $"e tiny m$tte"# com.$"ed to (h$t lie# (ithin! 8)8! Ih$t the he$"t %no(# tod$y the he$d (ill unde"#t$nd tomo""o(! 5F$me# Ste.hen#7 8)+! Ih$t (e do not unde"#t$nd (e do not .o##e## 8);! Ih$t you "e#i#t you become! 5T$oi#t #$ying7 8)*! Ihen God c"e$ted =$n #he ($# only %idding! 8)<! Ihen I ($# younge" I could "emembe" $nything, (hethe" it h$d h$..ened o" not! 5=$"% T($in7 83-! Ihen in doubt, communic$te2 83! Ihen m$chine# go ("ong they "emind you o' ho( .o(e"'ul they $"e 83)! Ihen #."ing i# d$ncing $mong the hill#, one #hould not #t$y in $ little d$"% co"ne"! 833! Ihen #t"$nge"# #t$"t $cting li%e neighbo"#, communitie# $"e "ein&igo"$ted! 1 R!N$de" 834! Ihen the outloo% i# .oo", t"y the u.loo%! 838! Ihen the #mo%e $l$"m goe# o'', dinne" i# #e"&ed! 83+! Ihen (e $"e b$c% '"om b$c%ing u. the b$c%u.# the #y#tem (ill be b$c% u.! 83;! Ihen you 'ind $ #$c"ed co(, mil% it 'o" $ll it i# (o"th! 83*! Ihen you get to the end o' you" "o.e, tie $ %not $nd h$ng on! 83<! Ihen you hel. #omeone u. $ hill, you/"e th$t much ne$"e" the to. you"#el'! 84-! Ihen you lo&e othe"# you $"en/t ne"&ou#! 5=$"y =$"tin7 84! Ihen you #.e$% b$dly $bout othe"#, you $"e telling (ho you $"e you"#el'! 84)! Ihen you" (o"% #.e$%# 'o" it#el', don/t inte""u.t! 843! Ihen you/&e bo:ed you"#el' in, the"e i# no #un#hine! 844! Ihe"e i# the %no(ledge (e h$&e lo#t in in'o"m$tionK 11 T!S! Eliot 848! Ihe"e the"e i# $n o.en mind the"e (ill $l($y# be $ '"ontie"! 84+! Ihe"e&e" the"e i# $ hum$n being the"e i# $n o..o"tunity 'o" %indne##! 1 Senec$ 84;! Ihe"e&e" you go, the"e you $"e! 5Euc%$"oo E$n9$i7 84*! Ihy not go out on the limbK Th$t/# (he"e $ll the '"uit i#! 84<! Iinne"# e:.ect to (in in $d&$nce! Li'e i# $ #el'1'ul'illing ."o.hecy! 88-! Iithout o"de", nothing c$n g"o( o" e:.$nd! 88! Iithout (ind, g"$## doe# not mo&e! Iithout So't($"e, B$"d($"e i# u#ele##! 88)! Io"d# #hould be (eighed 1 not counted! 883! Io"% i# lo&e m$de &i#ible! 884! Io"%$holic# Un$nimou# =yth L8G The"e i# only one be#t ($y 888! Ye$"# ("in%le the #%in, but l$c% o' enthu#i$#m ("in%le# the #oul! 5N!A!Pe$le7 88+! You $l($y# 'ind #omething in the l$#t .l$ce you loo% 'o" it! 88;! You $"e much too intelligent to be $''ected by 'l$tte"y 88*! You $"e ne&e" 'ully d"e##ed until you (e$" $ #mile! 88<! You $"e tot$lly uniHue, 0u#t li%e e&e"yone el#e! 8+-! You c$n d"$g $ ho"#e to ($te", but you c$n/t m$%e it d"in%! 8+! You c$n #$&e you"#el' $ lot o' t"ouble by not bo""o(ing $ny! 8+)! You c$nnot build $ "e.ut$tion on the thing# you $"e going to do! 8+3! You c$nnot .u#h $nyone u. the l$dde", unle## he i# (illing to climb him#el'! 8+4! You c$nnot #it on the "o$d to #ucce## 'o" i' you do, you (ill get "un o&e"! 8+8! You c$n/t $ct li%e $ #%un% (ithout #omeone getting (ind o' it! 8++! You c$n/t m$%e $ '$ct out o' $n o.inion by "$i#ing you" &oice! 8+;! You c$n/t #ol&e $ ."oblem (ith the #$me %ind o' thin%ing th$t c"e$ted it! 5A!Ein#tein7 8+*! You c$n/t #te$l #econd b$#e $nd %ee. you" 'oot on 'i"#t! 8+<! You c"e$te you" o(n "e$lity! 8;-! You didn/t ($l% out on me =$m$, you 0u#t be$t me to the doo" 8;! You don/t g"o( "ich by $ big income, but by #m$ll e:.en#e#! 8;)! You don/t %no( (he"e you" #h$do( (ill '$ll! 8;3! You h$&e $chie&ed #ucce## i' you h$&e li&ed (ell, l$ughed o'ten $nd lo&ed much! 8;4! You mu#t belie&e to $chie&e! 8;8! You ne&e" %no( until you 'ind out! 8;+! You ne&e" %no( (h$t i# enough unle## you %no( (h$t i# mo"e th$n enough! 5Im!El$%e7 8;;! You #$y you lo&e meK Iell, th$t $nd $ nic%el might buy me $ cig$"! 8;*! You ($nt it b$d, you/ll get it b$d! 8;<! You (on/t e&en get #t$"ted i' you ($it 'o" $ll the condition# to be @0u#t "ight!@ 8*-! You" d"e$m# come t"ue (hen you $ct to tu"n them into "e$litie#! 8*! Menm$#te" to Botdog Aendo"G @=$%e me one (ith e&e"ything@