Einstein and The Mystery of Eternity of Life

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Einstein and the mistery of eternity of life.


Institute of Nuclear Physics
NCSR Demokritos
e-mail : [email protected]


Institute of Philosophy and Sociology
University of Gdansk-Poland
e-mail : [email protected]


While Special and General Relativity are well known by a very large number of people,
Einstein's religious convinctions are almost ignored.
The paper focuses on what was his view about immortality.Einstein believed in Spinoza's
view of God and in cosmic religion.Since the Special Relativity implies a kind of
superdeterminism with the future completely determined,that can be taken as ontological
proof for the non-Existence of an hypothetical God.
Because of that K.Popper in a private conversation with him said: "You are
Parmenides". Einstein's Pantheism was in contrast with the non-Euclidean universe of
Special Relativity.
In conclusion the interest in our times of his Weltanschaung will be taken in

Einsteins s death.

Einstein died at the age of seventy-six of a burst aneurysm in Princeton,New Jersey,on
April 18,1955.In the summer of 1950,his doctors found that a weak blood vessel on his
abdominal aorta was getting larger.The doctors wrapped the inflamed blood vessel with a
cellophane to avoid a hemorage and treated him with drugs,since Einstein refused any
additional surgery intervention to correct the problem.On March 18,1950 he signed his
will in which he dictated his funeral details; he wanted a simple ceremony and no
gravestone. His brain was removed and set aside of his body and according to his
whishes and contrary to the Jewish tradition he asked to be cremated and have his ashes
The way Einstein left the human life make us understand what was his opinion about the
death and immortality.We will review here in his ideas about this matter.


Einstein, as German law required, had an official religious education.His family,fairly
unobservant Jewish, hired a distant relative as tutor and he at the age of eleven he
embraced Judaism with ferocity,throwing himself into Jewish traditions,including
refusing to eat pork.
This phase did not last long ;at the age of twelve Einstein discovered the world of
science and the bible stories now sounded like lies told to children.Therefore, he reversed
his previous religiouness and for the rest of his life he never participated in a traditional
religious ritual.
Starting in the late 1920s,Einstein wrote several essays on religiosity,summarized
in the book : The World as I See it , published in 1950s, where he speaks about a
religion that offers a union with science.
In the evolution of religion in his view there were 3 stages.
At the first step he put the religion of fear

With primitive man it is above all fear that evokes religious
notions-fear of hunger,wild beasts,sickness,death.Since at this
stage of exhistence understanding of causal connexions is poorly
developed,the human mind creates for itself more or less
analogous beings on whose wills and actions these fearful
happenings dependes.One s obj ect now is to secure the favour of
these beings by carrying out actions and offering sacrifices
which,according to the tradition handed down from
generation,propiziate them or make them well disposed toward a
mortal.I am speaking now of the religion of fear.This ,though not
created,is in an important degree stabilized by the formation of a
special priestly caste, which set up as mediator between the people
and the beings fear,and erects a hegemony on this basis.In many
cases the leader or ruler whose position depends on other
factors,or a privileged class,combines priesltly functions with
secular authority in order to make the latter more secure;or the
political rulers and the prilestly caste make common cause in
their own interests.

The second step is a moral religion:

The social feelings are antother source of the crystallization of
religion.Fathers and mothers and leaders of larger human
communities are mortal and fallible.The desire for
guidance,love,and support prompts men to form the social or
moral conception of God.
This is the God of Providence who protects,disposes,rewards,and
punishes,the God who,according to the with of the believer s
outlook,loves and cheriches the life of the tribe or the human
The Jewish scriptures admirably illustrate the development from
the religion of fear to moral religion,which is continued in the
New Testament.The religion of all civilized peoples,especially the
peoples of the Orient,are primarly moral religions.The
development from the religion of fear to moral religion is a great
step in a nation s life.
That primitives religions are based entirely on fear and the
religions of civilized peoples purely on morality is a prej udice
against which we must be on our guard.The truth is that they are
all intermediates types,with the reservation,that on higher levels
of social life the religion of morality predominates.

Both kind of religions are characterized by the anthropomorphic caracter of their
conception of God.

The third step represents a religion which is reached by exceptionally high minded
people and communities: the cosmic religion.In fact he says:

But there is a third state of religious experience.,even
though it is rarely found in pure form,and which I will call
cosmic religious feeling.It is very difficult to explain this feeling
to anyone who is entirely without it,especially as there is no
anthropomorphic conception of God corresponding to it.
The religious geniuses of all ages have been distinguished by this
kind of religious feeling,which knows no dogma and no God
conceived in man s image;so that there can be no Church whose
central teaching are based on it.Hence it is precisely among the
erectics of every age that we find men who were filled with the
highest kind of religious feeling and were in many cases regarded
by their contemporaries as Atheists,sometimes also as
saints.Looked at in this light,men like Democritus,Francis of Assisi
and Spinoza are closely akin to one another.
How can cosmic religious feeling be communicated from one
person to another,if it can give rise to no definite notion of God
and no theology?In my view,it is the most important function of
art and science to awaken this feeling and keep it alive in those
who are capable of it.
We thus arrive at a conception of the relation of science to
religion very different from the usual one.When one views the
matter historically one is inclined to look upon science and
religion as irreconcilable antagonists,and for a very obvious
reason.The man who is thoroughly convinced of the universal
operation of the law of causality cannot for a moment entertain
the idea of a being who interferes in the course of events-that is ,if
he takes the hypothesis of causality really seriously.He has no use
for the religion of fear and equal little for social or moral
religion.A God who rewards and punishes is inconceivable to him
for the simple reason that a man s actions are determined by
necessity,any more than an inanimate obj ect is responsible for the
motions it goes through.Hence science has been charged with
undeterming morality,but the charge is unj ust.A man s ethical
behaviour should be based effectually on sympathy.education and
social ties;no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in
poor way if he had to be restrained by fear and punishement and
hope of reward after death.

It is therefore easy to see why the Churches have always fought
science and persecuted its devotees.On the other hand,I maintain
that cosmic religious feeing is the strongest and noblest
incitement to scientific research.Only those who realize the
immense effort and ,above all,the devotion which pioneer work in
theoretical science demands,can grasp the strength of the
emotion out of which alone such work,remote as it is from the
immediate realities of life,can issue.What a deep conviction of the
rationality of the universe and what a yearning to
understand,were it but a feble reflection of the mind revealed in
this world,Kepler and Newton must have had to enable them to
spend years of solitary labour in disentangling the principles of
celestial mechanics!Those whose acquaintance with scientific
research is derived chiefly from its pratical results easily develop
a completely false notion of the mentality of the men
who,surrounded by a skeptical world,have shown the way to those
like-minded with themselves,scattered trough the earth and the

Einstein presented for the first time the three stages of the religious evolution in a
November 9,1930 article he wrote for the New York Times Magazine called Religion and
Science .It was one of his first public declarations of how he viewed science and religion.
This article was met with a mixed response and he was surprised by how many people
wished to discuss his ideas on religion.
The strongly conservative side derided him ,in fact a catholic priest said that Einstein had
made a mistake by including the s in his cosmic religion.Some liberal Jewish rabbis
applauded him.

Spinozas view of God and religion.

Baruch Spinoza(1632-1677) was a Dutch philosopher whom Einstein claimed always as
his favorite philosopher .
Einstein seems to have studied and discuss the Spinozas Ethics(Etica Ordinae
Geometrico Demonstrata),when he was in Bern.Soon after getting his first job at the
patent office,he formed with M.Besso and M. Solovine a discussion circle ,called
Akademia Olympia.,where he read the book.The Ethics is a book organized on the
Euclidean model based on deductions from postulates,inferences,lemmas .For Spinoza
,God and Nature were one(Deus sive Natura).True religion was not based on
dogma but on a feeling for the rationality and the unity underlying all finite and temporal
things,on a feeling of surprise and fear that generates the idea of God which lacks any
anthropomorphic conception.
The world is contructed on cause and effect,nothing happens that cannot be explained by
the previous chain of events.
Because of his independence of mind,his deterministic philosophical outlook,his
skepticism about organized religion and orthodoxy he was excommunicated from his
synagogue in Amsterdam in 1656.
Einsteins cosmic religion is largely inspired by the Spinozas view of God.
In fact the New Yorks Rabbi Herbert S.Goldstein ,alarmed by the suspicion of atheism
appearing in the Einstein statements,asked to great physicst by telegram:

Do you believe in God?Stop.Answer paid 50 words

He replied in twenty nine words he replied

I believe in Spinozas God who reveals himself in the orderly
harmony of what exists,not in a God who concerns himself with
fates and actions of human beings.

Nevertheless Einstein himself was occasionally contradictory on this subject.In an
interview for the bookGlimses of the Great, published in 1930 by George Sylvester
Vierek,asked specifically if he belived in the God of Spinoza,he said:

I cant answer with simple yes or no.Im not an atheist and I
dont think I can call myself a pantheist..I am fascinated by
Spinozas pantheism,but admire even more his contributions to
modern thought because he is the first philosopher to deal with
the soul and body as one,not two separate things.

Indeed, Spinozas work and the way of life had been important to Einstein:he had written
an introduction to a biography of Spinoza(by his son in law Rudolf Kayser) in 1946,in
1951 he had contributed to the Spinoza Dictionary and he had referred to Spinoza in
many of his letters.In particular Michele Besso in a letter to Einstein written on January
19,1955 in a discussion about God, recognizes that the great physicist believes in the
Spinozas God.
Einsteins trust on causality led him to question not only the existence of soul and God
who interfered with the human life,but also the physics of his days based on Quantum
Mechanics whoms Bohrs interpretation was formulated on probabilityThe Universe was
fundamentally random.Einstein in a discussion with the Danish physicist is reported to
have said to him:

God does not play dice with the Universe

and Bohr replied

Quit telling God what to do.

Since Spinoza identified God with Nature (Deus sive Natura) and Einstein
believed into Spinozas God,we can conclude that Einstein was also a pantheist,because
Pantheism is the religious belief in the divinity of Nature and that we humans are part of
the One,interconned whole.It is realizing our connection to the One Universe above we
find truth,spiritual fulfillment and solace.


Einstein in a letter sent on march 21,1955 to both the son and the sister of M.Besso with
the occasion of the death of his very good friend , he said:

He has preceded me a little by parting from this strange
world.This means nothing.To us belivieng physicists the
distinction between past,present and future has only the
significance of a stubborn illusion.

Therefore since there is not distinction between,past ,present and future,then time is an
In fact, the Special Relativity, understood by Einstein as a four-dimensional space-time
continuum, implies a kind of super-determinism with the future completely determined
to the smallest detail.This was the reason why in the book Unended quest,an intellectual
biographypusblished in Glasgow in 1976 at page 129,Karl Popper criticising the
Einsteins belief that time is an illusion, he told him:

You are Parmenides.

For the greek philosopher(515-445 B.C) the being is not becoming and time(becoming)
an illusion.
If everything is exactly pre-determined then ,there is no free will,not even a hypotetical
God and a God without free will is an ontological impossibility.
We should note that if we accept the idea that there is no distinction between past,present
and future, then it shoud be possible to move from the future to the past. Then some
logical paradoxes appear to be in contradiction with the Special Relativity which allows
only phenomena moving with a speed not exceeding that of light.The trip from future to
past can be made only if we admit the existence of super-luminal signals.
Parmenides believed everything must exist,which meant to him that change was an
optical illusion,therefore the existence and being is a unity.
Existence could not be created and was indestructible.

Spinoza in Ethics(Corollary 2 of Proposition 20 ) says:

It follows that God is immutable or,wich is the same thing,
i.e.all His attributes are immutable.

In agreement with both philosophers,Einstein in 1917 in his attempt to apply General
Relativity,to cosmology,being convinced that the universe was static and closed, he
introduced the cosmological constant known as Lambda.By carefully choosing the
amount of matter in the universe and the value of the cosmological constant,he could
balance the gravitational forces to obtain a static universe.Some years later ,when Hubble
concluded from his astronomical data that the universe was expanding,he acknowledged
that the cosmological constant was hisgreatest blunder.


In the book All the Questions You Ever Wanted to Ask American Atheists by Madalyn
Murray OHair,vol II,pag.26,1982 Einstein is reported to have said:

Immortality?There are two kinds.The first lives in the
imagination of the people ,and is thus an illusion.There is
relative immortality which may conserve the memory of an
individual for some generations.But, there is only one true
immortality,on a cosmic scale,and that is the immortality of
the cosmos itself.There is no other.

In a letter sent to his friend M.Besso on august 10,1954,he recognized that inspite of his
efforts to describe nature via Special Relativity and General Relativity,his theories could
in future be wrong.Then, none of his theories could survive a longer time.
Therefore, his decision to be cremated and to have the ashes scattered in the air can be
interpreted as a continuation of his life in a different form in the cosmos and forever.

J.Ph.Pierron in the bookLAvenir de la mort,Etudes sur la mort,pag,73-83,no.121,2002
points out that cremation can be taken as a positive event because the human body does
not undergo to organic decomposition ,but it is reduced to ashes,made up by small
particles,atomes,recalling to a scientist the eternity of life.


The Ensteins belief is still of interest in our times :

The common man in the day life keeps away from himself the idea of death,hoping that
it can arrive to other people but not to him and he is shocked when he is hit.It is the
culture that allows one to go beyond such a limit by means of rites,myths, religion ,
rationality and science.In this way man is free from fear and aims to immortality.
The sociologist E.Morin in his book:Lhomme et la mort,Paris Edition Seuil,1970,
states that death could be more acceptable if immortality is taken as a prolongation of
life for an indefinite period.In fact in this case death is just an event of a long and well
definte route,which does not have an infinite length because in this case it implys an
infinite time which brings to something divine.Instead ,a definite time implies a
chrological succession of events limited to a range going from some years to hundred
The notion of time plays an important role. In fact, A.Barreau in his book:Mort a jouer
mort a dejouer socio-antopologie du mal de mort,Paris,Presses Universitaires de
France,1994 , supports the thesis according to which modern man can understand the
death process only in terms of the notion of time.This means that we need a definition of
Einsteins Weltanschaung based on his concept of time,pantheism,belief in
rationality,determinism and cosmic religion,democracy and pacifism, is very close to
todays aspirations of humanity.Finally, it seems that his decision to be cremated has
incited people all over the world to follow his example.


Many thanks are due to Prof.A.Theophilou for fruitful discussions and to prof.L.Kostro
for the stimulation given to both the authors.


1) Morin E. : Lhomme et la mort Paris, Edition Seuil,1970.

2) L. V. Thomas, preface of Barrau A. : Mort jouer mort,
mort djouer socio-anthropologie du mal de mort ,Paris,
Presses Universitaires de France,1994.

3)Barrau A., Mort jouer mort djouer socio-anthropologie
du mal de mort , Paris, Presses Universitaires de France,
4)Einstein A. : Comme je vois le monde , Paris ;
Flammarion,1979.English version :The world as I see it.

5) Merleau-Point J.: Einstein , Paris, Flammarion,1993

6) Babel H. : Dieu dans lunivers dEinstein ,
Naef/RAMSAY, Genve, 2005.

7) Einstein A. : Correspondance avec Michele Besso , Paris,
Hermann, 1979

8) http://philoctetes.free.fr/parmenide.pdf

9)Holton G.Einstens Third Paradise.Daedalus Fall 2003.

10) Winterberg F.:The Einstein-myth and the crisis in modern
physics .Proc. of Physical Interpretations of Relativity
Theory-IX,Sept.3-6,2004 Imperial College,London,UK.
11) K.C.Fox and A.Keik:Einstein A to Z,2004 John
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