This document contains question banks for Units 3 and 4 from a computer science course. Unit 3 questions cover topics related to traffic and congestion control mechanisms, including peak cell rate, congestion, traffic shaping techniques, and implicit vs explicit signaling. Unit 4 questions cover Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet networking concepts, such as how Fast Ethernet works, advantages and disadvantages, basic principles, frame formats, and network interfaces. The document provides short answer and long answer questions to test understanding of key networking concepts from the two units.
This document contains question banks for Units 3 and 4 from a computer science course. Unit 3 questions cover topics related to traffic and congestion control mechanisms, including peak cell rate, congestion, traffic shaping techniques, and implicit vs explicit signaling. Unit 4 questions cover Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet networking concepts, such as how Fast Ethernet works, advantages and disadvantages, basic principles, frame formats, and network interfaces. The document provides short answer and long answer questions to test understanding of key networking concepts from the two units.
This document contains question banks for Units 3 and 4 from a computer science course. Unit 3 questions cover topics related to traffic and congestion control mechanisms, including peak cell rate, congestion, traffic shaping techniques, and implicit vs explicit signaling. Unit 4 questions cover Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet networking concepts, such as how Fast Ethernet works, advantages and disadvantages, basic principles, frame formats, and network interfaces. The document provides short answer and long answer questions to test understanding of key networking concepts from the two units.
This document contains question banks for Units 3 and 4 from a computer science course. Unit 3 questions cover topics related to traffic and congestion control mechanisms, including peak cell rate, congestion, traffic shaping techniques, and implicit vs explicit signaling. Unit 4 questions cover Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet networking concepts, such as how Fast Ethernet works, advantages and disadvantages, basic principles, frame formats, and network interfaces. The document provides short answer and long answer questions to test understanding of key networking concepts from the two units.
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QUESTION BANK-UNIT-3&4 Unit 3 Short Question (PART A) 1. Explain peak cell rate? 2. What is congestion in a network? 3. What are the various functions to be considered during traffic shaping? 4. Define !"#? $. What is data traffic? %. &ist the na'e of traffic polic(. ). &ist the congestion control categories. *. What is choke packet? +. What is the difference between i'plicit and explicit signaling? 1,. Define connection ad'ission control. 11. Define resource reservation. 12. What is traffic shaping? Long Question (PART B) 13. Explain traffic and congestion control 'echanis'. 14. a- .onnection /d'ission .ontrol b- Describe peak cell rate algorith' 1$. Explain two techni0ues of traffic shaping? 1%. Explain resource reservation protocol in details. 1). What is the difference between open loop and closed loop congestion control?
Monika Johri , Assistant Professor, CSE Pae ! SRM UNIVERSITY, NCR CAMPUS, MODINAGAR DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Unit 4 Short Question (PART A) 1. Does &/1E replace routers? 2. What are the three 'ain areas to e'ulate *,2 &/1s? 3. 2ow does &/1E works? 4. What is an advantage of &/1E? $. Explain fast Ethernet? %. What is the disadvantage of &/1E? ). Explain the basic principle of &/1E? *. What do (ou understand b( ter' E&/1? +. Explain /34 local area network? 1,. Define5 617? 11. Define5 117? 12. Write the advantages of /34 &/1. 13. Write the disadvantages of /34 &/1E. 14. &ist out the goals of 8ast Ethernet. 1$. 1a'e the encoding techni0ue used in 8ast Ethernet. Long Question (PART B) 1%. Explain fast Ethernet in details? 1). What is the basic principle of &/1E? 1*. Explain the basic building blocks of &/1E and its connections t(pes? 1+. Explain the &/1E fra'e for'ats for Ethernets fra'es? 2,. What do (ou understand b( &/1E network to network interface? Monika Johri , Assistant Professor, CSE Pae "