This complaint is filed by Advanced Foundation Construction Systems Corporation (Plaintiff) against Gianni Modica (Defendant) seeking their ejectment from Condominium Unit 604 Somerset Tower I in Pasay City. The Plaintiff is the owner of the unit, which they leased to the Defendant for 6 months starting in October 2008. The Defendant has defaulted on rental payments since July 2013 and owes PHP 527,000 in back rent. Despite a final demand to vacate in July 2018, the Defendant refuses to leave. The Plaintiff is requesting the court order the Defendant's ejectment from the property and award damages, attorney's fees, exemplary damages, liquidated damages, and rent owing.
This complaint is filed by Advanced Foundation Construction Systems Corporation (Plaintiff) against Gianni Modica (Defendant) seeking their ejectment from Condominium Unit 604 Somerset Tower I in Pasay City. The Plaintiff is the owner of the unit, which they leased to the Defendant for 6 months starting in October 2008. The Defendant has defaulted on rental payments since July 2013 and owes PHP 527,000 in back rent. Despite a final demand to vacate in July 2018, the Defendant refuses to leave. The Plaintiff is requesting the court order the Defendant's ejectment from the property and award damages, attorney's fees, exemplary damages, liquidated damages, and rent owing.
This complaint is filed by Advanced Foundation Construction Systems Corporation (Plaintiff) against Gianni Modica (Defendant) seeking their ejectment from Condominium Unit 604 Somerset Tower I in Pasay City. The Plaintiff is the owner of the unit, which they leased to the Defendant for 6 months starting in October 2008. The Defendant has defaulted on rental payments since July 2013 and owes PHP 527,000 in back rent. Despite a final demand to vacate in July 2018, the Defendant refuses to leave. The Plaintiff is requesting the court order the Defendant's ejectment from the property and award damages, attorney's fees, exemplary damages, liquidated damages, and rent owing.
This complaint is filed by Advanced Foundation Construction Systems Corporation (Plaintiff) against Gianni Modica (Defendant) seeking their ejectment from Condominium Unit 604 Somerset Tower I in Pasay City. The Plaintiff is the owner of the unit, which they leased to the Defendant for 6 months starting in October 2008. The Defendant has defaulted on rental payments since July 2013 and owes PHP 527,000 in back rent. Despite a final demand to vacate in July 2018, the Defendant refuses to leave. The Plaintiff is requesting the court order the Defendant's ejectment from the property and award damages, attorney's fees, exemplary damages, liquidated damages, and rent owing.
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NATIONAL CAPITAL JUDICIAL REGION PASAY CITY, BRANCH _____ ADVANCED FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS CORPORATION, Plaintif, -VERSUS- CIVIL CASE NO. _________________ FOR: EJECTMENT GIANNI MODICA, and all !"#$n# %la&'&n( "&()*# +nd!" )&', Defendants. ,--------------------------------------------------------, COMPLAINT Plaintif, by counsel, unto this Honorable Court respectfully states: 1. PLAINTIFF ADVANCED F!NDA"#N CN$"%!C"#N $&$"E'$ C%P%A"#N (AFCSC for bre)ity*, is a corporation +uly or,ani-e+ an+ e.istin, un+er an+ by )irtue of the la/s of the %epublic of the Philippines /ith business a++ress at Unit 12-B, 12 th Floor Petron MegaPlaza Building, 358 Senator Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City herein represented by Ms. Suzette R. Esma. A copy of the $ecretary0s Certi1cate to 1le this co2plaint an+ si,n the )eri1cation3certi1cation is hereto attache+ an+ 2a+e inte,ral part hereof as Ann!, A4 5. Defen+ant GIANNI MODICA is of le,al a,e, a forei,ner, an+ /ith a++ress at Unit 604 Somerset Tower I, Leveriza Street, Pasay City, /here he 2ay be ser)e+ /ith su22ons an+ other court processes (hereinafter 6DEFENDAN"7 for bre)ity*4 "his action inclu+es as +efen+ants all persons clai2in, ri,hts un+er sai+ +efen+ant or any or all occupants of Unit 604 Somerset Tower I, Leveriza Street, Pasay City.
2 8. AFCSC is the o/ner of Con+o2iniu2 Unit 604 Somerset Tower I, Leveriza Street, Pasay City (hereinafter referred to as the UNIT); 9. n ctober 8:, 5::;, +efen+ant entere+ into a Contract of <ease /ith the Plaintif o)er the abo)e sub=ect Con+o2iniu2 Unit for a ter2 of si. (>* 2onths at a 2onthly rental of $EVEN"EEN "H!$AND F#VE H!ND%ED PE$$ (Php1;,?::.oo* payable to the plaintif. A photocopy of the abo)e 2entione+ <ease Contract is hereto 2a+e as an inte,ral part hereof an+ 2ar@e+ as Anne. 6A7. ?. A2on, the other stipulations a,ree+ upon by plaintif an+ +efen+ant in their lease contract are as follo/s: a* Plaintif is entitle+ to possession of the con+o2iniu2 unit upon e.piration of lease contract, as state+ in para,raph 15 thereof, to /it: 12. RETURN OF PREMISES Upon termination of this contract whether ! reason of the e"piration of the term or an! reach per #efa$%t of the &ESSEE' the &ESSEE' sha%% witho$t #e%a!' ret$rn an# s$rren#er the %ease# premises in as (oo# an# tenanta%e con#ition as the! were at the e(innin( of the %ease' or#inar! wear an# tear e"cepte#' #e)oi# of a%% occ$pants' """ """*. b* Plaintif is entitle+ to liBui+ate+ +a2a,es of 19:C of the pre)ailin, 2onthly rental for e)ery 2onth of +elay /hene)er +efen+ant faile+ to surren+er possession of the unit to plaintif, an+ this is state+ in para,raph 18 thereof, to /it: 1+. F,I&URE TO RETURN If the %ease premises are not ret$rne# at the termination of the %ease' the &ESSEE sha%% e responsi%e to the &ESSOR for a%% #ama(es which the &ESSOR ma! s$-er for an! reason thereof' an# sha%% in#emnif! the &ESSOR a(ainst an! an# a%% c%aims which ma! e ma#e ! an! s$ccee#in( &ESSEE a(ainst the &ESSOR arisin( from #e%a! in #e%i)er! possession of the premises ! the &ESSOR an# sha%% e entit%e# to %i.$i#ate# #ama(es for 3 $n%awf$% #etaine# or fai%$re to ret$rn the premises after the terms of this %ease at the rate of one h$n#re# fort! percent /10123 of the pre)ai%in( month%! renta% for e)er! month of #e%a! """ """*. c* Plaintif nonDe.ercise of its ri,hts un+er the lease contract +oes not a2ount to /ai)er or relinBuish2ent of its ri,ht as pro)i+e+ for in para,raph 11 of the <ease Contract.
>. Defen+ant incurre+ so2e unpai+ rentals, ho/e)er, consi+erin, that +efen+ant an+ 'r. Ettore %ossi (the Presi+ent of plaintif* @ne/ each other, plaintif rene/e+ this lease contract un+er the sa2e ter2s an+ con+itions an+ for a lesser 2onthly rental of F#F"EEN "H!$AND PE$$ (Php1?,:::.oo* payable to plaintif for the perio+ of si. (>* 2onths fro2 No)e2ber 1:, 5::E up to 'ay F, 5::F. A photocopy of this 6<ease of %ene/al Contract7 is hereto 2a+e as an inte,ral part hereof an+ 2ar@e+ as Anne. 6C7. ;. Defen+ant +efaulte+ in payin, his 2onthly rentals, thus, on Gune E, 5::F, plaintif throu,h its 'iss Cristy A. <uyon, Finance 'ana,er, sent a +e2an+ letter to +efen+ant to pay the Php1:?,:::.oo unpai+ rentals as of that +ate. A photocopy of sai+ +e2an+ letter is hereto attache+ an+ 2ar@e+ as Anne. 6D7.
E. E)entually, the lease contract e.pire+, an+ thou,h +efen+ant ha+ still so2e unpai+ rentals +efen+ant reBueste+ its rene/al an+ pro2ise+ to settle his unpai+ rentals. Hith such pro2ise an+ the fact that +efen+ant an+ 'r. Ettore %ossi @ne/ each other, plaintif +i+ rene/ the lease contract un+er the sa2e ter2s an+ con+itions at a 2onthly rental of F#F"EEN "H!$AND PE$$ (Php1?,:::.oo*, an+ this rene/e+ lease contract co)ers the perio+ of si. (>* 2onths fro2 'ay 1:, 5:11 up to No)e2ber F, 5:11. A photocopy of this 6<ease of %ene/al Contract7 +ate+ Guly 11, 5:1: is hereto 2a+e as an inte,ral part hereof an+ 2ar@e+ as Anne. 6E7. 4 F. !nfortunately, +efen+ant still +efaulte+ in payin, the accruin, 2onthly rentals, an+ +espite the ,race perio+ to up+ate his rental pay2ents an+ to pay all the 2onthly rentals +ue, +efen+ant faile+ an+ continuously ha+ not +one so4
1:. Ay reason of sai+ accu2ulatin, arrears of +efen+ant, plaintif /as /orrie+ about the pay2ent of Con+o2iniu2 Association Dues, thus, plaintif throu,h its Presi+ent, 'r. Ettore %ossi, noti1e+ the con+o2iniu2 Property 'ana,er about the nonD pay2ent by +efen+ant of the 2onthly rentals. A photocopy of sai+ letter +ate+ Guly 1;, 5:15 is hereto attache+ an+ 2ar@e+ as Anne. 6F7. 11. "he rental arreara,es of +efen+ant as of Guly F, 5:18 a2ounte+ to F#VE H!ND%ED $EVEN"& "H!$AND (Php ?;:,:::.oo* Pesos /hich co)ers the perio+ of Guly 5::E to Ganuary 5::F, an+ fro2 Ganuary 5:11 up to the last sen+in, of the De2an+ to Vacate an+ Pay %entals on Guly 1E, 5:18 or about 8E 2onths alrea+y4
15. n Guly 1E, 5:18, plaintif sent a Final De2an+ to Vacate Con+o2iniu2 Unit 604 Somerset Tower I, Leveriza Street, Pasay Cityan+ to Pay rental arreara,es of F#VE H!ND%ED $EVEN"& "H!$AND (Php?;:,:::.oo* Pesos throu,h a letter +ate+ Guly 1;, 5:18 upon +efen+ant throu,h personal ser)ice. "he sai+ +e2an+ letter /as ser)e+ by plaintif0s 2essen,er an+ the sa2e /as recei)e+ by his son, Iian Franco 'o+ica, a person of suitable a,e an+ +iscretion, as e)i+ence+ by his si,nature at the botto2 of sai+ letter. Photocopies of De2an+ <etter +ate+ Guly 1;, 5:18 an+ the AJ+a)it of $er)ice of plaintif0s 2essen,er, /ho ser)e+ the De2an+ <etter unto the +efen+ant, are hereto 2a+e as inte,ral parts hereof an+ 2ar@e+ as 6I7 an+ 6H7. 5 18. "he one year perio+ for the 1lin, of an e=ect2ent case is rec@one+ fro2 the +ate of the last +e2an+4 19. Despite the fact that the +efen+ant is not any2ore entitle+ to the occupation an+ possession of the sub=ect !nit by )irtue of the e.piration of contract, the nonDpay2ent of rentals, an+ 1nal notice an+ +e2an+ to )acate the sa2e, +efen+ant refuse+ an+ continuously fails to restore plaintif AFC$C to the possession of the sub=ect !nit4 1?. "he continuous possession by the +efen+ant an+ his refusal to restore AFC$C to the possession of the !nit has beco2e ille,al an+ unla/ful, an+ AFC$C is no/ entitle+ to the i22e+iate possession of the sa2e4 1>. As the +efen+ant is a+a2ant in his refusal to )acate the !nit an+ to enforce its ri,hts an+ interest, AFC$C /as constraine+ to institute this suit an+ en,a,e the ser)ices of a counsel for /hich AFC$C has to incur attorney0s fees of "HEN"& "H!$AND PE$$ (Php 5:,:::.::*4 1;. "o ser)e as an e.a2ple for the public ,oo+ to the en+ that a person be +iscoura,e+ fro2 the unla/ful possession of a property to /hich he has no 2ore ri,ht /hatsoe)er, AFC$C shoul+ be a/ar+e+ e.e2plary +a2a,es of "HEN"& "H!$AND PE$$ (Php5:,:::.::*4
1E. <i@e/ise, AFC$C is entitle+ to a reasonable rent of F#F"EN "H!$AND PE$$ (Php1?,:::.::* for the sub=ect !nit, fro2 the 1lin, of the Co2plaint until +efen+ants an+ all persons clai2in, ri,hts un+er the2 physically )acate the !nit4 1F. AFC$C is also entitle+ to liBui+ate+ +a2a,es of 19:C of the pre)ailin, 2onthly rental for e)ery 2onth of +elay of +efen+ant to surren+er the lease+ !N#" to AFC$C4 5:. AFC$C is also entitle+ to the other costs of the suit. 6 HHE%EF%E, pre2ises consi+ere+, it is respectfully 2o)e+ unto this Honorable Court that after +ue su22ary procee+in,s, =u+,2ent be ren+ere+ as follo/s: 1. Defen+ant an+ all persons clai2in, ri,hts un+er hi2 be or+ere+ to )acate Con+o2iniu2 Unit 604 Somerset Tower I, Leveriza Street, Pasay City, the sub=ect !nit, an+ restore ADVANCED F!NDA"#N CN$"%!C"#N $&$"E'$ C%P%A"#N (AFCSC* to the possession thereof4 5. AFCSC be a/ar+e+ the follo/in, to /it: a* Php?;:,:::.oo as an+ by /ay of unpai+ rentals bK Php5:,:::.:: as an+ by /ay of attorney0s fees4 c* Php5:,:::.:: as an+ by /ay of e.e2plary +a2a,es4 +* %easonable rent of P1?,:::.:: as an+ by /ay of 2onthly rent for the sub=ect !nit to co22ence fro2 the +ate of the 1lin, of the co2plaint until the sub=ect !nit is peacefully restore+ an+3or surren+ere+ to AFC$C4 +* <e,al interest on all the fore,oin, a2ounts fro2 the +ate of the 1lin, of the co2plaint until pay2ent of the +efen+ants4 an+ eK "he eBui)alent a2ount of 19:C of the pre)ailin, 2onthly rental for e)ery 2onth of +elay to surren+er possession of the !N#" as an+ by of liBui+ate+ +a2a,es4 an+ 8. Costs of suit. ther reliefs =ust an+ eBuitable un+er the pre2ises are also praye+ for. 'a@ati City, Guly 81, 5:18. 7 Atty. ROGER ALIM RODRIGUEZ Counsel for PLAINTIFF Unit 12-B, 12th Floor Petron Megaplaza Building # 358 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City P.T.R. No. 8439481 * Pasig City * January 11, 2013 I.B.P No. 882584 * Pasig City * January 10,uil 2013 MCLE No. III 14549 * Pasig City * April 26, 2010 Roll No. 47673