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Complaint: Advanced Foundation Construction Systems Corporation

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and all !"#$n# %la&'&n( "&()*# +nd!" )&',
Plaintif, by counsel, unto this Honorable Court respectfully
$&$"E'$ C%P%A"#N (AFCSC for bre)ity*, is a corporation
+uly or,ani-e+ an+ e.istin, un+er an+ by )irtue of the la/s of the
%epublic of the Philippines /ith business a++ress at Unit 12-B, 12
Floor Petron MegaPlaza Building, 358 Senator Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati
City herein represented by Ms. Suzette R. Esma. A copy of the
$ecretary0s Certi1cate to 1le this co2plaint an+ si,n the
)eri1cation3certi1cation is hereto attache+ an+ 2a+e inte,ral
part hereof as Ann!, A4
5. Defen+ant GIANNI MODICA is of le,al a,e, a
forei,ner, an+ /ith a++ress at Unit 604 Somerset Tower I, Leveriza
Street, Pasay City, /here he 2ay be ser)e+ /ith su22ons an+
other court processes (hereinafter 6DEFENDAN"7 for bre)ity*4
"his action inclu+es as +efen+ants all persons clai2in,
ri,hts un+er sai+ +efen+ant or any or all occupants of Unit 604
Somerset Tower I, Leveriza Street, Pasay City.

8. AFCSC is the o/ner of Con+o2iniu2 Unit 604 Somerset
Tower I, Leveriza Street, Pasay City (hereinafter referred to as the UNIT);
9. n ctober 8:, 5::;, +efen+ant entere+ into a
Contract of <ease /ith the Plaintif o)er the abo)e sub=ect
Con+o2iniu2 Unit for a ter2 of si. (>* 2onths at a 2onthly rental
of $EVEN"EEN "H!$AND F#VE H!ND%ED PE$$ (Php1;,?::.oo*
payable to the plaintif.
A photocopy of the abo)e 2entione+ <ease Contract is
hereto 2a+e as an inte,ral part hereof an+ 2ar@e+ as Anne. 6A7.
?. A2on, the other stipulations a,ree+ upon by plaintif
an+ +efen+ant in their lease contract are as follo/s:
a* Plaintif is entitle+ to possession of the
con+o2iniu2 unit upon e.piration of lease contract, as
state+ in para,raph 15 thereof, to /it:
12. RETURN OF PREMISES Upon termination of
this contract whether ! reason of the e"piration of
the term or an! reach per #efa$%t of the &ESSEE' the
&ESSEE' sha%% witho$t #e%a!' ret$rn an# s$rren#er the
%ease# premises in as (oo# an# tenanta%e con#ition
as the! were at the e(innin( of the %ease' or#inar!
wear an# tear e"cepte#' #e)oi# of a%% occ$pants' """
b* Plaintif is entitle+ to liBui+ate+ +a2a,es of
19:C of the pre)ailin, 2onthly rental for e)ery 2onth of
+elay /hene)er +efen+ant faile+ to surren+er possession of
the unit to plaintif, an+ this is state+ in para,raph 18
thereof, to /it:
1+. F,I&URE TO RETURN If the %ease premises
are not ret$rne# at the termination of the %ease' the
&ESSEE sha%% e responsi%e to the &ESSOR for a%%
#ama(es which the &ESSOR ma! s$-er for an! reason
thereof' an# sha%% in#emnif! the &ESSOR a(ainst an!
an# a%% c%aims which ma! e ma#e ! an! s$ccee#in(
&ESSEE a(ainst the &ESSOR arisin( from #e%a! in
#e%i)er! possession of the premises ! the &ESSOR
an# sha%% e entit%e# to %i.$i#ate# #ama(es for
$n%awf$% #etaine# or fai%$re to ret$rn the premises
after the terms of this %ease at the rate of one h$n#re#
fort! percent /10123 of the pre)ai%in( month%! renta%
for e)er! month of #e%a! """ """*.
c* Plaintif nonDe.ercise of its ri,hts un+er the lease
contract +oes not a2ount to /ai)er or relinBuish2ent of its
ri,ht as pro)i+e+ for in para,raph 11 of the <ease Contract.

>. Defen+ant incurre+ so2e unpai+ rentals, ho/e)er,
consi+erin, that +efen+ant an+ 'r. Ettore %ossi (the Presi+ent of
plaintif* @ne/ each other, plaintif rene/e+ this lease contract
un+er the sa2e ter2s an+ con+itions an+ for a lesser 2onthly
rental of F#F"EEN "H!$AND PE$$ (Php1?,:::.oo* payable to
plaintif for the perio+ of si. (>* 2onths fro2 No)e2ber 1:, 5::E
up to 'ay F, 5::F.
A photocopy of this 6<ease of %ene/al Contract7 is hereto
2a+e as an inte,ral part hereof an+ 2ar@e+ as Anne. 6C7.
;. Defen+ant +efaulte+ in payin, his 2onthly rentals,
thus, on Gune E, 5::F, plaintif throu,h its 'iss Cristy A. <uyon,
Finance 'ana,er, sent a +e2an+ letter to +efen+ant to pay the
Php1:?,:::.oo unpai+ rentals as of that +ate. A photocopy of
sai+ +e2an+ letter is hereto attache+ an+ 2ar@e+ as Anne. 6D7.

E. E)entually, the lease contract e.pire+, an+ thou,h
+efen+ant ha+ still so2e unpai+ rentals +efen+ant reBueste+ its
rene/al an+ pro2ise+ to settle his unpai+ rentals. Hith such
pro2ise an+ the fact that +efen+ant an+ 'r. Ettore %ossi @ne/
each other, plaintif +i+ rene/ the lease contract un+er the sa2e
ter2s an+ con+itions at a 2onthly rental of F#F"EEN "H!$AND
PE$$ (Php1?,:::.oo*, an+ this rene/e+ lease contract co)ers
the perio+ of si. (>* 2onths fro2 'ay 1:, 5:11 up to No)e2ber
F, 5:11.
A photocopy of this 6<ease of %ene/al Contract7 +ate+ Guly
11, 5:1: is hereto 2a+e as an inte,ral part hereof an+ 2ar@e+ as
Anne. 6E7.
F. !nfortunately, +efen+ant still +efaulte+ in payin, the
accruin, 2onthly rentals, an+ +espite the ,race perio+ to up+ate
his rental pay2ents an+ to pay all the 2onthly rentals +ue,
+efen+ant faile+ an+ continuously ha+ not +one so4

1:. Ay reason of sai+ accu2ulatin, arrears of +efen+ant,
plaintif /as /orrie+ about the pay2ent of Con+o2iniu2
Association Dues, thus, plaintif throu,h its Presi+ent, 'r. Ettore
%ossi, noti1e+ the con+o2iniu2 Property 'ana,er about the nonD
pay2ent by +efen+ant of the 2onthly rentals. A photocopy of
sai+ letter +ate+ Guly 1;, 5:15 is hereto attache+ an+ 2ar@e+ as
Anne. 6F7.
11. "he rental arreara,es of +efen+ant as of Guly F, 5:18
a2ounte+ to F#VE H!ND%ED $EVEN"& "H!$AND (Php
?;:,:::.oo* Pesos /hich co)ers the perio+ of Guly 5::E to Ganuary
5::F, an+ fro2 Ganuary 5:11 up to the last sen+in, of the
De2an+ to Vacate an+ Pay %entals on Guly 1E, 5:18 or about 8E
2onths alrea+y4

15. n Guly 1E, 5:18, plaintif sent a Final De2an+ to
Vacate Con+o2iniu2 Unit 604 Somerset Tower I, Leveriza Street, Pasay
Cityan+ to Pay rental arreara,es of F#VE H!ND%ED $EVEN"&
"H!$AND (Php?;:,:::.oo* Pesos throu,h a letter +ate+ Guly 1;,
5:18 upon +efen+ant throu,h personal ser)ice. "he sai+ +e2an+
letter /as ser)e+ by plaintif0s 2essen,er an+ the sa2e /as
recei)e+ by his son, Iian Franco 'o+ica, a person of suitable a,e
an+ +iscretion, as e)i+ence+ by his si,nature at the botto2 of
sai+ letter.
Photocopies of De2an+ <etter +ate+ Guly 1;, 5:18 an+ the
AJ+a)it of $er)ice of plaintif0s 2essen,er, /ho ser)e+ the
De2an+ <etter unto the +efen+ant, are hereto 2a+e as inte,ral
parts hereof an+ 2ar@e+ as Anne.es 6I7 an+ 6H7.
18. "he one year perio+ for the 1lin, of an e=ect2ent case
is rec@one+ fro2 the +ate of the last +e2an+4
19. Despite the fact that the +efen+ant is not any2ore
entitle+ to the occupation an+ possession of the sub=ect !nit by
)irtue of the e.piration of contract, the nonDpay2ent of rentals,
an+ 1nal notice an+ +e2an+ to )acate the sa2e, +efen+ant
refuse+ an+ continuously fails to restore plaintif AFC$C to the
possession of the sub=ect !nit4
1?. "he continuous possession by the +efen+ant an+ his
refusal to restore AFC$C to the possession of the !nit has
beco2e ille,al an+ unla/ful, an+ AFC$C is no/ entitle+ to the
i22e+iate possession of the sa2e4
1>. As the +efen+ant is a+a2ant in his refusal to )acate
the !nit an+ to enforce its ri,hts an+ interest, AFC$C /as
constraine+ to institute this suit an+ en,a,e the ser)ices of a
counsel for /hich AFC$C has to incur attorney0s fees of "HEN"&
"H!$AND PE$$ (Php 5:,:::.::*4
1;. "o ser)e as an e.a2ple for the public ,oo+ to the en+
that a person be +iscoura,e+ fro2 the unla/ful possession of a
property to /hich he has no 2ore ri,ht /hatsoe)er, AFC$C
shoul+ be a/ar+e+ e.e2plary +a2a,es of "HEN"& "H!$AND
PE$$ (Php5:,:::.::*4

1E. <i@e/ise, AFC$C is entitle+ to a reasonable rent of
F#F"EN "H!$AND PE$$ (Php1?,:::.::* for the sub=ect !nit,
fro2 the 1lin, of the Co2plaint until +efen+ants an+ all persons
clai2in, ri,hts un+er the2 physically )acate the !nit4
1F. AFC$C is also entitle+ to liBui+ate+ +a2a,es of 19:C
of the pre)ailin, 2onthly rental for e)ery 2onth of +elay of
+efen+ant to surren+er the lease+ !N#" to AFC$C4
5:. AFC$C is also entitle+ to the other costs of the suit.
HHE%EF%E, pre2ises consi+ere+, it is respectfully 2o)e+
unto this Honorable Court that after +ue su22ary procee+in,s,
=u+,2ent be ren+ere+ as follo/s:
1. Defen+ant an+ all persons clai2in, ri,hts un+er hi2
be or+ere+ to )acate Con+o2iniu2 Unit 604 Somerset Tower I,
Leveriza Street, Pasay City, the sub=ect !nit, an+ restore ADVANCED
F!NDA"#N CN$"%!C"#N $&$"E'$ C%P%A"#N (AFCSC*
to the possession thereof4
5. AFCSC be a/ar+e+ the follo/in, to /it:
a* Php?;:,:::.oo as an+ by /ay of unpai+ rentals
bK Php5:,:::.:: as an+ by /ay of attorney0s fees4
c* Php5:,:::.:: as an+ by /ay of e.e2plary
+* %easonable rent of P1?,:::.:: as an+ by /ay of
2onthly rent for the sub=ect !nit to co22ence fro2
the +ate of the 1lin, of the co2plaint until the sub=ect
!nit is peacefully restore+ an+3or surren+ere+ to
+* <e,al interest on all the fore,oin, a2ounts fro2
the +ate of the 1lin, of the co2plaint until pay2ent of
the +efen+ants4 an+
eK "he eBui)alent a2ount of 19:C of the pre)ailin,
2onthly rental for e)ery 2onth of +elay to surren+er
possession of the !N#" as an+ by of liBui+ate+
+a2a,es4 an+
8. Costs of suit.
ther reliefs =ust an+ eBuitable un+er the pre2ises are also
praye+ for.
'a@ati City, Guly 81, 5:18.
Counsel for PLAINTIFF
Unit 12-B, 12th Floor Petron Megaplaza Building
# 358 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City
P.T.R. No. 8439481 * Pasig City * January 11, 2013
I.B.P No. 882584 * Pasig City * January 10,uil 2013
MCLE No. III 14549 * Pasig City * April 26, 2010
Roll No. 47673

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